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“Partial Differential Equation”


 ARIS JULIANTO (4172121017)

 CINDI ELVANI (4173121005)
 NURHAYATI (4173121038)
 RIONALDO M TAMBA (4172121015)






Praise and gratitude of the writer pray to God Almighty, because the writer can still
make this Mini Research Report (MR) task just in time. This paper discusses the "Partial
Differential Equation". The task is made to fulfill the task of Mini Research Differential
Equation in Physics course.

The author is aware that this task has many shortcomings and therefore the authors
apologize if there is a mistake in writing and the authors also expect criticism and suggestions
in this task so that at other times can make the task better.

Finally, the authors say thank you hopefully this paper can be useful for writers and
also others.

Medan, March 2019



Foreword ................................................................................................................................. i
Table of Content ..................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Formulation of problem ........................................................................................ 2
1.3 Purpose of Writing ............................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II: RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................................. 3
2.1 Research Approach ................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Research Subjects and Objects ............................................................................. 3
2.3 Data Collection Techniques .................................................................................. 3
2.4 Data Analysis Techniques .................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER III: RESULT AND DISCUSSION ..................................................................... 4
CHAPTER IV: CLOSING ..................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 9
4.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................................ 9
Reference ................................................................................................................................ 10


1.1 Background
Differential equations often appear in mathematical models that try to describe real-
life conditions, such as in calculating irregular areas and volumes. According to Finizio &
Ladas (1988) differential equations are equations that contain one (or several) unknown
functions. The term differential equation was introduced by Leibniz in 1676. Many natural
laws and hypotheses can be translated into equations containing derivatives through
mathematical language. Along with the opinion of Finizio & Ladas (1988) Mallet (2008) also
adds that the equation differential focuses on algorithmic techniques to determine solutions
for certain specific types of differential equations. Therefore, differential equations are often
found in applied mathematics, and are compulsory subjects at MIPA colleges and techniques.
Students in applying differential equations have many difficulties, among others, namely the
difficulty to apply the formula or algorithm that has been taught.
This is supported by Czocher, Tague & Baker (2013) who stated that learning
differential equations is difficult. The same statement was also stated by Valcarce & Diaz
(2013) which states that the most difficulty is in understanding the concept of equality, the
concept of functions and derivatives of a function. So that to plan a good differential equation
learning, the most essential thing is to know the student conception of mathematical elements
that can build differential equations. Based on the results of research conducted by Valcarce
& Diaz (2013) for students taking courses in differential equations it was found that students
could not apply the concept of derivative functions correctly. Though the concept of
derivative functions is a basic element of differential equations. Therefore, to understand the
concept of differential equations, students are expected to have a clear schema construction of
the concept of derivative functions. Therefore, in order to understand the concept of ordinary
differential equations, students must connect the basic concepts they have with the concept of
ordinary differential equations newly learned.
However, the facts in the field show that "in general the ability of students to
connect or associate mathematical material with their knowledge is still low" (Suhandri,
2016). Mathematical concepts, including the concept of ordinary differential equations can be
constructed using the APOS theory. According to Dubinsky & McDonald (2001) APOS
theory can be used directly by researchers to compare the successes and failures of students
in formed mental construction to find out a mathematical concept. This can happen because
according to Asiala et. al (Helma & Yerizon, 2012) APOS theory assumes that mathematical
knowledge possessed by someone is the result of interaction with other people and the results
of the person's mental constructions in understanding mathematical ideas.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the problem so that the decomposition of the paper is more
focused and focused, the formulation of the problem is:
1. what is meant by ordinary differential equations?
2. how to solve the problem of ordinary differential equations?

1.3 Purpose Of Writing

Writing this paper aims to inform the reader, especially for students of semester IV physics
education study programs, about ordinary differential equations. It is hoped that this paper
can add insight to students in taking courses in ordinary differential equations.


2.1 Research Approach

The type of research method chosen is descriptive analysis, while the understanding
of analytical descriptive method according to (Sugiono: 2009; 29) is a method that serves to
describe or give an overview of the object under study through data or samples that have been
collected as they are without doing analysis and make conclusions that apply to the public.
In other words analytical descriptive research takes the problem or focuses attention on the
problems as they are when the research is carried out, the results of the research are then
processed and analyzed for conclusions.

2.2 Research Subjects and Objects

The research subject is the main data source, namely students as informants to
answer some questions given and get information from them. The object of this research is
the understanding of ordinary differential equations.

2.3 Data Collection Techniques

Data collection of this research is by test. Tests by giving 5 items about ordinary
differential equations to students are then asked to answer them.

2.4 Data Analysis Techniques

The data that has been obtained is then processed and then analyzed to simplify and
also facilitate data to be interpreted.


The results of this study were carried out by giving questions or questionnaires to
students in building 05. The example of the problem we gave was:


1. Determine the solution PD xy’+y 3 is...

a. (3  y) 1  Cx

b. (2  y) 1  Cx

c. (4  y) 1  Cx

d. (5  y) 1  Cx
2. Determine the general solution of the following differential statements:
y 2 ( y  1)dx  y 2 ( y  1)dy  0
a. (x-2)(y+2)=C
b. (x-1)(y+1) C
c. (x+3)(x-3)=C
d. (x+4)(x-4)=C
dy x  3x 2
3. Determine PD  for y=6 when x=0...
dx y2

3 3
a. y3 x  4 x 4  280

7 4
b. y  3 x  3x 2  195

3 2
c. y3 x  3x 3  216

4 5
d. y  3 x  2 x 4  213
dy x  1
4. Determine the solution for PD xy. 
dx y  1
1 3 1 2
a. y  y  x  ln x  C
3 2
1 4 1 3
b. y  y  x  ln x  C
4 3
1 2 1 4
c. y  y  x  ln x  C
2 4
1 5 1 5
d. y  y  x  ln x  C
5 5

1  y 2 dx  1  x 2 dy  0...
5. Determine PD
a. arcsin x – arcsin y =C
b. – arcsin x - arcsin y = C
c. arcsin x + arcsin y = C
d. –arcsin x + arcsin y = C


1) Asked : determine the solution for PD xy’+y 3 is ?

Answer : A. (3  y) 1  Cx

Change the form of writing derivatives and subtract the two segments with y, obtained.
x  3 y

Multiply the two segments by

(3  y )

1 1
dy  dx
3 y x

The integration of the two segments with the corresponding variable,
1 1
 3  y dy   x sx
 ln( 3  y )  ln x  ln C  ln Cx
ln( 3  y ) 1  ln Cx
(3  y ) 1  Cx

So,the solution PD is (3  y) 1  Cx

2) Asked : Determine the general solution of the following differential statements:

y 2 ( y  1)dx  y 2 ( y  1)dy  0

Answer : B. ( x  1)( y  1)  C

From the following differential statements:

y 2 ( y  1)dx  y 2 ( y  1)dy  0 , for both sections with

y 2 ( y  1) (x-1), so that a new equation is equivalent to it, i.e.

1 1
dx  dy  0
x 1 y 1

Integral of the two segments

1 1
 x  1dx   y  1dy  ln C
ln x  1  ln y  1  ln C
ln ln ( x  1)( y  1)  ln C
( x  1)( y  1)  C

So, the general solution of that differential equation is

( x  1)( y  1)  C

dy x  3x 2
3) Asked : Determine PD  for y=6 when x=0...
dx y2

3 2
Answer : C. y  3 x  3x 3  216

The above equation can be changed to :
y 2 dy  ( x  3x 2 )dx
Integrate the two segments with the corresponding variables.
y 2 dy  ( x  3x 2 )dx
1 3 1 2
y  x  x 3  C0
3 2

Multiply 3 in both segments:

3 2
y3  x  3x 3  C
y  3 x 2  3x 3  C

To determine the value of C, substitute y = 6 and x = 0. so that it is obtained:

y  3 0  0  C  C  6 3  216

The solution is

3 2
y3 x  3x 3  216

dy x  1
4). Asked : Determine the solution for PD xy. 
dx y  1

1 3 1 2
Answer : A. y  y  x  ln x  C
3 2

note that the PD above can be rewritten to:

x 1
y ( y  1)dy  dx
 1
( y 2  y )dy  1  dx
 x

Integrate the two segments based on the corresponding variables.
 1
(y  y )dy   1  dx

 x
1 3 1 2
y  y  C1  x  ln x  C 2
3 2
1 3 1 2
y  y  x  ln x  C
3 2

1 3 1 2
So , the solution is y  y  x  ln x  C
3 2

5). Asked : Determine PD 1  y 2 dx  1  x 2 dy  0

Answer : C. arcsin x  arcsin y  C

Known 1  y 2 dx  1  x 2 dy  0

Multiply the two segments by

1 1 1
diperoleh dx  dy  0
1 y . 1 x
2 2
1 x 2
1 y2

Integrate the two sections with matching variables.

1 1
 1 x 2
dx  
1 y2
dy  C

arcsin x  arcsin y  C

So, the solution is arcsin x  arcsin y  C

Our study of students to answer questions that we provide to students can answer
questions correctly, who understand the material of ordinary differential equations.


4.1 Conclusion
 From students found in building 12 about ordinary differential equation material.
students are quite good at answering the right questions.
 From the results of the study, it was found that students can answer questions about
ordinary differential equations and students understand enough about the material.

4.2 Suggestion
With this mini research on partial differential equations, we, as students, can
better understand the material properly.


Kreysziq,Erwin . 1988 .MATEMATIKA TEKNIK LANJUTAN. Jakarta : Gramedia.

Stroud,K.A . 1987 . MATEMATIKA UNTUK TEKNIK . Jakarta : Penerbit Erlangga.


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