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Design da Aprendizagem no S�culo XXI

Seguinte: Curso 3
2� os estudantes compartilham responsabilidade,,,,
nao � independente
2� r: 2
3� r: Trabalhar com outros, ter responsabilidade compartilhada,
tomar decis�es importantes em conjunto e elaborar
trabalho interdependente.
4� r: Cada pessoa dentro da equipe � respons�vel pela
tarefa que ela deve completar para que o grupo fa�a seu
trabalho. O papel de cada estudante da equipe � essencial.
4� r:Os estudantes trabalham juntos mas n�o
compartilham responsabilidade.
5�Os estudantes compartilham responsabilidade, tomam decis�es
importantes juntos sobre o conte�do, processo ou produto de
trabalho, mas seu trabalho n�o � interdependente.
6�N�o, porque os estudantes n�o t�m que criar uma estrat�gia
juntos a fim de completar toda a tarefa.
Fa�a avalia��es utilizando question�rios do Forms no Office 365

3� excel
1� Verdadeiro///pontuacao e devolucao
1� Registrar nome
1�Op��o Novo Formul�rio
Op��o Novo Question�rio
3� Embed
2&4� pc/celular

oneNote test
1� False
4�All of the above.
1� True //over what sections and pages
each student is allowed to see.
4�All of the above.
3� Translator
4�Check Accessibility in the View tab
1� true // l articles related to a topic and will
1�Immersive Reader
2� false //with parents because they do not have a student login.
3�on the page that was visible when the recording began.
2� Draw
Digital storytelling with Microsoft Sway

2�the permissions settings

2� audio
1� true //template
1� true //heading card.
1� true // can be grouped.
3�the accessibility checker
1� true //or a QR code.
1�images/text/videos/audio files
3�10 //edit same time

Streamline efficiency with Office 365 apps

2�false/Streamline efficiency with Office 365 apps

1�true//Editor in Word Online
1�true //You can change your Office 365 theme
3� 1 TB
1�Word document/PowerPoint presentation/Excel workbook
OneNote notebook/Form for Excel
2�false /Flash Fill
2�OneDrive for Business.
1�true//The "Tell me what you want to do
2� false //Immersive Reader evaluates
3�uses images inserted in a PowerPoint to
generate a variety of style options for the presentation.
1�Open the file online, click the Share butto//Go to OneDrive, click the circle

skype for business

2�falso /No Skype for Business somente

2�Contar com uma conta do Office 365
2�falso//Os demais participantes n�o poder�o interagir
2�Chat/Chamada de �udio/Chamada de v�deo
2�Em nosso OneDrive do Office 365
2�Compartilhar janela
2�Mensagem instant�nea
3�Tudo o que fizermos em nosso computador
1�favoritos/outros contatos
1�Menu Ferramentas da janela principal/Menu Mais op��es da janela de conversa
4�Conceder o controle a um participante/Recuperar o controle
Parar compartilhamento
1�Mensagem instant�nea
2�Texto/Dados anexos/emoticons

App Service
paid azure conect
Resource Group
Install a Linux Virtual Machine in your Azure subscription
Reduce the number of vCPU�s of the Virtual Machine when not in use
Azure Active Directory
Criando o mundo do amanh� em sua aula com o Windows 10

1�falso//makecode versao software

2�Verdadeiro // app fazer um teste
1�Verdadeiro// set up schools
1�criar uma nova �rea de trabalho
1�Verdadeiro// ler em voz alta
1�Verdadeiro//tinta digital
1�Verdadeiro// app mapas
1�1 GB ou mais
8 GB ou mais se tamb�m est� instalando Office
4�todas as anteriores
2�Falso // licenca do office365
1�Verdadeiro//paint 3d
1�Verdadeiro//remix 3d
1�encontrar arquivos salvos no OneDrive//pesquisar na web
obter informa��es baseada em fatos
1�Verdadeiro//cortana office365
1�automaticamente recorta e melhora imagens
reconhecimento �tico de caracteres
captura diretamente no OneNote
leitor imersivo
1�Marca texto
Caneta esferogr�fica
'1�Veja arquivos recentes
Abra arquivos existentes
Criar novos arquivos
Carregar no OneDrive
Teaching Marine Conservation via Skype

-Ocean conservation
-Visit the Oceans page via the "Collections and Events"
section on Skype in the Classroom pages to find ocean
related activities
-She invited him via the Microsoft Educator Community
and he gave the session via Skype for free
-Create a Presentation
Teach Student-Led Computer Science Advocacy

-Students and Facilitators
-At twice the rate of all jobs.
First Steps into Artificial Intelligence

-Credit card fraud protection
-It�s a tool that helps people work better
and do more by exploring new ways of working.
-Improving poor quality or incomplete data
without any further inputs
-Deep learning
-The act of preparing and transforming data
to be analysed by artificial intelligence
and analytic software
-Produced by humans: it is sourced from
hand-typed data entry, such as an online form.
-Install adequate air-conditioning to keep the
cloud cool and operating effectively.
-Engage and upskill your workforce, providing
dedicated AI training, and clearly explain
the benefits of upgrading your technology.
-Social media sentiment
-Introduce �gamification�, awarding users
for updating their details.
-More efficient workflows
-AI frees up internal resources to allow
your experts to focus on the bigger picture.
-EQ (Emotional Intelligence)
-Dos Prompt > Windows Graphic Interface
Criatividade em aula, design de recursos informativos
com o Microsoft Word

-Se for adicionada uma Imagem on-lin
-Op��es de tamanho de p�ginas
-Quebra de texto autom�tica
-Verdadeiro//Orienta��o para as p�ginas
-Verdadeiro//Uma caixa de texto
-Efeitos de imagem
-Al�as de dimensionamento
-Deve-se utilizar o comando Imagens da guia Inserir.
-Selecionar o comando Colunas da ferramenta Quebras
-No Microsoft Word n�o � poss�vel realizar esta opera��o
-Selecionar os 3 par�grafos e escolher
Deploying Cloud Ready Classroom PC's

-All the above

-Yes, but only for professional and
education versions of windows 10
-For IT Professionals to structurally
manage groups of PC�s
Design da Aprendizagem no S�culo XXI: Curso 5 -

-Os estudantes decidem quem pesquisar� certos aspectos

-A atividade de aprendizagem � de longo prazo e os
estudantes contam com as metas de aprendizagem e os
crit�rios de sucesso indicados antes de terminar
seu trabalho, mas n�o t�m a oportunidade de planejar
seu trabalh
-O feedback � dado e usado explicitamente para
melhorar o trabalho antes de que seja apresentado
ou finalizado.
-Os estudantes tomam decis�es sobre pequenos
aspectos das tarefas ao longo da atividade de
Leading Blended Professional Learning

-Teachers conduct a self-assessment and choose

a learning activity based on their areas of growth teachers opportunities to make meaning of
a concept in a way that works best for their classroom
-..interdisciplinary projects that organically
incorporate standards and skills to solve problems
-...should be part of a sequence that builds on
previous session topics
-Reviewing login steps and instructions for using
an online collaboration program
-Completing a survey online
-It reaffirms the notion that administrators have the
knowledge and experience to lead all training sessions
Microsoft Word: Cria��o de relat�rios e trabalhos profissionais na sala de aula

-Editar online
-Verdadeiro//folha de rosto com o t�tulo, descri��o, etc.,
-O documento deve ser compartilhado com permiss�es de edi��o para as pessoas que
trabalhar�o nele.
-Tamanho de fonte
Cor de fonte
Espa�amento entre linhas
Espa�amento anterior ou posterior
-Verdadeiro//documento no Word vers�o desktop
-Ao final do conte�do da �ltima p�gina do documento.
-Verdadeiro//folha de rosto com o t�tulo, descri��o, etc
-Revis�es//Se tivermos ativado o Controle de altera��e
-Que sejam estabelecidos estilos (ex. T�tulo 1 e T�tulo 2) aos textos que ser�o
inclu�dos no sum�rio.
-A op��o Diferente da primeira p�gina do menu Op��es, exibido ao estar editando o
cabe�alho ou rodap�.
-A folha de rosto sempre � aplicada no in�cio do documento, sem importar em qual
lugar estamos posicionados.
-Controle de altera��es
-Um bal�o

-Design da Aprendizagem no S�culo XXI: Curso 4 - Constru��o de conhecimento

-As atividades de constru��o do conhecimento requerem que os estudantes gerem
ideias e que compreendam coisas que s�o novas para eles.
N�o, porque os estudantes n�o aplicam seu conhecimento de analisar dados clim�ticos
em uma nova atividade; simplesmente repetem a mesma atividade com um conjunto de
dados diferente.
-Os estudantes redigiram um documento para comparar informa��es de m�ltiplas
-Os estudantes aplicaram o que tinham aprendido aos exemplos de poesia de
resist�ncia de eventos hist�ricos importantes.
-N�o, porque n�o est�o ampliando seu conhecimento para um novo tipo de aplica��o.

Deploying Office 365 for Education

Building Global Citizens final assessment

-Lessons, Virtual Field Trips, and Collaborations
-True--skype experiences
-education, participation, and action.
-educate, question, facilitate, and support.
-regularly to connect with their content
-all of the above
-Skype with an expert or participate in a virtual field trip.
-all correct /impact education

Literacy Tools for Inclusive Classrooms



Maker Challenge Quiz

Interactive Instructional Tools for Inclusive Classrooms

PDLN Connect, Communicate and Collaborate

-all the above
-None of the above
-all the above
-A visual representation of the community and what skills people have to offer
Introduction to Cloud for Leaders

-True//csh flow
-All of the above
-The consumer economy
-SaaS (Software as a Service)
-You only pay for what you use.
-Through Machine Learning
-False//cloud focus
-all above
-A single point of attack.
-Total Cost of Ownership
-All of the above
-Designing new business processes and adaptable services that scale to meet demand
-End of this year
-Before we finalise the scope of the programme.
-Alignment between front and back office
-You only pay for what you use.
Summer School 201 Quiz

-false // than 12 years old

-Highest in demand
-End extreme poverty, tackle climate change and fight inequalities
-False//need to have a PC
-All of the above
-all the above
-Development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising
the ability of future generations to provide for themselves.
Teaching Sustainable Development Goals

-Protecting human rights/Eliminating poverty/Securing peace

-Development that meets the needs of present generation without compromising the
ability of future generations to provide for themselves
-End extreme poverty, tackle climate change and fight inequalities
-Minimum Income for All
-The same thing
-All of the above
-Wherever you teach it
-Whenever you like
-The only requirement is that someone lead a lesson, all resources are flexible and
can be used in any environment


Teaching Gender Equality via Skype

-true //On average, women

-True//goal on UN
-True//15 million
-All the above
-To achieve gender equality and empower women
-Gender gaps
-Two thirds

Get Active: Course Assessment

-All of the above except c
-All of the above except b
-Support the learning experience for students
-Promote, support and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
-Be expected to move

Empower students with Office 2016
-yes // the one note
-No//In OneNote's Learning To
-yes*///The "Tell me what y
-yes//With Ink Equation, y
-yes//To use People Graph, y
-OneDrive or OneDrive for Business.
-Yes//to share use word document
there is a colorful flag indicating where each person has his or her cursor on the
Using coding to control a physical device

-false//The behaviour of
-Choose between two different actions or sequences
-False//write program
-The red stop button is clicked
-Set HeadNod to 0; wait 1 secs; set HeadNod to 5
-Sensing blocks
-Ohbot will not move
Working with a visual learning tool (Sensavis)

-Through letting students create videos at the starting point of the concepts
taught and then comparing them with their end of unit video, their learning will be
visible, not only to the teacher but more importantly to themselves.

-Through creating their own videos the students have to be very accurate and
precise in what they want to convey using correct terminology, timing and accurate
pace, this requires real focus on the task.

-By sharing a starting point, it is easier to explore and dwell deeper into the
-Pictures and images are more likely to be remembered than words
-Through its exploratory setup and eye-catching graphics a visual learning tool
lowers the threshold for motivating students who generally shy away from
challenging and abstract concepts.
-As their teacher you know your students individually and how they learn best
-When students explore, examine, collaborate and create they engage in higher-order
thinking and develop their abilities
-Yes, it will reduce the extraneous cognitive load.


-Yes, you can do this on the brick itself and the pc

-Power, duration, rotation, finish
-By utilizing the hands-on approach to teaching, it becomes a tool in the classroom
-Objective, Build it, Animation, Test and Modify it
-Yes, it can support the full STEM curriculum
-So you have the option to program the EV3 Programmable Brick without the need for
a computer
-Action Palette, Flow Palette and Comment Palette
Summer School 2018 - Beginner 101

-Yes - with Skype video messages.
-all above
-A virtual education visit via Skype to meet and learn from experts �out in the
-False//physical pc
-Right Click

Working with Digital Storytelling in the STEM-subjects through silent videos

-by creating
-It can be adapted to the specific year group, knowledge level and pace of your
-Because it is a natural process for creating understanding and enabling reflection
through trial and error, and as such it can make students aware of their own
learning process
-Teachers can easily assess the work as they watch the video the students have
created and discussions about the level of the work presented can take place
-Silent videos throughout the course, silent videos at the end of the course and
silent videos where the teacher adds his or her voice
Because a piece of work created by students that can be shared with family, peers
and the community increases student motivation to produce high quality stories
-The students �stories will have enabled the students to develop more skills than
just learning the facts, for example, collaboration, organization and analyzing
-By letting them explore the concept before teaching them about it
-Letting students explore the subject before being taught, increases their
-Silent videos throughout the course, silent videos at the end of the course and
silent videos where the teacher adds his or her voice

Skype collaborations

-Open the lesson creator via the �My Content� option, complete all the required
information (title, description) and save it. You can then add thumbnail images.
Next select �Enhance Content� to preview your lesson and add in the lesson
description and any additional resources such as videos or documents. You can then
save it and submit for review
-Yes//You need a Microsoft Educator
-True//Once you create a Skype
-False//be a Guest Speaker.
-Yes//Sway and OneNote
-A Skype collaboration is a lesson or project designed by a teacher to connect
their classroom with another classroom or multiple classrooms around the world.
Skype lessons are set up as specific sessions given by experts (scientists,
engineers, biologists). They are normally given as presentations by someone sitting
in front of a camera and talking to students
-You will receive an email from teachers when they request to join your
collaboration- they may include a message about their preferred date/time. You can
follow up via email to arrange
LEGO� MINDSTORMS� Education EV3 - In the Classroom

-Yes, via assessment by outcome or challenge based assessment
-It allows for development of innovation and collaboration skills
-It allows all students to learn and be confident with multiple Robot Educator
tutorials and can be used to assess progress
-By utilizing the hands-on approach to teaching, it becomes a tool in the classroom
-Resource mats or sheets and assessment criteria
-It helps to consolidate learning, by asking students to make changes and develop
problem-solving skills
-A, B and many more
-Yes, it can support the full STEM curriculum
-It helps to consolidate learning, by asking students to make changes and develop
problem-solving skills
Physical computing for the non-computer science educator

-Many products, such as Micro:bit, Adafruit Circuit Playground, and Minecraft:

Education Edition
-All of the above and more! Any subject works with physical computing!
-False//Physical computing
-All of the above
-True//MakeCode offers a visual
-anything that has an electrical plug
-Problem-based learning
Introduction to Inclusive Digital Literacy

-FALSE///Digital Literacy
-FALSE//There are four
-All computing and networking devices
-Post a comment to get a mark!
-Problem solving
LEGO� MINDSTORMS� Education EV3 - Programming

-Power, duration, rotation, finish

-Color, Pulse, On & Off
-The sound plays once, and the program waits for the sound to finish before
-The steering element in the move steering block
-4, medium motor, large motor, move steering block, move tank block
-It needs to work in conjunction with another block
-Loops are used to automate programs
-Action Palette, Flow Palette and Comment Palette

Step up to computer science

-False//Computer Literacy
-True//Students learn
-True//It is vital that
-False//Industry textbooks
-False//Computer Science FOCUS
-True//A computer science event
-False//Computer science is a subject that needs to
-Start with the end in mind. Spend some time looking at standards and assessments
to find a place for a computer science fair to fit.
-FALSE//Computer Science has established st
-All of the above
-Understanding fundamentals
-FALSE//Students can only practice

Windows 10 Anniversary Update

-Task Bar and Start Screen
-Walk around the classroom while still controlling what is being displayed at the
front of the room
-TRUE//Universal apps have
-All of the above
-All of the above
-Saves your personalized settings across devices
-Drag and drop to the new desktop//Right click and select a new desktop
-Search window
-TRUE//To lock down a device for t
-Swipe in from the right of the screen//Click on the "message box" icon in the
lower right corner of the Task Bar
-Task Bar//Start Menu
-USB drive
Experience Bing for education

-all of the above

-both b and c
-digital literacy, critical thinking, search skills
-true///Bing in the Classroom�
-true//One way search engines
-false//Bing has Answers�
-dictionary, conversion tool, animal facts
-a virtual study buddy
-Bing removes all advertisements and filters adult content

LEGO� MINDSTORMS� Education EV3 - Getting Started

-It provides live sensor feedback

-EV3 Programmable Brick, 2 Large Motors, 1 Medium Motor, 2 Touch Sensors, 1
Ultrasonic Sensor, 1 Gyro Sensor, 1 Color Sensor
-Yes, you can do this on the brick itself and the pc
-Help, User Guide, Teacher Support, Terms of Use, Support
-Yes, you are able to share it as the tablet and desktop version program
-Outputs connects to ports A, B, C, D and Inputs connect to ports 1,2,3,4
-To help build quickly
-Objective, Build it, Animation, Test and Modify it
-It provides sensor data, motor data and EV3 Programmable Brick data

STEAM Integration with Minecraft

-TRUE//Redstone is a tool
-TRUE//Minecraft can bE
-TRUE//Teachers can give
-Increased engagement
-TRUE//Minecraft: Education Edition
-Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math
-Minecraft: Education Edition
-All of the above
-All of the above
-All of the above
Introduction to Paint 3D

-Stickers > Custom Stickers

-TRUE//Paint 3D is only available
-FALSE//You are only able
-Show canvas
-3D Library
-All of the above
-TRUE//Once a texture has been
-Video/Camera capture/Model rotation
-FALSE//You can only add
Introduction to Microsoft Imagine Academy

-TRUE//Students should have some

-Digital textbooks//Online tutorials//Quizzes//Self-paced study guides
-true//Microsoft Imagine Academy
-Productivity//Data Science//Computer Science//IT infrastructure
-true//Academy allows for differentiated
-false//is only available in th
Minecraft and Redstone

-false//When a repeater has been
-true//NOT, NAND, and NOR
-false//Light Sensors only
-true//An input is needed
-true//Redstone is a wire th
-Pressure Plate
-A Dispenser uses certain items; a Dropper drops them
-To repeatedly turn a light on and off
Design da Aprendizagem no S�culo XXI: Curso 1 - Introdu��o 21CLD

-Desenvolvimento profissional, ambientes de aprendizagem, plano de estudos e

instru��o, al�m de padr�es e avalia��o.
-Pedagogias centradas no estudante, aprendizagem cont�nua e incorpora��o das TICs.
-ITL Research, um programa global de pesquisa que investiga como as escolas e os
sistemas podem promover as pr�ticas docentes inovadoras, bem como o impacto que t�m
na aprendizagem dos estudantes.
-Formas de pensar, formas de trabalhar, ferramentas para trabalhar, viver no mundo.
-Tabela avaliativa e exemplo de atividade.
-Um conjunto de habilidades complexas requeridas atualmente para o sucesso.
Building Blocks of Code 2

-true//Each puzzle
-false//The TEALS program
-false//To use MakeCode
-All of the above
-true//You don't have to
-false//MakeCode only works with Minecraft.
-false/Only students interested
-False - The puzzle challenges use the coding concepts taught in the accompanying
Minecraft Hour of Code tutorial, so they would be difficult for parti
Service learning in action with WE Schools

-Service-learning engages teachers and students with their community in a

structured way that allows for students to meet their learning objectives, while
community needs are addressed through the service work that students carry out.
-false//You need a technology
-false//You can buy a ticket to W
-false//You need a lot of financial
-Shopping for new shoes
-false//Schools must pay to
-WE is a non-profit organization that supports a movement to bring people together
and give them the tools to change the world.
-Improving university and workplace readiness
//Increasing academic engagement//Instilling active citizenship
Become a Mystery Skype Master

-Jump in - do some preparation with your students and send some requests to connect
with other classrooms via the site
-Visit the Mystery Skype page, filter by the time your students are available, and
any additional filters that may be relevant such as subject, location, send a
request via their profile
-Helping your students tick off individual activities such as countries visited,
cultural information learnt
Accessibility in practice using tools from Microsoft

-Scans a document, spreadsheet, or presentation to identify areas that may be
problematic for users with disabilities.
-change the magnification and projection settings.
-Yes//Screen projection can
-All of the above
-About 15%
-dictate words onto a document.//use their device without the use of a keyboard or
21st century learning design: Course 5 � self-regulation

-The learning activity is long-term and the students are aware of the learning
goals and associated success criteria in advance.
-No, because students were only given the opportunity to use the rubric after
getting back their graded essays.
-Code 3.
-The learning activity is long-term and students do have learning goals and
associated success criteria in advance of completing their work but they do not
have the opportunity to plan their own work.
-The feedback is given and explicitly used to improve the work before it is
submitted or finalized.
-Students decide who will research which aspects of the topic and who will speak at
different points in the debate.
-Students make decisions about small aspects of tasks throughout the learning
Dive deeper into visual storytelling (presenter-led training)

-false//The Photos app

-true//help you assess academic
-true/Students can use photos
-false//Adding music to a video does
-false//Narration doesn�t contribute
-true//Scene change cards a
-true//3-D effects can enhance
-true//Filters are tools most pe
-fale//There are blank sc
-true//Dialogue adds c
Course 8 - embedding 21CLD in practice

-Are students required to communicate their own ideas regarding a concept or issue?
Must their communication be supported with evidence and designed with a particular
audience in mind?
-Are students required to construct and apply knowledge? Is that knowledge
-Take tests or turn in homework
-Long-term activity; planning own work; opportunity to revise work based on
-Knowledge construction and real-world problem-solving and innovation.
-How strongly the learning activity offers opportunities to develop a given skill.
-The learning activity is long-term and students do have learning goals and
associated success criteria in advance of completing their work but they do not
have the opportunity to plan their own work.
Microsoft Teams Course 4: Assignments and feedback (presenter-led training)

Microsoft K-12 Education Transformation Framework: Leadership and Policy

-Promoting ongoing communication about roles, expectations, progress, and

performance//Developing clear, attainable outcomes and goals for education
transformation, and flexible strategies for achieving them
//Promoting ongoing communication about roles, expectations, progress, and
-True///Improving teachers and teaching
-Public-Private Educational Partnerships
-accessible technology
-True//Vision design begins with an
-true//Children with disabilities m
-false///Understanding stakeholders
-true///The Inclusion component
-rote learning focused on exams
-true///The vision must be communicated
-true///UNESCO has outlined practi
-true//School transformation requires
-true//While many students are n
-Educators and students
-all above
Reimagine the Writing Process with Microsoft in Education

-Create a Class OneNote notebook//Assign periodic due dates for various parts of
the writing assignment//Share documents with students digitally
-A storyboard helps students create the visual as well as the narrative for their
-Work in a Word document at the same time, seeing exactly where their peers are
working and what changes/additions they are making.
-Track Changes and Comments in Word
Chat feature in Teams
Inking in OneNote and Word
Insert Audio in OneNote
-All of the above
Developing workforce ready skills in Office Online

-true//Flash Fill recognizes

-true//Students can use Skype's
-true/When students are collaboratin
-true//You can insert videos
-false//In order to see "Design Ideas,
-All of the above
-true//The "Morph" feature
Developing workforce ready skills in Office Online

-from any device, anywhere with an internet connection

-TRUE//You can insert videos
-TRUE//When students are collaborating
-TRUE/Flash Fill recognizes
-TRUE//Students can use Skype'
-Word Online helps
-FALSE//In order to see "Des
-TRUE//The "Morph" fe
-All of the above
Minecraft Hour of Code: Facilitator Training

-False: You can start an Hour of Code whenever you want. You don't even have to do
it in December! The Hour of Code is a great learning experience any time of year.
And you don't have to register your event, all you have to do is get started.
False: Absolutely no signup or login is required for students to try the Hour of
Code. Most of the follow-on courses require account creation to save students
progress. Signing up for the Hour of Code does NOT automatically create a
-TRUE/You don't have to
-A one-hour introduction to computer science for students of all ages
-All of the above
-Four: This year's version: Minecraft Voyage Aquatic, or previous year's: Minecraft
Adventurer (offline version available), Minecraft Designer, Minecraft: Hero's
-False: The Minecraft Adventurer tutorial is available for offline use and can be
downloaded from
Amplifying Student Voice

-A global guessing game that gets kids learning about geography, culture, and the
similarities and differences of how children live all over the world
-Grids, topics, responses, replies
-Expression, Consultation, Participation, Partnership, Activism, Leadership
-Students record short videos on their laptop, tablet, or phone based on topics
created by their teacher
-Embracing active, social learning
-All of the above
-All of the above
-New Zealand
-how Fabien Cousteau and his team broke new ground in ocean exploration
Virtual Field Trips with Skype in the Classroom

-A virtual education visit via Skype to meet and learn from experts �out in the
-When students enjoy the experience, learning about the subject matter follows
-Virtual Field Trips are an opportunity for students to travel virtually for free
to different places around the world
Through Virtual Field Trips, students connect what they learn in the classroom with
the real world
Through Virtual Field Trips, students learn from the experts
-Who you will invite and where they are based
The time difference and host availability
What your learning objectives are
Ensuring your AV equipment is working
21st century learning design: Course 6 � real-world problem-solving and innovation

-Students solve a series of related problems provided by the teacher

-No, because students learned about Internet safety but did not communicate their
solutions to others who needed this information.
-Code 3.
-Students investigate whether growing plants in their classroom can improve the air
-Students solve a series of problems based on given datasets.
-Innovation requires putting students� ideas or solutions into practice in the real
-The learning activity�s main requirement is problem-solving and the problem is a
real-world problem and students do innovate. They are required to implement their
ideas in the real world, or to communicate their ideas to someone outside the
academic context who can implement them.
Building Blocks of Code 1

-false//You need an internet c

-true//You don't have to know
-The practice of creating a step-by-step set of instructions, guidelines, or rules
to solve a problem.
-A and C only
-All of the above
-true//The steps in a cake rec
-true//Computational thinking can be
-A way of thinking about problems, similar to mathematical or scientific thinking,
that leverages the power of technology
-A one-hour introduction to computer science for students of all ages
Computational Thinking and its importance in education

-false//Students must have a comput

-Decomposition//Being able to discern similaritie
-Algorithmic thinking//The practice of creating
-false//Computational thinking is on
-true//According to Jeanette Wing, c
-All of the above
-true//When a mechanic is trying
-false//Computational thinking is onl
-Abstraction, pattern recognition, decomposition, algorithmic thinking
-Decomposition//Breaking down problems
Mobile Tools for Inclusive Classrooms (presenter-led training)

-true//True or False: Office Lens and Mic

-false//True or False: The Microsoft Translator app
-true//True or False: Italian, Swedish, Spanish,
-true// The Microsoft Translator app can assist communicatio
-true//Immersive reader is a feature within th
-true//ens can convert text-based paper documents into Microsoft Word files.
-false//Translator is an app and a PowerPoint add
-true//e PowerPoint Microsoft Translator add-in, real-
-true//t Translator mobile app allows students
-true//s and Microsoft Translator are mobile apps
Microsoft Teams Course 5: Class Notebook in Microsoft Teams (presenter-led

Managing class workflow with Microsoft Teams

-@mention the class in the Conversations tab

-Revise and resubmit to the original assignment
-In the Assignments interface

On the document itself when submitted as an Assignment

In the OneNote Class Notebook in a particular student section
-both are possible
-both A and B
-PowerPoint Recorder
-Create the quiz in Forms and assign it using the Assignments app
Creativity in the classroom: Break into visual storytelling (presenter-led

-true//Students can use the Photos app to

-false//The Photos app can't h
-true//Students should learn good digital
-false//Every student at every grade le
-flse//Genre switch projects are more
-true//Planning your storyboard c
-true//You can add photos to the Photo Li
-true//Photos allows you to drag still photos in
-false//There are pre-designed title
-true/You can decide how long you want a
Microsoft Teams Course 3: Working with students (presenter-led training)

Microsoft Teams Course 2: Let's share (presenter-led training)

Training teachers to author accessible content

-both of these answers

-all of the above
-always use a header row and never nest tables within tables.
-Office Lens
Presentation Design 101: How to create visual slides with impact

-All of the above

-All of the above.
-Facts and stories
-All of the above
-All of the above
-All of the above
-Content, Visual Design, Delivery
-30 and 60 seconds long
-30 points
-The Drama
-Use two to three colors and grey for the rest of information.
-Use them only if they serve a specific purpose and further your message
-Devote 60% of the space to the primary color, 30% to the secondary and 10% to the
accent color.
-Use them only if they serve a specific purpose and further your message
-Facts and stories
Problem-Based Learning

-Summative tests that indicate knowledge acquisition

-It helps distribute the cognitive load between members of the group and takes
advantage of distributed expertise
-Use higher order thinking to apply the skills, attitudes and knowledge
-Any activity that allows students to demonstrate both content and new applications
of knowledge
-Highest in demand
-Extrinsic motivation
-Because problem-solving, teamwork and innovative thinking are key skills in a
modern workplace
-Communication and negotiation are easier in larger groups
-Understand their choices, methods, decisions and the ways in which they reached
-Any activity that illustrates a students ability to reason, analyse, and draw
-Get outdoors and assess authentic spaces
-Teacher-led instruction
-An inherent interest within the student themselves that drives the learning
Course 2: Office 365, from teacher to teacher (presenter-led training)

-false//Shared files can

-false//Folders shared from
-true//Excel templates can hel
-false//Click on the activity bell
-false//Word documents can o
-true/You can access your OneD
-true//Rules in Outlook can h
-true//OneDrive is like a digit
-true//he ellipsis in OneDrive show
-true//When you share a docume
21st century learning design: Course 4 - knowledge construction

-Knowledge construction activities require students to generate ideas and

understandings that are new to them
-No, because the students do not apply their knowledge from analyzing climatic data
to any new activity; they simply repeat the same activity with a different dataset
-Students write a paper that compares and contrasts information from multiple
-The learning activity�s main requirement is knowledge construction but the
learning activity does not require students to apply their knowledge in a new
-The quality of the students� research as well as the quality of their thinking in
relation to resistance was assessed as part of the final assessment of their spoken
word poem
-No, because they are not extending their knowledge to a new type of application
Microsoft K-12 Education Transformation Framework: Technology blueprint

-false//While powerful, a data driven m

-false//Schools and districts will nee
-real time.
on any browser.
across your devices.
-true//The goal of data driven insi
-Multi-modal learning.
Personalized learning.//Lowest cost.
Powerful communication and collaboration.
-true//Keyboards are still an important
-true//Office 365 Education includes many
-true//The role of the educator can
-false//When considering deep learning, yo
-All of the above
-false//As long as you have a solid techn
-false//Student devices do little to enhance
-true//Microsoft Teams is the digital hub that b
-Microsoft Teams address all 4 C elemen
-Communication and collaboration
-Microsoft Intune
Microsoft Store
-Shifting cost out of district so budget is more reliable and predictable, as there
is no longer a need to budget money, time, and people to setting up, deploying, and
managing servers and other hardware.
Transform services - the education institution is not in the hardware business any
more - modernization occurs as needed by Microsoft.
Education institution can put all emphasis on the business of education and
enabling their people to work on student success and achievement.
Data mining is built into cloud.
Microsoft Azure
-Multi-modal learning.
Personalized learning.
Rich assessment and feedback.
Powerful communication and collaboration.
21st century learning design: Course 7 - use of ICT for learning

-Knowledge construction and real-world problem-solving and innovation.

-Students have access to the activity resources on a learning platform.
-Students complete a math learning activity by using Excel spreadsheet software.
-Students use ICT to support knowledge construction and the ICT is required for
constructing this knowledge but students do not create an ICT product for authentic
-No, because the students do not need to design for any particular audience.
-The students developed stories using Sway which they shared with other schools and
they got feedback via Skype.
-Students use OneNote to type a report that they have written.
Girls in STEM - Closing the STEM Gap


Microsoft Word: Cria��o de relat�rios e trabalhos profissionais na sala de aula

-Que sejam estabelecidos estilos (ex. T�tulo 1 e T�tulo 2) aos textos que ser�o
inclu�dos no sum�rio.

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