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1. Language barriers:

One of the main disadvantages of cultural diversity is its tendency to create

language barriers. Social segregation often occurs when speakers of two mutually
unintelligible languages live side by side. Language barriers are generally
temporary in nature (most immigrants eventually learn the language of the country
they move to), but the resultant segregation can endure, as exemplified in
segregated neighborhoods and ethnic ghettos. As a result of this phenomenon,
many governments around the world now require that prospective immigrants
learn their country's official language.

2. Social tension:

Social tension can occur as a result of cultural and linguistic differences. In

Europe, for example, tension between the Muslim minority and the largely secular
majority is frequently attributed to the incommensurability of Islamic and Secular
values. The tensions caused by culture are thought to be exacerbated by economic
differences, as European Muslim populations are frequently disadvantaged in
employment due to a lack of educational opportunities. According to Harvard
professor Robert B. Putnam, these kinds of tensions often result in populations
"hunkering down" in their homes instead of interacting with their neighbors.

3. Civic disengagement:

Civic disengagement is not a consequence one would expect from social diversity.
However, studies have shown that civic disengagement is more likely to occur in
diverse communities than in relatively homogeneous communities. According to
an aggregate study by Matthew Kahn and Dora Costa, when cultural diversity is
combined with income inequality, members of all cultural and income groups are
less likely to volunteer or become politically involved. This effect is most likely to
be observed when immigrants are systematically placed at an economic
disadvantage, whether due to immigration policy or workplace discrimination.

4. Workplace Issues:

+ Lack of freedom of speech

In a diverse workplace, an employee must be sensitive to others’ race, cultural
background, beliefs, etc. So you don’t just crack jokes about the Chinese or
Indians, because it won’t be as acceptable as when a stand-up comedian would do
it. People can’t freely state their opinions or tell stories whenever they want for
fear of being judged as discriminating. So it’s not only effective communication
that is a disadvantage in a diverse workplace, but also freedom of speech. Imagine
working in an environment where you need to always tread carefully. Not exactly a
fun and attractive workplace.

+ Increased competition
Competition in the workplace is good as it can drive success and higher
productivity. But when employees do not accept other culture, they are likely to
compete against each other, rather than become collaborative members of a team.
This results in divisions where people prefer to work separately, prolonging the
process of task or project completion. This can have a negative impact on business
because progress will be slow moving. There is strength in numbers, after all.

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