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Cs Xàbia


Our objetive:

#ReactivateXàbia to protect the present by betting on the

1. A clean and environmentally friendly Xabia all year long.
1. Optimize trash management services to reduce its cost by having AMJASA provide the urban and road trash pick
up. Besides increasing trash management services in heavy use areas we will create an interactive program where
neighbors can inform of excessive or illegal dumping situations in real time.

2. Improve vigilance, lifeguarding stations and environmental watch services by ensuring access to hard-to-reach

3. Clean beaches. We will work with Conselleria to install trash level sensors in the beach bins so that the emptying
can take place whenever necessary.

4. Pest and mosquito control. We need to educate visitors and residents in mosquito control measures as well as to
implement new environmentally friendly measures that respect beneficial insects such as bees, ladybugs or butterflies.

5. We want to make Xabia a sustainable municipality that respects the environment with measures like placing
electric vehicle charging stations in several different points.
2. Transparency and citizen’s involvement.
6. We want the Xabia Connecta app to have a section with information about environmental protection measures,
reforestation and climate change; we will also raise awareness against pet abandonment in this section

7. We want Xabia’s administration to be more effective and responsive to residents’ complaints. We need to
maximize the use of social media and apps like Whatsapp to stay in touch with you. All the administration actions and
finances need to be made public, easily accessible and in a format that is comprehensible to the general public.

8. We want a trilingual town hall with every administration document to be also published in English.

9. We promise transparency, accessibility and speeding of any transaction that you may need from town hall to
include the Registro Oficial de Licitadores and Empresas Clasificadas del Sector Publico. We will make all
documentation digital so no one has to provide redundant paperwork.

10. We want to implement the idea of an open budget where residents can evaluate how town hall is fulfilling
3. Budgeting policy: tax only as strictly necessary
11. Fair water bill. We can lower the high cost of water in Xabia by implementing fares based on real costs. We
will focus on upgrading obsolete infrastructures, on establishing efficiency and sustainability controls and on
protecting our aquifers.

12. Cheaper trash bill. We need a serious study on the viability of making trash management part of Amjasa as this
would translate in reduced costs and improved service.

13. Residents will have real time access through Xabia Connecta to Xabias' budget. Part of our transparency
pledge is that everyone should be able to know about where the total monies collected come from and what they
are spent on.

14. Create a cost and benefit analysis before implementing a budget. A realistic balanced yearly budget will solve
our delays in paying providers on time which has a very negative impact on our local business and ‘autonomos’. On
time payments will also give town hall more leverage to negotiate early payment discounts with providers.
4. Entrepreneurship, employment, reactivation of commerce and promotion of local
15. Our plan will focus on supporting local commerce and services by increasing off season tourism and the number
of permanent residents. Town hall will cooperate with small businesses and associations to create advertising campaigns
for events like seasonal Country Fairs that highlight our local products.

16. We will ease the bureaucracy involved in opening a new business. Town hall will be an ally, not a hindrance. We
will propose reductions in the Impuesto sobre Construcciones Instalaciones y Obras (ICIO) so business can be
upgraded and become more competitive.

17. We will champion training of young and not so young to increase employability, job orientation services and
cooperation with businesses to offer more internships.

18. We will promote cultural events that take place in Xabia’s bars and restaurants as well as offering a free games
library service in the old town so parents can have time to shop.
5. Tourism, Sustainability and Economic Diversification
19. Xabia needs to adopt a Tourism Strategy Plan that reflects our municipality's cultural, gastronomic and natural
treasures in a frame of sustainability with minimal environmental impact. We want to attract tourism that is beneficial
and respectful of our town. Proposals like workshops on local cuisine or photography contests can attract visitors during
different times of the year.

20. We will also work to potentiate “agritourism” and promote the richness of our land and farmers. We need to
recover our Riurau to bring the farmers in contact with the consumers every week with local products and foods, artisanal
artifacts and music.

21. Xabia truly cares for its animals and pets. Our region has one of the highest rates of animal poisoning incidences.
We will cooperate with any local Administrations or Law Enforcement to prevent trapping and poisoning of our fauna
and pets. We will provide help to those that because of health reasons need help caring for their pets. We will work
closely and cooperatively with Xabia’s animal rescue associations and support their labor to educate against animal
abandonment and abuse. Our town would also benefit from a network of pet fountains as our summers are long and dry.
22. We need improvements in the Foreign Residents Desk. The municipal website needs to be translated into English
to make it more accessible and user friendly. We expect residents to receive personal and expeditious service
23. Our natural resources are our most precious treasure. We need to get working on Phase II of the water
treatment plant to protect our aquifers and to foment the reutilization of water in our agricultural lands. We will obtain
and request resources from other agencies to recover our forests and trees. The Natural Parks of the Montgo and
Granadella will get all of our attention: regenerate-protect-prevent. Also, we will work in minimizing the damage to
our coast and underwater ecosystem.

6. Social Services: Xabia with and for everyone.

24. Health: Xabia’s health center needs to have X-ray capability and longer hours with a wider variety of services
and specialists. Xabia needs to have a network of defibrillators in public spaces and an interactive map marking its
location. Xabia’s police cars need to have defibrillators and trained agents.
25. Safety: Our police department needs substantially more agents and resources to protect, watch over and
respond to incidents in our streets, neighborhoods and communities. We want to create a personalized unit of
Citizen’s Relations.

26. Victims of domestic violence: We will increase campaigns of awareness, prevention and eradication of

27. Children: We need to reinforce our Social Services programs to protect children in precarious situations in the
home and in the school. Children in Xabia need more and better parks that also cater to special needs children. Our
children need more public programs that foment creativity through sports, crafts, reading and writing.

28. Youth: We will implement scholarships, training and employment programs so our youth does not have to leave
Xabia. We will also help Xabia’s young residents access to affordable housing.

29. We will support volunteer initiatives to help Xabia’s aging population through buddy systems, workshops and
meals on wheels programs.
7. A Xabia that is innovative, sustainable and connected: Transportation,
infrastructures and territory
30. We will request for a stop to the Plan General Structural de Xabia. We will work for a realistic and transparent
plan with you that won’t become obsolete in a few years, this plan will reflect the current socio economic characteristics
of our town. We will draft a Strategic Study with your participation that defines the necessary upgrades to our
infrastructures while protecting our natural resources and landscape.

31. We will bring before Conselleria a project to improve our public transportation system with more routes and longer
schedules. A clean and environmentally friendly fleet of smaller buses adaptable to the different needs of each season
and passenger volume fluctuations.

32. We will prioritize resolving the big deficit we have regarding water waste management. We need to start
connecting residents to the public sewage system and to optimize water purification levels. We need to reach out to
different administrations to solve once and for all the flooding problems of the Arenal.

33. We will present a project to build a walkaway between the Arenal and Montanar I that respects the native
landscape and protects the area from being used as a parking lot. We propose more public parking lots that can absorb
the increased demands of the high season months.
34. We want to make crossing traffic lights more secure for hearing impaired pedestrians with simple audio signals.

35. We will advocate for the repaving of the CV-736 to make it safer for drivers and cyclists.
8. Cultura, ocio y formación para todos.
36. We will promote the creation of a collection of digital books in our public libraries and extended opening hours .

37. We will bring back a complete program for the Cine Voramar, the long tradition of movies at the beach during the
summer months.

38. We will maximize the future Auditorium and old Central Cinema for musical, theatrical and cultural exchanges to
potentiate tourism interested in audiovisual innovations.

39. We will bring attention to Xabia’s municipal band by making sure they are part of our cinematographic events or
any other scenic arts events.

40. We will support our youth with English language programs, work scholarships, and artistic programs.

9. Sports and healthy lifestyle

41. Bicycle Connect. We will work on creating a connected net of bicycle lanes with wider lanes and better signals.
We will promote our routes and green paths as part of what attracts tourists to our beautiful town.

42. Future municipal pool. We will make sure to create programs that cater to all ages, interests and levels

43. Heart health: We will create activities and regular events that potentiate the use of our green ways as part of a
healthy lifestyle.

44. Sport activities. We will promote a large variety of sports both for amateurs and professionals. We will focus on
female sports teams to make sure they have the same representation as the male teams.

45. Sports school. We will start a Escuela Municipal del Deporte with qualified professionals and programs to include
athletes with special needs in all sports programs. We will request a reduced fare for the sport schools that use any
public sports facility.

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