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Fungsi Eksponen &

Fungsi Logaritma

Exponential Functions &

Logarithmic Functions

Lavaneesvari Manogaran
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

The function f (x) = 2x is called an exponential function

(fungsi eksponen) because the variable, x, is the exponent.
It should not be confused with the power function (fungsi
kuasa) g(x) = x2, in which the variable is the base.

In general, an exponential function is a function of the form

f(x) = ax
where a is a positive constant (konstan positif).

Lavaneesvari Manogaran
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

If x = n, a positive integer, then

an = a  a  . . . a

If x = 0 , then a0 = 1, and if x = –n, where n is a positive

integer, then

Lavaneesvari Manogaran
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

If x is a rational number, x = p/q, where p and q are integers

and q > 0, then

But what is the meaning of ax if x is an irrational number?

For instance, what is meant by or 5 ?

To help us answer this question we first look at the graph of

the function y = 2x, where x is rational (x adalah

Lavaneesvari Manogaran
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

A representation of this graph is shown in Figure 1.

Representation of y = 2x, x rational

Figure 1

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 5
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

We want to enlarge the domain of y = 2x to include both

rational and irrational numbers.

There are holes in the graph in Figure 1 corresponding to

irrational values of x. We want to fill in the holes by defining
f(x) = 2x, where x  so that f is an increasing continuous

In particular, since the irrational number satisfies

1.7 < < 1.8

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 6
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

We must have

21.7 < < 21.8

and we know what 21.7 and 21.8 mean because 1.7 and 1.8
are rational numbers.

Similarly, if we use better approximations for , we obtain

better approximations for :

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 7
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 8
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

It can be shown that there is exactly one number that is

greater than all of the numbers

21.7, 21.73, 21.732, 21.7320, 21.73205, . . .

and less than all of the numbers

21.8, 21.74, 21.733, 21.7321, 21.73206, . . .

Lavaneesvari Manogaran
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

We define to be this number. Using the preceding

approximation process we can compute it correct to six
decimal places:

 3.321997

Similarly, we can define 2x (or ax, if a > 0 ) where x is any

irrational number.

Lavaneesvari Manogaran
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

Figure 2 shows how all the holes in Figure 1 have been

filled to complete the graph of the function f(x) = 2x, x 

y = 2x, x real
Figure 2

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 11
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

In general, if a is any positive number, we define

This definition makes sense because any irrational number

can be approximated as closely as we like by a rational

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 12
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

For instance, because has the decimal representation

= 1.7320508 . . . , Definition 1 says that is the limit
of the sequence of numbers

21.7, 21.73, 21.732, 21.7320, 21.73205, 21.732050, 21.7320508, . . .

Similarly, 5 is the limit of the sequence of numbers

53.1, 53.14, 53.141, 53.1415, 53.14159, 53.141592, 53.1415926, . . .

It can be shown that Definition 1 uniquely specifies ax and

makes the function f(x) = ax continuous (selanjar).
Lavaneesvari Manogaran 13
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

The graphs of members of the family of functions y = ax are

shown in Figure 3 for various values of the base a.

Member of the family of exponential functions

Figure 3

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 14
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)
Notice that all of these graphs pass through the same point
(0, 1) because a0 = 1 for a ≠ 0. Notice also that as the base
a gets larger, the exponential function grows more
rapidly (for x > 0).

Figure 4 shows how the exponential function y = 2x

compares with the power function y = x2.

Member of the family of exponential functions

Figure 4 Lavaneesvari Manogaran 15
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

The graphs intersect three times, but ultimately the

exponential curve (keluk eksponen) y = 2x grows far
more rapidly than the parabola (keluk parabola) y = x2.
(See also Figure 5.)

Member of the family of exponential functions

Figure 5 Lavaneesvari Manogaran 16
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

There are basically three kinds of exponential functions

y = ax. (tiga jenis fungsi eksponen)

• if 0 < a < 1, the exponential function decreases;

• if a = 1, it is a constant; and
• if a > 1, it increases.

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 17
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

These three cases are illustrated in Figure 6.

y = ax, 0 < a < 1 y = 1x y = ax, a > 1

Figure 6(a) Figure 6(b) Figure 6(c)

Because (1/a)x = 1/ax = a–x, the graph of y = (1/a)x is just

the reflection of the graph of y = ax about the y-axis.

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 18
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

The properties of the exponential function are summarized

in the following theorem.
Teorem fungsi eksponen

Lavaneesvari Manogaran
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

The reason for the importance of the exponential function lies

in properties 1–4, which are called the Laws of Exponents.

If x and y are rational numbers, then these laws are well

known from elementary algebra.

For arbitrary real numbers x and y these laws can be deduced

from the special case where the exponents are rational by
using Equation 1.

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 20
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)

The following limits can be proved from the definition of a

limit at infinity. (definisi had pada infiniti)

In particular, if a ≠ 1, then the x-axis is a horizontal

asymptote of the graph of the exponential function y = ax.

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 21
Contoh 1
(a) Cari .

(b) Lukis graf bagi y = 2–x – 1.



= –1

Lavaneesvari Manogaran
Contoh 1 – Penyelesaian cont’d

(b) We write as in part (a). The graph of

is shown in Figure 3, so we shift it down one unit to
obtain the graph of shown in Figure 7.
Part (a) shows that the line y = –1 is a horizontal
asymptote (asmptot).

Member of the family of exponential functions

Figure 7
Figure 3 Lavaneesvari Manogaran 23
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)
◆ The exponential function y = ax (a > 0, a ≠ 1) has the
following properties (ciri-ciri):
1. Its domain is (– , ).
2. Its range is (0, ).
3. Its graph passes through the point (0, 1)
4. It is continuous on (– , ).
5. It is increasing on (– , ) if a > 1 and decreasing on
(– , ) if a < 1.

Lavaneesvari Manogaran
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)
• Exponential functions to the base e, where e is an
irrational number whose value is 2.7182818…, plays
an important role in both theoretical and applied
• Letter e is honored by the Swiss Mathematician
Leonhard Euler who first suggested its application to
logarithms (in an unpublished paper, 1728).
• Always denoted in six decimal places e  2.718282
• It can be shown that :
 1
e = lim 1 + 
 m
Lavaneesvari Manogaran 25
Fungsi Eksponen (Exponential Functions)
The graph of the exponential function f(x) = ex.

◆ Since ex > 0 it follows that the graph of y = ex is similar to
the graph of y = 2x.
◆ Since e–x > 0 it follows that 0 < 1/e < 1 and so
f(x) = e–x = 1/ex = (1/e)x is an exponential function with
base less than 1.
◆ Therefore, it has a graph similar to that of y = (1/2)x.

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 26
Fungsi Logaritma (Logarithmic Functions)

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 27
Fungsi Logaritma (Logarithmic Functions)
Earlier discussion is the exponential equations of the form of
y = ax (a > 0, a ≠ 1)
But what about solving the same equation for y?
Since, y is called the logarithm of x to the base a and is
denoted loga x.
Then, logarithm of x to the base a :
y = logax if and only if x = ay (x > 0)

The logarithmic notation can be expressed:

log x = log10 x Common logarithm
loge x = ln x Natural logarithm
Lavaneesvari Manogaran 28
Fungsi Logaritma (Logarithmic Functions)
Laws of Logarithms (Hukum Logaritma):
If m and n are positive numbers, then
1. logb mn = logb m + logb n product property

2. log b m = log b m − log b n quotient property

3. logb mn = n logb m power property

4. log b = 1

5. logb 1 = 0

6. logb (1/ c) = − logb c reciprocal property

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 29
Fungsi Logaritma (Logarithmic Functions)
The function defined by:
f ( x) = log a x (a  0, a  1)

is called the logarithmic function with base a.

◆ The domain of f is the set of all positive numbers

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 30
Fungsi Logaritma (Logarithmic Functions)
Properties of Logarithmic Functions (Ciri-ciri fungsi
The logarithmic function
y = loga x (a > 0, a ≠ 1)

Which has the following properties:

1. Its domain is (0, ).
2. Its range is (– , ).
3. Its graph passes through the point (1, 0).
4. It is continuous on (0, ).
5. It is increasing on (0, ) if a > 1
and decreasing on (0, ) if a < 1.
Lavaneesvari Manogaran 31
Fungsi Logaritma (Logarithmic Functions)
Sketch the graph of the function
y = ln x.

Solution y = ex y=x
We first sketch the graph of y = ex.
The required graph is the mirror
image of the graph of y = ex with y = ln x
respect to the line y = x

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 32
Fungsi Logaritma (Logarithmic Functions)
Properties Relating Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
(Hukum kaitan antara fungsi eksponen & fungsi logaritma)

The inverse relationship between the natural logarithmic

function and the natural exponential function can be
summarized as follows.

Properties relating ex and ln x:

eln x =x (x > 0)
ln ex =x (for any real number x)
Lavaneesvari Manogaran 33
Contoh 1
a) Selesaikan log3x = 4
log3x = 4 maka x = 34 = 81.

b) Selesaikan log164 = x
log164 = x bersamaan dengan 4 = 16x = (42)x = 42x, atau
41 =42x, maka 2x=1 → x=1/2.

c) Selesaikan logx8 = 3
logx8 = 3 sama dengan 8=2³=x³,maka x=2.
Lavaneesvari Manogaran 34
Contoh 2
a) Diberikan log 2 ≈ 0.3010, log 3 ≈ 0.4771, dan log 5 ≈ 0.6990,
gunakan hukum logaritma dalam menyelesaikan log 15.
= log 3  5
= log 3 + log 5
 0.4771 + 0.6990
= 1.1761
b) Diberi log 2 ≈ 0.3010, log 3 ≈ 0.4771, dan log 5 ≈ 0.6990,
gunakan hukum logaritma dalam menyelesaikan log 7.5.
= log(15 / 2)
= log(3  5 / 2)
= log 3 + log 5 − log 2
 0.4771 + 0.6990 − 0.3010
= 0.8751 Lavaneesvari Manogaran 35
Contoh 2
c) Diberi log 2 ≈ 0.3010, log 3 ≈ 0.4771, dan log 5 ≈ 0.6990,
gunakan hukum logaritma dalam menyelesaikan log 81.
= log 34
= 4 log 3
 4(0.4771)
= 1.9084
d) Diberi log 2 ≈ 0.3010, log 3 ≈ 0.4771, dan log 5 ≈ 0.6990,
gunakan hukum logaritma dalam menyelesaikan log 50.
= log 5 10
= log 5 + log10
 0.6990 + 1
= 1.6990 Lavaneesvari Manogaran 36
Contoh 3
2 3
a) Kembangkan dan permudahkan ungkapan ini: log 3 x y

log 3 x 2 y 3 = log 3 x 2 + log 3 y 3

= 2 log 3 x + 3log 3 y
x2 + 1
b) Kembangkan dan permudahkan ungkapan ini : log 2 x
x2 + 1
log 2 x = log 2 ( x 2 + 1) − log 2 2 x
= log 2 ( x 2 + 1) − x log 2 2
= log 2 ( x 2 + 1) − x

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 37
Contoh 3
c) Kembangkan dan permudahkan ungkapan ini : ln x 2
x 2
x2 x2 −1 x 2 ( x 2 − 1)1/2
ln x
= ln
e ex
= ln x 2 + ln( x 2 − 1)1/2 − ln e x
= 2 ln x + ln( x 2 − 1) − x ln e
= 2 ln x + ln( x 2 − 1) − x

Lavaneesvari Manogaran 38
Contoh 4
Gunakan hukum logaritma dalam menyelesaikan
persamaan di bawah bagi x:

log 3 ( x + 1) − log 3 ( x − 1) = 1
x +1
log 3 =1
x −1
x +1 1
=3 =3
x −1
x + 1 = 3( x − 1)
x + 1 = 3x − 3
4 = 2x
x=2 Lavaneesvari Manogaran 39
Contoh 5
Gunakan hukum logaritma dalam menyelesaikan
persamaan di bawah bagi x:
log x + log(2 x − 1) = log 6
log x + log(2 x − 1) − log 6 = 0
x(2 x − 1)
log =0
x(2 x − 1)
= 100 = 1
x(2 x − 1) = 6 x=− luar dari domain log x, maka diabaikan
2x − x − 6 = 0

(2 x + 3)( x − 2) = 0
x=2 Lavaneesvari Manogaran 40
Contoh 6
Selesaikan persamaan 2ex + 2 = 5.
Bahagi kedua-dua belah dengan 2:
x+2 5
e = = 2.5
Dengan natural log kedua-dua belah:
ln e x + 2 = ln 2.5
( x + 2) ln e = ln 2.5
x + 2 = ln 2.5
x = −2 + ln 2.5
x  −1.08 Lavaneesvari Manogaran 41
Contoh 7
Selesaikan persamaan 5 ln x + 3 = 0.
Tambah – 3 pada kedua-dua belah persamaan dan kedua-
dua belah dengan 5.
5ln x = −3
ln x = − = −0.6
and so: ln x
e = e −0.6
x  0.55
Lavaneesvari Manogaran 42

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