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The ownership right is that subjective right that confers upon the holder the exercise in his own
and in his own right of the attributes of possession, use and disposal of his possessions within the limits
determined by law.
Like other rights, ownership is a subjective right that is part of the absolute rights category. Being
an absolute right, of course, that the particularity of these rights are characteristic.
The object of the real estate can not be perceived only as a physical object, but can be approached
as a complex of rights and interests on it. As a whole, the rights and physical character of the real estate
form the object of the real estate that will be further studied.
The leitmotiv of the given study will take place around the notion of field as an immobile object
subject to evaluation or on the side of the object of the evaluation. Land rights are spread over the upper
layer within defined boundaries, closed water basins and plants located on that territory. However, the
landlord may use the land in the manner and liking, to use everything that is above and above it, unless
the contrary is indicated in the law, or does not violate the rights of others.
The specificity of this study is determined by its theme, namely the assessment of partial rights
over real estate. The assessment of partial ownership rights is one of the most difficult aspects in the
field of real estate valuation. We can distinguish few similar cases in the market and there is the risk of
encountering many complex issues that turn around the rights of an owner over the good that is causing
difficulties. This domain is poorly developed on the services market in the Republic of Moldova, with
specialists confronted with the problem of the lack of methodological materials. By analyzing
international practices it is possible to draw conclusions that will play an important role in modernizing
the legislation in the field of evaluation.
In this thesis was examined the main concepts of property rights, various international standards
were studied, and the land value with incomplete ownership rights was calculated. All the goals and
objectives have been fulfilled, but in my opinion, for the successful development of this subject, it is
necessary to develop and adopt special regulatory and legal documents to serve as a basis for evaluators
in determining the real estate value of this type, the real estate market as a whole, would greatly simplify
the process of evaluating incomplete property rights.

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