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Angel Montes De Oca

Beginning Choir: Period 2

Article/Source: HuffPost.Com
Finals Essay

Music is something that the world is so blessed to have. Without music, we as humans
would never truly be able to connect with one another. It is the way we embrace our emotions
and the way we show the world how creative we can be. It is also something very pleasing to
listen. Our bodies and brains do unimaginable things when it comes down to hear a steady beat
or soft piano or loud guitar. We engage in music just as much as the performer. Music in a
sense is good for you. It opens up positive things even if the notes are minor and slow. It gets
you feeling like you’re getting ready for a fight even if you just woke up or came home from a
9-5 job. It is something unexplainable that the only way that it can truly be explained is by
playing or listening. Here are a few ways as to how specifically music impacts us.

To begin, music is important because it is one of the most powerful ways/tools in

managing our emotions. It also has many benefits such as making us, “more intelligent,
adaptable, creative and compassionate.” Proving the fact that we as humans can become
kinder and smarter at the same time. Where it has also been proven in other articles that we
can excel in areas of reading and math. Besides using instruments to keep a steady beat, we as
humans naturally have a beat of our own where our systems “are vibrating at a cellular level”.
What this means is that a simple human beat (like a heartbeat) can either keep us calm or make
us feel a rush of adrenaline of the beat goes up per se a hundred beats per minute. We aren’t
calm at a hundred beats, we are up and active or energized or when we sleep with our
heartbeat being lower signifying a calming state. And although the music is not a solution to
every issue on Earth, it is a closer step to becoming better humanity.

Going back to the idea of how music is good for us emotionally if we can connect to the
lyrics of a song or hear the pain in a note we calm down more because we are lost in thought of
a moment that has occurred or we want to occur or wanted to occur. We are in a sense
daydreaming with music. This “positively affecting our physical, emotional, and mental states.”
Other ways that we can improve our music listening experience and its benefits is to (as the
article states) “tune in” where we slowly breath and close our eyes due to the fact that it helps in
heightening “the auditory senses”. Hence a better listener to every instrument and every key,
note, beat, melody, in a song. The article also states what I consider the best way to listen to
music; “take a pause” being so significant because when you stop and realize what you just
listened to you can capture the whole composure as a whole and thus appreciate music on
another level.

Last but not least, music is a part of mankind. It has been around for so long ever since
the cavemen time. Going on from the oldest instrument being the drum next to the voice coming
second to strings and air instruments and so forth. Drums not to mention are also “one of the
earliest forms of electronic communication”. This saying a lot because the way we use to
communicate electronically in today's era varies greatly to that of communicating with
Angel Montes De Oca
Beginning Choir: Period 2
Article/Source: HuffPost.Com
Finals Essay

instruments because of the invention/creation of phones and writing and sign language and
much more other communications used more than a simple drum. Still, drums were and
continue to be a part of how we communicate. Although our technology has evolved, we have
humans have evolved with music so much to the point where “our systems naturally entrain to
the pulse of music”. We know this in times when we heart a beat on the radio or background of
a movie and we tap our feet without knowing it. Here are a few (but not last) qualities of music to
our brains. It allows us to have better “refined motor control skills”, “greater ability to focus”, and
music gives us an “increased sense of balance and relaxation.” Not to mention that music also
heals where music has been proved and used to help patients suffering from autism, ADHD and
Parkison’s disease.

In conclusion, music has been and continues to be a great blessing to us as humans

because it is how we communicate, benefit, feed off of the energy and much more. Without
music as I’ve seen in my choir class, “life would be a mistake”. Which although this is corny it is
far too true because music is one of the many arts of the world. It is one of the many beauties
that can’t be grasped at its concept yet it is one of easiest things to listen to and for others more
fortunate, to make. Music tells a story through emotions of pain and love and desires. It is that
good vibe we want or that gentle feeling of a nights breeze. Thank God for the creation of music
and all of its theories.

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