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COMPILED by WatterNulls November 2018

From Tiro’s Notes [2013-2015] @
SwoM – Character Creation Guide................................................................................................ 9
1. Character Select ................................................................................................................ 9
Boy & Girl .............................................................................................................................. 9
2. Choose your Weapons ...................................................................................................... 9
I. Weapons ..................................................................................................................... 10
II. Magical Spirits ............................................................................................................. 11
3. Easy Class Selection ......................................................................................................... 12
1. Base Class .................................................................................................................... 12
2. Light Path..................................................................................................................... 12
3. Dark Path ..................................................................................................................... 12
4. Light-Light .................................................................................................................... 12
5. Light-Dark .................................................................................................................... 12
6. Dark-Light .................................................................................................................... 12
7. Dark-Dark .................................................................................................................... 12
4. Don’t Panic ...................................................................................................................... 13
SwoM – Time Guide .................................................................................................................... 14
1. Day................................................................................................................................... 14
2. Time ................................................................................................................................. 14
3. Inns .................................................................................................................................. 15
4. Magic Rope Trick ............................................................................................................. 15
SwoM – Classes ........................................................................................................................... 16
1. Basics ............................................................................................................................... 16
2. Class Leveling Stats.......................................................................................................... 16
3. Class Tree Charts ............................................................................................................. 16
A. Legend ......................................................................................................................... 16
B. Physical Fighter Class Tree .......................................................................................... 17
C. Magician Class Tree ..................................................................................................... 18
D. Sage Class Tree ............................................................................................................ 19
E. Amazoness Class Tree ................................................................................................. 20
4. Class Bonuses .................................................................................................................. 21
1. Warrior ........................................................................................................................ 21
2. Monk ........................................................................................................................... 21

3. Magician ...................................................................................................................... 21
4. Sage ............................................................................................................................. 21
5. Thief............................................................................................................................. 21
6. Amazoness .................................................................................................................. 22
5. Base Stats ........................................................................................................................ 22
1. Warrior ........................................................................................................................ 22
2. Monk ........................................................................................................................... 22
3. Magician ...................................................................................................................... 22
4. Sage ............................................................................................................................. 23
5. Thief............................................................................................................................. 23
6. Amazoness .................................................................................................................. 23
SwoM – Status Conditions .......................................................................................................... 24
1. Positive Status Conditions ............................................................................................... 24
2. Negative Status Conditions ............................................................................................. 25
I. Prestoveggie Cures ...................................................................................................... 25
II. Stardust Herb Cures .................................................................................................... 25
SwoM - Monster Descriptions..................................................................................................... 27
1. Fauna ................................................................................................................................... 27
2. Flora..................................................................................................................................... 27
3. Insect ................................................................................................................................... 27
4. Reptile ................................................................................................................................. 27
5. Fowl ..................................................................................................................................... 27
6. Amorph................................................................................................................................ 27
7. Aquan .................................................................................................................................. 27
8. Magicali ............................................................................................................................... 27
9. Demi-human........................................................................................................................ 27
10. Undead .............................................................................................................................. 28
11. Demon ............................................................................................................................... 28
12. Dragon ............................................................................................................................... 28
13. Oddball .............................................................................................................................. 28
SwoM - Monster Tips .................................................................................................................. 29
I. Monster Traits ................................................................................................................. 29
SwoM – Black Monsters .............................................................................................................. 30

SwoM – Cyclopes ........................................................................................................................ 30
1. Basics ............................................................................................................................... 30
2. Materials ......................................................................................................................... 30
3. Locations [Cyclopes] ........................................................................................................ 31
SwoM – Rare Monsters ............................................................................................................... 32
1. Basics ............................................................................................................................... 32
2. Direction Notes ............................................................................................................... 32
3. Rare Monsters Worldwide .............................................................................................. 32
4. Rare Monsters: After Point of No Return........................................................................ 34
SwoM – Hunting Guide ............................................................................................................... 35
1. Treasure Drops ................................................................................................................ 35
2. Stocking Up...................................................................................................................... 35
3. Location, Location, Target ............................................................................................... 36
4. The Hunt .......................................................................................................................... 36
SwoM – Produce ......................................................................................................................... 37
1. Basics ............................................................................................................................... 37
A. Planting........................................................................................................................ 37
B. Tempering ................................................................................................................... 37
C. Miscellaneous.............................................................................................................. 37
D. Abbreviations LEGEND ................................................................................................ 37
2. Seed Drops – Forging and Tempering ............................................................................. 38
I. Common Produce ........................................................................................................ 38
II. Exclusive Produce ........................................................................................................ 38
SwoM – Forging & Tempering Guide .......................................................................................... 39
1. Forging Basics .................................................................................................................. 39
2. Poor Combinations .......................................................................................................... 39
Poor Weapon Element Combos .......................................................................................... 39
3. Materials Breakdown ...................................................................................................... 39
Materials Breakdown .......................................................................................................... 40
4. Status Conditions ............................................................................................................ 40
Boss Status Conditions ........................................................................................................ 40
5. Tempering ....................................................................................................................... 41
6. Fool Proof Best Stuff ....................................................................................................... 41

SwoM – Forging Materials .......................................................................................................... 42
Legend ..................................................................................................................................... 42
1. Bones ............................................................................................................................... 42
2. Cloths............................................................................................................................... 43
3. Hides ................................................................................................................................ 43
4. Metals.............................................................................................................................. 44
5. Meteors ........................................................................................................................... 45
6. Scales ............................................................................................................................... 45
7. Stones .............................................................................................................................. 46
8. Wood – p.01 .................................................................................................................... 46
9. Wood – p.02 .................................................................................................................... 47
SwoM – Items (with Drop Rates) ................................................................................................ 48
1. Coins ................................................................................................................................ 48
2. Icons ................................................................................................................................ 48
3. Meats............................................................................................................................... 49
4. Mystery Items ................................................................................................................. 49
5. Produce ........................................................................................................................... 49
6. Quest Items ..................................................................................................................... 49
7. Recovery .......................................................................................................................... 50
8. Seeds ............................................................................................................................... 50
9. Summons ......................................................................................................................... 50
SwoM – Weapons ....................................................................................................................... 51
Basics ....................................................................................................................................... 51
1. Swords ............................................................................................................................. 51
2. Staves .............................................................................................................................. 52
3. Knuckles........................................................................................................................... 53
4. Flails ................................................................................................................................. 54
5. Sickles .............................................................................................................................. 55
6. Bows ................................................................................................................................ 56
7. Lances .............................................................................................................................. 57
8. Axes ................................................................................................................................. 58
9. Maces .............................................................................................................................. 59
SwoM – Armor ............................................................................................................................ 60
Basics ....................................................................................................................................... 60

1. Armor .............................................................................................................................. 60
2. Helmets ........................................................................................................................... 61
3. Boots ............................................................................................................................... 62
4. Gloves .............................................................................................................................. 63
5. Robes ............................................................................................................................... 64
6. Hats ................................................................................................................................. 65
7. Sandals ............................................................................................................................ 66
SwoM – Accessories .................................................................................................................... 67
Accessories .............................................................................................................................. 67
SwoM – NPC Care Guide ............................................................................................................. 68
1. Accessorize ...................................................................................................................... 68
2. We Got Spirit ................................................................................................................... 68
3. The Emperor Has No Clothes! ......................................................................................... 68
4. AI Demystified 1: Quit Hogging the Snacks ..................................................................... 68
5. AI Demystified 2: Spin Around in Circles ......................................................................... 69
NCP Thought Process .......................................................................................................... 69
NCP Grid .............................................................................................................................. 71
6. Bloodlust ......................................................................................................................... 71
7. Strategic Retreat ............................................................................................................. 71
SwoM – Power Leveling .............................................................................................................. 72
SwoM – Brownie Ring Guide ....................................................................................................... 72
SwoM – Tiny Tapper.................................................................................................................... 74
I. Getting It ......................................................................................................................... 74
II. Treasure Rooms .............................................................................................................. 74
SwoM – Honey Elixirs .................................................................................................................. 75
SwoM – Dudbears’ Gold Quests.................................................................................................. 76
I. Single Reward Quests ........................................................................................................... 76
II. Repeatable Quests .............................................................................................................. 79
SwoM – Niccolo Guide ................................................................................................................ 80
I. Gummi Frogs ........................................................................................................................ 80
II. Meats................................................................................................................................... 80
III. Accessories ......................................................................................................................... 80
IV. Secret Shop ........................................................................................................................ 80
V. Rare Monsters ??? .............................................................................................................. 80

SwoM – Spirit Quests .................................................................................................................. 81
1. Merchant of Darkness ..................................................................................................... 81
2. Finders Keepers [ detailed]................................................................................................... 81

I. Gnome .............................................................................................................................. 81
II. Dryad ............................................................................................................................... 82
III. Undine ............................................................................................................................ 82
IV. Shade .............................................................................................................................. 82
V. Luna ................................................................................................................................. 82
VI. Wisp ............................................................................................................................... 82
VII. Jinn ................................................................................................................................ 82
VIII. Salamander .................................................................................................................. 82
3. Spirit Rescue [ detailed] ....................................................................................................... 82
I. Wisp .................................................................................................................................. 82
II. Luna ................................................................................................................................. 82
III. Dryad .............................................................................................................................. 82
IV. Gnome ............................................................................................................................ 82
V. Jinn .................................................................................................................................. 82
VI. Undine ............................................................................................................................ 82
VII. Salamander ................................................................................................................... 82
VIII. Shade ............................................................................................................................ 82
4. Achy Shaky Heart [ detailed] ................................................................................................ 83

I. Wisp, Day.......................................................................................................................... 83
II. Jinn, Day .......................................................................................................................... 83
III. Undine, Day .................................................................................................................... 83
IV. Salamander, Day ............................................................................................................ 83
V. Luna, Night ...................................................................................................................... 83
VI. Dryad, Night ................................................................................................................... 83
VII. Gnome, Day................................................................................................................... 83
VIII. Shade, Night ................................................................................................................. 83
5. Goddess Gracious [ detailed] ............................................................................................... 83
I. Jinn ................................................................................................................................... 84
II. Wisp ................................................................................................................................. 84
III. Salamander..................................................................................................................... 84
IV. Undine ............................................................................................................................ 84

V. Luna ................................................................................................................................. 84
VI. Shade .............................................................................................................................. 84
VII. Gnome ........................................................................................................................... 84
VIII. Dryad ............................................................................................................................ 84
6. Icy Sorcerer...................................................................................................................... 84
7. Praying............................................................................................................................. 84
SwoM – Detailed Spirit Quests.................................................................................................... 85
SwoM – Finders Keepers (Geodes) ......................................................................................... 85
SwoM – Spirit Rescue .............................................................................................................. 87
SwoM – Achy Shaky Heart ...................................................................................................... 94
SwoM – Goddess Gracious ...................................................................................................... 96

SwoM – Character Creation Guide
Posted in guides, notes, tips

Tragedy is when SNAFU can be avoided with a single thingie called a “flaw.” Sword of Mana
[GBA] (SwoM) at its core is still Final Fantasy Adventure [GB] (FFA). The one flaw however is
shoehorning Legend of Mana [PS1] (LoM) into it. After way too time thinking about this; this is
the true circumstance. I grudgingly admit that yes, LoM is part of the Seiken Desenstu series.
However it’s so different, like Super Mario Brothers 2 or Final Fantasy XI. FFA is a simple game;
short and sweet. SwoM is FFA at heart, short and sweet. One of the first articles I read about
SwoM was how the author just stuck with his Sword, Healing magic, and Fire magic throughout
the whole game. That’s when it clicks for me. In FFA all you did is slaughter monsters with your
current weapon, cast Fire on the ones you couldn’t (Zombies), and Cured as needed. But it has
all the mechanics and design bloat of LoM. KISS is the way to go.

This character guide is to help you play SwoM probably as it was intended: a fun basic action
RPG with unique weapons and friends to come along.

1. Character Select
First choice is Boy or Girl. They both go through the exact same game and adventure, but they
view it from their own perspectives. However here are the quick nitty-gritty differences.

Boy & Girl

Uses the Sword Uses the Staff
(And has 3 Slash weapons). (And has 3 Bash weapons).

Better physical stats. Better magical stats.

Heavy Armor (metals) Light Armor (cloth, hides)

More bosses. More cut scenes (and LoM melodrama).

Again both can do everything and have access to all content. Except the Sword/Staff and the
Heavy/Light exclusivity. The Boy can be a magical character; the Girl can be a physical one.

2. Choose your Weapons

There are 8 weapons and 8 magical elements in SwoM. It’s best to choose one element and
weapon of each damage type: Slash (cut), Bash (blunt), and Jab (pierce/poke). If you have
played other Seiken Densestu/Mana games you probably already know a bit about them.
Here’s the Magic: the Gathering type descriptions.

I. Weapons
1. Sword, slash
It’s sword. Pointy end goes inside monsters. Don’t cut your own foot off. It’s a very easy
weapon to use. When used with magic it is very difficult to aim. It’s best to use magic like a
land mine or counter move. Let the enemies come to you, then BLAMO!

2. Staff, bash
It’s a stick! Works like the Sword exactly except that it’s Bash type. Because it’s made of
wood it has high Element which is good for magical types. It’s adequate for magic since it’s
creates a homing projectile.

3. Bow, jab
This will be your first new weapon. It has great reach but you can’t combo it. If you fire at
point blank range you can get off two hits though. Also it’s one of the few weapons that
comes with stat boosts, namely Hit (accuracy). Since it’s made of wood, it’s good for magic
types too. It’s magic is the same as it’s weapon: a basic arc.

4. Flail, jab
Whip it good~ Even if you pick three other weapons it’s helpful to upgrade the Flail as well.
There are many screens and rooms that require it to swing across platforms. Like the Bow,
it frequently increases Hit as well. It’s adequate for magic because it shoots it in a straight
line. However it follows the ground, so it’ll stop at walls, rocks, and platform edges.

5. Sickle, slash
This is that cool ninja weapon, the Kusarigama, and is the first Slash weapon for the Girl.
Too bad it’s tricky to use. You just swing is around your head, hitting all monsters directly
next to you. I highly suspect that it’s the weapon with frequent Critical Hits (double
damage). Meanwhile is excellent for cutting grass to obtain bait items. As a magical
weapon it’s great. The magic spins around you twice. You can hit a monster twice with it,
and multiple monsters if you set it up right.

6. Axe, slash
Very strong, very slow. The Axe has very high power, a decent range, but it’s tricky to pull
off its combos. Also no Class specializes with the Axe. It’s great for magic though. It blasts
away from you like shotgun.

7. Knuckles, bash
This is the first Bash weapon for the Boy. It’s very fast, has a short range, and increases
both Hit and Dodge. Its magic capabilities depend on the player. You control a very fast
fireball with the Control Pad. You can get multiple hits or hit every enemy if you are
dexterous enough.

8. Morning Star a.k.a. Mace, bash

This is the strongest physical weapon type in the game. However it is very slow and even
slower since you cannot combo. Also you must open chests from the right or left side. Like
the Axe, no class specializes with it and it’s great for magic. A slow ball moves away then
explodes out. The slowness often pushes monsters away and scores multiple hits.

9. Lance a.k.a. Spear, Jab

La-la-Lancer! The Lance – often named Spear Something – is very fast and has the long
range for melee weapons. However it’s the last weapon you get, around halfway through
the game. Still, it’s the only Jab weapon that can perform combos and occasionally
increases Hit or Dodge. Its magic is interesting to use. It shoots directly in front and behind

Tip: If you choose weapons that don’t combo or are hard for you to combo, stock up on
Gummy Frogs. They instantly fill your Deathblow gauge and allow you to do a power charged

II. Magical Spirits

10. Wisp, Light
Light magic heals you and deals high damage to undead and demon monsters. Undead
monsters are immune to all weapons.

11. Salamander, Fire

Being the second magic you get in game, it’s probably one of the most commonly used.
Everything burns so Plan 2: burn it.

12. Undine, Water

Water magic helps monsters “stay frosty” by turning them into snowmen. It also gives the
first hiding magic that most monsters in the first half of the game, (except Birds, Reptiles
and Eyeballs which don’t move anyway).

13. Gnome, Earth

This is good for defensive players. It’s the only magic with an instant kill spell. You don’t
get Experience, but dying and have to reset is ever more Experience. For those who play
video games: earth kills birds.

14. Jinn, Wind

Lighting is included with Wind magic which is why monsters can be paralyzed. It’s swift
movement can help out Agility type characters or quicken weapon attacks. Common
Animals, Insects, and tough Demi-humans are weak against it.

15. Luna, Moon

A unique element of the Seiken Densestu series, Moon is the element of the night … and
all the crazy stuff that happens during it. Turn into a Moogle to hide from monsters or
shrink them down and pick on someone not your size.

16. Dryad, Wood

Another Seiken Densetu unique; Wood deals with plants so for the Japanese that means
poison and sleep inducing flowers. Since Mana is from the Tree, Wood deals with magic.
Dryad is obtained a little before halfway through the game.

17. Shade, Dark

While it stinks at killing evil monsters, nearly everything else uses the light of day.

You acquire Shade just before the final dungeons but the monsters inside are goody-two-

3. Easy Class Selection
If you have played Seiken Densestu 3 you will be rather familiar with the class system. When
you level up in SwoM you can choose which stats to increase. Get the right combinations and
you gain a “base class”. From there if you raise your stats again correctly you can go down
either “Light” or “Dark” Paths. (These are not referring to the elements of Wisp & Shade. Just
keep reading.) You raise your stats again go Light or Dark again. This makes for a tree with
branches ending with Light-Light (LL), Light-Dark (LD), Dark-Light (DL), and Dark-Dark (DD).

It’s very tempting to muck about maximizing stats, and which is the best class, but remember
SwoM is simple. Here is the easy free flow way for class selection.

1. Base Class
From the weapons and magic you have already selected chose the base Class that best
fits you. Warriors use Sword or Staff, Monks Knuckles, and Amazons Lances. The Thief
can specialize in three weapons: the Bow, Flail, or Sickle. If any of these are your
primary weapon your class Path is set. If you want to primarily kill things with magic
choose Mage or Sage. Mages specialize in the classic elements of Fire, Water, Earth,
and Wind. Sages can use the other ones of Light, Dark, Moon, and Wood. Like the
Thief, Mage & Sage have specific Paths if you want a particular element.

2. Light Path
This path has more Magical and Defensive characters, so your covers their bases.
Physical classes can stand up to magic, while Magical ones can take a pounding. Also
near the end Physical classes will be decent at casting magic. Focus on weapons with
Elemental values if you come across them.

3. Dark Path
You kill thing; Plain and simple.

4. Light-Light
This is the most magical of the Physical and Sage classes. They play very tactically using
both weapons and magic to kill monsters. They are the best at using weapons with
high Element. Also this is the only class to get a bonus to Wisp.

5. Light-Dark
These are the tanks. Nothing can kill them. They often have high Defense and Magic
Defense by various ways.

6. Dark-Light
Physical and Magical classes cover their compliments in a variety ways. They can either
dish out a little bit of magic or take a little bit of it. Either way they don’t have to worry
about being overwhelmed as much.

7. Dark-Dark
Things explode. However they are awful at their complements. Physical classes cannot
deal or take magic well, and vice versus with Magical. As such they probably rely most
on items.

4. Don’t Panic
First, frequent menu activity is a normal possibility. In FFA different monsters were immunity
to different weapons, (mostly based on elemental). Monster immunities are still here in SwoM,
but the variety has increased (due to Slash, Bash, and Jab). Just take it easy. Hit monsters until
they die. If they dink, blast it with magic. If that’s still to slow swap a weapon or magic. Hit the
“L” or “R” while paused to jump directly into Weapons or Magic. (Too bad there isn’t a jump to
items.) Alternatively, since Seiken Densestu always has buddy players, set your NCP
companion to cover your basis. They really are helpful if you use them right.

Second, quick deaths are normal. Any monster (in any Seiken Densestu game) that uses magic
is a pain. Poisoning monsters when you start out are deadly. Werewolves, Bees,
Shaman/Tomato Men, Clouds, Eyeballs, etc. Yes you can kill very quickly, but so can they.
While rushing about field and dungeon, avoid situations where you can be surrounded or stun
locked. If you are in a dangerous situation: Jump over them. Hiding magic might be extremely
useful afterward. Or use those easily forgotten Coin and Icon items. They cast magic but

Finally just have fun gaming.

SwoM – Time Guide
By tirodvd ¶ Posted in games, guides, tips

1. Day
The days of the week are: Mana Holy Day, Luna, Undine,
Salamander, Dryad, Jinn, and Gnome.
Spirits listed in the Status Menu, and the Spirit Ring menu are
in the same order as the week.
Wisp and Shade usually are associated with the Mana Holy Day.
New Days start at Morning.

2. Time
There are four times of day following this pattern: Morning,
Day, Day, Day, Evening, Night, Night, and Night.
Each screen transition advances the time of day.
Time does not change in towns, the Hot House, and Vinquette’s Hall.
Time does not advance entering or leaving towns. Time advances entering and leaving
the Hot House.
Using the Magic Rope changes neither the Time of day, nor Day of the week.
The Time of day can affect many things such as: NCPs in towns, monsters in fields &
dungeons, local environment effects.

Morning Day x3

Evening Night x3

3. Inns
Staying at an Inn is the fastest way to advance time. It always advances to the Morning of the
next day.

4. Magic Rope Trick

Since the Magic Rope doesn’t change time as all it can be exploited to be at the right place at
the right time. This is very useful for getting Morning or Evening in towns, the correct Day for
Planting, and the correct Time & Day for Quests.

Save at a Mana Statue at the desired location.

Advance to the desired Time or Day.

Use the Magic Rope.

Right Time & Day.

SwoM – Classes

1. Basics
Choosing the correct combination of Class-Levels unlocks Classes.
First pick the base class, then “Light” or “Dark” twice for a final selection of: LL, LD, DL,
and DD.
Once you choose a path you cannot go back or jump to another.
If two classes are possible the game tends towards LD.
If you select the same Class-Level 40 times in a row, including Random, you will get an
Accessory that gives +50 to a stat. DD classes are the fastest to recoup after this.

2. Class Leveling Stats

Name HP MP Pow Def Int Mnd Agl

Warrior 7 1 2 2 – – 1

Monk 8 – 2 1 – – 1

Magician 3 5 – – 2 1 1

Sage 2 6 – – 1 2 1

Thief 5 3 1 1 – – 2

Random 8 points randomly assigned 4 points randomly assigned

3. Class Tree Charts

A. Legend

Warrior Monk Magician Sage Thief Random

1 BIG ICON = 5 Level Points Total

1 SMALL ICON = 1 Level Point Each

B. Physical Fighter Class Tree

 Note that the tree for Warrior is the same for Monk and Thief.

C. Magician Class Tree

D. Sage Class Tree

E. Amazoness Class Tree

When you take 1 Warrior, 1 Monk, and 3 Thieves as a single class the requirements for
Amazoness classes match up nicely with the rest. It isn’t coincidence that batches of 5 classes
give even stats.

4. Class Bonuses
 4-Ele refers to Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind.

1. Warrior
Paladin Sword 20 Healing 20 Light 10

Warlord Sword 20 Healing 40 –

Weapon Master Sword 25 – 4-Ele 15

Duelist Sword 30 – Dark 10

2. Monk
God Hand Knuckles 20 Healing 20 Light 10

Warrior Monk Knuckles 20 Healing 40 –

Death Hand Knuckles 30 – Moon 10

Dervish Knuckles 40 – –

3. Magician
Grand Divine/a 4-Ele 15 4-EleDef 15 Light 10 8-Hit Water

Arch Mage 4-Ele 10 4-EleDef 20 – 8-Hit Wind

Rune Master 4-Ele 20 4-EleDef 10 Dark 10 8-Hit Earth

Magus 4-Ele 30 – Dark 10 8-Hit Fire

4. Sage
Bishop 8-EleDef 10 Healing 20 Light 20 8-Hit Light

Sage 8-EleDef 10 Healing 40 Wood 20 8-Hit Wood

Necromancer 8-EleDef 20 Healing 10 Moon 15 8-Hit Moon

Dark Shaman 8-EleDef 10 Healing 10 Dark 25 8-Hit Dark

5. Thief
Nomad Hit 10 Crit 15 – Bow 20 Moon & Wood 10

Rogue Hit 20 Crit 15 – Bow & Flail 10 –

Ninja Master Hit 10 Crit 20 Dodge 20 – 4-Ele 10

Night Blade Hit 10 Crit 20 Dodge 10 Sickle 20 –

All Thieves remove 3 traps from the Chest Roulette.

6. Amazoness
Vanadis Lance 20 4-EleDef 10 Light 10

Star Lancer Lance 25 4-EleDef 15 –

Dragon Master Lance 25 – 4-Ele 15

Fenrir Knight Lance 30 – Dark 10

5. Base Stats
 Random assumes 4 HP, 4 MP, and 8 for all stats for each level.
 Numbers in parenthesis are for applicable stats. E.g. Pow has Sword, Int for Wisp etc.
 The first number for Magician’s Int are for the 4-Ele, the second is for Light/Dark.
 I do not know the complete mechanics for Crit & Evade, so they aren’t included.

1. Warrior
Class mHP mMP Pow Def Int Mnd Agl

Paladin 155 125 15 (+20) 30 30 (+10) 30 35

Warlord 170 110 20 (+20) 40 15 30 35

Weapon Master 195 85 28 (+25) 48 18 (+15) 13 33

Duelist 215 65 33 (+30) 58 8 (+10) 8 33

2. Monk
Class mHP mMP Pow Def Int Mnd Agl

God Hand 170 110 30 (+20) 15 30 (+10) 30 35

Warrior Monk 190 90 40 (+20) 20 15 30 35

Death Hand 215 65 48 (+30) 28 18 (+10) 13 33

Dervish 240 40 58 (+40) 33 8 8 33

3. Magician
Class mHP mMP Pow Def Int Mnd Agl

Grand Divina 110 170 6 6 50 (+15/10) 40 (+15) 38

Arch Mage 90 190 0 0 55 (+10) 50 (+20) 35

Rune Seer 130 150 14 14 48 (+20/10) 28 (+10) 36

Magus 115 165 8 8 58 (+30/10) 33 33

4. Sage
Class mHP mMP Pow Def Int Mnd Agl

Bishop 80 200 0 0 45 (+20) 60 (+10) 35

Sage 100 180 6 6 41 (+20) 46 (+10) 31

Necromancer 110 170 13 13 33 (+15) 43 (+20) 38

Shaman 100 180 8 8 43 (+25) 48 (+10) 33

5. Thief
Class mHP mMP Pow Def Int Mnd Agl

Nomad 125 155 15 (+20) 15 30 (+10) 30 50

Rogue 130 150 20 (+10) 20 15 30 55

Ninja Master 155 125 28 28 18 (+10) 13 53

Night Blade 165 115 33 (+20) 33 8 8 58

6. Amazoness
Class mHP mMP Pow Def Int Mnd Agl

Vanadis 186 94 31 (+20) 31 19 17 (+10) 42

Star Lancer 188 92 31 (+25) 33 17 19 (+15) 40

Dragon Master 195 85 36 (+25) 36 18 (+15) 13 37

Fenrir Knight 215 65 43 (+30) 43 8 (+10) 8 38

SwoM – Status Conditions
Posted in charts, guides

1. Positive Status Conditions

Name Appearance Cause Effect

Fire Magic,
Power Up PowUp Doubles Power for 10 seconds.
Fire Coin

Halves physical damage taken for 10
D-Fence DefUp Magic, Earth

Jinn Magic, Doubles Hit, Dodge, walking, and

Speed Up SpdUp
Wind Coin weapon speed for 10 seconds.

Dryad Magic, Halves magical damage taken for 10

Psychic Shield MdfUp
Wood Coin seconds.

Character in a Only DayViz and NightViz monster will
Bubble Bloat Magic, Water
bubble. attack.

Luna Magic,
Mooglemorphosis Moogle Only Smell monsters will attack.
Moon Coin

Shadow on Shade Magic,

Silhouette Only Hearing monsters will attack.
floor. Dark Coin

Sleep at an Doubles Power and Defense for 4

Best Best
inn. screens.

Doubles damage to monsters and

“meat” – Meat Items halves damage from monsters of the
meat type. Lasts 1 screen.

2. Negative Status Conditions
Some weapons deal status effects when attack.
Some armor protect against status effects.

I. Prestoveggie Cures
Name Appearance Ele Cause Effect

Green Monster Lose 1/20 HP over time. Cannot die

Poison Bubbles Wood only from Poison.

Purple Monster Lose 1/10 HP over time. Cannot die

Toxic Bubbles Wood only from Toxic.

Power Monster
Down PowerDown Fire only Halves weapon damage.

Bedraggled DefDown Earth only Double physical damage received.

Bewitched MdfDown Moon only Double magical damage received.

Speed Monster
Down SpdDown Dryad only Halves movement and attack speed.

II. Stardust Herb Cures

Name Appearance Ele Cause Effect

Lose control of player which

Wisp Icon, Wisp
Charm Hearts Light attacks NPCs. Monster attack other

Damage done over time. Cannot

Salamander Icon,
attack or use magic. Monster death
FireMan Fire ball Fire Fire Magic, Fire
does not give Experience. Still
drops chest.

Unable to move, attack, or use

Undine Icon,
SnowMan Snow Man Water magic. Immune to damage.
Undine Magic
Monsters do not die.

Halves current HP. Unable to
Petrify Female
Earth Monster only move, attack, or use magic.
(player) Statue
Immune to damage.

Petrify Cube with Gnome Icon, Monster dies and does not give
(monster) angry eyes Gnome Magic Experience. Still drops chest.

Jinn Icon, Jinn

Numb Zigzag Lines Wind Unable to attack or use magic.

Halves Power and Defense. Unable

Wimp Tiny Tapper,
Small size Moon to run, jump or cast magic. Able to
(player) Monster attacks
fit into small cracks.

Halves Power and Defense. Unable

Wimp Shadow Moon Icon, to attack or cast magic. Moves very
(monster) Zero Moon Magic fast. Monster death does not give
Experience. Still drops chest.

Dryad Icon, Unable to move, attack, or use

Sleep Z’s Dryad
Dryad Magic magic. Removed by taking damage.

Black Shade Icon,

Darkness Dark Reduces Hit, i.e. weapon accuracy.
Clouds Shade Magic

Yellow Reverses controls. Monster moves

Confusion – Monster only
Clouds away from players.

Silence Scribbles – Monster only Unable to cast magic.

Unable to move, attack, or cast

Pose Stop Sign – Monster only

SwoM - Monster Descriptions
The following stuff is just garbage I made up. However the simple bestiary entries aid in
remembering and reasoning out strengths and weaknesses.

1. Fauna
Common mammals that sniff (Smell) things out. They breed frequently since they are can be
attacked with any weapon. They walk on all fours (Earth), are warm blooded (Fire), and prefer
all light (Light, Moon).

2. Flora
These monsters produce too many fragrances to detect others (Hear). Naturally plants (Wood)
like lots of sunshine (Wisp), (Water), and good soil (Gnome)

3. Insect
The eyes of bugs are very tiny (not Viz). Buzzing around, they are easily swatted (Bash) when
the creep & crawl (Earth). They are also rather flammable (Fire) and hate the bats at night

4. Reptile
Not moving often, they sit and listen (Hear) for any nearby prey. The best way to deal with
these cold blooded (Water) creatures is to chop (Slash) off their heads. They like to bask (Light)
on rocks (Earth), and are often venomous (Wood).

5. Fowl
Birds are known for their big eyeballs and keen sight (Viz). Need a good Bow (Jab) is helpful to
reach them in the air (Wind) of clear skies (Wisp). There are some types of (Water) foul and
like all video games, birds are crazy (Moon).

6. Amorph
Being highly viscous all that moisture increase their sense of Smell. Sharp object (Jab) are
required to break their surface tension. Like all slimy things they enjoy the (Dark), are creepy
(Moon), and need heat (Fire) to avoid freezing solid.

7. Aquan
Without fishing mini-game only a harpoon (Jab) can catch these whoppers. Being in (Water) all
day they primary use echolocation (Hear). They don’t play well with electricity (Wind) and
seaweed (Wood) tangles them up.

8. Magicali
These animated objects are seeking other Magical (sense) creatures. Smash (Bash) these
glorified furniture pieces to bits. Being made of magic (Wood), they are imbued with the other
heavenly elements (Light, Water, Wind).

9. Demi-human
With individual clans each one has their own particular sense (Vari) and all are great against
Weapons. They walk upright (Jinn). (Water) will rust their armor and their domesticate life
makes them weak to poison (Wood).

10. Undead
Having no (Life) they seek it out. Since they already are dead you cannot kill them again
(immune All). They come out at night (Dark). So burn them (Fire), restore their breath (Wind),
or seize control of them yourself (Moon).

11. Demon
These fallen spirits creep out at night (DarkViz) and sniff (Smell) blood. Stab (Jab) them in the
heart like Vampires. Being evil (Dark) and coming from hell (Fire), they prefer the shadows of
caves (Earth) and the night (Moon).

12. Dragon
There are only three dragons with tough scales that need to be pierced (Jab). Being so
powerful they have mastered both ends of Light and Darkness. This discipline makes them
hate disorder (Moon).

13. Oddball
Eyeballs are big, multiple, or even lacking (Various). Since eyes are super sensitive they have
several defensive traits. No amount of poking (not Jab) or squishing (not Bash) will cause them
to blink. Their big peeper appreciates sun (Wisp) and light (Moon) but did you remember the
last time you got sand (Earth) in your eye?

SwoM - Monster Tips
Posted in charts, games, guides

All of the monsters in Sword of Mana (SwoM) have the exact same traits. So here they are in
nice neat tables. The common exceptions are puppet Magicali, skull-beast Undead, eye-spy
Oddballs, and cloud Amorphs. Nocturnal Fowls (bats and owls) just flip their Light & Dark
weaknesses. Elements are listed in the order you get them in game.

I. Monster Traits
Name Sense1 Sense2 W@ WO W^ WX M@ MO M^ MX
Fauna Smell – Bash Slash, – – Wind Water, Light, Earth
Jab Wood, Fire,
Dark Moon
Flora Hear – Slash – Jab Bash Luna, Fire, Water, Light,
Dark Wind Earth Wood
Insect Smell Hear Bash – Slash, – Wind Fire, Light, Earth
Jab Moon Water,
Reptile Hear DayViz Slash Jab Bash – Fire Wind, Light, Water
Moon, Earth,
Dark Wood
Fowl DayViz DarkViz Jab – Slash, – Dark, Fire, Water, Light,
Bash Earth Wood Moon Wind
Amorph Smell – – Jab – Slash, Light, Earth Wind Fire,
Bash Water, Moon,
Wood Dark
Aquan Hear – – Jab Slash, – Fire Wind, Light, Water
Bash Wood Earth,
Magicali Magic Various Bash – Slash Jab Moon Fire, Light, Wood
Earth, Water,
Dark Wind
Demi- Various Various – Slash, – – Earth Water, Light, Wind
human Jab, Wood Fire,
Bash Moon,
Undead Life Hear – – – Slash, Light Fire, Water, Dark
Jab, Wind, Earth,
Bash Moon Wood
Demon DarkViz Smell Jab Bash – Slash Light, Wind, Earth, Fire,
Water Wood Moon Dark
Dragon Hear DayViz – Jab Slash Bash – Earth, Fire, Light,
Moon Water, Dark
Oddball Various Various – Slash Bash Jab Wood, Earth Fire, Light,
Dark Water, Moon

SwoM – Black Monsters
Posted in guides, tips

Kill a monster species 1000 times and it will turn Black in color. For attempting to commit
genocide all of its stats are increased by 100.

There are side benefits though. Lucre and Experience are included in the 100 stat boosts. Now
Black Monsters are great for Power Leveling. Finally all Black Monsters drop Crystal or Altena
Felt at 5%. These are the best material is the game. However you will need it to survive these
souped up critters.

SwoM – Cyclopes
Posted in charts, guides

So throughout guides and boards Cyclopes are mentioned in the passing. What are they? Why
are they important? Who cares? You ought to.

1. Basics
Cyclopes are Rare Monsters; one for each element.

They only appear on one screen on their element’s Day, and at the right Time. Assume
Daytime if not specified. (Wisp & Shade are Mana Holy Day.)

They are immune to their element, and weak against their opposite.

They give 300 Experience, the highest of any monster.

Therefore they are the best monsters to Power Level magic. But wait! There’s more.

2. Materials
Cyclopes are the only monsters to
drop Aerolite/Meteors. At 95% too!
Aerolite is the strongest Material
for physical damage and protection.
However they are Dark element
and have low Tempering Limits.
Pancetta (boy) in Menos store will
trade Aerolite for other Materials.
These include the strongest ones in
the game.
He only gives two items for each type of Aerolite e.g. Vinek.
You can always say “No” and talk to him again if you don’t like what he’s offering.
Aim for Altena Felt, Pegasus Hide, Dragon Scales, and Crystal.

3. Locations [Cyclopes]
Ele Location & Time Directions Image

Light Path to Gaia One south from Gaia’s Facade (Entrance).

Earth Gaia Cave First room from the Exit.

Jadd Desert,
Moon One north of the giant flowing sand field.

Wood Miasma Glen One south of the Save Statue.

Water Snowfield Third screen from Armory.

First, second, and third screen from the Save Statue.

Wind Rocky Wilds One south, one east, and two north of the Amory; the
dead end screen. Yes, it appears on four screens.

Fire Subsea Volcano Two north of the Metaball room.

Glass Desert,
Dark One north and one west of Ishe.

SwoM – Rare Monsters
Posted in Uncategorized

1. Basics
Rare monsters are just that. They appear very seldom, at a few locations, and at certain times.
All Cyclopes are Rare Monsters too but special, so they get their own guide. Plain Rare
Monsters aren’t as useful, but they make nice Easter Eggs and keep the Completionist players

These locations are from ShdwRlm3’s SwoM guide, and he credits some these locations to
Gamer’s Paradise. I don’t have the manpower or hacking skills to force or verify all the

Rare Monsters throughout these pages are denoted with an asterisk.

Rare Monsters will be the only monster on the map.

All Rare Monsters, except Malboro and Moldy Goo, drop Honey Elixirs at 56%.

The only exclusive materials from Rare Monsters are Centaur Hide from Wormwood*.

Centaur Hide and Dragon Scale armors grant immunities to Petrify and FireMan

Rare Monsters give higher Experience than the local monsters. This is great for Power
Leveling weapons & magic.

2. Direction Notes
Unless noted, all Rare Monsters appear in the Daytime.

Entrance and Exit refers to the door not the screen itself. E.g. if you walk into a cave
you are in “the first room from the Entrance”.

3. Rare Monsters Worldwide

Name Location & Time Directions Image

Sand Jadd Desert,

Any area outside and south of Jadd.
Scorpio* Any

First cave (after Palm Trees & 8). Whirlpool cave.

Dune Maze,
Silkspitter* Cave where you get the Axe. Cave south of the
giant flowing sand field.

Cascade Cave, Third room from the Entrance with the giant cliff.
Morn/Even First, second, and third room from the Exit.

Any outside screen except the one with the Wood
Gray Ox* Mt. Illusia
Stone Seal.

Tyrranos* Glass Desert Any screen north of Ishe.

Sky First, second, and third screens from the Ice Cave.
Kahla Peaks
Dragon* (Unconfirmed about fourth).

Garuda* Rocky Wilds First, second, and third, screens from the Armory.

Subland The second, third, and fourth screen from the

Big Baby*
River Entrance.

Land Subsea First lava room. The rooms before and after the
Dragon* Volcano Metaball room.

Ape Sealed Any screen except the first one from the
Mummy* Cave, Night Entrance/Exit.

First and second (northeast) rooms from the

Springball* Entrance. The Land, Sea, Sky room when fully
elevated. Last room.

4. Rare Monsters: After Point of No Return
Location &
Name Directions Image

Machine Floors 7 and above. They may need to collapse

Dime Tower
Golem* for monsters to spawn.

Mana Screen where the foliage drops. Second, third,

Sanctuary, Night and fourth outdoors screens from that.

Moldy Goo* Mana Sanctuary Any basement room (B1) in the temple areas.

Wormwoord* Any basement room (B1) in the temple areas.
Sanctuary, Night

SwoM – Hunting Guide
Posted in guides, tips

So you need to go out and kill monsters; lots of them? Fast and efficiently too; so you can get
those precious crafting materials, quest items, or Rare Monsters. This is the SwoM way.

1. Treasure Drops
When monsters spawn there is a 50% chance of a chest drop.

If there is a chest drop, it will be assigned to one monster randomly.

The chest will appear if the assigned monster is killed last.

The chest will also appear if the assigned monster dies within the death animation of
the last killed (non-chest) monsters.

Monsters killed in FireMan, Petrified, or Wimp status will still drop chests.

If a Polter Box or Kaisar Mimic is select from the Trap Roulette, the original item is

Polter Boxes and Kaisar Mimics from traps always drop untrapped chests
(with their item drops.)

Therefore it’s very important to kill monsters efficiently and in the correct order.

2. Stocking Up
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure.” Then again, “Planning is indispensable,
but plans only last five seconds after starting.”

The less backtracks to town, the less time

Stock up on “bait” items, i.e. Tone Stones,
Blink Weeds, and Potent Posies.
They can be bought at Ishe or cut from
Sword and Sickle Deathblows are
quickest way to mow.
The Casecade Cave is full of grass.
If you come across Niccolo definitely buy
Gummy Frogs and the appropriate Meat.
Chocolumps and Magic Walnuts are always useful.
Go for broke. The money will be recouped after a single hunt.
If you know the target monsters have an annoying Status Condition. A quick Forge on
Gloves or Boots/Sandals may be in order.

3. Location, Location, Target
A good target monster and spot will yield greater rewards.

 Does the monster appear single or multiple times? E.g. Lizardons and Lime Slimes both
drop Bronze, but all screens with Lizardons just spawn 1 while Lime Slimes spawn in 3 or 4
at a time.
 However a single spawning target monster is easier to die last for the chest drop.
 Would a monster with a lower drop rate be less aggravating that a higher one? E.g. Duck
Generals drop Light Coins at 56%, but they appear 2 per screen and are four “dungeons”
from the nearest town. Death Floras drop Light Coins at 21%, spawn 3 per screen, and are
one “dungeon” away from town.
 Do the target monsters spawn close to each other or spread throughout the map?
 Are there any outlier monsters? I.e. monsters that aren’t the target or spawn far from
clumped ones.
 Is there a save Statue nearby?
 Can you get the Best status condition? I.e. stay at an Inn, Magic Rope Trick, and walk
within 4 screens to the location.

4. The Hunt
a) Save at a proper location. E.g. nearby Statue or exploiting Best.
b) Set NPC to 100% Magic.
c) Travel to location with correct Time or Day if required.
d) Eat proper Meat.
e) Commence slaughter.
Kill any outlier monsters.
Gather up the monsters. Tip: use bait items.
Kill them all and take their stuff.
Summon cards and the Amigo Whistle target all monsters but can only be
used once a day.
8-Hit spells target all monsters but use 27 MP.
f) Take a break every once in a while; 20-30 minutes. Save if you get a good haul. Reset if
you didn’t and want to avoid Black Monsters.

Gather them up. Kill them together.

SwoM – Produce

1. Basics
A. Planting
Plant two seeds in the Orchard in the Hot House for a Produce.
Walk in and out of the Orchard to grow all seeds.
Produce grows in the following order on the branches: 5, 8, 1, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6.
Vegetables for weapons are planted on Salamander’s, Dryad’s, and Gnome’s Day.
Fruits for armor are planted on Luna’s, Undine’s, and Jinn’s Day. Mnemonic: LUJ
Mana Holy Day produces both Fruits & Vegetables. I’m not listing the patterns at
the moment.
Seeds are listed by their first initial, except Spiny Seeds which is by the letter Y.
Seeds may be planted in any order. E.g. Round & Long is the same as Long &
Each day of the week has two Produce that are exclusive to it; they override
regular combinations.

B. Tempering
A tuple is an ordered list of elements.
The tuple for a weapons is (Power, Dodge, Hit, Element); for armor (Slash, Bash,
Jab, Element).
(?,?,?,?) Has a random chance to raise each stat.
Produce is used in Tempering to add it’s tuple to the stats of weapons and armor.

C. Miscellaneous
Bumpkins (1, 0,1,1) are dropped by Bumpkins 21% and Grumpkins 21%.
Citrusquids (1,1,0,0) are dropped by Taxibirds 21%.
Give Honey, a Honey Onion, and Diceberry to Clive the Pharmacist for a Honey
A Dwarf in Ishe smithy will ask for a random produce and give one Dudbear’s Gold.

D. Abbreviations LEGEND
Abbreviation Seeds Name Abbreviation Spirits Name
B Big Seed Holy Mana Holy Day
C Crocked Seed Luna Luna
F Flat Seed Und Undine
L Long Seed Sala Salamander
O Oblong Seed Dry Dryad
R Round Seed Jinn Jinn
S Small Seed Gno Gnome
Y Spiny Seed

2. Seed Drops – Forging and Tempering
I. Common Produce
Vegetable Fruit Tuple Seed Combinations

Lilipods Bellgrapes (0,0,0,1) BY†, CL, CR, RS, RY; any seed with itself

Masked Potato Diceberry (0,0,1,0) CF, FR, OR

Spiny Carrot PeachPuppy (0,1,0,0) BR, BY‡, FL, LR

Honey Onion Applesocks (1,0,0,0) BC, FS, OS

Cornflower Orange’opus (0,0,1,1) BL, BS, LS

Dolphin Squash Citrisquid (1,1,0,0) CS, CY, SY

Cabbadillo Springanana (0,1,0,1) BO, LO, LY

Conchurnip Mangolephant (1,0,1,0) BF, CO, OY

Needlettuce Rocket Papaya (0,1,1,0) FO, FY

† Fruit only.
‡ Vegetable only.

II. Exclusive Produce

Vegetable Fruit Tuple VCom FCom VDay FDay

Whalamato Loquat-Shoes (1,0,0,1) FO LS Gno Und

Orcaplant Boarmelon (?,?,?,?) BR LR Sala Jinn

Mush-in-a-Box Pine o’Clock (0,1,1,1) OR CO Dry Luna

Bumpkin Rhinoloupe (1,0,1,1) RS BL Holy Holy

Garlicrown Kittypie (1,1,0,1) FL BS Sala Und

Heart Mint Cherry Bombs (1,1,1,0) SY BS Gno Und

Spade Basil Fishy Fruit (1,1,1,1) CS FS Dry Jinn

SwoM – Forging & Tempering Guide
Posted in guides, tips

This is a guide on Forging and Tempering Weapons. It is nuanced so that you can play SwoM
free flow and not worry about messing up. It’s very easy; if a little obtuse.

1. Forging Basics
You won’t be able to Forge; until about one-fourth through the game when Watts arrives.
Forging is to take a material such as Foresena Iron and make your weapon/armor out of it. It’s
the main way to increase your equipment’s power. All you do is select the piece, then the
material, and BAM!! New Gear. Sadly the game is awful on listing what can be used to forge.
Check out the Materials page (later) for an overall scheme.

In general the more it costs to Forge, the better the item.

You don’t need to forge all of your weapons, just the ones that are comfortable for
Try to keep a set of Slash, Bash, and Jab weapons.
Even if you aren’t using it, upgrade the Flail with second rate materials. It’s used to
travel pits and cuts down on switching when traveling.
Sage, Mage, LL, and LD Classes can benefit from weapons with a higher Element.
Forge your Armor/Robe periodically since it gives the most Defenses.
Weaker armor pieces such as Gloves and Boots/Sandals can be used for Status
Protection like Poison or Wimp.

2. Poor Combinations
You really cannot go wrong with Forging. Even going at a lower level might have its benefits
with status conditions or Tempering. However there are some combinations that don’t match
very well. For example the Bow is very good against Fowl (bird) monsters, and the Bow can be
made out of Marble. Marble is Wind element, so guess what Birds are strong against? You can
still make a Marble Bow, but skip on Tempering its Element.

Poor Weapon Element Combos

Attack Immune X Less Damage ^

Slash Light, Water, Wood Light, Wind, Moon

Jab Fire, Wind, Dark Fire, Wind, Dark (Bats & Owls), Water, Moon, Light

Bash Earth, Wood Fire, Wind, Dark

3. Materials Breakdown
Here’s the gist of what makes what. Exceptions may apply, void where prohibited, not
exchangeable for Lucre, Dudbears’ Gold, Gil, GOLDS, Kero, or Zenny.

Materials Breakdown

Metal Sword, Flail, Sickle, Axe, Mace

Wood Staff, Bow

Bone Staff

Hide Knuckles, Spear

Scales Flail, Mace

Stone Bow, Axe


Heavy Armor Bone, Metal, Meteor, Scale, Stone

Light Armor Cloth, Hide, Wood

Gloves All except Bone.

4. Status Conditions
Naturally bosses are tougher than normal monsters. Sometimes it’s nice to prepare armor for
them since the battles are tougher. (Not really but hey it’s nice to know.)

Boss Status Conditions

Boss Status Conditions

Jackal –

Nosvertu –

Hydra Poison, SnowMan

Ankheg –

Gorgon Petrify, Poison

Mindflayer Blind, Confusion

Boison Vine Poison, Sleep

Garuda Confusion

Stroud Numb, Blind

Malyris SnowMan, Silence

Kraken Blind, Confusion

Ifrit FireMan

Lich –

Golem DefDwn

Dragon Stop, Fireman

Antepenultimate Boss –

Penultimate Boss Fireman, Snowman, Silence, Petrify

Ultimate Boss Toxic, Sleep

5. Tempering
The game gives you: Tempering before Forging, which is no good. Tempering is more complex,
and the player doesn’t have the materials for it either. Tempering is taking a Fruit/Vegetable
(Produce) and smashing it into your weapon/armor with the same material to somehow
increase its stats. Didn’t get that? No worries. Let’s say you have an Iron Sword. From planting
in the Hot House Orchard you get a Lilypod. The Lilypod adds +1 Element (Ele) to weapons. You
can use that Lilypod and another piece of Iron to temper your Iron Sword for +1 Element.

Tempering is a bit odd since several items are required to temper; seeds, produce, materials.
By the time you are done gathering everything for your new weapon/armor, you probably are
strong enough to get a single material for a better one time forge. Tempering is best done for
the end game or with a single weapon throughout the entire game. You can skip tempering all
together without losing much.

Monsters drop seeds and materials.

Two seeds are planted in the Orchard to make Produce (a Fruit or Vegetable).
Tempering requires Produce and the same type of material for the existing
Weapons/armor can be tempered as many times as their Limit (Lmt).
Materials that forge weaker equipment, e.g. Animal Bone, Oak Wood, often have
higher Limit.
You do not need perfect Produce. Sometimes only extra Power or Element is enough.

6. Fool Proof Best Stuff

Still want the best gear? OK. It’s not too hard to get. However everything will explode if you
just look at it.

Every weapon can be made out of Crystal which is the best material.
Heavy armor can be made out of Crystal.
Light armor can be made out of Altena Felt.
Small Seeds + Crooked Seeds on Dryad = best Vegetable
Flat Seeds + Spiny Seeds on Jinn = best Fruit
Mithril from Niccolo’s Secret Shop is the poor-man’s Crystal.

SwoM – Forging Materials
By tirodvd ¶ Posted in charts, guides, Uncategorized - July 17, 2014

Here are all the forging materials in Sword of Mana [GBA]. Where to get them, what they give
and what they make are included. For specific stats see the respective Weapons and Armor
tables. Cost is a quick indicator of the quality of the equipment produced.

Material Monsters in order of greatest to least drops. All drops are 15% unless noted. All Metals
Name and Wood can be purchased from Niccolo’s Secret Shop. Asterisks denote Rare Monsters.

Status FX Weapon Element Weapons, Cheaper, Pricey
Forge Costs

Status Protection Armor Element Armor, Cheaper, Pricey
Forge Costs

1. Bones
Animal Bone Rabite, Cherry Slime, Snowy Rabite, Griffon Hand, Zonbine 7%

50 – Wood Sword, Staff, Mace

50, 80 Sleep Wood Armor, Boots

Elephant Tusk Polter Box, Dainslaif, Goblin, Ice Leech

200, 400 – Fire Staff, Sickle, Bow, Lance, Mace

400 PowerDown Fire Helmet, Boots

Black Bone Turtle Shelly, Wolfiend, Garuda*, Mummy Ape*

700, 1500 Wimp Moon Staff, Sickle, Bow

1500 – Moon Armor

Fossil Mean Mask, Trade Hal Aerolite, Big Baby*

1500 Petrify Earth Sword, Staff, Knuckles, Flail, Mace

5000 – Dark Staff

1500 – Earth Helmet

2. Cloths
Topple Cotton Bebe 13%, Batmo 13%

50, 80 Speed Down Wind Robe, Hat, Sandals

Sultan Silk Locud, Insectaur, Assassinant, Dark Batmo

200 Poison Fire Robe, Hat, Sandals

Jadd Hemp Killer Pansy, Anthrosect, Prickbeak, Ghostum 9%, Silkspitter*

700 Wimp Moon Robe, Hat, Sandals

Altena Felt Trade Jake Aerolite, Any Black Monster 5%

10000 Confusion All Robe, Hat, Sandals

3. Hides
Animal Hide Molebear, Howler, Saber Kitty, Werewolf, Knollbear, Hell Hound

50 Confusion Moon Knuckles, Lance

50, 400 – Moon Robe, Hat, Sandals, Gloves

Gator Skin Duck General, Tyrranos*

400 – Water Knuckles, Lance

400, 1500 SnowMan Water Robe, Hat, Sandals, Gloves

Centaur Hide Wormwood*

700 – Earth Knuckles, Lance

1500, 5000 Petrify Earth Robe, Hat, Sandals, Gloves

Pegasus Hide Trade Hal Aerolite, Sky Dragon*

5000 Numb Wind Knuckles, Lance

8000 – Wind Robe, Hat, Sandals

4. Metals
Menos Bronze Lime Slime, Tonpole, Lizardon, Granz Soldier, Granz Archer

50 – Wood Sword, Knuckles, Flail, Sickle, Axe, Mace

50 – Wood Armor, Gloves, Helmet, Boots

Forsena Iron Skelaton

100 – Wind Sword, Knuckles, Flail, Sickle, Lance, Axe, Mace

100 – Wind Armor, Helmet, Boots

Granz Steel Tin Knight, Clincher Crab, High Granz Solider, Granz Wizard

300 – Fire Sword, Flail, Sickle, Axe, Mace

300 – Fire Armor, Helmet, Boots

Lorimar Iron Chess Knight, Sahagin, Kaisar Mimic

600 – Light Sword, Knuckles, Flail, Sickle, Bow, Lance, Axe, Mace

600 – Light Armor, Helmet, Boots, Gloves

Altena Alloy Stained Sword, Tomato Man, Shadow Zed, Fierce Face 13%

900, 1000 – Water Sword, Knuckles, Flail, Sickle, Bow, Lance, Axe, Mace

900 – Water Armor, Helmet, Gloves, Boots

Maia Lead Dullahan, Copper Knight

1000 – Earth Sword, Flail, Sickle, Axe, Mace

1000 – Earth Armor, Helmet, Boots

Mythril Silver Shamanion, Trade Vinek Aerolite, Moldy Goo*, Machine Golem*

2000 Silence All Sword, Knuckles, Flail, Sickle, Lance, Axe, Mace

2000 Silence All Armor, Helmet, Boots, Gloves

Orichalcum Trade Vinek Aerolite, Springball*

5000 Charm Light Sword, Knuckles, Flail, Sickle, Axe, Mace

5000 – Light Armor, Helmet, Boots, Gloves

5. Meteors
Ankh Aerolite Water Cyclops 92%, Wood Cyclops 92%

8000 Darkness Dark Staff, Bow

8000 – Dark Boots

Hal Aerolite Fire Cyclops 92%, Moon Cyclops 92%

8000 Darkness Dark Sword, Sickle

8000 – Dark Armor

Jake Aerolite Light Cyclops 92%, Dark Cyclops 92%

8000 Darkness Dark Flail, Lance, Mace

8000 – Dark Helmet

Vinek Aerolite Earth Cyclops 92%, Wind Cyclops 92%

8000 Darkness Dark Knuckles, Axe

8000 – Dark Gloves

6. Scales
Fish Scale Iffish, Tin Tortoise, Killafish, Tanpole

50 SnowMan Water Flail, Mace

200 – Water Armor, Helmet

Lizard Scale Earth Basilisk, Dragodon, Kid Dragon, Basilisk 13%, Cockatrice 13%

200 – Moon Sword, Flail, Axe, Mace

200, 700 Bewitch Moon Helmet, Boots, Gloves

Snake Scale Seadragon, Viper

700 Poison Water Sword, Flail, Axe, Mace

700 – Water Armor, Boots, Gloves

Dragon Scale Trade Ankh Aerolite, Land Dragon*

5000 FireMan Fire Sword, Staff, Flail, Sickle, Bow, Axe, Mace

5000 FireMan Fire Armor, Helmet, Boots, Gloves

7. Stones
Marble Bumpkin, Cobra, Eyespy, Mushboom 13%

50, 200 – Wind Knuckles, Bow, Axe

200 Sleep Wood Staff

80 Numb Wind Helmet

Denden Tezla, Goblin Guard, Night Sniper, Grumpkin, Ghoul, Bloody Bjorn, Wizard Eye,
Sand Scorpio*

400 – Earth Sword, Flail, Sickle, Bow, Axe

400 Bedraggle Earth Armor

Pedan Stone Punkster, Gremlin, Taxibird, Hoppin’ Tick, Petite Poseidon, Gray Ox*

700, 1500,
– Moon Staff, Sickle, Bow, Lance, Axe

1500 Wimp Moon Boots

Crystal Trade Vinek Aerolite, Any Black monster 5%

10000 – All All weapons.

10000 Charm All Armor, Helmet, Boots, Gloves

8. Wood – p.01
Oak Wood Death Flora, Chobin Hood

50 – Wood Staff, Bow, Lance

50 – Wood Robe, Hat, Gloves

50 Speed Down Wood Sandals

Holly Wood Blood Owl, Cursed Doll

100 – Water Staff, Bow

100 – Water Robe, Hat, Sandals

Baobab Wood Specter, Rabillion 13%

300 – Earth Staff, Bow, Lance

300 – Earth Robe, Hat, Gloves, Sandals

9. Wood – p.02
Charcoal Shadow Zero, Spiny Cone, Chobin Hoodlum

300, 600 – Fire Staff, Knuckles

600 – Fire Robe, Hat, Sandals

Ash Wood Poto, Skull Drake 13%, Malboro*

900 – Wind Staff, Knuckles

900 – Wind Robe, Hat, Sandals

Dion Wood Beholder, Voo Doll, Ache Cone

1000 – Wood Staff, Bow, Lance

1000 – Wood Robe, Hat, Sandals, Gloves

Mistletoe Wood Bonny Matango

1500, 2000 Sleep Wood Staff, Bow

2000 – Wood Robe, Hat, Sandals

Fossil Wood Trade Jake Aerolite, Wooding*

5000 – Dark Bow, Lance

5000 Darkness Dark Robe, Hat, Sandals

SwoM – Items (with Drop Rates)
By tirodvd ¶ Posted in charts, games, guides

Items that can be easily bought do not list monster drops.

Asterisks denote Rare Monsters.
Quest Items given by the quest or playing the game are not listed.

1. Coins
Name Effect Drop Rates

Dark Instantly casts Cumulus 56%, Specter 56%, Dullahan 56%, Gremlin 56%,
Coin Silhouette. Ghostum 43%, Skeleton 21%
Earth Instantly casts DefUp. Howler 56%, Skull Beast 56%, Skeleton 56%, Skull Drake
Coin 50%, Gloomoth 36%, Flame Moth 36%, Sabre Kitty 21%
Fire Instantly casts PowUp. Cherry Slime 56%, Cumulus 21%, Imp 21%, Shamanion
Coin 21%
Light Instantly casts Healing. Chess Knight 56%, Duck General 56%, Death Flora 21%,
Coin Spiny Cone 21%, Duck GI 20%
Moon Instantly casts Locud 56%, Poto 56%, Shadow Zero 21%, Denden Tezla
Coin Mooglemorphis. 21%
Water Instantly casts Tanpole 56%, Tonpole 36%, Pincher Crab 13%
Coin Bubbleboat.
Wind Instantly casts Needlebeak 56%, Blood Owl 56%, Dainslaif 56%, Insector
Coin SpeedUp. 56%, Chobin Hoodlum 56%, Taxibird 56%, Ache Cone 21%
Wood Instantly casts Pumpkin Bomb 56%, Blood Weapon 56%, Voo Doll 56%,
Coin MagDefUp. Kaiser Mimic 56%, Malboro* 56%

2. Icons
Name Effect Drop Rates
Dryad Icon Sleeps monster. Polter Box 56%
Gnome Icon Petrifies monster. Goblin 56%, Knollbear 56%, Gloomoth 20%, Flame
Moth 20%
Jinn Icon Numbs monster. Anthrosect 56%, Pricklebeak 56%
Luna Icon Wimp’s monster. Ache Cone 56%, Copper Knight 56%, Wolfiend 56%
Salamander FireMan’s monster. Mean Mask 56%, Moldy Goo* 56%
Shade Icon Blinds monster. Tin Knight 56%, Bloody Bjorn 56%, Cumulus 15%,
Imp 15%
Undine Icon SnowMan’s monster. Lizardon 56%, Killafish 56%, Dragodon 56%, Hoppin’
Tick 56%
Wisp Icon Charms monster. Kid Dragon 50%, Poto 21%

3. Meats
Name Effect Drop Rates
Animal, Bird, Demon, Dragon, Fish, Doubles damage & defense Every monster drops
Insect, Lizard, Magical, Morph, against a monster type for their respective type of
Rotten, Thin, and Tough Meat one screen. meat at 8%.
Mixed Meat Fauna, Flora, Insect, and Niccolo 200 luc
Spicy Meat Amorph, Aquan, and Fowl Niccolo 200 luc
Phantom Meat Demi-human, Magicali, and Niccolo 200 luc

4. Mystery Items
Name Effect Drop Rates
Amigo Summons Amigos to deal 1 of Get 1 Amigo with Communication Link.
Whistle physical damage per Amigo.
Blink Attracts monsters that use DayViz Cut grass. Ishe 20 luc.
Weed or NightViz. They won’t attack or
cast magic.
Potent Attracts monsters that use Smell. Cut grass. Ishe 20 luc.
Posey They won’t attack or cast magic.
Tone Attracts monsters that use Cut grass. Ishe 20 luc.
Stone Hearing. They won’t attack or cast
Tiny Causes and cures Wimp status on Help the Old Lady in Wendel cathedral get
Tapper players. her necklace back (after Armory travel is

5. Produce
Name Effect Drop Rates
Bumpkin Tempers weapon (1,0,1,1). Bumpkins 21%, Grumpkin 21%
Citrusquid Tempers armor (1,1,0,0). Taxibird 21%

6. Quest Items
Name Effect Drop Rates
Blood Pouch Give to man in Topple in at night for Lucre or Batmo 10%
Dudbear’s Gold (requires 10).
Bubu Worm Give to man in Ishe inn for Lucre. Basilisk 10%, Kid Dragon 10%,
Tyrannos* 10%
Glittering Give to man in Menos inn for Lucre. Rabillion 10%
Glittering Give to man in Jadd inn for Lucre. Cockatrice 10%
Glittering Give to man in Wendell inn for Lucre. Mushboom 10%, Pincher Crab
Sword 10%
Honey Give to Clive the Pharmacist to make Honey Bebe 10%, Assassinant 10%
Moondrop Give to Dwarf in Ishe smithy for Lucre or Fierce Face 10%, Skull Drake
Dudbears’ Gold. 10%

7. Recovery
Name Effect Drop Rates
Gumdrop Heals 30 HP. Any store 10 luc.
Chocolump Heals 80 HP. Any store 40 luc
Honey Elixir Heals all HP. Made by Clive the Pharmacist. All Rare
Monsters 56%, (not Malboro* or Moldy Goo*).
Magic Heal 80 MP. Any store 45 luc
Prestoveggie Heals any poison or Status Any store 15 luc
Down condition.
Stardust Heals any status condition Any store 20 luc
Herb Prestoveggie cannot.
Angel Grail Revives NPC. Any store 50 luc
Gummy Frog Maxes out Deathblow gauge. Niccolo 40 luc

8. Seeds
All seeds drop at a rate of 21% unless noted.

Name Drop Rates

Big Seed Lime Slime, Cursed Doll, Polter Box, Dainslaif, Chess Knight, Chobin Hood, Chobin
Hoodlum, Shadow Zed, Granz Soldier, Granz Archer, Moldy Goo*, Machine
Crooked Duck GI, Eye Spy, Griffon Hand, Beholder, Earth Basilisk, Duck General, Tanpole,
Seed Dragodon, Wizard Eye, Viper, Basilisk 20%, Cobra 20%, Springball*, Tyrannos*
Flat Seed Needlebeak, Blood Owl, Insector, Anthrosect, Dark Batmo, Pricklebeak, Night
Sniper, High Granz Soldier, Batmo 20%, Cockatrice 20%, Garuda*
Long Seed Locud, Werewolf, Hoppin’ Tick, Bebe 20%, Kid Dragon 20%, Assassinant 20%,
Silkspitter*, Sand Scorpio*, Sky Dragon*
Oblong Seed Tomato Man, Punkster, Dullahan, Bonny Matango, Killer Pansy, Mean Mask,
Gremlin, Mushboom 20%, Fierce Face 20%, Malboro*, Wooding*, Wormwood*
Round Seed Rabite, Molebear, Blood Weapon, Goblin, Voo Doll, Cherry Slime, Goblin Guard,
Kaiser Mimic, Snowy Rabite, Knollbear, Hell Hound, Rabillion, 20% Great Ox*
Small Seed Zonbine 40%, Ghostum 40%, Tin Knight, Tin Tortoise, Skull Beast, Specter, Copper
Knight, Ghoul, Bloody Bjorn, Wolfiend, Skull Drake 20%, Turtle Shelly 15%, Ape
Spiny Seed Land Leech, Iffish, Seadragon, Sahagin, Killafish, Petit Poseidon, Ice Leech,
Clincher Crab, Granz Wizard, Pincher Crab 20%, Big Baby*

9. Summons
Name Effect Drop Rates
Selva Card Deals Wind magic and Numbs all monsters. Obtain 5 Amigos.
Pokiehl Card Deals Fire magic and FireMan’s all monsters. Obtain 10 Amigos.
Tote Card Deals Water magic and SnowMan’s all monsters. Obtain 15 Amigos.
Rosiotti Card Deals Wood magic and Sleeps all monsters. Obtain 30 Amigos.
Olbohn Card Deals Moon magic and Wimps all monsters. Obtain 50 Amigos.
Gaia Card Deals Earth magic and Petrifies all monsters. Obtain 75 Amigos.
Matilda Deals Light magic and Charms all monsters. Obtain 100 Amigos.

SwoM – Weapons

DPH = Damage Per Hit = Pow + Ele^2 / 100
Max = DPH Perfectly Tempered = (Pow+Lmt) + (Ele+Lmt)^2 / 100
Power [character] increases Pow [weapon].
Intelligence increases Ele.
A weapon must have a non-zero Ele value to deal their Spr damage type. Tempering
Ele may be required.

1. Swords
Material Price FX Spr Pow Dodg Hit Ele Lmt DPH MAX

Animal Bone 50 – Wood 1 1 1 1 30 1 41

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood 2 2 2 0 15 2 19

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 8 8 8 0 15 8 25

Lizard Scale 200 – Moon 12 0 0 8 20 13 40

Granz Steel 300 – Fire 17 17 17 0 15 17 34

Obsidian 400 – Earth 20 0 0 10 20 21 49

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 25 25 25 0 15 25 42

Snake Scale 700 Poison Water 30 0 0 15 20 32 62

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 35 35 35 0 15 35 52

Fossil 1500 Petrify Earth 45 0 0 20 20 49 81

Maia Lead 1000 – Earth 50 0 0 0 15 50 67

Orichalcum 5000 Charm Light 50 50 50 0 40 50 106

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 40 40 40 40 30 56 119

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 65 0 0 25 25 71 115

Hal Aerolite 8000 Darkness Dark 75 75 75 45 20 95 137

Crystal 10000 – All 70 70 70 50 30 95 164

2. Staves
Material Price FX Spr Pow Dodg Hit Ele Lmt DPH MAX

Animal Bone 50 – Wood 1 0 0 3 20 1 26

Oak Wood 50 – Wood 2 0 0 0 10 2 13

Holly Wood 100 – Water 5 0 0 10 10 6 19

Marble 200 Sleep Wood 5 0 0 15 15 7 29

Baobab Wood 300 – Earth 8 0 0 20 10 12 27

Elephant Tusk 400 – Fire 10 0 0 25 15 16 41

Charcoal 600 – Fire 13 0 0 30 10 22 39

Pedan Stone 700 – Moon 15 0 0 35 15 27 55

Ash Wood 900 – Wind 18 0 0 40 10 34 53

Dion Wood 1000 – Wood 23 0 0 45 10 43 63

Black Bone 1500 Wimp Moon 25 0 0 50 15 50 82

Mistletoe Wood 2000 Sleep Wood 28 0 0 60 20 64 112

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 35 0 0 55 20 65 111

Fossil 5000 – Dark 30 0 0 65 20 72 122

Crystal 10000 – All 35 35 35 70 30 84 165

Ankh Aerolite 8000 Darkness Dark 40 40 40 70 20 89 141

3. Knuckles
Material Price FX Spr Pow Dodg Hit Ele Lmt DPH MAX

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood? 2 5 2 0 10 2 13

Animal Hide 50 Confusion Moon 2 0 2 1 20 2 26

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 5 8 5 0 10 5 16

Charcoal 300 – Fire 8 30 0 5 10 8 20

Marble 200 – Wind 10 0 10 5 15 10 29

Gator Skin 400 – Water 15 0 15 8 15 16 35

Ash Wood 900 – Wind 17 50 0 15 10 19 33

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 20 25 20 0 10 20 31

Centaur Hide 700 – Earth 25 0 0 10 15 26 46

Fossil 1500 Petrify Earth 25 60 0 20 20 29 61

Altena Alloy 1000 – Water 30 35 30 0 10 30 41

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 25 25 25 25 25 31 75

Orichalcum 5000 Charm Light 35 70 35 0 20 35 59

Pegasus Hide 5000 Numb Wind 45 30 0 20 20 49 81

Crystal 10000 – All 40 90 40 35 30 52 112

Vinek Aerolite 8000 Darkness Dark 45 80 45 30 20 54 90

4. Flails
Material Price FX Spr Pow Dodg Hit Ele Lmt DPH MAX

Fish Scale 50 SnowMan Water 1 1 1 1 25 1 33

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood 3 0 1 0 10 3 14

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 7 0 3 0 10 7 18

Lizard Scale 200 – Moon 10 0 0 5 15 10 29

Granz Steel 300 – Fire 12 0 5 0 10 12 23

Obsidian 400 – Earth 15 0 15 10 15 16 36

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 22 0 10 0 10 22 33

Snake Scale 700 Poison Water 30 0 0 15 15 32 54

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 33 0 15 0 10 33 44

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 33 0 15 0 10 33 44

Fossil 1500 Petrify Earth 33 20 0 20 15 37 60

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 30 30 30 30 25 39 85

Maia Lead 1000 – Earth 40 0 0 0 10 40 51

Orichalcum 5000 Charm Light 45 25 25 0 25 45 76

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 55 0 0 20 20 59 91

Crystal 10000 – All 50 50 50 40 30 66 129

Jake Aerolite 8000 Darkness Dark 55 55 55 35 20 67 105

5. Sickles
Material Price FX Spr Pow Dodg Hit Ele Lmt DPH MAX

Fish Scale 50 SnowMan Water 1 1 1 1 20 1 25

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood 2 0 0 0 10 2 13

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 4 0 0 0 10 4 15

Elephant Tusk 200 – Fire 6 0 0 5 15 6 25

Granz Steel 300 – Fire 8 0 0 0 10 8 19

Obsidian 400 – Earth 12 0 0 10 15 13 33

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 18 0 0 0 10 18 29

Black Bone 700 Wimp Moon 23 0 0 15 15 25 47

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 28 0 0 0 10 28 39

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 25 25 25 25 25 31 75

Pedan Stone 1500 – Moon 30 0 0 20 15 34 57

Maia Lead 1000 – Earth 35 0 0 0 10 35 46

Orichalcum 5000 Charm Light 45 20 20 0 25 45 76

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 40 0 0 30 20 49 85

Crystal 10000 – All 45 45 45 35 30 57 117

Hal Aerolite 8000 Darkness Dark 50 50 50 30 20 59 95

6. Bows
Material Price FX Spr Pow Dodg Hit Ele Lmt DPH MAX

Oak Wood 50 – Wood 1 0 5 0 15 1 18

Marble 50 – Wind 1 1 1 1 25 1 33

Holly Wood 100 – Water 3 0 10 10 15 4 24

Elephant Tusk 200 – Fire 6 0 15 8 15 7 26

Baobab Wood 300 – Earth 12 0 20 20 15 16 39

Obsidian 400 – Earth 18 0 25 15 20 20 50

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 25 0 40 0 15 25 42

Black Bone 700 Wimp Moon 28 0 35 20 15 32 55

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 35 0 45 0 15 35 52

Dion Wood 1000 – Wood 38 0 55 20 15 42 65

Mistletoe Wood 1500 Sleep Wood 40 0 60 25 20 46 80

Pedan Stone 2000 – Moon 45 0 50 20 20 49 81

Fossil Wood 5000 – Dark 45 25 70 40 25 61 112

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 55 0 55 35 20 67 105

Crystal 10000 – All 55 55 90 45 30 75 141

Ankh Aerolite 8000 Darkness Dark 60 60 80 40 20 76 116

7. Lances
Material Price FX Spr Pow Dodg Hit Ele Lmt DPH MAX

Animal Hide 50 Confusion Moon 1 1 1 1 30 1 41

Oak Wood 50 – Wood 4 0 0 0 15 4 21

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 10 0 10 0 15 10 27

Elephant Tusk 200 – Fire 15 5 0 15 20 17 47

Baobab Wood 300 – Earth 20 0 0 20 15 24 47

Gator Skin 400 – Water 25 10 0 15 20 27 57

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 30 0 30 0 15 30 47

Centaur Hide 700 – Earth 35 15 15 0 20 35 59

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 40 0 40 0 15 40 57

Dion Wood 1000 – Wood 45 0 0 30 15 54 80

Pedan Stone 1500 – Moon 50 20 0 20 20 54 86

Pegasus Hide 5000 Numb Wind 60 20 20 0 20 60 84

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 45 45 45 45 25 65 119

Fossil Wood 5000 – Dark 55 0 0 35 25 67 116

Jake Aerolite 8000 Darkness Dark 65 65 65 50 20 90 134

Crystal 10000 – All 60 60 60 55 30 90 162

8. Axes
Material Price FX Spr Pow Dodg Hit Ele Lmt DPH MAX

Marble 50 – Wind 5 0 0 5 45 5 75

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood 10 0 0 0 15 10 27

Lizard Scale 200 – Moon 15 0 0 7 20 15 42

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 20 0 0 0 15 20 37

Obsidian 400 – Earth 25 0 0 10 20 26 54

Granz Steel 300 – Fire 30 0 0 0 15 30 47

Snake Scale 700 Poison Water 35 0 0 15 20 37 67

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 40 0 0 0 20 40 64

Pedan Stone 1500 – Moon 45 0 0 20 20 49 81

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 50 0 0 0 20 50 74

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 40 40 40 40 30 56 119

Maia Lead 1000 – Earth 60 0 0 0 20 60 84

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 65 0 0 25 25 71 115

Orichalcum 5000 Charm Light 75 0 0 0 30 75 114

Vinek Aerolite 8000 Darkness Dark 85 85 85 45 20 105 147

Crystal 10000 – All 80 80 80 50 30 105 174

9. Maces
Material Price FX Spr Pow Dodg Hit Ele Lmt DPH MAX

Animal Bone 50 – Wood 10 0 0 5 45 10 80

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood 15 0 0 0 15 15 32

Lizard Scale 200 – Moon 20 0 0 7 20 20 47

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 25 0 0 0 15 25 42

Elephant Tusk 400 – Fire 30 0 0 10 20 31 59

Granz Steel 300 – Fire 35 0 0 0 15 35 52

Snake Scale 700 Poison Water 40 0 0 15 20 42 72

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 45 0 0 0 20 45 69

Fossil 1500 Petrify Earth 45 0 0 20 20 49 81

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 55 0 0 0 20 55 79

Maia Lead 1000 – Earth 65 0 0 0 20 65 89

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 50 50 50 50 30 75 144

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 75 0 0 25 25 81 125

Orichalcum 5000 Charm Light 85 0 0 0 30 85 124

Crystal 10000 – All 90 90 90 45 30 110 176

Jake Aerolite 8000 Darkness Dark 95 95 95 40 20 111 151

SwoM – Armor
Sum = Slash + Bash + Jab + Ele
Max = Sum Perfectly Tempered = Sum + 4*Lmt
Armor > Helmets > Boots >= Gloves
Robes > Hats > Sandals >= Gloves
Gloves can be worn by all players.
An armor piece must have a non-zero Ele value to protect from Spr damage type.
Tempering Ele may be required.
I have no idea what monsters do Slash, Bash, and Jab. Their spell trajectories may give
clues, but I’m not sure if they are shared among all of the same Type.

1. Armor
Material Price Protect Spr Slash Bash Jab Ele Lmt Sum Max

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood 2 3 2 0 5 7 27

Animal Bone 50 Sleep Wood 3 3 3 3 25 12 112

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 5 5 8 0 5 18 38

Fish Scale 200 – Water 6 6 6 6 15 24 84

Granz Steel 300 – Fire 15 8 8 0 5 31 51

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 10 20 10 0 5 40 60

Obsidian 400 Bedraggled Earth 10 10 10 10 15 40 100

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 13 13 25 0 5 51 71

Snake Scale 700 – Water 15 15 15 15 10 60 100

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 15 15 15 20 10 65 105

Maia Lead 1000 – Earth 30 20 20 0 5 70 90

Black Bone 1500 – Moon 25 25 25 10 10 85 125

Crystal 10000 Charm All 30 30 30 30 20 120 200

Orichalcum 5000 – Light 40 40 40 5 5 125 145

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 35 35 35 25 5 130 150

Hal Aerolite 8000 – Dark 45 45 45 45 5 180 200

2. Helmets
Material Price Protect Spr Slash Bash Jab Ele Lmt Sum Max

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood 2 1 1 0 5 4 24

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 2 4 2 0 5 8 28

Marble 80 Numb Wind 2 2 2 2 20 8 88

Fish Scale 200 – Water 3 3 3 3 10 12 52

Granz Steel 300 – Fire 4 4 8 0 5 16 36

Elephant Tusk 400 PowerDown Fire 5 5 5 5 10 20 60

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 12 8 8 0 5 28 48

Fossil 1500 – Earth 10 10 10 5 15 35 95

Lizard Scale 700 Bewitch Moon 9 9 9 9 10 36 76

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 8 8 8 15 10 39 79

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 12 16 12 0 5 40 60

Crystal 10000 Charm All 10 10 10 10 20 40 120

Maia Lead 1000 – Earth 16 16 20 0 5 52 72

Orichalcum 5000 – Light 23 23 23 5 5 74 94

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 20 20 20 15 5 75 95

Jake Aerolite 8000 – Dark 25 25 25 25 5 100 120

3. Boots
Material Price Protect Spr Slash Bash Jab Ele Lmt Sum Max

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood 0 0 1 0 5 1 21

Animal Bone 80 Sleep Wood 1 0 1 0 10 2 42

Forsena Iron 100 – Wind 2 1 1 0 5 4 24

Lizard Scale 200 Bewitch Moon 2 2 2 2 10 8 48

Granz Steel 300 – Fire 3 4 2 0 5 9 29

Elephant Tusk 400 PowerDown Fire 4 4 3 1 10 12 52

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 4 4 6 0 5 14 34

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 6 7 4 0 5 17 37

Snake Scale 700 – Water 5 5 4 4 10 18 58

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 3 3 3 10 5 19 39

Maia Lead 1000 – Earth 6 10 5 0 5 21 41

Pedan Stone 1500 Wimp Moon 6 6 6 6 10 24 64

Crystal 10000 Charm All 10 10 10 10 10 40 80

Orichalcum 5000 – Light 13 13 13 2 5 41 61

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 11 11 11 10 5 43 63

Ankh Aerolite 8000 – Dark 15 15 15 15 5 60 80

4. Gloves
Material Price Protect Spr Slash Bash Jab Ele Lmt Sum Max

Oak Wood 50 – Wood 0 0 0 1 5 1 21

Animal Hide 50 – Moon 0 1 1 0 10 2 42

Menos Bronze 50 – Wood 1 2 2 0 5 5 25

Lizard Scale 200 Bewitch Moon 2 2 3 1 10 8 48

Gator Skin 400 SnowMan Water 3 4 4 0 5 11 31

Baobab Wood 300 – Earth 3 3 3 5 5 14 34

Lorimar Iron 600 – Light 4 5 5 0 5 14 34

Mythril Silver 2000 Silence All 2 2 2 8 5 14 34

Snake Scale 700 – Water 5 6 5 1 10 17 57

Altena Alloy 900 – Water 7 6 6 0 5 19 39

Centaur Hide 1500 Petrify Earth 9 9 9 0 5 27 47

Dion Wood 1000 – Wood 8 8 7 5 5 28 48

Dragon Scale 5000 FireMan Fire 10 10 10 6 5 36 56

Orichalcum 5000 – Light 12 12 12 2 5 38 58

Crystal 10000 Charm All 10 10 10 10 10 40 80

Vinek Aerolite 8000 – Dark 14 14 14 14 5 56 76

5. Robes
Material Price Protect Spr Slash Bash Jab Ele Lmt Sum Max

Oak Wood 50 – Wood 1 2 1 4 5 8 28

Topple Cotton 80 Speed Down Wind 2 3 2 2 25 9 109

Sultan Silk 200 Poison Fire 4 4 4 2 10 14 54

Holly Wood 100 – Water 3 2 2 8 5 15 35

Baobab Wood 300 – Earth 3 3 6 10 5 22 42

Animal Hide 400 – Moon 8 8 8 0 5 24 44

Jadd Hemp 700 Wimp Moon 9 9 9 2 10 29 69

Charcoal 600 – Fire 5 10 5 12 5 32 52

Ash Wood 900 – Wind 14 7 7 15 5 43 63

Gator Skin 1500 SnowMan Water 15 15 15 0 5 45 65

Dion Wood 1000 – Wood 9 9 18 20 5 56 76

Mistletoe Wood 2000 – Wood 12 23 12 25 5 72 92

Centaur Hide 5000 Petrify Earth 30 30 30 0 5 90 110

Fossil Wood 5000 Darkness Dark 25 25 25 30 5 105 125

Altena Felt 10000 Confuse All 30 30 30 30 20 120 200

Pegasus Hide 8000 – Wind 40 40 40 40 10 160 200

6. Hats
Material Price Protect Spr Slash Bash Jab Ele Lmt Sum Max

Topple Cotton 50 Speed Down Wind 0 1 0 1 20 2 82

Oak Wood 50 – Wood 1 0 0 2 5 3 23

Sultan Silk 200 Poison Fire 2 2 2 1 10 7 47

Holly Wood 100 – Water 1 1 2 4 5 8 28

Animal Hide 400 – Moon 6 6 6 0 5 18 38

Baobab Wood 300 – Earth 3 5 3 8 5 19 39

Jadd Hemp 700 Wimp Moon 8 8 8 1 10 25 65

Charcoal 600 – Fire 7 5 5 10 5 27 47

Gator Skin 1500 SnowMan Water 10 10 10 0 5 30 50

Ash Wood 900 – Wind 7 7 10 12 5 36 56

Altena Felt 10000 Confuse All 10 10 10 10 20 40 120

Dion Wood 1000 – Wood 10 13 10 15 5 48 68

Mistletoe Wood 2000 – Wood 16 13 13 17 5 59 79

Centaur Hide 5000 Petrify Earth 23 23 23 0 5 69 89

Fossil Wood 5000 Darkness Dark 18 18 18 20 5 74 94

Pegasus Hide 8000 – Wind 25 25 25 25 5 100 120

7. Sandals
Material Price Protect Spr Slash Bash Jab Ele Lmt Sum Max

Oak Wood 50 Speed Down Wood 0 0 1 0 5 1 21

Topple Cotton 80 Speed Down Wind 0 1 1 1 10 3 43

Sultan Silk 200 Poison Fire 2 1 1 1 10 5 45

Holly Wood 100 – Water 1 1 1 3 5 6 26

Animal Hide 400 – Moon 2 2 3 0 5 7 27

Baobab Wood 300 – Earth 2 1 2 5 5 10 30

Jadd Hemp 700 Wimp Moon 5 4 4 1 10 14 54

Charcoal 600 – Fire 3 4 3 7 5 17 37

Gator Skin 1500 SnowMan Water 7 7 8 0 5 22 42

Ash Wood 900 – Wind 5 5 5 9 5 24 44

Dion Wood 1000 – Wood 7 5 5 11 5 28 48

Centaur Hide 5000 Petrify Earth 11 11 11 0 5 33 53

Mistletoe Wood 2000 – Wood 8 8 9 13 5 38 58

Altena Felt 10000 Confuse All 10 10 10 10 10 40 80

Fossil Wood 5000 Darkness Dark 9 9 9 15 5 42 62

Pegasus Hide 8000 – Wind 13 13 13 13 5 52 72

SwoM – Accessories
Accessories are the only pieces of equipment you can buy. Most of them are just single stat
boosts, while others are very powerful. Give the common ones to NPCs. In general the +50
class accessories are not worth it. If you do go for one, Dark-Dark classes are the fastest to
obtain afterwards.


Name Effect Location

BB Ring, Gem Ring, Cicada Earrings,

+5 to a stat Topple 100 luc, Wendel 100 luc
Quartz Ring, Cobra Earrings

White Light Ring, Fiend Fang, Bandit

+10 to a stat Menos 250 luc, Jadd 250 luc
Earring, Red Moon Horn, D-Fence Ring

Mist Pendant, Knight Crest, Gjallar Horn,

+15 to a stat Ishe 400 luc
Dragon Choker, Sage Stone

Belle Bell Niccolo 10000 luc

Chimpfish Iris Doubles Lucre Niccolo 10000 luc

+20 Def, +20

Cardinal Eye Niccolo’s Secret Shop 4000 luc

+20 Pow, +20

Flame Flicker Niccolo’s Secret Shop 4000 luc

Draupnir +15 to all stats Niccolo’s Secret Shop 8000 luc

Level up Warrior, Monk,

General Crest, Dragon ring, Rune Earrings, Magician, Sage, or Thief 40
+50 to a stat
Code Bead, Wishbone times in a row for their
respective stat.

Level up Random 40 times in a

Crystal Ring +20 to all stats

Sub Sea Volcano. See Brownie

Brownie Ring +50 to all stats
Ring Guide.

SwoM – NPC Care Guide
NPC are the bane of many Mana players. “They always die. They don’t do anything. Why are
they stuck in the corner?!” The reason is that you, the player, don’t take care of them. Like
neglected little Rabites, they are tossed to the Howlers.

1. Accessorize
One of the easiest ways to boost an NPC is to equip an accessory on them. Check out their
stats and see what they need. Squishy mages could use Defense, while fighters would enjoy
extra Power. The Boy and the Girl are the only permanent NCPs so don’t give anyone anything
too expensive.

2. We Got Spirit
Whenever you get a new Spirit, switch to the NCP and see if they can equip it. Hurray! Another
MP battery.

3. The Emperor Has No Clothes!

Probably the leading cause of NCP fatalities is nakedness. You can Forge and Temper NCP
equipment by pressing L or R when selecting equipment and materials. It doesn’t have to be
much at all. The second best Weapon, and Armor/Robe are huge boosts. Factor in a good
accessory and your buddy will be in tip top shape.

4. AI Demystified 1: Quit Hogging the Snacks

Under the Stat Menu, there is the NPC. Use it wisely.

The horizontal axis is the Magic/Weapons one.

Having the character all the way to the left will
make them use Magic 100% of the time. One
step to the right will make them attack with
Magic 5/6 times and use their Weapon the
remaining 1/6. Etc. All the way to the left will
have them use their weapon 6/6 times i.e.

NPCs must regain their MP manually; either by

switching over and sitting, (leaving the Player dangerously controlled by their AI), or eating
Magic Walnuts, (hidden under three menu rings). Since this is bothersome, many players keep
their NPC at 100% Weapons, or 1-2 steps away if they are magically inclined. E.g. the Girl,

If the NPC is set to 100% Magic and they have 0 MP they will do nothing to the monsters. This
can be useful in Hunting situations so they do not interfere with killing the monsters.

5. AI Demystified 2: Spin Around in Circles
The horizontal axis deals with positioning, but first a little monster theory. NCPs have DayViz
and NightViz as their senses. This means that they will go in a straight line to the nearest
monster. Also since they are following monster AI, they randomly search at times. This is when
they take a random step, and turn in all four directions quickly.

NCP Thought Process

1. Walk to the position set by Close-In/Stay-
Back, towards the closest monster.
2. If a monster is there, attack by the
Magic/Weapon setting until it’s dead.
3. If no monster do nothing or do a quick
4. Return to Player.
5. Repeat till they or the monsters are dead.

The Close-In/Stay-Back access tells the NCP how many steps and in which direction to use their
Vizion [sic]. All the way at the bottom is 1 step behind the player. One square up is 1 step in
front of the player, then 2 steps, all the way to 5.

2 steps = 1 square

Use the weapon’s range to select the perfect spot. A Bow would be great behind you, while
the middling Axe or Lance 1-2 steps. If your NCP is tough with Heavy or Forged armor, up front
might be the best place. This can be especially useful with mixed monster types. E.g. two
Insects and one Bird. The boy can charge ahead at the Bird, while the girl exploits the bugs
weakness to her Staff.

To get the feel of this, try out different Close-In and Stay-Back setting with a safe monster.
Place your Character about 8 steps away from a monster that doesn’t notice you. Now just
stand and watch the NCP move. Notice how they pace back and forth from a particular spot.
That is where their AI is set. Tone Stones, Potent Poseys, Blink Weeds, Dryad Icons (Sleep),
Bubble Boat, Mooglemorphis, and Invisibility can help facilitate this.

All the way Stay-Back. Two down Close-In.

One up Stay-Back. All the way Close-In.

NCP Grid
Weapon Attack Rate Magic Attack Rate Steps

Magic Stay-Back

0/6 6/6 1 Behind

1/6 5/6 1

2/6 4/6 2

3/6 3/6 3

4/6 2/6 4

5/6 1/6 5

6/6 0/6 6

Weapon Close-In

6. Bloodlust
Once monsters appear, your buddy goes to ‘Crush, Kill, Destroy.” This means their Vizion
moving like the monsters: slowly. If you just walk through the fields, the NCP will be right there
to attack side by side. With the right AI, weapon, and magic setup this can be faster since there
is less gear switching.

7. Strategic Retreat
Despite all these simple tweaks there are some situations that no NCP will live. Rooms with
traps such as lava, spikes, or crushing rocks can stun lock the player, let alone the walking NCP.
Sometimes its best to ignore them until the danger passes.

SwoM – Power Leveling
By tirodvd ¶ Posted in guides, tips

An easy way to raise Weapon and Magic levels is to use them on monsters that are completely
immune to them i.e. the sword on a Lime Slime which is immune (X) to Slash.

The more Experience the monster has, the faster levels are gained. Bosses, Cyclopes, and Rare
Monsters are great opportunities to power level since they give high Experience. If you don’t
want to wait and look for those just regular monsters with high Experience will do. Always
double check the Popoi’s Notebook for them.

The quest Spirit Rescue requires that desired Spirit has a magic level 30. This is the only
Weapon/Magic level requirement in the game.

SwoM – Brownie Ring Guide

The Brownie Ring is the most powerful Accessory in the game. +55 to all Stats! Anyone who
wears it breaks the game.

Enter the first small crack in the Subland River

using the Tiny Tapper to shrink.

While in this shortcut cave, enter the second

crack (with the Tiny Tapper again.)

While in the crack heal your Wimp Status with a
Stardust Herb.

Wander up and try to Jump north. Keep heading

north and you’ll find the exit.

Talk to the Brownie and select Brownie Ring as his


The rest of the game is a cakewalk even with the

worst equipment and levels. The Brownie Ring is
can also be sold for a very high price. That would
be useful to buy Dudbears for your Hot House,
(10k luc each).

SwoM – Tiny Tapper
Posted in guides, tips

The Tiny Tapper is staple Mana series item that causes and cures the Mini status.

I. Getting It
The Tiny Tapper is a reward for “Detective Story” quest. Once you can use the Armory, canon
ball to Wendel, Head to the Cathedral to start the quest. A thief will grab an old lady’s
necklace and it’s up to you to track him down. Catch him four times to retrieve it. Return it for
the Tiny Tapper. Tip: the thief’s last hiding spot is only during the Morning.

II. Treasure Rooms

With the Tiny Tapper you can squeeze through small holes. Most of these lead to chests with
valuable Materials. Tip: if you cannot Mini yourself you have armor with Wimp protection. Re-
forge it to resume shrinkage.

Dune Maze
Right behind the Gold statue.

Subland River
The first opened crack. Check both to the left and

Subland River
The first opened crack. See the Brownie Ring

Subsea Volcano
On the west side of the Metaball room.

SwoM – Honey Elixirs

Posted in guides, tips

Honey Elixir is an item that heals 100% HP.

They can only be obtained by Rare
Monsters or Clive the Pharmacist. He can
mix it with Honey, Honey Onions, and
Diceberries. Honey is dropped from the
giant bee monsters, while the others are
grown in the Hot House Orchard. You can
find him in Topple general store, Ishe inn,
and Lorimar Castle.

SwoM – Dudbears’ Gold Quests
Posted in guides

Dudbears’ Gold (DBG), like the Dudbears themselves, who are actually badgers, is useless.
Actually it’s used to buy spirits at Ishe inn: Three per spirit, twenty-four for all eight. Every
piece can only be gained from quests. Extra spirits aren’t required to beat the game, only one
is required to complete the Quest, and even Classes that can do 8-Hit Spells only need one.
Here are all of the quests that give DBG in order as you play the game:

I. Single Reward Quests

Where is Dad? Topple –

Talk to Luke (boy) in the le general store. He’ll give you a BBQ Newt and a wild goose chase.
Talk to various townsfolk to track him down. He’ll go to Wendel, Menos, Jadd, Devias’s Manor,
Ishe, and finally Lorimar Castle. You can’t skip to just Lorimar Castle; you must talk to the
people. When you do find him in Lorimar Castle as a guard; take the BBQ Newt Tail back to his
son at Topple.

General Store
Wendel –

Talk to Dohmi (old man) in the general store to get some Leaflets. Hand out all 15 and talk to
him again for the DBG. You can give them to people both indoors and outdoors. Some people
will only appear at certain times of the day. Use the Magic Rope Trick to search all four times
of day.

Must be completed before getting on the Airship.

Soldier’s Orders Wendel
Completion is required for another DBG Quest.

Talk to the solider Umberto at the Inn during the night. Accept his job. Go to the “Guy Who
Won’t Work’s” house at night and watch his meeting. Talk to Umberto at the Inn during the
day and say that you saw the meeting.

Shiny Knight, 2, More, All must be completed and have cutoff
Wendel et al.
Last? points.

Vega (man) is the Shiny Knight and you can always find him at the Inn. He’ll ask for Glittering
equipment. At Wendel he wants Sword. They are dropped by Mushbooms or Pincher Crabs.
The girl must get it from Pincer Crabs. This Quest must be completed before getting on the

In Menos Vega wants a Armor, dropped by Rabbilions.

Jadd, Helmet, Cockatrices. This and the previous one must be completed before entering the

In the Castle talk to Vega decked out in his armor.

Exploit gives 3 DBG instead of 1 but fails

Black Masks Menos

Talk to Toma (man) at the inn to get the Dudbears’ Mask. Cannonball to the Abandoned Mine
(northeast of Wendel’s western gate.) In the first room of the Mine exit southwest; jumping
may be required. Give the mask back to the Dudbears. Return to Toma and talk with him.

Exploit: Cannonball to Wendel and talk to Denton (man) in the general store. Keep refusing his
offers to buy the mask until he gives 3 DBG. Selling the Mask to him will make the
quest impossible to complete.

Eight Coins Menos –

Talk to the solider Delmar in the smithy. Gather one of each Elemental Coin then talk to him
again for the reward. This is best completed when you can freely travel the world.

Chatty Guy Menos –

Talk to Johnny (young male) at the inn. Listen to the philosopher and say that you were paying
attention. Do pay attention since it defaults to “not paying attention”. If you made a mistake
you can listen to again.

Must have completed “Soldier’s Orders”. Must be
Resistance Jadd & Menos
completed before Castle.

Talk to Courtney (teen female) in the general store. (No, the other one.) Take her letter to Kurt
(teen male) at Menos general store at Night. Keep playing mailman until they cough up a DBG.

Making Collections Jadd –

Talk to Janka (woman) in the general store. (No, the other one.) Take her invoice to the client
and return to her. Repeat until done. (Exploit: You can ditch out of this when you receive the
money from the 10k luc invoice. The quest can still be completed but you will have to replace
the money yourself.)

Endless Walkway Jadd –

Talk to Mr. Cannel (old male sage) in the southwest corner before you enter the Dune Maze to
hear his riddle. Open the Dune Maze and then talk to Mr. Cannel again.

Seven Wisdoms Ishe Gives 1-7 DBG.

Use the Communication Link to get a Summon Card. Talk to Chekov (old man) in the general
store. He will give 1 DBG for each Summon Card you have. 15 Amigos gives 3 DBG and is the
most cost effective. 100 Amigos gives 7. It’s a lot of work–Start to Save time is 5 minutes for
both the Boy & Girl. Total time 10 hours assuming 1 minute for linking.–but only needs to be
done once.

New Adventurer Ishe –

Speak with Abdul (young male) in the general store. Answer his questions truthfully to get the
Cancun Feather. Talk with Messier (old male) in the same room and decline selling the Feather.
Give the Feather back to Abdul. Finally talk with Messier.

Point of Church Wendel Gives 1-5 DBG

Once you can Cannonball, talk to Pablo (male boy) inside the cathedral. Give him 50
Chocolumps for 5 DBG at every 10th one. He will indefinitely take your Chocolumps but only
gives out 5 DBG.

II. Repeatable Quests

Mavole Blood Topple –

Talk to Blasie III (old man) in Topple inn at night. Gather 10 Blood Pouches from Batmos and
give them to him. They must be given 10 at a time for DBG; otherwise he gives you money.

Blacksmith’s Order Ishe –

Talk to Ghami (dwarf) in the smithy. Give him the 5 random Produce he requests.

Moondrop Ishe –

Talk to Jahari (young male) in the smithy. Give him a Moondrop and select DBG as the reward.
Moondrops can be gathered from Skull Drakes and Fierce Faces.

SwoM – Niccolo Guide
Niccolo is a greedy, lying, cheating salesman along the lines of Tom Nook. Smiles are free, but
so is a kick in the pants. He can be found randomly at different locations including dungeons.

I. Gummi Frogs
Niccolo is the only reliable source of these chewy treats. One
bite and your Deathblow gauge is maxed out. These are
awesome if you are playing with a weapon that does not
combo such as the Sickle or Flail.

II. Meats
Again Niccolo is the only reliable source of Meat. Meat doubles the damage and defense of the
character against a particular monster race. Unlike meat from monsters, Niccolo’s covers
multiple races. Meat lasts for one screen making them excellent for bosses, item gathering, or
Rare Monster hunts.

III. Accessories
The Belle-Belle and Chimpfish Iris boost Experience and Lucre respectively. They cost an arm
and a leg, but are worth it if you plan to grind or aim for a Completionist game.

IV. Secret Shop

It’s no secret that Niccolo has a secret shop.
Buy from him 250 times to unlock it. Note that
you must cancel out to the Buy-Sell ring menu
to count as a purchase. Unlocking his shop can
be done as soon as the player has 1250 lucre.
Spend it all on Round Drops, sell them all,
repeat till broke.

The main draw of the Secret Shop is that it has

every Metal and Wood in the game; including
end game quality. Whether you want strong materials for Forging or bulk stock for Tempering,
it’s faster than gathering from monsters.

The Secret Shop accessories are more expensive, but more powerful as well. One gives +20 to
Def and Mnd; another gives +20 to Pow and Int. The final one is +15 to everything! Of course
the Brownie Ring surpasses all of them, but it also breaks the game too.

V. Rare Monsters ???

I highly suspect that Niccolo only appears on screens with Rare Monsters (in addition to empty
screens). I haven’t hunted all of them down, but he does seem to match up with the Cyclopes
and the few Rare Monsters I have found. This could be the developer’s hint of finding them.

SwoM – Spirit Quests
There are seven quests to get an extra Spirit for a total of eight. Each of these quests can be
done for all eight elements for a grand total of sixty-four. Don’t worry. Many can be done at
the same time. None are required to beat the game and mostly serve as “post-game” content.
Yes, many of these quests are obscure.

Each additional spirit increases the power of its elemental attack for an extra 3 MP. The final
Mage and Sage based classes can also perform a full screen 8-Hit magic attack if they have
eight spirits.

All quests except the first one can only be done after defeating Malyris and before the
Dime Tower (the point of no return).
Use Mana Holy Day for Wisp & Shade if a particular Day is required.
Spirits are listed in order of travel convenience.
You can say “No” when a spirit asks to join you. Just do the quest again to get it back.
Quests that require specific locations have their own pages with screenshots.

1. Merchant of Darkness

Requires: 1 Spirit

Enter Ishe’s in at night and talk to the

Asaad (female Mavole). She will sell you a
spirit matching the day of the week for 3
Dudbears’ Gold. Talk to her multiple times
on Mana Holy Day for Wisp & Shade. This
quest is the primary use of Dudbears’ Gold.

2. Finders Keepers [ detailed]

Requires: 1 Spirit

Talk to Kaz (male teen) in the western wing

of Lorimar. Accept his request to find his
Geodes. Return to him to open the Geode
and get the spirit.

I. Gnome
Golden statue south of Topple, i.e. the Boy’s first screen. Use the Tiny Tapper to crawl
underneath the trees by the east cliff.

II. Dryad
Topple Armory, southwest corner.

III. Undine
Lake Vincinity, on the promontory one west of Cibba’s Camp.

IV. Shade
Menos Outskirts, one north and one east of Menos. Climb the eastern slopes. The geode is
in the sand patch.

V. Luna
Ishe Armory, behind the canon.

VI. Wisp
Crystal Desert (North), head to the north west most corner of the desert. The geode is on
the east side of the cliff. It needs to be Night to use the crystalline bridges.

VII. Jinn
Rocky Wilds, south east corner of the screen right outside the Subland River.

VIII. Salamander
Subsea Volcano. In a pool of lava one south of the room full of Metaballs.

3. Spirit Rescue [ detailed]

Requires: 1 Spirit, Spirit level 30

Enter and exit the Hot House until Little

Cactus has filled all possible diary entries.
Once they are filled a Spirit will talk to you
as you exit the Hot House. It will tell you the
location of an evil Dudbear. Kill it to get
another spirit.

I. Wisp V. Jinn
Vinquette Hall Granz Castle

II. Luna VI. Undine

Devius Manor Subland River

III. Dryad VII. Salamander

Cascade Cave Subsea Volcano

IV. Gnome VIII. Shade

Mt. Illusia Sealed Cave

4. Achy Shaky Heart [ detailed]

Requires: 3 Spirits

Pray i.e. save at the correct Mana Statue at

the correct Time. The Day doesn’t matter.

I. Wisp, Day
Silver statue outside the Batmo Cave.

II. Jinn, Day

Silver statue at the very first Hot House spot, Vinquette’s Outskirts.

III. Undine, Day

Golden statue in the Marsh Cave (right before the boss).

IV. Salamander, Day

Silver statue one south and one east of Gaia’s eastern entrance.

V. Luna, Night
Silver statue outside of Jadd.

VI. Dryad, Night

Golden statue right after the Cascade Cave and before Mt. Illusia.

VII. Gnome, Day

Silver statue inside Ishe’s inn.

VIII. Shade, Night

Silver statue inside Ishe’s inn.

5. Goddess Gracious [ detailed]

Requires: 4 Spirit, 10 Elemental Coins

Go to the correct location on the spirit’s


I. Jinn
Gold statue south of Topple i.e. the Boy’s very first screen.

II. Wisp
Cascade Cottage west of Topple.

III. Salamander
Gold statue in dining room of Vinquette Hall. Use the Rope Trick to make it
Salamander’s Day since time doesn’t advance inside the Hall.

IV. Undine
Gold statue in the Scaly Lair

V. Luna
Inside Wendel inn, northwest room.

VI. Shade
Wendel Cathedral at Night.

VII. Gnome
Entrance of Gaia’s Facade. Gaia is northwest of Wendle.

VIII. Dryad
Cibba’s camp at Lake Vincinity. Go through Gaia’s Facade from Wendel to get there.

6. Icy Sorcerer

Requires: 3 Spirits, 10 Elemental Coins (used


Go to the Icy Cave which is north of Lormiar.

Talk to FROLAN (old male) to *BUY* a spirit
for 10 Element Coins.

7. Praying

Requires: 7 Spirits

Complete the quest “Point of Church” if you

haven’t. (Talk to Pablo (male child) in Wendel
cathedral and give him 10 Chocolumps.) Pray
at the altar on the spirit’s day at night (when
nobody’s around) for the final spirit. If you are
the correct class you now can do the 8-Hit
Elemental spell!

SwoM – Detailed Spirit Quests

SwoM – Finders Keepers (Geodes)

The second Spirit Quest is Geode Hunting. Screenshots have been modified to highlight Geode
location. Here are all the locations in order of travel convenience:

Gnome, Topple Outskirts

On the Boy’s very first screen. Just follow the path
south from Topple. Use the Tiny Tapper to crawl
under the trees.

Dryad, Topple Armory

In a bush of in the southeast corner.

Undine, Lake Vicinity

On the edge of the promontory, one west of
Cibba’s camp. Lake Vicinity is after the Gaia Cave.

Shade, Menos Outskirts

In a patch of sand on a cliff. Go one north and one
east of Menos. Climb up the slopes and exit east.

Luna, Ishe’s Armory
Behind the Canon.

Wisp, Crystal Desert

On the edge of a cliff. Head to the most northwest
part of the Crystal Desert, then follow it to its
eastern edge. Remember, crystal bridges only
appear at Night.

Jinn, Rocky Wilds

The southeast corner of the screen with the Save

Salamander, Subsea Volcano

In a pool of lava in the Subsea Volcano, one south
of the Metaball room.

SwoM – Spirit Rescue
These quests involve rescuing spirits from Mavole Dudbears. The spirit will ask for help as you
leave the Hot House if it’s level is 30. Some Power Level may be in order. They won’t ask for
help if Lil’ Catcus writes in the diary though. Keep entering and leaving the Hot House to fill up
all the entries.

Vinquette Hall, dining room.

Devius Manor, room with the two horizontal Wind
Stone Seals.

Cascade Cave, the room with the Moon Stone

Mt. Illusia, cliff where you get the Mace.

Granz Castle, middle hallways.

Subland River, the first drained room (after the
Brownie Ring).

Subsea Volcano, room after the room full of

Sealed Cave, room full of Kaisar Mimics.

SwoM – Achy Shaky Heart
If you don’t figure out this quest you aren’t alone; this is one of the more obscure ones. If you
have 3 spirits just save at the correct statue at the correct time. Every spirit is during the Day
unless noted.

Silver statue outside the Batmo Cave, north of

Silver statue at the very first Hot House Spot,
Vinquette Outskirts.

Gold statue in the Marsh Cave before the Boss.

Silver statue one south and one east of Gaia’s
Facade, Entrance side.

Luna, Night
Silver statue outside of Jadd.

Dryad, Night
Gold statue after the Cascade Cave and before Mt.

Silver statue inside Ishe inn.

Shade, Night
Silver statue inside Ishe inn. Yes, this is the same
as Gnome’s but different time of day.

SwoM – Goddess Gracious
This is the worst spirit quest. I have no idea what the developers were thinking for this one.
You need 4 spirits. OK that’s fine. 10 elemental coins. A bit odd sure. Finally be at the right
place and day! Using the Magic Rope Trick can help with some. If the spirit doesn’t show up
after the Rope Trick, you just need to exit and enter the screen again.

Gold statue south of Topple, i.e. the Boy’s very
first screen.

Cascade Cottage, west of Topple.

Gold statue after Vinquette Hall’s dining room.
Tip: use the Magic Rope Trick to make it
Salamander’s Day since time doesn’t advance in
the Hall.

Gold statue in the Scaly Lair

Northwest room inside Wendel inn.

Wendel Cathedral at Night.

Gaia’s Facade, entrance side.

Cibba’s Camp at Lake Vicinity after the Gaia Cave.


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