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Bound to Tradition

by Akinyi Princess of K’Orinda-Yimbo

(ISBN 978-0-557-40453-7, 674 pages)

Book Order:

Bound to Tradition is a literary African novel by a most promising African

woman writer, Akinyi Princess of K’Orinda-Yimbo (her nonfiction Darkest
Europe and Africa’s Nightmare: A Critical Observation of Neighboring
Continents was acclaimed in literary circles as “Book of the Millennium” in
2008). The story takes place between 1952 and 1978. BTT is an unabridged
version of the German translation that was published by Droemer-Knaur.

I loved the poignant style and picturesque dialogue – African/Luo as well as

contemporary. This is a feat that only an accomplished writer can achieve so
effortlessly without leaving the reader in doubt of what is meant. One is not only
eagerly, glued to the pages, a smile on the lips and a tear in the eye but also
transported to another realm of humanity. I’ve attended her readings to
schoolchildren, women’s groups and the public in general at exhibitions. The
princess could do a whole hour without the kids fidgeting. The adults want her to
continue reading even after the break before discussions. Awesome. Then kids
and grownups alike ply her with questions on Africa, Kenya, Luos and the
characters in the novel. The author admits that there are autobiographical
elements in the novel – BTT being the first volume of a trilogy.

There is something of a political statement in the book, but only in the arena of
the human factor and cultural diversities. Fiction that serves to prove a point
requires a skilful narrator, or it risks becoming tedious. The princess is such a
narrator. Her talents as a writer are good enough to bring this readable novel to
fruition. The plot is believable and thought-provoking. The bad guys are “bad”
and the good guys are “good”, but always with that cultural diversity that is
recognisable as a traditional mindset or even naiveté in all the characters. Here,
what’s good for the gander is not automatically good for the goose. This makes
the characters globally likeable and real. It could be any two diverse cultures
clashing. Take the scene from Khira’s visit to a gynaecologist up in cool Sweden:

In the consulting room she was undressed and helped onto this funny bed. A
moment later, to her utter horror, a man walked in.
"Goodday, Mrs Lindqvist. I'm Dr Carlsson."
She didn't shake the offered hand nor return the greeting.
Instead she whispered hoarsely to one of the nurses, "What's this man doing here?"
"This is Dr Carlsson, Mrs Lindqvist," the nurse smiled, stroking her cheek as if she
was a pet.
"I didn't come here to see Dr Carlsson, I came here to see a gynaecologist!" she
whispered again even more hoarsely, in anger.
"Dr Carlsson is the gynaecologist, Mrs Lindqvist" said the nurse.
She hissed again in her hoarse whisper, "My dear nurse, what’s the matter with you?
Are you blind or are you crazy? Dr Carlsson is a man!"
She was humiliated beyond her comprehension. She felt like a helpless victim of some
savage tribe's grotesque rituals, laid out and held on an altar of some evil gods, being defiled
for them, a pregnant sacrifice.

The heroine Khira is a sympathetic young woman very representative of young

Africans who try to run away from their traditions and bump into modernity, yet
bounce back to who they truly are. One’s tradition and cultures, so the message,
cannot be shade off completely. Rather, one is best advised to be a chameleon
and blend in with the reigning environment while remaining in essence the
creature one is deep in the core. Khira is a heroine all or most young Africans
will easily sympathise and identify with. But there will be those who will shake
their heads in disapproval or disbelief. Like Khira’s acceptance of her husband’s
sexual dalliances – “A man may do what he likes in this respect; he’s only a
man!” As opposed to women who are “deities” guarding the planet, upholding
the morals of humankind.

This is a book with the message on the passenger seat while the story does the
driving, the steering. I highly recommend it. Ideal as a (Christmas) present for
families, friends and relatives.

C. N. Coolidge, Munich, 3 November 2010

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