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a Ii Semester M.Com. (2007-08 Scheme) (NS) COMMERCE Paper — 3.2 ; Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 SECTION-A _* 4. Answer any 10 sub-questions. Each question carries two marks. * - (10x2=20) a) Define attitude. b) What is Trojan ? c) Define Moral Standards. d) Define belief. @) Define Corporate Governance. f) Whatis Scavenging techniques ? 9) Define Hacking. h) State 2 security threats. i) What is meant by Quality of work life ? }) Define pragmatism. k) Whatis Ethical Congruence ? }) What is Teleological ? SECTION-B Anewer any three questions. Ea¢h question carries 5 marks. (3x5=15) 2. Why does Ethics matter is Business ? 3. Why's utilitarianism useful for conducting a stakeholder analysis ? 4. How do you develop code of Ethics ? PG-764 Ay, 5. Explain 4 areas of pricing which are unethical and illegal. \ 6. Explain psychological Expectancy Model is HRM. 5 SECTION-C ‘ 4 Answer any three: : Betagy) 7. Explain 4 social responsibility roles. ‘ 8. Whats the responsibilty of dnindvidual when found an organisation is unethical? K S-_In Inca corruption and bribery are taking place in Educational institutions. How do you eradicate 2 S & 10. How importants Finance Ethics in Business ? Explain, : 11. What are computer ethics ? Explain the computer related ethical issues found in ® information systems. 8 a © \ 8 8 ¢ ’ g Ss S c , cl o| al al al vuour u SvevuvvvuvtvuuuULEUUUUU Vu ae TA PG~ (Semester Scheme) (NS) (2007 - 08 Scheme) COMMERCE Paper — 3.2 : Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 SECTION-A Answer any ten. Each question carries two marks. (2x10=20) i, a) Define Corporate Governance. b) Define attitude. ‘ ©) Define Whistle Blowing. d) What is meant by quality of work life ? €) ,Define Hacking. 4) Whatis scavenging techniques ? 9) Define moral standards. h) Whatis Trojan ? { i) Define Kantianism. }) Define Beliet k) Whatis Ethical Congruence ? |) State two security threats. PTO.

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