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_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close
%g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle |
ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );

Periods = Param("Periods", 6, 2, 300, 1, 10 );

Periods1 = Param("Periods1", 2, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
Periods2 = Param("Periods2", 3, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
Periods3 = Param("Periods3", 10, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
Periods4 = Param("Periods4", 2, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
THB = Param("Today Hb", 1, 1, 300, 1);
TLB = Param("Today Lb", 9, 1, 300, 1);
THS = Param("Today Hs", 4, 1, 300, 1);
TLS = Param("Today Ls", 9, 1, 300, 1);
TRG = Param("Target %", 9.6, .1, 300, .1)/100;

YH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -2);

YL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -2);
YC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -2);
YO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily);
PP = (YH + YL + YC) / 3;
wild = Wilders(C,periods) ;
wild1 = Wilders(C,periods1) ;
wild2 = Wilders(C,periods2) ;
wild3 = Wilders(C,periods3) ;
wild4 = Wilders(C,periods4) ;
YYH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1);
YYL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1);
YYC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1);
YPP = (YYH + YYL + YYC) / 3;

TDH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily);

TDL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily);
TDC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily);
TDO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily);
TPP = (TDH + TDL + TDC) / 3;
Twild = Wilders(C,periods) ;

PrevPP = ValueWhen(DateNum() != Ref(DateNum(),-1), Ref(pp,-1),1);

SLPeriods = Param("SLPeriods", 40, 2, 300, 1, 10 );

Plot( pp,"pp",colorRed,styleDots,2);
Plot( wild,"wild",colorWhite,styleLine,2);
Plot( wild1,"wild1",colorBlue,styleLine,2);
Plot( wild2,"wild2",colorRed,styleLine,2);
Plot( wild3,"wild3",colorOrange,styleLine,2);
Plot( wild4,"wild4",colorPink,styleLine,2);
Plot( Ypp,"",colorBlue,styleLine,2);
Plot(tdo, "",colorPink,styleDots+styleNoRescale);
Plot( YYH,"YYH",colorOrange,styleDots,2);
Plot( YYL,"YYL",colorOrange,styleDots,2);

//diff1 = Param("Diff", 1, 0, 100, .1 );

//diff = diff1 < abs(((wild-pp)/pp)*100);
d1 = DateNum() != Ref(DateNum(),-1) ;
d2 = BarsSince(d1==1) ;

th2 = ValueWhen(d2 == thB, HHV(H,thB),1);

tl2 = ValueWhen(d2 == tlB, LLV(L,tlB),1);
th3 = ValueWhen(d2 == thS, HHV(H,thS),1);
tl3 = ValueWhen(d2 == tlS, LLV(L,tlS),1);
tH = ValueWhen(d2 == tlS, H,1);
tL = ValueWhen(d2 == thB, L,1);


//tb = TimeNum()>151500 AND TimeNum() < 152500 AND wild > pp AND PP < tpp;
//ts = TimeNum()>151500 AND TimeNum() < 152500 AND wild < pp AND PP > tpp;
Ob = (wild > th2 AND wild>Ref(wild,-1) AND WILD > PP AND TimeNum() < 110000 AND d2
>= thB AND wild > tdo AND (Cross(wild,th2) OR Cross(wild,tdo) OR Cross(WILD,PP)))
OR (wild>tl2 AND wild>Ref(wild,-1) AND WILD > PP AND TimeNum() < 110000 AND d2 >=
tLB AND wild > tdo AND (Cross(wild,tl2) OR Cross(wild,tdo) OR Cross(WILD,PP))) OR
(Cross(wild1,YYH) AND TimeNum() < 110000 ) OR (C < PP AND C > TH AND d2 >= TLS AND
TimeNum() > 110000 AND TimeNum() < 120000 );
OS = (wild4 < tl3 AND wild4<Ref(wild4,-1) AND WILD4 < PP AND TimeNum() < 110000
AND d2 >= tlS AND wild4 < tdo AND (Cross(tl3,wild4) OR Cross(tdo,wild4) OR
Cross(PP,WILD4))) OR (wild4<th3 AND wild4<Ref(wild4,-1) AND WILD4 < PP AND
TimeNum() < 110000 AND d2 >= tHS AND wild4 < tdo AND (Cross(th3,wild4) OR
Cross(tdo,wild4) OR Cross(PP,WILD4))) OR (Cross(yyl,wild1) AND TimeNum() < 110000 )
OR (C > PP AND C < TL AND d2 >= THB AND TimeNum() > 110000 AND TimeNum() <
120000 );
ose = Cross(TH2,WILD2) OR Cross(tl2,wild2) OR Cross(yyh,wild3) OR C < TL3 OR
TimeNum() > 1455000 ;
oco = Cross(wild2,TL3) OR Cross(wild2,th3) OR Cross(wild3,yyl) OR C > TH2 OR
TimeNum() > 1455000 ;

Buy = ExRem(OB, OS OR OSE OR D2 == 0 ) ;

Sell = ExRem(Ose OR TimeNum() > 150000 , Ob ) ;
Short = ExRem(OS,OB OR OCO OR D2 == 0);
Cover = ExRem(Oco OR TimeNum() > 150000 , Os );


//Plot( abs(((th-pp)/pp)*100),"diff",colorGreen,styleNoLine|styleNoLabel|



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