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Traffic and Indexation Relationship Case Study

Traffic and
Case Study

By Steven Kang

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Traffic and Indexation Relationship Case Study

Prerequisite – SEO Signals T.R.A.P. Framework

Before going further, I highly recommend reading my SEO signals
framework which will help you understand some of the signal references I
will be making.

Why Indexation?
If you are an SEO professional, DA and TF are all familiar to us as we rely
on them to gauge a domain for its SEO value. The one issue I’ve found
after working with thousands of sites is that the metrics often do not
coincide with the rankings.

I’ve purchase tens of thousands of expired domains to leverage their SEO

value over the years, and I initially use DA and TF as a domain’s SEO
barometer. I always add pages and content in hopes of getting them
indexed and eventually get the pages ranked. An interesting phenomenon
I’ve observed was that DA/TF value did not coincide with rankings. In some
instances, I saw DA value go up over time but the ranking for a keyword
went down. When you have over 50% of the domains in your inventory
with zero correlation, you start looking at other ways to connect the dots.

Many years ago, I’ve started recording everything I can about each domain
in my network. What was interesting is that whenever I had higher index
count from the network, the overall rankings for my clients went up and
the opposite was also true. After months of observation, I’ve found
approximately 90% correlation between rankings to overall indexation

For the reasons above, I value indexation count more than DA/TF value.
It’s my primary metric as the number comes directly from Google, not
third-party companies. A common sense should tell you that if a page can’t
get indexed, it has no SEO value or cannot pass its link juice. Below is a
way to find an index count of a website.

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Traffic and Indexation Relationship Case Study

T.R.A.P and Indexation

Ever since Google has modified its algorithm to evaluate per page level
more so than per domain level, the way we view each page needs to be
holistic in terms of SEO signals. From T.R.A.P.’s perspective, each page
should accommodate the signals as best as it can to get indexed. At least
that’s what the theory dictates.

(T) Technical – A page should load within a reasonable time.

(R) Relevancy – A page should be built around a theme using unique meta
information and content relevant to the theme.

(A) Authority – A page should receive a link or cited from a trusted page.

(P) Popularity – A page should receive either social, search, or direct traffic.

Most SEO guys are familiar with (T), (R), and (A) but not too many have
seen (P) in action.

I use lots of expired domains to collect data and it was refreshing to see
how referring traffic affected the indexation of numerous observed
domains. Below is the screenshot of indexation and referring traffic

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Traffic and Indexation Relationship Case Study

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Traffic and Indexation Relationship Case Study

Since (P) Popularity signal is often neglected or its importance is minimized
by many SEO professionals when building a website, you must do
everything you can to attract visitors to all pages whenever possible. If you
have a large site built with thin content, it would be in your best interest to
reduce the number of pages while maintaining SEO elements. The more
unvisited pages you have, there is a greater chance that Google will
eventually deindex them.

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Traffic and Indexation Relationship Case Study

About Me:

I immigrated to the United States from South Korea when I was 10 years
old. When the internet took off in the 90’s, I started to learn web
programming and internet marketing as a hobby while running two other
business ventures. What started out as a hobby soon turned into a full-time

During my career, I’ve helped thousands of small

businesses, ad agencies, and Fortune 500 companies.
I also became a third founder of a supply chain SAAS
startup which was sold for millions.

With my programming background, SEO knowledge,

and marketing angles, I was able to put on many
hats including lead developer, lead consultant, and
lead project manager for various marketing projects
for agencies and companies.

I’ve created this PDF to educate my clients and share my views on

marketing with the community. I am hoping this blog will bring value to your
marketing endeavors.

My Blog

SEO White Label Partnership

If you own an agency and need help with scaling SEO, please visit

Advanced SEO Training

If you want to further your SEO knowledge and training, please visit for lessons and custom tools I’ve
developed over the years. The course leverages relevancy signal to rank a
large number of keywords.

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Traffic and Indexation Relationship Case Study

SEO Community

Please join my non-spammy discussion groups: (discussions on
Technical SEO and ranking factors) (discussions on client

SEO marketing and sales)

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