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P :J A C D. J
ØThe re on I da c cu s wo h
ma g n he ef t er i yu r ol
in fe t m.
ØThi l s el o n wo d, wi p xi l 900
mi n a r .
ØIt i s e l t ow l i n e w d ay.
ØThe in n be r e t si l u d a
s e f im a n pa . 2
Holy Writings
W –V
Ø Vedas are a collection of Hindu writings
Ø believed to be divinely given (god given) or
revealed knowledge
Ø divided into 4 scriptures:
Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda
Ø Veda has 4 parts:
Mantras, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads
Hindu Beliefs
Ø believe in one supreme being, whom they call
Ø worship that one God in various forms, according
to the different functions they believe he performs
(Hindu Trinity)
Ø believe that God is omnipresent everywhere in all
living things.
Ø believe that the deity may be represented in
masculine and feminine ways.
The Hindu Trinity
Brahma:The Creator Vishnu:The Preserver of the Shiva:The Destroyer
supreme presence,or God Maintains balance His hands symbolize
all other gods originate between good and evil. blessing and protection.
from Brahma. Appears in 10 different snakes symbolizes his
forms or avatars power over evil forces

Hindu Beliefs
Dharma - the moral balance Reincarnation “Samsara” –
of all things; played out in all represents the cycle of life, death
aspects of life: religious, and rebirth in which a person
social, family carries his or her own karma.

Karma - the belief that a Moksha- a state of changeless

person experiences the bliss. This is achieved by living
effects of his or her a life of religious devotion or
actions—that every act or moral integrity. The ultimate
thought has consequences. reward is a release from
samsara and union with God.
The Caste System
Ø the basis for social divisions in Hinduism
ØEach Hindu is born into a caste group
ØYour caste determines:
•Who is suitable for you to marry (arranged
•What food you eat
•How you dress
•What job you have
•Where you live
•Who you socialize with
•what caste you potentially will be reborn into
in your next life.
Spiritual practices of Hinduism
¨The Four Yogas - seeking union with the divine:
¤Karma Yoga – the path of action through selfless service
(releases built up karma without building up new karma)
¤Jnana Yoga – the path of knowledge (understanding the
true nature of reality and the self)
¤Raja Yoga – the path of meditation

¤Bhakti Yoga – the path of devotion

Guru – a spiritual teacher, especially helpful for
Jnana and Raja yoga
Concept of Education in Hinduism
¨Hinduism focuses on Vidya; which is widely known as Value based
education, holistic approach of education etc.
¨Education is only a skill for living but Vidya is for life.
¨Education makes us successful but Vidya gives wisdom and makes us
peaceful and joyful.
¨¨Education is not only information but also inspiration;
¨It is not only competition but also cooperation;

¨It is not only news but also views;

¨It is not only marks but also morals.

Methods and Aims of
Ø Provide good training to young men and women in the
performance of their social , economic and religious
Ø Preservation and enrichment of culture , character and
personality development and the cultivation of noble
Ø Students used to learn through debates and discussion
Ø One can choose any path or practice as per his/her
own nature or interest and capacity.
Ø What you know is not more important, but what you truly
realize actually matters.
Way of Life
Ø God-centered rather than prophet-centered.
Ø Experience based rather than belief based.
Ø Beyond any historical date of founding.
Ø The process of growth, which comes from the seed.
Ø Inherent in, and inclusive of all.
Ø In the world, while above the world.
Ø Both immanent and transcendent.The whole and the parts.
Ø Loving of all and excluding of none.


Haigh, Martin(2010).Education for a Sustainable Future: Strategies of the New Hindu

Religious Movements. Sustainability. , 2, 3500-3519; doi:10.3390/su2113500


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