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SDN aided Mobility Management for Connected Vehicle Networks

Conference Paper · April 2019

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3 authors:

Kuljaree Tantayakul Riadh Dhaou

Prince of Songkla University Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique, d’Electronique, d’Informatique, d’H…


Béatrice Paillassa
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique, d’Electronique, d’Informatique, d’H…


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SDN aided Mobility Management for Connected
Vehicle Networks
Kuljaree Tantayakul∗ , Riadh Dhaou† , Beatrice Paillassa†
∗ Collegeof Computing, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand
† IRIT-ENSEEIHT, University of Toulouse, France, {Riadh.Dhaou, Beatrice.Paillassa}

Abstract—Connected Vehicle is provided the Internet access exchanged over the Internet while the connected vehicles are
with built-in modems providing onboard 4G LTE and allows running on the road. Even though the cloud service was
to share Wi-Fi Internet access with other mobile devices both designed to provide the hardware and system software in the
internal and external vehicle. The large volume of data is
possibly transmitted over the Internet through the connected data center over the Internet, it becomes full-grown from the
services or infotainment service by passengers. From the origin massive scale of vehicles network. To satisfy the quality of
to destination on the road, the connected vehicle may frequently service (QoS) requirements of vehicle services with seamless
change its point attachment with high speed, leading to the mobility, in this paper proposes SDN with a caching policy
large number of packet loss impact on quality of experience in the local Wi-Fi network. In the other side, the operator
(QoE). To address this problem, in this paper, we propose a new
mobility management approach with the benefits of Software- requirement is to decreases the operating cost. Therefore
Defined Networking (SDN) for prediction and pre-uploading the in this paper considers the suitable distance between RSUs
data to next Road Side Unit (RSU) in vehicular context. coverage to decrease the number of RSU devices without
Index Terms—Connected Vehicle, Software-defined Network. impacting the Quality of Experience (QoE).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: the related
I. I NTRODUCTION works are introduced in Section II, SDN Vehicle Mobility
Connected vehicle (CV) is one area of particular interest Management is our proposed approach which is described in
to investors from the automotive industry perspective that the next section. Then, the results of performance analysis on
companies are pouring budget into the Internet of Things (IoT) experimental topology are shown in Section IV and Section
connected vehicles. The first, the connected vehicles were V. Finally, the conclusion and future works will be presented
designed for a safety service, and only voice is enabled to in Section VI.
contact the emergency call center when an accident occurs.
After the capacities of connected vehicles have been increased,
for the localization with Global Positioning System (GPS) and A. Existing Handover Approaches in Vehicular Network
the ability to transfer voice and data at the same time by sup- Currently, the standard of mobility management is essential
porting 4G LTE. The connected vehicles are driven based on for providing fast and seamless mobility for vehicular net-
the roadmap from integrated navigation which supports online works, but it is not defined yet. So, several ways to handle
services to respond to a driver for intelligent routing, traffic mobility are designed based on Internet mobility management
alerts, fuel stations, existing attractions, etc. Moreover, many protocol. There are two ways to handle vehicle mobility by
infotainment services are provided for the passengers since applying the IP mobility protocol: host mobility and network
Wi-Fi hotspot can be enabled in connected vehicles. While mobility (NEMO).
the passengers are enjoying the entertaining program along An enhanced PFMIPv6 (ePFMIPv6) [1][2] and Vehicular
with their trip, it is possible that the connected vehicles may Fast handover for Mobility IPv6 (VFMIPv6) [3] were pro-
change to the other point of attachment, leading to a possible posed to apply the existing mobility protocols: Fast handover
disconnection and disturbed services that makes the passengers for Mobility IPv6 (FMIPv6) and Fast Handover for PMIPv6
unhappy. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a (PFMIPv6) for mobility management in a vehicular network.
new possible approach for providing mobility management in Both schemes were proposed for improving the quality of
vehicular networks with the leverage of Software-Defined Net- services (QoS) regarding the handover latency, packet loss,
working (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). and the signaling cost.
SDN is centralized network management. SDN contributes to NEMO-enabled PMIPv6 (N-PMIPv6) [4] have extended
the creation of network automation that enables a policy-based the PMIPv6 protocol to provide network mobility, but it
decision. As NFV focuses on optimizing the network services experiences large tunneling overhead since it uses multiple
for flexibility, scalability and cost-effective, leading to fast and encapsulations. Then, network mobility support in PMIPv6
straightforward to create new services. network (N-NEMO) [5] was proposed to enhance the effi-
The increasing of connected vehicles and the increasing ciency of N-PMIPv6 and to reduce tunneling overhead by
demand of video streaming, refer to the large data will be splitting the tunnel to the mobile router (MR). But N-NEMO
A. SDNVMM Architecture
Fig. 1 illustrates the SDNVMM architecture for connected
vehicles. It can be separated into three main layers: applica-
tion, Internet backbone, and access infrastructure.
1) Application Layer: Application layer provides connected
services such as intelligent navigation, traffic management, the
infotainment service, etc.
2) Internet Backbone Layer: The interconnection of many
large networks is called Internet backbone. Many network
service providers or NSPs are connected in Internet backbone
to provide the Internet for their customers. Several servers are
located on the Internet backbone such as web servers, mail
servers, media servers, etc.
Fig. 1. The SDNVMM architecture for connected vehicles. 3) Access Infrastructure Layer: An access infrastructure
layer consists of three main components: Road Side Units
(RSUs), SDN controller and Caching Policy.
suffers from high overhead. So PNEMO [6] was proposed to
minimize this problem by creating only one tunnel between • Road Side Units (RSUs)
Location Management Agent (LMA ) and MAGs. Road Side Units are installed on the roadside to provide
Even though an ePFMIPv6, N-PMIPv6, N-NEMO, and vehicles connectivity. The RSUs can be equipped with the
PNEMO do not require the mobility functionality at the mobile wireless transceiver operating on either Dedicated Short-Range
terminal, they still suffer from the above problem with the tun- Communication (DSRC) or Wi-Fi [9].
neling establishment. These schemes also need to implement The general access infrastructure for connected vehicles
the mobility protocol on the network components, leading to consists of eNBs and RSUs. The eNBs provide LTE commu-
inflexible management for the heterogeneous network. nication that covers all city areas. The link communication
between connected vehicles and eNBs is more stable than
B. The Alternative Mobility Management Approaches link communication with RSUs. Then, the LTE connectivity
is recommended for the time-sensitive services such as safety
Most of the schemes in the previous section were designed services, intelligent navigation, and voice data. Video data or
based on PMIPv6 which is the network-based mobility that streaming data is recommended to be transferred through Wi-
does not require software implementation at the user side. But Fi link because Wi-Fi provides high data rate communication
they are worst regarding tunneling overhead. Therefore, SDN- [10].
Mobility [7] was proposed to use SDN for providing mobility In this paper, we focus on the infotainment application such
management like as PMIPv6 without any legacy mobility as video on demand and live streaming video. So RSUs based
protocol implementation and also gains a higher performance on Wi-Fi technology and support the OpenFlow protocol. They
than PMIPv6 regarding the throughput, handover latency, and also support caching function and coordinate with OpenFlow
avoids tunneling establishment overhead. But, it still suffers command messages with the SDN controller. In the following,
from the data packet loss during MN handover. So, [8] we distinguish the Previous Road Side Unit (P-RSU) from the
addressed this loss problem by proposing two caching policies New Road Side Unit (N-RSU).
(ON-OFF and Adaptive caching policy) that minimized the
• SDN Controller
loss and also improved the quality of transfer in both user and
operator aspects. The SDN Controller is an essential component which sup-
However, in both [7] and [8] focused on the pedestrian ports the OpenFlow protocol. It is located on the same network
mobility model that is quite different with vehicle mobility as RSUs and acts as the brain of the vehicular system that
model regarding velocity and rapid handover. can automatically and dynamically manage and control the
network components in the vehicular network. Because the
SDN controller can monitor the information of connected
vehicles such as origin, destination, the road path, vehicle
In this section, we propose a new mobility management position, it also knows the network information such as the
approach in a vehicular network which is called SDN Vehicle load of each RSU, the bandwidth usage of each RSU, the
Mobility Management (SDNVMM). SDNVMM was designed location of RSU, etc.
based on SDN-Mobility [7] for updating the routing path In this paper, the main function of an SDN controller can
during vehicle handover. Besides, SDNVMM was intended be divided into two parts according to the purpose of the task:
to take the benefits of SDN for handover prediction and pre- routing path management and cache management.
uploading the data to next Road Side Unit (RSU), leading The SDN controller automatically updates the routing path
improve QoS regarding loss. when the connected vehicle drives in SDN vehicular network
After that, the P-RSU informs the CV attachment event to
the SDN controller to authenticate the CV permission with
the network/cache policy. In this case, assume that CV has
been defined in the network policy. Then, the CV routing path
will be added in all RSUs, and the caching requirement of the
CV will be configured at the P-RSU by the SDN controller.
Once the connected vehicle receives the router advertisement
(RA) message, an IPv6 address is assigned by IPv6 auto-
configuration. The connected vehicle can access the Internet to
update its information or to access the infotainment services.
While the connected vehicle drives on the road far away
from P-RSU, the bandwidth capacity of CV is changed,
leading to enabling the cache trigger. The P-RSU starts to
cache the CV data under the caching policy and informs the
caching event to the SDN controller. In this paper, we apply
an ON-OFF caching policy that will cache and stop to forward
the CV data after the cached trigger is enabled.
Fig. 2. The SDNVMM Operation. • Pre-uploading Data Procedure

The data pre-uploading procedure occurs after the caching

trigger is enabled. Meanwhile, the connected vehicle keeps
and when the connected vehicle changes to another RSU driving on the roadmap with the GPS navigation. The CV po-
network. sition can be known by GPS location, and the SDN controller
For cache management, the SDN controller uses the Open- localizes the each RSU. Therefore the SDN controller can
Flow protocol to enable the cache mode, configure and manage predict the next RSU which the connected vehicle will attach.
the cached data on the RSUs. These processes show the ability Then, the routing path of the CV and the cached requirement
of SDN to easily and flexibly enable the network function can be updated at the N-RSU before the connected vehicle
services. handover. Also, the cached data at the P-RSU will be offloaded
After the cache rules are configured in the RSUs, RSUs to N-RSU before the connected vehicle handover.
can decide to cache the CV data by themselves under caching Then, the connected vehicle attaches to the new network;
policy. This is an edge computing which can minimize the the CV data is continually transferred directly from N-RSU.
number of signaling and share the load with SDN controller.
• Caching Policy
Caching Policy contains the defined rules for caching the We set up an experimental network topology to compare
requested content of each connected vehicle. It can be installed the performance of SDNVMM and SDN-Mobility, that can
either on the SDN controller or the other servers. SDN be separated into two aspects: user and operator. From origin
controller can get the rule of each connected vehicle from to destination, it is possible that a vehicle will be driven
caching policy through Application Programming Interface through the road path without Internet connectivity. Maybe
(API). some RSUs are broken or fixed. Then, for user aspect, we
We apply an ON-OFF caching policy [8] which only propose three experimental network topology depending on
transfers the data while the connected vehicle lives in the the network coverage: overlapping network coverage (Net1),
good signaling area. Even though the experimental results closed network coverage (Net2), and no-overlapping network
of ON-OFF caching policy with walk mobility model are coverage (Net3). For the operator aspect, to decrease the
worst regarding total transmission time, the ON-OFF caching operating cost. Thus, we set up the experimental network
policy gains a better jitter delay which suitable for in-vehicle topology like as Net3 by varying the distance between the
communication and infotainment services that’s why an ON- Wi-Fi network coverages from 10 to 120 meters.
OFF caching policy is chosen in this work. We use NS3 [11] to generate topology. Each connected
vehicle will move depending on NS3 mobility trace which
B. SDNVMM Operation is generated by Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) [12]
The SDNVMM operation can be separated in two proce- with a road map from OpenStreetMap.
dures: registration procedure and pre-uploading data procedure V. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS
as illustrates in Fig. 2.
In this paper, we focus on in-vehicle communication with
• Registration Procedure the infotainment services such as live streaming video based on
When the engine of the connected vehicle is started, the Wi-Fi technology, while considering the two aspects: user and
connected vehicle requires an IPv6 address by sending the operator. For the user aspect, they always require to receive
router solicitation (RS) message to the closest RSU (P-RSU). a good quality of video and to playback the video without
Fig. 4. The percentage of packet loss through the varying of the distance
between the Wi-Fi network coverages.
Fig. 3. The average percentage of packet loss.

analysis has been measured regarding the percentage of loss

interruption. So the quality of service regarding the loss and and the total transmission time. From the obtained results,
transmission delay will be considered for user aspect. we can conclude that SDNVMM can improve the quality of
For operator aspect, they prefer to serve their users with services regarding packet loss, but it is worse concerning total
the high user experience (UX) and also prefer to decrease the transmission time. But this weakness will not affect the user
operating expense (Opex). To achieve this, we vary the dis- experience because the connected vehicles can be equipped
tance between the network coverages (cells) to find the suitable with large storage. So the data can be held in the storage before
range that can extend the network coverage by decreasing the is forwarded to the passengers in the vehicle for smooth video
number of RSUs. playback. In this paper, we have also considered the operator
User Aspect Results aspect; the results can be used to adjust the distance between
Each Net is tested with the same scenario that every 5 the RSUs. The operator can choose a suitable distance to locate
seconds, the connected vehicle departs from the same origin the RSUs and can reduce the number of RSUs to decrease the
to same destination (ENSEEIHT to Francois-Verdier) and operating cost without affecting the user experience.
requests the same video with a video duration about 200
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