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Article · July 1987


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Artist's impression of the completed Misicuni project.

The design of the Misicuni

scheme in Bolivia
By H-E. Minor, I. D. Clarke and W. Riemer, Vice-President,* Project Manager* and Consultant Geologist**

ender designs have recently been completed for the Definition of the project layout
T Misicuni multipurpose project, which will supply
drinking and irrigation water to the Cochabamba
region of central Bolivia, as well as producing almost
and structures
Prior to final design, earlier studies of the Misicuni project had
500 GWh/year of hydroelectricity. Much of the project to be reviewed and its optimal layout and dimensions defined.
area is remote and at high altitude, with consequent This review led to certain changes being proposed to the
problems of access and logistics, in particular for field original layout, the reasons for which will be discussed next.
This article defines the final concept of the scheme, Misicuni dam
describes a number of aspects of detailed design, and also Previous studies identified and compared the alternative sites
mentions the optimization calculations. Largely as a result for Misicuni dam shown in Figs. 1 and 2. These were for a
of the closer evaluation of geological conditions, a number concrete arch in the Titiri gorge, 3 km north of Misicuni
of important changes had to be made to the project concept village, (site A) ,' and for an earthfill embankment at the
recommended in earlier studies, and the reasons for these entrance of this gorge, about 700 m farther upstream, (site B).
changes are discussed in full. The arch dam recommended in the feasibility report would
have been 134 m-high, 265 m-long at crest level, and 14 m-
The layout of the Misicuni multipurpose project is shown in thick at its base. An important factor in the comparison was the
Fig. 1. A fill dam near the village ofMisicuni will impound the belief that material for the core of a fill dam could only be found
inflows of the Titiri river at an altitude of almost 3800 m. The at considerable distance from the site. Fig. 2 shows the geology
21 km-long pressure tunnel will carry water southwards to a of sites A and B.
power station in the Cochabamba valley, from where a 12 km The Titiri gorge at site A cuts through thinly-bedded, fine-
water main will supply a treatment plant on the outskirts of grained, hard .quartzitic siltstones of Ordovician age . The
Cochabamba, and canals will carry water to irrigation areas in structure of the gorge is defined by three sets of systematically
the west and east of the city. Inflows into Misicuni reservoir orientated discontinuities :
will be supplemented by adduction tunnels, which will carry
• stratification of the siltstones, dipping upstream at about 5 °;
water from the rivers Caliente and Viscachas. The three
• tension joints which strike across the valley and are sub-
catchments developed are sparsely populated, mountainous ,
vertical or dip steeply upstream (these are 1-3 m apart and open
and rise to above el. 5000 m. The area is remote, so access is
near the surface but tight and more widely spaced at depth);
difficult. Unsurfaced, circuitous tracks extend to near the
headworks' sites, but driving times are long. The surge
• sub-vertical decompression joints, parallel to the valley, and
chamber site and tunnel alignments can only be reached on
at 2-5 m centres.
Pre-feasibility studies of the Misicuni scheme were carried Several transverse and oblique faults cause deep depressions
out in 1976 and a full feasibility study was completed in 1979. in the flanks of the gorge. At depth these faults are accompanied
Review and optimization studies began in 1983 1•2 ·3 and on by thick clay mylonites, and similar material occurs systema-
the basis of these final designs , tender documents were tically on the bedding planes . The decompression joints are

prepared. generally open to about 30 m below the surface. Near the
proposed crest level on the right flank, an extensive slide mass
was identified. These conditions, and the major faults which
* £ /eccrowatt Engineering Services lld. , CH- 8022 Zurich , Switzerland; and, cross the gorge, severely limit the portion of the gorge which
** l -8529 Ehner!Redange. Luxemburg. can be considered for the arch dam .

Wate r Power & Dam Construction J uly 1987 13

Following the feasibility study, additional investigations • the extent and depth of the jointing system, and concern
were undertaken. These included core drilling, extension of about the effect of impounded water hydrating the dry clay and
adits, a micro-seismic survey, and detailed mapping. Analysis· mylonite fill of many joints, together with serious doubts about
during review studies in 1983 of the data from these investi- whether grouting could effect any real improvement of the
gations, as well as a thorough inspection of site A, enabled a abutments;
much-better understanding to be obtained of the implications • the deep excavation in the gorge flanks necessary to keep the
of the morphological and geological features for the founda- thrust line below the fault depressions and zones of deteriorated
tions of an arch. The conclusion was that conditions were much rock;
less favourable than had been assumed, for the following • concern that the discontinuity pattern, and in particular the
reasons: general occurrence of mylonitic gouge on the bedding planes,
would reduce shear resistance to
unacceptable levels ; this problem,
especially important for earthquake
loading, could not be overcome by
treating individual seams; •.._
• the necessary depth of excava-
tion, which implied problems of
slope stability, especially in the slide
area on the right flank; and,
• extensive fault treatment
measures needed, in particular deep
in the left wall of the gorge.

These considerations raised the

question of whether the thin con-
crete arch was still the most econo-
mical solution. In this respect, the
limited budget for further site
investigations which ruled out the
in-situ rock mechanics testing
needed to define the structural
parameters for final calculation of
the arch dam; was a further factor.
A new general design and cost
estimates for the arch dam were
prepared, taking into account the
latest interpretation of topographical
and geological conditions and site
investigation results. The revised
structure was 148 m high, 285 m
long at crest level, and 23 m thick at
its base. The estimated volume of
excavation required was several
times that determined in the earlier
studies, on the basis of limited data
available at that time, and the
- - - - - pr incipal faults corresponding increase in the
volume of concrete in the dam was
---<::>-- anticlinal ax is
about 70 per cent.
~ synclinal axi s For comparative purposes,
designs were made and costed for an
embankment dam at site B to im-
pound a reservoir of the same
volume. At this site the valley sides
are inclined at about 30° and
covered by colluvial deposits of
20-30 cm average depth . Bedrocks
are Ordovician sediments (grey to
grey-green, fine to very fine grained
micaceous siltstones and slates)
2 3 4 5 which are well stratified, thinly
km bedded and moderately weathered .
In places they are overlain by
Quaternary strata, similar in nature.
These sediments dip moderately up-
stream, thus closing the Misicuni
Fig 1. Layout of the Misicuni scheme, showing geological fonnations at tunnel level and syncline which forms the wide basin
alternative alignments of the main tunnel. of the reservoir area. Branches of the
Misicuni fault, which follow the axis

14 Water Power & Dam Construction Jilly 1987

of the syncline, extend northwards
through the site. The three principal
joint systems are: sub-vertical and
parallel to the dam axis, sub-vertical
and striking oblique! y to the valley,
and inclined gently downstream and
parallel to the dam axis. A potential
sliding zone on the right bank
extends to just below the proposed
crest level and consists of loose
blocks of random orientation.
Aerial photographs revealed large Site A Site B
(arch dam) (fill dam)
areas of morainic material, · in
particular in a lateral valley
upstream of, and about 5 km from,
the dam site. Preliminary surveys
indicated that with treatment these
deposits could provide core material
for the dam, a conclusion confirmed
by the subsequent programme of pit
sampling and laboratory testing. For
the dam shoulders, coarse alluvium
taken from the thick deposits on the
reservoir bed would be used.
Revised cost estimates then
showed the fill dam to be about 10
per cent cheaper than the arch in the
gorge. This was mainly because of
the much greater volume of
foundation excavation and concrete ~~~*~i\tJN~f.~ slide _zones
:imposed at site A by the - - - faults
topographical and geological
- •- axes of proposed dams
conditions. A further factor was the
high cost of excavating and refilling
the fault zones in the abutments of
the arch with concrete. This result Fig 2. Simplified geological map of sites A and Bon the river Titiri; the axes ofthe proposed arch
was obtained despite the higher and fill dams are indicated.
allowances for contingencies made
for the fill dam, to allow for the lack
of very detailed maps of the site, and remaining uncertainties 1800 m-long, would have descended at about 8 per cent to meet
concerning haul distances for construction materials. the tunnel at km 8.
It was then recommended that tender designs be prepared for Earlier geological reconnaissance investigations (photo-
the fill dam. Although, in its favour, the difference in interpretation, limited mapping and some geophysical profiles)
construction costs was relatively small, other factors were not adequate for the final design. Unfortunately, more
supporting this proposal were: detailed investigations, in particular core drilling, were not
possible because of the serious problems of access, as well as
• a somewhat longer construction period for the arch, because
a shortage of funds. The geological analysis had to rely
ofthe deep abutment excavation; on the projection to tunnel level of the results of
• the unresolved question of the stability of the arch abutments
comprehensive surface mapping of an area of about 100 km2 ,
under seismic loading; and,
with a detailed litho-stratigraphic column serving as a basis for
• the lower risk of construction difficulties and cost increases
the complete geotechnical classification of the rock mass. This
for the fill dam.
projection was used, with the classification data, to analyse
various tunnel alignments. Differences in conditions between
The main low-pressure tunnel such alignments were quantified in terms of stability and
The.principal component of the Misicuni project is the pressure support requirements by applying empirical strength criteria
tunnel between the reservoir in the Titiri valley and the surge and considering geotechnical rock mass quality and ambient
chamber, high on the northern side of the Cochabamba valley stresses.
(Fig. 1). This tunnel will be driven at considerable depth Based on this analysis, an optimal alignment for the main
through the eastern flank of the Misicuni (or Uyuni) syncline, tunnel was determined. This is somewhat farther to the east of,
and will pass from the Titiri to the Rocha river basin. The but no longer than, the original route. It avoids zones of weak
formations .of the Misicuni syncline are principally fine- ·rock and high ambient stress more effectively, and crosses the
grained quartzitic sandstones, micaceous siltstones, main discontinuities at more favourable angles. The shallow
mudstones, shales and slates of Ordovician age. The axis of the crossing of the Sunkhani fault is avoided, as the intake will be
syncline lies NW-SE; angles of dip of25°-50° towards NE on the eastern shore of the reservoir. The tunnel on this new
were measured over the area surveyed for the tunnel. alignment will be 19 .22 km long, concrete-lined to an internal
As originally proposed, the tunnel would have extended diameter of2.6 m, and inclined from north to south at 0.44 per
from the western shore of Misicuni reservoir and after 3 km cent.
would have passed just below the lateral faulted valley of the Particular attention had to be given to the most suitable con-
Sunkhani river. An intermediate adit for rail-borne traffic, struction procedure for the tunnel, as the time needed to

Water Power & Dam Construction July 1987 15

complete it will determine the com-
missioning date of the overall
scheme. No practical tunnel align-
.ment offers the possibility of short or
free-draining intermediate adits.
However, an adit from the upper
Titiri to valley km 8, although long
and inclined upwards from tunnel
level, will be essential ifthe speci-
fied construction period is to be met.
The selected procedure is for
ascending and descending headings,
each about 8 km long, to be driven
by TB Ms in northerly and southerly
directions respectively from the .
bottomoftheadit. At the same time,
drill and blast excavation would pro-
ceed from the southern portal at
Calio. On completion ofexcavation,
a concrete lining will be placed in
four directions. Because of its slope,
the 1200 m-long adit will be dimen-
sioned for use by tyred vehicles,
with trans-shipment from mucking
trains taking place at the junction
with the tunnel. Fig 3. General layout ofthe proposedfill dam at site Bon the river Titiri, which will impound the
Construction of the tunnel will Misicuni reservoir.
take 3.5 years, or at least one year
less than would be required for
conventional excavation. Given the limited information alternative surface penstock?
available on the geology along the tunnel alignment, excavation
With regard to the first question, an attempt was made to
by TBM represents a certain calculated risk. However, it was
classify the rock mass according to the method developed by
possible from careful examination of outcrops to confirm that
Bieniawski4 •5 . With no drilling data, and only a few
the strength ofthe formations to be drilled should not limit the
geophysical survey results, the assessment had to be based on
output of the machines, and clear indications exist of those
detailed surface reconnaissance. This showed that, although
zones where faults and other disturbances will be met, so that
the siltstones and slates are lithologically similar to those
all necessary precautions can be taken to minimize difficulties.
encountered elsewhere in the project area, their geotechnical
Evaluation of hydro-geological conditions indicated that the
condition is less favourable, because of their finer stratifica-
permeability of the sound formations to be crossed is about
tion, inclusions of mylonite and even organic shales ,
10- 7 mis, and that particular infiltration will be limited to
susceptibility to air-slaking, frequent faulting, and the
such fault zones. It was estimated that inflow of water will be
complicated and variable lie of their beds. The formations
within acceptable limits provided that adequate measures
could thus only be classified as fair to pooror, in zones of heavy
needed to deal with it are specified and, along the descending
fracturing with gouge filling, even as very poor. In such rock
heading, adequate pumping capacity is available.
it was considered imprudent to assume that steel-lining of the
pressure shaft could be dispensed with , or that the cavern would
The high-pressure waterways only need minimum rock support measures . Furthermore,
Between the surge chamber near Calio and the powerhouse, almost all the tailrace tunnel would have had to be driven
the steep northern escarpment of.the Cochabamba valley is through weak, extensively mylonitic, Silurian shale.
formed by pronounced and often superficially unstable ridges For possible surface penstocks a number of alignments were
separated by deep stream courses or quebradas. The underlying identified and surveyed. Limitations on location of the
rocks are sandstones, siltstones and slates of Ordovician to pens tock were often the narrowness of the escarpment ridges,
Silurian age. Around Calio the formations are gently folded but especially the recent extensive, and in places still active
along east-west axes; at lower levels their predominant dip is sliding zones, affecting not only the overburden but also the
30° -60° ~owards s.and SE. Several faults, paraTiel to the valley, underlying younger sediments. An alignment for the penstock
are filled with gouge. Extensive sJips and unstable zones was identified which generally avoided unstable areas, but the
characterize the flanks of the quebradas which, at the foot of morphology of the upper portion of even this alignment, a
the escarpment, have deposited wide and deep colluvial fans. narrow and unstable ridge, did not favour a surface penstock,
Earlier comparative studiernf underground and surface high because of the need for expensive foundation and stabilization
pressure, systems were reviewed in the light of the latest works . A short inclined shaft and medium-pressure tunnel ,
available geological findings and cost data. These studies had· both steel-lined, are thus proposed between the surge chamber
recommended the former solution, comprising: an 860 m-long and the head of the penstock at el. 3340 m .
unlined, inclined pressure shaft; a 2000 m-long unlined high- Updated cost comparisons, which allowed for the additional
pressure tunnel; a power cavern; and, a 1230 m-long tailrace works , for example the steel-lining required for the under-
tunnel. Two main questions had to be addressed by the review: ground layout, showed the surface layout would be slightly less
expensive. This solution was recommended for final design ,
• would the geological conditions permit the proposed unlined
in view of the following factors :
power waterways, and a cavern with only limited rock bolting?
and, ,_, ' • its shorter construction period ;
• could a suitable location be found on the escarpment for an • the insufficient funds and time for the geological

16 Water Power & Dam Construction July 1987

investigations (especially deep drillings and a pilot adit) needed Table I-Data for the three·catchment areas
to evaluate the underground layout adequately; and, Catchment Titiri Viscachas Caliente
• the greater uncertainty of extensive underground works. Gauge location Misicuni Incachaca Putucuni
Catchment Qon2) 351 167 101
The rather less favourable hydraulic characteristics of the Years of records 14 8 5
selected solution will be discussed later. Average flow (m3/s) 4.4 2.5 1.3
10 000 year flood (m3/s) 450 406 313
Hydrology and optimal project dimensions
Principal data for the three catchment areas are given in Table
I. Table II-Main features of the site B embankment dam
The hydrological pattern of all catchments is the same, with Maximum height/crest length (m) 115/450
about 85 per cent of annual runoff occurring between Total volume (106 m3) 4.46
December and March. Core material (treated and selected silt and clay gravel of
For the selected layout, optimal dimensions were calculated morainic origin, or colluvial clay silt) volume (103 m3)
by the normal procedure of comparing marginal construction 0' = 33°, c' = 0-30 kN/m2, k = 2 - 5 x 10-9m/s 840
costs with incremental benefits of power production, and the
supply of irrigation and drinking water. To define the optimal Material in dam shoulders (coarse grained, alluvial sandy
gravel) volume (103m3) 3260
height of the main dam, the operation ofMisicuni reservoir was
simulated for a generated 50-year series of monthly flows for 50 percent> 7.5 cm, 0 = 35-42°, c' = 0,
k = 10- 4 mis
the Titiri river, to determine firm and secondary output, and
taking into account diverted inflows from Putucuni and Filter and transition material (selected and washed
morainic or alluvial material) volume (103 m3) 360
Viscachas. Operation of these adductions was also examined
using daily flows to assess the benefits gained by providing 0' = 39°, k = l0-7 - 10-4 mis
inter-seasonal storage at the intakes. The costs of the higher Average slopes (upstream/downstream) 1:2/1:1.9
dams required were not found to be justified by the value of the
secondary energy gained. Run-of-river intakes will therefore
be provided at the two sites. Table III-Main shafts and tunnels
Optimal diameters of the power waterways were Length Diameter
calculated by considering the energy value of friction losses, (m) (rn) (m)
subject to minimum diameters dictated by construction Low pressure tunnel 19 200 0.44 per cent 2.60/2.20*/l.80*
requirements. Nevertheless, in selecting certain dimensions Inclined-pressure shaft 450 80 per cent 1.80
(for instance the penstock diameter) it was decided that the Medium-pressure tunnel 1513 0.61 per cent 1.80
main consideration should be to reduce the initial investment Steel oonstock 2564 55.1-5.7 oer cent 1.60
cost to a minimum, rather than the adoption of a purely *very short, steel-lined sections near the base of the surge chamber.
economic optimum.
During construction the Titiri will be diverted through the
Final design of the principal left dam abutment by a single, concrete-lined tunnel of 4 m
internal diameter, dimensioned for a 100-year flood of
structures 135 m3/s. This tunnel will later serve as a low-level outlet,
The proposed embankment dam at site Bis shown in Fig. 3, with conversion taking place during the third, final dry
and its main dimensions and characteristics are given in season. From just upstream of the dam axis, the invert lining
Table II. will incorporate twin concrete pipes able to pass 2 m3/s, a
Site investigations for the final design had to be limited, discharge well above the monthly average, recorded
and consisted of three adits, three drillings, geophysical between May and October. The river flow will be passed
profiling and a large number oftest pits, both at the site itself through these pipes while equipment is installed in the gate
and in possible borrow areas. A new I : I 000 map of the dam chamber, and final concreting is carried out of the outlet
site was surveyed. channel in the downstream half of the tunnel; thereafter they
The optimal position of the dam axis with respect to fill will be plugged.
volume and foundation conditions was determined using an The main spillway, on the left abutment, will consist of a
interactive computer design pro.gram. Static stability was lateral, ungated weir, an inclined chute and a ski-jump above
assessed by limiting analyses using the method of slices. For the outlet structure of the low-level outlet tunnel. It is
the geotechnical parameters giveri, safety factors of 1.4-1.6 dimensioned to pass a 10 000 year flood, with 1.5 m
were obtained. Dynamic stability was calculated by the freeboard above maximum wave level. Peak inflows and ·
procedure of Makdisi and Seed6 •7 • Based on regional outflows are 450 and 280 m3/s respectively. The
tectonic and statistical analyses, ground accelerations of corresponding values for the p.m.f. for which wave height is
0. 22 g and 0. 30 g were adopted for the design and maximum included in the freeboard allowance, are 800 and 638 m3/s.
credible earthquakes respectively. These low values by The principal dimensions of the main shafts and tunnels are
Andean standards result from the considerable distance of shown in Table III.
the project area from the more active western flank of the The intake structure of the main tunnel will have a vertical
Cordillera. Assuming a seismic event of magnitude 6.5, the gate shaft, 65 m deep, with service and maintenance
maximum dam crest deformations for these accelerations (emergency) gates, and a horizontal inlet tunnel. The
wouldbe0.2 mand0.5 mrespectively. Because the stability excavated shaft was preferred to a free-standing tower
analyses had to be made before the laboratory tests were because of its lower vulnerability to dynamic loading, and
complete, rather conservative material parameters were easier access. Rack clearing equipment is not provide~.
assumed, but these will be reviewed before and during The surge chamber is a vertical shaft of 2. 6 m diameter
construction. Crest deformation under severe earthquake with a steel-lined connection to the low-pressure tunnel. An
loading, while acceptable, is such that strict conditions have expansion chamber, 15 min diameter and ·3 m deep, will
been specified for the material in the upper third of the be sited on the small plateau near the village of Calio.
embankment. The emergency butterfly valve will be installed in a small

Water Power & Dam Construction July 1987 17


cavern adjacent to the surge chamber. An alternative Summary .

spherical valve at the head of the penstock w~s stu~ied, but i.ts The Cochabamba region is an important centre of economic
higher cost was considered to . outweigh its certam activity . Assured supplies of water for domestic and industrial
advantages in the event of emptying or failure of the consumption, and also for irrigation, are essential if the
penstock. . . region's potential is to be developed in the future, and a
The conventional reinforced concrete power stat10n will contribution made to reducing Bolivia' s present over-
be equipped with three 40 MW (45 MVA), horizontal axis , dependence on uncompetitive extractive industries .. ~he
two-jet Pelton turbines . These will run at 600 rev/min and Misicuni project can supply this water as well as prov1dmg
have a specific speed of 16.5. The adjacent compensati~g valuable hydroelectricity for the republic's interconnected
pond will be formed by earthfill dykes and lmed ~1th generation network.
asphaltic-concrete. Its capacity will be 50 000 m3 , sufficient The final design of the project was associated with the need
in the initial years for daily regulation of releases to to make considerable modifications to the concept defined in
Cochabamba waterworks , but allowance is made for later earlier studies. These changes were the result not only of more
construction of a second basin when irrigation and drinking detailed examinations of topographic and, particularly, • ...
water requirements increase. geological conditions, but also the revision and updating of
Calculations of transient hydraulic conditions were made . construction costs estimates. They again illustrate the
for the normal sequences of load rejection and turbine run- importance, from the earliest stages of project identification
up, considering jet closure times, after deflection , of 30 to and study, of adequate site investigations.
120 s, and pauses of 4, 8 or 20 min between run-up of It is to be hoped that with theend ofBolivia's present severe
individual units in 30 s. economic recession, a start can be made on the construction of
The length of the selected surface layout is such that the this ambitious and important development project. o
distance between the surge chamber and the turbine is 4 .3
times that of the head (compared with a ratio of 3.1:1 for the
previously proposed underground lay?ut) . Also the ne~d ~o References
I. " Proyecto Misicuni - Informe de Revision ," Electfowatt Ing.
reduce capital costs means that the maximum flow velocity m Consultores SA, July 1985. :
the penstock is about 7 mis . Calculations were then made to 2. ' ' Informe de Proyecto Basico'' , Electrowatt Ing . Consul tores SA ,
check turbine behaviour in the event of sudden variations in January 1984.
system load. These showed that for an instantaneous load 3. " Proyecto Misicuni - Informe de Optimizacion" Electrowatt Ing .
Consultores SA, June 1984.
decrease or increase of 10 MW, and a maximum allowable 4. BIENIAwsKI Z. T. ' 'Geomechanical Classification of Rock Masses and
variation of ±3 Hz from system frequency (50 Hz), normal its Application in Tunnelling'' , Proceedings, 3rd Int. Congress on Rock
turbine speed would be regained within a period of 40-50 s Mechanics, ISRM , Denver, Colorado, USA; Vol. llA 1974.
(this for a unit moment of inertia of 240 tm2 and with the 5. BIENIAWSKI Z. T. " Rock Mass Classification in Rock Engineering ",
Proc. Symp. on Exploration for Rock Engineering, Johannesburg , Vol.
powerplant operating in isolation) . Further ca.lculations I; 1976.
showed that stability was predominantly a function of the 6 . MAKADISI , F. I. AND SEED, H. B. , " Simplified Procedure for
generators' self-regulating capacity, and only to a lesser Estimating Dam and Embankment Earthquake-induced Deforma-
extent of the diameters of the penstock and surge-chamber; tions " . Journal ofthe Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol.
104 (GT7) ; 1978.
this means, increasing these diameters would result in a 7. MAKADISI , F. I. AND SEED, H. B., " Simplified Procedure for
considerable cost increase but only bring a marginal Evaluating Embankment Response' ' . Journal of the Geotechnical
improvement in stability characteristics. Engineering Division , ASCE, Vol. 105 (GTl2); 1979.

View up the Titiri valley into the proposed reservoir area. Site B, ofthe embankment dam, is in the centre foreground. The flat-lying beds in the left background
mark the axis of the Uyuni syncline. The sliding area high on the dam abutment can be seen above the road near the left edge of the photograph.

18 Water Power & Dam Construction J uly 1987

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