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珍爱生命 拒绝毒品

Yes to Life No to Drugs

1.什么是毒品?What are drugs?
”Anti-Drug Law of the People's Republic of China” regulates that

narcotic drugs include opium, heroin, methylaniline (ice), morphine, marijuana, cocaine and othe

r narcotic and psychotropic substances that are addictive and are kept under control according to S

tate regulations.

2.常见毒品 Common drugs

鸦片 Opium 吗啡 Morphine 海洛因 Heroin

大 麻

Marijuana 可卡因 Cocaine 冰毒 Methylaniline (ice)

摇头丸 Ecstasy
K 粉(氯胺

毒品的危害 Dangers of drugs

Drug severely damages the body's normal physiological function, and even leads to
aberrant personality and morally bankrupt.Using drugs costs a lot of money, often
dissipates one's fortune, and causes the family to break up and be decimated. Using
drugs endangers national economy, induces a variety of crime, and impacts the social
4.可能涉毒的场所 Possible drug-related places
Entertainment places, bath sauna, hotels, bars, and leisure center in the city are high
incidence of drug-related places.
5.吸毒违法 Using drugs is illegal
“Public Security Administration Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China”
regulates that using and injecting drugs are illegal behaviors. The person who
commits illegal behaviors have to take on the corresponding legal responsibilities.
“Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China” regulates that behaviors which
destruct the state’s drug control activities shall be under criminal sanction, including
smuggling, trading, transporting, making drugs and behaviors that related to the above
mentioned behaviors.
6.如何举报涉毒犯罪 How to report drug-related crime
110 向当地公安机关报警。
If you find someone is involved in the illegal behaviors such as using and trading
drugs, you should call 110 quickly to the local police station, on the premise of safe

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