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Arch Gynecol Obstet

DOI 10.1007/s00404-016-4204-9


An overview of maternal and fetal short and long-term impact

of physical activity during pregnancy
Camila Ferreira Leite1 • Simony Lira do Nascimento1 • Fernanda Rodrigues Helmo2 •

Maria Luı́za Gonçalves dos Reis Monteiro2 • Marlene Antônia dos Reis2 •
Rosana Rosa Miranda Corrêa2

Received: 20 May 2016 / Accepted: 6 September 2016

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract However, possible mechanisms involved in these epige-

Purpose To explore information available in the literature netic changes have not been sufficiently explored.
about the possible benefits resulting from physical activity Conclusion Maternal PA appears to be safe for both
(PA) in non-risky pregnant women, repercussion on mother and fetus, and additional studies are needed to
maternal organism, fetal development, and on long-term confirm the real influence of this practice in the offspring,
offspring health. as well as the perpetuation and transfer of these features
Methods Critical narrative review using online databases. between generations.
Results Through critical discussion of studies focused on
PA practiced during pregnancy, it was observed that some Keywords Exercise  Risk  Long-term effects  Pregnancy
of the outcomes investigated on both mother and offspring outcome  Child development
showed conflicting findings. Considering the impact of
maternal PA in certain offspring characteristics, due to the
fact that their findings come from studies with small Background
samples, they do not allow the stablishment of scientific
evidence. However, a feature that shows broad consensus The beneficial effects of physical activity regular practice
among studies is the view of PA during pregnancy as a safe (PA) reflect on individual’s physical well-being and health.
intervention for mother and fetus. In situations where Regular exercise enthusiasts had reduced risk of cardio-
studies employing PA of moderate-intensity have not vascular diseases and lower incidence of obesity, diabetes
enough power to ensure a positive influence on certain and hypertension [1]. PA promotes a reduction in body fat
clinical outcomes, what is observed is the lack of their percentage, strengthens skeletal muscles, improves respi-
influence, not negative impacts. Regarding epigenetic ratory capacity and increases serum high density lipopro-
modulations measured late in the offspring, it has been tein (HDL) cholesterol [2]. Furthermore, improved glucose
attributed to PA a positive modulatory role on metabolic, tolerance [3], improved endothelial function, and opti-
hemodynamic and even on behavioral characteristics. mization of the autonomic balance with an increase in
parasympathetic tone [4] are also consequences of PA
regularly practiced.
Besides these hemodynamic and physiological effects, it
& Rosana Rosa Miranda Corrêa seems that PA before pregnancy may represent a protective factor for gestational course, having positive effects on either
the additional metabolic stress that occurs during pregnancy
Department of Physiotherapy, Federal University of Ceará,
[3] or the maternal psychological health against depression
Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
symptoms at the onset of pregnancy and postpartum [5].
Institute of Biological and Natural Sciences, Discipline of
Therefore, the outcomes of PA practiced during the gesta-
General Pathology, Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro,
Rua Frei Paulino No. 30, Bairro Nossa Senhora da Abadia, tional period have been subject of several studies, which
Uberaba, MG 38025-180, Brazil demonstrated that specific features of gestation are being

Arch Gynecol Obstet

modulated by them, such as reduction in low back pain and/ seems to reduce risks of gestational diabetes mellitus
or musculoskeletal discomfort, prevention of lower limbs (GDM) [14] in specific groups. As for light- to moderate-
varicose veins, prevention of deep vein thrombosis, reduc- intensity resistance exercises, they may improve muscle
tion of labor time [6], reducing rates of stillbirths [7], among resistance and flexibility with no complications to preg-
others which will be discussed throughout this review. Also, nancy [15, 16].
it is believed that PA evokes intrauterine environment By modulating gestational weight gain (GWG), PA can
modulations, exerting an influence on fetal development that reduce the risk of obesity, which has a negative influence
will extend throughout the child’s life, although [8] definitive on gestational course and is directly associated with
mechanisms need to be elucidated. adverse health outcomes in both mother and offspring [17],
In clinical practice, pregnant women can meet the rec- as well as it is closely associated with the development of
ommendations for PA in guidelines which do not bring a GDM, with increased risk of complications during preg-
specific training plan to be followed, but rather intend to nancy [18]. Therefore, pregnant women who join PA
provide general advice for its practice. For example, the programs and follow the recommendations specified in PA
American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists guidelines tend to have appropriate GWG and to return to
(ACOG) recommend the practice of moderate-intensity pregestational body mass after delivery [19]. A longitudi-
exercise for pregnant women without medical or obstetric nal study involving 2767 pregnant women found that more
complications, for at least 30 min on most, if not all, days of than 150 min per week of PA during pregnancy, in
the week [9]. A similar recommendation is given by the US accordance with the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory
Department of Health and Human Services, proposing that Committee (2008) [10], was associated with 29 % lower
all healthy women should get at least 150 min of moderate- odds of exceeding GWG recommendations, while PA
intensity aerobic activity per week during pregnancy [10]. practiced in lower levels (less than 150 min per week) were
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists not protective against excessive GWG [20], reinforcing the
(RCOG) suggests that all women should be encouraged to importancy of meeting the PA guidelines. The search for
participate in aerobic and strength-conditioning exercise as correct dose of PA required to ensure reduction in GWG
part of a healthy lifestyle during their pregnancy, as well as to does not provide clear or consistent parameters to point out
maintain moderate exercise during lactation, once there is about the best strategy for this purpose, but it does sig-
not any effect on the quantity or composition of breast milk nalize that the adherence to exercise interventions acts as
or even an impact on fetal growth [11]. an important feature to consider [21].
So, in light of clinical guidelines that encourage preg- Results of a systematic review based on high quality
nant women to maintain an active state during pregnancy, studies reinforce PA as a successful strategy in restricting
the aim of this narrative review was to identify the infor- GWG during pregnancy [17]. It seems that benefits are
mation available in the literature concerning PA during the more intense when exercise program occurs during the
gestational period and the actual influence of them upon whole pregnancy and includes a combination of aerobic,
mother and fetus during pregnancy, and also later, in the toning, resistance, strength, and flexibility exercises [22].
offspring postpartum period. It is worthy to know that Some argue that interventions based on PA and dietary
exercise and PA level might represent different or com- counseling, usually combined with supplementary weight
plementary concepts and then may pose distinct effects on monitoring, are the most effective strategy [23]. In this
maternal and fetal health. Exercise is defined as any regard, an important detail comes from a study conducted
structured, planned and repetitive form of PA, aimed at with overweight or obese pregnant women, which showed
improving health and maintaining one or more components that PA added to dietary intervention without a personal-
of physical fitness, while PA is any voluntary body ized PA prescription or a supervision program, was not
movement that increase energy expenditure above the basal effective enough to reach the beneficial purposes, empha-
level (calories expended in the resting state) such as leisure sizing that these overweight women may require more than
time or recreational activities, occupational activities, an advice only [24]. Thus, it is important to recognize that
including planned physical exercise or sports [12]. for specific subgroups of pregnant women, the best results
are conditioned to supervised intervention programs.
Optimization of insulin sensitivity is another benefit that
Physical activity during pregnancy and the benefits may be modulated through PA performed by pregnant
to maternal organism women, particularly considering women with increased
baseline insulin resistance [25] and body weight status [26].
The benefits to maternal organism depend on the type and Pregnant women with obesity or overweight that had the
modality of exercise. Aerobic exercise favors weight con- amount of PA effectively measured by an accelerometer
trol [13], maintenance of physical conditioning, and it also showed optimized insulin sensibility and reduced

Arch Gynecol Obstet

triglyceride levels, allowing supportive efforts for counsel- toward muscles and skin and creates a transient hypoxic
ing obese women at risk for GDM in pregnancy to maintain environment, which is the key to stimulate adequate pla-
theirselves active during gestational period [26]. Differently, centation, and consequently a good utero-fetal circulation,
when nulliparous women performed moderate-intensity in addition to potential oxidative stress, endothelial func-
exercise for 15 weeks, from the 20th week of gestation, the tion, immunity and inflammation mechanism that also are
insulin sensitivity levels were similar to those found in mediated by exercise [35]. In agreement, there is also
pregnant women in the control group [27]. Divergences insufficient evidence to support recommending rest or
among results correlating PA and prevention of GDM occur restriction of activity to women with normal blood pressure
due to the lack of large and well-designed randomized trials to reduce their risk of preeclampsia and its complications
[28]. Besides, it is important to consider the fact that, since [36]. So, this is another outcome that should be investi-
behavioral interventions cannot be blinded easily from par- gated in future studies, since most evidences were based on
ticipants [29], some women in the control group voluntarily observational studies and few randomized clinical trials
undertook far more PA than is usually seen in clinical designed to investigated this outcome have failed to con-
practice, and maybe this can mask results since differences firm such promising protective effect. Thus, it is necessary
between groups (trained and sedentary pregnant women) can to offer subsidies for consistent evidence about a possible
be smaller than expected [30]. protective role of PA, with a favorable impact not only on
Thus, despite difficulties of blinding the samples in PA gestational course, but also as a future prevention factor for
studies, it is observed that conflicting results in the litera- pregnant women, since both American Heart Association
ture vary according to pregestational conditions of insulin (AHA) and ACOG consider preeclampsia as a risk factor
resistance, as well as with the pregnant woman’s weight for women future cardiovascular disease [37].
and even with the gestational period in which PA was Considering now pregnant well-being and functional
initiated. Results of a recent meta-analysis that investigated status, moderate quality evidence suggested that an eight to
exercise-only based intervention and GDM risk suggest 20 week exercise training program significantly reduced
that PA in pregnancy provides a slight protective effect in the risk of women reporting lumbo-pelvic pain, while a
the active pregnant women [31]. Alongside this protective 12 week training program reduced the risk of lumbo-pel-
effect, PA should also be considered an appropriate treat- vic-related sick leave and improved functional status, with
ment strategy to normalize blood glucose levels and pre- primary outcomes of pain, disability, absenteeism from
vent or delay the need for insulin during pregnancy [28]. work and adverse events [16].
Lastly, the development of new studies evaluating exercise Regarding labor, a systematic review with meta-analysis
characteristics like duration, intensity and effectiveness of stated that healthy pregnant women who exercised regu-
PA regimens to reduce the risk of GDM would be useful larly at light to moderate levels appeared to modestly
for providing basis of recommendations in obstetric guides increase the chance for normal delivery [38]. Additionally,
[31]. it seemed that duration of labor was shorter, considering
Regarding effects of PA before conception and during aerobic fitness as a variable responsible for this outcome
pregnancy on preeclampsia risk and its complications, two [6]. In nulliparous women, the duration of labor was
small clinical trials provided insufficient evidence for inversely associated with maximal oxygen uptake after
reliable conclusions [32]. Another secondary study con- adjustment for birthweight [6]. Another secondary study
sidering both, PA during pre-pregnancy period as well as that considered only findings available from randomized
during pregnancy, indicated a trend toward a protective controlled trials with structured physical exercise pro-
effect of PA in preeclampsia prevention considering the grams, showed a reduced risk of cesarean delivery by
results of observational studies [33]. Hence, a third met- almost 15 %, which in itself would represent an important
analysis analyzed possible dose–response relationship incentive for adoption of this practice by pregnant women
between physical activity and preeclampsia and high- [39].
lighted higher PA levels in pre-pregnancy or early preg- With respect to labor pain, pregnant women trained with
nancy seemed to be associated with a significant 20–35 % exercise program directly targeted to labor with birthball
reduction in the relative risk of developing preeclampsia performed three times a week, lasting 20 min each session,
[34]. Initiating PA before or in early pregnancy is an with total duration of 6–8 weeks, had positive results
important aspect to be considered in preeclampsia pre- regarding self-efficacy during childbirth, with shorter first
vention since normal pregnancy requires proper invasion of stage labor duration and also less epidural analgesia than
trophoblast into uterine and myometrial spiral arteries, the control group [40], demonstrating that specific exercise
which occurs up to 14–16 weeks of gestation, a step often program can modulate even labor pain.
defective in preeclampsia. Maternal exercise is beneficial Whereas mood fluctuations are common during preg-
for placental and fetal growth because it diverts blood nancy, with a greater susceptibility to depression [41] and

Arch Gynecol Obstet

anxiety, PA can be consider a non-pharmacological inter- when mother avoids activities with high risk of falling [48]
vention to ensure maternal psychological wellbeing, since or abdominal trauma, as well as activities that could cause
psychosocial mechanisms intrinsically associated with PA hyperthermia [49]. Scuba diving is not recommended
practice or its results as social support, distraction, body considering potential risk of air embolism to fetus [49].
image and self-esteem, provide reasonable explanations for Cases of hemodynamically significant heart disease,
mental health benefits [42]. Acutely evaluating the effects restrictive lung disease, incompetent cervix/cerclage,
of neurotrophic factors and maternal hormones immedi- multiple pregnancy at risk for premature labor, persistent
ately after a short period of aerobic exercise during preg- bleeding during the second or third trimesters, placenta
nancy and postpartum period, it was demonstrated that previa after 26 weeks of gestation, premature labor during
exercise increases serum concentrations of some factors current pregnancy, ruptured membranes or pregnancy-in-
known to function as central regulators for neurogenesis, duced hypertension/preeclampsia are considering absolute
which perhaps confirms that exercises have positive contraindications to physical practice [9]. Cases of chronic
implications in maternal mood and cognitive performance bronchitis, severe anemia, extreme morbid obesity, exces-
[43]. By the way, the continuity of PA in postpartum period sive smoking, orthopedic limitations, extremely sedentary
should be encouraged as previously mentioned in this lifestyle, intrauterine growth restriction, as well as lack of
review, according to RCOG suggestions [11]. Results of a hyperthyroidism control, hypertension or type 1 diabetes
study that subjected women in postpartum period to a low- are relative contraindications, and should be carefully
impact exercise training program revealed that besides evaluated on individual basis [9].
improved physical fitness, exercises did not seem to affect When investigated the association between PA and
lipid levels and lactation-associated hormone levels [44]. cervical length reduction or preterm labor, a prospective
Finally, urinary incontinence was another outcome cohort study did not find any association when women
evaluated in pregnant women submitted to a birth prepa- were exercised at moderate levels [50]. Data from a large
ration program with PA, educational activity and instruc- longitudinal cohort of pregnant women revealed that there
tions for exercises at home [45]. Positive results related to are no associations between exercise during pregnancy and
urinary incontinence control through self-reporting of the odds of adverse pregnancy outcomes (i.e., late preterm
pregnant women were found [45], which is another birth, cesarean delivery or hospitalization during preg-
important maternal outcome that showed to be modulated nancy) [51]. Thereby, for pregnant women without con-
by specific pelvic floor exercises included in training pro- traindications, potential adverse outcomes of exercise
gram. A systematic review confirmed that initiating muscle performed in mild to moderately intensities are few. There
training of pelvic floor during pregnancy appears to reduce may be an increased risk of physical injury when consid-
the prevalence of urinary incontinence up to 6 months after ering maternal physiologic process of increased ligament
delivery in for women having their first baby não entendi: laxity, which may affect joint stability.
four women?? [46]. Finally, supervised pelvic floor muscle Considering the risk to fetus due to PA during preg-
training programs generate greater results probably due to nancy, the following need to be taken into account: (1) type
sufficient exercise dose to strengthen muscle [46]. of exercise; (2) level of intensity and duration of the
In general, it seems that PA level as well as specific exercise; (3) level of training before pregnancy; (4) whe-
exercise programs are able to affect maternal organism, ther or not pregnancy is complicated by any other factors
despite results from interventional trials or even from which may place the fetus at risk [49].
secondary studies can be conflicting for methodological Exercise characteristics and environmental factors may
reasons, mainly related to inclusion of distinct subgroups of significantly vary the exercise response of pregnant women
pregnant women, or even by non-standardization of ges- compared with those of nonpregnant women [52]. How-
tational period in which PA is performed. And how about ever, mother’s body responds differently to exercise and
their safety? Is PA safe for both mother and fetus? Is there makes use of compensating physiological mechanisms in
agreement on that? numerous conditions. For example, one of the possible
concerns regarding PA safety for the fetus considers the
redistribution of maternal blood flow during the activity. In
Physical activity during pregnancy: Is it safe fact, decreased uteroplacental perfusion during gestation is
for both mother and fetus? regarded as an important probable cause of restricted
intrauterine growth [53]. By optimizing skeletal muscle
Evidence suggests that the recommended moderate-inten- perfusion during exercise, there could be a possible
sity exercise during normal pregnancy does not impose restriction of perfusion for the developing fetus [54] that is
risks or cause stress to the fetus [47] and is considered safe directly proportional to the intensity of exercise and to the
for both mother and fetus. Naturally, this statement is true muscle mass used [55]. Therefore, it is concerned that high

Arch Gynecol Obstet

or moderate aerobic exercises could be considered haz- that considered only studies with supervised exercise pro-
ardous, as they could cause transient fetal hypoxia [56], grams for pregnant women, with the minimum frequency
and hence, restricted fetal growth [57]. However, this of fortnightly meetings, showed that this type of inter-
concern is discarded once the body makes use of an vention reduces the risk of having a large newborn without
adaptive and protective mechanism that confers a protec- a change in the risk of having a small newborn [65].
tive effect to the fetus due to maternal exercise practice. However, in general, the repercussion evoked by any
Accordingly, light to moderate PA results in increased maternal interventions that has as result low birth weight, is
maternal and fetal hemoglobin levels, improving transport not positive, since it is believed that the potential risk
and diffusion of hemoglobin from mother to fetus across associated with PA would be a reduction in the size of live
placenta [58]. Since viability and delivery ratio of oxygen offspring. In the follow-up of children who had a lower
and nutrients through placenta are major regulators of fetal birth weight due to maternal practice of PA, normal values
and placental growth [59], it stands out as an important of head circumference measurements and normal height
advantage of PA. Besides this adaptive capacity, umbilical were observed at the age of five, in comparison with
artery blood flow velocity waveform measurements in children of the same age [64]. On the other hand, if the
pregnant women after exercise showed a reduction in influence of maternal PA contributes to a decrease in off-
systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which was likely due spring size at birth, resulting in a thin-fat phenotype, it
to the effects of PA on vascular resistance reduction, thus seems relevant to investigate whether PA contributes to a
increasing blood flow to the fetus [47]. reduced risk of obesity and subsequent postnatal diseases
Besides certainty of perfusion, reflections concerning [54]. As macrosomia also has a negative impact on chil-
the mother’s blood glucose availability are also considered. dren development, maternal PA would be beneficial par-
Intermittent decreases in maternal blood glucose levels ticularly when the activity is practiced by overweight or
after exercise can lead to sudden changes in the placenta, obese women whose children have a higher risk of devel-
hence reducing transport of nutrients to the fetus [54]. oping late obesity [54], cardiovascular and metabolic
However, PA promotes an alteration in metabolic pre- complications in adult life [66]. A recent systematic review
dominance, increasing the use of lipids [57], which may be with meta-analysis including randomized controlled trials
a way of optimizing the use of glucose during gestation, that performed supervised prenatal exercise concluded that
since the constant supply of nutrients to the fetus is mainly a reduced risk of delivering a large-at-birth newborn was
composed of carbohydrates, the most important source of seen among active pregnancy, without a change in the risk
energy for fetal heart [59]. Functional differences are also of having a small newborn, which, in a way, can impact on
observed in placenta with PA practice, with optimized reducing cesarean delivery rates [65].
capacity, lower amount of nonfunctional tissue and a sig- Probably, the reason of divergent results regarding
nificantly higher volume of villous tissue, mainly in influence of maternal PA on fetal growth is related to a sum
intermediate villi and terminal villi [60]. Besides, maternal of variables and also with the way maternal physical state
PA is potentially capable of evoking epigenetic changes, is accessed, which are important obstacles faced by
culminating in the differentiation of gene expression researchers. Studies involving intervention in lifestyle of
involved in amino acid metabolism and transport measured pregnant women have significant challenges and limita-
in villous tissue samples [61]. Taken together, one should tions and there are gaps in their results [67]. Moreover,
consider that mother’s body has physiologically compen- methodological issues also hinder interpretation of find-
sating mechanisms during physical activities that ensure ings. For example, a considerable amount of studies adopts
her and developing fetus safety, especially demonstrated the measurement of PA through questionnaires and self-
when PA are performed at low or moderate-intensity. reports, and not through motion sensors or supervised PA
In contrast with maternal influences, the influence of [68]; other studies show incomplete data about the fre-
exercise during pregnancy on offspring parameters, such as quency, intensity, duration and type of activity, or this
weight, height and body fat percentage is not as linear. As information is collected at any gestation age [62]. More-
the variable weight is the primary focus of several studies over, neonatal outcomes, such as birthweight, birth length,
addressing the influence of PA during pregnancy on fetal Apgar scores at 1 and 5 min and gestational age are not
growth and it is also used to investigate late postnatal always presented in studies, and when reported there is
health status [62], birth weight is the most easily measured often variables inconsistency hindering accurate interpre-
outcome as an indicator of intrauterine environment impact tation [52]. Even with these obstacles related to study
on fetal development. Some studies showed no difference designs or failure to clearly conclusive data, the expertise
between offspring birthweight of active and sedentary of specialists enables indication of PA for pregnant women,
mothers [63], but others showed reduced birthweight in the and renowned associations disseminate these recommen-
offspring of active mothers [64]. Actually, a meta-analysis dations to pregnant women without risk and after medical

Arch Gynecol Obstet

approval as guidelines. Unfortunately, methodological In this way, Zavorsky and Longo [72] argue that
issues and bias in clinical studies preclude some conclusive increasing weekly physical activity expenditure while
evidence regarding PA and favorable outcomes for the incorporating the amount of vigorous-intensity exercise is
mother and fetus. an important goal for pregnant women, especially those
So far, it is observed that considerations regarding who are overweight or obese, since subestimated exercise
maternal and fetal outcomes took into account moderate- intensity might prevent women and fetus from benefits.
intensity maternal PA. Guidelines for vigorous or strenuous They also suggest that light strength training during the
exercise are vague and there is insufficient data to counsel second and third trimesters does not affect newborn size
pregnant women, particularly athletes who wish to con- or overall health, and then it can be performed once or
tinue training during pregnancy [69]. At this particular twice per week on nonconsecutive days, with 8–10
point, a large breakdown exists between what is expected strength exercises per session [72]. As suggested by
from PA performed by pregnant athlete and what the Nascimento et al. [73] resistance exercise should be
guidelines for gestational PA recommend. This is because recommended.
the current literature states that women should exercise at A study that investigated maternal and fetal hemody-
the same level as previously, while current exercise namic parameters before and after high-intensity PA,
guidelines encourage moderate-intensity, low-impact aer- practiced for a short period by sedentary, regular or highly
obic exercise program for pregnant women. So what should active women, revealed that overall fetal well-being was
be recommended to women that preconceptually trained at reassuring after short-duration exercise [69]. In contrast,
intense levels, with high performance or who exercised strenuous exercise caused a transient bradycardia and
recreationally following high-intensity power training as Doppler changes in umbilical and uterine artery immedi-
CrossFitTM, for example? [70]. Would it be appropriate to ately after exercise in a subset of highly active women, a
interrupt a high-intensity training, until it is proven that any finding whose clinical considerations are still unclear [69].
unsafe or unhealthy conditions occur as a result of PA? Although deliveries were uncomplicated, the study was not
[70]. For Women’s Sports Foundation, which since 1974 designed to evaluate neonatal outcomes [69].
dedicates to creating leaders by ensuring all girls access to Summarizing, the absence of scientific evidence
sports, it is up to women, together with their caregivers, to regarding safety of high-intensity PA during pregnancy,
make decisions about the maintenance of previously prevents clear conclusions and recommendations for
practiced PA during pregnancy. switching or reducing the intensity of these activities.
A review about prenatal exercise guidelines since the
1950s until now evidenciated difficulties to find clear
exercise guidelines for pregnant women regarding specific Physical activity and its long and short term effects
intensity and frequency, as well as the upper limits of on offspring
exercise frequency and intensity for already highly active
women and athletes [70]. This difficulty of specific stan- Regular maternal PA during pregnancy has a positive
dardization training regime for general use by pregnant effect on hemodynamic fetal parameters by reducing heart
athletes is a function that different sports may require rate and increasing heart rate variability [74]. It is believed
emphasis on different types of training, as well as consid- that chronic exposure to exercise may impact the devel-
erations of previous maternal fitness levels should also be opment of autonomic nervous system in the second and
considered for exercise prescription [71]. When pregnant third trimesters of pregnancy, influencing autonomic con-
top athletes with significantly different initial aerobic trol of fetal heart rate [74]. Investigation of cardiac auto-
capacity were submitted to the same physical training nomic function in fetuses of physically active mothers
protocol, consisting of strength exercises, aerobic training showed that intrauterine breathing movements conferred
and interval aerobic exercise, however, performed more increased autonomic input, providing an adaptive advan-
intensively in more conditioned pregnant and with medium tage [4]. However, it is not known whether these benefits
intensity in the other, showed that all pregnant women would be transient or long-term [4], and in the latter case, if
responded similar to exercise during pregnancy and post- these changes could be transmitted to subsequent genera-
partum [71]. When changes in physiological variables tions [67]. Given the fact that environmental stressors,
occurred between groups during the registration period, particularly in intrauterine development, should not have a
after normalization to percentage maximal oxygen con- transient, but a permanent effect on the organism [75], a
sumption, their responses were essentially the same [71]. question waiting to be answered is the following: is it
Thus, authors concluded that well-trained pregnant women possible that perinatal programming evoked by PA cause
with uncomplicated pregnancy may perform strenuous permanent epigenetic modifications with a potentiality to
physical training without danger [71]. propagate to the next generations?

Arch Gynecol Obstet

Concerning maternal PA and newborn weight, when depression levels in offspring epigenetic changes through
pregnant woman achieves a healthy weight gain during umbilical cord analysis [82]. If it is proved that physical
pregnancy course, a preventive effect in the actual and activity has indeed a modulatory role in maternal depres-
subsequent generations is established [19]. It is believed sion levels, an indirect protective effect evoked by exercise
that PA practice affects body composition, hence having a can impact on offspring. Therefore, considering the range
late effect on the offspring, once maternal adiposity is of favorable results of maternal PA regularly practiced,
strongly related with offspring birth weight [76]. Therefore, highlighting its potential in reducing depressive symp-
a healthy diet during pregnancy combined with an active tomatology, it seems acceptable to consider that maternal
lifestyle are important factors for preventing long-term risk exercise may reduce the risk of neurodevelopment and
of obesity for two generations [19], avoiding perpetuation psychiatric disorders in offspring [83].
of intergenerational cycle of obesity [66], that actually Finally, if maternal PA prevents the occurrence of
seems to exist. Children at the age of 8 years had high eclampsia as previously reported [33], then there is a
weight levels associated with pregnancy maternal habits possibility of another protective effect on the offspring. A
[77]. retrospective cohort study found that individuals born at
Investigating the long-term consequences of maternal term and after a primiparous pregnancy with preeclampsia
self-reported PA for offspring cardiovascular health at the showed higher depressive symptom scores in adulthood
age of 15 through a prospective cohort study, it was found compared with those born after a primiparous normoten-
that greater maternal PA was associated with lower body sive pregnancy [84]. It was also noted that this adverse
mass index, waist circumference and glucose and insulin maternal condition was associated with more self-reported
levels in the offspring considering crude analysis [78]. cognitive impairment in the late reported offspring [85].
When the analyses were adjusted for confounders, the Moreover, it has also been found that exposure to maternal
associations were lost, pointing out that influences of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy increases the risk
maternal PA on offspring cardiovascular health should be of psychiatric and psychological impairments in the off-
interpreted with caution [78]. spring seven decades later [86].
Regarding growth and development, offsprings of The scarce findings available in the literature about the
women who continued vigorous exercise during preg- changes evoked by maternal physical activity measured
nancy, were evaluated 5 years after birth, concerning five latter on offspring point to positive outcomes, whether per-
neurodevelopment characteristics—general intelligence, manent or temporary. Until now, many of these investiga-
oral language skills, academic readiness skills, motor per- tions have not clarified the triggering mechanisms of change,
formance and perceptual motor skills—and showed higher making it impossible to make clear associations between
scores in general intelligence and oral language skills than maternal physical activity and the outcome in the offspring.
the control group of children born in the same period of
time [64]. Also, at the age of 2 years, the offspring of
mothers that followed the recommended level of leisure Future recommendations
time PA during pregnancy had a beneficial effect on the
development of language [79], thus emphasizing the per- It is known that pregnant women are largely not under
manence of beneficial effects on offspring triggered by PA recommended levels of PA [51]. Regarding the counseling
in the prenatal period. In contrast, another longitudinal to motivate healthy pregnant women to exercise, a possible
study pointed out that some benefits presented early in the strategy should address appropriate type and amount of
offspring should be transient [78]. In this study, they exercise as well as the potential benefits that exercises
showed that high levels of PA during pregnancy may be evoke in pregnant woman, fetus and newborn infant [81].
associated with increased offspring vocabulary in early life, Ideally, this review should be able to present physiological
but in a transient way, since this advantage in vocabulary variables measured in pregnant women, fetus and late in
score disappeared at 38 months of age [80]. So, regarding the offspring life, specifically assigned to training modal-
neurodevelopment of the child, there is still limited ities (strength, endurance, sports, high performance train-
research available to use PA as a motivator for pregnant ing, etc.), which certainly would bring interesting
women [81]. information to the reader. However, the available literature
Just as favorable modulations in fetal environment is insufficient about these specific parameters. A recent
during pregnancy evoke positive consequences that can be secondary study with meta-analysis corroborates this
temporarily or permanently measured in the offspring, information, since authors report that they were unable to
negative modulations in fetal environment also have the identify if any intensity or type of exercise was more
potential to evoke adverse epigenetic changes. As an beneficial, and even presented the problem that lies in the
example, a study investigated the influence of maternal comparison of interventions between different studies,

Arch Gynecol Obstet

emphasizing that further studies are needed to directly Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais
compare different exercise interventions [65]. For this (FAPEMIG) (Grant Number CDS-APQ-02135-14), and Fundação de
Ensino e Pesquisa de Uberaba (FUNEPU) (Grant Number CDS-922/
purpose, large and well-designed studies are necessary, 2009).
allowing conclusive evidences.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no competing
Summary Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with
human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
Physical activity practiced during pregnancy, beyond the
benefit evoked to mother’s body, seems to have potentiality
to influence some offspring characteristics. Recent studies
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