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To convey a thought, it can be done in two ways, oral and written.

In the delivery of thoughts

through writing, the style of language used depends on the subject matter being discussed. In
Indonesian there are several types of writing that you can use to convey an opinion, information or
This also applies when learning English. The type of text is not much different, just like
Indonesian, in English there are various types of texts, namely Descriptive, Procedure, Narrative,
Recount and Report. Each type of text above has a different purpose and text structure. For more
details, look at the explanation below.

1. Descriptive text
Descriptive text is text that aims to describe a real object (person, place or other thing).
Descriptive text is a text that describes someone, an object or a
particular place so that the reader can imagine as if what was told was
truly real. Communicative Objectives: provide information about the
characteristics of a person, a particular object or place. Text Structure:
 Identification: the characteristics of a person, a particular object or
place that will be described.  Description / Description: describes the
characteristics of a person, object or place, for example the shape, size,
color, origin, hobby and other special characteristics.

- Purpose of descriptive
Providing information to the reader about the characteristics of a person, a particular
object or place in detail so that the reader feels as if he himself is seeing the object

Example :
My brother who is a sailor came home yesterday after 2 years sailing in the ocean. He
brought me a necklace. It is a pretty necklace made of shells. It only has 3 parts of
seashells, a big one in the middle accompanied by smaller size by each side. I was so
happy to get this necklace. Its colour is white, with a bit of chocolate and blue-purple at
its surface shaped like a stroke of a hair. It's near my high school prom, but I haven't
found a perfect necklace to perfect my blue dress. I think I found it now.

2. Procedure text
Text Procedure is one type of English text or commonly called genre which
shows a process in making or operating something that serves to describe
how something is done through regular steps.

- Purpose of Procedure
Give provide instructions on how to do something through sequential actions
or steps
- Text Structure

- Generic Security Procedure Text

1. Aim / Goal In the generic sturcture the first part of Procdeure Text
contains information about the purpose of making or operating something.

2. Materials In the second part, Materials consists of materials used in

making things. But not all Text Procedures include materials, sometimes a
Procedure text does not have a materials section. There are three types of
procedural text that do not use the materials section, namely:
 Procedural text that explains how things work or how to do instructions
manually. Examples: How to use the video game, the computer, the tape
recorder, the fax, etc.  Procedural text that instructs how to do certain
activities with its rules. Examples: safety rules, video game rules, etc. 
Procedural text that relates to human nature or wisdom. For example, How to
live happily, How to proceed.
3. Steps In the steps, it contains steps or sequences that must be done so
that the objectives outlined in the Aim / Goal can be achieved. The steps
or sequences must be sequential from the first to the last
Characteristics of Linguity Procedure Text

There are several linguistic characteristics in the Procedure Text,

 Use the imperative sentence pattern (Command), for example, Cut, Don 't mix, etc.  Use
action verbs, for example turn, put, don't, mix, etc.  Use connectives to sort activities, such as
then, while, etc.  Use adverbials (adverbs) to state detailed time, place, accurate methods, for
example for five minutes, 2 hours, etc.  Using simple present
Example :
How To Make A Dirt Cake
1. ½ cup butter, softened
2. 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
3. ½ cup confectioners’ sugar
4. 2 (3.5 ounce) packages instant vanilla pudding mix
5. 3 ½ cups milk
6. 1 (12 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
7. 32 ounces chocolate sandwich cookies with crème filling
1. Chop cookies very fine in food processor. The white cream will disappear.
2. Mix butter, cream cheese, and sugar in bowl.
3. In a large bowl mix milk, pudding and whipped topping together.
4. Combine pudding mixture and cream mixture together.
5. Layer in flower pot, starting with cookies then cream mixture. Repeat layers.
6. Chill until ready to serve.
7. Add artificial flowers, worm gummy and trowel. Enjoy!

3. Narrative text
Narrative Text is one of 13 types of English text (genre) born from Narration (see Types
Of Text) such as Recount Text, Anecdote Text, Spoof Text and News Items Text which
functions to tell stories of the past and for entertainment.
- Purpose of Narrative
The Communicative Purpose of Narrative Text as described above is to entertain
listeners or readers about a past story or story related to real, imaginary experiences
or complicated events that lead to a crisis, which eventually find a solution.
- Text Structure

Each type of English text (genre) has its own text structure. The structure
of Narrative Text consists of three parts, namely:
 Orientation: In the Orientation section or introduction contains the
introduction of characters in the story and the time and place of
 Complication: In the Complication section contains an overview of the
emergence of a crisis or a problem experienced by the character in the
story that must be solved.
Resolution: In the Resolution section contains about how the characters
from the story solve problems that exist in the Complication section.
Usually there is more than one Resolution for one Complication.
In some references about Narrative Text, there is an additional generic
structure in Narrative Text, which is the addition of Coda after
Resoultion. So the arrangement of Narrative text is Orientiation,
Complication, Resolution and Coda
- Characteristics of Laxity Narrative Text
In Narrative Text, there are several characteristics including the
 Use Verb Action in the form of Past Tense. For example: Climbed,
Turned, Brought, etc.  Use certain Nouns as person pronouns,
animals and certain objects in the story. For example: the king, the
queen, etc.  Using Adjectives that form a noun phrase. For example:
long black hair, two red apples, etc.  Use Time Connectives and
Conjunctions to sort events. For example: then, before, after, soon,
etc.  Using Adverbs and Adverbial Phrase to indicate the location
of events or events. For example: here, in the mountain, happily
ever after, etc.

Snow White


Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt
and Uncle because her parents were dead.

(Suatu ketika, hiduplah seorang gadis bernama Snow White. Dia tinggal bersama paman
dan bibinya, karena orangtuanya telah meninggal.)

Complication 1

One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle
because they both wanted to go to America and they didn‟t have enough money to take
Snow White.

Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best
if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle
were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
(Suatu hari dia mendengar paman dan bibinya berbicara tentang rencana meninggalkan
istana karena mereka berdua ingin pergi ke Ameria dan mereka tidak mempunyai cukup
uang untuk membawa serta Snow White.)

(Snow White tidak ingin paman dan bibinya melakukan hal tersebut, sehingga dia
memutuskan akan lebih baik jika dia pergi. Pagi harinya dia pergi dari rumah ketika
paman dan bibi nya sedang sarapan. Dia lari ke dalam hutan.)

Resolution 1

Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and
fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There
they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The
dwarfs said, “what is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”

Doc, one of the dwarfs, said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow White said,
“Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and finally
Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

4. Recount text

Recount text is one of a kind of English text that retells past events or
experiences. The purpose of recount text is to provide information or to
entertain the reader. In the recount text there are no complications as in
narrative texts.

- Purpose of Procedure
To retell an event, event or activity in the past to the reader, with the aim of
preaching or entertaining.
- Text Structure
Orientation Orientation or introduction that is giving information
about who, where, and when the event or activity occurred in the past.

Events Events are records of events that occur, which are usually
delivered in chronological order, such as "In the first day, I ... And
in the next day ... And In the last day ... ". In this event section
there are usually personal comments about the events or events that are

Reorientation In the reorientation section, there is a repetition of

the introduction in the orientation, repetition which summarizes the
series of events, events or activities that are told.


On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Della‟s house. It
has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a tennis court.


On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway. It was scary.
Then, Mummy and I went shopping with Della. We went to some antique shops and I
tried on some old hats. On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw
cockatoos having a shower.

5. Report text
Report Text is one of the 13 types of English text (Types of Text) that present information about
something like nature, animals, plants, human works, and social phenomena as they are. The
information presented in the Text Report is the result of systematic observation and analysis.
- Purpose of Report
The communicative purpose of the Report Text is to convey
information about something, as it is, as a result of systematic
observation or analysis. What can be described can include natural
symptoms, environment, man-made objects, or social symptoms.

- Text Structure

1. General Clasification In the general clasification section (general

classification) contains the introduction of phenomena / objects to be
discussed by including a general statement that explains the subject of the
report, information, and classification.

2. Description In the Description section (description) consists of an

overview of the phenomena / objects discussed from part to part, habits or
behavior for living things, or their usefulness for objects in detail.
Characteristics of Language Report Text

In a Report Text there are several language features (language features)

such as the following:
 Using general nouns, such as 'Reptiles in Comodo Insland', etc.  Use
pertinent verbs to describe traits, such as reptiles are scaly animals
(this feature applies to all reptiles), etc.  Use action verbs in
explaining behavior, such as cannot fly lizards, etc.  Use the present
tense to declare something common, for example Komodo dragons usually
weight more than 160 kg, etc.  Use technical / scientific terms, such as
water containing oxygen and hydrogen, etc.
Example :


General Classification The white pelican is one of the most successful fish-eating

(Pelican putih adalah salah satu burung pemakan ikan paling berhasil.)

Description The success is largely due to its command hunting behaviour. A group,
perhaps two dozen birds, will gather in a curved arc some distance offshore. The birds
then begin to move forward towards the shore, beating the water furiously with their
wings, driving the fish before them.
(Keberhasilan ini terutama disebabkan oleh perintah perilaku berburu mereka. Sebuah
kelompok, mungkin terdiri dari dua lusin burung, akan berkumpul membentuk busur
melengkung beberapa jarak dari lepas pantai. Burung-burung tersebut kemudian mulai
bergerak maju menuju pantai, mengalahkan air laut yang ganas dengan sayap mereka,
mengarahkan ikan di depan mereka.)

When the water is shallow enough for the birds to reach the fish, the formation breaks
up as each bird dips its bill into the water to scoop up its meal. As the bird lifts its head,
the water drains from its bill leaving the fish which are then swallowed. Pelicans are
among the oldest group of birds, Fossils of this genus have been found dating back 40
million years.

(Ketika air cukup dangkal untuk burung untuk mencapai ikan, formasi memecah
karena setiap burung menurunkan paruhnya ke dalam air untuk meraup makanannya.
Keika burung tersebut mengangkat kepalanya, air mengalir dari paruhnya yang hanya
meninggalkan ikan yang kemudian ditelannya. Pelikan adalah salah satu kelompok
burung tertua, fosil dari genus ini telah ditemukan sejak 40 juta tahun yang lalu.)

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