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Appendix 2: MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code: EPC 3403

Trainee Name: Shamma Bakhit Almazrouei School: Shamma Bint
MCT/MST Name: Date:

The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

Implements PDP plan
Comments: Shamma provided the lesson plan and was ready for her lesson.

Planning for Learning F D C B A

Consider balance within lessons – Full lesson plans that build on students prior knowledge –
maximum student participation
Ensure that you are including activities that build on prior learning. How did singing the song
in the beginning of the lesson build on prior learning?
Managing Learning F D C B A
Cooperative strategies that support student independence
If you sit quietly I will give you stickers.
Sticker for students who answered correctly
Class is very well behaved.
Questions to consider – how did you build student independence in the class? Maybe next
time have a leader of each group and they are responsible for ensuring that their group is on

Implementing Learning F D C B A
Lesson implementation – effectiveness of questioning – effective teaching techniques – differentiated
Start lesson 8:19am
Can you stand - Song about numbers – Make sure you engage with students when singing the song –
Good job – positive reinforcement – How does the song relate to the lesson being taught today?
If you
Who will say the date of today – students repeat the date of today.
What are we learning – I am learning…
H T O on the board – who will come and put in the correct place.
This one – who knows this one – base ten blocks
Good job what do you think?
Do you know this sign? + Plus – do you know another name for it?
Today we will learn something new
First we draw a line… if you have empty space what do you write?
Who will come and do this one for me? Engagement of students. Make sure you relate the answer to
the base ten blocks.
Good questioning.
This question when we solve like this – it is vertical up down – horizontal – from left to right (use
vocab when describing)
Make sure to ask what number is in 10 and what number is in 1
You put the T/O but don’t refer to it.
Now you will be doing your own in your tables
Group 1 – Same question you must solve
Group 2 - Every two you will work in twos – Listen you will have dice and paper
Group 3 – Take one and I will come to you
Group 4-
Better direction needed for centers –
Walked around the different centers to ensure understanding
Better explanation of centers is required.
Ensure you check prior learning some of the students did not understand the concept of the base ten
Emerging group- finished early – make sure you have backup
Closing –
I went to supermarket it cost me 20 dirhams and I only bought two juice 10 Dhs
Who will add how many I give to cashier-

Assessment F D C B A
No checklist when walking around to the different centers to check for understanding.
What formative assessment strategies did you use during the lesson?
No written assessment used that was mentioned in planning (look at the rubric)

Reflection on Practice F D C B A
The rubric states you should complete a detailed reflection which consider situations from the
perspective of a range of stakeholders (who are the stakeholders in this case?) no mention of this is in
your lesson reflection. Reflects on relationships with students as part of professional practice and
uses the insights to develop a positive learning environment – I understand you have only been with
the students for 3 days but you could mention that in your reflection as well.
Action Plan: Detailed explanation of centers is needed before students begin activities –
ensure that you are including questioning in your lesson plan. Also make sure that you focus
on prior learning to ensure understand (pre-assessment). Ensure you are incorporating
formative assessment and keeping documentation as needed.

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