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(Clarias gariepinu)

Name : Aficko Razaky Pratama
Student ID : B1B017040
Group : IV
Subgroup :4
Assistant : Hanif Tri Hartanto




A. Background
Fish is a aquatic vertebrates that have a complex organs, breath with gill,
and consist of some organ systems which work together to do the life activity.
Fish also a cold-blood animal with the vertebrate, gill and fin, and depend on the
water as the medium to live. Fish have the ability in the water to move with the
fin to keep the balance of the body. Although fish breath with gill, but sometime
there are fish with the labyrinth which have the same work like lungs
(Radiopoetro, 1991).
Nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) is one of the vertebrate species or fish
which live in fresh water and breathing with gill. The body shape is Golden fish
look alike but longer and flatter. Nilem fish belongs to herbivore, eating moss and
parasiting plant (Radiopoetro, 1991).
Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is easly known because of its slippery body,
flat and elongate and also having long moustache. Catfish can live in befoulded
habitat because of labyrinth, part that clean some dirt. Its habitat are rice field,
swamp and muddy pond (Brotowidjoyo, 1993).
The reason why we choose the Nilem fish and the Catfish as the material
because we can see each parts easily. The Nilem fish is similar to golden fish. The
Catfish parts have clear parts to see. It also have the ability to breath while in mud
(Djuhanda, 1994).

B. Purpose
The purpose of this practical class are to know the morphology and
anatomy of Nilem fish (Osteochillus vittatus) and Catfish (Clarias gariepinus).

A. Material

The materials that used in this practice are Nilem fish (Osteochilus
vittatus) and Cat fish (Clarias gariepinus).
The tools that used in this practice are tweezer, preparation tube, surgical
scissor, and cloth.

B. Methods
The methods that used in this activity are:
1. Fish paralyzed by stabbing his brain using scissors.
2. Fish begin to be surgically removed from the opening of the urogenitalia
(rectum) to the anterior direction along the medioventral following the front of
the pectoral fin.
3. Cutting is done by splitting from the lubro urogenitalia to the right side first.
after that, the cutting of the urogenital hole to the left side. This should be done
slowly and carefully so that no internal organs are torn so much of the blood
that comes out to cover the organ to be observed.
4. After cutting, the meat part is opened by using tweezers or hands.
5. The organs in fish are observed. The cuts are continued if the organ to be
observed is not clearly visible. The cut section should not break.
B. Discussion
Nilem fish (Ostechillus vittatus) is an endemic fish from Indonesia. Nilem
fish live in rivers and swamps. This fish include as omnivore and the morphology is
similar with th gold fish. The main characteristics of Nilem fish are the body ishape is
flat and elongated, the tip of the mouth is sharp with the snout folded, and the big black
dot on the tail (Sumantadinata, 1981).
Nilem fish is negative allometric. Nilem fish condition factor of 1.144 is
less flat (lean body). The average size of the first time caught Nilem fish 135 mm and
the size of the first time ripe gonad 102.93 mm (Rochmatin et al., 2014).
The head of the nilem fish is smaller than the gold fish. The color of the
body is green-grey. The dorsal fin have three hard bones and twelve until eighteen soft
bones. The shape of the caudal fin is symmetrical. The anal fin is supported by three
hard bones and five soft bones. The abdominal fin is supported by one hard bone and
eight soft bones. The pectoral fin consist of one hard bone and thirteen until fifteen
soft bones. The amount of the scales in scratch side is thirty up to thirty six shard
(Sumantadinata, 1981).
The male Nilem fish and the female Nilem fish have some differences both
in morphology and anatomy. The male Nilem fish have smaller body and brighter color
than the female Nilem fish. the gonad in male Nilem fish is in form of sperm with
white color, while the gonad in female Nilem fish is in form of egg cell with brown
color (Susanto, 2001).
The dissection of Nilem fish begin by cutting from the front side of anus
along the medio-ventral line of the body to the front side until near the pectoral fin.
The upper side of the cleavage opened by the tweezer and the cutting process continue
from anus to the dorsal side. Then, the cutting process continue to the anterior until the
fin lid. The cutting process at the head part did on the dorsal and ventral part of the fin
lid until the tip of the snout (Susatyo, 2017).
The digestion system of nilem fish start from the esophagus which is very
short, because the hollow space of the mouth almost directly to the flank and
differentiate to two, that are pars cardiaca which is wide and pars pylorica which is
tight, very winding, and almost fulfill the hollow space of the stomach, and go to the
anus. Hepar consist of two foyer, vesica fellea from hepar to the ductus hepaicus and
then combine with the ductus cyticus becoming ductus choleducus which go to the
duodenum (Radiopoetro, 1991).
The respiratory system is done by the gill found on four pairs pouch of
gills which located next of the pharynx under operculum. When breathing, operculum
close, attach to the body. Archus brachialis expand to the lateral. Water entering the
mouth then the mouth lid close, while the archus branchialis contraction and the
operculum lifted up. Water flow out of the filament, so the blood take the oxygen and
expel carbondioxide (Jasin, 1989).
Nilem fish have urine track and reproductive track becoming one. The
male Nilem fish have gonad with white color. The male gonad also attach to the
intestines. Based on the reference, there are a pair of testis hanging in the hollow space
of abdominal wall (Listia, 2009).
Reproduction organ of Nilem fish consist of gonad with accessory gland.
There are two kinds of gonad, ovary and testis. Ovary exist in female Nilem fish which
hanged on mesovarium. Ovary also produce esterogen and progesteron hormone.
Testis exist in male Nilem fish. Beside as the gonad, testis also as endokryn gland
which produce testosterone hormone (Radiopoetro, 1991).
The reproductive tract in the male fish, a microscopic tubule called the
euphoria vasa, transmits sperm from the seminiferous tubules through the meshes
supporting the testes to the anterior tubules of the kidneys that lead to the cloaca. The
anterior edge of the primitive opistonefros is attached to the testicular surface as a layer
called epididymis. The genital system works for sex, the main organ is the gonad.
Female gonads are called ovaries, there is a pair that each is directly related to the
oviduct. The left and right oviduct at the back unite, then empties into the urogenital
passage. Male gonads are called testes, there is a pair, inside is formed spermatozoid.
Each testis is associated with a short ductus defferentia, which then on the back united
and empties into the urogenital passage. Most of the female fish, eggs are channeled
from the body by a pair of oviduct, but the oviduct changes according to the way of
reproduction. Fish breed in water, mostly ovipar. Fertilization occurs outside and the
egg develops into a stand-alone larva (Villee et al., 1988).
The reproductive system in male catfish and female catfish is different.
Male catfish contained a pair of testes and on the outside looked clasper which is red
tapered form and is a genitals that serves to channel the sperm out the body. Female
catfish on the body there is an ovary that contains eggs that will be released in time to
reproduce. Catfish do external fertilization, so the male fish fertilizes the egg outside
the parent body. Differences of male catfish and female catfish that is in male catfish
are genitals located near the anus, brightly colored and tapered (clasper), while the
female catfish genitals appear rounded (Kriswantoro, 1986).
Catfish head shaped flat, symmetrical and from head to back dark brown,
wide mouth and not toothed, rounded body and flattened toward the tail and picked
shaft. Catfish head contains gills as a respirator but different from nilem fish, catfish
has additional breathing tool that is arborescent organ in the form of thin skin
resembles a sponge. Catfish mean weight are 198.50g (Ajiboye & Aremu, 2015).
Catfish body has no scales, has a slimy skin, has a black pigment that can
turn pale when exposed to sunlight, there is also a balance tool in the form of a side
line in the middle of the side of the truncus. Catfish have a dorsal fin and anal fin that
extend to the base of the tail but do not blend with the caudal fin, have a patil or spurs
weapon to protect itself from harmful external attacks or threats, reaching a maximum
length of 400 mm. Catfish have dorsal fin, anal fin and caudal fin that called the
unpaired tail. The pectoral fin and the abdominal fin are called paired fins. Catfish do
not have bubble pool (vesica metatoria) which is a tool of balance up and down in
water, this is because catfish more often are based on waters (mud) (Jasin, 1989).
The digestive system in catfish (Clarias gariepinus) starts from the mouth,
oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pilrus, intestine, rectum and anus. The
anatomical structure of the catfish's mouth is closely related to how to get food. Sniffer
is located around the mouth of the catfish that acts as a means of touching or detecting
food and this is found in fish that are active foraging at night (nocturnal). The oral
cavity in the catfish is covered by mucus-producing cells that facilitate the passage of
food to the next segment. Faring in fish serves to filter incoming food, because the gill
leads to the pharynx then the non-food material will be discharged through the gill slit
(Djuhanda, 1984).
Gills not only functions as a breathing apparatus but can also function as a
means of excretion of salts, food filters, ion exchange devices, and osmoregulators.
Some fish species have labyrinths that are an upward extension of the gills and form
folds so they are irregular cavities. This labyrinth serves to store O2 reserves so that
the fish are resistant to conditions that lack O2. Examples of fish that have a labyrinth
are cork and catfish. To store O2 reserves, in addition to the labyrinth, the fish has a
swimming bubble located near the back (Djuhanda, 1984).
The main organ excretion system is the kidney. Urine generated by the
kidneys, channeled through the ureter that runs on the rim of the abdominal cavity next
to the dorsal backward. The left and right urethra meet in the back into a bag of urine
and from the urine is ejected through the urethra that empties into the urogenital tubes
(Kriswantoro, 1986).

Based on the result can be concluded that, the body of nilem fish
(Osteochilus vittatus) and catfish (Clarias gariepinus) consists of head (caput), body
(truncus), and tail (cauda). The digestive system in nilem fish and catfish consists of
mouth, pharynx, esophagus, ventriculus, and intestinum that empties into the cloaca.
The digestive system of nilem fish consists of intestine (intestine) in the form of a
tortuous channel and empties into the anus. Nilem fish (Osteochilus vittatus) and
catfish (Clarias gariepinus) have five types of fin, namely dorsal fin, pectoral fin,
abdominal fin, anal fin, and tail fin (caudal fin). Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
respiration system is gill and there is additional breathing apparatus called arborescent.
Nilem fish and catfish have side lines that serves to know the size of the water flow.
The excretion system in nilem fish and catfish consists of ren, ureter, vesica urinaria
and urogenitalis porous. Male catfish have clasper as breeding aids.

Ajiboye, A. O. & Adetunji Q. A., 2015. Effects of Water Level on Growth, Nutrient
Utilization and Survival of African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus. International
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Brotowidjoyo, M., 1993. Zoologi Dasar. Jakarta:Erlangga.
Djuhanda, 1994. Pengantar Anatomi Perbandingan Vertebrata 2. Bandung: Americo.
Jasin, 1989. Sistematika Hewan Vertebrata dan Invertebrata. Surabaya: Sinar Wijaya.
Kriswantoro, M., 1986. MengenalIkan Air Tawar. Jakarta: Karya Bani.
Listia, 2009. Contribution on the Biology of the Aholehole A Potential Baitfish.
Hawaii: Mar. Lab. Contr.
Radiopoetro, 1991. Zoology. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Rochmatin, S. Y., Anhar S. & Suradi W. S., 2014. ASPEK PERTUMBUHAN DAN
3(3), pp.23-241.
Sumantadinata, K., 1981. Pengembangan Ikan-Ikan Peliharaan di Indonesia. Jakarta:
Sastra Hudaya.
Susanto, H., 2001. Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar. Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya.
Susatyo,P., Sugihantoro & Atang, 2017. Petunjuk Praktikum Struktur Hewan.
Purwokerto: Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Press.
Ville, C. A., Warren F. W. & Robert D. B., 1988. Zoologi Umum. Jakarta: Erlangga.

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