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Global warming is a problem we all have to face 

and its getting worse everyday. Global warming is 

the earth heating up and is causing many global 

problems. It is causing more tropical storms and hurricanes as well as global flooding. Global warming is 

causing a lot of problems for our planet and we need to start preventing it now. 

The most accepted cause behind global warming is that fracking is the cause. However, these are 

huge contributors they are not the only ones. Some of the causes of global warming are also just a natural 

cycle the earth goes through there is a history of the world going in and out of ice ages. right now we’re at 

a warm stage in the cycle. But because of new technologies that are releasing greenhouse gasses into our 

atmosphere the heat radiation produced by the sun is trapped and then spread all over the globe acting as a 

blanket. So we are noticing a huge spike in our 

earth's climate. Fracking of oil and gas is the 

leading cause of greenhouse gases but we need to 

look at other causes to deforestation plays a big 

role in climate change as trees and plants convert 

co2 (carbon dioxide) and carbon dioxide is a 

greenhouse gas. 

A major impact on society is the increased possibility of hurricanes and tropical storms. With the 

heating of our oceans more water is being evaporated into clouds clausing more precipitation and 

increasing the chances of hurricanes. Another impact involving the ocean is the melting of polar ice caps 

when the heat rays reflect of the greenhouse gasses they are carried the the points on our planet where 

most heat waves don't hit such as antarctica. What this means is that polar bears and arctic animals are 

becoming extinct but an even more serious consequence is the possibility of a global flood. There will be 

warmer winters meaning less snow. Global 

warming is also responsible for an increase in 

wildfire rates and droughts. Global warming is a 

crisis that is hard to come up with solutions for 

but everyday scientists are working and new and 

better technology that will reduce the amount of 

greenhouse gases that are being released. 

One of the most effective solutions to 

reduce greenhouse gasses is renewable energy sources such as wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal 

power plants, damns, bio fuels, ect. A lot of car companies are making new hybrid models and even fully 

electric cars this reduces the amount of greenhouse 

gases being released as electric cars do not require 

fossil fuels and therefor don't release the harmful 

gases.lots of organizations around the world are 

working together to replenish our forests to reduce the 

amount of co2 being released into the atmosphere.   

global warming is causing a lot of problems for 

our planet and the things that live on it. Global 


warming is the earth heating up because greenhouse 

gasses are acting as a blanket in our atmosphere and it 

is causing rise in sea level and more common disasters. 

However if you can reduce your fossil fuel use and 

reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses your releasing 

global warming can be prevented 


Works Cited 

”understand climate change”, 4/24 2019


“The Causes of Climate Change.” ​NASA,​ NASA, 23 Apr. 2019, ​

“Global Warming.” ​Union of Concerned Scientists,​ ​

MacMillan, Amanda. “Global Warming 101.” ​NRDC​, 9 Feb. 2019,

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