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Martinez’s Routines & Procedures/Management Plan

1) Opening Routine (1st 3-5 minutes).
a. What should students be doing when the bell rings?
 Getting out their agendas and writing their homework. They should also be getting out their homework
and classwork notebook.
b. How and when will you take attendance?
 While students are writing in their agendas, or when they have started on the explore part of the
c. How will you keep track of and deal with tardies?
 When students come in late, they have to sign their tardy card and give it to me. They will also be mark
as tardy electronically.
 Tardy Consequences:
1. Warning
2. Teacher/parent Phone Call
3. 15 min Detention
4. 30min Detention
5. 60min Detention
d. What is the tardy policy?
 As soon as the bell rings and they are not inside the classroom, they are tardy.
e. Where do re-admits go? (How do students clear absences with you?)
 Students have to come and ask me to sign their absent slip.
f. What if a student was absent yesterday? Where does he/she find out about the HW or a missed test?
 There is a file box in the back of the room where extra handouts live or if students were absent. There is
a bulletin board where the classwork and homework are posted for the week. I use the school agenda
to write down the classwork/homework for each week after the bulletin board is updated.

2) Homework
a. How much will you assign on a typical night?
 One section for each lesson learned that day, no more than an hour of homework each night.
b. What is the purpose of HW?
 The purpose of homework is to have them practice and recall what they have learned in class. They
need to struggle with and master the material at home
c. Where can a student find out what the assignments are?
 Students can look at the bulletin board/school agenda and get worksheet file box in the back of the
room where extra handouts live.
d. How will you check or grade homework?
 If it is homework from the book, they write it in their homework notebook and as they work on their
classwork I walk around and check the homework. Sometimes I just check for certain questions that are
the most important. If a student does not do their homework, they will receive a homework card and at
the end of the semester I will subtract how many they have received from 10. Now, if I gave them a
worksheet, I will collect them and grade them.
 Homework Card Consequences:
1. Teacher/Student Conference
2. 15 min Detention
3. 30min Detention
4. 60min Detention
5. Parent Contact/Friday School
e. How much class time do you expect to spend going over homework? Explain how you will keep students
engaged in this process.
 If I see several students have missed the same questions, I will go over it. I will first read the problem
and chunk it (if needed). Then I will have students talk to their elbow partners and using equity sticks, I
will call on a student.

3) Make-up Work
a. How does a student who was absent make up a test?
 They either arrange a time to come in or take it during class time and make up what they will miss
during the lesson.
b. Can students re-take tests? If so, what are the requirements and procedures for this?
 One retake per quarter
1. Can only retake if you got a C- and below.
2. Highest grade is a 75%
c. Can student’s make-up HW? If so, what are the requirements and procedures for this?
 Highest grade is a 75% on an assignment.
 Accompanying the late assignment must be a slip that explains why the work was late and what they
can do to ensure it is not late in the future.
4) Parents
a. How and when will you contact parents?
 I will contact parents during nutrition, lunch, and after school when student’s behavior is unacceptable,
and I notice they are no longer doing their homework and participating in class. Parental
communication will also occur when there is an issue with the student or when a student receives
above a 95% on their test (if they desire to know this information).
b. How will you keep track of a student’s discipline records and academic records to share with a parent or
administrator, should the need arise?
 I will make notes of phone calls in my phone log and when students get detentions, they will get a
detention slip, which needs theirs and their parent’s signature. Academic records are all electronic. If a
meeting occurs, records will be printed for reference. Discipline records will be written referrals with a
signature or a description of the behavior.

5) Taking Notes/ Classwork

a. Are notes mandatory? If so, how will you hold students accountable?
 Typically, their classwork is their notes, which is always mandatory and if I see a student has not done
anything, they will be given a warning. Next step is writing an essay, and third time is a detention/
b. How can you ensure that students are participating? How can you keep students
on task when students are finished early with classwork?
 I will ensure students are participating by walking around and by occasionally stopping and using
equity sticks to call on students when going over a problem. If a student finishes early I will have
them walk around and help other students before moving on. This will help them double check if
they did a problem correctly and have students to student discussions.

6) Stop Signs (management plan)

a. 1 Stop Signs: Warning
b. 2 Stop Signs: Essay about respect, responsibility, & being prepared
c. 3 Stop Signs: 60 minute detention

7) iPod, Cell Phones, Cosmetics.

a. Are these allowed? If not, what are the consequences?
 They are not allowed, and it will be taken away and sent to the front office. Student will need to write
why they were on their phone/using make-up and how they can ensure it does not happen again in
order to get it back.
b. If allowed to use electronic devices, what applications will students be using with these devices?
 Students may only use their Chromebook’s during class to access their textbook and use any online
recourses need for the lesson the day of. For example, if we are using demos or an online ticket out the
door, they may use the Chromebook.

8) Getting the Class’ Attention

a. After students are finished participating in group work, or given time to discuss a question, how will you get
their attention? What does it look like (i.e., pencils down, eyes up front…)
 I use a variety of ways one is saying I need your attention in 5 4 3 2 1. Another is pencils, down eyes on
me and lastly clap once, clap twice and clap three times. Once I am down with the count down or the
clap three times students will stop talking and should be paying attention. I would also like to try using a
b. What are the consequences for students who do not come to order?
 If students do not come to order, they will have to write an 5 paragraph essay about respect,
responsibility and be prepared.

9) Group Work
a. How will students get into/out of groups?
i. Students change seats every month and work in these groups each day.
b. What roles will group members have?
i. Each member needs to make sure they do not leave a classmate behind. They need to ask
questions to each other and discuss what they are doing. If there is no talking or communication,
this shows me they are not working together.
c. How will you hold all students accountable?
i. I will be holding students accountable by using equity sticks to call on students when we have a
class discussion. If they say I do not know, this will tell me they did not talk to their groups or
their whole group does not understand. I will also be walking around to make sure students are
on task and talking to each other. I would also like to implement group roles soon.
d. What will you do if the noise is too loud or many students are off-task?
i. If students are off task and too loud, I will stop the class by telling them pencils down eyes on me
or keep them in if it is before lunch or nutrition. Once I have their attention, I will tell them this is
not okay, you are wasting my time and your time. I need to see what work you have done before
leaving the class and if you have not done much, you need to come in for lunch to work on what
they should have been.

10) Dismissal (last 1-5 minutes)

e. Who dismisses the kids- you or the bell?
i. Students will only be dismissed by me.
f. What will you say to students who begin packing up early?
i. If students begin to pack up early, I will ask them to stop and ask them who dismisses them.
Then I will tell them to unpack and they need to show me their work and they will be the last
ones to leave the class.
g. Do you want to check for trash or books before they leave?
i. If we use materials, I will stop the class and ask them to make sure everything is clean and how
they found it before they leave.
h. What can you, as the teacher do, if your lesson finishes 5-10 minutes before the end of class?
i. If the lesson finishes 5-10 mins early, I will give students some practice problems on the material
we have been going over. I will also ask students what they have learned today, or we can review
vocabulary on the word wall.

11) Providing Extra Help: Where and when can students go to receive extra help?
 Tutoring will be offered twice a week
o Wednesday during lunch
o Thursday after school

12) Passing out or Collecting Papers: How will you do this in a timely fashion?
a. Papers will be passed out before class starts, as to minimize the time. During class, papers will be put
into one pile on each groups desks to be collected.
13) Supplies
i. What should students have every day?
i. agendas, homework notebook, classwork notebook, pencil, red pen, and paper.
j. What will happen if they forget?
i. If students forget they will need to write an essay about why it is important to be prepared for
class each day.
14) Getting Out of Their Seat
k. When, if at all, can kids get out of their seats?
i. Students can get out of their seats only if they are directed or they are helping another student,
when I am not talking to the class/ no class discussion.
l. How and when can students sharpen pencils?
i. Students can get out of their seats when they are working independently our in their groups, if
they need a tissue, or sharpen their pencil.

15) Materials: Where will you keep classroom materials such as calculators, rulers, etc.?
a. All these items are in a box for each group.

16) Bathroom Use: Is there a pass? Are there a certain number of trips per quarter/grading period? How will you
ensure students do not abuse this.
a. Students need to ask before they leave, not necessarily for permission, but for safety. I need to ensure all
my students are accounted for in the case of a drill or emergency. Students will receive a 15min
detention, for every time they use the restroom during class.

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