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Look at the pictures, choose and circle the correct option.

Look at the pictures, choose and circle the correct option.
1 2 3 4

a) birthday card a) candle a) birthday hat a) balloon

b) birthday hat b) clown b) birthday cake b) candle
c) birthday cake c) balloon c) birthday card c) clown

5 6 7 8

a) gift a) beverage a) food a) birthday cake

b) sweet b) confetti b) dance b) birthday card
c) cupcake c) chocolate c) sparkler c) birthday hat

9 10 11 12

a) dance a) fruits a) clown a) sparkler

b) sparkler b) candle b) balloon b) food
c) food c) music c) candle c) dance

13 14 15 16

a) chocolate a) confetti a) sweet a) ice cream

b) confetti b) beverage b) gift b) biscuits
c) beverage c) chocolate c) cupcake c) popcorn

17 18 19 20

a) popcorn a) candle a) gift a) ice cream

b) ice cream b) music b) cupcake b) popcorn
c) biscuits c) fruits c) sweet c) biscuits
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