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DECEMBER 1972 Vo I. I - No. I


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ARPlA~f Copyright © Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc. - 1972

8102 LEECH RD. P. O. BOX 2464

I.YONS, WIS. 53148 ~OCKFORD, ILL. 61102

Herb Harcom, EAA 33569, Buzzards Roost, Route I, Inola, Oklahoma 74036
and his Fairchi Id FC-2. Herb had the big bird assembled for fit before
covering. The aircraft is now a treasured part of the EAA Air Education
Museum collection at Hales Corners, Wisconsin. The FC-2 is displayed in
American Airways, Colonial Division, colors and markings and has an immacu­
late Model A pickup parked alongside ready to pick up a mail bag a life
sized mannikin is taking from the plane's baggage compartment.

This FC-2 is NC-3569, Serial No. 35 and is powered by a 200 h.p. Wright
J5-C "Whirlwind". It was manufactured under A.T.C. HIO at Farmingdale,
Long Island in November of 1927 and was sold to Curtiss Flying Service in
Chicago. It was later sold to Interstate Airways and was used on the
Chicago-Atlanta route during 1928 and 1929. Interstate later was absorbed
by American Airways.

, The airplane was eventually retired by the airlines and subsequently

passed through three private owners, the last storing it in a shed in
Dunweg, Missouri in 1939. Herb Harcom bought the FC-2 in 1961 and first
flew it from Harvey Young Airport, Tulsa on August 23, 1963. A week later
he won the Grand Champion Award at Ottumwa, Iowa and went on to win more
than 30 additional awards before retiring the big foldin8 wing airline.
On July 17, 1969 Herb flew NC 3569 on 'its last flight - from Harvey
Young to Hales Corners, Wisconsin. The FC-2 has a place of honor in the
EAA Air Museum and was viewed by over 50,000 visitors In 1972 - among them
10,000 school chi Idren who have the unique privi lege of seeing what an
airl iner looked I ike in 1927 and what progress has been made over the past
46 years. A model collection consisting of alrl iners from the FC-2 to the

supersonic Concorde is displayed with the FC-2 for dramatic con­


There may be sleeker and much faster aircraft, but the stately
old FC-2 gives nothing away in character.


I was very pleased with the sincerity shown by those EAA Antique
and Classic aircraft enthusiasts who attended the general meeting
held in Haedtler Hal I here at EAA Headquarters on November 18th,

The EAA Antique and Classic Division was establ ished about a
year ago. Its purpose was to select leadership within the EAA
Sport Aviation movement whose aviation interests I ie in this area ­
EAA members of I ike interest who could then, through organizational
work expand their activities and interests.

The forming of Divisions within EAA is an effort to obtain a

greater number of leaders on the team. For if one expects one
president of anyone organization to attempt to represent al I of
these fine activities, we wi I I then fal I short of our goals in
developing team work, delegating responsibi lity and leadership.

I would I ike to thank past President Dave Jameson for his help
in getting this Division started. As you know, Dave is also Vice
President of the EAA Air Museum Foundation. This in itself can be
more than a ful I time endeavor - and this division of responsibi I ity
has added another leader to aviation's team. I am sure all in atten­
dance were pleased with EAA Antique and Classic President Buck Hi 1­
bert's presentation and acknowledge his past and present enthusiasm.

The confirmation of the forthcoming 1972-73 officers through the

election held at this general meeting is evidence of the support
forthcoming. The discussions relative to dues, a publ ication,
business aspects and fly-ins were encouraging and I am sure a week
could have been spent discussing these matters. The potential of
membership growth was termed tremendous and the recognition that
having a home - a faci I ity and the office support of EAA - is a
tremendous asset.

To me, getting more members on the team is very important to

the perpetuation of our endeavors to fly for fun, whether it be
with antiques, classics, homebui Its, warbirds, aerobatics or rotary

When it comes to government restrictions - we al I are in the

same boat. We need each other, we need the numbers, we need the
individual leadership.

Aviation belongs to you. EAA Sport Aviation belongs to you.

We here at Headquarters are a part of the tools needed for suc­
cess - the rest is up to you.


Fellow EAA Member:

The Antique and Classic Division needs you as an active member.

We need membership and we need money in the form of $10.00 dues to
give support to our members.

In the Antique and Classic Division there is the potential to

be the largest division of EAA. With aircraft over thirty years
of age classified as Antique and those over twenty years old fal ling
into the Classic Category, we wi I I have a new and larger group each

The intent of the Division is to gain recognition of the Antique

and Classic aircraft and their owners as an integral and important
part of Sport Aviation. To help us accompl ish this, EAA wi I I be the
parent organization. Administration, manpower and faci I ities are
provided by EAA. The bui Iding of the Antique and Classic Division
is up to us.

The planning for the Division cal Is for our own publ ication.
First a monthly newsletter, then as we grow, so wi I I the publ ica­
tion. This wi I I be our means of communication within the Division.
Suggestions are col icited as to contents but we plan Type Club News,
activities coverage, feature articles on airplanes and people, and
most important, "Hot Li ne" news items about what affects our fly i ng
and our airplanes.

As to Division identity, along with our own publ ication, we wi I I

have an identifying jacket patch, decal, and card, our own regional
and local activities, and our own parking, forums, and ,activities
at the National Oshkosh Convention. The EAA Air Education Museum
has also provided space for displays, pictures and even airplanes,
as the Division desires. The Burlington, Wisconsin site is ours
to use also, as we choose.

The dues money, then, wi II be used for the publ ication and
mai I ing costs, the identity items of patch, card and decals, sup­
port of the parent EAA administration staff and ideals, and the
EAA Air Education Museum. The $10.00 dues wi I I be supplemented
by fly-in revenue, donations and other fund raising projects yet to

We welcome you as a member of the EAA Antique and Classic Division.



A meet :llg of He Ant i que and Class ic D:v is lon c f EAP, wa s called
to o rder a t EAA Headquarters in Frankl i n, Wiscons in a t 10 : 00 November
18, 19720 Tre open i ng address wa s made by Paul Po be re zny describing
goa ls of the d ; v is!on wi th i n the EAA . Also A+ th is t i me he expl ained
the reasons fo r re si gnat ion of the past Div iS Ion Pr esi dent Dave
Jameso n . Mr, J ameson spoke shortly t hanking the members for the
past cooperat ion and giving words at encouragement on s uppo r t i ng the
new Pres ident-Elect . At this po i nt , the President-Elect, Mr. Hilbert,
gave a short summary of h i s pe r sonal hopes and amb i t ion s for the con­
tinuat ion of the Antique and Class ic Divi si on . At t h i s point, Mr.
Hilbert asked for suggestio ns and comments fr-om the floor for dis­
cuss ion . Many of thos e present had excel lent comment s 8fld s uggest ions.
Evander Britt spoke short ly - as he always does!!!

Ideas were put forth as to the poss i bl I ity of i nd i v i dua l chapters,

and the organ i zationa l be nef i ts trom cha pters. Also, questions we r e
raised as to the method of deslgflat ion of chapte r s and type of number­
ing system to be used. Jack Cox expla i ned why chapter numbering i s
desirab le as It prov i des the heme otfice staff wi th a s i mple but
effect ive means at identificat ion. There was a short discussi on on
the benef its of hav i ng present ty pe- cl ubs become more ciosely affl' f­
ated. Bi I: Ho dges exp r essed the interest of the National Ryan Club
and Its i nterest in sup porting the Antique and Classic Division .

Several comments were made r egarding the necessity to increase

present membership, and after some discuss ion it was tho ught that
through publ ic relation work ut i ! f z i ng th e pages of Sport Aviation
and othe r popu lar aviation publ ications more could be aware of the
accompl i shments and bene fits of belonging to this separate division.
Jack Cox felt strongly that in the near future an I nd i vidual pub-
I icatlon d irected sp ec ifically to the Antique and Class ic member
would be a most effective means of communica ti o n. Type clubs could
use the pages of this publ (cat ion to get out the i r i nformati on on
time and at less at a burden to type-clu b presidents. In addition,
this separate publ ica tion could serve as informat ional source on
specia l problems associated primar i Iy wi th t he Antique and Classic
Divi s ion. Also, i t could prov i de an excel lent clearing house for
spec i al parts from members wi th i n the group . The additional expense
for such a pUblication was the subject of the d:scussion that fol­
lowed. Morton Lester made a mot ion providing fo r a $10 annual dues
for those members i nte rested i n the Ant i que and Class:c Divisi on of
EAA. Severa l discussions followed and after agreement, a secon d
was made by Evander Britt , A vote was taken and c a rri ed unanimously
to amend the by-laws to provide fo r an annua l dues of $iO for member­
sh i p in the Ant ique and ClaSSic Di visIon . It was also felt that a
decal be made reproduc i ng the ac cepted Ant i que and Class ic Divis ion
emblem tor me ~bers to d i splay on their a i rcraft.

Dick Wagner agreed to prepare the decal and wi I r have these

avai lable for mai I ing in the near future. It was also suggested
that this aircraft decal be suppl ied along with the membership card
and at the time of each membership renewal. Paul Poberezny made a
short summary of the points brought out during the mornings dis­
cussion and urged the members to make an al lout effort to get peo­
ple who are presently in aviation to become a more active part re­
gardless of what organization, club, or fellowship he desires to
affi I iate with. It is his feel ing that through numbers we can more
effectively handle situations on local, state and federal levels.
A short lunch break was then had.

The first order of business after returning from lunch was the
election of our officers and Board of Directors. Evander Britt
chairmaned the election committee. A motion was made that the fal I
meeting be an annual business meeting f~the Antique and Classic
Division. This was carried unanimously. Nominees for the office
of the Presidency were asked for. Mr. Hi Ibert was nominated and a
second received. J. R. Nielander was nominated and a ~econd re­
ceived. These gentlemen were asked for comments on why they were
interested in the Presidency. Mr. Nielander was extremely enthusi­
astic and "would work to the best of my abi I ity". M.r. Hi Ibert's
response was short - "I would I ike to have the job." A vote was
taken and Mr. Hi Ibert was elected by a 21-1 hand vote. Mr. Hi Ibert
was acc Iaimed Pres i dent for the rema i n i ng 1972 and 1973 year by vo ice
acclamation. At this point, Evander Britt asked for nominations for
Vice President. Dave Jameson nominated Nielander for a second term.
There were no other nominations. A vote was taken and unanimously
carried. Nielander was acclaimed Vice-President for the '72-'73
year. Nominations were asked for the office of Secretary. Dick
Wagner was nominated and unanimously acclaimed by voice vote.
Nominations were taken for the Treasury. Dick Wagner nominated
Nick Rezich and was seconded from the floor. Voice vote was taken
and unanimously acclaimed. Discussion on 1973 Board of Directors
fol lowed and was decided that the present Directors be retained.
The motion was made that the members present be added to the
existing Board. A second was received from the floor and a short
discussion fol lowed. A voice vote was taken and Mr. Kumferman's
motion carried. An additional motion was made by Mr. Kumferman
that the present Board members be contacted and so indicate their
interest in continuing serving as Directors. This motion was
seconded. A voice vote was taken and carried. A suggestion made
by the floor that the Antique and Classic Division go on record
recommending to the Officers of the EAA Air Education Museum that
Dave Jameson be made Chairman and Coordinator of the Aircraft
Acquisition Committee of the EAA Aircraft Museum.

After the election of new officers and Board of Directors, a

discussion fol lowed by Mr. Nielander who gave a briefing on the

needs requIred to make the '73 Convention a mor e enjoyab le and suc­
cessfu l event for the Ant iqlf'a~'d Classic owner' , in add i tion, i t was
thought that a fiy-in be he i d i r +he spr i ng in Burl Ing+on provid i ng
a meet i ng ground for the annua ! Convent ion at OShkosh. No date has
been set and the decis ion wi! I be leit up to the of Peers. I twas
also suggested that the Santee, S. C, f!y-;n be made a joint effor t
thus g i Ving member s on the easie ~ n seaboard an oppor t unity to part i ­
c i pate at a r eg ional event . The f i rst week in May IS the pla nn ed
date, and add ltl ona! coord i nation and information wi I I be avai lab le
shortl y .

Ga r Wi I I i ams was asked and acc laimed to head up th e Parki ng

Comm it tee for Oshkosh, 1973. Evande r Britt was se lected to chair­
man the Ant !que and Class ic Judging Comm i ttee, it was also sug­
gested that at nat ional fly-ins, if poss 'l ble, that a business
meetIng be held i n order to keep members rrore cu rr entiy i nformed.
Br itt summarized the success o r the Oshkosh meet and felt that
tho s e who were i nvol ved couid be justly proud of the i n i t ial effort
and certa i nly must be th anked for the ground work that they laid for
the tuture events to be held. Nl elander spoke on t he efforts to con­
tinue encou raging workmanship and that there has definitely been a
noticeable i mprovemen t in the last tew years . n indiv i dual r estora­
t ions. It was also suggested th at some of t he o id t imers~ prom i nent
in av Iation in years back, be asked to attend the annual Os hkosh
Conve nt ion. It was felt that th !s would be a project to g i ve honor
and recogn ition to these people who are responslb !e tor the r ecords
and growth of aviat ion in the pre-'50s era. The pOint was also made
that in the future those sending articles in for publ Ica t lon should
be not i f i ed promptly whether o r not the ir manuscr ipt and p i ctures
wi II be used in the magazine .

The day's agenda be in g complete, a mot ion was asked for adJourn­
ment. Itwas rece I ved and seconded t rom th e floor-"

Respectfully submitted,

Richard Wagner, Secreta ry


Wayne O. Fredllne, Sparta, Mi chigan Kelly Viets, Sti lwei I , Kansas

Ed ity A. Fredl in e, Sparta, Michigan Edna Viets, Sti lwei I , Kansas

Ron Fritz, Grand Rapids, Michigan Bob Adamec, Maywood, I I I no i s

Vern Murphy, South Haven, Michigan J i m Wi Ison, Lake Geneva, Wisc.

Jack Cox, Hales Corners, Wisconsin Lan dis West, Scot tsb luf f, Neb".

Golda Cox, Hales Corners, Wiscons t n john Pe rry , Scottsblu ff, Nebr.

Ralph Redmen, Dundee, I i I ino is Wm. N. Schu!tz, Madison, N.C .

Wi I lard Bened ic t, Wayland, Michigan Morton Lester, Ma rtinsvl I Ie, Va.

Donna Bened ic t, Wayland, Mi chigan Evande r M. Britt, Lumberton, N.C.

Members in Attendance (con't)

Daniel Hami Iton, Anderson, Indiana Ray Scholler, Random Lake, Wisc .

Jim Wright, Anderson, Indiana Richard H. Wagner, Lyons, Wisc.

George E. Stubbs, Indianapol is, Ind. J. R. Nielander, Ft. Lauderdale,Fla.

Phil E. Smith, Ft. Wayne, Indiana E. E. Hilbert, Union, III.

Steven N. Landis, Ft . Wayne, Ind . Joseph A. Simandl, West Allis, Wisc.

Gar Wil Iiams, Napervi I Ie, I I I inois Bob Kumferman, Menomonee Fal Is,Wisc.

Bi I I Hodges, Mi Iwaukee, Wisc. Patricia Friedman, Highland Park,1 I I.

Paul H. Poberezny, Hales Corners, Wisc.


As a part of the Experimental Aircraft Association, each member

of the Antique and Classic Division has representation in Washington,
D. C. David Scott maintains an office in the nation's capital and is
in the offices of FAA almost dai Iy to attend to the needs of sport
aviation. Mr. Scott makes a weekly written report to EAA Headquarters on
his activities. Items of interest to antique and classic enthusiasts and
pi lots in general are pr esented here - excerpted from his most recent

Should you need assistance with any aviation/FAA matter, contact

Mr. Scott as fol lows:

David Scott
EAA Washington Representative
1346 Connecticut Ave., N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20036
Phone: 202/223-5220

David, incidentally, is an antique enthusiast, himself. How could

one solo in a Fairchi Id 22 and not be??

MIAMI TCA - The FAA has announced a proposal for rule making outlining
a Terminal Control Area for Mi ami. Comments from the publ ic are due 60
days after October 31, 1972 or roughly around Christmas time.

The TCA configuration looks pretty compl icated and wi I I bar VFR uncon­
trol led fl ights down the shore I ine except for those over 7000 ft. or at
dangerously low altitudes. The other alternative for VFR operations is a
long detour to the west. In any event the cei I ing is 7000 ft. which has
been the standard for most TCA's so far.

FCC ON "N" NUMBERS - There has been some publ ic discussion in recent
weeks about the Federal Communications Commission insistance on pi lots
identifying their aircraft when using radio communications by using "N"

or liNovemb erli to l 'owed by the reg i stration r> umbe r. The FCC setTled
this conTro'"ers,! ~h:s week by publ i shing a modJf icat 'l or ot their rules
which states t hat :+ :5 nc+ necessary to i nclude the pret x PN:! when
the a irer-aft ; " :dentified by iTS reg.strat.or~ number.

NATIONAL A IR AND SPAC E MUSEUM - Ground break ; ng ceremonies were held

th j s week for -:-he r,ew A i r and Spaee rvluseum TO be b u i it on the Ma I I a 1­
most direct i y aC"ossthe ~ treet t r om FAA Headqua rt ers . Secretary Ri p­
ley ot the Smithson i an I nstitution and Ch i ef Justice Burger gave the
p rincipal addresses , Both of them talked abou t space e xploration but
no ment io n was maded air t r ansportat i or, rr:uch l ess genera! or sport
a viation . And ye~ the nel''' museum w: I i be t l ie d with examples of
manls exper ' men~'a l e ' rcr a ft most of wh ic h we re de'/eroped through the
effo rts of i ndi,,'dua : s , If v,ork can proceed stead ; !y t he $40 miliion
structure IS expec te d to open i 1s doors on Ju l y 4 , 19 76 .

FAA MAlfHEW\NCE SYMPOS,UM - FAA's Ma;nTenance meet i ng at Okiahoma City

this week was dom~nated by alrl i ne subjects and pe rsonn e l. The big
thre e l i ght piane manufacturers had been i nvited t o part ici pate but
they decl i ned on the bas:s th at th e y had been acti ve i n the meeting
last year and had noth i ng new to co ntr ib ute or rece ive. Stl i i and al i
it does seem that genera l aViation should continue to be v isibl e and
restate i ts i mpcr t ance t o the ge nera l aV i at i on in du str y .

Paul Poberezny) Pres!dent of the Expe r i mental A i rcra ft Asso ciation, did
appear at the meet I ng and showed a fi 1m of t he 1970 EAA Fly-In. This
was an eye opener to the att en ~ees and particularly to the large con ­
t i ngent of foreign air' ,n e rep rese nt a t:v8s . Most of these people have
little conception of the e xten+ of spo~t av i at i on act i vit ies in this

There were a numbe r of exhib i tors most o f \",h ich showed highly sophis ­
t i cated equipment for a i r l ine maintenance . But one exhib i t caught the
eye of th i s write r . I t was a Sony casse tte p l ayer and wi ll show pro­
grams over a TV set . This is a real breakth r ough for an inexpenSive
education tool . Ca s sette s can be inexpen siv el y made either by pro­
fess i ona i or' amateur"s vi i th the' r own tape camer-a , ! n the av, aT i on li ne
it could mean a whole se ries of "How To l' tra i ning a i ds not on ly for
techn i cal i nstruc"on bui- to r t ra i n i ng salesme n or other personnel,
The cassetTe recorder costs at 'the moment abou t $1000 but the price ...,,1 II
probab I y come down as more un its are pl'oduced.

MORE POS I TIVE CmHROL - Pressure cont : nues to bui id for complete posi­
t ive control over a ll air"craft and the e l imination of VFR oper'ations
I n many ar"eas .

This week the NTSB relea sed a re po rt on the mi I i tar''y/ a l rl ine call ision
over Cal i fornia of June 6 ,19 7 1 betlveen an F-4B and a DC -9. The NTSB
made a n umber of recommendat i ons to the FAA one of wh i ch said that
climb and descent corridors should be establ i shed from the top ot Ter­
• I l ('


minal Control Areas to the lower I i mit of posit i ve control areas with
the expectation that corr i dors could be eventually el iminated when
positive control floo r s reached the level of TCA cei I ings. The NTSB
did not specify whether this would mean increasing the he i ghts of TCA's
or lowering positive control floors. At present most TCA's extend to
7000 ft. but the FAA has said they intend to increase this to 12,500 ft.

Even earl ier the NTSB had urged the FAA to restrict high speed low level
mi I itary operations to designated areas and routes, specify when the
250 knot speed I imit i n airspace below 10,000 ft. may be exceeded, con­
sider using air inte r cept rada r for col I ision avoidance, and publ i cize
the avai labi I i ty of FAA's Radar Advisory Service and consider making
it mandatory.

This past summer lATA, the in t ernational airl ine group, came out with
a pol icy statement say i ng that the see and be seen concept was outmoded
and that VFR and IFR traffic should never be al lowed to mix.


Th i s is the first i ssue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE - a name chosen to

cover all older planes - and i t i s just a beginning. In order to get an
issue out carrying the minutes of the business meeting held at EAA Head­
quarters in November, we pr i nted this issue on our own off-set press here
at Hales Corners. We d i d not have t i me to get additional picture plates
made for the inside, but that wi I I change in future issues which wi I I be
done by our printer.

THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE, the house organ of the Antique and Classic
Division of EAA, wi l I, I i ke Sport Av i ation, become a high qual ity pub-
I ication. The newsletter fo r mat used this month is a temporary medium ­
to al low us to prepare for a new publ ication. EAA has hired new employees
and a new slate of Di v i s ion off icers have been elected - so al I is GO.
Our goal, quite s i mply, i s to produce the very best magazine for antique
and classic airplanes.

Now, we need to get al I of you involved - and qu i ckly! We need arti­

cles on your antiques and classics, photographs (black and white preferred,
but we can use color i f the pr i nt i s not too dark); we can use h i storical­
type articles (company h istor ies, the history of a particular personage or
aircraft); personal exper iences in the old airplane field; tips on restora­
tion; sources of old a i rplane parts; we would I ike to start a "rumor mi 11"­
type section; for a t ime we wi I I accept wants and disposals without charge
(unti I it gets out of hand - we can't compete wi th Trade-A-Plane!); plus,
anything you would I ike to see in such a magazine.

We need mater i al NOW - so let us hear from you right away.

Jack Cox, Editor


--­ - - /'"
-­ - ~
/- ~

By Bi I I J. Hodges
Drawing by Jack Cox

Lindbergh - Spirit of St. Louis - We - Ryan - What memories of

adventure are brought to mind when these names are mentioned. Nearly
everyone of the "older" generation recalls the success of Col. Charles
Augustus Lindbergh's fl ight across the Atlantic. How on May 20, 1927,
he I i f ted the over gross Ryan NY-P (New York to Paris) from the now
gone Roosevelt Field and some 33 hours 30 minutes later sat down on
Le Bourget Field, the first man to fly the Atlantic by himself, thus
winning the $25,000.00 Orteig prize.

The success of "Slim's" flight set off a wave of interest in avia­

t ion with, natura II y, Ryan do i ng a thri vi ng bus i ness se II i ng the "s i ster"
sh i p to the "Sp i r it of St. Lou is'!, the B-1 "Brougham". Few peop Ie rea-
I ize, however, that T. Clrude Ryan had sold his interest in the Ryan Air
Li nes and Ryan Fly i ng Company to his partner B. F. "Frank" Mahoney
shortly before "Lucky Lindy" contacted the company to bui Id a trans­
Atlantic airplane. Thus, actually none of the B or C series were "Ryans~~
The first B-1 sti I I in construction was put aside and finished after the
.. NY-P. Some of the wo r kers on the NY-P who Iater became famous in the i r
own right were Donald A. Hal I, Hawley Bowlus, Fred Rohr, Douglas "Wrong­
way" Corrigan and J. J. "Red" Harrigan. The company at this time was
known as the B. F. Mahoney Aircraft Corporation.

One group of workers banded together to form the Ryan Bui Iders
Company and bui It a plane called the "Lone Eagle". Another national hero,
Frank Hawks, got the first B-1 and flew it in the 1927 Ford Air Tour and
finished in eighth position. Later that year he flew in the National Air
Races and placed first for speed and third for efficiency for the Detroit
News Trophy. E. W. "Pop" Cleveland placed eighth in the third production

B-1 i n the 1927 New York to Spokane Air Derby I n the 1928 Nat i ona I

Air Tour AI Henley placed seventh, Vance Breese placed n i nTh and E, W.

"Pop" Cleveland placed twentieth, all flying B-I's. In May of 1929,

Jim Kelly and Reggie Robbins, flyinq a B-1 named "C i ty of Fort Worth",

set a new endurance record of 172 hours in the air - they we re i n-flIght

refueled by another B-1.

In late 1928 Frank Mahoney sold the company to the Detroit Aircraft
Corporat ion and construction was moved to Lambert Field in St. Louis,
Missouri. The new owners were made up of the same men who had backed
the "Lone Eagle" for the trans-Atlantic fl ight . The Company now be­
came the Mahoney-Ryan Aircraft Corporation . This new compan y i ntro­
duced the B-3, B-5, B-7 "Broughams" and the C-I "Foursome" ser ies of
a ircraft. This company went bankrupt unfortunately dur i ng the stock­
ma rket crash of 1929.

In 1933, T. Claude Ryan formed the Ryan Aeronaut ical Corpo r ati on and
produced the equally famous Ryan STA in 1934.

In 1955-56 th ree B-1 "Broughams" were rescued from ob I i vi on and

reconstructed into rep I ica's of the NY-P for a fi 1m entit led "Sp irit
of St. Louis" starring James Stewart. Two of these planes we r e re­
bui It by Paul Mantz and the third financed by Jimmy Stewart and re­
bu i It by Hank Coffin at Whiteman Airpark in Pacoma, Cal i forn ia . The
planes were bu i It in such a way that the solid windscreen could be re­
placed with plexig lass for ease of ferrying. Of these a ircraft al I
three are in museums - one in the Greenfield Vi I lage Museum, Dea rborn,
Michigan; one in the Museum of Science and Natural Histo ry In St. Louis,
Missouri and the other, owned by Dave Jameson of Oshkosh Wi scons in, i s
on loan to the EAA Air Museum in Hales Corners, Wi scons i n. Another
repl ica was bu i It by Fr ank Tallman for the Paris Airshow from the re­
mains of a Ryan M-I mai I plane. It now resides in the San Diego Aero­
space Museum, San Diego, Cal ifornia.

A second NY-P was bui It in 1927, and it went to the Japanese news­
paper "Ma inichi". Unfortunately, it was demo I ished two weeks after
arriv in g i n Japan when it ran into the side of a mounta i n. Three Ryan
B-1 's a r e known to sti I I exist, perhaps one day we wi I I see them i n the
a ir again on the Fly-In circuit.
~ ..

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