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 A Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 9

I Objectives

At the endof the lesson,the grade 9 studentsshouldbe able to: 1. recognize the
Desktop,icons,andmenusof computer; 2. demonstrate onhowto manage the Desktopandmenubar;
and, 3. enjoy learningbasicsof computer. II Subject Matter: Recognizingthe
Desktop,IconsandMenusof Computer Reference: Materials:  Charts 
Pictures  Laptop  OverheadProjector III Procedure A. Preparatory Activity Teacher’s Activity
Learner’s Activity 1. Prayer Class,please standup, Let uspray. 2. Checkingof Attendance I will
give youanattendance sheetandIwant youto write yourname and signature andthat will serve as
your attendance fortoday. 3. Reviewon the previouslesson Class,before we
proceedtoournewlesson,whatwas our lessonlastmeeting? Okay,so whywe needtofollowthe
properwaysin settingupthe computer? Verygood! Let us pray, classmates. Yes, sir. Sir, our lesson
last meeting was all about the proper set up of computer. To avoid damage to the computer unit,
sir! And also to make ourselves comfortable in using the computer unit. February 20,2017
 2. B. LessonProper 1. Motivation Class,I knowthat youare already familiarwiththe
computers,Right? Our lessonfortodaywill justserve asa review or refreshmenttoyourpast
lessonsaboutthe computer and alsothere are additional informationforyour furtherunderstanding.
But, before anythingelse,Iwillshowyouavideo. I wantyou to watch itcarefully,because laterIwill
ask questionsaboutit. (Teacherplaysthe video) So,what can you sayabout the video?
Okay!Verygood! What do youthinkare the basicfunctionsof the computer? Verygood! Do
youconsideryourselvesasexpertsinusingthe computer? Okay,before
becominganexpert,youshouldstart learningthe basics. 2. Presentation I have here some
picturesinthischart andI’m goingto ask youabout eachpicture. (Teachershowsa chart) C.
Discussion What do yourecognize inthispicture? Yes, sir! Okay, sir! The video sir, is all about
the brief history of the computer. The basic functions of the computer, sir are; to store data,
communication and business. Not yet sir! Okay, sir! I think that is the desktop, sir!
 3. Verygood!What do youthinkare the functionof desktop? Verygood! The
desktopallowsforaccessingprogramandconsists of programicons,a taskbar,a start buttonand a
mouse pointer. Nextimage,whatdoyousee? Yes!It’s an arrow,thisis a mouse pointerora cursor.
The mouse pointerorcursor typicallylookslikean arrow; itenablesyoutosee where the mouse is
locatedonthe screen.Asyoumove yourmouse the mouse pointermoves. The third
image,whatdoyou thinkof these? Okay,verygood! These picturesare calledicons.Iconsare
picturesthat whenselected(orclockedon),will dosomething.This
iscalledexecuting.Selectinganiconby clickingonit tellsthe computeryouwantto use the program.
Can yougive me some examplesof iconsfoundin desktopaside fromthese icons? VeryGood!
Fourthimage,whatdo youobserve abouticons? The functionof desktop is where all the icons and
menus are displayed sir, to access the functions easily. It’s an arrow, sir! Icons, sir! My
Computer, sir! My Documents! Music! Network! Chrome!
 4. Yes!The iconswithsmall arrowiconis calledthe Shortcuticon. The little
arrowinformsyouthatit isa shortcuticon. You can make a shortcuticonfrom programsand even
documentsfromthe computerbyrightclickingthe iconlike thisone. Do youget it? You can drag the
shortcut iconanywhere youwantlike desktopwithoutmovingthe original file orprogram fromits
original location. OkayI needtworepresentativesfromthe classto demonstrate howtocreate a
shortcut. An overheadclapforyourclassmates! Andlast,what doyou thinkof these picture?
VeryGood! The icons have duplicates, sir! There are small arrows in the icons. Yes, sir! (2
students demonstrates) I think that is a Start Button, sir!
 5. The start buttonislocatedonthe lowerleftcornerof desktop.If youclickthe start button,a
window will appear,allowingyoutoselectoption,programsand filesyouwanttouse. Understood?
Okay,I will showitto you. (Teacherclickedthe StartButton) Here,youcan see thatthe start
buttonshowsall programsinstalledinthe computer. All youhave to do isclickthe program or file
youwant to use. Am I clear? IV Generalization As a generalization,mayI askone representative
from the class to demonstrate onhowtocreate a shortcut again? Verygood! Andanother,locate the
start buttonand launcha Program or File. Verygood! What isa desktopagain? Very good! Yes, sir!
Yes, sir! (a student demonstrates) (a student demonstrates) (student explains) V Application I
will groupyouintotwoand you are goingto identifythe iconsdisplayedonthe board.Each groupwill
earn2 pointsforeachexactcorrect answerand 1 pointforacceptable answers. Group 1 Icons Name
Group 2 Icons Name
 6. VI Evaluation A. Fill in the blanks Write onlythe correct answer. ____________ 1. Servesas
yourworkingarea,where all the iconsare displayed. ____________ 2. They are the picturesof
filesandprogramsthatcan be executedby clickingonthem. ____________ 3. It enablesyoutosee
where the mouse islocatedonthe screen. ____________ 4. It is locatedonthe lowerleftcornerof the
desktopthatcontainsmenus and programs. ____________ 5. It enablesyoutocreate a shortcutof
files,programsandsome tasks withoutmobbingthe original source. B. ESSAY (5 points)
Computermakeslife easier. VII Assignment Typesof operatingsystemsof computer

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