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Los sucesos de las últimas décadas nos han llevado a vivir en una
realidad en la cual estamos acostumbrados a convivir con la
injusticia, la mentira, la pobreza y el desdén. Una realidad donde
la palabra político es sinónimo de ladrón, donde la posverdad
tiene más peso que los hechos, y no nos resulta extravagante
enterarnos de un desfalco por 50 mil millones de pesos a la salud.

Desafortunadamente vivimos en un país plagado de una

enfermedad conocida como corrupción, la cual anualmente
deteriora la vida de más colombianos en comparación con el
mismísimo cáncer. Por ello debemos hacerle frente a las
adversidades que afligen a la nación en la actualidad,
aprovechar cada oportunidad para hacer de este un país mejor.

Si lo que realmente deseamos es un futuro estable, no solo para el país que tanto amamos, sino
también para el mundo en el que vivimos, debemos trabajar arduamente para lograr tal
objetivo. Debemos aprender de nuestros errores y de los errores de aquellos que nos
precedieron, para así poder preguntarnos ¿Cuál será mi legado en este mundo?

Delegados les doy la bienvenida a la decimocuarta edición del Modelo de Naciones Unidas del
Altamira International School, AISMUN 2018. Donde su dedicación e interés conllevarán a su
éxito, y su espíritu crítico e innovador los ayudarán a redactar resoluciones fructíferas, y
esperemos que algún día estas virtudes nos ayuden a culminar con la corrupción.

Siempre tengan en mente, “Veritas Numquam Perit,”

“La verdad nunca perece.”


Secretario General AISMUN XIV
“Democracy must be built through open societies that share information. When
there is information, there is enlightenment. When there is debate, there are
solutions. When there is no sharing of power, no rule of law, no accountability,
there is abuse, corruption, subjugation and indignation.” - Atifete Jahjaga

It is but with deep concern that I look back to our deceiving reality:

We have unfortunately grown used to living in a world where politicians profit

from the ignorance of others. The immediateness of our daily dynamics has
greatly caved into our political systems. Rather than for the correct motives,
people choose political candidates for their professions, for their economic
success, their friendships and appearance, the ideas for how easy it is to obey
them and applaud them. In this order of ideas, human nature is gradually LAURA BOSSIO
distancing from its questioning and critical state. Nobody seems to ask if behind DIRECTOR GENERAL
the figures presented by the media are true data, if these daily alarms represent
real historical transformations. It is common for us to lose sight of the complexity of our reality thanks to the illusion that
we understand the world only because we know its percentages, yet many people do not even realize that our own
ignorance is corrupt politicians’ power.

Falling into the widespread perception about the uselessness of citizens' action on corruption, we seem to overlook
the fact that society has the necessary means to counterattack the latter. Corrupt politicians have made it their duty
to make us believe that it is possible to live in a world where our actions have no moral implications, a happiness
without effort and responsibility, a purely playful order of reality where nothing has serious consequences. This effect
may even prolong itself as long as we are not personally involved in it, even if we are not there to see. While we must
acknowledge the fact that the entities in charge of the control of corruption fail to do their job effectively, it is our
duty as citizens to hold accountability for the global sense for transparency and organize an intervention that
constitutes compelling pressure on public officials. It is about time that we allow our generation to gain recognition
as the one to put an end to an evil that humanity has long sought to and empower other young minds to follow our

Without any further ado, it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to the fourteenth edition of the Altamira
International School Model United Nations, AISMUN 2018. In this conference, the committees embody global
platforms of discussion and cooperation, where delegates seek to reach a consensus subsequently to having
understood social, economic, and political issues that concern humanity. Moreover, we strive to bring dialogue
from the hypothetical to the actionable by granting delegates a space to voice the opinions of different nations
and political leaders so as to draft proposals and collaborate on global policy that will inspire meaningful change.


Director General AISMUN XIV
This schedule is created with the purpose of giving delegates and advisors a notion of what should be
expected at AISMUN XIV. A printed copy of this document will be distributed at the start of conference.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at:
Topic A: Attack on Pearl Harbor and the Pacific War
Topic B: Operation Barbarossa
Topic C: Alliance with Neutral States
Topic D: Anglo Iraqi War AXIS POWERS
Topic E: Conquest in North Africa and Maintaining French Colonies
Topic F: Concentration Camps and Paramilitarism

Topic A: Use of Combat and Reconnaissance Drones in Armed Conflicts.

Topic B: Territorial Integrity of the Former Soviet Republics. Disarmament and International
Security Committee

Topic A: Situation in Myanmar.

Topic B: Will be announced one week prior to the conference.


Topic A: Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals in the Time of Armed

Conflicts. SOCHUM
Social, Humanitarian and
Topic B: Extrajudicial Executions. Cultural Committee

Tema: Reforma de las Naciones Unidas.

Subtema A: El Consejo de Seguridad. CERNU
Subtema B: Intervencionismo y Responsabilidad de Proteger. Comité Especial sobre la
Subtema C: Financiación de las Naciones Unidas. Reforma de las
Naciones Unidas

Tema A: Fortalecimiento de la Cooperación Internacional para Lograr Estabilidad

CESRA 2030
Tema B: Estándares Internacionales para la Regularización de los Sistemas de Comité Especializado
sobre la Reforma de la
Agenda 2030

Tema A: Propagación de las Redes de Corrupción en los Sectores Públicos de

Tema B: Proceso de Reinserción de los Ex-Guerrilleros de las Farc a la Vida Civil. LA REPÚBLICA DE

Tema A: Medidas para Combatir la Corrupción y el Fraude Financiero.

Tema B: Estrategias para Combatir el Crimen Organizado. INTERPOL

to keep in mind
Committees in English


• DISEC: Disarmament and International Security Committee.


• SOCHUM: Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee.

Committees in Spanish

• CERNU: Comité Especial sobre la Reforma de las Naciones Unidas.

• CESRA 2030: Comité Especializado Sobre la Reforma de la Agenda 2030



About Committee Work…

• Just one opening speech is required. It must contain information about the two topics.
• Each opening speech should be read in a maximum time of one minute and a half.
• A position paper is essential, following the guidelines already established.
• PowerPoint presentations are permitted.
• If you wish to use the term “terrorism”, it is imperative that you make a motion, that will be
considered as interruptible.
• The term “imperialism”, does not belong to the parliamentary language; therefore, no
delegate may use it.
Secretary General:
Holds the maximum authority of the conference. Any rules and protocol that is subject to
change must be approved and clarified ONLY by him/her. The Secretary General has
coordinated collective work and cooperation within the AISMUN Staff. This position is subject to
clarifying any doubts that are presented, related to procedure, contents or protocol for the
different committees.

General Director:
The General Director is in charge of the academic direction of the Conference, he/she has the
responsibility of supervising the work of Presidents and Vice-Presidents of each committee and
keep them informed of any decisions taken by the Secretary General. He/she has the
responsibility of supervising the work of security and logistics for the optimal flow of the

President(s) (The Chair):

Holds the maximum authority inside his/her committee. His/her duties are to moderate debates
and direct the committee towards a rightful solution, according to what has been instructed by
the Secretary General and the handbook. The Chair must be an example of active
participation, investigation and punctuality to the conference. This position is responsible of
reporting any disciplinary or academic issue to the Secretary General.

Press Body:
This position holds the responsibility to inform all of the participants of AISMUN about the
development of the conference. This information must be related to the debates, conflicts,
crises, and the handling of these inside the committee. This committee will publish a daily
newspaper, give respectful superlatives at the end of the conference and also prepare
different materials such as videos.

Logistic Team:
They are the ones directly responsible for the physical organization of the conference. The
logistics team is in charge of all the equipment and technology aids. During coffee breaks and
lunches, they are in charge of the organization of all delegates and the coordination of the
whole process. They will be always willing to help and guide whoever needs them. Logistics is
also in charge of registration of Delegates and Schools and of providing them with everything
that is required for the sessions.
They belong to the Logistics team in AISMUN and are in charge of the security of all participants
in the event. In addition, they have the authorization of restricting access to those persons that
do not carry their badges with them.

Delegates may represent a Member State of the UN, a non-member observer state, or any
political leader, they assume and defend their countries position in all committees and in the
General Assembly. All interventions made by delegates need to be in agreement with the UN
Charter, its laws, treaties, conventions and protocols of the country they are representing. They
deliver an Opening Speech at the beginning of the Conference that should not exceed 1
minute and 30 seconds, where they establish their countries position on each of the topics to be
discussed. Each delegate has the right to vote in each committee that counts with its

Faculty Advisors/ Sponsors:

These participants are granted the rights of an Observer during committee work.
Communication with delegates is only permitted during breaks and lunch.

These participants have the possibility to observe any committee; however, these won’t be
allowed to participate from discussion and/or decision-making.
rules of procedure
Introductory Remarks

1. Powers of the Chair: The Chair reserves the right to take whatever measures deemed
necessary in order to ensure decorum. The presidents and members of the secretariat make all
decisions regarding motions, amendments, questions, etc. The Chair also has the right to impose
warnings whenever a delegate consistently violates the principles of diplomacy or good

2. Staff: The staff, consists mainly of the Press Committee, Logistics Committee (including Security
Body), Academic Committee and Executive branch of the Conference, is committed to the
well-being of the delegates and, apart from its own particular functions, assists all participants of
the conference in whichever need they might have.

3. Delegations: Each delegation will have a predetermined number of students, with one
representative in each committee in which they have a seat.

4. Courtesy: Along with respect for the authority of the chair, delegates must be courteous to
staff and other delegates.

5. Discipline: Three (3) warnings account for one temporary expulsion from the Room for a
determined amount of time. Three expulsions of the room account for an internal Suspension
(the delegate remains in the Conference but has his/her country lose voting rights and will just
hold observer status for one day, in which it is mandatory to attend). Four expulsions account for
an external suspension (expelled for one day) and if the delegate commits any fault on the day
after the suspension, he or she is immediately expelled from the Conference. This is concerning
minor infractions. In cases of a serious infraction, measures may vary. (See Discipline)

6. Dress Code: All delegates are expected to wear professional business attire during committee
sessions. (See Dress Code)
rules of procedure
Committee as a Whole: Terms

1. Minute of Silence:
Before starting committee session, there must be a minute of silence established by the Chair in
order for the delegates to reflect and, depending on each nation’s beliefs, entrust themselves to
their Higher Power.

2. Roll Call:
After the minute of silence, the Chair shall call the name of each delegation by alphabetical
order. If that delegation is present, it shall answer, “Present” or “Present and Voting”, the latter
meaning it will not be able to abstain when voting a substantive matter.

3. Quorum:
Two-thirds of the expected members of a committee must be present for committee session to
be opened and for debate to proceed. A majority of the expected members (one half of them
plus one) must be present for any substantive votes to be taken.

4. Voting Rights:
Each Member State (non–observer) of an AISMUN committee will have one vote in all matters.
Only when voting upon a substantive matter may a member-state abstain; that is, they may not
abstain on a procedural motion. Member-states that abstain from voting are considered as not
voting and shall not be counted. Observer states will have one vote in procedural matters only.
These nations are not allowed to vote on substantive matters.

5. Simple Majority:
A simple majority vote is herein defined as one in which there are more member-states voting in
favor of a motion than voting against. 50%+1

6. Two-Thirds Vote:
A two-thirds vote is herein defined as one in which there are more than twice as many
member-states voting in favor of a motion as voting against.

7. Substance and Procedure:

A substantive matter is herein defined as a resolution, convention, protocol or amendment. A
procedural vote is one which decides a procedural matter.

Substance and Procedure – a substantive matter is herein defined as a resolution, convention,

protocol or amendment. A procedural vote is one which decides a procedural matter.
rules of procedure
Speaking Rules

1. Speaker's List: Unless it is has been formally left aside, the speaker's list is open at all times for
countries wishing to speak about the issues at hand. To access the speaker's list, a nation must
submit a written request or raise their placard at the appropriate time.

2. Time Limit on Speeches: In the Moderated Caucus time, there is no limited time per speaker,
but time per debate. In a Speaker’s List in Favor and Against a Substantive Matter the time is
generally established per side and not per speaker. During a regular debate Speaker’s List, time
is limited per delegate and, when having enough time left, he or she may yield it. (See Point 3)
Opening Speeches will have a maximum time of 1:30 minutes to be delivered.

3. Yields: Assuming an imposed time limit, any delegate speaking on a substantive issue may
yield his/her time in any of the following ways:

• Yield to another delegate - The speaker yields remaining time to another delegate; only one
such yield is permitted. There are no yields using already yielded time.

• Yield to Points of Information - These points of information can be directed to the speaker after
he/she is finished speaking. They must be stated in a direct question fashion. Such yield is
subject to the max and min points of information established in the motion.

• Yield to the chair - If the delegate does not wish to answer questions or yield time to another
delegate, he/she may yield the remaining time to the Chair. The Chair may use the time as it
bears necessary.
rules of procedure

Note: Whether points are interruptible or not is stated in the chart titled “POINTS & MOTIONS”. However, no
point may interrupt the Chair. The concept of “Interruptible” applies only to delegates’ speeches.

1. Point of Personal Privilege: If a delegate experiences personal discomfort that constitutes a hindrance
to following the proceedings, he/she may request a point of personal privilege. (This might include items
such as noise, distractions, etc.)

2. Point of Parliamentary Inquiry: This is designed to allow a delegate to call to the attention of the chair
as to correct or explain any part of the parliamentary procedure or language. This is merely a clarification
point and should be used as such.

3. Point of Parliamentary Procedure: This point may be used by a delegate when the Chair has
committed a mistake regarding the parliamentary procedure, the Chair has the obligation to look over
the AISMUN handbook or ask the Secretary General for the correct procedure if this point is emitted.

4. Point of Order: Used to call the committee to immediate decorum. A delegate might make such point
when parliamentary procedure is not being followed by a delegate.

5. Point of Relevancy: A delegate may rise on a point of relevancy during a fellow delegate's speech if
the speaker's comments are not relevant to the proceedings. Whenever a delegate goes off the tangent
and is CONSISTENTLY and repeatedly touching matters that are out of topic in his statements towards the
topic in discussion. Judgment is at the discretion of the chair.

6. Caucusing: A delegate may move to enter a Moderated Caucus, Speaker’s List, Immoderate Caucus
or Lobby Time when the time is pertinent. They will be accepted into the floor according to the discretion
of the Chair.

7. Postponement and Resumption of Debate: In order to debate thoroughly a particular crisis or to discuss
other matters, a delegate may move to postpone debate. This is at the discretion of the chair. Similarly,
during a postponement, a delegate can move for the debate to resume on the main topic.

8. Right of Reply: A delegate whose personal or national integrity has been slandered or misconstrued
may request a written Right of Reply to the Chair. The granting of this right is at the discretion of the Chair,
which will establish the time for the delegate to explain how his/her delegation has been offended. There
shall not be Rights of Reply to a Right of Reply.

9. Point to add to the registry: If any delegate wishes to add to the registry any quote stated by a
delegate during debate, a delegate may emit such point when the delegate in matter has ended his or
her intervention. The Chair must proceed to add the quote in hand to the registry, if what the delegate
quoted was in fact what the speaker stated. Delegates may quote from the registry at any time, and do
not need to ask permission to the chair for such action.
rules of procedure

1. Voting: Each member nation shall have one (1) vote; if it is an observer, it shall not have vote.
A nation may either vote in favor, in favor with reasons, against, against with reasons, or abstain
from a substantive matter.

2. Roll Call Votes: The chair calls upon each country and allows each nation to either vote in
favor, against, abstain, or pass. Any nation that passes is asked again after the first round of
voting. Particularly when their vote seems inconsistent with their foreign policy, a country may
request the right to explain their vote. Voting with these rights is done by adding the words “with
reasons” after saying “in favor”, “against” or “abstain.” Countries that are absent will have their
votes be counted as abstentions.

3. Reconsideration: Only votes on substantive matters may be reconsidered. A reconsideration

motion must be made by a nation that voted on the majority side of the issue.

4. Change in Vote: If for any reason a delegate must change his or her vote after he or she has
already declared it in roll call, he or she must wait until the end of the call and wait until the chair
makes the final call. If the delegate has not changed his or her vote by the time the presidents
declare the voting results, he or she loses the opportunity and may not do it at any other time. At
this point, no radical changes from “in favor” to “against” or vice versa will be accepted.
rules of procedure
Important Motions

1. Recess or Adjournment: If the floor is open, a delegate may move to recess or adjourn. The
delegates should use their own judgment when asking for a recess or an adjournment.

2. Challenge to the Competence: A delegate may move to challenge the competence of

another delegate whenever he or she considers the delegation in question is in constant and
significant violation of the country’s national policies. This violation can be expressed in regular
committee debate statements and/or votes in substantive matters. The objective is to have a
questionably competent delegation lose its voting privileges, through voting procedures when
delegations approve or disapprove the Challenge.

The following is the regular conduct:

• The Challenge must be expressed in the FIRST place to the Chair in a written form. The Chair
will give it an initial approval if it considers it is valid and pertinent.

• The delegate being accused will be informed prior to the presentation of the Challenge to
the Committee so that the Chair can give him/her an appropriate amount of time to prepare.

• Prior to voting, both delegations involved (more than 1 may place the Challenge – maximum
2) have 1.5 minutes to explain their proofs and arguments.

• If after voting procedure this delegation’s incompetence is false according to the committee,
then the delegate who made the Challenge loses his/her voting privileges.

Special Considerations
The Chair may consider a Challenge out of order when there is lack of proof or when the
delegate that made the motion has violated in some way the regular conduct stated above. If
a delegate is found plotting to obtain other delegates’ votes prior to official voting, his
Challenge will be considered void due to unethical conduct. Also, if any delegate leaves the
session to search for proofs against another, this delegation’s pledge will not be in order, the
proofs must be in his/her possession beforehand or searched for in his/her spare time.

3. Tabling a Resolution: When a Working Paper is considered to be vague, pointless, or in some

way mediocre or not worth spending the Committee’s time in, it may be tabled through a
motion. The motion is voted and the resolution either remains or is left aside of the Agenda.
rules of procedure
4. Dividing the Question: Sometimes it is needed that the operative phrases in a working paper
be voted separately. When this is the case, a delegate may make a motion to divide the
question in which he or she must state the way the clauses will be divided. Then, an immediate
placards vote will be taken on each point or points, depending on how they are arranged.
Finally, following protocol, the resolution will be voted entirely, including pre-ambulatory phrases,
through a roll call vote stated in a motion.

5. Considering an Important Question: A resolution may be deemed an important question,

thereby requiring a two-thirds vote to pass. This request is made of the Chair immediately prior to
voting on the resolution. Included in the request must be an explanation of how the resolution fits
into one of the following categories required of an important question:

• Recommendations with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security.

• The admission of a new member to the United Nations.

• The suspension of the rights and privileges of membership.

• The expulsion of a member.

• Budgetary questions.

If the Chair determines that the resolution does fall within one or more of the categories, the
body shall vote to label the resolution an important question. This vote requires a simple majority.
rules of procedure
Flow of Debate- The Order of Things

It is sometimes helpful to think of a Model UN conference as if it were a play in which delegates

are the actors and Secretariat members are the directors. The storyline of a stage show is similar
to what MUNers (see Facciola) call the “flow of debate” – the order in which events proceed
during a Model UN conference. Just like scenes in a theatrical performance, debate unfolds in
several different parts. The chart below shows the various stages of debate that take place
during a Model UN simulation. Being familiar with how the action will proceed, from the first
“scene” to the last, is an important way to prepare yourself for a Model UN conference.

Roll Call
The Chairperson will announce each country’s name. After delegates hear their country, they
should answer “present.”

Setting the Agenda

When Model UN committees have more than one topic they can discuss, the body must set the
agenda to begin working on one of these issues first. At this time, delegate typically makes a
motion, stating “The country of [country name] motions to place [topic area A] first on the
agenda.” Some conferences will simply take a vote on this measure, but others will request
delegates to speak in favor of and against the motion. The list of these speakers is called a
“provisional speakers list.” Once all delegates on this list have addressed the committee, a vote
is taken. Setting the agenda usually requires a simple majority vote.

Formal Debate
Formal debate revolves around the speakers list. The Chair begins by asking all delegates who
would like to speak to raise their placards. The Chair then chooses delegates to be placed on
the speakers list. A country can only be on the speakers list once, but delegates may add their
country again after they have addressed the committee.

1a. When the session begins, speeches focus on stating country positions and offering
recommendations for action.

2a. After blocs have met, speeches focus on describing bloc positions to the entire body.

3a. Delegates now make statements describing their ideas to the committee.

4a. Delegates try to garner more support through formal speeches and invite other.
rules of procedure
Informal Debate
Informal debate is divided into moderated and immoderate caucuses. During moderated
caucuses, the Chair calls on delegates one-by-one so that each can address the committee in
short speeches. During immoderate caucuses, the committee breaks for a temporary recess so
that delegates can meet with each other and discuss ideas.

1b. After several countries state their positions, the committee breaks for caucuses (often in
blocs for now) to develop regional or group positions.

2b. Writing begins as countries work together to compose draft resolutions.

3b. Countries and groups meet to gather support for specific ideas.

4b. Delegates finalize draft resolutions

Close of Debate
Once the speakers list is exhausted, the committee automatically moves to voting. Also, once a
delegate feels that his or her country’s position is clear to others and that there are enough draft
resolutions on the floor, he or she may make a motion to go into voting procedure by moving for
the closure of debate.

Voting Procedures
Once a motion to close debate has been approved, the committee moves into voting
procedure. Amendments are voted on first, then resolutions. Once all of the resolutions are
voted on, the committee moves to the next topic on the agenda.
rules of procedure
Needs Can Debate: Vote
Second? Interrupt? Pro/Con Needed
Point of Order None Chair

Point of Personal Privilege None Chair

Point of Parliamentary Inquiry None Chair
Point of Information None Chair
Challenge to the Competence None 2/3
Motion to Adjourn None Majority
Motion to Recess None Majority
Motion to open debate
None Majority
(any kind)
Motion to Close Speaker's List None 2/3
Motion to Table 2-2 2/3
Motion to Postpone Debate
1-1 Majority
(in case of crisis)
Motion to Close Moderated
1-1 Majority
Point of Relevancy None Chair
Motion to Close Debate on a
1-1 Majority
Motion to Reconsider 1-1 Majority
Motion to Resume Debate
None Majority
(after crisis is solved)
Motion to Divide the Question None Majority
Motion to introduce Working Paper None Majority
Motion to Consider Substantive
None Majority
Working Paper None
(GA Committees)
Amendment None
(GA Committees)
rules of procedure
Making Resolutions and Amendments

Resolutions must be written by 7 or more (9 maximum) countries. These countries are called
Heads of Bloc or Sponsors because they are the ones that propose the solutions stated in the
working paper as the most viable. If wanting to ADD as a sponsor during debate, a delegation
must send a signed authorization by the sponsors to be included. For the working paper to be
presented to the Chair, 2/3 of the Committee must act as Signatory. These countries do not
necessarily support the working paper, but rather would like it to be debated and voted. The
resolution follows a format like that below.

Two delegates are recognized by the chair to read and explain their working paper in front of
the Committee. If there are any amendments or changes proposed by the Committee, they
must be sent written to the Chair following format 1. When an amendment is read by the Chair,
it is voted upon by the Sponsoring countries, and if they support it unanimously it becomes a
friendly amendment and thus is immediately part of the working paper. If not, it goes through the
vote of the entire committee and (in the case of the SC without veto powers) if approved by the
majority of the committee (50% plus one) it becomes a non-friendly amendment and thus part
of the working paper. If any sponsoring country feels the non-friendly amendment makes the
working paper a statement that his country may no longer support, he or she may remove from
the category of Sponsor at THIS time, before the resolution is submitted to vote through an
accepted motion. The delegation that sponsors the last amendment to a working paper must
vote in favor of the resolution or abstain. Amendments must include such words like (ELIMINATES,

Preambulatory Clauses introduce and foreshadow the solutions that will be proposed later in the
resolution. They are a chance to state previous considerations and truths that led to the
concrete solutions. The Operative Clauses include the concrete actions that the resolution calls
for, how they will be sponsored and detailed explanations on how they will be applied.

Format 1

Amendement 1

From the United States of America,

Eliminate resolutive clause number 4, for the reason it does not follows the parameters which
rule the committee and does not acts accordingly with the UN Charter.

Change the introductory phrase of pre-ambulatory clause number 1, due to the fact it is
based on alleged information and not substantial facts.
rules of procedure
Sample Working Paper 1.1.1

Committee: DISEC

Topic A: The Question of Missile Defense Systems in Modern Security

Heads of Bloc: The United States of America, Italian Republic

Sponsoring Countries: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of
Nigeria, Swiss Confederation, Japan, Republic of Colombia

Signatory Countries: Annex 1

The DISEC committee,

Having considered the implications of a nuclear military defense program,

Aware of the many instances where the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has
threatened safety standards worldwide,

Recalling that the Security Council, in its statement of 31 January 1992, stated that the
proliferation of nuclear and all other weapons of mass destruction constituted a threat to
international peace and security,

Bearing in mind the need of implementing a worldwide security system regarding possible
missile attacks,

Taking into account the solutions planted during the committee and requirements of all
nations involved in the international community,

Calls upon the international community to establish a common ground for nuclear
proliferation treaties,

Endorses the signing of the NODAT treaty to form a sense of peace amongst the

Affirming the cooperation between NATO countries and other nations for the
implementation of the new theatre missile defense system,

Guided by different articles stated in the Non-Proliferation Treaty of nuclear weapons.

rules of procedure

1. Invites all nations present in the General Assembly to take into account the facts debated in the

2. Urges all the nations in the international community to sign the NODAT (Nuclear Offensive and
Defensive Assets Treaty) in order to guarantee the fulfillment of its main ideals;

3. Authorizes the deployment of 3 new Raytheon AN/TPY 2 radars to provide NATO’s missile defense
system to other non-NATO countries around the globe:

a. The radars will be tactically located in Africa, South America, and Asia;

4. Further reminds that the sales and transactions of missile defense systems to rogue or failed states
may represent a threat to the international community if these systems fall under the hands of
belligerent groups;

5. Supports a 5% military arsenal reduction in ICBM to all nations which possess this ballistic arsenal;

6. Suggests nations to stop supplying military defense systems to rogue and failed states;

7. Further resolves to encourage countries to declare the usage of their nuclear facilities, in order to
keep a transparent and safe environment in the general community;

8. Reiterates the idea that the NODAT is strictly bonded to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons

a. Sanctions to states that have violated the NPT will also receive sanctions from the NODAT;
These sanctions will be imposed by the Security Council;
b. All countries that wish to belong to the NODAT must first sign and ratify the NPT;

9. Encourages the implementation of THAAD battery systems in military bases located in Poland
and Japan:

a. THAAD battery systems are to be regulated by NATO to help track and destroy hostile missiles,
as a method of preventing international ICBM launches;
b. THAADs are to be funded in a 40% by the host countries and the remaining 60% of the total
expenditure is to be distributed amongst the signatory countries of the treaty;
Nations must contribute with 3% of their total military expenditures, as a contribution to global

10. Further proclaims that if any nation violates any of the articles of the NPT it will not receive
protection from neither the NATO MDS nor the THAAD battery systems.
resolution clauses

• Affirming • Having • Accepts • Regrets

• Alarmed by devoted • Affirms • Reminds
• Approving attention • Approves • Requests
• Aware of • Having • Authorizes • Solemnly
• Bearing in mind examined • Calls affirms
• Believing • Having heard • Calls upon • Strongly
• Confident • Having • Condemns condemns
• Contemplating received • Confirms • Supports
• Convinced • Having studied • Congratulates • Takes note of
• Declaring • Keeping in • Considers • Transmits
• Deeply mind • Declares • Trusts
concerned • Noting with accordingly
• Deeply regret • Deplores
conscious • Noting with • Designates
• Deeply deep concern • Draws the
convinced • Noting with attention
• Deeply satisfaction • Emphasizes
disturbed • Noting further • Encourages
• Deeply • Noting with • Endorses
regretting approval • Expresses its
• Desiring • Observing appreciation
• Emphasizing • Reaffirming • Expresses its
• Expecting • Realizing hope
• Expressing its • Recalling • Further invites
appreciation • Recognizing • Further
• Expressing its • Referring proclaims
satisfaction • Seeking • Further reminds
• Fulfilling • Taking into • Further
• Fully alarmed account recommends
• Fully aware • Taking into • Further requests
• Fully believing consideration • Further resolves
• Further • Taking note • Has resolved
deploring • Viewing with • Notes
• Further appreciation • Proclaims
recalling • Welcoming • Reaffirms
• Guided by • Recommends
• Having
• Having
• Having

I think... My delegation considers...

My delegation disagrees with the

I disagree with...
delegation of...

Poor countries... Developing countries

Money... Economic resources, or just resources

Rich countries... Developed Countries

Nations were involved in a struggle

Countries were fighting because...

I believe... My delegation believes...

I would like to propose an informal debate... Motion to start a moderated caucus…

My delegation would like to express its

I would like to say...
thoughts about…

All the countries... The International Community…

We/us... We, the international community...


1. Always speak in third person. 3. Avoid colloquial expressions and sayings.

2. Try to speak with an elevated vocabulary. 4. Avoid being vulgar or disrespectful with words.
discipline code
1. Delegates should follow instructions coming from The Chair and the Secretary Generals while
being inside and outside their committees.

A. The absence of parliamentary language will be considered a lack of respect to the

Chair and the committee.
B. Under any circumstance delegates can disrespect the Chair deliberately. Among the
various lacks of respect, we have:

I. Verbal aggressions to the III. Disobedience

Chair and fellow delegates.

II. Physical aggressions to the IV. Lack of respect to the

Chair and fellow delegates. Chair’s authority.

2. Delegates should follow the Dressing Code.

3. Delegates are not allowed to be walking around the halls during Committee Work.

4. All delegates must remain in their respective rooms during Committee work and should not
leave the room without prior authorization by the Chair.

5. All delegates must carry their badges at all moments. This gives them access to the
conference, snacks and lunch tickets.

6. Delegates shall not disrespect

I. Secretary Generals V. Members of the Staff: Includes security, press,

and logistics members
II. Presidents
VI. Symbols belonging to the school or the event:
III. School Teachers Includes flags, school logos, etc

IV. Faculty Advisors/ Sponsors VII. School and hotel propriety

7. Delegates should always be punctual.

8. Cell phones should be turned off and kept away from sight during Committee Work. We have
adopted needed precautions, however, AISMUN is not responsible for lost or stolen objects.
9. Laptops can only be used for research and educational purposes, those which contribute to
the development and progress of the committee. This, of course, does not include Messenger,
Facebook, Facebook Chat, Gmail Chat, Myspace, Twitter, etc.

10. Delegates are responsible for their valuables, including portable computers. We have
adopted needed precautions, however, AISMUN is not responsible for lost or stolen objects.

11. Any sorts of plagiarism or malpractice in a working paper, position paper or opening speech
that can be proven by the Chair and/or the Secretary General are subject to the immediate
dismissal of the conference.

12 . The intake of alcohol and other drugs inside AISMUN’s location is prohibited.

I. Thus, entering a committee in a state of drunkenness or intoxication is prohibited as well.

II. Smoking is also prohibited inside the AISMUN’s location.

13. Delegates shall not eat or drink inside the committee, or during Committee Work.

14. Delegates should be tolerant towards races, religions and beliefs.

15. Robbery is illicit in AISMUN.

16. Keeping any type of arm or weapon is forbidden.

17. If it is approved by presidents and Secretary Generals, any severe act have consequences,
even if it is not enlisted above.

18. Any serious infraction, determined as such by the Presidents and approved by the
Secretariat, even if it is not included in the Code of Conduct, will be sanctioned.

19. The relapsing in faults by a delegate or assistant to the conference might be motif of
expulsion from AISMUN.

WARNING: Each of the previous points has its consequence and warning.
These are specified ahead.
TYPE OF VIOLATION TO CODE (Subject to the Discretion of the Chair,
who might consider further measures)

Consistent Lack of Use of Parliamentary Language Warning

Misconduct that causes the loss of order
Warning per Instance (can be General)
within the committee
Disrespectful questioning of the Chair’s Authority Warning (s)
Lack of Respect between delegations Warning (s)

Use of foul language Warning (s)

Eat or Drink at inadequate time/place (Bubblegum) Warning (s)

Remain in Halls during Committee Work Warning (s)

Keep trash or excessive disorder in table or room Warning (can be General)

Hurt physically or verbally, threaten or intimidate Suspension or Expulsion

Religious, Philosophical or Political Intolerance Suspension or Expulsion

Late arrival to committee sessions Warning per Instance

Warning (Placards) and
Lack of Respect with Conference Symbols/ Elements
Suspension (other symbols)
Warning and delegate must leave
Misusing the dress code
until properly dressed
Cell Phone Disturbing Ring or Use in Committee Warning and cell phone must be turned off
Leaving Room without authorization of the Secretary
Suspension or Expulsion, depending on case
Generals, the Presidents, or faculty advisor
Alcohol, Cigarette or Drug Consumption Expulsion

Unexcused lack of assistance to AISMUN Expulsion

Lack of Respect against Presidents, Advisors,
Staff or Secretariat
Proven Robbery Expulsion
Assist the Conference under Alcoholic effects Expulsion

Commit Plagiarism in Resolution Drafting Expulsion

position paper
How to write a Position Paper

Most delegates underestimate the importance of a good position paper. The position paper, if
elaborated correctly, is the proof that the delegate understands his/her country’s internal policy
and will probably perform a good job during the debate, feeling confident and stating a clear
position. A position paper varies in length depending on the delegate’s decision, but it is usually
2 or 3 pages long. There is no universal format for the elaboration of this document, but the
following one might result useful:

• Brief background information about your topic: summarize in a few words what is the issue you
will be discussing during the committee: its origins, effects, and global impact. (The delegate
should produce one position paper per topic).

• Clear country’s position: this is the most important part of the document, for it shows whether
or not the delegate understands its country’s position. If a delegate is clear on the position, then
participation will be “a piece of cake”. This includes the past actions of the country in order to
contribute with the solving of the issues in hand. Delegates must wright one paragraph stating
his/her country´s public position, this includes what the members of the government state during
press conferences and reports. Likewise, delegates must wright another paragraph stating the
country´s private (in other words real) reasons that motivate such state to get involved in the
conflict; in other words this paragraph will contain the confidential policies of the nation.
Women Men
¡Prohibited! ¡Prohibited!

• Shirts without sleeves. • Informal shirts. (V-neck, polo shirts, T-shirts,

for example).
• Shirts or blouses that show back or
stomach. • Shirts with vulgar or disrespectful
• Informal shirts. (V-neck, polo shirts, T-shirts,
for example). • Transparent shirts.

• Shirts or blouses with vulgar or disrespectful • Informal coats.

• The lack of a tie.
• Transparent shirts that show clearly too
much skin. • Any type of jean (blue, red, yellow, White,
green, black or any other color jean).
• Informal coats or cardigans.
• Tennis shoes.
• Skirts/dresses over the knees.
• Informal pants.
• Skirts with long slits that show too much skin.

• Transparent skirts or pants.

• Any type of jean (blue, red, yellow, White,

green, black or any other color jean).

• Informal sandals.

• Tennis shoes.

• Flip flops.

Warning: If any delegate is dressed inappropriately, he or she will be sent

back home to change and will receive a warning.
Honorable delegates, you are the essence of every Model United Nations; therefore, it is your
preparation what makes of it, either a remarkable or an unsuccessful activity. At this point, you
have in your hands the choice of seizing this fruitful opportunity. Are you ready to accept the
challenge? If you are willing to, below you will find a series of useful recommendations and
helpful guidelines that will accompany you in your journey towards becoming the ideal


STEP 1: Knowing everything about YOUR COUNTRY.

Getting to know the background information on your assigned country sometimes involves
coming across a broad range of facts that obscure the truly necessary information for your
preparation. You should take into account the following questions; they will help you find specific
facts that are pertinent.

1. What kind of government does your country have?

2. What types of ideologies (political, religious or other) influence your country’s government?
3. By which domestic issues is your country’s foreign policy influenced?
4. What are some major events in your country’s history? Why are they important?
5. Which ethnicities, religions and languages can be found in your country?
6. Where is your country located and how does its geography affect its political relationships?
(Geopolitical importance)
7. Which countries share a border with your country?
8. Which are your country’s allies?
9. Which countries are your country’s “enemies”?
10. What are the characteristics of your country’s economy?
11. What is your country’s gross domestic product (GDP)? How does this compare to other
countries in the world?
12. When did your country become a member of the UN?
13. Does your country belong to any intergovernmental organization outside the UN system
such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or the Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC)?
14. Does your country belong to any regional organizations such as the European Union (EU),
the African Union (AU) or the Organization of American States (OAS)?
15. Does your country belong to any trade organizations or agreements such as the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD)?

Do you usually get lost and do not know how to begin researching? Are you one of those
delegates who have trouble at the moment of knowing which word to put in the Google Bar?
Check this out.

1. Look up your country’s permanent mission to the UN.
2. Find your country’s voting records and read speeches on the United Nations
Bibliographic System Website.
3. Look at the CIA World Factbook for a general overview on your country, and for figures
and statistics as well.
4. Check the NEWS. (Websites, TV, Newspapers)
5. Read the US State Department report on your country.

STEP 3: Knowing everything about YOUR TOPIC.

For a satisfactory development in every committee, it’s strongly recommended that each
delegate knows enough about their country and topic in order to be able to identify the main
issues during the debate and propose viable solutions.

1. What is the main issue? How does it affect your country?

2. What has your country done to solve the issue?
3. What are the various “sides” in the debate?
4. Which aspects of the issue are most important to your country
5. How will your country attempt to shape the debate at the conference? What are the
key issues which your country will try to address and find solutions in the committee?
6. What arguments will other countries have?
7. What are the positions of the key actors in the issue?
8. How do the positions of other countries affect your country’s position?
9. If your country is associated with a regional bloc, what is the bloc’s position on the topic?
Are these policies in line with, or do they stand in opposition to, your national policies on
the problem?
10. Is there evidence or statistics that might help to back up your country’s position?

Take these tips into account too:

1. Look at the NEWS!
2. Take a look at the UN Economic and Social Development page, which has an index to
some important issues as well as a list of UN agencies that work in various issue-areas. Also,
through the United Nations Documentation Center you can find resolutions and voting
records from the current and previous years.
3. NGOs are an important part of the UN system, in part due to the valuable research and
information they generate. Look for NGOs that address your topic.
4. Read academic publications! Although they can be complex, they provide in-depth
information on many issues.

STEP 4: Knowing everything about the UN.

You are in a simulation of the United Nations; therefore, it is utterly necessary to have an ample
knowledge on the system and its actions on the topic that will be discussed.

1. United Nations structure.

2. Members of the United Nations and its bodies.
3. Recent UN actions on the issue.
4. The factors that resulted in the success or failure of the previous actions of the UN.
5. Conferences and meetings held regarding the issue.
• Abstention: abstaining from a vote means to withdraw from voting on resolution instead of
giving a “yes” or “no” answer.

• Amendments: are made to resolutions. Friendly amendments require the support of the
sponsors in order for changes to be made. Unfriendly amendments do not have the approval of
all the sponsors, and require the support of one quarter of the assembly and a majority vote.

• Arab League: a body independent of the UN comprised of Arab states in Africa and the
Middle East. Some of its procedural rules differ (i.e. A resolution is non-binding to those who vote
against it).

• BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement): what if your preferred solution cannot
be accomplished or agreed upon by the committee? Each delegate should have a BATNA on
each issue that will be debated in order to promote compromise and cooperation.

• Bloc: a group of countries that from a logical combination because of geographical,

economic, or cultural considerations (African bloc, Arab League).

• Dividing the Question: Once in voting procedure, a motion to divide the question means
splitting up operative clauses to be voted on separately. This is useful if you agree with one part
of a resolution but not the whole thing.

• EU (European Union): an economic and political union created under the Maastricht Treaty in
1993, it comprises most of Western Europe and Germany, and is poised for future expansion into
Central and Eastern Europe. Most customs regulations in Europe have now been abolished and
single currency is now in place, the Euro. As a political unit it has formidable power vis-á-vis the
United States.

• Foreign Aid: money given by one country to another for humanitarian or developmental
purposes. It plays a key role in shaping foreign policy.

• Formal Debate: the committee follows a speaker’s list. Speakers are given a strict time limit
within to make their point. They must also formally yield the floor to question, the Chair, or another
delegate. Rules regarding motions, voting, and “right of reply” are enforceable only in formal

• Foreign Policy: the attitudes and interests of a country towards external issues. Foreign policy
can be influenced by a variety of factors, i.e. military strength, trading partners, history, and
domestic government.
• G8 (Group of Eight): a body comprised of eight of the world’s most powerful nations: Canada,
the U.S., U.K., France, Italy, Japan, Germany, and Russia.

• ICJ (International Court of Justice): the ICJ is a body designed to resolve legal and territorial
disputes between counties.

• Immoderate Caucus: A forum where the rules of debate are suspended and delegates are
able to gather in groups and freely discuss with and write to one another. Usually some of a
committee’s most productive work is accomplished during causes.

• Informal Debate or Moderated Caucus: can be entered into by a simple motion and majority
vote. The Chair recognizes delegates wishing to speak, but there are no yields, time limits, or
opportunities to directly question one another. However, it offers the chance to proceed quicker
through various issues that arise during debate.

• Information: question made by delegates to a speaker during the Speaker’s List.

• Lobbying: refers to informal caucusing between small groups of delegates. One may wish to
lobby another delegate for support on a resolution or policy option.

• Motions: Motions must be made to open, close, postpone, or adjourn debate, to set the
agenda, table topic, enact right of reply, and caucus.

• NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization): security organization created in 1949 by western
powers to provide a collective force against the Soviet Union. In the post-Cold war era it has
taken on new responsibilities in peacekeeping and enforcement of international law (Bosnia,

• NGO’s (Non –governmental Corporations): are organizations or associations that are not
associated with a specific country or international political organization. Their aims can be
broad (World Vision International, Amnesty International, Greenpeace) or quite specific
(Doctors Without Borders) in the activities and goals. The United Nations has a history of working
closely with NGO`s on issues, especially relating to humanitarian projects.

• Nom-Members: delegates who sit in a committee and are allowed to speak but don`t have
voting privileges.

• OAS (Organization of American States): an international political organization comprised of

North and South American countries.
• Operative Clauses: Are written in resolutions and initiatives for the committee to undertake.

• Parliamentary Inquiry: A question on the rules and procedure of debate.

• Placard: Is your key prop al all times. Just be sure not to replace it with your own creation, or
to wave it hysterically while someone else is speaking.

• Points: Can be raised in formal or informal debate. There are two points that can interrupt a

1. Personal Privilege: If there’s too much noise, heal/cold, etc…

2. Order: This point can be raised if a rule has been violated.

• Position Paper: A written statement by a delegate on a particular agenda topic, outlining

one’s foreign policy, proposed solutions and alternatives.

• Preambulatory Clauses: These clauses go at the beginning of a resolution, and act to

introduce the issue (concerns, previous UN actions, etc..). They are not numbered.

• Right of Reply: This can be asked for if a delegate feels another delegate has insulted and/or
slandered his/her personally. It is easily the most over – attempted and misused motion in MUN

• Roll Call: A motion made in voting procedure to individually call out each country`s name for
their vote. A delegate can vote in favor, against, abstain, or pass. A country that passes will be
asked again at the end of the list.

• Security Council: The most powerful body within the UN, it is comprised of fifteen members,
five of whom are permanent (see Veto Powers). It is responsible for the UN’s peace and security
policy, dealing with conflict through peacekeeping, sanctions, and other measures.

• Signatories: Signatories are members who consent to the introduction of the resolution; they
have no further rights or obligations.

• Speaker's List: In formal debate the chair follows the speaker’s list to recognize delegates.
Your country`s name cannot be on it more than once at a time.

• Sponsor: Sponsors are those members who presented the resolution to the Chair.
• UN (United Nations): The international organization that was created in 1945 from the legacy
of World War II to promote and protect international peace and security, cooperation, and
human rights worldwide. Its legitimacy comes from the UN Charter, with its major bodies
including the Security Council, the General Assembly, and the various committees that comprise
the Economic and Social Council.

• Veto Powers: The five permanent members of the Security Council (U.S., U.K., France, Russia
and China) have the right to single-handedly veto a resolution by voting no.

• Working Paper: Sometimes referred to as an “idea paper”, although working paper is the
preferred formal term. It is drawn up in the form of a resolution, but its status as a “working
paper” allows for easily made amendments that do not require the support of the entire
committee, only the sponsors themselves. Working papers are one step below being a resolution,
and many are often combined into one. Their overall purpose is to set out specific solutions or
policy stances on an issue that can be debated within the committee.

• Yield: In formal debate the delegate must yield his/her time in one of three ways:

1. To the Chair: Once the speech is over the Chair takes the floor and moves on with the
Speaker’s List.

2. To question: Delegates can ask question to the speaker for his/her remaining time.

3. To another delegate: another speaker uses up the remaining time to give a speech,
but cannot yield to another delegate.

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