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A data sheet is provided for your use.

Question 1 is multiple choice.

Write down only the correct letter next to the question number.


1.1 The product ½ at2 in the equation of motion s = vi t + ½ at2 has the following units;
(a) s
(b) m.s-1
(c) m.s-2
(d) m

1.2 Which of the following is a vector.

(a) speed
(b) work
(c) force
(d) distance

1.3 A body moving with constant velocity implies that the body has

(a) acceleration = 0 and Fresultant = a constant value

(b) velocity = 0 and Fresultant = 0
(c) acceleration = 0 and Fresultant = 0
(d) acceleration = a constant value and Fresultant = a constant value

1.4 A body is projected vertically upwards. At its highest point in the motion the
acceleration is,

(a) zero
(b) 10m.s-1 upwards
(c) 10m.s-2 downwards
(d) 10m.s-1 downwards

1.5 Which of the following graphs represents a constant acceleration curve?

(a) (b)

v v

t t
(c) (d)

x --------- x

t t


Match the information in COLUMN A with an item in COLUMN B by writing only the letter (A-I)
next to the question number (2.1-2.7). eg 2.1 A

2.1 Diatomic molecule A. gravitational force
2.2 Inert gas B. mechanical energy
2.3 Scalar C. neon
2.4 g D. nitrogen
2.5 Plum pudding model E. Thompson
2.6 Displacement F. Bohr
2.7 Weight G. boron
H. Gravitational acceleration
I. Area under velocity time graph



Write only the correct term for each of the following descriptions next to the question number.

3.1 The name given to the electrons in the outer energy level of an atom. (1)

3.2 Rate of change of velocity. (1)

3.3 The gradient of a displacement – time graph (1)

3.4 The quantity measured in kg.m2.s-2 (1)

3.5 The S.I unit of work. (1)



Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write only 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' next
to the question number (4.1-4.3) Correct the statement if it is FALSE.

4.1 The resultant of two forces ; F1 = 10N and F2 = 15N can be equal to 4N

4.2 Dalton formulated the first atomic model.

4.3 It is impossible to measure the height of an object that is dropped down to earth by only
measuring the time taken to reach the ground.

The following questions refer to Rutherford's scattering experiment.

5.1 What radioactive element did he use? (1)

5.2 Name the particles emitted by his radioactive element. (1)
5.3 What metal did he use as the foil? (1)
5.4 Why did he choose this metal? (2)
5.5 What chemical did he use to coat the glass screen? (1)
5.6 Why did he use this chemical? (2)
5.7 What did he conclude from the fact that nearly all particles went straight through the metal foil?
5.8 What did he conclude from the fact that only 1 in about 10 000 particles were reflected straight
back from the foil? (4)


Naturally occurring carbon consists of three isotopes 126C, 136C and 146C. When ions of carbon are
passed through the magnetic field of a mass spectrometer, three traces are formed on the screen of
the spectrometer, as illustrated below:

The traces have been labeled A, B and C. Furthermore, it is found that trace C is much brighter than
traces A or B.

6.1 What are "isotopes"? (2)

6.2 Match the three isotopes listed above with the three traces A, B and C.
Explain your choice. (4)
6.3 What can you deduce from the brightness of trace C? (2)

The following velocity - time graph represents the motion of an object moving in a
straight line along a level surface:

What is its velocity at 7.1 What is it’s velocity at 6s? (2)

7.2 What is it’s velocity at 10s? (2)
7.3 During which period/s is it traveling at constant velocity? (2)
7.4 Determine its acceleration at 10s. (4)
7.5 Describe its motion from 8s to 12s. (2)
7.6 Calculate the displacement of the object during the first 7s (6)
7.8 Draw the corresponding acceleration vs. time graph for the motion of
the object for the first 8s. Show actual acceleration values on the Y-axis


7.9 Sketch the corresponding displacement vs. time graph for the motion of
the object (only the shape of the graph) for the first 8 seconds


Question 8

The following data was obtained during an experiment to investigate the motion of a car.
The car started from rest at point A. A paint spot was dropped from the moving car on
the road every 6 seconds. The distances between the paint spots were measured and
recorded, as shown below:

t(s) 0 6 12 18 24 30

s(m) - 13.5- - 40.5- - 67.5- - 94.5 - -108 - - 108-

8.1 How can you tell from the given information that the car accelerated
uniformly from A to E? (2) (3)
8.2 Calculate the average velocity from A to C. (3)
8. Calculate the average velocity from C to E. (5) (2)
3 Use the answers to calculate the acceleration of the car.
8.4 Describe the motion of the car from E to G.

Question 9
A boy stands on a bridge, and drops a stone vertically downwards from the
edge of the bridge to the water below. The stone takes 8 s to hit the water, and
strikes the water when it is traveling at 86 m.s-1 vertically downwards. Calculate
the height of the bridge above the water. [8]

Question 10
10.1 What is meant by the "mechanical energy" of an object. (3)
10.2 Under what conditions will the mechanical energy of a moving object
remain constant? (3)
10.3 The sketch shows a portion of a roller coaster. The mass of the car,
including passengers, is 600 kg. It starts from rest at position A, and rolls
along the track. The heights shown are measured from the lowest point in
the ride. Assume that there is no friction.

(a) the potential energy of the car at A
(b) the velocity of the car as it passes point B (5)
(c) the kinetic energy of the car as it passes point C

Question 11

A person walks 200m in a northerly direction, then 300m in an easterly direction and then 400m
in a southerly direction. By construction , determine the shortest direction which the person must
cover to return to his starting point. Also find the direction in which he must walk. (Use 1mm to
represent 4m) (9)

Question 12
Read the following passage and then answer the questions below it.

12.1 Why was the glue that was developed called GECKEL ? (2)
12.2 What properties make GECKEL so special ? (2)

12.3 Name one application of GECKEL that you would suggest in each of the following fields;

12.3.1 The medical field

12.3.2 The Industrial Sector

12.3.3 The Military (9)


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