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2017 – Specify and illustrate three ways of expressing necessity and two ways of expressing
lack of necessity.

Present and discuss three advantages of using video materials in class. + Pre-reading activity.

Mark Twain, Huck Finn, identify two of Twain’s recurring motifs and comment on how they
make the novel fit into the tradition of bildungsroman.

2016 – Specify and illustrate five uses of the Present Perfect Simple. + Pre-reading activity.

Identify and analyze the elements which make David Copperfield a Victorian socio-critical

2015 - Read the following text, identify and comment on the point(s) of view adopted by
John Fowles . (The Magus)

Specify and illustrate five uses of the Present Tense Continuous.

Present and discuss three advantages of using group work in class+ Reading activity.

2014 – Moby Dick – identify the figurative language used by Herman Melvile to create
Queequeg’s portrait. Discuss the significance of the meeting between the two characters in the

Specify and illustrate five ways of expressing emphasis.

Discuss the teacher’s role as a prompter. Discuss the use of realia as important tools in
teaching a foreign language. Devise a learning activity in which you teach students how to
write a narrative paragraph.

2013 – W. Golding – Lord of the Flies. Identify the themes and symbols you find in the text.
Discuss the importance of setting in presenting the characters.

Specify and illustrate five uses of Paste Tense Continuous.

Describe the teacher’s role as observer. Give three examples of communicative activities in
which the teacher takes this role.

Mention three advantages of pairwork. Give three examples of communicative activities in

which the teacher takes this role.
Devise a twenty-minute reading activity for specific information based on the text from
Subject 1.

2012 – E. Hemingway, The old man and the sea. Identify the points of view adopted by

Ernest Hemingway and discuss the effect of shifting point of view on the reader. Discuss the
concepts of pride and sin in Santiago’s interior monologue.

Specify five ways to express advice.

Identify three advantages of using authentic materials in developing receptive skills.

Devise a work sheet, with three different types of exercises, to pre-teach vocabulary in the
text from Subject 1. Each exercise should contain 2 items.

Considering the text from Subject 1, provide three different activities that can create interest
in the topic and get students involved in the task.

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