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The Microteaching Lesson Plan

Name: Beyza Gündoğdu Date: 05.11.2018

Class Time: 14:00-14:50 Class Time Length: 50 Minutes
Class Age: Average 9 years old Class Grade: 3rd grade
School: The Private School Class Size :16
Lesson: English Name of the Unit: The Emotions and
Feelings (Unit-4)
Language focus: Listening and Speaking Proficiency Level: Elementary

Description of In the previous lessons (during the lesson hours of the 3rd unit,
the lesson: approximately 1 week), the teacher taught the simple present continuous
tense to students. The students know making sentences using the simple
present continuous tense (e.g. Subject + am/is/are + Ving + object t) and
some verbs such as swim, talk, walk etc. (e.g. I am swimming, I am
walking, etc.) In this lesson, the students don’t know adjectives of
emotions and feelings (e.g. scared, angry, etc). They will teach the seven
adjectives of feeling and make sentences with them using the simple
present continuous tense.
The Goal:  The main goal of this lesson is to teach adjectives of feelings and
the students tell how to feel themselves using adjectives.
The Objectives: Students will be able to
 make 'feeling and emotions' sentences using the simple present
continuous tense.
 know the meanings of emotions in English.
 tell what they feel when they see different people in English.
 imagine people’s face shapes when they hear someone crying,
laughing or angry etc.
Materials and  The projection
Equipments:  Internet connection
 The computer
 Slides of Power Point
 Pc speaker
 The board
 The board markers
 Youtube (Video from Youtube, link at the bottom)
 Appendix I (Pictures on the wall)
 Appendix II (Masks)
 Appendix III (Small papers)
 Appendix IV (Some pictures of emotions)
 Appendix V (Homework)
Procedure: Welcome:
 The teacher asks the students “How are you feeling today?”
 The teacher explains to the students that this lesson will learn the
emotions & feelings and shows the pictures on the wall.
(Average of 2-3 minutes)

Lecture (The seven feelings):

 The teacher teaches emotions with pictures on the slide and repeats
it many times. (Picture slides with names of feelings)
The Microteaching Lesson Plan

 The teacher asks "How is she feeling today?" to students by

showing the pictures on the slides. (Picture slides with no names of
 The teacher writes student's answers on the board. (e.g. “She is
feeling happy today.”)7
(Average of 8-10 minutes)

Warm-up activity:
 The teacher asks her students to carefully watch a part of the
"inside out" movie. (In the film, a little girl's feelings were filmed.)
 The teacher stops some parts of the video and asks some students
"How is she feeling?"
 The students selected by the teacher respond the question.
 The teacher applauds the class if the student knows it correctly.
(Average of 6-8 minutes)

Main activity:
 The teacher distributes the masks to the students.
 The teacher wears her own mask and asks her students "How am I
feeling today?"
 The teacher asks each student how they feel. (E.g. The teacher
asks to X student “How is ‘Y student’ feeling today?” A student
answers “She is feeling angry today.”)
(Average of 10-12 minutes)

Follow-up activity:
 The teacher distributes small papers to the students.
 The teacher asks the students to draw the faces of emotions on the
slide and asks them to listen carefully to the sounds of the feeling.
(E.g. the word 'happy' is written on the slide and the background's
voice of a happy man. Students listen attentively and draw a happy
face on the paper.)
 Firstly, the teacher draws the first word of emotion (angry face) as
an example.
 After the students draw emotion's faces, they lift their papers and
show them.
(Average 8-10 minutes)

Assessment: Class work assessment:

 The teacher distributes some pictures of emotions to the students.
 Firstly, the teacher shows as an example. The teacher takes one
happy face picture and sticks it next to the "happy" picture hanging
on the wall.
 The teacher asks students to attach emotions to the pictures on the
wall in the same way.
 The teacher checks them while the students are attaching the
pictures of emotion on the wall.
(Average 4-5 minutes)
The Microteaching Lesson Plan

Extra-Class Homework (Daily chart)

Work:  Teacher distributes homework to students. The teacher explains
how to do the homework.
 The homework is a daily chart. The student will write down what
he/she feels on a daily basis. Under the chart, they can stick
emotional faces or draw emotional faces.
(Average 1-2 minutes)


Appendix I: Pictures on the wall

The Microteaching Lesson Plan

Appendix II: Masks

The Microteaching Lesson Plan

Appendix III: Small papers

Appendix IV: Some pictures of emotions

The Microteaching Lesson Plan

Appendix V: Homework

Youtube video link:

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