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We hereby submit the project report “ PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF COARSE

POWDER IN CONCRETE” under the supervision of Er. Sandeep Sharma , Associate
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Amritsar college of engineering and
Technology,Amritsar .We declare that this report is a record of our original work.


(1400285) (1400286)


(1400289) (1400298)


(1400300) (1400306)



The project report is hereby approved for submission.


(Er. Sandeep Sharma)

Project Guide

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“It is not possible to prepare a project report without the assistance and encouragement of

other people. This one is certainly no exception.”

First of all, we are really thankful to our Project Guide ER. Sandeep Sharma, Associate

professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Amritsar College Of Engineering and

Technology,Amritsar and are ineffably indebted for his invaluable guidance,encouragement

and assistance, without which the accomplishment of the project would have never been


We would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the

whole staff of Concrete Technology Laboratory,who gave the permission to use all required

machinery and the necessary material.

Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of gratitude.

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Candidate’s Declaration 2

Acknowledgement 3

1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Advantages of Ceramic Tiles in concrete 10
1.3 Advantages of Glass Powder in concrete 11
1.4 Organisation of report 12



3.1 General 15
3.2 Method adopted 15
3.3 Material used 15
3.3.1 Cement 15
3.3.2 Aggregates 15
3.3.3 Silt Content of Fine Aggregate 16
3.3.4 Gradation of Fine and Coarse Aggregate 16
3.3.5 Ceremic Tiles waste 17
3.3.6 Glass powder 18
3.3.7 Water 18
3.4 Mix Designing 18
3.4.1 Requirements of concrete mix design 18
3.4.2 Types of Mixes 18

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3.4.3 Factors affecting the choice of mix proportions 20
3.4.4 Mix Proportion designations 21
3.5 Procedure 21


4.1 Specific Gravity of Cement 25
4.2 Sieve Analysis 27
4.3 Standard consistency 29
4.4 Slump Test 31
4.5 Compressive Strength 31


5.1 Concrete Mix Design (M20) 34
5.2 Replacement of Material 37
5.3 Preparation and Curing Of Specimen 37
5.4 Concrete 39
5.5 Testing of Hardened Concrete(Ceremic Waste) 41
5.6 Testing of Hardened Concrete(Glass Powder) 44
5.7 Compressive Strength 47



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Table No. Title Page No.

3.1 Physical properties of cement 16

3.2 Physical properties of aggregates 17
3.3 Standard deviation for different grades of concrete 22
3.4 Fine aggregates percentage passing 22
3.5 Maximum water content per cubic metre of 23
Concrete for nominal maximum size of aggregates

4.1 Fineness modules of fine aggregates 27

4.2 Fineness modulus of course aggregate 28
5.1 Fineness modules of fine aggregates 34
5.2 Fineness modulus of course aggregate 35
5.3 Properties of Aggergates 35
5.4 Ratio and specific gravity of materials 36
5.5 Replacement of Ceremic Waste 37
5.6 Replacement of Glass Powder 37
5.7 Total Material for 21 Cubes 38
5.8 Slump value(Ceremic waste) 39
5.9 Slump value(Glass powder) 39

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Figure No. Title Page No.

3.1 Relation between water cement ratio and compressive 21


5.1 Slump of concrete(Ceremic waste) 40

5.2 Slump of concrete(Glass powder) 40
5.3 Compressive Strength(Ceremic Waste) - 7 Days 41

5.4 Compressive Strength(Ceremic Waste) - 14 Days 42

5.5 Compressive Strength(Ceremic Waste) – 28 Days 43
5.6 Compressive Strength(Glass powder) - 7 Days 44
5.7 Compressive Strength(Glass powder) - 14 Days 45
5.8 Compressive Strength(Glass powder) - 28 Days 46

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Waste management has become a significant issue in today’s growing society. Population levels
around the globe are increasing rapidly, resulting in unprecedented levels of waste material. New
and innovative methods of recycling need to be established in order to ensure that we do not run
out of room for storage.


In accordance with conservation efforts, this research focuses on ceramic tile waste as partial
aggregates replacement for concrete production prevention of environmental pollution and
considers the elements of sustainable and cost-saving construction projects, especially material
usage. As a developing country, construction sector is one sector that can build our economy
and produce successful contractors. Despites this industry brings a lot of advantages to the
country such as creating more job opportunity and brings a positive economic growth, but there
are some issues that need attention from the public as well. However, many of the construction
industry in India produce construction waste that contributes largely of solid waste. In general,
solid waste material is a result of the construction wok waste material or residual results from
renovation of the building such as stone, wood, iron, cement and other waste materials. This
research will focused on ceramic wastes obtained from the industry in Malaysia. Presently in
ceramic industry the production goes as waste, which is not undergoing the recycle process yet.
Conventionally, the coarse aggregate used in concrete productions are gravel, crushed stone,
granite, and limestone.


Glass, being non-biodegradable, is one such material that is not suitable for addition to landfill.
Fortunately, glass can be recycled indefinitely without any loss in quality, but first needs to be
sorted by colour. This is an expensive process, and subsequently waste glass is increasingly
being used in applications where mixed colour is not an issue, such as an aggregate in civil
construction. The construction industry presents an attractive market for the use of waste glass.
One of the principal components of construction is concrete, due to its high compressive
strength, durability and ease of construction.

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Glass is a rigid liquid i.e. super cooled liquid, static, not solid, not a gas but does not change
molecularly between melting and solidification in to a desired shape. Glass is one of the most
versatile substances on earth used in many applications and in a wide variety of forms. Glass
occurs naturally when rock high in silicates melt at high temperature and cool before they can
form a crystalline structure. Obsidian or volcanic glass is a well known example of naturally
occurring glass. When manufactured by human's the glass is a mixture of silica, sand, lime and
other materials. The elements of glass are heated to 9820 Celsius. Heat can return the glass to a
liquid and workable form, making it easy to reuse and recycle.

Sulphates reacts chemically with the product of hydration (hydrated lime and hydrated calcium
aluminates in the cement paste to form calcium sulphate and calcium sulfo aluminates) are called
ettringite. These new crystals occupy empty space and as they continue to form, they cause
expansion, disruption, loss of bond between the cement paste and aggregate because paste
expansion produces a small gap around small aggregate particles and a bigger gap around larger
particles as shown in, which result in micro cracks and these cracks may be responsible for
reduction in strength or damaging the concrete by changing the chemical nature of the cement
paste and of the mechanical properties of the concrete.

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The flexural test measures the force required to bend a beam under two point loading conditions.
Flexural modulus is used as an indication of a material’s stiffness when flexed. This test method
follows the IS: 516-1959 procedure where the 10×10×50 cm hardened concrete specimen lies on
two 40 cm apart supporting spans and the load is applied to the centre by the loading nose at a
specified rate till failure From the testing results, it can be noted that the flexural strength of the
ceramic waste concrete increased with the increase of quantity of ceramic waste in the concrete
as partial replacement of natural coarse aggregate. Taking the strength of reference concrete as
base value, it is analyzed that the flexural strength of Optimal Ceramic Waste Concrete higher
than flexural strength of Reference Concrete. This increase again may be due to the pozzolanic
property of ceramic tiles and its water absorption capacity which ultimately reduces the w/c

The curing of a Ceramic tiles concrete is important. It is most essential that this concrete be
protected from premature drying by curing for adequate length of time. In general a curing time
of 7 days should be adequate.

Ceramic tiles improves the workability of the concrete. Workability refers to the ease of
handling, placing and finishing of fresh or “plastic” concrete. The Ceramic tiles concrete is more
workable than a plain cement concrete at equivalent slump. Less water is needed for the same
slump, the concrete gets more cohesive and the occurrence of costly segregation decreases. The
amount of fines will increase and make the concrete more workable and a more complete

No change in colour of concrete if ceramic tiles are used in concrete mix to replace with coarse


The water content gets increased when ceramic tiles waste is used. The water content gets
increased because ceramic tiles absorbs more water as compared to normal aggregates.

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The Strength of concrete mix gets increased when glass powder is used to replace some
proportionate of fine aggregates. The strength gets increased due to presence of high silica in

The curing of a glass powder concrete is important. It is most essential that this concrete be
protected from premature drying by curing for adequate length of time. In general a curing time
of 7 days should be adequate.

Glass powder improves the workability of the concrete. Workability refers to the ease of
handling, placing and finishing of fresh or “plastic” concrete. The Ceramic tiles concrete is more
workable than a plain cement concrete at equivalent slump. Less water is needed for the same
slump, the concrete gets more cohesive and the occurrence of costly segregation decreases. The
amount of fines will increase and make the concrete more workable and a more complete

There is not much change shown in the colour of concrete by adding glass powder in the

Carbonation is generally tested by an indirect method using phenolphthalein 3. A solution of
phenolphthalein indicator is applied onto a fresh cut concrete surface. The indicator changes the
colour at pH about 9. The uncorbonated concrete with pH > 9 gets a violet colour, while the
carbonated concrete with a lower pH remain grey. This test method cannot be used to determine
the rate of carbonation in a high volume fly ash concrete .


The water content get decreased when glass waste is used. The water content gets decrease
because glass powder absorbs lesser water as compared to normal fine aggregates.

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With the objectives stated above, the present work is presented in these chapters:

Introduction: It includes introduction of the subject which is taken for consideration and
objectives of the study.

1. Literature Review: An extensive review is presented to give a broad understanding ofthe

previous work related to present work.

2. Material and methods: This chapter deals with the material used and their properties. It
includes the methodology adopted to carry out the research work.

3. Results and discussion: The effects of partially replacement of cement with ceramic tile
waste and glass powder with M20 on compressive strength of M20 concrete were studied and the
results obtained are presented in this chapter.

4. Conclusion: Major conclusion drawn from the present work are highlighted in this chapter.

5. References.

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This research is supported with the related reading material previous research about the Ceramic
waste material which had been done as the references to describe more and explain the
characteristic and application of Ceramic as partial replacement in the concrete production. So
far the reutilization of ceramic wastes and has been practiced, but the amount of wastes reused in
that way is still negligible. Hence, the need for its application in other industries is becoming
absolutely very useful for getting benefit. Construction industry can be the end user of all
ceramic wastes and in the same way can contribute Green building practices. Agricultural was
and industrial waste was among two major wastes that use as replacement to the composition.
Agricultural waste can be unused materials in form of solid and liquid.

In early time, reactions between limestone and oil shale had been discovered during spontaneous
combustion occurred in Jerusalem to form a natural deposit of cement compounds. Over
thousands of years, by the time these materials were improved upon, combined with other
materials and change into modem concrete. Now days, concrete are made by using Portland
cement, coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and water. The performance characteristics of
concrete can be observed with change according to the different forces that the concrete will
need to resist. The ingredients of concrete and their proportions are called the design mix. Large
scale applications of concrete now day are construction of Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur.
Time after time, lots of invention have been made to improve the quality of concrete in the
concrete technology. With the improvement that they had made, the superstructure size in the
construction can be reduce such as beam and column.


Recycled the industrial waste and agricultural waste plays an important role to preserve the
natural resources such as granite aggregates. Coarse aggregates can be replaced by following

1. Recycled Tires

Study made by (Liew 2014) ,compressive strength decreased 32% with 10% replacement of
coarse aggregate and dropped further with higher replacement 'levels. This consequence in only
two mixtures with 10% tire chips by volume of coarse aggregate met the Class p concrete
compressive strength requirement at 28 days of age. Both cement content and tire chips content
affected the compressive strength of the rubberized mixtures. The mixtures with low cement
content had lower compressive strengths. A reduction in compressive strength was observed with
increase of tire chips content. As the rubber aggregate increased, the unit weight decreased
linearly regardless of the cement content.

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2. Coconut shell

From the review of the various research work undertaken by the various researchers, it can be
concluded that coconut shell can be used as coarse aggregates in light weight concrete
preparation. Sustainable utilization of this agricultural by-product would preserve the
conventional aggregates for future. India is the third highest producer of coconut after
Philippines and Sri lanka. Hence this waste should not be dumped here and there; rather it should
be utilized in a proper manner so as to eradicate environmental hazards and an effective
substitute of concrete aggregate. To opt for green construction, use of coconut shell as coarse
aggregates is a right choice, since coconut shell aims to produce light weight concrete and would
definitely help in increasing the speed of construction. Till now, only the study regarding
coconut shell as aggregate in concrete is studied. But research regarding the use of green coconut
(tender coconut) shell and matured coconut husk as fine or coarse aggregates in concrete
preparation should be done so as to utilize these vast and under- utilized agricultural wastes in
mass construction in infrastructural sector. It is so, because after the consumption of sweet water,
the green coconut shells are simply thrown and dumped here and there causing favourable
conditions for methane emissions, the most potent green house gases for the atmosphere.
Effective utilization these agricultural wastes will not only solve their disposal problem but also
protects the local environment. Hence, there is the need to study the feasibility of green coconut
shells and matured coconut fibre as the aggregates for concrete preparation in the future research

3. Fly-Ash Concrete

Alvin Harison et al (2014)2 conducted a peculiar study on the utilization of materials which can
fulfill the expectations of the construction industry in different areas. In this study cement has
been replaced by fly-ash accordingly in the range of 0%,10%,20%,30%,40%,50%,60%by weight
of cement for M-25 mix with 0.46 water cement ratio. Concrete mixtures were produced, tested
and compared in terms of compressive strength. It was observed that 20% of replacement of
Portland pozzolana cement (PPC) by fly-ash strength is increased marginally (1.9% to 3.2%) at
28 days and 56 days respectively. It was observed that upto 30% replacement of PPC by fly-ash
strength is almost equal to the referral concrete after 56 days. PPC gained strength after 56days
curing because of slow hydration process.

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3.1 General

In this chapter, the materials used for the investigation are described with respect to their sources
and relevant physical properties. All laboratory investigations on the materials used in the study
such as properties of cement , coarse sand, fine aggregate, ceramic waste and glass powder;
whereas the properties of concrete made by incorporation of Ceramic waste and glass powder
ingredients were studied in A.C.E.T Civil Engineering Department, concrete lab.

3.2 Method adopted

A concrete of M20 was done with available materials using I.S code method as detailed below:

3.3 Material used

3.3.1 Cement:

Pozolana Portland cement conforming to IS 269-1976 and IS 4031-1968 was adopted in this
work. All types of Portland cements are interchangeable for mix design, and the most commonly
used ones are OPC, PPC, PSC and SRC.

After water is added to the cement, hydration occurs and continues as long as the relative
humidity in the pores is above 85 per cent and sufficient water is available for the chemical
reactions. On an average, 1 g of cement require 0.253 g water for complete hydration proceeds,
the ingress of water for complete hydration. As hydration proceeds, ingression of water by
diffusion through the deposits of hydration products around the original cement grain and the
rate of hydration continuously decreases in mature paste the particles of calcium silicate hydrates
form and inter locking network which is a ‘gel’ having a specific surface of about 200 m 2/ g
.This gel is purely crystalline almost amorphous, and appear as randomly oriented layer of thin
sheets or buckled ribbon. The gel is heart of concrete and is a porous mass. The interstitial spaces
in the gel are called ‘gel pores’. The strength giving properties and phenomena, such creep and
shrinkage are due to the porous structure of the gel and the strength is due to the bond afforded
by enormous surface area.

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The Pozolana Portland cement is the most important type of cement. It is classified into 3 grades
33, 43 and 53 grade depending upon the compressive strength of the cement at 28 days. ACC 43
grade PPC was used in this study. It was fresh and free from lumps.

The physical properties of cement are shown below:

Table : 3.1 Physical properties of cement



Specific gravity 3.1

Initial setting time 90 Min

Final setting time 360 Min

Aggregates are the important constituents in concrete. They give body to the concrete, reduce
shrinkage and effect economy. One of the most important factors for producing workable
concrete is good gradation of aggregates. Good grading implies that a sample fractions of
aggregates in required proportion such that the sample contains minimum voids. Samples of the
well graded aggregate containing minimum voids require minimum paste to fill up the voids in
the aggregates. Minimum paste means less quantity of cement and less water, which is further
mean increased economy, lower shrinkage and greater durability.

3.3.3 Silt Content of Fine Aggregate

The presence of dust, loam and clay materials with sand decreases the bond between the
materials to be bound together thereby decreasing the strength of concrete besides decreasing the
quality of concrete. Accordingly, the sand for the experiment was tested for silt content and was
found to have 13% silt content .This is above the maximum value recommended by the Indian
standards. Therefore, the sand, before using in all tests, was washed until clear water came out.

3.3.4 Gradation of Fine and Coarse Aggregate

Aggregate grain size distribution or gradation is one of the properties of aggregates which
influence the quality of concrete. Therefore, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate with gradation
satisfy the grading requirement of Indian standard test sieve (IS: 383-1970 respectively) which
were used throughout the experiment.

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Table 3.2 Physical properties of Aggregate

Properties Fine Aggregates Coarse Aggregates

Specific Gravity 2.43 2.85

Water Absorption 1.0 0.8

Fineness Modulus 2.81 7.83

3.3.5 Ceramic Tiles Waste:

Ceramics is one of the most ancient industries on the planet. The word Ceramics from the Greek
word keramikos meaning "potters" clay. According to the particle shape analysis of ceramic
waste coarse aggregate has diverse particles shape with the crushed stone normal concrete. The
important specification of coarse aggregate are its shape, texture and the maximum size , as in
further ceramic waste aggregate was found to be smoother than that of ordinary crushed stone
aggregate. Surface texture and mineralogy affect the binder between the aggregates and the paste
as well as the stress level at which micro cracking begins, the aggregate strength becomes
influential in the case of higher-strength concrete. Ceramic wastes retain characteristics suitable
for use as pozzolanic materials and thus are suitable for use in the making of concrete.

Ceramic Waste

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3.3.6 Glass Powder:
Glass powder is an extremely fine powder made from ground glass. It can be used in a number of
industrial and craft applications and is often available through suppliers of glass and industrial
supplies. High precision machining equipment is necessary to prepare it, as it needs to be very
uniform, with an even consistency. Costs vary, depending on the level of grind and the
applications. In this project glass powder is used to replace some content of fine aggregates. 8%,
16% and 24% of the volumes of fine aggregates are used to replace the amount of fine
aggregates in this project.

3.3.7 Water:
Clean tap water was used for washing aggregates, and mixing and curing of concretes.

3.4 Mix Designing :

Mix design can be defined as the process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and
determining their relative proportions with the objective of producing concrete of certain
minimum strength and durability as economically as possible as per IS 456-2000 used.

3.4.1 Requirements of concrete mix design:

The requirements which form the basis of selection and proportion of mix ingredients are :
a) The minimum compressive strength required from structural consideration
b) The adequate workability necessary for full compaction with the compacting equipment
c) Maximum water-cement ratio and/or maximum cement content to give adequate
durability for the particular site conditions
d) Maximum cement content to avoid shrinkage and cracking due to temperature cycle in
mass concrete.

3.4.2 Types of Mixes

1.Nominal Mixes

In the past the specifications for concrete prescribed the proportions of cement, fine and
coarse aggregates. These mixes of fixed cement-aggregate ratio which ensures adequate
strength are termed nominal mixes. These offer simplicity and under normal circumstances,
have a marginal strength above specified. However, due to the variability of mix ingredients
the nominal concrete for a given workability varies widely in strength.

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2.Standard mixes

The nominal mix of fixed cement-aggregate ratio (by volume) varies widely in strength and
may result in under- or over-rich mixes. For this reason, the minimum compressive strength
has been included in many specifications. These mixes are termed standard mixes.

IS 456-2000 has designated the concrete mixes into a number of grades as M10, M15, M20,
M25, M30, M35 and M40. In this designation the letter M refers to the mix and the number
to the specified 28 day cube strength of mix in N/mm2. The mixes of grades M10, M15, M20
and M25 correspond approximately to the mix proportions (1:3:6), (1:2:4), (1:1.5:3) and
(1:1:2) respectively.

3. Designed Mixes

In these mixes the performance of the concrete is specified by the designer but the mix
proportions are determined by the producer of concrete, except that the minimum cement
content can be laid down. This is most rational approach to the selection of mix proportions
with specific materials in mind possessing more or less unique characteristics. The approach
results in the production of concrete with the appropriate properties most economically.
However, the designed mix does not serve as a guide since this does not guarantee the correct
mix proportions for the prescribed performance.

For the concrete with undemanding performance, nominal or standard mixes (prescribed in
the codes by quantities of dry ingredients per cubic meter and by slump) may be used only
for very small jobs, when the 28-day strength of concrete does not exceed 30 N/mm2. No
control testing is necessary when reliance being placed on the masses of the ingredients.

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3.4.3 Factors affecting the choice of mix proportions:
The various factors affecting the mix design are:

1.Compressive strength:
It is one of the most important properties of concrete and influences many other describable
properties of the hardened concrete. The mean compressive strength required at a specific age,
usually 28 days, determines the nominal water-cement ratio of the mix. The other factor affecting
the strength of concrete at a given age and cured at a prescribed temperature is the degree of
compaction. According to Abraham’s law the strength of fully compact concrete is inversely
proportional to the water-cement ratio.

The degree of workability required depends on three factors. These are the size of the section to
be concreted, the amount of reinforcement, and the method of compaction to be used. For the
narrow and complicated section with numerous corners or inaccessible parts, the concrete must
have a high workability so that full compaction can be achieved with a reasonable amount of
effort. This also applies to the embedded steel sections. The desired workability depends on the
compacting equipment available at the site.

3. Durability:
The durability of concrete is its resistance to the aggressive environmental conditions. High
strength concrete is generally more durable than low strength concrete. In the situations when the
high strength is not necessary but the conditions of exposure are such that high durability is vital,
the durability requirement will determine the water-cement ratio to be used.

4.Maximum nominal size of aggregate:

In general, larger the maximum size of aggregate, smaller is the cement requirement for a
particular water-cement ratio, because the workability of concrete increases with increase in
maximum size of the aggregate. However, the compressive strength tends to increase with the
decrease in size of aggregate. IS 456:2000 and IS 1343:1980 recommends that the nominal size
of the aggregate should be as large as possible.

5. Grading and type of aggregate:

The grading of aggregate influences the mix proportions for a specified workability and water-
cement ratio. Coarser the grading leaner will be mix which can be used. Very lean mix is not
desirable since it does not contain enough finer material to make the concrete cohesive.

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The type of aggregate influence strongly the aggregate-cement ratio for the desired workability
and stipulated water cement ratio. An important feature of a satisfactory aggregate is the
uniformity of the grading which can be achieved by mixing different size fractions.

6. Quality Control:
The degree of control can be estimated statistically by the variations in test results. The variation
in strength results from the variations in the properties of the mix ingredients and lack of control
of accuracy in batching, mixing, placing, curing and testing. Lower the difference between the
mean and minimum strengths of the mix, lower will be the cement-content required. The factor
controlling this difference is termed as quality control.

3.4.4 Factors to be considered for mix design

 The grade designation gives the characteristic strength requirement of concrete.
 The type of cement influences the rate of development of compressive strength of
 Maximum nominal size of aggregates to be used in concrete may be as large as possible
within the limits prescribed by IS 456:2000.
 The cement content is to be limited from shrinkage, cracks and creep.
 The workability of concrete for satisfactory placing and compaction is related to the size
and shape of section, quantity and spacing of reinforcement and technique used for
transportation, placing and compaction.

3.5 Procedure:
1. Determine the mean target strength ft from the specified characteristic compressive strength at
28-day fck and the level of quality control.

ft = fck + 1.65 SWhere S is the standard deviation obtained from the of approximate contents
given after the design mix.

Figure3.1: Relation between water cement ratio and compressive strength

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Table-3.3 Standard deviation for different grades of conrete

Table 3.4 Fine Aggregates percentage passing

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2.Obtain the water cement ratio for the desired mean target using the empirical relationship
between compressive strength and water cement ratio so chosen is checked against the limiting
water cement ratio. The water cement ratio so chosen is checked against the limiting water
cement ratio for the requirements of durability given in table no. 2 and adopting the lower of the
two values.

Table-3.5 Maximum water content per cubic metre of concrete for nominal
maximum size of aggregate
3. Estimate the amount of entrapped air for maximum nominal size of the aggregate.

4. Select the water content, for the required workability and maximum size of aggregates (for
aggregates in saturated surface dry condition).

5. Determine the percentage of fine aggregate in total aggregate by absolute volume for the
concrete using crushed coarse aggregate.

6. Adjust the values of water content and percentage of sand as provided in the table no.2 for any
difference in workability, water cement ratio, grading of fine aggregate and for rounded

7. Calculate the cement content from the water-cement ratio and the final water content as
arrived after adjustment. Check the cement against the minimum cement content from the
requirements of the durability, and greater of the two values is adopted.

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8. From the quantities of water and cement per unit volume of concrete and the percentage of
sand already determined in steps 6 and 7 above, calculate the content of coarse and fine
aggregates per unit volume of concrete from the following relations:

where V = absolute volume of concrete

= gross volume (1m3) minus the volume of entrapped air
Sc = specific gravity of cement
W = Mass of water per cubic metre of concrete, kg
C = mass of cement per cubic metre of concrete, kg
p = ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by absolute volume
fa, Ca = total masses of fine and coarse aggregates, per cubic metre of concrete, respectively, kg,
and Sfa, Sca = specific gravities of saturated surface dry fine and coarse aggregates, respectively
9. Determine the concrete mix proportions for the first trial mix.
10. Prepare the concrete using the calculated proportions and cast three cubes of 150 mm size
and test them wet after 28-days moist curing and check for the strength

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1. Specific gravity of cement

AIM- To determine the specific gravity is normally defined as the ratio between the weight of a
given volume of material and weight of an equal volume of water.To determine the specific
gravity of cement, kerosene which does not recent with cement is used.

APPARATUS- Le Chaterlier’s flask, weighing balance, kerosene OIL (free from water).

Le Chaterlier”s flask, is made of thin glass having a bulb at the bottom. The capacity of the bulb
is nearly 250 ml. The bulb is 7.8 cm in mean diameter. The stem is graduated in millimeters. The
zero graduation is at a distance of 8.8 cm from the top of the bulb. At 2 cm from the zero, there is
another bulb is of length 3.5cm and capacity 17 ml. At 1 cm from bulb, the stem is marked with
18 ml and is grated up to 24 ml. The portion above 24ml mark is in the form of a funnel of
diameter 5cm.


(I) Dry the flask carefully and fill with kerosene or naphtha to a point on the stem
between zero and 1 ml.

(II) Record the level of the liquid in the flask as initial reading.

(III) Put a weighted quantity of cement (about 60 gm) into the flask so that level of
kerosene rise to about 22 ml mark, care being taken to avoid splashing and to see
that cement does not adhere to the sides of the above the liquid.

(IV) After putting all the cement to the flask, roll the flask gently in an inclined
position to expel air until no further air bubble rise3s to the surface of the liquid.

(V) Note down the new liquid level as final reading.

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(I) Weight of cement used =W gm

(ii)Initial reading of flask =V1 ml

(iii)Final reading of flask =V2 ml

(iv)Volume of cement particle= V2-V1 ml

(v)weight of equal of water= ( V2-V1) x specific weight of water.

Specific gravity of cement = (Weight of cement/ Weight of equal volume of water)

= W/(V2-V1)


(I) Duplicate determination of specific gravity should agree within 0.01.

(II) To get more accurate result, the flask should be held in a constant temperature before each
reading is taken


Specific gravity of a sample of cement = 60/(19.9-0) =3.15.

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2. Sieve analysis of coarse and fine aggregates.
AIM-Sieve analysis of size of coarse aggregates.

APPARATUS- 1. A set of IS sieves of sizes – 20mm, 16mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, 4.75mm and

2.weighing machine


1. THE TEST OF SAMPLE IS DRIED to a constant weight at a temperature of 110 + 5 0c

and weighed. Weight of aggregates = 1000gm.
2. The sample is sieved by using a set of sieves.
3. On compaction of sieving, the material on each sieve is weighed.
4. Cumulative weight passing through each sieve is calculated as a percentage of the total
sample weight.
5. Fineness modulus is obtained by adding cumulative percentage of aggregates retained on
each sieve and dividing the sum by 100.


Sieve Mass %age %age pass cumulativ

retained retained e%

4.75 8 0.8 99.2 0.8

2.36 5 0.5 98.7 1.3

1.18 10 1 97.7 2.3

600 17 1.7 96 4

300 732 73.2 22.8 77.2

150 191 19.1 3.7 96.3

PAN 17 1.7 2 100

Table 4.1 Fineness modules of fine aggregates

Page | 27
Sample = 1 kg
Fineness modulus = Ʃ cumulative % / 100
= 281.9/100= 2.819

Sieve Mass retained % Retained cumulative%

80 0 0 0

40 0 0 0

20 67 0.67 0.67

10 8300 83 83.67

4.75 1574 15.74 99.41

PAN 59 0.59 100

Table 4.2 Fineness modulus of course aggregate

Sample = 10 kg
Fineness modulus = ƩCumulative % +500/100
= 283+500 / 100 = 7.8375

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3. Standard consistency of cement
AIM- To determine the standard consistency of cement.

APPARATUS- Vicat apparatus, measuring cylinder, cement.


1. Take 400 g of cement and place it in the enameled tray.

2. Mix about 25% water by weight of dry cement thoroughly to get a cement paste. Total time
taken to obtain thoroughly mixed water cement paste i.e. “Gauging time” should not be
more than 3 to 5 minutes.
3. Fill the vicat mould, resting upon a glass plate, with this cement paste.
4. After filling the mould completely, smoothen the surface of the paste, making it level with
top of the mould.
5. Place the whole assembly(i.e. mould + cement paste + glass plate) under the rod bearing
6. Lower the plunger gently so as to touch the surface of the test block and quickly release the
plunger allowing it to sink into the paste.
7. Measure the depth of penetration and record it.

Calculation-Calculate percentage of water (P) by weight of dry cement required to prepare

cement paste of standard consistency by following formula, and express it to the first place of

W=Quantity of water added
C=Quantity of cement use.

 Gauging time should be strictly observed

 Room temperature should be well maintained as per test requirement.
 All apparatus used should be clean.
 The experiment should be performed away from vibrations and other disturbances.

8. until the depth of penetration becomes 33 to 35.

Result- The standard consistency of cement is = (156/400)*10 = 39%.

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4. Concrete Slump Test
AIM: To measure the workability of fresh concrete.


1. Mould or slump cone with a height of 300 mm, bottom diameter 200 mm, and top diameter
100 mm.
2. Standard tamping rod.
3. Non-porous base plate.
4. Measuring scale.


1. First, clean the inner surface of the empty mould and then apply oil to it.
2. Set the mould on a horizontal non-porous and non-absorbent base plate.
3. Fill the mould fully by pouring freshly mixed concrete in three equal layers.
4. Stroke each layer 25 times with the standard tamping rod over the cross section.
5. After stroking 25 times the top layer is struck off level, now lift the mould slowly in the
vertical direction without disturbing the concrete cone.
6. Use the measuring scale to measure the difference level between the height of the mould
and the concrete sample.


 True Slump: The concrete mass after the test when slumps evenly all around without
disintegration is called the true slump.
 Shear Slump: When one-half of the concrete mass slide down the other is called the shear
slump. This type of slump is obtained in a lean concrete mix.
 Collapse Slump: When the sample is collapsed due to adding excessive water, it is known as
collapse slump.
 Zero Slump: For very stiff or dry mixes it does not show any changes of the slump after
removing the slump cone.

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5. Compressive strength of cement.
AIM- To determine the compressive strength of cement.

1. Cement
2. Standard sand
3. Vibration Machine
4. Poking Rod
5. Cube Mould of size 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm X 70.6 mm
6. Gauging Trowel
7. Weigh Balance

8. Graduated glass cylinders – 200 to 250 ml capacity.

1. Mixing of material for each test cube shall be separately prepared. The quantities
of cement,standard sand and water shall be as follows: Cement – 200 gms, Standard sand –
600 gms, water – (p/4+3) % of mass (cement+sand) where P = % of water required to
make cement paste of standard consistency.

2. All ingredients shall be dry mixed for one minute. After that, water is gradually added till
paste is formed of uniform colour. Mixing time shall be between 3-4 minutes. If uniform colour
of paste is not achieved after mixing more than 4 minutes, fresh mortar shall be prepared.

3.Apply mould oil on interior surface of mould and place the mould on vibrating table.
Immediately after preparing mortar as describe in point 2, place the mortar

inside cube moulds. Rod 20 times for approximate 8 sec to ensure full compaction of mortar.
4. Further compaction shall be done by using vibrating machine.The period of vibration shall be
two minutes at the specified speed of 12 000 ± 400

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5.After completion of vibration, remove moulds along with base plate and finish the top surface
by trowel.
6.Keep moulds filled with specimen for 24 ± 1 hr in moist environment. Remove samples from
mould and immediately submerge in clean water.

7.After curing period is over, remove cubes from water and immediately place in testing machine
with side facing upwards. Cubes shall be tested with out packing between steel plattens of the
testing machine and cubes surface.Load shall be steadily and uniformly applied, starting from
zero at a rate of 35 N/mm2/min. till failure of sample.
8.Calculate compressive strength of specimen by using following formula
compressive strength = P / A

P = Maximum load applied

A = cross-sectional area of test specimen

Compressive strength shall be calculated as average value of three samples. If value of

individual sample is differing more than 10 % of average value, then that value shall not be
considered. In that case average of other two samples shall be considered for compressive
strength calculation.

Calculation- cement = 200gm

Fine aggregates = 600gm
Percentage of water = (39/4 +3) * 100
= 102ml.
Area of the cubes = 70.5*70.5
= 4970.25mm2
Toatal load of cement cubes = (165+150+155)/3
= 154N

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Compressive strength = load / area
= (154*1000)/4970.25
= 30.98N/MM2
RESULT- Compressive strength of cement = 30.98N/MM2

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5.1 Concrete Mix Design (M20)

Design Stipulations
(1) Characteristic comp. strength required
In the field at 28 days 20Mpa
Level of quality control Good
(a) Test Data for Materials
(1) Specific Gravity Of Cement 3.15
(2) Comp. Strength Of Cement at 7 days Satisfies the requirement
Of IS: 269-1989

Sieve Mass %age %age pass cumulativ

retained retained e%

4.75 8 0.8 99.2 0.8

2.36 5 0.5 98.7 1.3

1.18 10 1 97.7 2.3

600 17 1.7 96 4

300 732 73.2 22.8 77.2

150 191 19.1 3.7 96.3

PAN 17 1.7 2 100

Table 5.1 Fineness modules of fine aggregates

Sample = 1 kg
Fineness modulus = Ʃ cumulative % / 100
= 281.9/100= 2.819

Page | 34
Sieve Mass retained % Retained cumulative%
80 0 0 0
40 0 0 0
20 67 0.67 0.67
10 8300 83 83.67
4.75 1574 15.74 99.41
PAN 59 0.59 100
Table 5.2 Fineness modulus of course aggregate

Sample = 10 kg
Fineness modulus = ƩCumulative % +500/100
= 283+500 / 100 = 7.8375

Aggregates Fine Aggregates Course aggregates

Type River sand (zone II) Crushed granite

Maximum nominal size -------- 20mm

Specific gravity 2.88 2.80

Bulk density 1.659 1.654

Fineness modulus 2.819 7.8375

Table 5.3 Properties of aggregates

Standard Deviation 4.0 (as per table 1 of IS 10262:2009)

Mean Target strength 20+1.65 X 4.0=26.60Mpa
(4) Water Absorption
Coarse Aggregate 1.522%
Fine Aggregate 1.01%

Page | 35
(5) Water Cement Ratio 0.47

(c) Selection of Water and Sand Content

For 20 mm Maximum Size aggregate, sand conforming to grading zone2

(b) Recommended values of material for M20 Concrete

For 1 cubic meter:

Cement = 320 Kg

Coarse Aggregates = 1110 Kg

Fine Aggregates = 798 kg

Water content = 180 kg

(c) Calculations of materials for 1 Cube

Volume of Cube = 150 X 150 X 150

= 3375000 mm3 or 0.003375 m3

Cement = Recommended value by IS code X volume of cube

= 320 X 0.15 X 0.15 X 0.15

= 1.08 Kg or 1080g

Coarse Aggregates = 1110 X 0.003375

= 3.746 Kg or 3746g

Fine Aggregates = 798 X 0.003375

= 2.693 Kg or 2693g

Water content = 172 X 0.003375

= 0.5805 Kg or 5805g

Water Cement Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate

Ratio 0.47 1 1.65 3.11
Specific gravity 1 3.15 2.88 2.80

Table-5.4 Ratio and specific gravity of materials

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5.2 Replacement of Materials
For 3 Cubes:
S. No Material Replaced Replaced With Percentage of Quantity of Replacement
1. Coarse Aggregates Ceramic Tiles Waste 8% 899.04g

16% 1798.08g

24% 2697.12g

Table-5.5 Replacement of Ceremic tile waste

S. No Material Replaced Replaced With Percentage of Quantity of Replacement

1. Glass powder Fine Aggregates 8% 646.32g

16% 1292.64g

24% 1938.96g

Table-5.6 Replacement of Glass Powder

5.3 Preparation and Curing Of Specimen

21 Standard cubic specimens of size 150mm (for each percentage of ceramic waste and glass
powder) were cast. Concrete cube were cast for compressive strength of concrete was undertaken
at 7, 14 days &28 days of age. All specimens were removed after 24 hrs.
3 Cubes of Nominal concrete mix were prepared. M20 grade of concrete was used. Ratio of M20
concrete is 1:1.5:3.
6 Cubes with a replacement percentage of 8% of ceramic waste and glass powder respectively
were prepared for testing of compressive strength.
6 Cubes with a replacement percentage of 16% of ceramic waste and glass powder respectively
were prepared for testing of compressive strength.
6 Cubes with a replacement percentage of 24% of ceramic waste and glass powder respectively
were prepared for testing of compressive strength.
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The table below represents the quantities of materials used in this project work:

S. No Material Quantity

1. Cement 22.680Kg (0.45 Bags)

2. Coarse Aggregates 28.319 Kg

3. Fine Aggregates 24.237 Kg

4. Ceramic tiles waste 5.337 Kg

5. Glass powder 3.877 Kg

6. Water content 5.220 Kg

Table -5.7 Total materials use for 21 cubes

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5.4 Concrete:

It is observed here that degree of workability is medium as per IS 456-2000. The slump value of
the concrete obtained from the Ceramic tile waste and Glass powder give negligible effect as
compared to the normal mix concrete.

% Replacement Slump Value (mm)

0% 32mm

8% 34mm

16% 30mm

24% 28mm

Table 5.8 Slump values for ceramic waste

% Replacement Slump Value (mm)

0% 32mm

8% 30mm

16% 28mm

24% 26mm

Table 5.9 Slump values for Glass powder

Page | 39

Slump Value (mm)





0% 8% 16% 24%
Replacement Percentage

Figure 5.1:Slump of concrete with Ceramic Waste


Slump Value (mm)





0% 8% 16% 24%
Replacement Percentage

Figure 5.2: Slump of concrete with Glass powder

Page | 40
5.5 Testing of Hardened Concrete (Ceramic Material)

Replacement Failure Failure Failure Average Compressive

(%) Load Load Load Load Strength (Mpa)
(KN) (KN) (KN) (KN) N/mm2

0% 340 345 340 341.66 15.20

8% 295 300 290 295 13.10
16% 335 340 330 335 14.80
24% 355 350 355 353.3 15.70

Table 5.10 Compressive Strength – 7 Days

Compressive Stresnth (Mpa)

0% 8% 16% 24%
Replacement Percentage

Figure 5.3 Compressive Strength – 7 Days

Page | 41
Replacement Failure Failure Failure Average Compressive
(%) Load Load Load Load Strength (Mpa)
(KN) (KN) (KN) (KN) N/mm2

0% 440 435 445 440 19.50

8% 420 425 425 423.3 18.80
16% 435 440 435 436.6 19.40
24% 455 460 450 455 20.20

Table 5.11 Compressive Strength – 14 Days

Compressive Stresnth (Mpa)

0% 8% 16% 24%
Replacement Percentage

Figure 5.4 Compressive Strength – 14 Days

Page | 42
Replacement Failure Failure Failure Average Compressive
(%) Load (KN) Load Load (KN) Load (KN) Strength (Mpa)

0% 540 545 545 543.30 24.10

8% 505 515 515 511.6 22.70

16% 525 520 535 526.6 23.40

24% 550 560 565 558.3 24.80

Table 5.12 Compressive Strength -28 Days

Compressive Stresnth (Mpa)

0% 8% 16% 24%
Replacement Percentage

Figure 5.5: Compressive Strength -28Days

Page | 43
5.6 Testing of Hardened Concrete (Glass Power)

Replacement Failure Failure Failure Average Compressive

(%) Load Load Load Load Strength (Mpa)
(KN) (KN) (KN) (KN) N/mm2

0% 340 345 340 341.66 15.20

8% 320 325 320 323.30 14.30
16% 345 350 350 348.30 15.50
24% 355 365 360 360 16.00

Table 5.13 Compressive Strength – 7 Days

Compressive Stresnth (Mpa)






0% 8% 16% 24%
Replacement Percentage

Figure 5.6 Compressive Strength – 7 Days

Page | 44
Replacement Failure Failure Failure Average Compressive
(%) Load Load Load Load (KN) Strength (Mpa)
(KN) (KN) (KN) N/mm2

0% 440 435 445 440 19.50

8% 420 425 425 423.3 18.80
16% 445 450 455 450 20.00
24% 460 465 465 463.3 20.50

Table 5.14 Compressive Strength – 14 Days

Compressive Stresnth (Mpa)

0% 8% 16% 24%
Replacement Percentage

Figure 5.7 Compressive Strength – 14 Days

Page | 45
Replacement Failure Failure Failure Average Compressive
(%) Load (KN) Load Load (KN) Load (KN) Strength (Mpa)

0% 540 545 545 543.30 24.10

8% 525 515 520 520.00 23.10

16% 535 540 545 540 24.00

24% 555 560 555 556.6 24.70

Table 5.15 Compressive Strength -28 Days


Compressive Stresnth (Mpa)





0% 8% 16% 24%
Replacement Percentage

Figure 5.8: Compressive Strength -28Days

Page | 46
5.7 Compressive Strength:
Compressive strength of concrete is tested on cube at different percentage of Ceramic tiles waste
and Glass powder content in concrete. The strength of concrete has been tested on cube at 7 days
curing and 28 days.7 days test has been conducted to check the gain in initial strength of concrete
and 28 days test gives the data of final strength of concrete at 28 days curing. Compression
testing machine is used for testing the compressive strength test on concrete. At the time of
testing the cube is taken out of water and dried and then tested keeping the smooth faces in upper
and lower part.

The strength of concrete is very much dependent upon the hydration reaction .The type and
amount of cement used in concrete determines the hydration reaction. In this experiment, in all
cases, i.e. for 0% , 8% , 16% , 24% replacement of cement by Ceramic tiles waste and Glass
powder, the test results, as shown in Table and it shows that the seventh and twenty eighth days
compressive strength of specimens with both are less than that of the corresponding control
specimens. The reduction of the strength increased with increasing percentage of ceramic waste
.These decreases in strength mainly occur due to replacement of coarse aggregates with powder
addition causing responsible for strength.

Page | 47

Glass, being non-biodegradable, is one such material that is not suitable for addition to landfill.
Fortunately, glass can be recycled indefinitely without any loss in quality, but first needs to be
sorted by colour. This is an expensive process, and subsequently waste glass is increasingly
being used in applications where mixed colour is not an issue, such as an aggregate in civil
construction. The construction industry presents an attractive market for the use of waste glass.
One of the principal components of construction is concrete, due to its high compressive
strength, durability and ease of construction.

 The compressive strength of the concrete increases by replacement of glass powder with
fine aggregate. 24% replacement of fine aggregates with glass powder leads to increase
the compressive strength while 8% and 16% replacement not increses the strength of
 Thus waste glasses are made in to glass powder and loaded in to concrete which makes it
useful. The partial replacement of glass powder as fine aggregate Makes the concrete
 Thus our project states that concrete can be strengthen by glass powder replacement ,
which makes the waste in to useful, so the waste materials made in to use.


Ceramics is one of the most ancient industries on the planet. According to the particle shape
analysis of ceramic waste coarse aggregate has diverse particles shape with the crushed stone
normal concrete. The important specification of coarse aggregate are its shape, texture and the
maximum size , as in further ceramic waste aggregate was found to be smoother than that of
ordinary crushed stone aggregate. Surface texture and mineralogy affect the binder between the
aggregates and the paste as well as the stress level at which micro cracking begins, the aggregate
strength becomes influential in the case of higher-strength concrete. Ceramic wastes retain
characteristics suitable for use as pozzolanic materials and thus are suitable for use in the making
of concrete.
 The compressive strength of the concrete increases by replacement of ceramic
tile with course aggregates.
 Thus use of ceramic tile waste make the concrete light weight and durable.
 Light weight concrete is easy to handle while using at construction site.

Page | 48

1. IS 10262:2009 for Mix Design

2. T.Subramani1, S.B.Sankar Ram2 1Professor & Dean, Department of Civil
Engineering, VMKV Engg. College, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, India 2

3. PG Student of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, VMKV

Engg. College, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, India

4. Aimin Xu and Ahmad shayam, “Value – added utilization of waste glass in

concrete”, Cement and concrete research, vol.34,8189,2004.

5. Carpenter,A.J. and Cramer,C.M, “ Mitigation of ASR in pavement patch concrete

that incorporates highly reactive fine aggregate”, Transportation Research Record
1668, Paper No. 99-1087,pp.6067,1999.

6. Chi sing lam, chi sun poon and Dixon chan, “ Enhancing the performance of pre –
cast concrete blocks by incorporating waste glass – ASR consideration”, Cement and
concrete composites, vol: 29pp, 616-625,2007.

7. Christopher cheeseman, “ Production of sintered light weight aggregate using waste

ash and other industrial residues”, Belgium, 2011

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