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Explain the difference (which you think interesting between the ways of energy consumption per
household of 1970 and 2015. (Ref. Energy Consumption per Household by use and Energy).
In 1970, the household had not to use Solar Heat for water heating, whereas in 2015 it had. This
issue means the technology for Solar Heat has not developed yet especially for the household.
The next is the use of coal; in 1970, the household in Japan use coal as space heating, water
heating, and cooking. While in 2015, household only uses the coal for water heating and cooking
with the amount less than 10.

2. Describe the possible future (2030) change in energy consumption in the household like ZEH as well
as energy production, taking Paris Agreement into account.
One of the changing for tackling the climate change issue is introducing smart home technology
with raise Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for the household. In general, three
appliances like air conditioners, water heaters, and refrigerators account for 75% of energy
consumption in households. The smart home technology has several ways which can incorporate
into the home to help save the planet.
 Water saving which uses Smart Shower that not only reduces the flow of water but also
measures the water consumption through an app;
 Heating and Cooling using smart thermostats which offer programmable temperature
schedules. It will monitor the usage and set temperatures slightly lower or higher during times
so people could be using heat or air conditioning to save money and reduce energy;
 Lighting provides a smart lighting system to control lights from anywhere;
 Smart Plugs using Smart power strips take care by turning off devices all the way. Referred to
as “vampire power drain,” leaving devices in standby mode can account for 5% or more of
total energy usage;
 Smart Appliances like washing machines or refrigerators are changing the way people interact
with their kitchen gadgets. For example, If someone leaves the refrigerator door open, they
will get a notice on their phone;
 Smart sprinkler systems could save on the water bill by using automatic irrigation systems
that know the weather forecast. It could also run water usage reports, so people know when
they are using too much;
 Electricity Vehicle could be one way to tackle the climate issue. It will decrease the use of oil
and air pollution. The feature prominently in mitigation pathways that limit warming to well-
below 2C or 1.5C, which would be in line with the Paris Agreement’s targets;
 The last one is planting the green tree around the house so that it would bring the fresh air
into the house.

3. And, explain what will be the main driver for the change of 2?

The main driver is government because the government could make this as their primary target
and providing some ease in owning smart home technology. One example is the government
provide the ease for the community to have this residence by arranging the minimum taxes and
the ease of credit system for everyone who wants to have this smart house technology.

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