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Understanding the Interaction Between

Radiated Fields and EMC Antennas

Speaker Photo
High Resolution Image
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Tom Mullineaux
No “Selfies” Please

Veteran RF Engineer
RF Engineer of 35 Years Standing.
RF Concepts Educator
the Interaction
Radiated Fields
and EMC

Reasons for this

Reasons for this Webinar
Recognition that the tremendous success of circuit theory all
but obviated the need for a sound understanding of field theory

Many EMC Staff are recruited with an electronics test

Black belts in electronics testing, white belts in RF test

To promote a fundamental understanding of the concepts

behind the interaction between EMC antennas and the
fields they capture
The Basic Approach
Re-introduce the
concept of fields of
Encourage audience to think in
+ terms of fields exerting
‘Force on a Charge’

Use the above to explain

the interaction between
fields and antennas
Part 1: Testing
. Gauss’s Law for
Electric Fields

The Electric
+ Field of Force
N/C same as v/m
v = Nm/C
v/m = N/C
Gauss’s Approach
Closed Surface
Total electric flux passing
through closed surface is the
Field Strength E at the
surface multiplied by the area
of the closed surface
Total ΦE = E . Area
E= Q
4 π εoR^2
Let Q = 4πεo Let R = 1
So E = 1, and Area is 4πR^2
Total ΦE = 4π
The Test
Move charge contained up
by half the radius of the
sphere R i.e. (R/2)
Calculate the E-Field at
surface for each line of force
Create area segments
(strips) for each line of force
Calculate area of each
Multiply each E-Field by
the area of its respective
segment to get Φ for
that segment
Gauss’s Law says Sum of
segment Φs should be same (4π)
Our Approach

Use simplest math possible

Determine segments and

calculate segment areas

Calculate E field for each

+ Calculate Φ passing through
each segment

Sum total flux

Compare with original

(centralized sphere) flux total
Calculating the area of a segment - Example
Northern Cap
Area of sphere is 4πR^2

Northern Tropic Strip

Strip is calculated by
subtracting one cap area
from another

Southern Tropic Strip

For instance, the area of
the Northern Tropic is the
area of the upper
hemisphere minus the area
of the Northern Cap Southern Cap
Area of any cap is A = 2 π Rh

Simple example with h = R Height h

And with h = 0.5R
(Northern Cap)

R Area of hemisphere is 2 π Rh = 2 π RR
= 2 π R^2

Area of Northern Cap is 2 π Rh

= 2 π R(R/2)
= π R^2

Area of Northern Tropic is the area of the hemisphere minus the area of the
Northern Cap. That is 2 π R^2 minus π R^2
= π R^2

Calculating h

R - R.sinΘ Height h

R.sinΘ R R.sinΘ
Line of
m Force #3



4 m

3 l


Equation of Measurement R
x2 + y2 = 1

Equation of a Straight Line y

Slope = y/x
y = mx + C
Where m is the slope of the line C
(that is y/x) x
m = y/x = opp / adj = tan Θ
y C = R/2 = 1/2 since R = 1
Θ Equation of Line of Force is
x y = (tan Θ) x + 1/2

Also, for the Measurement Circle, if we make y the subject of the equation we get
y = √(1 – x2)

Point where the two equations intersect

Measurement Circle
y = √(1 – x2) y

Line of Force

Point Charge

At the point where the two equations intersect,

√(1 – x2) = (tan Θ) x + 1/2

(1 – x2) = [(tan Θ) x + 1/2) ] 2
(1 – x2) = tan 2 Θ x2 + ½ tan Θx + ½ tan Θx + ¼
(1 – x2) = tan 2 Θ x2 + tan Θx + ¼
1 = x2 + tan 2 Θ x2 + tan Θx + ¼
1 = (1 + tan 2 Θ) x2 + tan Θx + ¼
(1 + tan 2 Θ) x2 + tan Θx + ¼ = 1
(1 + tan 2 Θ) x2 + tan Θx - ¾ = 0

Which is in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0

Which can be solved for x by factorizing or by using the standard equation

x = -b +/- √(b2 – 4ac)
11 10 9 8
12 7
13 6
14 5
15 4
16 3
q o s
17 p2 r
18 k 1
19 36
20 35 z
21 34 f

22 33 e
23 32
24 31 a
25 S
26 27 28 29
Force Line Strip Area E Angle E cos Φ
1 0.754 1.48 29.9 1.283 0.967
2 0.818 1.80 28.9 1.576 1.289
3 0.440 2.15 27.0 1.916 0.843
4 0.441 2.57 24.0 2.348 1.035
5 0.251 2.96 20.7 2.768 0.695
6 0.251 3.34 16.5 3.203 0.804
7 0.095 3.65 12.2 3.566 0.339
8 0.094 3.86 7.3 3.829 0.370
9 4.02 2.5 4.02
3.144 6.342

+ Free Electron in a Metal Rod

Imagine Varying Field is

Independent of Matter
Part 2: How an
RF Field
Interacts with
the Antenna

Discussion on
10 Meters Cable There is no potential
difference along the cable

Sig 10Vac Lossless Line Load

Gen 15kHz
Synchronous trigger to each Synchronous instantaneous
oscilloscope including photograph
propagation delay
Might as Well be Connected Directly
across the Load

No Discernable Difference as far as Load


There is no potential difference along

the cable
10Vac Sig Load
15kHz Gen
? ?

10,000 Meters Cable

(About 12.5 miles)

Sig 10Vac Load

Gen 15kHz
10,000 Meters Cable
(About 12.5 miles)

Sig 10Vac Lossless Line Load

Gen 15kHz
Red Line = Timestamp
The shortest fraction of a wavelength that
picks up entire range of AC voltage
Anything less than lambda / 2 will not pick
up full range of AC voltage excursion

No matter where in cycle you place it

10 Meters Cable

Sig 10Vac Scalable Load

Gen 15MHz
Red Line = Timestamp
Remove load. Take last
quarter wavelength of twin
cable and split the wires such
that one points up and the
other points down 0.075 meters

10 meters Cable
10Vac 0.075 meters
1GHz Even though open circuit,
there is current flow due to
voltage difference along the
Thank you for attending!

Mark your calendars for EMC Live Bootcamp,

November 13, 2019!

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