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INTRODUCTION Formatted: Font: Bold
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Network Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold

Networks are everywhere, or so it seems. You can hardly do anything with data that does not Formatted: Font color: Auto

involve a network. Like the human networks we are all part of computer networks allow us to
share information and resources. In the business world, Network dependence is even more
pervasive than in homes or schools. Networks also help people and businesses save money, but
they also help create income Without a doubt, networking within the home will recover the
coming years as it has in the business world. Soon, almost all the people in uniform
moderately developed nations will have networked components throughout their territory
homes. Those who will not be netologically disadvantaged because they will not Being able to
learn or work at the same level as those on the net. In this chapter you will start by connecting
networks to situations and concepts you already know Once you have a basic understanding of
what networks are and what they can do, it helps if you can actually start working with them.
in In fact, it is so useful to learn networking through the hands Practice which is what is
planned for you here. You will participate in the role of a employee in an imaginary company
and you will have to learn in the workplace. More you become the person, the more you learn
about necessity and functioning of computer networks.

Understanding Networks

Even if you're probably attending this lesson to learn about computer networks, and some of Formatted: Font color: Auto

you probably already know how important networks are are for companies that want to
survive, we will start this discussion as even if you are an employee in a socially
disadvantaged position (my term for those with minimal network awareness). You really could
be an employee who works for such a company and try to help him difficult, or you may know
people or companies that are in this type of struggle. Lauren was recently hired as a computer
manager for SinkRSwim Swimming pools. Lauren is a certified network administrator, but his
new company unfortunately it only has obsolete computers. The owner acknowledged that the

the company's lack of growth was directly linked to the lack of employee computers skill, so in
his first meeting after being hired, Lauren was given the authority to purchase additional
computers and set up the network yourself he had proposed to the owner in his initial job
interview. The owner gave her a six-month timeline in which to implement the network in
SinkRSwim Pools so that the workers will understand its use and welcome the new knowledge
that required It was also informed of the thought of learning new computer skills have scared
some SinkRSwim Pools employees over the long term. The owner expects Lauren to help
them feel more comfortable computers so they are more likely to learn the necessary skills.
Lauren's first goal is to alleviate the fears of the workers by teaching them computer and
showing them how networks are needed develops naturally. Lauren knows that if her
colleagues understand the concept of networking, Most likely the computer network will
succeed in the company. Lauren has decided to review the basic concepts of the network with
her colleagues as Work with them on their new computers.

Human Networks

In its broadest sense, a network consists of two or more entities, or objects, sharing of Formatted: Font color: Auto

resources and information. Although this book is about computers networks, there are
networks that do not involve computers, and those networks are everywhere You used to work
with them, perhaps without even knowing it. It may not matter to you, in a fundamental sense,
to share (give or get) it is a fundamental aspect of networking. You just know you do it.

Family Network

Most people belong to a family network in which related people share their
resources and information. This sharing is bi-directional because even the
youngest family members share information of some sort. As the family
grows, so does the network.

Peer Network
Outside the family, there is a community that offers a wider array of resources than the typical Formatted: Space After: 0 pt, Don't adjust space between
Latin and Asian text, Don't adjust space between Asian text
family can provide. Naturally, it makes sense to connect the family to this community to take and numbers

advantage of the wealth of resources available around town. This type of information/resource
sharing can be as simple as loaning a hammer to a neighbor, car-pooling with work associates,
or helping a friend with his or her homework. All of these activities involve sharing, or trading,
resources. This kind of network is represented by a two-way relationship, a give and take
among equals or peers
A network connects members of a family together Formatted: Font color: Auto
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between Latin and Asian text, Don't adjust space between
Asian text and numbers

The family network connects with the greater community Formatted: Font color: Auto
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Restaurant Network: The Client and the Server Formatted: Font: Bold, Font color: Auto

So, in any kind of human network, there is a lot to give and do. You are already more Formatted: Font color: Auto

accustomed to the client / server network perspective than you think. For example, when you
go to a restaurant for dinner, you are a customer, or a customer, who enjoys the food and drink
prepared and served by the restaurant. On the other hand, the waiter works as a server,
controlling and providing his customers with access to resources in the form of orders and
delivery of food products. The server knows that requests will be made on its part (access is
required upon delivery of the order) and that it will satisfy these requests.

In a dining situation, it is easy to know whether you are supposed to be serving or being served Formatted: Font color: Auto

Contact Network Formatted: Font color: Auto

Anyone who has looked for a job knows that one of the best ways to find a job is to network. Formatted: Font color: Auto

That is, create a list of friends and associates that will help you find the perfect job. The more
people you meet and know, the better your chances of getting a job. As you develop and
nurture your career, this network of contacts will serve you best for your role in it changes as
you gain more experience. Soon you might be able to help the people who helped you. And as
your personal and professional networks grow, so will your opportunities. These examples of
human networks should help you understand that networking is common among people and is
not just an activity limited to computers. However, this book will focus on computer networks,
connecting computers and making them communicate with each other.

The more people in your network, the better your chances of finding that perfect job Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Centered

COMPUTER NETWORKS Formatted: Font: Bold, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Centered

A computer network is composed of two or more computer devices that are connected to share Formatted: Font color: Auto

the components of the network (its resources) and the information stored there, as shown in

Figure 1.1. The simplest computer network (which consists of only two connected
computers) can expand and become more useful when other computers come together and add
their resources to shared ones. • The more people in your network, the better your chances of
finding that perfect job. The first computer, yours, is commonly referred to as your local
computer. It is more likely to be used as a workstation, at the workstation, rather than at the
storage or control position, at the server. As more and more computers are connected to a
network and share their resources, the network becomes a more powerful tool, because
employees use a network with more information and more capacity is able to get more through
those added computers or additional resources . The real power of network computers becomes
evident if you send your growing network and then connect it with other distinct networks,
allowing communication and resource sharing across both networks. That is, a network can be
connected to another network and there is a more powerful tool because of more resources. For

Network Plan Formatted: Font color: Auto

First of all, network computers and connection tracking can easily become confused and Formatted: Font color: Auto

unmanageable while trying to locate the computer that communicates and shares resources
with other computers. In your human network, do you share everything with your friends? In
your family network, would you like your parents or guardians to know your every thought?
You have in mind your information sharing plan, and it is important to keep track of them so
as not to make mistakes and share something in which it was not intended. Similar concerns
must be considered when designing a computer network. Before you even connect your first
computers, you should have a plan. A network plan, therefore, is a formally created product
that shows all the network components and connections planned between them. This plan is
also used to manage various types of information. The plan should show which types of
information are stored where and who is authorized to use each type

Information Management

Your network plan should help you manage the information gathered, stored, and shared Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Space Before: 3.1 pt
between your users. If you were given an empty three-drawer filing cabinet and told to use it to
organize your company’s in- formation, you would have an excellent (although manual)
example of a fil- ing system that needs a plan. Having an overall guide that tells you who will
be allowed access to the three drawers will help determine what you store in each one. Once
you have that part of the plan, you could put the least-used information in the bottom drawer,
the more-used in the middle drawer, and the most-used in the top drawer so that it is easier for
your users to access their information. Knowing who needs to know what, and its corollary—
who does not need to know what—lets you determine whether to lock a par- ticular drawer, too.
Even when we discuss implementing a three-drawer manual filing sys- tem, the importance Formatted: Font color: Auto

of having a network plan ahead of time becomes evi- dent. If you put the limited-access
material in a drawer open to all employees, how do you keep it secure? Additional security
measures (like adding a lock to a drawer, or moving the secure information somewhere else)
may be required later.
Formatted: Font color: Auto

A networking plan could tell you that as specific types of sensitive data (like medical,
personal, or payroll information) are gathered or grouped, they should be stored higher in the
hierarchical structure (ranked from most sensitive to least sensitive), and this can save you time
in the end. That plan should specify that the access requirements are stricter for sensitive data
and reduce the number of people able to use specific types of information. The distribution
side of the networking plan, as opposed to the accumu- lation side of the plan discussed above,
should spell out that the more an in- dividual has access to the data in storage, the less they
should be able to share groups of information entrusted to them. For example, you may not
mind sharing your first name, but you would probably object to an instruc- tor openly
distributing all information in your school records to anyone re-
questing it. Formatted: Font color: Auto

Information’s Importance Formatted: Font color: Auto

If you think about the manual filing system we discussed Formatted: Font color: Auto

using a filing cabi- net, an important computing concept

is easy to recognize. Some informa- tion is more
important or more sensitive than the rest. It is usually
obvious in real filing cabinet systems, because the top
drawer is usu-
ally where the most sensitive information is stored, and Formatted: Font color: Auto

it is locked. Few people in an organization have access

to that information. For example, credit card or Social Security numbers are information that
should be given the highest level of security—access to that information is given only to a
limited number of people in a company. On the other hand, some information, such as Web
pages, newsletters, and product information, is created for everyone to see, even outside a Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Space Before: 0.3 pt, Tab stops: Not at 3.56" +
company. Figure 1.2 shows how this kind of information is organized into a hierarchy of 7.26"

information, where the most detailed infor- mation is found at the top and the more general,
less secure information is located at the bottom. How much information would you be
willing to pro- vide about yourself to a perfect stranger? Coun- try of birth? Sure. State of
residence? Why not? Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto

Identifying the Benefits of Networks Formatted: Font color: Auto
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network use. Remember, that’s where Lauren is creating a network to re- place the Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body (Calibri), 11 pt, Font color:
company’s outdated computers. Ricky volunteered to help Lauren explain the benefits of Formatted: Normal, Left, Right: 0", Space Before: 0 pt, Line
spacing: single, Widow/Orphan control, Adjust space between
networking to the company’s workers as part of his computer class project at school. The Latin and Asian text, Adjust space between Asian text and
numbers, Tab stops: Not at 2.74"
workers already have the new comput- ers Lauren ordered and are happily doing more with Formatted: Font color: Auto
them, but Ricky is helping Lauren network them and is encouraging the workers to use the
Ricky remembers Mike’s words at the opening of this chapter: “In the beginning there Formatted: Font color: Auto

were no networks. Life was bad.” This may have meant one thing to Mike when he said it,
but the beginning for these workers is right now. They haven’t had networks, and they don’t
see why they should need them. Ricky decides to discuss the historical development of
computers and show how they helped other businesses.
In the early days of the personal computer (PC), during the late ’70s and early ’80s, often a Formatted: Font color: Auto

PC was used as a stand-alone computer and operated inde- pendently from other computers,
as shown in Figure 1.3. When, over the span of just those few years, their use proliferated
and more PCs were found relatively close to each other, users began sharing information. The
informa- tion was either printed out or copied from one computer to another using backup or
storage devices, such as tapes, disks, or other digital storage media. The printout or the storage
device was then physically carried to another computer where the information was reentered
or copied from the portable media into the next computer. This process was referred to as a
sneakernet because users actually had to walk from computer to computer. It was

probably the cheapest type of network—unless the computers were large distances apart or
the information needed to be shared among many com- puters. Other drawbacks to
sneakernets were that printouts were often bulky, and the storage devices could hold a
relatively small amount of data compared to the large amount of output users produced.
Once computers were connected by networks, information sharing in- creased Formatted: Font color: Auto

dramatically. People found that more data helped them make better decisions, and companies
started saving money. Many original networks were designed to facilitate communication,
but they were quickly expanded as businesses noticed increased productivity and reduced


Sharing Information Formatted: Font color: Auto

Computers increase your ability to communicate. Once you Formatted: Font color: Auto

begin working with a computer, you are likely to become more

productive. However, what do you do with that increased
productivity if you are not connected to any- one?
Communication requires not only someone with information to
share but also someone on the other end with whom to share it.
Companies don’t benefit by creating sheer volumes of output—
they benefit when the in- creased output helps them make better decisions or increases the
likelihood of increased income. Having your computers networked allows you to do both
with your newfound increases.
The initial reason for developing most computer networks was to assist users with sharing Formatted: Font color: Auto

their increased output, especially between computers in the same general vicinity, as shown
in Figure 1.4. However, users wanted not only to share information with others, they wanted
to communicate about that information after someone else had it, too. In addition to trans-
mitting the user’s original information, computer networks enabled those users to discuss
what was being transmitted, and this resulted in even more communication. Additional
network communications techniques thus came into being, such as e-mail and video
conferencing. Furthermore, with the increases in the sizes of networks, sharing no longer had
to be concerned with proximity. The use of networks has effectively erased distance and
time constraints. You can communicate almost instantly to anywhere in the world that is
connected to your network.
Networks are an effective way to communicate. Using networks, com- panies can send the Formatted: Font color: Auto

same information to large numbers of employees or cus- tomers quickly and efficiently.
Examples include company newsletters and announcements for employees, as well as
advertisements and purchase in- formation for customers. Also, individual employees are
more likely to communicate with larger numbers of individuals both inside and outside the
company using e-mail, an electronic means of communicating that is similar to mail but done
on computers, usually over the Internet, over net- works. E-mail is the most commonly used
feature of the Internet, and its use is growing dramatically. In fact, e-mail is fast becoming the
primary choice for much of our daily communication.


Sharing Resources Formatted: Font color: Auto

In the sneakernet era, users spent huge amounts of time attempting to share their resources.
They had to physically distribute files that others needed. Expenditures for printers and
other attached computer components rose rapidly while the individual components
themselves were not being used to their full capacity. On top of that, the hard disk storage on
each local computer began filling up, partly because everyone had a copy of every document.
One copy of that data, and even the applications that produced it, could more efficiently be
stored in a single location and shared over a network.
The ability to share resources was another reason networks were created, and it is still one Formatted: Font color: Auto

of the main purposes for using networks. The inevitable technology creep (the continuing need
for additional investment in technology that is required to stay current) extends the computer
user’s involvement in technology because companies expect employees to learn new systems
as they are installed. Companies also look for ways to make the best use of their investments
by sharing the purchased resources among multiple de- partments. Let’s look at some of the
resources that are commonly shared over computer networks.

Peripherals Formatted: Font color: Auto

Many companies start with multiple stand-alone computers. Not too long after the initial Formatted: Font color: Auto

computer purchase, however, additional components that attach to a computer, called

peripherals, like printers, scanners, and speak- ers, are purchased and are connected to that
computer to expand its use (see Figure 1.5). When there are multiple users and computers, it soon
becomes ap- parent that the peripheral devices are seldom fully utilized. Money can be saved if
some of these peripherals are shared, instead of having to purchase a separate set for each
computer. Networking enables the sharing of peripherals.
The ability to share printers was very often enough of a cost savings for companies to invest Formatted: Font color: Auto

in implementing and supporting a simple network. The company could then also realize
additional cost savings as it shared additional


Common network peripherals Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Left

Local Area Network (LAN) Formatted: Font color: Auto

If the network is contained within a relatively small area, such as a class- room, school, or Formatted: Font color: Auto

single building, as shown in Figure 1.6, it is commonly re- ferred to as a local area network
(LAN). This type of network has the lowest cost and least overall capability of the three
geographic classifications. Be- cause the pieces of equipment in a LAN are in relatively close
proximity, LANs are inexpensive to install. Despite their decreased capability, how- ever,
their closeness and resultant low costs typically result in the use of the fastest technology on a
LAN. Thus, this network classification usually has the highest speed components and fastest
communications equipment be- fore the other network classifications see such equipment
using the same speeds. This is because it takes less overall investment to get the smaller net-
work running the faster equipment. LANs, therefore, are commonly consid- ered the building
blocks for creating larger networks.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Formatted: Font color: Auto

As the computers get further apart, a LAN becomes more difficult to install, and additional Formatted: Font color: Auto

measures such as additional communications equipment may need to be employed. When the
network spans the distance of a typical met- ropolitan city, as shown in Figure 1.7, it can be
referred to as a metropolitan area network (MAN). Although this term is beginning to lose
its popular use, the concept of the network outgrowing its local confines and requiring addi-
tional resources still applies. Much of the same technology, such as the fast networking


components and communications equipment used in LANs, can be used in MANs, but more
are required, so this classification is not quite as technologically advanced as are LANs.
Although the speeds achieved in a MAN are typically as high as in a LAN, it requires high-
speed connections, such as fiber optics. Increasing the distance and the technology levels
increases the relative installation and operation costs of MANs

A LAN covers a relatively small distance. Formatted: Font color: Auto

• The MAN covers a somewhat wider area than a LAN. Formatted: Font color: Auto

Wide Area Network (WAN) Formatted: Font color: Auto

The MAN outgrows its usefulness when the network must expand beyond the confines of the Formatted: Font color: Auto

typical metropolitan area. When the network spans a larger area, as shown in Figure 1.8, it is
classified as a wide area network (WAN). Because of the extensive distances over which
WANs communicate, they use long-distance telecommunications networks for their
connections, which increases the costs of the network. The Internet is just a giant WAN.

Classifying Networks by Component Roles Formatted: Font color: Auto

Another method used to classify networks focuses on the roles the networked computers play
in the network’s operation, and more specifically on which computer controls that operation.
There are two basic types of role classifica- tions for networks—peer-to-peer networks and
server-based networks. The difference between the two revolves around which computer is in
charge of the network. A third classification, client-based networks, has come into existence
because of the increased capabilities of the typical client computer

. Server-Based Networks

Unlike peer-to-peer networks that operate without central control and are difficult to secure, a Formatted: Font color: Auto

server-based network offers centralized control and is designed for secured operations, as
shown in Figure 1.10. While there are still both clients and servers on a server-based
network, a dedicated server controls the network. A dedicated server is one that, for all
practical pur- poses, operates solely as a server.
A dedicated server on a server-based network services its network clients by storing data, Formatted: Font color: Auto

applications, and other resources, and then providing access to those resources when called for
by a client. When a client requests a resource such as a document, the server sends the whole
source (the document) over the network to the client, where it is processed and later returned
to the server for continued storage.
Dedicated servers can also control the entire network’s security from one central location Formatted: Font color: Auto

or share that control with other specially configured servers. This central network control
also contributes to the economies of scale discussed under the “Facilitating Centralized


Management” section earlier in this chapter (using similar equipment results in cheaper
equipment prices and fewer training costs) and makes the server-based network the dominant
networking model used in networks today.

Formatted: Font color: Auto

• A server-based network. Server-based networks involve centralized control.

Formatted: Font color: Auto

Client-Based Networks

Client-based networks are a further refinement to the concept of a server- based network Formatted: Font color: Auto

that relieves the heavy burden on the network’s capacity re- sulting from frequent server-
performed transactions. A client-based net- work takes better advantage of the server’s
powerful processors and of the increasingly powerful computers used in typical workstations.
A client- based network utilizes a client workstation’s power in processing some functions
locally while requesting additional processing from a server whenever it is needed for
increased speed.


Client-based network servers process requests from clients and return just the results, Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Body Text, Indent: First line: 0.22", Space
Before: 0.1 pt

rather than sending the original resource to the client to be processed and returned after
computations are complete. Client-based net- works, therefore, take advantage of the
powerful processing capabilities of both the client and the server, as shown in Figure 1.11.
This type of arrange- ment may include application servers (where entire computer programs
are shared from the server) and communications servers (where e-mail and other
communications media are operated)

Identify Human and Computer Networks Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic, Font color: Auto
 A network consists of two or more entities sharing resources and information. Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent
 Examples of basic networks include your human network, school lunchrooms, at: 0.5"

restaurant dining, and business contact development.

 The capability to share is enhanced when information is stored on computers.

 Computer networks consist of two or more computers that are connected and able to

 Networked computers share resources and information.

 Powerful networks result when additional computers are added to the communication

 As more and more data becomes available over a network, some kind of a control
system must be established.

 The hierarchy of data should be used in network planning.


 Access to data stored higher up in this chain is more strictly controlled, which means
fewer people can view that data.

 Data is defined as a piece or pieces of information.

 The collection, proper manipulation, and effective tracking of data makes information
management on networks so important.

Describe the Benefits of Networks Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.13", Tab stops: 0", Left
 Computers operated independently from others are known as stand-alone computers. Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
 Sneakernet was the term used for running data from one computer to another on disk.
Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent
at: 0.5"
 Most computer networks develop to facilitate communication, initially to share output Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent
at: 0.5", Tab stops: 0.38", Left
and later to communicate through e-mail.

 The ability to share resources is another main purpose for initiating networks. Formatted: Font color: Auto

 Peripherals are additional components that attach to computers to expand their use. Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent
at: 0.5"

 Sharing peripherals, such as printers, often offered enough of a cost savings for
companies to invest in networks.

 Large computers can be set up as storage locations where data is offloaded and access to
it is controlled by the person storing the data.

 Installing an application on a network and then sharing its use cuts down on the storage
space required when multiple users need the same application.

 Coworkers discussing each other’s work, or collaboration, assisted the widespread use
of computers.

 Networks help centralize the management of software and maintenance of computers,

such as installing upgrades and backing up data.

Distinguish Between the Different Types of Networks Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06"
 Networks are frequently classified according to the geographical boundaries spanned. Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
 A network contained within a relatively small area, such as a classroom, school, or
Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent
single building, is commonly referred to as a local area network. at: 0.5"


 A network that spans the distance of a typical metropolitan area is sometimes referred to
as a metropolitan area network.

 A network covering a larger area than a single city is classified as a wide area network.

 Another method used to classify networks focuses on which computer controls the
network’s operation.

 All computers on a peer-to-peer network can be considered equal.

 Peer-to-peer networks are popular as home networks and for use in small companies
because they are inexpensive and easy to install.

 Server-based networks offer central control and are designed for secured operations Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"

IN large electrical networks, large-scale cascade breakdowns occur more often than one Formatted: Font color: Auto

would expect if the failures were random and independent and their dimensions followed a
normal distribution . Despite the reliability standards and significant technological advances,
the the frequency of major blackouts in the United States is not so decreased since the creation
of NERC in 1965 . The United States August 2003 blackout, along with the Italian blackout of
September 2003, convinced even the skeptics of that fundamental transmission infrastructure
deficiencies. Many have he tried to explain this weakness as a function of change structure of
the electrical sector to be regulated, vertically utilities integrated with a moderate interregional
trade, a diverse set of market participants using the broadcast infrastructure to facilitate long-
distance energy transactions. While the strengths and weaknesses of the electricity market
restructuring is a controversial topic, at least it is it is fair to say that the number and size of
blackouts in the north The American electricity grid has not diminished in recent years, like
shown in Figure 1. Recent advances in network and graph theory have drawn links between
the topological structure of networks (in particular networks consisting of social ties and
infrastructures) and the vulnerability of certain networks types of faults. Many classifications
of network structures have been studied in the field of complex, statistical systems mechanics
and social networking , as shown in Figure 2, but the two most fruitful and relevant were the
casual ones network model of Erdös and Renyi and the "small world" model inspired by the
analyzes in and . In the casual the network model, the nodes and the edges are connected


randomly. the the small world network is largely defined as relatively short average path
lengths between pairs of nodes, even for very large ones networks. A particularly important
class in the small world networks is the so-called "no-scale" network which it is characterized
by a more heterogeneous connectivity. In a network without scales, most nodes are connected
to only a few others, but some nodes (known as hubs) are highly connected to the rest of the
network. The property of the signature of a free scale the net is a distribution of power law (a
very large queue distribution) of node or grade connectivityThe structural differences between
randomness and scale network models have important implications for the network
vulnerability. In particular, random networks tend to be fair robust attacks on targeted but
relatively vulnerable attacks on a series of failures or random attacks. Networks without stairs,
on Other hand, they are highly vulnerable to targeted attacks or breakdowns in one of the
hubs, but they are more robust to random failures selected nodes . Similarly, the structure of a
network has important implications for strategies to protect the

ete against chain failures or more deliberate attacks.2 The world wide web is a good example Formatted: Font color: Auto

of a network without scales; The network as a whole can be made more robust by increasing
the reliability of a rather restricted set of critical hubs


Small examples of the network structures used in this paper The main shortcoming of Formatted: Font color: Auto

existing attempts to measure the network structure of electrical networks lies in the inability to
explicitly incorporate the physical laws that regulate the flow of electricity within such
networks. While the topological structure (edge-node) of an electrical network may suggest a
set of behaviors and vulnerabilities, the electrical structure of the network may suggest
something completely different. The flow of energy through the network is regulated by
Kirchoff's laws and not simply by topology. To overcome this drawback, we introduce an
electrical connectivity metric that incorporates the information contained in the system's
impedance matrix. This metric is called "electrical centrality". The electrical centrality
complies with Kirchoff's Laws and is more accurate for capturing the properties of node
centrality, in relation to metrics based on node-edge connectivity. This document is organized
into five sections. Section I is this introduction and Section II examines the existing literature
on the subject. Section III examines the classic network connectivity metrics, which provide
information only on the topological structure of the network in question and discusses some
existing applications of these metrics to power the networks. Section IV introduces the metric
of electrical centrality. In Section V we use the IEEE 300-bus network to illustrate the
differences between our electrical connectivity metrics and the classic topological
connectivity metrics. Section VI offers some conclusions and extensions

The North American electricity grid introduces the concept of "loss of connectivity", which
measures the change in the network's ability to supply energy following the disconnection of a
substation from the network. when the nodes representing the hubs are disconnected from the
network, relative to the removal of random nodes. This suggests that the electric grid has a
sort of structure without scales, even if it does not appear directly in the distribution of the
degrees. A similar attack vulnerability is shown in for the northern and western United States
power supply networks. In the authors construct a probabilistic model of cascade failures as a
function of the exponent γ in the distribution of the power law and of the number of nodes
with degree one. They find that the loss of load probability (LOLP) predicted by the model for


eastern and western interconnections is similar to the LOLP from current reliability studies
performed by the Bonneville Power

Internet of Things (IoT) is an intelligent system that associates everything to the web for the Formatted: Font color: Auto

exchange of data with agreed conventions. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is used to screen
the activity in a specific hub and system manner. It can function as a second protection line
that can protect the system from intruders. Interruption is an unwanted or harmful movement
that is destructive to the sensor hubs. IDS recognizes system packages and decides whether
they are authentic gatecrasher or clients. There are three segments of IDS: monitoring,
analysis and identification, alarm (Shanzhi et al., 2014). The control module controls the
traffic, examples and resources of the system. Examination and detection is a central part of
IDS that distinguishes interruptions as indicated by the given calculation. The attention form
generated an alert if the interruption was identified.


Data science is an interdisciplinary field on procedures and frameworks to extricate learning

or experiences from information in different structures, whether organized or unstructured,
which is a continuation of a part of the survey data fields, for example, measurements,
machine learning , mining information and learning disclosure, and foresight examination
(Khan et al., 2016). How to detect and activate distance-bound gadgets are incorporated with
the Internet logically junction Foundation, the importance of recognizing and managing its
attacks against security and force presents itself as a primary necessity. Such coordination is
turning into a reality, due to an institutionalized stack matches are destined to the IoT,
enabled by conventions, for example, the regulation level 6LoWPAN, RPL (IPv6 Routing
Protocol for low power and lossy Networks), and the protocol Constrained Application
(ALCO). Other protocols could also be considered at the application level, such as MQTT
(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) (Andrew B. et al., 2014), but our attention in ALCO
is motivated by its support of low-consumption wireless local communication environments


energy, machine-to-machine (M2M) bound between sensors and actuators to the Internet and
other external devices, direct and its compatibility with HTTP.

The WPAN has been used as an adapter layer between the standard IPv6 convention and Formatted: Font color: Auto

IEEE 802.15.4 connection layer. In this way, empowers the asset constrained to viably
transmit data by means of the IPv6 standard. In the 6LoWPAN system, RPL was acquainted
with a steering convention with managed restricted memory, control and so forth. RPL makes
Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) and empowers hubs to forward
bundles to their folks or descending to their youngsters. In any case, in such constrained
condition, RPL has restricted help for security benefits and are presented to inner attacks.
There are three fundamental attacks that focus on the RPL convention in IoT in particular hi
surge, sinkhole, and wormhole attacks. There are two surely understood 6LoWPAN-IDS
usage, in particular, SVELTE and Pongle's IDS (Pongle et al., 2015). IoT paradigm permits
measures to be detected and prepared in continually making an immediate cooperation stage
between digital physical frameworks. Such methodology prompts enhanced productivity in
the age and use of information prompting financial advantages. Research led by Cisco, there
are now 10 billion associated gadgets, a contrast of total populace of more than 7 billion and
trusted IT will increase by 4% continuously in 2020. of secret information. KDD99 Past and
ongoing works utilizing Artificial Neural system interruption recognition framework
informational collection (N.T.T. Van et al., 2015) demonstrate a promising execution for
interruption discovery.



Network connectivity is often measured using the degree of nodes in the network: the number Formatted: Font color: Auto

of edges (and therefore of other nodes) connected to a given node. The degree, k, the
distribution varies substantially from one network structure to another. In a regular reticular
structure (like the nearest neighbor and the graphs of the second neighbor shown in Figure 2)
k is constant for all nodes. Random networks have an exponential degree distribution, as do
most small country networks. When a network of small countries shows a distribution of
degrees of power law, rather than an exponential one, it is known as a scale-free network [11].
If P (k) is the probability that a randomly chosen node does not have a degree, the distribution
in degrees of a scale-free network

range from 2 to 3. Many types of apparently different networks was found to have a structure Formatted: Font color: Auto

without stairs, including the world wide web, aerial networks and protein interactions in yeast
[5]. Power supply networks represent a natural test bed for complexes network systems and
theory. However, the lack of Data available on the current topology of the electrical network,
particularly in the United States, it has dramatically limited the analysis number The few
existing studies generally find it that the electricity networks show a kind of non-random
structure, but there is no disagreement on the current structure of the network In particular,
existing studies do not agree compared to if the tail of the degree distribution follows power
law or exponential distribution. Portions of the North The American grid has been discussed
in the The North American network as a whole is discussed in , in which the authors report
that the distribution of degrees of power the grid has an exponential or "single-scale" shape
[11] with a rapid decay queue, although the distribution of the number of transmission lines
passing through a given node (the "Traness" of a given node) follows a power law. the authors
of [16] find the same single-scale structure in the distribution of degrees for a portion of the
electrical network in California. The same result appears in and for the Western United States
electricity network. However, estimate a power law relationship in the degree distribution for
both the western and eastern portions of the United States electricity grid. Structural
properties of Italian, French and Spanish power supply networks can be found in and these


European electricity grids are generally believed to have the same topological structure on a
single scale in North America grid, with an exponential tail in the distribution of degrees. the
the distribution of nodal requests (or loads), however, follows a power law: most of the buses
in the network have a lower than average service demand, but a small number of buses need a
relatively large amount of demand While some of the topological studies of electrical
networks simply tried to provide information on the structure of the network (as in , some
articles focus on the relationship between network structure and system reliability.


Formatted: Left

The existing literature on the structure and vulnerability of electrical networks have largely a Formatted: Font color: Auto

topological approach measure distance and connectivity. That is, the electricity grid it is
described as a simple graph of nodes connected by edges. Vulnerability analyzes focus on the
physical island of portions of the grid through attacks or failures on several points the knots.
The topological approach paints some confusion image of electrical networks. Reference to
the IEEE 300 bus net shown in Figure 3, it is evident that while it can be some nodes in the
network that do not fit into a exponential probability distribution (and therefore some tests of
a queue of the law of power in the distribution of degrees), power the network lacks the strong
hub structure that is evident in networks without scales like the world wide web and some
aerial networks We argue that a fundamental weakness of the existent the structural studies of
electrical networks are focused on them topological connectivity, ignoring electricity
connectivity. In particular, to be reasonably complete characterization of the network structure
of the electrical network It shold incorporate the following properties of electrical systems: 1.
The flow in an electrical network is regulated by Kirchoff's Laws and not by the decisions
made by the individual actors a individual nodes. Power injections propagate through the
network following a path of least resistance, broken down from the relative complex
impedance of each equivalent path. 2. Power supply networks are best described by non-
oriented graphs. The model in [17] claims that the electric network can be thought of as a
direct graph associated with a particular network status and minor disturbances in the system
it is unlikely that it will change the directionality that is, every network status can be mapped
to a set of

directional power flows. This does not apply in many cases in an electrical network. Due to Formatted: Font color: Auto

the highly non-linear and non-convex nature of the equations that regulate the flow of current
in AC electrical systems, it is possible, and in some cases remove the probable one, that small
changes in the state of the network can reverse the direction of current flow along a particular
path. 3. Since the flows are regulated by Kirchoff's laws, to the extent that the power supply
networks are characterized by a hub structure, there is no a priori way to determine whether
the hubs represent large economic generators, cargo pockets, points linking of substations or
some other physical structure (this hypothesis is made in [16]). 5 That is, a simple model of

preferential attachment, as in [10], is unlikely to be a good evolutionary model that explains Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
the emergent structure of electrical networks.

Topology of the IEEE 300-bus test system. Formatted: Font: Bold

Of these, the most basic structural modeling problem is somehow the integration of Kirchoff's Formatted: Font color: Auto

Laws into the metrics of the network structure. Electrical networks tend to have highly cross-
linked structures, so the topological approach between two nodes will, in many circumstances,
have a lower impact on network performance than electrical proximity, which could
correspond to the topological distance. The distributions of weighted degrees discussed in [22]


represent a step towards solving this measurement problem, but in the analysis of [22] the
weights are based on capacity constraints, not on any kind of path admittance or law of bike.
The distribution of degrees is only a centrality measure that classifies the importance of data
nodes in the network. Another metric, more popular in the analysis of social networks than
physical or technological networks, is the parenthesis [23, 24], defined in [25] as the fraction
of shorter paths between pairs of passing nodes

through a given node. In the most fundamental sense, the relationship between itself and itself Formatted: Font color: Auto

suffers from the same problem of modeling the distribution of degrees: it considers the
topological structure of the network, but not the network flow propagation model. This gap
has been recognized in [25] through the use of an electrical circuit as an example of how the
shortest path (which would include nodes with high interference) may not carry the greatest
amount of information (or current, in this case particular ). The example of the circuit is then
generalized to discuss a wider class of kinship measures based on random paths across
networks. Social network analysts have introduced a measure known as the centrality of
information to describe how information has passed through a network of associates [26, 27].
Operationally, this is similar to the gossip that goes through the vine. The centrality of the
information associated with a specific node (or actor or agent, in the specific case of social
networks), describes how much of the flow of the network travels along each path that begins
or ends with that node. Expanding this metric to physical networks, the centrality of
information is (at least conceptually) closely related to the matrix of the power transfer
distribution factor (PTDF) [28], in which the element i, jth indicates the variation of the power
flow on the transmission line jth from a marginal change in the injection of net energy on the
ith bus. The flow measurement metrics were initially considered in [29], with the circuit
analysis of [25] an interesting variation. The authors of [30] demonstrate that if the
information propagates through the network following Kirchoff's laws and if the network can
be described as a network of individual goods (ie, there are individual injection and
withdrawal points), then the resulting metric based on electrical flow is identical to the
centrality of information


Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font color: Auto

A node-branch representation of the IEEE 300-bus test system. Formatted: Font color: Auto

Formatted: Centered

The probability mass function (histogram) for node degree in the IEEE 300 bus network.

Formatted: Centered


: Based on the Watts-Strogatz clustering coefficient, the IEEE 300- bus test system shares the
structural complexity of much larger electric power networks.


This relationship is equivalent to the centrality of information in certain circumstances is an Formatted: Font color: Auto

interesting result. However, real power networks have more generators and loads and most
likely experience significant loop flows. Therefore, it is likely that the use of standard network
metrics to compare power systems with standard network models is misleading. Let's examine
the differences between power grids and other generic network models using two new
methods. First, we use the information contained in the network impedance matrix to calculate
equivalent distances between pairs of nodes and examine the properties of the graph based on
this distance with respect to the usual topological distance metrics. Second, we build electrical
networks to conform to the properties of three common networks and compare the electrical
properties of these networks with

The test case for this work is the IEEE 300-bus test network, which has 300 buses (nodes) and Formatted: Font color: Auto

411 branches (transmission lines or transformers). Figure 4 shows the topology of this
network, while Figure 5 shows its degree distribution. The 300-bus network is much smaller
than most real power networks, which can have tens, if not hundreds. of

Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: 0.06", No bullets or


Structural Properties of the 300-Bus Network Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic
Formatted: Not Expanded by / Condensed by
A. Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06", No bullets or numbering
Formatted: Font color: Auto
The topological representation of the IEEE 300-bus network in Figures 4 and 5 can be
visually compared with small-scale and large-scale networks of similar size, as shown in
Figure 7. The representation of the IEEE 300-bus network shown in Figure 4 does not it
immediately reveals any highly connected hub that would suggest a network structure without
stairs. Likewise, the distribution of the degrees of the 300-bus network (Figure 5) is not well
suited to a statistic of power law. Moreover, the geodetic paths between pairs of random nodes
are longer than would be suggested by a small-world structure Watts-Strogatz, where the


average length of the geodetic path is less than six, even for very large networks. The
topological structure of the 300-bus network would lead to the analysis in [5, 16, 18] that
electrical networks are not characterized by structure without scales
distances (and a greater propensity to power flow between these nodes, subject to capacity
limits along any of the topological paths).
In Figure 8 we redesign the 300-bus network to show electrical connections rather than
topological connections. There are [(3002) / 2 - 300] = 44,700 distinct node-node connections
in the Zbus matrix for the 300-bus network; The connections shown in Figure 8 represent the
pairs of nodes 411 which have the largest electrical connections. The threshold value for the
entries of the Zbus matrix is 0.00255, as shown in Figure 9. Therefore, Figure 8 shows a graph
of approximately the same size as the original network topology shown in Figure 3 (300 nodes
and 411 edges). The atomistic nodes show the buses in the network that have small electrical
connections to the network as a whole.

Formatted: Font color: Auto

Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font color: Auto

The IEEE 300-bus network has been redrawn here to highlight the structure of the electrical
connections represented in the Zbus matrix. To make this representation size-compatible with
the topological representation in Figure 3, only the 411 strongest electrical connections (out of
44,700 total electrical connections)

Formatted: Centered

: Topological representation of the IEEE 300-bus network (bottom center) as compared with a
similarly-sized random network (upper right) and scale-free network (upper left).
However, as noted above and in [25, 30], the flow in electrical networks is regulated by Formatted: Font color: Auto

Kirchoff's Laws, which led to unique patterns of interaction between nodes in a network. The
topological structure of the electrical network could therefore not speak much of the behavior
of the network, and in particular of its vulnerabilities. Kirchoff's laws are captured in the
admittance matrix of the bus-bus system, defined by

Formatted: Font color: Auto

jBkl Gkl  lk The two representations of the 300-bus network suggest G And Formatted: Font color: Auto

the bus  jB  lk (1) very different structures. From a topological perspective, the l Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
k kl kl The 300 bus power network looks like a random network or a network without Formatted: Font color: Auto
stairs. But from an electrical perspective The definition of the Ybus matrix used here Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
captures both the real and the reactive (imaginary) parts of the line admittances. 0 for pairs
Formatted: Font color: Auto
ofThe Ybus matrix tends to be sparse, since E bus nodes k and l that do not share a direct Formatted: Font color: Auto

physical connection. In our analysis we actually use the inverse of the Ybus matrix, (which Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
captures the behavior of the network, the 300-bus network appears to have a distinct group of Formatted: Font color: Auto
nodes that are "electrical hubs" - that is, buses that have high electrical connectivity to the rest Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
of the network. The power flowing through the network is due to Kirchoff's Laws, much more
Formatted: Font color: Auto
likely to cross them Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
nodes compared to other nodes. In the language of social networks, these would correspond Formatted: Font color: Auto

to nodes with a high level of interactivity or centrality of information. Figure 10 redraws the Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
topological representation of the 300-bus network, but with the dimensions of the nodes
Formatted: Font color: Auto
adjusted according to the electrical centrality (the nodes with a Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Normal, Pattern: Clear, Tab stops: 4.17", Left

greater electrical centrality are shown larger in the figure)

The inverse cumulative probability distribution function for all node-to-node electrical
connections. The threshold at which only 411 stronger

s |Z | ) connections exist is 0.00255, as indicated. Formatted: Space Before: 0 pt, Tab stops: Not at 0.91"

A representation of the IEEE 300-bus network, with the node-sizes adj

A representation of the IEEE 300-bus network, with the node-sizes adjusted to represent the
relative magnitudes of the electrical betweenness measure. The nodes in the center with high
electrical connectivity (critical nodes in the network) can clearly be seen


Based on the electrical information contained in the Zbus matrix, we reinterpret the degree Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Normal, Pattern: Clear, Tab stops: 4.17", Left
distribution for the 300-bus network to show the electrical balance of each bus in the system.
The electrical grade distribution

network structures (see Figure 13). In other words, if a scaleless or random network has
similar properties to Kirchoff's laws, it will be very difficult to contain the propagation of
information in a small area. The power supply network was more propagated than that shown
by the structure of the second neighboring grid, but much less than the cases of random and
non-scale tests

Formatted: Font color: Auto

Formatted: Font color: Auto

A. Extensions: Implications for Vulnerability Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic

Formatted: Justified, No bullets or numbering

The structure of the network is closely related to the vulnerability of the network [16]. Formatted: Font color: Auto

Therefore, a deeper understanding of the structure of electricity networks can provide


important information to reduce vulnerability and improve reliability. Currently, the authors
are examining the relationship between the proposed electrical centrality metric and the
vulnerability of the system to failure and attack in certain locations. While the result of this
research is pending, it is clear that a complex network


There is a clear link between the topological structure of many networks and the types of Formatted: Font color: Auto

failures to which they are vulnerable or robust. Networks without scales are particularly
vulnerable to failures in their highly connected hubs. This makes them particularly susceptible
to deliberate attacks on these hubs, but less vulnerable to failure at random locations. A series
of denial-of-service attacks aimed at a major hub in the world wide web (like Google or
Yahoo) could cause knock-on effects on most of the physical internet [35]. The winter of
2006/2007 proved particularly difficult for the airlines and their passengers, due to the snow
and ice storms that hit the hub cities, the main delays in areas where the weather was perfect.
This suggests that resources aimed at protecting scaleless networks should be aimed at
strengthening hubs

Most of the power grid analyzes have been found on a single scale. The North American
energy blackout in August 2003 focused attention on network reliability and on measures that
could limit or prevent chain failures. Many of the suggested measures, such as [12], involve
substantial capital expenditure for new infrastructure. However, the nature of electrical
networks is such that the construction of many new transmission lines cannot produce the
desired performance improvements [13]. Moreover, it is not obvious that the construction of a
more centrally controlled infrastructure is a more convenient solution than the implementation
of other innovative control strategies, which may arise if the connection to high-connectivity
nodes is sufficiently expensive to compromise the preferential attachment to network growth
[11]. Because of the cost of building new connections (transmission lines) simply by
increasing network connectivity (as in [12]) it is prohibitively expensive. Furthermore, the
location of new transmission lines is becoming increasingly difficult [32]; even with the


possibility of a federal intervention [33] it is not possible to be able to expand the current
network in a way that optimizes its resilience.
Our analysis shows that, measured correctly, power grids have some similarities to scaleless
networks. Hubs are not displayed in a simple topology analysis of an electrical network, but a
more detailed look at the electrical structure of the network reveals a network that shares
many properties with other scaleless networks. Hubs in power networks seem to be closely
connected with other hubs, indicating the presence of an extremely vulnerable "core".
Furthermore, disturbances in one part of an electrical network affect the local areas are more
than they affect the remote regions. The effects spread less widely in the electricity grid than
in other network structures.


Formatted: Centered

Internet of Things (IoT), also called machine-tomachine is a new communication model, Formatted: Font color: Auto

which offers both possibilities and challenges. Always, humans continue demanding
technologies to save time and money. Basically, human beings want to be happier, human
beings become happier when they follow Things, first and foremost, humans want more time
and money to drive life with joy and improving the quality of life. Use of Technologies help
save money by improving them I wait and eat better. Secondly, especially the human beings
want to avoid being in bad situations. Technologies such as environmental change estimation
fire alarm systems help to predict future events. Third, humans are hungry to be healthier.
First it was very difficult to identify the information that flows network but now there are
more network alteration capabilities in the grass. First of all, the different natures of the
sensors improve ours perceptive skills by detecting information that humans do not able to
detect and collect this information at any time e everywhere. Second, robots improve our
ability to perform better where humans can't reach by overcoming physical limitations during
natural disasters. Robots can perform the best skills of humans, such as robots

We used to explore the destruction caused by nuclear power plants due to radiation in Japan Formatted: Font color: Auto

[2]. Third, wireless our communication and broadband technologies are increasing quality of
communication structures only when 4G wireless [3] and improved internet bandwidth
become available. Fourth, growth in cloud computing and the machine intelligence
technologies will improve the quality of analytical skills with gigantic and advanced
calculations machine learning practices. The technologies provide information on human and
environmental well-being risks, taking care of geriatric and unhealthy people, and to escape
accidents and injuries. Fourth, many people desire for friendship, using e-mail, smart phones
and social media networks like Face book, Twitters and Whatapp and so on, that connect
people. Ultimately, people must be extraordinary and to be appreciated [1]. The emerging
M2M technologies meet the human desires listed above [4] [5] [6]. For example, imagine that
you will do it give a talk in the continuing medical education program in another
metropolitan city and you got stuck in traffic. Improved communication technology allows
yours the calendar and your car can connect to each other and your smart the phone

automatically sends a message to the meeting regarding the delay in arrival. The challenges
now one day us are facing from IOT mainly was routing and security.

Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto

Formatted: Font: 12 pt

IOT and block chain IOT

Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold
Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Currently, we have a number of routing protocols for IOT. But nobody gives secure Formatted: Font color: Auto

communication for this we are using the most adaptive and secure mechanism called block
chain and we use this block chain based LOADING protocol in routing that offers greater
security and reliable communication in IOT devices. we run simulations using NS2. The rest
of the sheet was organized as follows Section 2 gives a complete view of the state of the art
Section 3 provides proposed work, the next section gives results e experiments. Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto

STATE-OF-ART Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold

To avoid routing assaults, some safe routes technical proposals have been made in this area, Formatted: Font color: Auto

we exhibit at revision of the various safe routing conventions. sure multi-jump routing for
IoT interchanges The Secured Multi-bounce Routing Protocol (SMRP) which enables IoT
gadget to be transmitted securely. Realizes it from ensuring that IoT devices authenticate

themselves before they could join or make another system. The routing protocol proposal
consolidates a multilayer parameter in the file routing calculation and later, when hubs have
to join the network they need to validate. This convention does not accompany any additional
routing overhead procedure as the multilayer parameters contain the reasonable applications
on the network, a remarkable one User-Controllable identification and a synopsis of the
devices allowed on the network. Trust-based secure routing structure in wireless sensor
networks: trust-based security TSRF (Routing Framework) planned for WSN employees on
inference of trust which includes direct and round perceptions of behavioral examples of
sensors hub with confidence estimate among the hubs spoken in a range from 0 to 1 A 0
which means that there is no trust between hubs and demonstrating a reasonable level of trust
for comparison node. Trust based on two-way recognition (2-ACKT) This framework works
in non-indiscriminate mode e it is contingent only on the trust of the coordinates between the
hubs. the scheme is in the light of a double pattern of affirmation in develop trust between
neighboring hubs [9]. Plan facilitate develops a course for the sink hub and in addition
present another node (considered as the support e outsider hub) that creates a two jump in
statement system. An essential prerequisite of the convention is that every malicious hub
releases data packets and not the Subsequent statements, cannot isolate the gray hole attacks.
The administration of trust based on collection scheme [10]. Group based trust administration
conspire (GTMS) which is a trust-based plan that includes the trust calculation through an
immediate perception between hubs i.e. the number of success and failed connections [12]
between hubs. Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto


Formatted ...
Formatted ...
The block chain is used to record money related exchanges, in which the exchanges are coded Formatted ...
and stored by all members. Subsequently, all exchanges are simple and any adjustment can be Formatted ...
Formatted ...
effortless followed and distinct [11]. Square tie can be connected to update IoT security. We
Formatted ...
will do it now introduce two cases of using the IoT block chain safety. At the point where the Formatted ...

data sets are shared between the exploration and specialized groups or much more In general, Formatted ...
Formatted ...
their honesty should be maintained. In our specific situation, to ensure the verticality of data
Formatted ...
sets, a reference integrity (RIM) metric is maintained for the data set using the block chain. In Formatted ...
Formatted ...
particular, at any time a the data set is downloaded, its respectability can be controlled using
Formatted ...
the RIM. No security strategy is the worst proof, Gadgets and IoT facilities could be Formatted ...
exchanged regardless of the best (security) efforts. In this so, we need the ability to exchange Formatted ...
Formatted ...
gadgets with ourselves to heal. We recommend using the block chain to encourage automatic
Formatted ...
repair for contracted gadgets Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
The AODV routing protocol is the basis for LOADing, using the reactive approach in the
Formatted ...
reactive approach, each time the data is to be sent, only then does it create the paths to the Formatted ...
destination. In LOAD whenever the node wants it send data check routing table for possible Formatted ...
Formatted ...
route to the destination To find the feasible route LOAD floods the RREQ message in the
Formatted ...
network [13]. Eleven knots receive the RREQ message, the node checks the destination node Formatted ...
alone, if it does not forward the RREQ Nearby knots. When the destination node receives Formatted ...
Formatted ...
the Message RREQ responds to the originator request of unicasting of the RREP message [8].
Formatted ...
The main drawback of the upload is the delay in the route discovery During the discovery Formatted ...
Formatted ...
phase of the outgoing route the packets are buffered in the nodes, this could cause the loss of
Formatted ...
packages in resource limitation devices. The knots they are suffering from energy depletion Formatted ...
due to flooding. Another drawback of this protocol is the collision. package the collisions are Formatted ...
Formatted ...
more due to the floods, which lead to redundant data retransmission [8]. And also the s curity
Formatted ...
aspects of routing protocols. It is a LOAD routing protocol based on AODV Proposed. The Formatted ...
developed LOAD reduces the Implementation complexity and provides load balancing in the Formatted ...
Formatted ...
network compared to AODV [14]. Keep the routing table and the table of route requests used
Formatted ...
in route detection phase. LOAD does not use the predecessor of AODV as The routing error Formatted ...

message is sent only to the origin. Furthermore the the protocol does not use the destination
sequence number.



leads to a reduction in the size of the package and to simplifying the process of identifying Formatted: Font color: Auto

the route [15]. The response for the routing request message (RREQ) is sent by the
destination node which guarantees the absence of loop condition. Link quality indicator
(LQI) of the MAC level of the LOAD protocol as a metric of the routing cost to determine
the strongest route used in the proposed method. Use the message Recognition to represent
the successful transfer of packages. A. Algorithm for LOADing: LOAD uses the RREQ
package to establish the path LOAD transmits the RREQ packet, every time the receiver
receives the RREQ packet it simply transmits the RREP packet to the source. Keep the
routing table and the routing request table during the route identification phase LOAD uses
the link quality indicator (LQI) of the LOAD MAC layer. LOAD sends data every time the
route is established. This traditional LOAD routing protocol suffers from privacy issues and
malicious node activity and authentication. To ensure routing using LOAD we use block
chain technology. Here we initially configure special nodes that we can call them as nodes
nodes, these nodes keep the blocks separate for each activity. That is, every time a node starts
the communication it starts recording the communication. It generally starts recording the
communication which is whether the node is forwarding the packets or releasing the packets
[16]. If you use packages to delete packages, they will add the nodes to the blocked list. In
the next routing these nodes will not be added to routing [17]. Like that of the mining node Formatted: Font: 12 pt

stop malicious activity and even these suggest best routes for communication Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
B. Algorithm for LOAD using block chain technology Step 1: the sender transmits to the
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
RREQ packet Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
Step 2: the Minor node records the sender and recipient details Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font color: Auto
Step-3: every time the path is established it records all the communication of intermediate Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto

nodes Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.25"

Step-3.1: Already has previous knowledge or rules in separate blocks


Step 3.2: if it violates more than the threshold, The node is added to the list of blocks

Step 3.3: otherwise also route information added to the block data and the procedure

Step 4: every time a path fails, the nodes again regenerate the RREQ package and transmit on

Step-5: the procedure continues V. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION We have made the

experimental evolution of LOADING protocol with the most reliable NS2 simulator.

And let's compare the secure routing of LOADING protocol with and without block chain
technology. the experiments are done in the UBUNTU operating system, NS- 2.35. The
simulation parameters as follows, YOU. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Throughput
comparisons: throughput is quantity of data packets successfully received in the established
time is called throughput.


EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold
Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto

Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto

Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto

Throughput compressions of LOAD, AODV and Block chain

EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold

We have made the experimental evolution of the LOADING protocol with the most reliable Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto

NS2 simulator. And we compare the secure routing of the LOADING protocol with and
without block chain technology. The experiments are done in the UBUNTU operating
system, NS- 2.35. The simulation parameters as follows, Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto


RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold
Formatted: Centered

Throughput comparisons: throughput is quantity of data packets successfully received in the Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto

established time is called throughput


Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt

PDR: the ratio of the number of packets successfully transmitted by the source target is called Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto

PDR. Figure-4 show package delivery compressions by LOADING, AODV and Block chain
LOADING protocols the results show that the B-LOADING protocol provides more PDRs
because almost all malicious nodes in the network to give more PDR

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between Latin and Asian text, Don't adjust space between

Formatted: Font: 15 pt, Bold

The software-defined network (SDN) is a new paradigm shift in communication networks, Formatted: Font color: Auto

receiving an increase attention from industry and academia. Similarly, network Virtualization
and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) are gaining adhesion in the telecommunications
sector. Coupled together, open the way to new opportunities in network design, operation and
management. Terrestrial and satellite networks have always evolved in a different way. On
the one hand, terrestrial networks are in constant use evolution and are already moving to
embrace SDN and NFV [1]. On the other hand, satellite networks have traditionally been
considered for specific purposes or as a backup technology (in established markets such as air
and sea coverage) and therefore to rely on technologies blocked by majors actors.

Network programmability, opening and virtualization are the keywords of today's network
architectures. adopting these principles in satellite communications can help reduce CAPEX
and OPEX, improving performance and QoS delivered to end users of satellite
communication, extending the range of satellite communications applications, e achieve
perfect integration with terrestrial networks.

In this article, we investigate how SDN, net virtualization and NFV can improve satellite Formatted: Normal, Tab stops: 0.64", Left + 1.27", Left +
1.91", Left + 2.54", Left + 3.18", Left + 3.82", Left +
architecture achieve the above objectives. Through practical uses, we demonstrate the 4.45", Left + 5.09", Left + 5.73", Left + 6.36", Left + 7",
Left + 7.63", Left + 8.27", Left + 8.91", Left + 9.54", Left
benefits of integration of these emerging paradigms in communication networks. We also + 10.18", Left

highlight the necessary requirements they have to be fulfilled.

This document is organized as follows: background knowledge about the network defined by
the software, network virtualization and virtualization of network functions is presented in
section II. Section III provides a brief overview of the satellite network architecture
considered in this study. Section IV details of use cases in which SDN, network virtualization
and NFV can be useful for satellite networks. Finally, Section V concludes on their global
contributions to communication satellite networks.


– Network vision with the Software-Defined Network (SDN) approach. Formatted: Font: Not Italic, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Heading 4, Left, Indent: Hanging: 0", Right:
0.28", Space Before: 6.85 pt
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Network Virtualization

Network virtualization allows the creation and coexistence of multiple isolated and Formatted: Font color: Auto

independent virtual networks over a shared network infrastructure [6]. A virtual network is a
logical network with some of its elements (network devices (or nodes) and virtual links. A
virtual node is an abstraction of a network device that is often hosted on a single physical


node. It performs network functions such as routing, forwarding, etc. by consuming part of
the hosting node's resources The resources allocated to a virtual network device are as diverse
as CPU, volatile memory, network interfaces, storage, switching, etc. Similarly, a virtual
connection is a abstraction of a network connection established on one or more physical
connections or physical paths Consumes the transmission resources (ie the bandwidth of the
physical connections) and the switching resources in the physical nodes crossed.

Network Function Virtualization Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic

Formatted: No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: -0.06",
Left + Not at 0.46"

Historically, the telecommunications industry has always favored the use of dedicated Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06"
equipment to provide network functions. However, this model inevitably leads to long times
due to market delays and significant costs. This model has been questioned by the concept of
NFV [7]. In fact, NFV supports the virtualization of network functions as software modules
that run on a standardized IT infrastructure (such as off-the-shelf commercial servers),
which can be assembled and / or chained to create services. This approach leverages the
experience of server virtualization from the cloud computing industry because a virtual
network function can be implemented on one or more virtual machines.
The main advantages of the NFV are the reduction of CAPEX and OPEX and better
network agility.

Generally, Hub supports two-way traffic on one or more beams. It combines a forward link Formatted: Font color: Auto

transmission unit (FL-TU) and a return link reception unit (RL-RU) with a gateway (GW) to
terrestrial networks, a network control center (NCC) and a network management center
(NMC). FL-TU performs baseband related functions such as DVB-S2 encoding and
modulation with adaptive coding and modulation (ACM). The gateway is generally a
complete IP router with a complete set of functions and protocols (for example support for
various routing protocols, network address translation, access control lists (ACL) and
firewall services, SNMP, QoS, etc.). The NCC provides control functions; typically it
performs the admission control of the Satellite Terminals (ST) and the control / allocation of
resources on the round-trip links. NMC performs all management functions, eg
configuration of the network element (ST, Hub), as well as error, performance, accounting

and security management. Performance Enhancing Proxy (PEP) designed to improve TCP
performance on satellite connections can also be co-located in the hub (or deported to PoPs
or closer to end users). The success of the provision of satellite communication services to
end users involves one or more real-world players, each with one or more roles (with all the
functional responsibilities they assume). Referring to [8], we distinguish three main roles:

 Satellite Operator (SO): it owns the satellite and assumes its operation. It leases
satellite capacity at the transponder level (physical layer) to one or several
 Satellite Network Operator (SNO): it operates a broadband satellite network
with one or more satellite transponders and one or more satellite hubs. It
provides satellite forward and return links to second-tier operators by dividing
transponder level bandwidth. The NCC controls this bandwidth sharing. Via the
NMC, the SNO provides a management interface to the purchased resources.
 Satellite Virtual Network Operator (SVNO): Based on the satellite links Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Right: 0.1", Space Before:
0.3 pt, Bulleted + Level: 2 + Aligned at: 0.35" + Indent at:
contracted from one or multiple SNOs, it builds and provides end-to-end 0.55", Tab stops: 0.55", Left + Not at 1.11" + 1.11"

higher-level added-value services that are made available via a satellite access. Formatted: Font: Bold, Character scale: 100%



This work considers a typical broadband satellite network (BSN) which provides multi-beam Formatted: Font color: Auto

coverage with round-trip links. The BSN ground segment collects more hubs connected to
each other through a dedicated backbone network with some PoPs (Point of Presence) or
gateways to external networks, typically the Internet

the mechanisms cannot be avoided. If the degradations concern the location of the hub, it is Formatted: Font color: Auto

necessary to consider the use of another distant site. The concept of connection (in succession
or not) to the single ST in different hubs is called site diversity. The distribution of site
diversity can follow two different approaches as described in [9]. The N + P approach is
based on redundant P hubs that can replace sites in error, with the result of a complete
transition (HO) of users. The N + 0 approach uses frequency multiplexing to serve ST with
different hub carriers, up to the failure of the site which causes it to lose the corresponding
portion of the frequency band. Both cases raise some challenges if it is necessary to ensure
the continuity of the network service with performance problems. In fact, a hub change (N +
P case) or a carrier change (N + 0) must be reported to the TS and executed. At the same
time, routing tables must be updated in the terrestrial network. Furthermore, the decision
problem is complex since it concerns hundreds of TS and represents various criteria such as
observation of the flow, knowledge of the network, modification of the quality of the
channels, etc. Current satellite networks follow the N + P approach with handover performed
for an entire radius at a time.

Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.13", Tab stops: -0.13", Left +

Not at 0.86"

SDN opportunities for site diversity Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Tab stops: 0", Left + Not at
Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic
Obviously, the application of the SDN principles in the context of site diversity can help to
Formatted: Font color: Auto
develop an effective automatic transition decision algorithm and facilitate the execution of
the handover. Basically, this can be achieved with the following improvements shown in

- An SDN master controller (OpenFlow) located in a hub site that runs the network
application responsible for managing the inter-hub transfer. For the sake of clarity, an SDN
controller is shown in Figure 3, however the use of multiple controller entities must be
considered for scalability and reliability purposes.

- Interfaces with NCC and NMC exposed to the handover application that collect monitoring
information and enable some ST configurations to be activated
- Optional: an SDN backbone enabled network
The handover management application decides when the handover is required (and the flows
or STs involved in the handover) based on:
- Flow limitations: QoS requirements, specific user SLAs,
- Flow monitoring: to identify the active services, performances and resources (satellite and
backbone) they are receiving;
- Satellite network and performance indicators of the terrestrial backbone network
- SNO / SVNO policy: emergency cases or superuser requests,

In satellite communications, the use of high frequency bands such as Ka or Q / V makes

Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) mandatory to counteract signal degradation due to
weather events such as clouds or rain. In the event that the attenuation is extreme, the
reduction in throughput due to ACM and the induced network congestion may not be in
accordance with the QoS constraints of some flows (VoIP, videoconference). If the
meteorological degradations are due to meteorological disturbances on the ST location, using
a robust coding

– SDN architecture of terrestrial network in site diversity context

Use case 2 : Enhancing VNO services Formatted: Centered, Indent: Left: 0.46", No bullets or

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.46", No bullets or numbering


Description and state of the art Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.02", No bullets or numbering,
Tab stops: Not at 0.86"

The need for Virtual Network Operator (VNO) services is clear and not new. The VNO Formatted: Font color: Auto

services allow SNOs to divide their satellite resources among SVNOs by providing dedicated
satellite capacities with different levels of QoS guarantees. In general, SVNOs in turn
repackage these services to provide their customers with value-added end-to-end services.
This business model has been in the satellite market for a while. However, the level of control
that SVNOs have on their purchased services (and underlying resources) is limited due to the
closed nature of satellite devices and the management interface between SNO and SVNO.
Figure 4 presents on one side the Network Management System (NMS) used by SVNO and
on the other the SNO NMC that manages NCC, GW and all the STs. Although some
management functions can be performed directly from the SVNO NMS to its STs (eg
Routing, etc.), most must go through NMC (for example to get ST status and statistics). To
this end, a management interface (I.SNO-SVNO) is provided by SNO as part of the VNO
service to the NMS system to manage SVNO satellite terminals. This interface is typically
based on SNMP with some vendor specific solutions. performance and safety) - at SNO it is
possible to delegate complete control and management of virtual hubs to its customers'
SVNOs. Therefore, SVNOs can independently implement their own policies on their virtual
satellite networks. Having control of the management interface from NMC to NMS (the
range of its capabilities), SVNO can make the provisioning process of services provided to
their customers completely automated. In fact, a provisioning engine can be used to
orchestrate and execute all the required configurations by accessing the interface mentioned
above. Furthermore, dynamic SLA can be easily supported. In fact, for the SVNO subscriber
it can request through a secure portal to dynamically modify its bandwidth requirement, the
provisioning engine can therefore independently take the right configuration actions to
provide and apply the SLA just requested in a period of time a few minutes (in fact, this
service exists but with higher response times, often with humans in the loop). New services,
such as paying for the services you use, can also be considered


Formatted: Centered

SNO and SVNO Management relationships

The VNO services provided to the SVNOs depend on the level of visibility and the control Formatted: Font color: Auto

capabilities displayed by the I.SNO-SVNO management interface which is far from

complete. Furthermore, some control functions require human intervention by the SNO to
validate or perform the required configuration. From the SVNO point of view, this avoids the
development of new services and complicates the process of providing the services offered.
2) Network virtualization opportunities and network programmability for VNO services
SVNOs are asking for more control over their resources with an intervention (if not reduced)
by the NCEs. The problems are (1) provisioning processes of the fastest automated services,
(2) enrichment of the service catalog and (3) activation of satellite communication as a
service model.
The opening of satellite devices through programmatic interfaces (with a rich set of
instructions that goes beyond the SNMP functionalities) exposed to second level operators
and network virtualization is the way to pursue these objectives. By applying device
virtualization (ie server virtualization applied and adapted to network devices) to SNO
satellite hubs, a virtual hub can be assigned on a SVNO basis (see Figure 5). With the
guarantees brought by the isolation


- which is a key feature of network virtualization and applies to management, control and
data plans, as well as a

Hub virtualization Formatted: Font: Bold

1) Network virtualization and network programmability opportunities for Formatted: Font: Not Italic
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.19", Tab stops: Not at 0.86"
VNO services
Formatted: Font: Not Italic
2) SVNOs are asking for more control over their resources with an intervention (if not Formatted: Font color: Auto

reduced) by the NCEs. The problems are (1) provisioning processes of the fastest Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.19"

automated services, (2) enrichment of the service catalog and (3) activation of satellite
communication as a service model.
3) The opening of satellite devices through programmatic interfaces (with a rich set of
instructions that goes beyond the SNMP functionalities) exposed to second level
operators and network virtualization is the way to pursue these objectives. By applying
device virtualization (ie server virtualization applied and adapted to network devices)
to SNO satellite hubs, a virtual hub can be assigned on a SVNO basis (see Figure 5).
With the guarantees brought by the isolation
4) - which is a key feature of network virtualization and applies to management, control
and data plans, as well as a

A further step can be achieved by introducing programmability, thus allowing a virtual Formatted: Font color: Auto

programmable hub assigned to SVNOs. Programmability can concern the control plan
(routing, shipments, as indicated in the SDN) allowing their own SVNOs to provide
customized traffic monitoring regimes but also the data plan Permit SVNOs to create custom

packet processing algorithms (for example PEP, encryption) . It opens the way for
diversification and enrichment of the services provided by SVNOs. The road to virtual
programmable satellite networks is only beginning. Network device virtualization with the
strict level of isolation that is required by satellite operators must be defined in order to
extend the scope of the SNO of SNO management interface (ie I.NMC-NMS). Some vendors
already provide a form of Hub virtualization; The concerns above all are the gateway (GW)
and the Management Center (NMC) with a special I.NMC-NMS for SVNOs. Extending the
application of some form of virtualization to other hubs is technically traceable within a
reasonable time. But, developing a virtualization Hub technique that allows a global
management interface between SNOS and SVNOs is still a research topic. Similarly, the
programming capabilities must be identified and defined. Both Control Plane Where must be
extended or completed with accompanying protocols, and possibly, in correspondence with
the SDN / OpenFlow capacity data plan. This is another research topic with outstanding

Formatted: No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: 0", Left +

Not at 0.86"
Description and state of the art Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic

Provide data backhauling services (mobile, military, maritime, etc.) Or provide Formatted: Font color: Auto

communication services, along terrestrial access networks, in some distribution environments

known as "gray areas" (areas with limited Internet connectivity or <512 Kbits / s), the
hybridization of different access networks with the satellite would help provide an efficient
service offer. Some of its advantages include: - Capacity aggregation: some applications may
require more bandwidth than that provided by a single link. in satellite ST Network access
PEP NAT FW GW NCC SDN-enabled Main network server server In this case, multi-link
transmission will help achieve the total bandwidth required. To improve the quality of the
service, additional links can be used to serve a specific purpose, e.g. error correction data. -
Load balancing: data flows coming from different applications can be forwarded through
different connections in order to keep the connection at the lowest level. Likewise, in order to
improve the functionality of the service, the choice of connection can be applied guided. To
make this solution real, the system architecture should provide fine-grained control over the
data flows carried. In fact, the ability to send any data stream or part of it on the best link is
essential. This routing must be performed transparently for distributed applications.

Nowadays, this control can be searched through a complex combination of various
techniques such as PBR (Policy-Based Routing), multi-link protocols (MLPPP, SCTP, etc.)
And traffic identification mechanisms (Packet marking, DPI, Layer-7 filters, etc.). However,
it is worth noting that these techniques fail to provide the level of control required for data
streams they send over different links. Moreover, their behavior lacks dynamism as the
forwarding rules are static and do not take into account the connection conditions and
evolving application flows.

SDN-Enabled Satellite/ADSL Integration Formatted: Font: Bold, Not Italic

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.06", No bullets or numbering,
Tab stops: -0.06", Left + Not at 0.86"

The SDN paradigm can play an important role in this solution. In fact, the implementation of Formatted: Justified, Line spacing: 1.5 lines
Formatted: Font color: Auto
the hybrid architecture based on SDN can bring the appropriate level of control that current
protocols and mechanisms cannot reach. Furthermore, since packet forwarding decisions are
made based on the matching rules on packet headers, the convergence between the different
networks involved, which use different communication technologies, can be achieved at level
3 or at a lower level (level 2). Figure 6 provides an overview of a network architecture that
uses both an ADSL access network and a two-way satellite network. In this architecture, the
global Network Provider (NP) runs both access networks

Formatted: Font color: Auto

Architecture – SDN-Enabled Satellite/ADSL Hybrid

Formatted: Font color: Auto


In this scenario, the network operator distributes the SDN-enabled devices within the network
infrastructure, but also at the customer / user. In fact, in this case, the home gateway becomes
SDN enabled and operates under the supervision of an SDN controller hosted by the network
operator. Thanks to a network application running on the SDN controller, the sending of data
flows can be obtained both in the forward and return links. In the context of triple-play
services compared to the hybrid Satellite / ADSL architecture, the freedom in forwarding
packages anticipated by SDN (ie the OpenFlow packet forwarding rules) allows for various
scenarios. For example, when a phone call is initiated and to satisfy the VoIP QoS
requirement, the low latency connection (eg ADSL) can be temporarily and dynamically
reserved for voice packets while all other data packets transmitted over this link are
redirected to the satellite connection. However, a solution based on SDN has the following
requirements: - Data flow identification: for efficient flow dispatching, the control application
must identify service data flows based on parameters such as: IP addresses, port numbers,
TOS or any byte pattern in headers or packet payload. Thanks to the expression of OpenFlow
rules, these models can be easily implemented. - Connection monitoring: the control
application must constantly monitor the connections in terms of latency, available bandwidth,
etc. in order to optimize the dispatch of data flows. OpenFlow in its version 1.3 introduces
measurement tables, a powerful tool to collect ports by switch or even for data flow statistics.
- Generation and update of dynamic forwarding rules: the control application must react to
any change in the conditions of the links and generate / distribute the appropriate forwarding
rules or update those already established. Finally, SDN can make the hybrid architecture
more efficient and simplify its implementation. Furthermore, it will enable new and
innovative services and applications. This use case is already a reality starting from the SDN
enabled switches Open in Google Translate OpenFlow compatible switches are already on
the market, however hybridization applications and strategies need to be developed. Hybrid
and integrated SDN-enabled configuration boxes must also be proposed.


Formatted: Centered
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt

What is IoT? Formatted: Font: 14 pt

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects—devices, vehicles, buildings Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold

and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity—
that enables these objects to collect and exchange data.

Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold


Various Names, One Concept Formatted: Font: 14 pt

 M2M (Machine to Machine) Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold

Formatted: List Paragraph, Line spacing: 1.5 lines, Bulleted
 “Internet of Everything” (Cisco Systems) + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"

 “World Size Web” (Bruce Schneier)

 “Skynet” (Terminator movie)
Formatted: Font: 14 pt


On your campus


Formatted: Centered, Line spacing: 1.5 lines

Formatted: Normal, Centered, Right: 0", Line spacing:

single, Pattern: Clear


Are you ready
Formatted: Font: 15 pt, Bold, Font color: Auto

Formatted: Centered, Line spacing: 1.5 lines

Formatted: Font: 15 pt, Bold

Formatted: Centered, Right: 0", Line spacing: Multiple 1.15
li, Tab stops: Not at 1.15"


Formatted: Centered, Line spacing: 1.5 lines
Formatted: Font: 15 pt, Bold
This research aims to study network security issues through survey method. Survey
Formatted: Justified, Line spacing: 1.5 lines
conducted for Lucknow IT companies is intended to study challenges to intrusion detection
for computer network security. Survey is conducted by questionnaire method. This research
investigates applicability of data mining techniques for intrusion detection. To investigate
this, experiment method is used. Various experiments are performed using machine learning
software to know efficient methods for intrusion detection.

Statement of the research problem

Computer network security is the necessity of all IT companies with growing network. For
network security one of the most critical factors is detection of intrusion attack on computer
security. Intrusion detection is becoming a challenging task due to increased connectivity of
computer system and services.

In this context “What are challenges to intrusion detection for computer network security?” is
the question to be tackled. Researcher seeks to study network security issues, specifically
need of intrusion detection systems and challenges to intrusion detection system to ensure
computer network security in IT industrial units of Lucknow region.

This study is further intended to investigate how data mining techniques can serve for
strengthening security. There is need to study how data mining can provide a mechanism to
detect intrusion. What data mining techniques are useful to handle challenges of intrusion
detection? For this various experiments using data mining methods are required to execute.
These experiments are aiming to find out methods to resolve network security issue
effectively. Aim of this study is to provide a framework which is capable to give solution for
challenges to intrusion detection.

This research intends to get answers for the following research questions. Formatted: Font: Bold

1. What are the challenges to current intrusion detection systems?

2. What are the effective data mining techniques for intrusion detection?

3. Why computer network security is essential?


4. How to distinguish whether incoming network traffic is normal or intrusion.

5. How intrusion detection plays important role in computer network security?

Rational of the study

IT industrial units need to manage security of computer network. Network security is an

important factor of IT industrial units. Computer and computer network security becomes
integral parts of all IT industries because of increased requirement of network and processing

As the network dramatically extended, security is considered as a major issue in computer

networks. Internet attacks are increasing, and there have been various attack methods,
consequently. The rapid development of Lucknow IT industries and growing network
facilities makes computer security a critical issue. Because IT industrial units keep important
and classified information on their computers, there is a great need to protect that information
from those who would exploit it. One way to identify attack is by using IDS, which are
designed to locate and alert systems administrators about the presence of malicious traffic.

This study suggests how computer network security management can get benefit of data
mining techniques for intrusion based security attack detection. The outcome of this study
will also add to the body of knowledge on computer network security

management. The output of this study may also be used as a complementary approach to
signature based intrusion detection methods.


OBJECTIVE OF STUDY Formatted: Centered, Line spacing: 1.5 lines

General objective Formatted: Justified, Line spacing: 1.5 lines

The general objective of this study is constructing a data mining framework for intrusion
detection system that will enhance the network security system.

Specific objectives

1. To study and examine

 Network security importance and issues in IT industrial units of Lucknow


 Importance of intrusion detection system and challenges to current

intrusion detection systems for network security management.

2. To analyze, computer network security components. Specifically intrusion attack

and intrusion detection system.

3. To analyze, several steps involved in data mining process.

4. o analyze, the applicability of existing data mining techniques.

5. To propose data mining techniques through creation of data analysis framework.

Hypothesis of study

The study is also undertaken to test following hypothesis-

1. Intrusion based security attack has become global challenge to IT sector.

2. Intrusion detection systems are essential for computer network security.

3. Accurate detection of intrusion attack carries immense value in security

management and Current ids needs improvement in accuracy of intrusion

Formatted: Justified, No bullets or numbering

Formatted: Justified

Research methodology

This research employs survey method to identify network security issues and experiment Formatted: Justified, Line spacing: 1.5 lines

method for construction of framework. This research study is related to Network Security
Management - A study with special reference to IT industrial units in Lucknow region. In this
study primary and secondary data is collected to find out importance of network security and
intrusion detection system. Primary data is collected through survey method whereas
secondary data is collected through published and unpublished material. Research
methodology [2] used in this research explains process of obtaining sample and size of

Primary data Formatted: Justified

This data is collected through survey method. This data is original in nature. This data is Formatted: Justified, Line spacing: 1.5 lines

collected by distributing the questionnaire & getting filled by the concerned respondents, for
this purpose, online questionnaire as well as manual method was used. Telephonic and/or
personal interview conducted with the IT industry people of Lucknow region.

Sample Design

Sample design is a specific plan which designed to get samples from population. To serve the
purpose of the research subject, the researcher has selected the total 30 sample units.
Sampling technique used is Purposive Quota and convenience sampling. Population for this
study is IT industrial units from Lucknow region. Size of population is 200 IT industries.
Sampling frame used for the study is 30 IT industrial units. Parameter of interest for this
study: Determining need and challenges of computer network in selected IT industrial units.

Selection of region

The researcher has used purposive sampling method to select region for the study. Researcher
has selected Lucknow region because it is attractive destination for IT industrial units. IT
industries are growing in Lucknow because of its close proximity to Mumbai and rapidly


growing infrastructure. Large number of educational institutes and universities also give a
reason for growing IT industries. This region is IT hub and most of the leading IT companies
have branch in Lucknow. Along with leading companies many emerging companies are
located in Lucknow.

Selection of respondent

Respondent are selected those who are working in IT industry with more than two years of
experience. Researcher has selected only those employees who actually work on network
security or network security related projects. Questionnaire is filled by all the selected
employees. This questionnaire is either filled manually or sent through Email. Email
questionnaire are manually filled, scanned or filled in softcopy. With this all the employees
are interviewed by personal and/or telephonic method.

Secondary data

Secondary data is used to study the network security offered by various products of intrusion
detection available in market. It is used to find features and limitations of current IDS
products. Secondary data is collected from reputed journals, articles, websites and product

.Testing of hypothesis. Formatted: Justified, Line spacing: 1.5 lines, No bullets or


Hypothesis testing is a procedure to either accept or reject hypothesis. It recognizes and Formatted: Justified, Line spacing: 1.5 lines

identifies the relevant facts and gives direction to research study. In this study hypothesis has
been tested using percentage.

Limitations of study

Lucknow region is IT hub and the researcher being from Lucknow region; the study is
limited to this region only. Conclusions drawn from the survey is limited for IT industry of
Lucknow region only.

 This research specifically deals with only intrusion detection component of

computer security.


 This research is mainly focused on computer security management. This aims to
provide a mechanism to detect security attacks. This thesis does not offer
mechanism to prevent the attack.

 The framework constructed in this thesis just notify for the administrators after
detecting an attack and administrators can take action for security management. Being
informed properly is the basis of every management, so this thesis informs about
detection of security attack


RECOMMENDATIONS Formatted: Font: Bold
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold,
Font color: Auto
To get the best from Myriad when it's running across a Network, it's very important that the Formatted: Centered, Line spacing: Multiple 2.5 li
underlying network is configured in the best possible way. To help you understand the Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Space Before: 0 pt, After: 0 pt
requirements for the Myriad v4 family we have produced the document below. This also
Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, Font color: Auto
contains the Minimum Requirements that are needed for a network configuration -
unfortunately we can only provide support for networks that meet these minimum
requirements. This recommendation is buttressed by centuries of evidence that disruptive
social networks (e.g., terrorists, criminals) learn to exploit evolving infrastructure networks
(e.g., communications or transportation) in ways that the creators of these networks did not
anticipate. The global war on terrorism, which is a main driver of military transformation, is
only one recent manifestation of this general pattern. Society has the same need in other
areas, such as control of criminal activities perpetrated using the global airline and
information infrastructures. Addressing problems resulting from the interaction of social and
engineered networks is an example of a compelling national issue that transcends the
transformation of the military and that is largely untouched by current research on networks

Most computers purchased within the past few years and running a recent version of
Windows or macOS will be able to handle Cornell-related tasks. See the topics of
Windows Compatibility and Mac Compatibility for specific operating systems.

If you are purchasing a computer, we recommend ordering through the Tech Connection at
The Cornell Store (either in person or online at They offer a number of Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto
Field Code Changed
competitively-priced Dell and Apple computers in standard configurations, along with links
to custom-configured Apple, Dell, and HP (Hewlett-Packard) products with Cornell's
discount. If you choose to purchase your computer somewhere else, it's still worth looking at
the standard configurations at The Cornell Store to get a sense of what specifications you
should shop for. The Technology Connection has partnered with The Computing Center to Field Code Changed
Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto
provide service for Apple, Dell, and HP computers, along with HP and Xerox printers, both
in and out of warranty, regardless of where you purchased your equipment.

The IT Service Desk provides assistance in using campus network services such as Wi-Fi, as Field Code Changed
Formatted: No underline, Font color: Auto
well as other information technology services.


.CONCLUSION Formatted: Normal (Web), Centered, Font Alignment:
Baseline, Pattern: Clear (White)
Formatted: Font: Bold

In conclusion, a network is two or more computers connected together using a

telecommunication system for the purpose of communicating and sharing resources. Without
having a network, Companies would not be able to share resources and increase productivity
more effectively. The WAN network allowed companies to use the Internet over large areas.
This provided the company tohave meetings overseas by video conferencing and sharing data
over the network. As you can see, Networks have many benefits to the end user. Weather
your Network is Wired or Wireless, Networks arean important part of technology.

In short this project is how to configure the network by complete understanding the tool.
Main learning of this project was how to make the different subnets, how to assign a default
gateway address, how to use VLSM, how does routers learn about various routes.W were
able to successfully install GNS3, VPCS topologies were successfully built implementing
various different protocol.

While the age-old concept of the network is foundational in virtually all areas of society,
Computer Networks and Protocols have forever changed the way humans will work, play,
and communicate. Forging powerfully into areas of our lives that no one had expected, digital
networking is further empowering us for the future. New protocols and standards will
emerge, new applications will be conceived, and our lives will be further changed and
enhanced. While the new will only be better, the majority of digital networking's current
technologies are not cutting-edge, but rather are protocols and standards conceived at the
dawn of the digital networking age that have stood solid for over thirty years.

This document focuses on the various routing protocols and security issues among all other Formatted: Font color: Auto
Formatted: Justified, Line spacing: 1.5 lines
challenges. Furthermore, we are focusing on the secure LOADING routing protocol with
block chain technology. Block chain technology plays a key role in providing integrity
and'authentication. The protocol is evaluated with ns2 and the performance of the LOADING
protocol is compared with the LOAD and AODV protocol. The performance result shows
that the LOAD performance is better in all respects than other routing


REFERENCES Formatted: Font: 14 pt
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Mir, N.F. (2006) Computer and Communication Networks, Prentice Hall. Formatted ...
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Ogletree, T.W. and M.E. Soper (2006) Upgrading and Repairing Networks, Que.
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at CampusBooks4Less , order from Chegg , or search eFollett )
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Spurgeon, Charles E. (2000) Ethernet: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly Media, Inc..
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at CampusBooks4Less , order from Chegg , or search eFollett ) Field Code Changed ...
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Tanenbaum, A.S. (2002) Computer Networks, Prentice Hall. Field Code Changed ...
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