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4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents analyses and interpretation of the findings on the impact of stress among
employees in public offices at Ubungo district municipal council in Dar esSalaam Tanzania. The
presentation, analysis and discussion focused on research objectives which were put in line with
the research questions.
4.2 Response rate
Thirty respondents were targeted for the study hence the same numbers of questionnaires were
distributed out. These questionnaires were responded by both male and female respondents and
with different level of education from certificate to PhD. Also four interviewees were targeted.
Only three attended while one did not appear to the interview. This made the total number of
respondents participated to be 30.

4.3 Discussion of the findings

This study had objective of studying impact of stress in work place among staffs at Ubungo
municipal council in Tanzania. It targeted staff from public services sector due to the fact it is
among of the busiest organization.

4.3.1 Reasons that cause stress in the day to day working life of working staffs
Stress has been impacting workers in the workplace in different ways. Some studies have shown
such impacts in previous and different cases. This study developed some impacts specifically to
the workers of the sector. In getting to the impacts, identifying causes were considered. Thus
form the case study, the researcher found stress to have caused by, experiencing long working
hours, unable to meet the demand for the job, experiencing a lot of work and experiencing lonely
working hours.
4.3.2 Role of management in managing stress of employees at work place
This study found that, most of the respondents have understanding of their roles and
responsibilities. Though there are small number of employee who has no clear understanding of
their roles and responsibilities. High levels of occupational stress are likely to be evident in
organizations where there are elevated levels of role ambiguity and role conflict .Some of the
roles that managements were asked includes allowing employees to participate in decision
making, providing strong support to their employees, provision of consultation to employees on
how to handle stress at work as well as poor relationship between supervisor or managements
and employees.

4.3.3 Psychological distractions caused due to workplace stress

From data, researcher found that different impacts to be caused by the stress. This ranges from
the individual employee to the organization at large. Discussions here are from both primary and
secondary data. This is as collected through questionnaire and interview. Most of employees
have signs of stress such as high level of anxiety and irritability, health problems that are highly
contributed due to work environment, poor motivation due to work attribution factors and
working lonely . This means that, employees have stress that contributed by lonely working
hours and work pressure has also been contributing to the stress to the most employees.
4.4 Characteristics of respondents
Table 4.1: Gender distribution


MALES 17 56%
FEMALE 13 44%
TOTAL 30 100%

Source: Data from field, 2018

Data from Figure 4.1 shows that, more than half of the respondents, that is 56 percent are male
while, 44 percent are females. This means that, in many offices in Ubungo district there are many
male workers than female workers. Thus there is a gender balance in the study

Table 4.2: Age distribution

18-25 8 27%
26-35 15 50%
36-45 5 17%
45 and above 2 6%
TOTAL 30 100%

Source: Data from field, 2019

Respondents participated in the study are of different ages as indicated in the Figure 4.2above. It
shows that, 52 percent have the age between 25 and 35. The respondents with this age seemed to
be of higher number than others. The age between 18 – 25 represents 26 percent of the
respondent participated. Respondents with more than 45 years of age represented by 6 percent
and those with 36 – 45 are represented by 16 percent. Respondents with a range of 45 and above
percent represented the smallest number of the respondents. This indicates that, many sectors
have energetic personnel that require enough care to motivate and retain them.

Table 4.1 Designations

Designation Frequency Percentage

Record management 15 50%
Land management 9 30%
Others 6 20%
Total 30 100%
Source: Data from field, 2018

Data presented in Figure 4.3shows that, core employees such as record managements are 50%
and land management officers are 30% at Ubungo municipal are many comparing to supportive
workers such as managers, accountants, procurement officers, financial officers and human
resource officers who are only 20%.

Table2.4: level of education

Level of education Frequency Percentage

Diploma 9 30%
Degree 12 40%
Masters 6 20%
Other 3 10%
Total 30 100%

Source: Data from field, 2018

Most of the respondents surveyed had university education. Those with bachelor’s degree are
many than others. They comprised 40%percent. Diploma presented by 30%, masters 20% and
others like PhD and certificate comprises of 10%. It shows that this organization had skilled
personnel regardless to level of education as presented in figure 4.4.

4.5 Objective one: Causes of stress in day to day working life in the organization
There various causes of stress in day to day working life in the organization. This study sought to
find out various causes of stress at Ubungo municipal council and the following causes were
used to analyze the results of the findings.

Table 4.5: Experience long working hours

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 15 50%
Agree 8 26.6%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 1 3.4%
Disagree 4 13.4%
Strong Disagree 2 6.6%
Total 30 100%

Source: data from field, 2018

Data from figure 4.5 shows that, 50% of respondents were facing long working hours, 26.6 also
agreed with the statement, 3.4% were neither agreed nor disagreed while 13.4% disagreed and
6.6% strong disagreed with the statement. The statement asked whether respondents experience
long hours of work. Employees from Ubungo municipal experience such problem because it is
the busiest organization and it was being separated from Kinondoni municipal.
Table 4.6: Unable to meet the demands for the job

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 12 40%
Agree 8 26.66%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 1 3.33%
Disagree 6 20%
Strong Disagree 3 10%
Total 30 100%

Source: Data from field, 2019

If the employee has no ability of meeting the demand of the work they do, means that the
performance is low. Data collected using questionnaire as presented in Figure 4.6 above shows
that 40% of the respondents supported the statement to show that they did not meet the demand
of the job they do.26.6% agreed with the statement, 3.33% were neither agreed nor disagreed
with the statement while 20% percent disagreed with the statement and 10% strong disagreed
with the statement.

Table 4.7; Experience a lot of work

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 12 40%
Agree 9 30%
Neither agree nor 3 10%
Disagree 4 13.33%
Strong disagree 2 6.66%
Total 30 100%
Source; Data from Field, 2019

A lot of work to an employee without having the time to rest can hinder the employee
performance hence the organization goals cannot be achieved 40% strongly agreed with the
statement, 30% percent also agreed with the statement, 10% neither agreed or disagreed with the
statement,13.33% disagreed with the statement and 6.66% strong disagreed with the statement.
Employee experience a lot of work due to the fact that Ubungo Municipal is the busiest
organization because it was newly established.
Table 4.8; Experience lonely working hours

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 10 35%
Agree 12 40%
Neither agree nor 1 3%
Disagree 5 15%
Strong disagree 2 7%
Total 30 100%

Source; from field, 2019

Working alone most of time can also be the source of stress among employees. According to the
data collected 35% strongly agreed with the statement, 40 % also agreed with the statement, 15%
disagreed with the statement, 3% neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement while 7 %
strongly disagreed with the statement.

4.6: Objective two; To assess the role of management in managing stress of employees at

The main aim of this objective is to find out how management participates in managing stress of
employees at work place. The following roles were used to analyze the results of the findings.

Figure 4.9 Management allow full participation of employees in decision making

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 10 35%
Agree 12 40%
Neither agree nor 1 3%
Disagree 5 15%
Strong disagree 2 7%
Total 30 100%

Source .Researcher 2019

Provision of the chance to employees to participate in different decision making for their work
reduces work stress because they know each and everything about their working process.
According to this 35%t strong agreed with the statement, 40% agreed with the statement, 3%
neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement, while 15% disagreed with the statement and 7%
strongly disagreed with the statement.

Figure .4.10 Management provides strong support to their employees

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 10 33.33%
Agree 7 23.33%
Neither agree nor 3 10%
Disagree 9 30%
Strong disagree 1 3.34%
Total 30 100%

Source .Researcher 2019

Support to employees from their leaders and supervisor reduce work stress. According to this
figure 33.33% strongly agreed with the statement, 23.33% agreed with the statement, 10%
neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement, 30% disagreed with the statement and 3.34%
strongly disagreed with the statement.

Figure 4.11 Provision of consultation to employees on how to handle stress at work

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 7 26.6%
Agree 3 10%
Neither agree nor 1 3.33%
Disagree 5 16.66%
Strong disagree 14 43.33%
Total 30 100%
Source .Researcher 2019

Consultation to the employees on how to handle stress at work place improve their performance
of work .According to the data collected 43.33$ disagreed with the statement, 16.66% disagreed
with the statement, 3.33% neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement, 10% agreed with the
statement and 26.6 strongly agreed with the statement which shows that employees receive less
consultation for managing stress

Figure 4.12: Poor relationship between supervisor or management and employees

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 14 46.66%
Agree 7 23.33%
Neither agree nor 1 3.33%
Disagree 5 16.66%
Strong disagree 3 10%
Total 30 100%

Source: Data from field, 2019

To have adequate information and relationships from supervisor and manager helps individual to
perform tasks effectively. Absence of this relation may lead employee to have stress and fail to
perform well. Data from figure 4.8 shows that,46.66% of respondents strong agreed that, they get
information and support from colleagues,23.33% agreed with the statement, 3.33% they neither
agreed nor disagreed while 16.66% disagreed with the statement and 10% strongly disagreed
with the same statement showing that they did not receiving information or support from
colleagues. The statement stated that, “I receive adequate support from my work colleagues and
4.7: Objective three; To determine psychological distractions caused due to
workplace stress

The main aim of this objective is to determine psychological distractions caused due to
workplace stress. The following psychological distractions were used to analyze the results of the

Figure 4.13 Employee experiencing high levels of anxiety and irritability

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 12 40%
Agree 8 26.66%
Neither agree nor 2 6.66%
Disagree 5 16.66%
Strong disagree 3 10%
Total 30 100%

Source: data from field, 2019

Data collected through questionnaire and presented in figure 4.13 shows that, many employees
are facing high anxiety and irritability.40%t of the respondents strong agreed to experience high
anxiety and irritability, 26.66% agreed to the statement, 6.66% neither agreed nor disagreed with
the statement while 16.66 %showed they do not face and 10% strongly disagreed with the
statement. Employees face that situation because of a lot of work also Ubungo is among the
busiest organization. Feeling of anxiety and irritability is said to be symptoms of stress to
Figure 4.14 Health problems that are contributed by work environment

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 10 33.33%
Agree 8 26.66%
Neither agree nor 5 16.66%
Disagree 6 20%
Strong disagree 1 3.33%
Total 30 100%

Source: data from filed, 2019

Employee asked whether they have health problems that they believe that it aroused from
working environment. This is due to the fact that, some health problems arises from work
environment. Stress may worsen or increase the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease,
diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems, and asthma. From the Figure 4.14, 31 percent
agreed to have health problems that aroused from work environment,33.33% agreed with the
statement, 26.66% agreed with the statement, 16.66% had neither agreed nor disagreed to have
health problems while 20% disagreed with the statement , 3.33% strong disagreed on the
statement showing that they have no problems aroused from work environment. The statement
stated that, “I have some health problems and are highly contributed by my work environment”.

Figure 4.15 Level of motivation for job has been reduced due to work attributed factors

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 8 26.66%
Agree 12 40%
Neither agree nor 6 20%
Disagree 1 3.33%
Strong disagree 3 10%
Total 30 100%

Source: data from field, 2019

Data from field as presented in figure 4.15 shows that, 26.66% of the employees strongly agreed
with the statement, 40% agreed that, their motivation for the work have reduced due to work
attributed factors. 20% does not know whether their motivation are affected by work attributed
factors and only 3.33% disagreed with the statement and 10% strongly disagreed with the
statement showed their motivation are not affected by work attributed factor. This means that,
most of the employees are exposed to stress environment. Thus they support the statement that
“Due to work attributed factors, my level of motivation for my job has reduced”. Indicating work
attributed factors is the causative of stress among Kinondoni Municipal staff. These factors
include workload or overload, Autonomy For example, the ability to make your own decisions
about your own job or hours of work, physical environment, and isolation at work place.
Figure 4.16 working lonely at my job

Response Frequency Percentage

Strong Agree 6 20%
Agree 3 10%
Neither agree nor 1 3.33%
Disagree 8 26.66%
Strong disagree 12 40%
Total 30 100%

Source; Researcher 2019

Working alone for long period of time can be the cause to stress, according to the data collected
20% strongly agreed with the statement, 10% also agreed with the statement 3.33% neither
agreed nor disagreed with the statement and 26.66% disagreed with the statement and 40%
strongly disagreed with the statement which shows that employees from Kinondoni Municipal
perform their work into teams rather than working alone.


5.1 Introduction

This chapter presents conclusion drawn from the findings of the study. It also contains summary
of the findings and recommendations.

5.2 Summary of the Findings

This study used 30 respondents as the sample to represents staff working at Kinondoni Municipal
offices. It used questionnaires as well as interview to gather data from field and analyzed
through excel. Data presented in chapter four using chats and descriptive statistics.
Findings of the study imply that, impacts of the stress to employees affect both
organizations as well as clients. It affects workers and management also.
5.2.1 Reasons that cause stress in the day to day working life of working staffs
Stress has been impacting workers in the workplace in different ways. Some studies have shown
such impacts in previous and different cases. This study developed some impacts specifically to
the workers of the sector. In getting to the impacts, identifying causes were considered. Thus
form the case study, the researcher found stress to have caused by, experiencing long working
hours, unable to meet the demand for the job, experiencing a lot of work and experiencing lonely
working hours.
5.2.2 Role of management in managing stress of employees at work place
This study found that, most of the respondents have understanding of their roles and
responsibilities. Though there are small number of employee who has no clear understanding of
their roles and responsibilities. High levels of occupational stress are likely to be evident in
organizations where there are elevated levels of role ambiguity and role conflict .Some of the
roles that managements were asked includes allowing employees to participate in decision
making, providing strong support to their employees, provision of consultation to employees on
how to handle stress at work as well as poor relationship between supervisor or managements
and employees.
5.2.3 Psychological distractions caused due to workplace stress
From data, researcher found that different impacts to be caused by the stress. This ranges from
the individual employee to the organization at large. Discussions here are from both primary and
secondary data. This is as collected through questionnaire and interview. Most of employees
have signs of stress such as high level of anxiety and irritability, health problems that are highly
contributed due to work environment, poor motivation due to work attribution factors and
working lonely . This means that, employees have stress that contributed by lonely working
hours and work pressure has also been contributing to the stress to the most employees.

5.3 Conclusion

It is important to note that irrespective of the demands of particular jobs, stress seems to have
become an inevitable part of working life in the current labor market. Trends in the global
economy have altered the employee-employer relationship is defined and have escalated the
demands placed on both parties. Many of these forces are unchangeable and non-negotiable.

Staffs from different sector have been facing stress that is caused by different factors such poor
management roles, psychological distractions. Government and other organizations concerning
with the improvising of the lives of workers should plan and implement the installation of health
facilities. This includes enough measurement equipment, reagents and chemicals, and

This study has highlighted the impacts of stress in the workplace and claims for physical and
psychological impacts. As a result, occupational stress and workplace health have become issues
of great concern in most organizations, both internationally and nationally.

The purpose of this review was to find data from employee working in the deferent sector and
literature that exists on the topic of work stress and draw some relevant conclusions regarding (1)
the reasons that cause stress in the day to day working life of working staffs. (2) the role of
management that are currently adopted in response to occupational stress (3) The study also
aimed to find out the psychological factors that are believed to be contributed by the occurrence
of stress. It has then to identify areas where further research was necessary and the
methodological flaws in existing research that needed to be addressed in that research.
To fully understand the phenomenon of work stress, the study first studied the literature from
different researchers. In identifying causes, effects and management, apart from exploring
literature, data collected and different issues identified different issues. These factors issues
include individual vulnerabilities, job demands, the organizational climate, the person-
environment match. In addition, three major management phases were identified from literature,
namely primary prevention, secondary and tertiary. The major management strategies used at
each of these phases was reviewed briefly. Finally, the study identified findings from the data in
regard to the stress management.

Work stress area requires a comprehensive employer and public education and awareness
campaign to address the stigma that is associated with psychological impacts. Large scale
epidemiological studies and monitoring of stress in the workplace is necessary if the problem is
to receive recognition and attention. The area requires methodologically sound research and
program evaluation to inform practices in future. Finally, the importance of shifting attention to
the primary prevention end of the stress management should get close consideration.

It is important to pursue the development of a standardized various sectors work stress

instrument, possibly based on the work that has already been conducted in other successful
countries. The government should ensure that, conducting research, implementing recommended
solution on the problems and building areas for discussing matters that brings the sector back are
in place.

5.4 Recommendations
Government and all organizations should have to manage change effectively by assisting
employees to understand the need for change through clear communication, justification for
decisions, a shared vision for the future and transparency in the decision making process. This
type of communication will allow workers the opportunity to revise and reshape the
psychological contract they have created with their employer.

Organizations should develop efficient stress auditing mechanisms, ongoing monitoring

systems, and methods of benchmarking against which change can be evaluated.

Government and all organizations have to adopt appropriate methods of (1) job-person matching
or job design that facilitates the expertise, and needs of workers; (2) managing and rewarding
performance; (3) informing and involving workers; and (4) supporting lifestyle and family needs
of workers.

Also the government and all organizations should ensure the creation of culture of
empowerment, affiliation and reasonable achievement. Addressing the management of stress can
be a vital wellness strategy that makes for a healthier, happier workforce and stronger, more
productive organizations in the sector.

5.5 Suggestions for further studies

This study was able to provide with the impact of stress amongst staff in various sectors in
Tanzania, it also suggest areas that would benefit from further research. These are:

a. This study identified causes of stress to workers in the organizations. It is suggested that, much
study may focus on the relationship between organizational causes of stress and life issues cause.
b. This study investigated management roles in managing workplace stress; but there is a need to
study appropriate techniques that can be used in resolving the issues of stress is among the area
to be studied.
c. Also, the study investigated psychological problems arising from work stress. But more study
can be done in the awareness of the level stress and response among workers.

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