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Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date

1 ACTIVO -162,240,959.95 5,381,559,669.70
11 DISPONIBLE 1,029,654,392.86 2,306,907,059.20
1105 CAJA
1105150101 CAJA TRANSITO 61101
1110 BANCOS 1,029,654,392.86 2,306,907,059.20
111005 MONEDA NACIONAL 1,029,654,392.86 2,306,907,059.20
11100501 BANCOLOMBIA 1,029,654,392.86 2,306,907,059.20
1110050101 BANCOLOMBIA 61101 1,029,654,392.86 2,306,907,059.20
13 DEUDORES -287,929,640.49 1,899,036,583.58
1305 CLIENTES -270,891,398.01 1,198,627,894.89
130505 NACIONALES -126,937,185.53 901,022,798.56
13050501 NACIONALES -126,937,185.53 901,022,798.56
1305050101 NACIONALES 60701 -126,937,185.53 901,022,798.56
130510 CLIENTES DEL EXTERIOR -62,520,994.77 288,086,378.04
13051001 DEL EXTERIOR -62,520,994.77 288,086,378.04
1305100101 DEL EXTERIOR 60701 -62,520,994.77 288,086,378.04
1305150101 INTERCO x COBRAR 61000
130516 GLOBAL ACCOUNTS A/R -81,433,217.71 9,518,718.29
13051601 GLOBAL ACCOUNTS A/R -81,433,217.71 9,518,718.29
1305160101 GLOBAL ACCOUNTS A/R 61098 -81,433,217.71 9,518,718.29
1325100101 A ACCIONISTAS 61000
1330 ANTICIPOS Y AVANCES -15,033,627.00
133005 A PROVEEDORES -15,033,627.00
13300501 A PROVEEDORES -15,033,627.00
1330050101 A PROVEEDORES 60902 -15,033,627.00
1330150101 A TRABAJADORES 60903
1355 ANTICIPO DE IMPUESTOS Y CONTRIBUCIONES O 1,499,193.08 578,311,022.37
135505 Anticipo Impto Renta y Complementarios
13550501 Anticipo Impto Renta y Complementarios
135515 Retencion en la Fuente -42,885,022.10 288,631,768.06
13551501 Retencion en la Fuente -42,885,022.10 288,631,768.06 WHT 47.9 -288.6 -69
1355150101 RETENCION EN LA FUENTE 60802 -42,885,022.10 288,631,768.06
135517 IMPTO VENTAS RETENIDO 33,686,781.77 55,289,529.78
1355170101 IMPUESTO A LAS VENTAS RETENIDO 60702 33,686,781.77 55,289,529.78
135518 IMPTO IND CIO RETENIDO 21,438,782.23 32,166,933.44
1355180101 IMPUESTO DE INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO RETENID 60802 21,438,782.23 32,166,933.44
135520 SOBRANTES LIQ PRIVADA IMPTOS -69,025,000.00
1355200101 SOBRANTES EN LIQUIDACION PRIVADA DE IMPU 60901 -69,025,000.00
1355250101 CONTRIBUCIONES 60802
135595 OTROS
1355950101 OTROS 60802
135598 ANTICIPO AUTORENTENCION CREE 58,283,651.18 202,222,791.09
1355980101 ANTICIPO DE AUTO RENTENCION CREE 60802 58,283,651.18 202,222,791.09
1365150101 EDUCACION 60903
1365250101 CALAMIDAD DOMESTICA 60903
1399 PROVISIONES -3,503,808.56 122,097,666.32
1399050101 CLIENTES 60705
139945 PROV INGRESOS X COBRAR -20,380,911.56 368,090,014.32
1399450101 INGRESOS POR COBRAR 60704 -20,380,911.56 368,090,014.32
139946 PROV BAD DEBT 16,877,103.00 -245,992,348.00
1399460101 BAD DEBT 60799 16,877,103.00 -245,992,348.00
14 INVENTARIOS 311,490.00 2,683,246.00
143501 MERCANCIAS NO FABRICADAS POR LA EMPRESA 311,490.00 2,683,246.00
1435010101 EQUIPOS VIDEOCONFERENCIA 60302 311,490.00 2,683,246.00
15 PROPIEDAD PLANTA Y EQUIPO -35,660,112.84 163,502,661.86
1524 EQUIPO DE OFICINA 132,178,927.00
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
152405 M Y E 132,178,927.00
1524050101 MUEBLES Y ENSERES 60305 132,178,927.00
1528 EQUIPO DE COMPUTACION Y COMUNICACION 3,778,468.89 143,318,243.59
152805 EQ PROCESAMIENTO DATOS 3,778,468.89 59,546,075.59
1528050101 EQUIPOS DE PROCESAMIENTO DE DATOS 60302 3,778,468.89 59,546,075.59
152810 EQ TELECOMUNICACIONES 17,901,548.00
1528100101 EQUIPOS DE TELECOMUNICACIONES 60201 17,901,548.00
152895 OTROS 65,870,620.00
1528950101 NAVISION LOCALIZACION COLOMBIA 60301 65,870,620.00
1592 DEPRECIACION ACUMULADA -39,438,581.73 -111,994,508.73
159215 EQ OFICINA - DEPRECIATION -15,083,812.95 -47,071,643.19
1592150101 EQUIPO DE OFICINA - DEPRECIATION 60399 -15,083,812.95 -47,071,643.19
159220 EQ COMPT COMM - DEPRECIATION -11,344,925.82 -39,618,709.59
1592200101 EQUIP0 DE COMPUTACION Y COMUNICACION DEPRECIATION 60399 -11,344,925.82 -39,618,709.59
159225 DEPRECIATION SOFTWARE -11,479,759.98 -22,243,989.99
1592250101 DEPRECIATION SOFTWARE 60398 -11,479,759.98 -22,243,989.99
159226 DEPRECIATION BRIDGE -1,530,082.98 -3,060,165.96
1592260101 DEPRECIATION BRIDGE 60299 -1,530,082.98 -3,060,165.96
16 INTANGIBLES -882,568,754.48 995,478,454.06
1610 MARCAS -90,267.18 97,793.64
161005 ADQUIRIDAS -90,267.18 97,793.64
1610050101 TVOZ TWEB TVIDEO 60102 -90,267.18 97,793.64
1630 KNOW HOW -828,770,051.90 897,834,229.22
163005 KNOW HOW -828,770,051.90 897,834,229.22
1630050101 KNOW HOW 60102 -828,770,051.90 897,834,229.22
1645 APLICACION -8,672,603.40 9,395,319.20
1645050101 AUDIOCONFERENCIA Y BACKOFFICE 60301 35,413,130.00
164599 AMORTIZACION -8,672,603.40 -26,017,810.80
1645990101 Amort Audioconf y Backoffice 60398 -8,672,603.40 -26,017,810.80
1695 OTROS -45,035,832.00 88,151,112.00
169510 LEGALES -45,035,832.00 88,151,112.00
1695100101 LEGALES X ADQUISICION 60102 -45,035,832.00 88,151,112.00
17 DIFERIDOS 13,951,665.00 13,951,665.00
1705 GASTOS PAGADOS POR ANTICIPADO 13,951,665.00 13,951,665.00
1705100101 HONORARIOS 60902
17054001 SERVICIOS
1705400101 SOPORTE NAV 60902 13,951,665.00 13,951,665.00
2 PASIVO 6,676,420.24 -1,387,749,857.34
22 PROVEEDORES 10,128,124.75 -4,169,009.11
2205 NACIONALES 10,128,124.75 -4,169,009.11
220505 PROVEEDORES NACIONALES 10,128,124.75 -4,169,009.11
2205050101 PROVEEDORES NACIONALES 70403 10,128,124.75 -4,169,009.11
23 CUENTAS POR PAGAR -148,400,962.61 -723,341,485.22
2335 COSTOS Y GASTOS POR PAGAR -111,098,739.29 -210,139,733.29
2335050101 GASTOS FINANCIEROS 70403
2335100101 GASTOS LEGALES 70403
2335200101 COMISIONES 70403
2335250101 HONORARIOS 70403
2335300101 SERVICIOS TECNICOS 70403
2335400101 ARRENDAMIENTOS 70403
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
2335500101 SERVICIOS PUBLICOS 70403
233555 SEGUROS
2335550101 SEGUROS 70403
233560 GASTOS DE VIAJES 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
2335600101 GASTOS DE VIAJES 70403 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
2335700101 SERVICIOS ADUANEROS 70403
233595 OTROS -55,505,874.29 -154,546,868.29
2335950101 COMPRA ACTIVOS 70402
2335950301 MEDICINA PREPAGADA 70403
2335950501 SERVICE AGREEMENT 70403
2335950601 ADMINISTRACION 70403
2335950701 COS & INFRA ARKADIN 61000 -144,583,378.00
2335950801 ADOBE CONECT 70405
2335950901 SVC ARKADIN USA 61000 -55,505,874.29 -9,963,490.29
233599 PROVISION COSTOS Y GASTOS 70403 -61,592,865.00 -61,592,865.00
2335990101 PROVISION COSTOS 70404 -6,990,223.00 -6,990,223.00
2335990201 PROVISION GASTOS 70405 -54,602,642.00 -54,602,642.00
2355 DEUDAS CON ACCIONISTAS O SOCIOS -23,571,139.51 -341,781,518.82
235505 ACCIONISTAS -23,571,139.51 -341,781,518.82
2355050101 ACCIONISTAS 61000 -23,571,139.51 -341,781,518.82
2365 RETENCIONES EN LA FUENTE 7,468,949.25 -19,793,172.84
236505 SALARIOS Y PAGOS LABORALES 6,507,000.00 -17,074,000.00
2365050101 SALARIOS Y PAGOS LABORALES 70602 6,507,000.00 -17,074,000.00
236515 HONORARIOS 779
2365150101 HONORARIOS 70602 779
2365200101 COMISIONES 70602
236525 SERVICIOS 289,717.00 86
2365250101 SERVICIOS 70602 289,717.00 86
236530 ARRENDAMIENTOS 206,951.00 -235,768.04
2365300101 ARRENDAMIENTOS 70602 206,951.00 -235,768.04
236540 COMPRAS -660,152.00 -823,392.00
2365400101 COMPRAS 70602 -660,152.00 -823,392.00
236550 POR PAGOS AL EXTERIOR 5,861,327.00
2365500101 POR PAGOS AL EXTERIOR 70602 5,861,327.00
236575 AUTORRETENCION CREE 1,125,433.25 -7,522,146.80
2365750101 AUTORRETENCION CREE 70602 1,125,433.25 -7,522,146.80
236805 RTEICA REGIMENT SIMPLIFICADO -80,534.00 -407,054.24
2368050101 RETENCION INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO I C A 70602 -80,534.00 -407,054.24
2369 CONTRAPRESTACIONES 5,357,400.94 -88,412,964.03
236901 FONDO COMUNICACIONES -20,438,221.88 -60,783,913.03
2369010101 FONDO DE COMUNICACIONES 70602 -20,438,221.88 -60,783,913.03
236902 CRC 25,795,622.82 -27,629,051.00
2369020101 CRC 70602 25,795,622.82 -27,629,051.00
2370 RETENCIONES Y APORTES DE NOMINA -14,394,000.00 -35,880,100.00
237005 APORTES SOCIALES -7,694,600.00 -17,258,900.00
2370050101 APORTES A ENTIDADES PROMOTORAS DE SALUD 70501 -7,694,600.00 -17,258,900.00
237006 APORTES A RIESGOS PROFESIONALES -683,600.00 -1,507,400.00
2370060101 APORTES A ADMINISTRADORAS DE RIESGOS PRO 70501 -683,600.00 -1,507,400.00
237010 APORTES PARAFISCALES -6,015,800.00 -17,113,800.00
2370100101 APORTES AL I C B F SENA Y CAJAS DE COM 70501 -6,015,800.00 -17,113,800.00
2380 ACREEDORES VARIOS -12,082,900.00 -26,927,300.00
2380200101 REINTEGROS POR PAGAR 70506
238030 Fondos de Cesantias y/o Pensiones -12,082,900.00 -26,927,300.00
2380300101 FONDOS DE CESANTIAS Y/O PENSIONES 70501 -12,082,900.00 -26,927,300.00
238095 OTROS
2380950101 OTROS 70403
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
24 IMPUESTOS GRAVAMENES Y TASAS 153,785,896.67 -330,141,535.41
2404 DE RENTA Y COMPLEMENTARIOS 180,487,817.00 -47,925,281.00
240405 VIGENCIA FISCAL CORRIENTE -20,702,183.00 -47,925,281.00
2404050101 IMPTO RENTA ACTUAL 70301 -20,702,183.00 -47,925,281.00
240410 VIGENCIA FISCAL ANTERIOR 201,190,000.00
2404100101 IMPTO RENTA ANTERIOR 70301 201,190,000.00
2405 PARA LA EQUIDAD 72,429,000.00
2405050101 PARA LA EQUIDAD 70301 72,429,000.00
2408 IMPUESTO SOBRE LAS VENTAS POR PAGAR -111,285,891.64 -282,216,254.41
240805 IVA GENERADO -150,106,624.96 -347,109,322.23
2408050101 GENERADO EN VENTAS 70601 -150,106,624.96 -347,109,322.23
240810 IVA DESCONTABLE COMPRAS 6,229,586.84 7,031,318.00
2408100101 DESCONTABLE POR COMPRAS 70601 6,229,586.84 7,031,318.00
240815 IVA DESCONTABLE SVCS 32,591,146.48 57,862,107.82
2408150101 DESCONTABLE POR SERVICIOS 70601 32,591,146.48 57,862,107.82
2412 DE INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO 12,154,971.31
241205 ICA VIG FISCAL CORRIENTE 12,154,971.31
2412050101 VIGENCIA FISCAL CORRIENTE 70602 12,154,971.31
25 OBLIGACIONES LABORALES 6,029,645.65 -66,424,149.35
2505050101 SALARIOS POR PAGAR 70506
2510 CESANTIAS CONSOLIDADAS -5,250,089.44 -24,512,635.44
251005 CESANTIAS -4,774,241.58 -21,972,205.58
2510050101 CESANTIAS X PAGAR 70501 -4,774,241.58 -21,972,205.58
251010 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS -475,847.86 -2,540,429.86
2510100101 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS 70501 -475,847.86 -2,540,429.86
2520050101 PRIMA DE SERVICIOS 70506
2525 VACACIONES CONSOLIDADAS 11,279,735.09 -41,911,513.91
252505 VACACIONES CONSOLIDADAS 11,279,735.09 -41,911,513.91
2525050101 VACACIONES CONSOLIDADAS 70506 11,279,735.09 -41,911,513.91
2530100101 AUXILIOS 70506
2530200101 BONIFICACIONES 70506
26 PASIVOS ESTIMADOS Y PROVISIONES -23,449,168.90 -30,441,365.38
2605 PARA COSTOS Y GASTOS -23,449,168.90 -30,441,365.38
2605050101 INTERESES 70405
260510 PROV COMISIONES -14,083,912.00 -14,083,912.00
2605100101 COMISIONES 70503 -14,083,912.00 -14,083,912.00
2605150101 LEGALES 70405
2605200101 SERVICIOS TECNICOS 70405
2605300101 GASTOS DE VIAJE 70405
2605350101 SERVICIOS PUBLICOS 70405
260595 OTROS -9,365,256.90 -16,357,453.38
2605959701 PROVISION ADOBE CONNECT 70404 -979,615.38
2605959801 PROVISION BONUS 70502 -9,365,256.90 -15,377,838.00
2610050101 CESANTIAS 70501
2610150101 VACACIONES 70504
2610200101 PRIMA DE SERVICIOS 70506
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
28 OTROS PASIVOS 8,582,884.68 -233,232,312.87
2805 ANTICIPOS Y AVANCES RECIBIDOS 8,582,884.68 -233,232,312.87
280505 ANTICIPOS DE CLIENTES 8,582,884.68 -233,232,312.87
2805050101 DE CLIENTES 70703 47,731,253.90 4,930,937.17
280595 OTROS -39,148,369.22 -238,163,250.04
28059505 REVENUE ONE SHOT 70701
2805950501 REVENUE ONE SHOT 70701 -39,148,369.22 -238,163,250.04
3 PATRIMONIO -4,149,374,352.07
31 CAPITAL SOCIAL -5,400,000,000.00
3105 CAPITAL SUSCRITO Y PAGADO -5,400,000,000.00
310505 CAPITAL AUTORIZADO -5,800,000,000.00
3105050101 CAPITAL AUTORIZADO 70101 -5,800,000,000.00
3105100101 CAPITAL POR SUSCRIBIR (DB) 70101
310515 CAPITAL SUSCRITO X COBRAR 400,000,000.00
3105150101 CAPITAL SUSCRITO POR COBRAR (DB) 70101 400,000,000.00
3105200101 CAPITAL PAGADO 70101
3305050101 RESERVA LEGAL 70101
3605 UTILIDAD DEL EJERCICIO 35,125,417.99
360505 UTILIDAD DEL EJERCICIO 35,125,417.99
3605050101 UTILIDAD DEL EJERCICIO 70104 35,125,417.99
3610050101 PERDIDA DEL EJERCICIO 70104
3705010101 UTILIDADES O EXCEDENTES ACUMULADAS 70103 1,215,500,229.94
4 INGRESOS -4,920,302,922.88 -4,920,302,922.88
41 OPERACIONALES -4,917,083,607.06 -4,917,083,607.06
4135 COMERCIO AL POR MAYOR Y POR MENOR -66,060,000.00 -66,060,000.00
413554 VENTA DE MAQUINARIA EQUIPO DE OFICINA Y -66,060,000.00 -66,060,000.00
41355403 VENTA EQUIPOS VIDEOCONFERENCIA -30,780,000.00 -30,780,000.00
4135540301 EQUIPOS VIDEOCONFERENCIA 15001 -30,780,000.00 -30,780,000.00 100
41355405 VENTA EQUIPOS AUDIOVISUALES -35,280,000.00 -35,280,000.00
4135540501 EQUIPOS AUDIOVISUALES / VIDEO HARDWARE 15001 -35,280,000.00 -35,280,000.00 100
4145 TRANSPORTE ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMUNICACIO -2,762,905,137.89 -2,762,905,137.89
414595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS -2,762,905,137.89 -2,762,905,137.89
41459501 SERVICIOS TELECOMUNICACIONES -2,773,979,684.53 -2,773,979,684.53
4145950101 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 -1,182,260,248.35 -1,182,260,248.35 100
4145950110 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 -287,771,633.40 -287,771,633.40 100
4145950120 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 -403,161,725.51 -403,161,725.51 100
4145950130 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 -785,678,431.63 -785,678,431.63 100
4145950140 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 -115,107,645.64 -115,107,645.64 100
41459502 ACCESOS -197,256.56 -197,256.56
4145950220 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA CLOUD DIAL IN 11106 -197,256.56 -197,256.56 100
41459503 ADICIONALES 11,271,803.20 11,271,803.20
4145950310 AUDIO MANAGED SERVICES 11108 11,271,803.20 11,271,803.20 100
4155 ACTIVIDADES INMOBILIARIAS EMPRESARIALES -2,096,029,611.07 -2,096,029,611.07
415535 PROCESAMIENTO DE DATOS -2,096,029,611.07 -2,096,029,611.07
41553502 SVC ALQ COLABOR 3ROS -1,446,726,723.44 -1,446,726,723.44
4155350201 SVC WEB CONFERENCIA ANYWHERE 12103 -101,055,915.36 -101,055,915.36 100
4155350202 SVC WEB CONFERENCIA WEBEX 12301 -241,063,964.28 -241,063,964.28 100
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
4155350203 SVC WEB CONFERENCIA ADOBE 12305 -152,812,166.20 -152,812,166.20 100
4155350204 SVC WEB CONFERENCIA OTROS 12601 -18,754,128.00 -18,754,128.00 100
4155350205 SVC WEBCAST 12501 -933,040,549.60 -933,040,549.60 100
4155350320 SVC VIDEOCONFERENCIA LICENCES VIDYO 15003 2,241,028.60 2,241,028.60 100
4155350330 SVC VIDEOCONFERENCIA LICENCES BLUE JEANS 15005 -434,156,039.77 -434,156,039.77 100
4155350410 SVC PROFESIONALES AUDIO 13004 -65,830,076.77 -65,830,076.77 100
4155350420 SVC PROFESIONALES WEB 18002 100
4155350430 SVC PROFESIONALES VIDEO 15002 100
4155350810 MINIMUN CHARGES AND FEES 13006 -4,530,969.29 -4,530,969.29 100
4155350820 OTHER ADJUSTMENTS 13005 -17,080,232.40 -17,080,232.40 100
4155350825 CCA-SP 11109 -74,206,120.00 -74,206,120.00 100
4155350830 Purchased products & Services 13001 -54,803,721.00 -54,803,721.00 100
4155350835 Arkadin Vision 15007 -936,757.00 -936,757.00 100
4155350836 UNA_AFLEX_PS 18002 100
4155350837 UNA_WEB_WX_US 12401 100
4190 PROVISION REVENUE 20,380,911.56 20,380,911.56
419045 PROV SVC TELECOMUNICACIONES 90,306,531.34 90,306,531.34
41904501 PROV AUDIO 45,396,743.72 45,396,743.72
4190450101 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 33,596,037.66 33,596,037.66 100
4190450110 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 5,932,750.11 5,932,750.11 100
4190450120 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 -6,582,060.39 -6,582,060.39 100
4190450130 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 10,017,348.57 10,017,348.57 100
4190450140 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 2,432,667.77 2,432,667.77 100
41904502 PROV ACCESOS 44,909,787.62 44,909,787.62
4190450210 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA CLOUD DIAL OUT 11107 -1,039,705.92 -1,039,705.92 100
4190450220 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA CLOUD DIAL IN 11106 45,949,493.54 45,949,493.54 100
4190450310 PROV AUDIO MANAGED SERVICES 11108 100
419055 PROV SVC COLAB 3ros -69,925,619.78 -69,925,619.78
41905502 PROV WEB 569,897.31 569,897.31
4190550201 PROV SVC WEB CONFERENCIA ANYWHERE 12103 382,177.26 382,177.26 100
4190550202 PROV SVC WEB CONFERENCIA WEBEX 12301 1,378,423.17 1,378,423.17 100
4190550203 PROV SVC WEB CONFERENCIA ADOBE 12305 24,318,610.00 24,318,610.00 100
4190550205 PROV SVC WEBCAST 12501 -25,509,313.12 -25,509,313.12 100
41905503 PROV VIDEO -9,829,986.55 -9,829,986.55
4190550330 PROV SVC VIDEOCONFERENCIA LICENCES BLUE JEANS 15005 -9,829,986.55 -9,829,986.55 100
41905504 PROV SVCS PROFESIONALES -164,535.04 -164,535.04
4190550410 PROV SVC PROFESIONALES AUDIO 13004 -164,535.04 -164,535.04 100
4190550420 PROV SVC PROFESIONALES WEB 18002 100
41905508 PROV OTROS -60,500,995.50 -60,500,995.50
4190550810 PROV MINIMUN CHARGES AND FEES 13006 100
4190550820 PROV OTHER ADJUSTMENTS 13005 100
4190550825 CCA-SP 11109 -4,125,022.50 -4,125,022.50 100
4190550830 Prov Purchased products & services 13001 100
4190550835 Arkadin Vision 15007 -56,375,973.00 -56,375,973.00 100
4190550836 UNA_AFLEX_PS 18002 100
4190550837 UNA_WEB_WX_US 12401 100
4195 BAD DEBT -16,877,103.00 -16,877,103.00
419510 PROV BAD DEBT -16,877,103.00 -16,877,103.00
4195100101 PROV BAD DEBT 56001 -16,877,103.00 -16,877,103.00 100
419605 WRITE OFF
4196050101 Other Adjusments - WRITE OFF 56002 4,407,333.34 4,407,333.34 100
42 NO OPERACIONALES -3,219,315.82 -3,219,315.82
4210 FINANCIEROS -3,219,315.82 -3,219,315.82
4210050101 INTERESES 53103 700
421020 DIFERENCIA EN CAMBIO -3,217,626.86 -3,217,626.86
4210200101 DIFERENCIA EN CAMBIO realizada 53202 -27,968,864.35 -27,968,864.35 700
4210201001 DIFERENCIA EN CAMBIO no realizada 53203 700
4210202001 DIFERENCIA EN CAMBIO no realizada Interco LP 53206 24,751,237.49 24,751,237.49 700
421095 OTROS -1,688.96 -1,688.96
4210950101 AJUSTE AL PESO 53206 -1,688.96 -1,688.96 700
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
4295100501 REFERRAL FEE 15001 100
5 EGRESOS 2,492,588,088.26 2,492,588,088.26
51 OPERACIONES DE ADMINISTRACION 2,396,252,119.11 2,396,252,119.11
5105 GASTOS DE PERSONAL 1,932,989,800.25 1,932,989,800.25
510503 SALARIO INTEGRAL 740,998,277.00 740,998,277.00
5105030101 SALARIO INTEGRAL 41001 740,998,277.00 740,998,277.00
510506 SUELDOS 180,016,864.00 180,016,864.00
5105060101 SUELDOS 41001 180,016,864.00 180,016,864.00
510518 COMISIONES 347,864,863.00 347,864,863.00
5105180101 COMISIONES 42210 347,864,863.00 347,864,863.00
5105270101 AUXILIO DE TRANSPORTE 43004 430
510530 CESANTIAS 23,614,743.58 23,614,743.58
5105300101 CESANTIAS 43004 23,614,743.58 23,614,743.58
510533 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS 3,500,584.86 3,500,584.86
5105330101 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS 43004 3,500,584.86 3,500,584.86
510536 PRIMA DE SERVICIOS LEGAL 19,521,688.00 19,521,688.00
5105360101 PRIMA DE SERVICIOS 41001 19,521,688.00 19,521,688.00
510539 VACACIONES 60,952,978.91 60,952,978.91
5105390101 VACACIONES 41001 14,082,045.00 14,082,045.00
5105390102 VACACIONES NEW 43001 46,870,933.91 46,870,933.91
510542 PRIMAS EXTRALEGALES 6,190,000.00 6,190,000.00
5105420101 PRIMAS EXTRALEGALES 41001 6,190,000.00 6,190,000.00
510545 AUXILIOS 125,804,483.00 125,804,483.00
5105450101 TRANSPORTE 43004 79,040,000.00 79,040,000.00
5105450201 ALIMENTACION 43004 46,764,483.00 46,764,483.00
510548 BONIFICACIONES EXTRALEGALES 67,202,217.90 67,202,217.90
5105480101 BONIFICACIONES 42110 37,667,376.00 37,667,376.00
5105480201 DIFERENCIA BONUS ANO ANTERIOR 43007 29,534,841.90 29,534,841.90 500
510554 SEGUROS
5105540101 SEGUROS 43004 430
510560 INDEMINIZACIONES LABORALES 14,060,620.00 14,060,620.00
5105600101 INDEMNIZACIONES LABORALES 43002 14,060,620.00 14,060,620.00 500
510563 CAPACITACION AL PERSONAL 469,600.00 469,600.00
5105630101 CAPACITACION AL PERSONAL 51310 469,600.00 469,600.00 500
510566 GASTOS DEPORTIVOS Y RECREACION 5,207,353.00 5,207,353.00
5105660101 GASTOS DEPORTIVOS Y DE RECREACION 51306 5,207,353.00 5,207,353.00 500
510568 APORTES ARL 8,778,889.00 8,778,889.00
5105680101 APORTES ADMINISTRADORAS DE RIESGOS PROFE 43006 8,778,889.00 8,778,889.00
510569 APORTES EPS 57,023,807.00 57,023,807.00
5105690101 APORTES A ENTIDADES PROMOTORAS DE SALUD 43006 57,023,807.00 57,023,807.00
510570 APORTES AFP 148,614,179.00 148,614,179.00
5105700101 APORTES A FONDOS DE PENSION Y/O CESANTIA 43006 148,614,179.00 148,614,179.00
510572 APORTES CAJA COMPENSACION FAMILIAR 41,041,613.00 41,041,613.00
5105720101 APORTES CAJAS DE COMPESACION FAMILIAR 43006 41,041,613.00 41,041,613.00
510575 APORTES ICBF 24,941,756.00 24,941,756.00
5105750101 APORTE I C B F 43006 24,941,756.00 24,941,756.00
510578 APORTES SENA 16,450,798.00 16,450,798.00
5105780101 SENA 43006 16,450,798.00 16,450,798.00
510584 GASTOS MEDICOS Y DROGAS 33,570,600.00 33,570,600.00
5105840101 GASTOS MEDICOS Y DROGAS 43004 33,570,600.00 33,570,600.00 430
510595 OTROS NO CODIFICADOS 7,163,885.00 7,163,885.00
5105950101 OTROS 43004 430
5105950102 Sales Gifts and Prizes 51203 7,163,885.00 7,163,885.00 430
5110 HONORARIOS 28,123,855.00 28,123,855.00
511010 REVISORIA FISCAL 21,120,000.00 21,120,000.00
5110100101 REVISORIA FISCAL/ Audit Fees 51303 21,120,000.00 21,120,000.00 491
5110150101 AUDITORIA EXTERNA 51303 491
5110200101 AVALUOS / EXTERNAL RESOURCES 51311 491
511025 ASESORIA JURIDICA 51315 7,003,855.00 7,003,855.00
5110250101 LEGAL FEES/GENERAL SECRETERY/SOCIEDAD 51315 7,003,855.00 7,003,855.00 493
5110250201 LEGAL FEES/NEGOCIOS 51304 493
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
5115 IMPUESTOS 72,520,326.41 72,520,326.41
511505 IMPUESTO INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO 56,877,763.69 56,877,763.69
5115050101 INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO 51406 56,877,763.69 56,877,763.69 500
5115100101 DE TIMBRE 51406 500
5115700101 IVA DESCONTABLE 51406 500
511595 OTROS IMPUESTOS 15,642,562.72 15,642,562.72
5115950101 IMPOCONSUMO 8% 51406 241,829.00 241,829.00 500
5115950201 IMPUESTOS ASUMIDOS 51406 15,400,733.72 15,400,733.72 500
5115950301 SIC MARCAS 51405 500
5120 ARRENDAMIENTOS 79,515,848.72 79,515,848.72
512010 CONSTRUCCIONES Y EDIFICACIONES 79,515,848.72 79,515,848.72
5120100101 CONSTRUCCIONES Y EDIFICACIONES 51401 79,515,848.72 79,515,848.72 500
5120950101 OTROS 51401 500
5125050101 CONTRIBUCIONES 51406 500
5130 SEGUROS 8,732,224.00 8,732,224.00
5130050101 MANEJO 51308 500
5130100101 CUMPLIMIENTO 51308 500
5130150101 CORRIENTE DEBIL 51308 500
5130200101 VIDA COLECTIVA 51308 500
513060 SEGURO RESP CIVIL EXTRACONTRACTUAL 8,732,224.00 8,732,224.00
5130600101 RESPONSABILIDAD CIVIL Y EXTRACONTRACTUAL 51308 8,732,224.00 8,732,224.00 500
5135 SERVICIOS 34,883,223.00 34,883,223.00
513505 SVC ASEO Y VIGILANCIA 5,418,591.00 5,418,591.00
5135050101 ASEO Y VIGILANCIA 51402 5,418,591.00 5,418,591.00 500
5135100101 TEMPORALES 51311 430
513515 SVC ASISTENCIA TECNICA 1,038,225.00 1,038,225.00
5135150101 ASISTENCIA TECNICA 51201 1,038,225.00 1,038,225.00 500
513525 SVC ACUEDUCTO Y ALCANTARILLADO 453,429.00 453,429.00
5135250101 ACUEDUCTO Y ALCANTARILLADO 51402 453,429.00 453,429.00 500
513530 SVC ENERGIA 1,606,220.00 1,606,220.00
5135300101 ENERGIA ELECTRICA 51402 1,606,220.00 1,606,220.00 500
513535 SVC TELEFONO 10,411,739.00 10,411,739.00
5135350101 TELEFONO 51402 10,411,739.00 10,411,739.00 500
513540 SVC CORREO PORTES Y TELEGRAMAS 1,466,616.00 1,466,616.00
5135400101 CORREO PORTES Y TELEGRAMAS 51405 1,466,616.00 1,466,616.00 500
513595 SVCS OTROS 14,488,403.00 14,488,403.00
5135950101 ADMINISTRACION 51402 13,988,453.00 13,988,453.00 500
5135950201 DOMINIOS INTERNET 51405 499,950.00 499,950.00 500
5140 GASTOS LEGALES 2,250,000.00 2,250,000.00
5140050101 NOTARIALES 51405 500
514010 REGISTRO MERCANTIL 1,738,000.00 1,738,000.00
5140100101 REGISTRO MERCANTIL 51405 1,738,000.00 1,738,000.00 500
514015 TRAMITES Y LICENCIAS 512,000.00 512,000.00
5140150101 TRAMITES Y LICENCIAS 51405 512,000.00 512,000.00 500
5145 MANTENIMIENTO Y REPARACIONES 464,258.00 464,258.00
5145150101 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO 51402 500
5145200101 EQUIPO DE OFICINA 51402 500
514525 EQUIPO COMPUTACION Y COMUNICACION 464,258.00 464,258.00
5145250101 EQUIPO DE COMPUTACION Y COMUNICACION 51402 464,258.00 464,258.00 500
5150 ADECUACION E INSTALACION 2,778,676.00 2,778,676.00
515005 INSTALACIONES ELECTRICAS 300,000.00 300,000.00
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
5150050101 INSTALACIONES ELECTRICAS 51402 300,000.00 300,000.00 500
515010 ARREGLOS ORNAMENTALES 200,000.00 200,000.00
5150100101 ARREGLOS ORNAMENTALES 51402 200,000.00 200,000.00 500
515015 REPARACIONES LOCATIVAS 1,261,911.00 1,261,911.00
5150150101 REPARACIONES LOCATIVAS 51402 1,261,911.00 1,261,911.00 500
515095 OTROS NO CODIFICADOS 1,016,765.00 1,016,765.00
5150950101 OTROS 51402 1,016,765.00 1,016,765.00 500
5155 GASTOS DE VIAJE 115,744,080.00 115,744,080.00
515505 ALOJAMIENTO Y MANUTENCION 97,309,858.00 97,309,858.00
5155050101 ALOJAMIENTO Y MANUTENCION 51101 97,309,858.00 97,309,858.00 430
515515 PASAJES 18,434,222.00 18,434,222.00
5155150101 PASAJES AEREOS 51101 3,666,460.00 3,666,460.00 430
5155150201 TKTS GRALES 51101 430
5155150301 MEETING 51306 14,767,762.00 14,767,762.00
5155950101 OTROS 51101 430
5160 DEPRECIACIONES 39,438,581.73 39,438,581.73
5160100101 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO 51404 500
516015 EQUIPO DE OFICINA 15,083,812.95 15,083,812.95
5160150101 EQUIPO DE OFICINA/FIXTURES AND FITTINGS 51404 15,083,812.95 15,083,812.95 500
516020 EQUIPO COMPUTACION Y COMUNICACION 11,344,925.82 11,344,925.82
5160200101 EQUIPO DE COMPUTACION Y COMUNICACION 51409 11,344,925.82 11,344,925.82 500
5160250101 COMPUTACION OFICINA 51409 500
516028 DEP SOFTWARE 11,479,759.98 11,479,759.98
5160280101 DEP SOFTWARE 51407 11,479,759.98 11,479,759.98 500
516030 BRIDGE 1,530,082.98 1,530,082.98
5160300101 BRIDGE 31001 1,530,082.98 1,530,082.98 300
5170 COSTOS DIVERSOS CORP 60,571,472.00 60,571,472.00
517010 ESKER 9,492,386.00 9,492,386.00
5170100101 ESKER 51201 9,492,386.00 9,492,386.00 500
517020 SFDC LICENCES 46,516,858.00 46,516,858.00
5170200101 SFDC LICENCES 42221 28,594,483.00 28,594,483.00 500
5170200102 MICROSOFT LICENCES 51414 17,922,375.00 17,922,375.00 500
517030 SHARED SO 4,562,228.00 4,562,228.00
5170300101 SHARED SO 51223 4,562,228.00 4,562,228.00 460
5195 DIVERSOS 18,239,774.00 18,239,774.00
519510 LIBROS SUSCRIPCIONES REVISTAS 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00
5195100101 LIBROS SUSCRIPCIONES PERIODICOS Y REVI 51405 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00 500
519525 ELEMENTOS DE ASEO Y CAFETERIA 3,871,241.00 3,871,241.00
5195250101 ELEMENTOS DE ASEO Y CAFETERIA 51402 3,871,241.00 3,871,241.00 500
519530 UTILES PAPELERIA Y FOTOCOPIAS 5,244,799.00 5,244,799.00
5195300101 UTILES PAPELERIA Y FOTOCOPIAS 51405 5,244,799.00 5,244,799.00 500
519545 TAXIS Y BUSES 4,612,768.00 4,612,768.00
5195450101 TAXIS Y BUSES 51405 4,612,768.00 4,612,768.00 500
519565 PARQUEADEROS 1,912,605.00 1,912,605.00
5195650101 PARQUEADEROS 43004 1,912,605.00 1,912,605.00 480
519595 OTROS NO CODIFICADOS 1,198,361.00 1,198,361.00
5195950101 OTROS 51405 1,198,361.00 1,198,361.00 500
5199980101 PROVISION GASTOS 51405 500
53 NO OPERACIONALLES 48,410,688.15 48,410,688.15
5305 FINANCIEROS 40,718,944.91 40,718,944.91
530510 ENCARGOS BANCARIOS 7,521,564.51 7,521,564.51
5305100101 GASTOS BANCARIOS 51307 958,993.28 958,993.28 500
5305100201 COMISIONES BANCARIAS 51307 6,562,571.23 6,562,571.23 500
530520 INTERESES 53103 15,290,840.18 15,290,840.18 700
5305200101 INTERESES IC LOAN 53105 15,290,840.18 15,290,840.18 700
5305200201 OTROS INTERESES 53103 700
530525 DIFERENCIA EM CAMBIO 23,998.13 23,998.13
5305250101 DIFERENCIA EN CAMBIO 53206 23,998.13 23,998.13 700
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
5305450101 RTEFTE PAGO EXTERIOR 53204 700
530595 OTROS 17,882,542.09 17,882,542.09
5305950101 GMF 4*1000 51406 17,877,017.89 17,877,017.89 500
5305950201 AJUSTE AL PESO 53206 5,524.20 5,524.20 700
5310200101 VENTA DE INTANGIBLES 53201 700
5310950101 OTROS 53201 700
5315 GASTOS EXTRAORDINARIOS 12,000.00 12,000.00
531520 IMPUESTOS ASUMIDOS 12,000.00 12,000.00
5315200101 IMPUESTOS ASUMIDOS 51406 12,000.00 12,000.00 500
5395 GASTOS DIVERSOS 7,679,743.24 7,679,743.24
539520 MULTAS SANCIONES Y LITIGIOS 7,679,743.24 7,679,743.24
5395200101 MULTAS SANCIONES Y LITIGIOS 51406 7,679,743.24 7,679,743.24 500
5395250101 DONACIONES 51405 500
54 IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y COMPLEMENTARIOS 47,925,281.00 47,925,281.00
5405 IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y COMPLEMENTARIOS 47,925,281.00 47,925,281.00
540505 IMPUESTO DE RENTA 47,925,281.00 47,925,281.00
5405050101 IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y COMPLEMENTARIOS/CORP INCOME TX 53301 47,925,281.00 47,925,281.00 700
5405060101 IMPTO PARA LA EQUIDAD 53301 700
6 COSTO VENTA 2,583,279,374.33 2,583,279,374.33
61 COSTO DE VENTAS Y DE PRESTACION DE SERVI 2,583,279,374.33 2,583,279,374.33
6135 COMERCIO AL POR MAYOR Y AL POR MENOR 16,613,002.00 16,613,002.00
613554 COSTO VENTA HARDWARE 16,613,002.00 16,613,002.00
6135540301 COSTO VENTA EQ VIDEO 25001 16,613,002.00 16,613,002.00 200
6135540501 EQUIPOS AUDIOVISUALES 23001 200
6135540601 VENTA EQUIPOS VIDYO 25001 200
6145 TRANSPORTE ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMUNICACIO 1,500,286,850.22 1,500,286,850.22
614595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS 1,500,286,850.22 1,500,286,850.22
61459501 SERVICIOS TELECOMUNICACIONES 209,249,077.89 209,249,077.89
6145950101 SERVICIO AUDIOCONFERENCIA 21102 -39,578,561.00 -39,578,561.00 200
6145950102 FONDO COMUNICACIONES 51406 64,151,221.88 64,151,221.88 500
6145950103 CONTRAPRESTACION CRC 51406 -25,795,622.82 -25,795,622.82 500
6145950111 INFRA AUDIO 31010 102,501,270.83 102,501,270.83 300
6145950114 VIDEO LICENSES COST 25003 772,671.00 772,671.00 200
6145950115 INFRA WEB 32006 2,309,939.00 2,309,939.00 300
6145950116 TELCO DTF 21102 -22,779,804.00 -22,779,804.00 200
6145950117 TELCO ITFS 21103 36,581,586.00 36,581,586.00 200
6145950118 TELCO ITS 21104 6,535,593.00 6,535,593.00 200
6145950119 INTERNAL COST BU_ALL 21500 112,545.00 112,545.00 300
6145950120 INFRA MPLS 31005 1,123,551.00 1,123,551.00 300
6145950121 TELCO CLOUD 21106 62,155,434.00 62,155,434.00 200
6145950123 INFRA VIDEO 34003 14,090,191.00 14,090,191.00 300
6145950124 SSO 51223 1,904,230.00 1,904,230.00 460
6145950125 TELCO COMMISSION 59004 6,152,874.00 6,152,874.00 600
6145950126 Infra UC 37003 -988,041.00 -988,041.00 300
61459510 ADICIONALES 193,151,136.05 193,151,136.05
6145951001 COSTO DT CLASSIC 21600 188,848,127.05 188,848,127.05 200
6145951002 COSTO DTF CLASSIC 21102 -11,745,518.00 -11,745,518.00 200
6145951003 COSTO ITFS CLASSIC 21103 9,354,377.00 9,354,377.00 200
6145951004 COSTO ITS CLASSIC 21104 1,479,526.00 1,479,526.00 200
6145951005 COSTO DIAL OUT CLASSIC 21105 200
6145951006 COSTO CLOUD DIAL IN 21106 5,165,865.00 5,165,865.00 200
6145951007 COSTO CLOUD DIAL OUT 21107 200
6145951009 AUDIO_CCA_SP 21109 48,759.00 48,759.00 200
61459535 SERVICIOS 215,317,881.80 215,317,881.80
6145953501 COLOCACION 31006 300
6145953503 ENLACES/INTERNET AND LEASED LIN E 31008 89,702,787.00 89,702,787.00 300
6145953504 INTERNET 51402 12,573,828.00 12,573,828.00 500
6145953505 DATACENTER AND CONNECTIONS 31008 113,041,266.80 113,041,266.80 300
61459565 AMORTIZACIONES 882,568,754.48 882,568,754.48
6145956502 AMORT MARCAS T1 53207 90,267.18 90,267.18 700
6145956503 AMORT KNOW HOW 53207 828,770,051.90 828,770,051.90 700
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
6145956504 AMORT BACKOFFICE T1 51407 8,672,603.40 8,672,603.40 500
6145956505 AMORT LEGALES X ADQUIS T1 53207 45,035,832.00 45,035,832.00 700
61459595 DIVERSOS
6145959501 DIVERSOS 22600 200
6145980101 PROVISION COSTOS 21600 200
6155 ACTIVIDADES INMOBILIARIAS EMPRESARIALES 401,157,043.65 401,157,043.65
615595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS 401,157,043.65 401,157,043.65
61559502 SVC ALQ COLAB 3ROS 401,157,043.65 401,157,043.65
6155950201 COSTOS DE EVENTOS PROF SERV 23004 200
6155950202 COSTO PRODUCION WEBCAST 22501 200
6155950203 COSTO PROVEDOR EVENTOS 22500 198,880,263.65 198,880,263.65 200
6155950204 ON 24 COSTS 22500 22500 98,958,646.00 98,958,646.00 200
6155950205 VISION 25007 70,377,778.00 70,377,778.00 200
6155950206 WEBEX 22300 32,940,356.00 32,940,356.00 200
6165 COSTOS INDIRECTOS 665,222,478.46 665,222,478.46
616510 INDIRECT COST SHARED 533,063.00 533,063.00
6165100101 INDIRECT COSTS SHARED 59005 533,063.00 533,063.00 600
616520 SERVICE FEES 441,762,535.45 441,762,535.45
6165200101 SERVICE FEES 59002 441,762,535.45 441,762,535.45 600
616530 TECHNOLOGY R&D 222,926,880.01 222,926,880.01
6165300101 TECHNOLOGY R&D 59001 173,387,572.95 173,387,572.95 600
6165300102 TRADEMARK 59001 49,539,307.06 49,539,307.06 600
8 NET INCOME 155,564,539.71 155,564,539.71
9999990101 CUENTA TRANSITO 70703
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
4 -4,920,302,922.88 ANNUAL
5 2,492,588,088.26
6 2,583,279,374.33
RESULTADO 5,075,867,462.59 -4,920,302,922.88
perdida -155,564,539.71

perdida contable antes de impuestos ( (155,564,540)

provision renta ( -)

perdida del ejercicio antes de impuestos ( (155,564,540)


50% CUATRO POR MIL 17,877,017.89 ( 8,938,509)
Sales Gifts and Prizes 7,163,885.00 ( 7,163,885)
51959501 Otros No codificados 1,198,361.00 ( 1,198,361)
5305200101 INTERESES IC LOAN 15,290,840.18 ( 15,290,840)
5315200101 IMPUESTOS ASUMIDOS 12,000.00 ( 12,000)
5395200101 MULTAS SANCIONES Y LITIGIOS 7,679,743.24 ( 7,679,743)
IMPUESTOS No Deducibles Art 115ET
5115950101 IMPOCONSUMO 8% 241,829.00 ( 241,829) compensacion de la renta 100% art 147 et
510518 COMISIONES 9,713,000.00 ( 9,713,000)
61 COSTOS EQUIPO VIDEO 16,613,000.00 ( 16,613,000)


RENTA LIQUIDA GRAVABLE 2018 (net income taxable) ( (88,713,372)

RENTA PRESUNTIVA (presumptive income) 3.50% ( 145,228,125)

SOBRE TASA 9% ( -)


No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
4 INGRESOS -805,064,185.14 -4,920,302,922.88
41 OPERACIONALES -794,762,702.97 -4,917,083,607.06
4135540301 EQUIPOS VIDEOCONFERENCIA 15001 -30,780,000.00
41355405 VENTA EQUIPOS AUDIOVISUALES -35,280,000.00
4135540501 EQUIPOS AUDIOVISUALES / VIDEO HARDWARE 15001 -35,280,000.00
4145 TRANSPORTE ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMUNICACIO -438,844,657.25 -2,762,905,137.89
414595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS -438,844,657.25 -2,762,905,137.89
41459501 SERVICIOS TELECOMUNICACIONES -438,759,313.60 -2,773,979,684.53
4145950101 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 -206,529,339.67 -1,182,260,248.35
4145950110 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 -32,638,094.86 -287,771,633.40
4145950120 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 -60,777,082.91 -403,161,725.51
4145950130 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 -120,185,566.20 -785,678,431.63
4145950140 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 -18,629,229.96 -115,107,645.64
41459502 ACCESOS -85,343.65 -197,256.56
4145950220 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA CLOUD DIAL IN 11106 -85,343.65 -197,256.56
41459503 ADICIONALES 11,271,803.20
4145950310 AUDIO MANAGED SERVICES 11108 11,271,803.20
4155 ACTIVIDADES INMOBILIARIAS EMPRESARIALES -464,989,599.19 -2,096,029,611.07
415535 PROCESAMIENTO DE DATOS -464,989,599.19 -2,096,029,611.07
41553502 SVC ALQ COLABOR 3ROS -384,345,624.69 -1,446,726,723.44
4155350201 SVC WEB CONFERENCIA ANYWHERE 12103 -20,530,400.47 -101,055,915.36
4155350202 SVC WEB CONFERENCIA WEBEX 12301 -67,334,673.12 -241,063,964.28
4155350203 SVC WEB CONFERENCIA ADOBE 12305 -14,685,000.00 -152,812,166.20
4155350204 SVC WEB CONFERENCIA OTROS 12601 -18,754,128.00
4155350205 SVC WEBCAST 12501 -281,795,551.10 -933,040,549.60
4155350320 SVC VIDEOCONFERENCIA LICENCES VIDYO 15003 8,334,855.60 2,241,028.60
4155350330 SVC VIDEOCONFERENCIA LICENCES BLUE JEANS 15005 -95,108,149.25 -434,156,039.77
4155350410 SVC PROFESIONALES AUDIO 13004 -320,048.85 -65,830,076.77
4155350420 SVC PROFESIONALES WEB 18002
4155350810 MINIMUN CHARGES AND FEES 13006 -4,530,969.29
4155350820 OTHER ADJUSTMENTS 13005 -17,080,232.40
4155350825 CCA-SP 11109 -13,623,255.00 -74,206,120.00
4155350830 Purchased products & Services 13001 -15,205,707.00 -54,803,721.00
4155350835 Arkadin Vision 15007 35,278,330.00 -936,757.00
4155350836 UNA_AFLEX_PS 18002
4190 PROVISION REVENUE 147,064,702.37 20,380,911.56
419045 PROV SVC TELECOMUNICACIONES 71,795,782.40 90,306,531.34
41904501 PROV AUDIO 60,068,407.72 45,396,743.72
4190450101 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 28,508,852.20 33,596,037.66
4190450110 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 7,051,859.82 5,932,750.11
4190450120 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 7,060,246.32 -6,582,060.39
4190450130 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 17,194,539.10 10,017,348.57
4190450140 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 252,910.28 2,432,667.77
41904502 PROV ACCESOS 11,727,374.68 44,909,787.62
4190450210 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA CLOUD DIAL OUT 11107 2,341,837.55 -1,039,705.92
4190450220 PROV SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA CLOUD DIAL IN 11106 9,385,537.13 45,949,493.54
419055 PROV SVC COLAB 3ros 75,268,919.97 -69,925,619.78
41905502 PROV WEB 80,267,665.03 569,897.31
4190550201 PROV SVC WEB CONFERENCIA ANYWHERE 12103 570,499.89 382,177.26
4190550202 PROV SVC WEB CONFERENCIA WEBEX 12301 43,317,030.85 1,378,423.17
4190550203 PROV SVC WEB CONFERENCIA ADOBE 12305 6,563,125.00 24,318,610.00
4190550205 PROV SVC WEBCAST 12501 29,817,009.29 -25,509,313.12
41905503 PROV VIDEO 33,629,095.64 -9,829,986.55
4190550330 PROV SVC VIDEOCONFERENCIA LICENCES BLUE JEANS 15005 14,688,277.04 -9,829,986.55
41905504 PROV SVCS PROFESIONALES -39,468.00 -164,535.04
4190550410 PROV SVC PROFESIONALES AUDIO 13004 -39,468.00 -164,535.04
41905508 PROV OTROS -38,588,372.70 -60,500,995.50
4190550825 CCA-SP 11109 -184,384.20 -4,125,022.50
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
4190550830 Prov Purchased products & services 13001 15,205,707.00
4190550835 Arkadin Vision 15007 -54,087,999.00 -56,375,973.00
4190550836 UNA_AFLEX_PS 18002 478,303.50
4195 BAD DEBT -38,407,113.00 -16,877,103.00
419510 PROV BAD DEBT -38,407,113.00 -16,877,103.00
4195100101 PROV BAD DEBT 56001 -38,407,113.00 -16,877,103.00
419605 WRITE OFF
4196050101 Other Adjusments - WRITE OFF 56002 413,964.10 4,407,333.34
42 NO OPERACIONALES -10,301,482.17 -3,219,315.82
4210 FINANCIEROS -10,301,482.17 -3,219,315.82
4210050101 INTERESES 53103
421020 DIFERENCIA EN CAMBIO -10,299,793.15 -3,217,626.86
4210200101 DIFERENCIA EN CAMBIO realizada 53202 -17,174,189.82 -27,968,864.35
4210201001 DIFERENCIA EN CAMBIO no realizada 53203
4210202001 DIFERENCIA EN CAMBIO no realizada Interco LP 53206 6,874,396.67 24,751,237.49
421095 OTROS -1,689.02 -1,688.96
4210950101 AJUSTE AL PESO 53206 -1,689.02 -1,688.96
4295100501 REFERRAL FEE 15001

No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date

2408 IMPUESTO SOBRE LAS VENTAS POR PAGAR -21,821,759.75 -282,216,254.41
240805 IVA GENERADO -26,273,289.41 -347,109,322.23
2408050101 GENERADO EN VENTAS 70601 -26,273,289.41 -347,109,322.23
240810 IVA DESCONTABLE COMPRAS 6,238,903.00 7,031,318.00
2408100101 DESCONTABLE POR COMPRAS 70601 6,238,903.00 7,031,318.00
240815 IVA DESCONTABLE SVCS -1,787,373.34 57,862,107.82
2408150101 DESCONTABLE POR SERVICIOS 70601 -1,787,373.34 57,862,107.82

No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date

135517 IMPTO VENTAS RETENIDO 4,831,460.59 55,289,529.78
1355170101 IMPUESTO A LAS VENTAS RETENIDO 60702 4,831,460.59 55,289,529.78

LIQUIDACION IVA 1er Bim 2o Bim 3er Bim 4 bim 5 Bim 6 Bim TOTAL
INGRESOS GRAVADOS ( 423,083,000)( 664,088,000) ( 551,839,000) ( 907,382,000) ( 690,600,000) ( 1,826,891,170) ( 5,063,885,906.47)
INGRESOS EXLUIDOS ( 289,748,000) ( 726,916,000) ( 186,605,000) ( 1,691,474,000)
NO GRAVADOS ( 321,187,000) ( 167,018,000)
DEVOLUCIONES EN VENTAS ( (884,291,000) ( (946,074,157) ( (1,830,365,157)
TOTAL INGRESOS ( 744,270,000)( 953,836,000) ( 718,857,000) ( 750,007,000) ( 877,205,000) ( 880,819,749) ( 4,924,994,749)

IVA GENERADO ( 80,386,000) ( 126,177,000) ( 104,849,000) ( 172,403,000) ( 131,214,000) ( 347,109,322) ( 962,138,322)

IVA DEVOLUCIONES ( 168,015,000)

DESCONTABLE COMPRAS ( 49,000) ( 11,000) ( 380,000) ( 362,000) ( 22,000) ( 7,031,318) ( 281,252,720)

DESCONTALE SERVICIOS ( 8,247,000) ( 24,051,000) ( 22,774,000) ( 358,000) ( 20,206,000) ( 57,862,108) ( 2,314,484,313)

RTEIVA ( 9,552,000) ( 15,821,000) ( 2,833,000) ( 9,641,000) ( 15,778,000) ( 55,289,530)

TOTAL IVA A PAGAR ( 226,926,367)

No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/1/2018 5827 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -58,714.56 58,714.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 44765
4/1/2018 5827 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -50,858.25 50,858.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 44772
4/1/2018 5828 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 ASSET MANAGEMENT BARBADOS I -37,576.11 37,576.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 44780
4/1/2018 5829 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -54,059.94 54,059.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 44786
4/1/2018 5829 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -315,606.72 315,606.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 44793
4/1/2018 5830 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -17,850.69 17,850.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.015.764-4 44801
4/1/2018 5831 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -11,558.27 11,558.27 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 44806
4/1/2018 5831 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -3,128.73 3,128.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 44811
4/1/2018 5831 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -15,894.45 15,894.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 44816
4/1/2018 5832 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -25,482.80 25,482.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 44822
4/1/2018 5832 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -45,508.80 45,508.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 44827
4/1/2018 5832 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -702.24 702.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 44832
4/1/2018 5832 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -129,030.33 129,030.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 44837
4/1/2018 5833 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -8,490.72 8,490.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 44843
4/1/2018 5833 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -14,869.78 14,869.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 44848
4/1/2018 5834 BA1218847 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CORONA100 -6,554.24 6,554.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.008.052-1 44854
4/1/2018 5834 BA1218847 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CORONA100 -5,232.60 5,232.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.008.052-1 44858
4/1/2018 5834 BA1218847 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CORONA100 -3,375.73 3,375.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.008.052-1 44862
4/1/2018 5835 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A -1,174,724.17 1,174,724.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 44867
4/1/2018 5836 BA1274475 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FINANCIERA DE 100DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL S -972,173.46 972,173.46 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.096.329-1 44875
4/1/2018 5837 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -59,289.31 59,289.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 44883
4/1/2018 5837 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -36,014.69 36,014.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 44890
4/1/2018 5837 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -49,108.16 49,108.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 44897
4/1/2018 5837 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -149,500.36 149,500.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 44904
4/1/2018 5838 BA1325454 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SCHAEFFLER COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -8,991.37 8,991.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.301.833-5 44912
4/1/2018 5839 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -8,099.32 8,099.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 44918
4/1/2018 5839 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -400,976.57 400,976.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 44925
4/1/2018 5839 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -1,726.34 1,726.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 44932
4/1/2018 5839 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -4,915.30 4,915.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 44939
4/1/2018 5839 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -1,554,946.51 1,554,946.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 44946
4/1/2018 5840 BA1366431 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCK SA Colombia
100 -2,569,924.80 2,569,924.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.580-0 44954
4/1/2018 5841 BA1367747 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PricewaterhouseCoopers
100 Asesores Gerenc -3,700,813.35 3,700,813.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.046.645-9 44962
4/1/2018 5842 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -29.22 29.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 44970
4/1/2018 5842 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -4,573.61 4,573.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 44977
4/1/2018 5842 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -36,392.22 36,392.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 44984
4/1/2018 5842 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -11,610.57 11,610.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 44991
4/1/2018 5842 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -106.31 106.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 44998
4/1/2018 5842 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -651,877.84 651,877.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 45005
4/1/2018 5843 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA100 SAS -199 199 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 45013
4/1/2018 5843 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA100 SAS -67,792.00 67,792.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 45018
4/1/2018 5844 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 45024
4/1/2018 5845 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA -1,378,889.28 1,378,889.28 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 45032
4/1/2018 5846 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -2,137.74 2,137.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 45040
4/1/2018 5846 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -13,775.19 13,775.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 45045
4/1/2018 5847 BA1409705 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CYCLELOGIC COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -175,888.68 175,888.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.048.425-5 45051
4/1/2018 5848 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -5,700.00 5,700.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 45057
4/1/2018 5848 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -8,510.85 8,510.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 45064
4/1/2018 5848 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -96.73 96.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 45071
4/1/2018 5848 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -11,647.00 11,647.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 45078
4/1/2018 5848 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -12,835.45 12,835.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 45085
4/1/2018 5849 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -5,824.64 5,824.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 45093
4/1/2018 5849 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -8,140.55 8,140.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 45098
4/1/2018 5849 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -2,106.72 2,106.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 45103
4/1/2018 5849 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -31,625.88 31,625.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 45108
4/1/2018 5851 BA1553453 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORFICOLOMBIANA 100 S.A. -1,505,303.77 1,505,303.77 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.300.653-6 45116
4/1/2018 5852 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 45124
4/1/2018 5853 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 45130
4/1/2018 5854 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -7,227.98 7,227.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 45136
4/1/2018 5854 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -21,877.31 21,877.31 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 45143
4/1/2018 5854 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -63,089.69 63,089.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 45150
4/1/2018 5855 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -21,907.00 21,907.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 45158
4/1/2018 5855 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -1,415.88 1,415.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 45165
4/1/2018 5855 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -36,716.55 36,716.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 45172
4/1/2018 5855 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -255,742.28 255,742.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 45179
4/1/2018 5855 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -72,763.92 72,763.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 45186
4/1/2018 5855 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -24,315.06 24,315.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 45193
4/1/2018 5890 BA1603003 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -3,269,889.44 3,269,889.44 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.068-1 45316
4/1/2018 5892 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -65,946.15 65,946.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 45326
4/1/2018 5892 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -34,718.70 34,718.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 45333
4/1/2018 5892 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -16,796.00 16,796.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 45340
4/1/2018 5892 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -78,565.00 78,565.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 45347
4/1/2018 5893 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -29,396.23 29,396.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 45355
4/1/2018 5893 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -7,644.84 7,644.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 45362
4/1/2018 5893 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -85,513.68 85,513.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 45369
4/1/2018 5895 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -113.43 113.43 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 45381
4/1/2018 5895 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -1,850.03 1,850.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 45388
4/1/2018 5895 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -68,410.26 68,410.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 45395
4/1/2018 5895 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -85,134.63 85,134.63 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 45402
4/1/2018 5896 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -95,285.19 95,285.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 45410
4/1/2018 5897 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -15,744.73 15,744.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 45418
4/1/2018 5897 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -12,820.06 12,820.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 45423
4/1/2018 5897 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -100.32 100.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 45428
4/1/2018 5897 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -20,540.52 20,540.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 45433
4/1/2018 5898 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -19,969.95 19,969.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.060.203-6 45439
4/1/2018 5899 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -200.64 200.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.531.315-3 45444
4/1/2018 5899 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -209,154.66 209,154.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.531.315-3 45451
4/1/2018 5900 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -8,125.92 8,125.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 45459
4/1/2018 5900 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -5,135.13 5,135.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 45463
4/1/2018 5902 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -15,894.45 15,894.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.445.634-4 45472
4/1/2018 5903 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -43,200.30 43,200.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.398.897-2 45477
4/1/2018 5904 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA
100 SA -17,928.97 17,928.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 45483
4/1/2018 5904 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA
100 SA -16,954.08 16,954.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 45490
4/1/2018 5905 BA1218726 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTIAGO JARAMILLO
100 VILLAMIZAR y ASOCIA -18,910.32 18,910.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.469.255-1 45498
4/1/2018 5906 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -70,714.77 70,714.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 45503
4/1/2018 5906 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -4,914.54 4,914.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 45510
4/1/2018 5906 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -923,433.06 923,433.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 45517
4/1/2018 5907 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -15,471.70 15,471.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 45525
4/1/2018 5907 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -48,991.31 48,991.31 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 45530
4/1/2018 5907 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -61,132.50 61,132.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 45535
4/1/2018 5908 BA1218755 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSULTORES 100
ASOCIADOS ASOCONSULT SAS -53,063.01 53,063.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.018.330-6 45541
4/1/2018 5909 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -11,467.26 11,467.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 45547
4/1/2018 5909 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -22,645.53 22,645.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 45554
4/1/2018 5909 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -100,909.38 100,909.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 45561
4/1/2018 5910 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -205,894.26 205,894.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 45569
4/1/2018 5911 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -11,831.30 11,831.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 45575
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/1/2018 5911 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -10,934.88 10,934.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 45580
4/1/2018 5911 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -46,949.76 46,949.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 45585
4/1/2018 5913 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -81,726.98 81,726.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 45594
4/1/2018 5913 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -14,493.96 14,493.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 45601
4/1/2018 5913 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -10,137.26 10,137.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 45608
4/1/2018 5913 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -224,500.20 224,500.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 45615
4/1/2018 5914 BA1392782 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESION LA 100PINTADA SAS -5,016.00 5,016.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.740.893-1 45623
4/1/2018 5914 BA1392782 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESION LA 100PINTADA SAS -150,385.95 150,385.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.740.893-1 45628
4/1/2018 5915 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -1,574.72 1,574.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 45634
4/1/2018 5915 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -899,260.50 899,260.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 45641
4/1/2018 5915 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -807,057.30 807,057.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 45648
4/1/2018 5916 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -204,317.45 204,317.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 45656
4/1/2018 5916 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -331,093.62 331,093.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 45661
4/1/2018 5917 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -39,858.39 39,858.39 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 45667
4/1/2018 5918 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -76,700.91 76,700.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 45675
4/1/2018 5919 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -74,665.06 74,665.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 45681
4/1/2018 5919 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -59,345.17 59,345.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 45688
4/1/2018 5919 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -16,031.44 16,031.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 45695
4/1/2018 5919 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -680,072.51 680,072.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 45702
4/1/2018 5920 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -44,685.91 44,685.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 45710
4/1/2018 5920 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -67,024.02 67,024.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 45717
4/1/2018 5920 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -67,827.72 67,827.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 45724
4/1/2018 5921 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -12,013.32 12,013.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 45732
4/1/2018 5921 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -32,102.40 32,102.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 45739
4/1/2018 5921 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -28,936.05 28,936.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 45746
4/1/2018 5922 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -16,017.76 16,017.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 45754
4/1/2018 5922 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -2,912.32 2,912.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 45759
4/1/2018 5922 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -87,089.73 87,089.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 45764
4/1/2018 5922 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -76,011.78 76,011.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 45769
4/1/2018 5923 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -3,424.75 3,424.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 45775
4/1/2018 5923 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -4,852.60 4,852.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 45782
4/1/2018 5923 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -45,923.00 45,923.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 45789
4/1/2018 5924 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -20,953.01 20,953.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.086.882-1 45797
4/1/2018 5924 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -51,840.36 51,840.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.086.882-1 45802
4/1/2018 5925 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -7,423.68 7,423.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 45808
4/1/2018 5925 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -113,380.41 113,380.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 45813
4/1/2018 5926 BA1218701 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SYNGENTA SA100 -37,833.75 37,833.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.074.222-7 45819
4/1/2018 5926 BA1218701 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SYNGENTA SA100 -12,350.00 12,350.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.074.222-7 45826
4/1/2018 5927 BA1218757 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100MAKAIA ASESORIA INTERNACIO -15,348.96 15,348.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.106.664-1 45834
4/1/2018 5927 BA1218757 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100MAKAIA ASESORIA INTERNACIO -13,938.21 13,938.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.106.664-1 45839
4/1/2018 5928 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -3,003.33 3,003.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 45845
4/1/2018 5928 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -15,393.04 15,393.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 45850
4/1/2018 5928 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -103,110.15 103,110.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 45855
4/1/2018 5929 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -3,549.39 3,549.39 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 45861
4/1/2018 5929 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -18,353.24 18,353.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 45868
4/1/2018 5929 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -19,562.40 19,562.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 45875
4/1/2018 5931 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -102,619.57 102,619.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 45887
4/1/2018 5931 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -5,119.74 5,119.74 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 45894
4/1/2018 5931 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -184,538.64 184,538.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 45901
4/1/2018 5932 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -73,080.84 73,080.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 45909
4/1/2018 5932 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -45,223.42 45,223.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 45916
4/1/2018 5933 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -6,420.48 6,420.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 45924
4/1/2018 5933 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -4,564.56 4,564.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 45928
4/1/2018 5934 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -144,159.84 144,159.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 45933
4/1/2018 5934 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -56,886.00 56,886.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 45938
4/1/2018 5934 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -25,581.60 25,581.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 45943
4/1/2018 5934 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -390,595.92 390,595.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 45948
4/1/2018 5935 BA1253754 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RCCF SAS 100 -18,013.71 18,013.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.378-1 45954
4/1/2018 5936 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -181,351.20 181,351.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 45959
4/1/2018 5936 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -139,669.38 139,669.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 45966
4/1/2018 5936 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -7,113.60 7,113.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 45973
4/1/2018 5939 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -93,423.95 93,423.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 45989
4/1/2018 5939 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -16,008.45 16,008.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 45996
4/1/2018 5939 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -81,622.10 81,622.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 46003
4/1/2018 5939 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -212,990.00 212,990.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 46010
4/1/2018 5941 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON CRIALES ABOGADOS S -122,183.49 122,183.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 46021
4/1/2018 5942 BA1218709 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD COLOMBIANA
100 DE SERVICIOS PORTU -8,099.89 8,099.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.405.769-3 46027
4/1/2018 5942 BA1218709 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD COLOMBIANA
100 DE SERVICIOS PORTU -8,558.55 8,558.55 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.405.769-3 46031
4/1/2018 5944 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -117,584.92 117,584.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 46039
4/1/2018 5944 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -375,761.10 375,761.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 46044
4/1/2018 5945 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -179,926.77 179,926.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 46050
4/1/2018 5945 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -65,672.36 65,672.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 46055
4/1/2018 5945 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -5,918.88 5,918.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 46060
4/1/2018 5945 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -260,179.92 260,179.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 46065
4/1/2018 5946 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -138,159.45 138,159.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 46071
4/1/2018 5947 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -207,361.44 207,361.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 46077
4/1/2018 5949 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -163,818.00 163,818.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 46087
4/1/2018 5949 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -79,553.76 79,553.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 46092
4/1/2018 5950 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA -111,179.64 111,179.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.021.637-3 46098
4/1/2018 5951 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -5,733.63 5,733.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 46104
4/1/2018 5951 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -30,333.88 30,333.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 46111
4/1/2018 5951 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -356,809.55 356,809.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 46118
4/1/2018 5952 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -910.1 910.1 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 46126
4/1/2018 5952 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -21,274.11 21,274.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 46131
4/1/2018 5955 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -48,872.37 48,872.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 46145
4/1/2018 5955 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -26,286.12 26,286.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 46150
4/1/2018 5955 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -132,127.71 132,127.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 46155
4/1/2018 5957 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -112,306.34 112,306.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 46165
4/1/2018 5957 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -31,013.89 31,013.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 46170
4/1/2018 5957 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -329,789.46 329,789.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 46175
4/1/2018 5959 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PACIFIC STRATUS 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP -102,204.23 102,204.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 46185
4/1/2018 5959 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PACIFIC STRATUS 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP -50,177.10 50,177.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 46192
4/1/2018 5959 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PACIFIC STRATUS 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP -86,971.17 86,971.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 46199
4/1/2018 5960 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -193,032.21 193,032.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 46207
4/1/2018 5960 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -5,116.32 5,116.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 46212
4/1/2018 5961 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,002.22 2,002.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 46218
4/1/2018 5961 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -20,622.03 20,622.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 46223
4/1/2018 5962 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -126,022.63 126,022.63 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.007.251-9 46229
4/1/2018 5963 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -8,827.97 8,827.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 46235
4/1/2018 5963 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -1,516.96 1,516.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 46240
4/1/2018 5963 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -6,439.29 6,439.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 46245
4/1/2018 5964 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -228 228 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 46251
4/1/2018 5964 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -25,409.08 25,409.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 46258
4/1/2018 5964 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -15,486.90 15,486.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 46265
4/1/2018 5965 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM INVERSION
100 SAS -6,520.80 6,520.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 46273
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/1/2018 5965 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM INVERSION
100 SAS -134,491.50 134,491.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 46280
4/1/2018 5966 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -8,372.92 8,372.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 46288
4/1/2018 5966 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -47,760.30 47,760.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 46295
4/1/2018 5967 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -37,769.15 37,769.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 46303
4/1/2018 5967 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -105,881.49 105,881.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 46308
4/1/2018 5969 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -10,807.20 10,807.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 46318
4/1/2018 5969 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -67,529.42 67,529.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 46323
4/1/2018 5969 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -127,512.42 127,512.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 46328
4/1/2018 5973 BA1218680 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASHMORE MANAGEMENT
100 COMPANY COLOMBIA SA -135,306.60 135,306.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.316.081-9 46344
4/1/2018 5974 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -9,484.80 9,484.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 46350
4/1/2018 5974 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -481,536.00 481,536.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 46357
4/1/2018 5974 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -1,991.01 1,991.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 46364
4/1/2018 5974 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -93,598.56 93,598.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 46371
4/1/2018 5974 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -62,844.21 62,844.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 46378
4/1/2018 5975 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -8,025.60 8,025.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.006.648-1 46386
4/1/2018 5975 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -34,397.22 34,397.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.006.648-1 46391
4/1/2018 5976 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -51,784.69 51,784.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 46397
4/1/2018 5976 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -25,105.08 25,105.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 46404
4/1/2018 5977 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -11,810.40 11,810.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 46412
4/1/2018 5977 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -174,668.52 174,668.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 46419
4/1/2018 5977 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -21,361.70 21,361.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 46426
4/1/2018 5977 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -8,379.76 8,379.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 46433
4/1/2018 5977 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -199,409.94 199,409.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 46440
4/1/2018 5978 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -3,549.39 3,549.39 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 46448
4/1/2018 5978 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -3,367.37 3,367.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 46452
4/1/2018 5978 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -6,993.90 6,993.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 46456
4/1/2018 5979 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -33,218.65 33,218.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 46461
4/1/2018 5979 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -28,773.03 28,773.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 46468
4/1/2018 5981 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -78,973.12 78,973.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.512.616-5 46480
4/1/2018 5982 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -11,103.22 11,103.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 46486
4/1/2018 5982 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -62,900.64 62,900.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 46491
4/1/2018 5982 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -27,550.38 27,550.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 46496
4/1/2018 5984 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -59,611.55 59,611.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 46507
4/1/2018 5984 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -530,810.22 530,810.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 46514
4/1/2018 5985 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -494,372.97 494,372.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 46522
4/1/2018 5986 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -67,082.73 67,082.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.422.795-2 46530
4/1/2018 5987 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -353,937.89 353,937.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 46536
4/1/2018 5987 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -181,142.58 181,142.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 46543
4/1/2018 5987 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -189.24 189.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 46550
4/1/2018 5987 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -125,617.17 125,617.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 46557
4/1/2018 5988 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -110,853.60 110,853.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.212.828-6 46565
4/1/2018 5990 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -45,413.99 45,413.99 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 46575
4/1/2018 5990 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -113,921.91 113,921.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 46582
4/1/2018 5991 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -3,276.36 3,276.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 46590
4/1/2018 5991 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -8,827.97 8,827.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 46595
4/1/2018 5991 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -1,827.42 1,827.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 46600
4/1/2018 5991 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -12,687.06 12,687.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 46605
16/01/18 CONT0000636 2408050101 PG F5989 PAGO INTERBANC CFC SK EL DORAD -234,322.44 234,322.44 G/L Account 70601 900.624.730-1 46757
22/01/18 5992 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -93,753.60 93,753.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 46772
22/01/18 5992 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -2,736.00 2,736.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 46779
22/01/18 5992 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -11,773.92 11,773.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 46786
22/01/18 5992 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -198,867.30 198,867.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 46793
22/01/18 5992 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -149,650.65 149,650.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 46800
22/01/18 5992 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -206,488.20 206,488.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 46807
24/01/18 5993 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -5,500.88 5,500.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 46815
24/01/18 5993 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -118,327.44 118,327.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 46822
24/01/18 5993 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -101,789.65 101,789.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 46829
25/01/18 5994 BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -21,125.72 21,125.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 46870
25/01/18 5994 BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -8,372.16 8,372.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 46877
25/01/18 5994 BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -1,191,797.04 1,191,797.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 46884
25/01/18 5994 BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -746,202.01 746,202.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 46891
25/01/18 CMCO180100001BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA SAS 5 19,253.08 19,253.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 46908
25/01/18 CMCO180100001BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA SAS 5 8,372.16 8,372.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 46915
25/01/18 CMCO180100001BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA SAS 5 758,961.84 758,961.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 46922
25/01/18 CMCO180100001BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA SAS 5 422,359.74 422,359.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 46929
1/2/2018 5995 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -5,628.99 5,628.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 47452
1/2/2018 5995 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -183.14 183.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 47457
1/2/2018 5996 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 47463
1/2/2018 5996 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 47470
1/2/2018 5996 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -4,971.67 4,971.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 47477
1/2/2018 5997 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -30,413.11 30,413.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 47485
1/2/2018 5997 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -25,263.54 25,263.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 47492
1/2/2018 5998 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -10,466.15 10,466.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 47500
1/2/2018 5998 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -2,180.63 2,180.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 47505
1/2/2018 5998 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -21,926.19 21,926.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 47510
1/2/2018 5999 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -45,140.96 45,140.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 47516
1/2/2018 5999 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -126,095.97 126,095.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 47523
1/2/2018 6000 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -35,456.85 35,456.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.015.764-4 47531
1/2/2018 6001 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -9,192.01 9,192.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 47537
1/2/2018 6001 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -9,006.95 9,006.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 47542
1/2/2018 6001 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -30,321.72 30,321.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 47547
1/2/2018 6002 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -17,473.92 17,473.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 47553
1/2/2018 6002 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -23,892.12 23,892.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 47558
1/2/2018 6002 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -90,476.10 90,476.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 47563
1/2/2018 6003 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL100 SAS -7,197.96 7,197.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 47569
1/2/2018 6003 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL100 SAS -66,489.36 66,489.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 47574
1/2/2018 6003 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL100 SAS -34,109.37 34,109.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 47579
1/2/2018 6004 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -5,960.87 5,960.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 47585
1/2/2018 6004 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -202.73 202.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 47592
1/2/2018 6004 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -8,152.33 8,152.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 47599
1/2/2018 6004 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -47,267.82 47,267.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 47606
1/2/2018 6004 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -10,469.76 10,469.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 47613
1/2/2018 6004 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -73,792.96 73,792.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 47620
1/2/2018 6005 BA1331470 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASSA ABLOY COLOMBIA
100 SAS -24,121.83 24,121.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.826-8 47628
1/2/2018 6006 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -3,149.82 3,149.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 47636
1/2/2018 6006 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -521,063.98 521,063.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 47643
1/2/2018 6006 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -9,024.81 9,024.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 47650
1/2/2018 6006 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -10,813.66 10,813.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 47657
1/2/2018 6006 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -1,720,036.37 1,720,036.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 47664
1/2/2018 6007 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -69.2 69.2 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 47672
1/2/2018 6007 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -9.11 9.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 47679
1/2/2018 6007 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -35,931.09 35,931.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 47686
1/2/2018 6007 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -5,060.08 5,060.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 47693
1/2/2018 6007 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -44.35 44.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 47700
1/2/2018 6007 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -921,142.80 921,142.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 47707
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
1/2/2018 6008 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -3,565.82 3,565.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 47715
1/2/2018 6008 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -9,728.00 9,728.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 47719
1/2/2018 6009 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 47724
1/2/2018 6010 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA -859,391.85 859,391.85 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 47732
1/2/2018 6013 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -3,770.40 3,770.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 47740
1/2/2018 6013 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -20,202.51 20,202.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 47747
1/2/2018 6013 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -41,162.55 41,162.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 47754
1/2/2018 6014 BA1409705 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CYCLELOGIC COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -175,888.68 175,888.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.048.425-5 47762
1/2/2018 6011 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA -11,956,473.90 11,956,473.90 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 47768
1/2/2018 6012 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA -402,320.63 402,320.63 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 47776
1/2/2018 6015 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -10,190.91 10,190.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 47784
1/2/2018 6015 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -2,173.49 2,173.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 47791
1/2/2018 6015 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -7,818.79 7,818.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 47798
1/2/2018 6015 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -44,018.25 44,018.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 47805
1/2/2018 6015 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -7,701.27 7,701.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 47812
1/2/2018 6016 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -5,330.64 5,330.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 47820
1/2/2018 6016 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -7,082.82 7,082.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 47824
1/2/2018 6017 BA1509002 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOEHRINGER100 INGELHEIM SA -2,785,447.50 2,785,447.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.753-8 47829
1/2/2018 6018 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -9,738.07 9,738.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 47837
1/2/2018 6018 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -6,162.65 6,162.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 47842
1/2/2018 6018 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -2,207.04 2,207.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 47847
1/2/2018 6018 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -14,671.80 14,671.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 47852
1/2/2018 6020 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 47861
1/2/2018 6021 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -4,110.08 4,110.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 47867
1/2/2018 6021 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -3,374.40 3,374.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 47872
1/2/2018 6022 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,247,312.00 1,247,312.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 47878
1/2/2018 6023 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 47886
1/2/2018 6023 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -5,885.25 5,885.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 47891
1/2/2018 6023 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -5,688.60 5,688.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 47896
1/2/2018 6024 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -2,937.30 2,937.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 47902
1/2/2018 6024 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -418.86 418.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 47909
1/2/2018 6024 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -334,112.72 334,112.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 47916
1/2/2018 6025 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -33,421.00 33,421.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 47924
1/2/2018 6025 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -3,067.74 3,067.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 47931
1/2/2018 6025 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -27,565.58 27,565.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 47938
1/2/2018 6025 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -172,991.77 172,991.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 47945
1/2/2018 6025 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -55,157.76 55,157.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 47952
1/2/2018 6025 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -28,704.06 28,704.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 47959
1/2/2018 6063 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -70,832.00 70,832.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 48086
1/2/2018 6063 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -13,936.50 13,936.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 48093
1/2/2018 6063 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -8,171.90 8,171.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 48100
1/2/2018 6063 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -74,005.00 74,005.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 48107
1/2/2018 6064 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -28,850.17 28,850.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 48115
1/2/2018 6064 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -11,285.24 11,285.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 48122
1/2/2018 6064 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -46,168.29 46,168.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 48129
1/2/2018 6066 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100DE INVERSION SA -27,387.36 27,387.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.041.739-4 48141
1/2/2018 6067 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -2,366.26 2,366.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 48147
1/2/2018 6067 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -72,532.69 72,532.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 48154
1/2/2018 6067 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -1,203.84 1,203.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 48161
1/2/2018 6067 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -2,526.81 2,526.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 48168
1/2/2018 6068 BA1218687 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TORRADO ANGARITA 100 & PINZON ABOGADOS SA -11,003.85 11,003.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.072.448-5 48176
1/2/2018 6069 BA1352798 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTION Y ADMINISTRACION
100 EMPRESARIAL S -22,752.50 22,752.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.257.607-9 48181
1/2/2018 6069 BA1352798 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTION Y ADMINISTRACION
100 EMPRESARIAL S -55,019.25 55,019.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.257.607-9 48186
1/2/2018 6070 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -9,868.41 9,868.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 48192
1/2/2018 6070 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -3,557.75 3,557.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 48199
1/2/2018 6070 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -37,658.76 37,658.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 48206
1/2/2018 6070 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -155,637.93 155,637.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 48213
1/2/2018 6071 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -6,279.69 6,279.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 48221
1/2/2018 6071 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -252,762.51 252,762.51 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 48228
1/2/2018 6072 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -68,621.54 68,621.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 48236
1/2/2018 6072 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -21,017.42 21,017.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 48241
1/2/2018 6072 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -45,319.56 45,319.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 48246
1/2/2018 6073 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -19,073.34 19,073.34 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.060.203-6 48252
1/2/2018 6074 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -120,879.33 120,879.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.531.315-3 48257
1/2/2018 6076 BA1218836 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION SOCIAL 100 SERVIR -87,980.64 87,980.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.416.798-1 48269
1/2/2018 6076 BA1218836 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION SOCIAL 100 SERVIR -85,830.03 85,830.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.416.798-1 48274
1/2/2018 6077 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -140,686.26 140,686.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.398.897-2 48280
1/2/2018 6078 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -22,297.45 22,297.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 48286
1/2/2018 6078 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -8,627.71 8,627.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 48293
1/2/2018 6078 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -7,022.40 7,022.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 48300
1/2/2018 6078 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -51,921.87 51,921.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 48307
1/2/2018 6079 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -129,780.26 129,780.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 48315
1/2/2018 6079 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -15,198.67 15,198.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 48322
1/2/2018 6079 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -15,576.96 15,576.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 48329
1/2/2018 6079 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -803,610.89 803,610.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 48336
1/2/2018 6080 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -9,556.05 9,556.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 48344
1/2/2018 6080 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -4,401.54 4,401.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 48348
1/2/2018 6081 BA1218755 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSULTORES 100ASOCIADOS ASOCONSULT SAS -22,170.72 22,170.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.018.330-6 48353
1/2/2018 6082 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -49,879.37 49,879.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 48359
1/2/2018 6082 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -39,369.33 39,369.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 48366
1/2/2018 6083 BA1373302 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EVOLUCIA SAS 100 -992,606.55 992,606.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.351.322-7 48374
1/2/2018 6084 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -6,541.89 6,541.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 48380
1/2/2018 6084 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -7,122.72 7,122.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 48385
1/2/2018 6084 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -11,818.95 11,818.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 48390
1/2/2018 6085 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -49,509.44 49,509.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 48396
1/2/2018 6085 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -5,517.60 5,517.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 48401
1/2/2018 6085 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -157,721.85 157,721.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 48406
1/2/2018 6087 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -70,805.78 70,805.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 48415
1/2/2018 6087 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -19,876.09 19,876.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 48422
1/2/2018 6087 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -18,995.06 18,995.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 48429
1/2/2018 6087 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -275,370.99 275,370.99 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 48436
1/2/2018 6088 BA1218479 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ABRAAJ COLOMBIA 100 ADVISERS SAS -75,722.79 75,722.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.192.607-8 48444
1/2/2018 6089 BA1392782 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESION LA 100PINTADA SAS -95,611.23 95,611.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.740.893-1 48450
1/2/2018 6090 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -4,822.58 4,822.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 48456
1/2/2018 6090 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -459,005.80 459,005.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 48463
1/2/2018 6090 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -474,847.62 474,847.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 48470
1/2/2018 6091 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -28,486.13 28,486.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 48478
1/2/2018 6091 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -19,685.33 19,685.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 48483
1/2/2018 6091 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -53,715.09 53,715.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 48488
1/2/2018 6092 BA1372183 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROBOGOTA 100 REGION -8,645.95 8,645.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.753.664-6 48494
1/2/2018 6092 BA1372183 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROBOGOTA 100 REGION -5,868.72 5,868.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.753.664-6 48499
1/2/2018 6093 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -38,554.23 38,554.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 48505
1/2/2018 6094 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -91,861.77 91,861.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 48513
1/2/2018 6095 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -151,385.73 151,385.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 48519
1/2/2018 6095 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -99,393.18 99,393.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 48526
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
1/2/2018 6095 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -23,517.82 23,517.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 48533
1/2/2018 6095 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -1,079,276.38 1,079,276.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 48540
1/2/2018 6096 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -102,932.31 102,932.31 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 48548
1/2/2018 6096 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -84,149.10 84,149.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 48555
1/2/2018 6096 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -151,020.17 151,020.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 48562
1/2/2018 6097 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -11,285.24 11,285.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 48570
1/2/2018 6097 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -200.64 200.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 48577
1/2/2018 6097 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -38,798.76 38,798.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 48584
1/2/2018 6098 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -37,860.16 37,860.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 48592
1/2/2018 6098 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -85,939.66 85,939.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 48597
1/2/2018 6098 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -72,437.69 72,437.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 48602
1/2/2018 6098 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -102,712.48 102,712.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 48607
1/2/2018 6099 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -17,480.00 17,480.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 48613
1/2/2018 6099 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -4,554.30 4,554.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 48620
1/2/2018 6099 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -38,399.00 38,399.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 48627
1/2/2018 6100 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -12,377.36 12,377.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.086.882-1 48635
1/2/2018 6100 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -10,334.29 10,334.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.086.882-1 48640
1/2/2018 6100 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -30,810.78 30,810.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.086.882-1 48645
1/2/2018 6101 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -125,932.95 125,932.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.524.239-7 48651
1/2/2018 6102 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -8,463.93 8,463.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 48657
1/2/2018 6102 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -11,840.80 11,840.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 48662
1/2/2018 6102 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -56,981.76 56,981.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 48667
1/2/2018 6102 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -121,775.94 121,775.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 48672
1/2/2018 6103 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -4,186.46 4,186.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 48678
1/2/2018 6103 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -33,894.29 33,894.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 48685
1/2/2018 6103 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -30,647.76 30,647.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 48692
1/2/2018 6105 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -245,544.98 245,544.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 48704
1/2/2018 6105 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -7,869.23 7,869.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 48711
1/2/2018 6105 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -1,203.84 1,203.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 48718
1/2/2018 6105 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -264,255.42 264,255.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 48725
1/2/2018 6106 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -157,002.51 157,002.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 48733
1/2/2018 6106 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -29,771.67 29,771.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 48740
1/2/2018 6106 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -80,434.03 80,434.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 48747
1/2/2018 6107 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -6,922.08 6,922.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 48755
1/2/2018 6107 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -32,440.98 32,440.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 48760
1/2/2018 6108 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -5,915.65 5,915.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.248.065-9 48766
1/2/2018 6108 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -5,772.39 5,772.39 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.248.065-9 48773
1/2/2018 6108 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -10,025.73 10,025.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.248.065-9 48780
1/2/2018 6109 BA1218810 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DERIVEX SA 100 -12,960.09 12,960.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.968-6 48788
1/2/2018 6110 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -48,872.37 48,872.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 48793
1/2/2018 6110 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -30,339.20 30,339.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 48798
1/2/2018 6110 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -13,342.56 13,342.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 48803
1/2/2018 6110 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -62,192.13 62,192.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 48808
1/2/2018 6111 BA1253754 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RCCF SAS 100 -32,277.96 32,277.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.378-1 48814
1/2/2018 6112 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -462,834.30 462,834.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 48820
1/2/2018 6112 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -289,162.14 289,162.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 48827
1/2/2018 6112 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -7,455.60 7,455.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 48834
1/2/2018 6115 BA1218738 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIOPAILA CASTILLA100 SA -4,645.69 4,645.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.087.414-4 48845
1/2/2018 6115 BA1218738 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIOPAILA CASTILLA100 SA -29,751.15 29,751.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.087.414-4 48852
1/2/2018 6116 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -26,136.40 26,136.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 48860
1/2/2018 6116 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -14,590.10 14,590.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 48867
1/2/2018 6116 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -64,180.10 64,180.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 48874
1/2/2018 6116 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -262,713.00 262,713.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 48881
1/2/2018 6118 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON CRIALES ABOGADOS S -7,280.80 7,280.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 48892
1/2/2018 6118 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON CRIALES ABOGADOS S -63,822.33 63,822.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 48897
1/2/2018 6120 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -86,004.45 86,004.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 48906
1/2/2018 6120 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -156,662.22 156,662.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 48911
1/2/2018 6121 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -177,287.48 177,287.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 48917
1/2/2018 6121 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -59,752.53 59,752.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 48922
1/2/2018 6121 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -222,277.77 222,277.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 48927
1/2/2018 6122 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -3,504.93 3,504.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 48933
1/2/2018 6122 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -3,800.00 3,800.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 48937
1/2/2018 6122 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -9,699.69 9,699.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 48941
1/2/2018 6123 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -4,368.48 4,368.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 48946
1/2/2018 6123 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -2,844.30 2,844.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 48953
1/2/2018 6123 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -134,817.54 134,817.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 48960
1/2/2018 6125 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -91,738.08 91,738.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 48970
1/2/2018 6125 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -42,955.77 42,955.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 48975
1/2/2018 6126 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -41,500.56 41,500.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 48981
1/2/2018 6126 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -125,149.96 125,149.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 48988
1/2/2018 6126 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -774,395.54 774,395.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 48995
1/2/2018 6127 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS -16,745.84 16,745.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 49003
1/2/2018 6127 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS -42,955.77 42,955.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 49008
1/2/2018 6128 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -20,750.28 20,750.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 49014
1/2/2018 6128 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -5,920.40 5,920.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 49019
1/2/2018 6128 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -43,037.28 43,037.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 49024
1/2/2018 6129 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -34,936.44 34,936.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 49030
1/2/2018 6129 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -128,617.84 128,617.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 49037
1/2/2018 6132 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -48,053.28 48,053.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 49055
1/2/2018 6132 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -13,035.90 13,035.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 49060
1/2/2018 6132 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -203,693.49 203,693.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 49065
1/2/2018 6134 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -25,482.80 25,482.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 49076
1/2/2018 6134 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -369,321.81 369,321.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 49081
1/2/2018 6136 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -15,471.70 15,471.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 49090
1/2/2018 6136 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -11,756.44 11,756.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 49097
1/2/2018 6136 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -158,292.42 158,292.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 49104
1/2/2018 6137 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -113,034.42 113,034.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 49112
1/2/2018 6137 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -19,161.12 19,161.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 49117
1/2/2018 6138 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -23,325.73 23,325.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.007.251-9 49123
1/2/2018 6139 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -16,654.83 16,654.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 49129
1/2/2018 6139 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -4,564.56 4,564.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 49134
1/2/2018 6140 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -10,677.81 10,677.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 49140
1/2/2018 6141 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -3,731.41 3,731.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 49146
1/2/2018 6141 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -4,368.48 4,368.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 49150
1/2/2018 6141 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -5,340.14 5,340.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 49154
1/2/2018 6142 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -46,786.74 46,786.74 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.537-6 49159
1/2/2018 6143 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -59,975.59 59,975.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 49167
1/2/2018 6143 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -85,513.68 85,513.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 49174
1/2/2018 6144 BACO000009875
Customer 2408050101 Invoice CANON Y CANON 100 GESTION PATRIMONIAL FAMI -13,123.11 13,123.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.187.517-3 49182
1/2/2018 6145 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -37,223.09 37,223.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 49187
1/2/2018 6145 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -3,223.54 3,223.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 49192
1/2/2018 6145 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -108,652.83 108,652.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 49197
1/2/2018 6147 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -9,476.25 9,476.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 49207
1/2/2018 6147 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -22,152.48 22,152.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 49212
1/2/2018 6147 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -19,567.15 19,567.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 49217
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
1/2/2018 6147 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -56,175.21 56,175.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 49222
1/2/2018 6150 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -5,517.60 5,517.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 49235
1/2/2018 6150 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -19,154.85 19,154.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 49242
1/2/2018 6152 BA1218680 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASHMORE MANAGEMENT
100 COMPANY COLOMBIA SA -14,834.82 14,834.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.316.081-9 49254
1/2/2018 6153 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -45.6 45.6 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 49259
1/2/2018 6153 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -23,067.33 23,067.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 49266
1/2/2018 6154 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -3,094.34 3,094.34 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 49274
1/2/2018 6154 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -9,292.14 9,292.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 49278
1/2/2018 6155 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -1,757.50 1,757.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 49283
1/2/2018 6155 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -170,931.03 170,931.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 49290
1/2/2018 6155 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -4,589.64 4,589.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 49297
1/2/2018 6155 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -10,814.42 10,814.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 49304
1/2/2018 6155 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -191,658.89 191,658.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 49311
1/2/2018 6156 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -11,285.24 11,285.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 49319
1/2/2018 6156 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -13,288.41 13,288.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 49324
1/2/2018 6157 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -16,199.78 16,199.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 49330
1/2/2018 6157 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -72,136.35 72,136.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 49335
1/2/2018 6159 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -11,285.24 11,285.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.512.616-5 49345
1/2/2018 6159 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -13,454.09 13,454.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.512.616-5 49350
1/2/2018 6160 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA -81,265.47 81,265.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 49356
1/2/2018 6161 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -21,368.16 21,368.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 49364
1/2/2018 6161 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -30,973.80 30,973.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 49369
1/2/2018 6163 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -726,100.20 726,100.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 49380
1/2/2018 6165 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -13,856.70 13,856.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.422.795-2 49390
1/2/2018 6166 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -138,244.19 138,244.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 49395
1/2/2018 6166 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -28,795.83 28,795.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 49402
1/2/2018 6166 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -7,096.50 7,096.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 49409
1/2/2018 6166 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -45,031.14 45,031.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 49416
1/2/2018 6167 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -62,844.21 62,844.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.212.828-6 49424
1/2/2018 6168 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -8,736.96 8,736.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 49430
1/2/2018 6168 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -16,220.49 16,220.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 49435
1/2/2018 6169 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -11,210.00 11,210.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 49441
1/2/2018 6169 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -164,182.04 164,182.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 49448
1/2/2018 6169 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -46,969.90 46,969.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 49455
1/2/2018 6170 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -7,735.85 7,735.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 49463
1/2/2018 6170 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -17,229.96 17,229.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 49468
1/2/2018 6170 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -25,646.96 25,646.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 49473
1/2/2018 6026 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -61,132.50 61,132.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 49479
1/2/2018 6189 BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -6,261.64 6,261.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50167
1/2/2018 6189 BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -294,685.44 294,685.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50174
1/2/2018 6189 BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -151,949.27 151,949.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50181
1/2/2018 6190 BA1219071 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -82.84 82.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50189
1/2/2018 6191 BA1219072 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -95.76 95.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50195
1/2/2018 6192 BA1219073 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -2,153.84 2,153.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50201
1/2/2018 6193 BA1219076 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -89,024.88 89,024.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50207
1/2/2018 6193 BA1219076 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -109,742.29 109,742.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50214
1/2/2018 6194 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -279,208.80 279,208.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 50222
1/2/2018 6194 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -2,280.00 2,280.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 50229
1/2/2018 6194 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -29,201.10 29,201.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 50236
1/2/2018 6194 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -73,757.43 73,757.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 50243
1/2/2018 6194 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -288,739.20 288,739.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 50250
1/2/2018 6194 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -215,332.89 215,332.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 50257
1/2/2018 6195 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -79,471.78 79,471.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50265
1/2/2018 6195 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -29,271.52 29,271.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50272
1/2/2018 6195 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -5,411.54 5,411.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50279
1/2/2018 6195 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -92,303.52 92,303.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50286
1/2/2018 6195 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -209,979.26 209,979.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50293
1/2/2018 6196 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -78,412.62 78,412.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 50301
1/2/2018 6197 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM INVERSION
100 SAS -85,748.52 85,748.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 50309
1/2/2018 6198 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -59,429.53 59,429.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 50317
1/2/2018 6198 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -54,693.21 54,693.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 50324
1/2/2018 6199 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -9,101.00 9,101.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 50332
1/2/2018 6199 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -2,155.36 2,155.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 50339
1/2/2018 6199 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -3,132.72 3,132.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 50346
1/2/2018 6199 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -470,853.63 470,853.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 50353
7/2/2018 6173 BA1218737 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CARVAJAL EMPAQUES100 SA -372,980.87 372,980.87 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.319.047-6 49947
7/2/2018 6174 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL100 SAS -56,705.88 56,705.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 49955
7/2/2018 6174 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL100 SAS -3,185.35 3,185.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 49960
7/2/2018 6174 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL100 SAS -18,417.84 18,417.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 49965
7/2/2018 6174 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL100 SAS -67,928.80 67,928.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 49970
7/2/2018 6175 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS -23,025.53 23,025.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 49976
7/2/2018 6175 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS -57,464.55 57,464.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 49983
7/2/2018 6176 BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -975,980.11 975,980.11 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 49991
7/2/2018 6177 BA1219072 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -6,543.60 6,543.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 49999
7/2/2018 6177 BA1219072 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -26,053.18 26,053.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50006
7/2/2018 6178 BA1219073 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -455.62 455.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50014
7/2/2018 6179 BA1219076 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -1,989.68 1,989.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50020
7/2/2018 6179 BA1219076 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -83,183.52 83,183.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50027
7/2/2018 6179 BA1219076 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -124,011.48 124,011.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 50034
7/2/2018 6180 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -177,955.97 177,955.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50042
7/2/2018 6180 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -83,904.00 83,904.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50049
7/2/2018 6180 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -9,806.30 9,806.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50056
7/2/2018 6180 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -354,532.78 354,532.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50063
7/2/2018 6180 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -241,001.89 241,001.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 50070
7/2/2018 6181 BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bolsa de Valores 100 de Colombia -489,076.72 489,076.72 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 50078
7/2/2018 6182 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -501.6 501.6 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 50086
7/2/2018 6182 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -8,232.51 8,232.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 50091
7/2/2018 6184 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 50101
7/2/2018 6184 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 50108
7/2/2018 6184 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -10,325.78 10,325.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 50115
7/2/2018 6185 BA1218761 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROCESOS Y DISENOS
100 ENERGETICOS SA -22,252.23 22,252.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.085.844-5 50123
7/2/2018 6186 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -23,480.58 23,480.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 50131
7/2/2018 6186 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -5,066.54 5,066.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 50138
7/2/2018 6186 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -38,346.75 38,346.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 50145
7/2/2018 6187 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -63,251.76 63,251.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 50153
7/2/2018 6188 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS -8,232.51 8,232.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 50161
20/02/18 6200 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -1,814.12 1,814.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 50408
20/02/18 6200 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -59,626.56 59,626.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 50415
20/02/18 6200 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -20,523.61 20,523.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 50422
21/02/18 CMCO180200001BA1509806 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo INST NAC 100de VIGILANCIA de MEDICAMENTOS 1,965,519.60 1,965,519.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.000.167-2 50565
27/02/18 CMCO180200002BA1372190 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo UNIVERSIDAD 100 DE LA AMAZONIA 5074 1,467,750.00 1,467,750.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 891.190.346-1 50660
27/02/18 CMCO180200003BA1553454 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 5618 3,442,148.08 3,442,148.08 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.068-1 50669
1/3/2018 GL1800000520 2408050101 CONSIG LOCAL REFERENCIA CANJE - 02/02/18 -10,433.28 10,433.28 G/L Account 70601 900.356.107-2 54473
1/3/2018 GL1800000524 2408050101 PG F5077 PAGO INTERBANC EMP. ENERG. BTA - 10/05/17 -1,057,538.56 1,057,538.56 G/L Account 70601 899.999.082-3 54497
1/3/2018 GL1800000525 2408050101 PG F5371 PAGO INTERBANC EMP. ENERG. BTA- 11/21/17 -933,159.36 933,159.36 G/L Account 70601 899.999.082-3 54501
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
5/3/2018 6201 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -21,307.15 21,307.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 51326
5/3/2018 6201 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -196.93 196.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 51333
5/3/2018 6202 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 51341
5/3/2018 6202 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 51348
5/3/2018 6202 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -78,639.80 78,639.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 51355
5/3/2018 6203 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -3,489.92 3,489.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 51363
5/3/2018 6203 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -9,496.20 9,496.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 51370
5/3/2018 6203 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -105,467.10 105,467.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 51377
5/3/2018 6203 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -64,625.46 64,625.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 51384
5/3/2018 6204 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -6,643.73 6,643.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 51392
5/3/2018 6204 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -13,286.13 13,286.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 51396
5/3/2018 6205 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -103,114.33 103,114.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 51401
5/3/2018 6205 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -268,167.90 268,167.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 51408
5/3/2018 6206 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -42,466.71 42,466.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.015.764-4 51416
5/3/2018 6207 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -37,041.07 37,041.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 51422
5/3/2018 6207 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -29,296.29 29,296.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 51427
5/3/2018 6207 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -85,422.48 85,422.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 51432
5/3/2018 6208 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS -40,144.72 40,144.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 51438
5/3/2018 6208 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS -9,593.10 9,593.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 51443
5/3/2018 6208 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS -18,290.16 18,290.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 51448
5/3/2018 6208 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS -67,079.69 67,079.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 51453
5/3/2018 6209 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -21,035.28 21,035.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 51459
5/3/2018 6209 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -48,399.27 48,399.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 51464
5/3/2018 6210 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS -8,645.95 8,645.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 51470
5/3/2018 6210 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS -17,687.67 17,687.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 51477
5/3/2018 6211 BA1219095 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PATRIMONIOS 100
AUTONOMOS FIDUCIARIA CORFI -1,457,135.56 1,457,135.56 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.018.481-3 51528
5/3/2018 6212 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -272,232.00 272,232.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 51536
5/3/2018 6212 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -143,212.50 143,212.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 51543
5/3/2018 6212 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -8,511.24 8,511.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 51550
5/3/2018 6212 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -95,300.01 95,300.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 51557
5/3/2018 6212 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -365,657.85 365,657.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 51564
5/3/2018 6212 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -198,652.41 198,652.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 51571
5/3/2018 6213 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -113.43 113.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 51579
5/3/2018 6213 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -37,734.57 37,734.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 51586
5/3/2018 6213 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -97,288.36 97,288.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 51593
5/3/2018 6213 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -11,529.20 11,529.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 51600
5/3/2018 6213 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -53,691.34 53,691.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 51607
5/3/2018 6214 BA1331470 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASSA ABLOY COLOMBIA
100 SAS -46,890.29 46,890.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.826-8 51615
5/3/2018 6215 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -17,096.96 17,096.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 51623
5/3/2018 6215 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -476,437.35 476,437.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 51630
5/3/2018 6215 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -5,217.78 5,217.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 51637
5/3/2018 6215 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -1,651,466.70 1,651,466.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 51644
5/3/2018 6216 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -49.76 49.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 51652
5/3/2018 6216 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -30.48 30.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 51659
5/3/2018 6216 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -55,866.08 55,866.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 51666
5/3/2018 6216 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -4,354.52 4,354.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 51673
5/3/2018 6216 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -50.15 50.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 51680
5/3/2018 6216 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1,001,290.88 1,001,290.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 51687
5/3/2018 6217 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA100 SAS -39,368.00 39,368.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 51695
5/3/2018 6218 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 51701
5/3/2018 6219 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -10,512.42 10,512.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 51709
5/3/2018 6219 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -15,478.54 15,478.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 51716
5/3/2018 6219 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -66,104.61 66,104.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 51723
5/3/2018 6220 BA1409705 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CYCLELOGIC COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -175,888.68 175,888.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.048.425-5 51731
5/3/2018 6221 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -7,427.27 7,427.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 51737
5/3/2018 6221 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -2,403.79 2,403.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 51744
5/3/2018 6221 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -11,717.82 11,717.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 51751
5/3/2018 6221 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -58,021.44 58,021.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 51758
5/3/2018 6221 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -18,883.34 18,883.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 51765
5/3/2018 6222 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -271,497.20 271,497.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 51773
5/3/2018 6222 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -38,444.49 38,444.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 51780
5/3/2018 6222 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -12,753.60 12,753.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 51787
5/3/2018 6222 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -161,262.88 161,262.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 51794
5/3/2018 6222 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -270,240.61 270,240.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 51801
5/3/2018 6223 BA1428596 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMUNICACIONES 100 WEB DINAMICAS SAS -3,223.54 3,223.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.500.308-1 51809
5/3/2018 6224 BA1509805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -1,730,414.09 1,730,414.09 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 51814
5/3/2018 6225 BA1510453 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ONE WORK SHOP 100 SAS -1,580,811.78 1,580,811.78 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.496.021-8 51822
5/3/2018 6226 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -2,918.40 2,918.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 51828
5/3/2018 6226 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -36,404.00 36,404.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 51833
5/3/2018 6226 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -24,927.81 24,927.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 51838
5/3/2018 6226 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -13,242.24 13,242.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 51843
5/3/2018 6226 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -51,514.32 51,514.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 51848
5/3/2018 6228 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 51856
5/3/2018 6229 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -6,323.20 6,323.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 51862
5/3/2018 6229 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -5,624.00 5,624.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 51867
5/3/2018 6230 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 51873
5/3/2018 6230 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -9,675.75 9,675.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 51878
5/3/2018 6230 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -91.01 91.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 51883
5/3/2018 6230 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -7,824.96 7,824.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 51888
5/3/2018 6231 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -7,385.30 7,385.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 51894
5/3/2018 6231 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -4,815.74 4,815.74 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 51901
5/3/2018 6231 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -163,164.88 163,164.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 51908
5/3/2018 6232 BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Johnson & Johnson
100 de Colombia -1,913,231.60 1,913,231.60 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 51916
5/3/2018 6233 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -475 475 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 51924
5/3/2018 6233 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -47,744.18 47,744.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 51931
5/3/2018 6233 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -120,583.50 120,583.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 51938
5/3/2018 6233 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -70,208.80 70,208.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 51945
5/3/2018 6233 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -75,051.90 75,051.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 51952
5/3/2018 6234 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -2,457.27 2,457.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 51960
5/3/2018 6234 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -36,271.95 36,271.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 51967
5/3/2018 6235 BA1605801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Xperience Construction
100 Group S.A.S. -3,631,320.66 3,631,320.66 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.218.414-8 51975
5/3/2018 6264 BA1553371 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -32,425.12 32,425.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 52086
5/3/2018 6264 BA1553371 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -34,430.18 34,430.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 52093
5/3/2018 6264 BA1553371 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -28,218.33 28,218.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 52100
5/3/2018 6266 BA1606062 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL AND 100 GAS SAS -3,245,244.16 3,245,244.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 52108
5/3/2018 6266 BA1606062 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL AND 100 GAS SAS -6,687,169.78 6,687,169.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 52115
5/3/2018 6267 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -1,121.00 1,121.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 52123
5/3/2018 6267 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -57,387.60 57,387.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 52130
5/3/2018 6267 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -23,170.50 23,170.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 52137
5/3/2018 6267 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -3,520.70 3,520.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 52144
5/3/2018 6267 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -67,640.00 67,640.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 52151
5/3/2018 6268 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -32,035.52 32,035.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 52159
5/3/2018 6268 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -10,246.32 10,246.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 52166
5/3/2018 6268 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -70,427.49 70,427.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 52173
5/3/2018 6270 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -28,691.52 28,691.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.041.739-4 52185
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
5/3/2018 6271 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -4,732.52 4,732.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 52191
5/3/2018 6271 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -49,562.26 49,562.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 52198
5/3/2018 6271 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -5,617.92 5,617.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 52205
5/3/2018 6271 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -31,625.88 31,625.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 52212
5/3/2018 6272 BA1352798 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTION Y ADMINISTRACION
100 EMPRESARIAL S -23,800.92 23,800.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.257.607-9 52220
5/3/2018 6273 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -32,170.80 32,170.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 52226
5/3/2018 6273 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -85,968.54 85,968.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 52233
5/3/2018 6274 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -306,722.13 306,722.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 52241
5/3/2018 6275 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -13,378.47 13,378.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 52249
5/3/2018 6275 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -30,647.76 30,647.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 52254
5/3/2018 6276 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -24,453.00 24,453.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.060.203-6 52260
5/3/2018 6278 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -15,649.92 15,649.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.531.315-3 52268
5/3/2018 6279 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -32,102.40 32,102.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 52274
5/3/2018 6279 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -30,973.80 30,973.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 52279
5/3/2018 6282 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -18,258.24 18,258.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.445.634-4 52289
5/3/2018 6283 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -56,567.94 56,567.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.398.897-2 52294
5/3/2018 6284 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -4,277.47 4,277.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 52300
5/3/2018 6284 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -54,171.66 54,171.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 52307
5/3/2018 6284 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -16,954.08 16,954.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 52314
5/3/2018 6284 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -39,450.84 39,450.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 52321
5/3/2018 6285 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -88,643.74 88,643.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 52329
5/3/2018 6285 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -2,789.01 2,789.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 52336
5/3/2018 6285 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -845,054.64 845,054.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 52343
5/3/2018 6286 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -19,241.30 19,241.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 52351
5/3/2018 6286 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -57,138.51 57,138.51 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 52356
5/3/2018 6287 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -22,115.43 22,115.43 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 52362
5/3/2018 6287 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -168,287.37 168,287.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 52369
5/3/2018 6287 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -25,349.61 25,349.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 52376
5/3/2018 6288 BA1372303 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PENA MANCERO 100 ABOGADOS SAS -10,557.16 10,557.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.269.825-1 52384
5/3/2018 6288 BA1372303 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PENA MANCERO 100 ABOGADOS SAS -13,764.93 13,764.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.269.825-1 52389
5/3/2018 6288 BA1372303 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PENA MANCERO 100 ABOGADOS SAS -11,329.89 11,329.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.269.825-1 52394
5/3/2018 6289 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -3,812.16 3,812.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 52400
5/3/2018 6289 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -59,094.75 59,094.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 52405
5/3/2018 6291 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -40,681.47 40,681.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 52414
5/3/2018 6291 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -39,939.90 39,939.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 52419
5/3/2018 6292 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -151,986.70 151,986.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 52425
5/3/2018 6292 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -41,863.46 41,863.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 52432
5/3/2018 6292 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -12,794.60 12,794.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 52439
5/3/2018 6292 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -263,190.66 263,190.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 52446
5/3/2018 6293 BA1218479 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ABRAAJ COLOMBIA 100 ADVISERS SAS -57,872.10 57,872.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.192.607-8 52454
5/3/2018 6294 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -465,608.30 465,608.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 52460
5/3/2018 6294 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -540,861.03 540,861.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 52467
5/3/2018 6295 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -33,127.64 33,127.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 52475
5/3/2018 6295 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -8,937.98 8,937.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 52480
5/3/2018 6295 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -91,780.26 91,780.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 52485
5/3/2018 6296 BA1372183 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROBOGOTA 100 REGION -21,355.62 21,355.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.753.664-6 52491
5/3/2018 6297 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -35,945.91 35,945.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 52497
5/3/2018 6298 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -92,758.38 92,758.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 52505
5/3/2018 6299 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -86,998.72 86,998.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 52511
5/3/2018 6299 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -56,474.27 56,474.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 52518
5/3/2018 6299 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -11,796.72 11,796.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 52525
5/3/2018 6299 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -653,939.91 653,939.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 52532
5/3/2018 6300 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -60,794.68 60,794.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 52540
5/3/2018 6300 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -38,679.06 38,679.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 52547
5/3/2018 6300 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -48,004.83 48,004.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 52554
5/3/2018 6301 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -54,332.97 54,332.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 52562
5/3/2018 6301 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -85,572.96 85,572.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 52569
5/3/2018 6301 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -62,029.11 62,029.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 52576
5/3/2018 6302 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -1,820.20 1,820.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 52584
5/3/2018 6302 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -21,949.18 21,949.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 52589
5/3/2018 6302 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -78,552.46 78,552.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 52594
5/3/2018 6302 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -98,110.87 98,110.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 52599
5/3/2018 6303 BA1218704 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BEJARANO Y RICAURTE
100 LTDA -4,514.40 4,514.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.507.441-2 52609
5/3/2018 6303 BA1218704 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BEJARANO Y RICAURTE
100 LTDA -32,685.51 32,685.51 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.507.441-2 52614
5/3/2018 6304 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -3,818.05 3,818.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 52620
5/3/2018 6304 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -679.25 679.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 52627
5/3/2018 6304 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -516.8 516.8 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 52634
5/3/2018 6304 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -45,657.00 45,657.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 52641
5/3/2018 6305 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -12,439.68 12,439.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.086.882-1 52649
5/3/2018 6305 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -7,009.86 7,009.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.086.882-1 52653
5/3/2018 6306 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -29,868.00 29,868.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 52658
5/3/2018 6306 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -199.5 199.5 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 52663
5/3/2018 6306 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -3,210.24 3,210.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 52668
5/3/2018 6306 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -28,854.54 28,854.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 52673
5/3/2018 6307 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -601.92 601.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 52679
5/3/2018 6307 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -14,427.27 14,427.27 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 52683
5/3/2018 6308 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -50,536.20 50,536.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.524.239-7 52688
5/3/2018 6309 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -6,006.66 6,006.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 52694
5/3/2018 6309 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -37,852.94 37,852.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 52699
5/3/2018 6309 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -1,003.20 1,003.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 52704
5/3/2018 6309 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -120,716.31 120,716.31 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 52709
5/3/2018 6310 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -8,190.90 8,190.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 52715
5/3/2018 6310 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -38,630.61 38,630.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 52722
5/3/2018 6310 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -25,594.14 25,594.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 52729
5/3/2018 6312 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -25,209.77 25,209.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 52741
5/3/2018 6312 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -5,818.56 5,818.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 52748
5/3/2018 6312 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -91,209.69 91,209.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 52755
5/3/2018 6313 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -111,743.94 111,743.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 52763
5/3/2018 6313 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -7,835.79 7,835.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 52770
5/3/2018 6313 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -106,096.00 106,096.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 52777
5/3/2018 6314 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -13,378.47 13,378.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 52785
5/3/2018 6314 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -35,513.28 35,513.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 52790
5/3/2018 6314 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -41,162.55 41,162.55 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 52795
5/3/2018 6315 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -9,101.00 9,101.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.248.065-9 52801
5/3/2018 6315 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -10,341.89 10,341.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.248.065-9 52808
5/3/2018 6315 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -5,379.66 5,379.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.248.065-9 52815
5/3/2018 6316 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA y ACEVEDO 100 ABOGADOS LTDA -114 114 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 52823
5/3/2018 6316 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA y ACEVEDO 100 ABOGADOS LTDA -2,639.29 2,639.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 52828
5/3/2018 6316 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA y ACEVEDO 100 ABOGADOS LTDA -48,661.47 48,661.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 52833
5/3/2018 6317 BA1218810 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DERIVEX SA 100 -24,616.02 24,616.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.968-6 52839
5/3/2018 6318 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -80,452.84 80,452.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 52845
5/3/2018 6318 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -14,126.69 14,126.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 52850
5/3/2018 6318 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -18,960.48 18,960.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 52855
5/3/2018 6318 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -98,301.06 98,301.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 52860
5/3/2018 6319 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -220,327.80 220,327.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 52866
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
5/3/2018 6319 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -176,713.30 176,713.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 52873
5/3/2018 6319 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -4,104.00 4,104.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 52880
5/3/2018 6320 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -42,319.65 42,319.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 52888
5/3/2018 6320 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -17,220.84 17,220.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 52895
5/3/2018 6320 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -69,214.53 69,214.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 52902
5/3/2018 6322 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -52,115.10 52,115.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 52914
5/3/2018 6322 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -27,884.40 27,884.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 52921
5/3/2018 6322 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -101,745.00 101,745.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 52928
5/3/2018 6322 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -387,030.00 387,030.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 52935
5/3/2018 6324 BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PFIZER SAS 100 -283.86 283.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 52947
5/3/2018 6324 BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PFIZER SAS 100 -11,872.53 11,872.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 52952
5/3/2018 6325 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON CRIALES ABOGADOS S -15,812.94 15,812.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 52958
5/3/2018 6326 BA1218709 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD COLOMBIANA
100 DE SERVICIOS PORTU -56,975.49 56,975.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.405.769-3 52963
5/3/2018 6328 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -92,921.21 92,921.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 52972
5/3/2018 6328 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -175,246.50 175,246.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 52977
5/3/2018 6329 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -312,437.33 312,437.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 52983
5/3/2018 6329 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -121,797.98 121,797.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 52988
5/3/2018 6329 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -7,122.72 7,122.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 52993
5/3/2018 6329 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -319,845.24 319,845.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 52998
5/3/2018 6330 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -6,846.84 6,846.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 53004
5/3/2018 6330 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -1,900.00 1,900.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 53009
5/3/2018 6330 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -13,014.43 13,014.43 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 53014
5/3/2018 6330 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -163,183.02 163,183.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 53019
5/3/2018 6331 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -55,100.76 55,100.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 53025
5/3/2018 6332 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -99,018.88 99,018.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 53033
5/3/2018 6332 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -1,036.07 1,036.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 53038
5/3/2018 6332 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -114,603.06 114,603.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 53043
5/3/2018 6333 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA -26,653.77 26,653.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.021.637-3 53049
5/3/2018 6334 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -19,931.19 19,931.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 53055
5/3/2018 6334 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -1,456.16 1,456.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 53062
5/3/2018 6334 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -118,974.20 118,974.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 53069
5/3/2018 6334 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -547,852.08 547,852.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 53076
5/3/2018 6335 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -14,925.64 14,925.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 53084
5/3/2018 6335 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -41,244.06 41,244.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 53089
5/3/2018 6336 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -19,021.09 19,021.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 53095
5/3/2018 6336 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -25,450.88 25,450.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 53102
5/3/2018 6338 BA1374501 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ANASAC COLOMBIA 100 LTDA -677,716.32 677,716.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.102.401-1 53114
5/3/2018 6340 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -57,154.28 57,154.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 53123
5/3/2018 6340 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -23,438.21 23,438.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 53128
5/3/2018 6340 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -2,808.96 2,808.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 53133
5/3/2018 6340 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -165,546.81 165,546.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 53138
5/3/2018 6342 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -29,578.25 29,578.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 53148
5/3/2018 6342 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -6,410.22 6,410.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 53153
5/3/2018 6342 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -225,701.19 225,701.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 53158
5/3/2018 6344 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -99,018.88 99,018.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 53167
5/3/2018 6344 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -75,830.71 75,830.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 53174
5/3/2018 6344 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -183,152.97 183,152.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 53181
5/3/2018 6345 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -143,340.75 143,340.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 53189
5/3/2018 6346 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -4,732.52 4,732.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 53195
5/3/2018 6346 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -5,498.98 5,498.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 53199
5/3/2018 6346 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -8,477.04 8,477.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 53203
5/3/2018 6347 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -67,111.23 67,111.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.007.251-9 53208
5/3/2018 6348 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -73,848.06 73,848.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 53214
5/3/2018 6349 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM INVERSION
100 SAS -19,021.09 19,021.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 53222
5/3/2018 6349 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM INVERSION
100 SAS -327,588.69 327,588.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 53229
5/3/2018 6350 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -18,065.58 18,065.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 53237
5/3/2018 6351 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100
y CIA SCA ESP -5,964.10 5,964.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.537-6 53242
5/3/2018 6351 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100
y CIA SCA ESP -36,842.52 36,842.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.537-6 53249
5/3/2018 6352 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -1,419.30 1,419.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 53257
5/3/2018 6352 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -18,042.78 18,042.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 53262
5/3/2018 6353 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -66,983.36 66,983.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 53268
5/3/2018 6353 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -125,443.89 125,443.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 53273
5/3/2018 6355 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -10,168.80 10,168.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 53285
5/3/2018 6355 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -20,386.24 20,386.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 53290
5/3/2018 6355 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -62,088.39 62,088.39 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 53295
5/3/2018 6358 BA1218680 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASHMORE MANAGEMENT
100 COMPANY COLOMBIA SA -23,474.88 23,474.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.316.081-9 53306
5/3/2018 6359 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -16,233.60 16,233.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 53312
5/3/2018 6359 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -557,779.20 557,779.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 53319
5/3/2018 6359 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -10,557.16 10,557.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 53326
5/3/2018 6359 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -89,987.04 89,987.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 53333
5/3/2018 6359 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -156,580.71 156,580.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 53340
5/3/2018 6360 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -4,012.80 4,012.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 53348
5/3/2018 6360 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -21,111.09 21,111.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 53353
5/3/2018 6361 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -48,053.28 48,053.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 53359
5/3/2018 6361 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -29,262.09 29,262.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 53366
5/3/2018 6362 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -2,952.60 2,952.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 53374
5/3/2018 6362 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -200,783.64 200,783.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 53381
5/3/2018 6362 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -31,372.04 31,372.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 53388
5/3/2018 6362 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -21,685.46 21,685.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 53395
5/3/2018 6362 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -340,857.15 340,857.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 53402
5/3/2018 6363 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -11,922.31 11,922.31 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 53410
5/3/2018 6363 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -9,662.07 9,662.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 53415
5/3/2018 6363 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -1,709.62 1,709.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 53420
5/3/2018 6364 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -14,197.56 14,197.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 53426
5/3/2018 6364 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -4,401.54 4,401.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 53431
5/3/2018 6365 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -45.6 45.6 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 53437
5/3/2018 6365 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -54,697.01 54,697.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 53442
5/3/2018 6365 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -1,776.12 1,776.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 53447
5/3/2018 6365 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -288,952.95 288,952.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 53452
5/3/2018 6366 BA1218681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VGCD ABOGADOS 100 SAS -52,573.95 52,573.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.522.862-7 53458
5/3/2018 6368 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA -70,995.21 70,995.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 53468
5/3/2018 6369 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -7,724.64 7,724.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 53476
5/3/2018 6369 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -6,765.33 6,765.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 53480
5/3/2018 6372 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -588,277.62 588,277.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 53492
5/3/2018 6374 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -71,891.82 71,891.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.422.795-2 53502
5/3/2018 6375 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -96,743.63 96,743.63 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 53508
5/3/2018 6375 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -7,881.58 7,881.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 53515
5/3/2018 6375 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -7,758.84 7,758.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 53522
5/3/2018 6375 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -49,807.17 49,807.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 53529
5/3/2018 6376 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -89,742.51 89,742.51 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.212.828-6 53537
5/3/2018 6377 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -1,094.40 1,094.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 53543
5/3/2018 6377 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -8,803.08 8,803.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 53547
5/3/2018 6378 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -5,278.58 5,278.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 53552
5/3/2018 6378 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -42,272.91 42,272.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 53559
12/3/2018 GL1800000461 2408050101 Pg F6019 PAGO INTERBANC FERROVIAL AGROM -625.86 625.86 G/L Account 70601 805.011.222-6 53955
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
13/03/18 6384 BA1560173 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,975,177.43 1,975,177.43 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 53701
13/03/18 CMCO180300001BA1560173 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO S.A 5316 1,547,864.64 1,547,864.64 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 53709
13/03/18 CMCO180300002BA1560173 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO S.A 5571 1,975,177.43 1,975,177.43 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 53717
13/03/18 6382 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -58,246.40 58,246.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 53725
13/03/18 6382 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -3,502.46 3,502.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 53732
13/03/18 6382 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -252,922.68 252,922.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 53739
13/03/18 6385 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -6,846.84 6,846.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 53747
13/03/18 6385 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -260,977.92 260,977.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 53754
13/03/18 6385 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -54,529.43 54,529.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 53761
13/03/18 6280 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -199,762.01 199,762.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 53769
13/03/18 6386 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 100 -17,480.00 17,480.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 53824
13/03/18 6386 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 100 -4,554.30 4,554.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 53831
13/03/18 6386 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 100 -38,399.00 38,399.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 53838
13/03/18 6387 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 100 -26,136.40 26,136.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 53846
13/03/18 6387 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 100 -14,590.10 14,590.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 53853
13/03/18 6387 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 100 -64,180.10 64,180.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 53860
13/03/18 6387 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 100 -262,713.00 262,713.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 53867
13/03/18 6388 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 100 -70,832.00 70,832.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 53878
13/03/18 6388 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 100 -13,936.50 13,936.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 53885
13/03/18 6388 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 100 -8,171.90 8,171.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 53892
13/03/18 6388 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 100 -74,005.00 74,005.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 53899
14/03/18 CMCO180300003BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FIDUCIARIA 100 BANCOLOMBIA SA 6099 6099 17,480.00 17,480.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 53988
14/03/18 CMCO180300003BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FIDUCIARIA 100 BANCOLOMBIA SA 6099 6099 4,554.30 4,554.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 53995
14/03/18 CMCO180300003BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FIDUCIARIA 100 BANCOLOMBIA SA 6099 6099 38,399.00 38,399.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 54002
14/03/18 CMCO180300004BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCOLOMBIA 100 SA 6063 6063 70,832.00 70,832.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 54010
14/03/18 CMCO180300004BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCOLOMBIA 100 SA 6063 6063 13,936.50 13,936.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 54017
14/03/18 CMCO180300004BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCOLOMBIA 100 SA 6063 6063 8,171.90 8,171.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 54024
14/03/18 CMCO180300004BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCOLOMBIA 100 SA 6063 6063 74,005.00 74,005.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 54031
14/03/18 CMCO180300005BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCA100 DE INVERSION BANCOLOMBIA SA 6116 26,136.40 26,136.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 54039
14/03/18 CMCO180300005BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCA100 DE INVERSION BANCOLOMBIA SA 6116 14,590.10 14,590.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 54046
14/03/18 CMCO180300005BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCA100 DE INVERSION BANCOLOMBIA SA 6116 64,180.10 64,180.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 54053
14/03/18 CMCO180300005BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCA100 DE INVERSION BANCOLOMBIA SA 6116 262,713.00 262,713.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 54060
14/03/18 6389 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,247,312.00 1,247,312.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 54068
14/03/18 6390 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 100 -2,488,124.10 2,488,124.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 54076
14/03/18 CMCO180300006BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 5622 5622 2,488,124.10 2,488,124.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 54084
14/03/18 CMCO180300007BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 6022 6022 1,247,312.00 1,247,312.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 54092
14/03/18 6391 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Banco de Bogota 100 - REBILL 5995 -5,628.99 5,628.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54100
14/03/18 6391 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Banco de Bogota 100 - REBILL 5995 -183.14 183.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54105
14/03/18 6392 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Banco de Bogota 100 - REBILL 5770 -2,166,772.54 2,166,772.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54111
14/03/18 6392 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Banco de Bogota 100 - REBILL 5770 -261,557.04 261,557.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54118
14/03/18 6392 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Banco de Bogota 100 - REBILL 5770 -400,521.52 400,521.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54125
14/03/18 6393 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Banco de Bogota 100 - REBILL 5562 -67,083.51 67,083.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54133
14/03/18 CMCO180300008BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 5562 5562 67,083.51 67,083.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54141
14/03/18 CMCO180300009BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 5770 5770 2,166,772.54 2,166,772.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54149
14/03/18 CMCO180300009BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 5770 5770 261,557.04 261,557.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54156
14/03/18 CMCO180300009BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 5770 5770 400,521.52 400,521.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54163
14/03/18 CMCO180300010BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 5995 5995 5,628.99 5,628.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54171
14/03/18 CMCO180300010BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 5995 5995 183.14 183.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 54176
16/03/18 6395 BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 100 -861,745.95 861,745.95 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 54194
16/03/18 CMCO180300012BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMGESA 100
SA ESP 5566 5566 861,745.95 861,745.95 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 54202
21/03/18 6396 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Promotora de100 Cafe Colombia Usage 2017 -190,210.90 190,210.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 54360
21/03/18 6396 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Promotora de100 Cafe Colombia Usage 2017 -75,620.00 75,620.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 54367
21/03/18 6396 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Promotora de100 Cafe Colombia Usage 2017 -380,683.81 380,683.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 54374
21/03/18 CMCO180300013BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMOTORA 100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA 5807 58 166,730.32 166,730.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 54382
21/03/18 CMCO180300013BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMOTORA 100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA 5807 58 89,987.80 89,987.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 54389
21/03/18 CMCO180300013BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMOTORA 100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA 5807 58 373,468.94 373,468.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 54396
22/03/18 6397 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -127,400.13 127,400.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 54404
22/03/18 6398 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 100 -260,505.96 260,505.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 54412
22/03/18 CMCO180300014BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOLSA 100 DE VALORES DE COLOMBIA 5783 578 260,505.96 260,505.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 54420
22/03/18 6399 BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 100 -428,724.89 428,724.89 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 54428
22/03/18 CMCO180300015BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Bolsa de 100
Valores de Colombia 5781 578 428,724.89 428,724.89 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 54436
22/03/18 5360 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -5,328.36 5,328.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 54444
22/03/18 5360 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -7,498.92 7,498.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 54449
23/03/18 GL1800000521 2408050101 PG F5850 MULTITEK INTERNACIONAL SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -909,530.95 909,530.95 G/L Account 70601 900.516.188-6 54475
27/03/18 6401 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 54528
27/03/18 6401 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 54535
27/03/18 6402 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -584.58 584.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 54546
27/03/18 6402 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 54553
27/03/18 6402 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 54560
4/4/2018 6403 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -3,234.56 3,234.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 55693
4/4/2018 6405 BA1218737 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CARVAJAL EMPAQUES100 SA -332,003.67 332,003.67 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.319.047-6 55706
4/4/2018 6407 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -192,304.13 192,304.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 55717
4/4/2018 6411 BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMGESA SA ESP 100 -812,224.35 812,224.35 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 55734
4/4/2018 6412 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A -950,245.10 950,245.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 55742
4/4/2018 6413 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -37.81 37.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 55750
4/4/2018 6413 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -72,474.17 72,474.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 55757
4/4/2018 6415 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -8,038.14 8,038.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 55770
4/4/2018 6415 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -561,513.08 561,513.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 55777
4/4/2018 6416 BA1366598 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -1,167,544.54 1,167,544.54 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.914.525-7 55787
4/4/2018 6417 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -28.86 28.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 55793
4/4/2018 6417 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -4,837.78 4,837.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 55800
4/4/2018 6417 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -64,570.55 64,570.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 55807
4/4/2018 6419 BA1374665 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSTRUCCIONES 100 EL CONDOR SA -326,351.83 326,351.83 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.922.447-4 55820
4/4/2018 6421 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 55834
4/4/2018 6422 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -5,097.68 5,097.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 55842
4/4/2018 6423 BA1409705 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CYCLELOGIC COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -175,888.68 175,888.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.048.425-5 55852
4/4/2018 6424 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -207.27 207.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 55858
4/4/2018 6424 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -2,087.12 2,087.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 55865
4/4/2018 6425 BA1508799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO NUTRESA 100 SA -1,640,907.68 1,640,907.68 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.050-1 55876
4/4/2018 6426 BA1509002 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOEHRINGER100 INGELHEIM SA -1,628,991.60 1,628,991.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.753-8 55884
4/4/2018 6427 BA1510560 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Movix LA Colombia100 SAS -598.5 598.5 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.173.778-8 55892
4/4/2018 6428 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -18,839.07 18,839.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 55898
4/4/2018 6429 BA1520504 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRODUCCION100 DE EVENTOS 911 SAS -650,219.52 650,219.52 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.199.025-3 55907
4/4/2018 6430 BA1524771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO DE INVERSIONES
100 SURAMERICANA -1,494,736.47 1,494,736.47 G/L Account 70601 EVE 811.012.271-3 55913
4/4/2018 6432 BA1553453 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORFICOLOMBIANA 100 S.A. -1,448,963.16 1,448,963.16 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.300.653-6 55923
4/4/2018 6433 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 55931
4/4/2018 6433 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -14,962.50 14,962.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 55936
4/4/2018 6434 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -4,110.08 4,110.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 55944
4/4/2018 6434 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -3,585.30 3,585.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 55949
4/4/2018 6435 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,548,167.83 1,548,167.83 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 55956
4/4/2018 6436 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 55964
4/4/2018 6437 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -1,048.80 1,048.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 55970
4/4/2018 6438 BA1560181 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO AVAL100 ACCIONES Y VALORES S.A. -1,718,701.80 1,718,701.80 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.216.181-5 55980
4/4/2018 6439 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -3,384.28 3,384.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 55988
4/4/2018 6440 BA1599355 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERCONEXION 100 ELECTRICA S.A E.S.P. -1,068,978.21 1,068,978.21 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.016.610-3 55999
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/4/2018 6441 BA1599358 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Conconcreto 100 S.A. -1,152,056.17 1,152,056.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.901.110-8 56005
4/4/2018 6443 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL AND 100 GAS SAS -45.6 45.6 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 56015
4/4/2018 6443 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL AND 100 GAS SAS -4,788.00 4,788.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 56020
4/4/2018 6444 BA1608128 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -4,270,420.05 4,270,420.05 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.148.514-2 56026
4/4/2018 6445 BA1608133 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRINT PHARMA 100COLOMBIA SAS -2,677,860.00 2,677,860.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 56034
4/4/2018 6470 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -1,589.84 1,589.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 56133
4/4/2018 6472 BA1603003 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -3,182,196.82 3,182,196.82 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.068-1 56144
4/4/2018 6477 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -67,435.56 67,435.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 56160
4/4/2018 6478 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 56169
4/4/2018 6478 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 56176
4/4/2018 6478 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -115,167.92 115,167.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 56183
4/4/2018 6479 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -1,539.00 1,539.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 56191
4/4/2018 6479 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -86,312.25 86,312.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 56198
4/4/2018 6479 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -43,558.45 43,558.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 56205
4/4/2018 6479 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -11,240.40 11,240.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 56212
4/4/2018 6479 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -134,102.00 134,102.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 56219
4/4/2018 6480 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -51,420.65 51,420.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 56227
4/4/2018 6480 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -6,623.40 6,623.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 56234
4/4/2018 6480 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -195,968.85 195,968.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 56241
4/4/2018 6482 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -15,323.88 15,323.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.041.739-4 56253
4/4/2018 6484 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -26,028.86 26,028.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 56258
4/4/2018 6484 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -9,721.92 9,721.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 56265
4/4/2018 6484 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice VITALCHEM LABORATORIES
100 DE COLOMBIA S A -5,461.17 5,461.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 56272
4/4/2018 6485 BA1218731 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANCLEMENTE 100FERNANDEZ ABOGADOS SA -21,681.66 21,681.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.142.154-7 56280
4/4/2018 6486 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -1,138.48 1,138.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 56286
4/4/2018 6486 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -54,406.50 54,406.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 56293
4/4/2018 6486 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -254,418.36 254,418.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 56300
4/4/2018 6487 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -16,927.86 16,927.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 56308
4/4/2018 6487 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -6,219.84 6,219.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 56315
4/4/2018 6487 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -135,306.60 135,306.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 56322
4/4/2018 6488 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -15,380.69 15,380.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 56330
4/4/2018 6488 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -19,399.38 19,399.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 56335
4/4/2018 6489 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -270,531.69 270,531.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.531.315-3 56341
4/4/2018 6490 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -16,954.08 16,954.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 56349
4/4/2018 6490 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -14,753.31 14,753.31 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 56354
4/4/2018 6491 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -7,923.00 7,923.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 56360
4/4/2018 6491 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -2,527.00 2,527.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 56365
4/4/2018 6493 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -52,003.38 52,003.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.445.634-4 56375
4/4/2018 6494 BA1218836 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION SOCIAL 100 SERVIR -82,864.32 82,864.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.416.798-1 56381
4/4/2018 6494 BA1218836 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION SOCIAL 100 SERVIR -68,957.46 68,957.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.416.798-1 56386
4/4/2018 6495 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -36,679.50 36,679.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.398.897-2 56392
4/4/2018 6496 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -21,933.41 21,933.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 56398
4/4/2018 6496 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -33,387.56 33,387.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 56405
4/4/2018 6496 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -17,455.68 17,455.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 56412
4/4/2018 6496 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -24,371.49 24,371.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 56419
4/4/2018 6497 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -100,657.06 100,657.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 56427
4/4/2018 6497 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -841,009.73 841,009.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 56434
4/4/2018 6498 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -5,551.61 5,551.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 56442
4/4/2018 6498 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -26,789.81 26,789.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 56447
4/4/2018 6498 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -18,258.24 18,258.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 56452
4/4/2018 6499 BA1218755 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSULTORES 100ASOCIADOS ASOCONSULT SAS -11,818.95 11,818.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.018.330-6 56458
4/4/2018 6500 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -185,604.54 185,604.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 56463
4/4/2018 6500 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -109,467.93 109,467.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 56470
4/4/2018 6502 BA1393189 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PAVIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA SAS -11,737.44 11,737.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.024.586-8 56478
4/4/2018 6483 BA1400294 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONDISENO ARQUITECTOS
100 SA -665,000.00 665,000.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.920.918-2 56484
4/4/2018 6503 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,184.24 2,184.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 56492
4/4/2018 6503 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -3,404.23 3,404.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 56496
4/4/2018 6503 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,407.68 2,407.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 56500
4/4/2018 6503 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -6,276.27 6,276.27 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 56504
4/4/2018 6505 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -11,194.23 11,194.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 56512
4/4/2018 6505 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -27,468.87 27,468.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 56517
4/4/2018 6506 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -304,428.45 304,428.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 56523
4/4/2018 6506 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -96,856.49 96,856.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 56530
4/4/2018 6506 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -45,962.14 45,962.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 56537
4/4/2018 6506 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -486,496.71 486,496.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 56544
4/4/2018 6507 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -674,458.58 674,458.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 56552
4/4/2018 6507 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -615,717.04 615,717.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 56559
4/4/2018 6508 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -101,931.20 101,931.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 56567
4/4/2018 6508 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -41,590.81 41,590.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 56572
4/4/2018 6508 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -126,911.07 126,911.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 56577
4/4/2018 6509 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -174,268.38 174,268.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 56583
4/4/2018 6510 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -180,952.20 180,952.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 56591
4/4/2018 6511 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -2,730.30 2,730.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 56597
4/4/2018 6511 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -15,148.32 15,148.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 56604
4/4/2018 6511 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -10,922.34 10,922.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 56611
4/4/2018 6512 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -103,509.91 103,509.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 56619
4/4/2018 6512 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -56,524.43 56,524.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 56626
4/4/2018 6512 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -1,663.64 1,663.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 56633
4/4/2018 6512 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -590,369.52 590,369.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 56640
4/4/2018 6513 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -71,260.83 71,260.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 56648
4/4/2018 6513 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -60,233.04 60,233.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 56655
4/4/2018 6513 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -50,870.79 50,870.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 56662
4/4/2018 6514 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Q&A BANCA DE 100INVERSION SAS -100.32 100.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 56670
4/4/2018 6514 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Q&A BANCA DE 100INVERSION SAS -69,120.48 69,120.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 56675
4/4/2018 6515 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -39,498.34 39,498.34 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 56681
4/4/2018 6515 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -67,214.40 67,214.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 56688
4/4/2018 6515 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -75,478.26 75,478.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 56695
4/4/2018 6516 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -18,839.07 18,839.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 56703
4/4/2018 6516 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -33,786.94 33,786.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 56708
4/4/2018 6516 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -104,331.09 104,331.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 56713
4/4/2018 6516 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -143,161.20 143,161.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 56718
4/4/2018 6517 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -7,157.30 7,157.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 56724
4/4/2018 6517 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -5,266.80 5,266.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 56731
4/4/2018 6517 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -5,684.80 5,684.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 56738
4/4/2018 6517 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -56,715.00 56,715.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 56745
4/4/2018 6518 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -15,412.80 15,412.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 56753
4/4/2018 6518 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -21,681.66 21,681.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 56758
4/4/2018 6519 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -11,336.16 11,336.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 56764
4/4/2018 6519 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -72,706.92 72,706.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 56769
4/4/2018 6520 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -2,275.25 2,275.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 56775
4/4/2018 6520 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -49,583.35 49,583.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 56780
4/4/2018 6520 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -12,941.28 12,941.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 56785
4/4/2018 6520 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -80,450.37 80,450.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 56790
4/4/2018 6521 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -2,548.28 2,548.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 56796
4/4/2018 6521 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -31,230.11 31,230.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 56803
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/4/2018 6521 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -18,013.71 18,013.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 56810
4/4/2018 6523 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -3,822.42 3,822.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 56821
4/4/2018 6523 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -4,012.80 4,012.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 56828
4/4/2018 6523 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -48,009.39 48,009.39 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 56835
4/4/2018 6524 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -71,413.02 71,413.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 56843
4/4/2018 6524 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -92,568.76 92,568.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 56850
4/4/2018 6525 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -19,112.10 19,112.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 56858
4/4/2018 6525 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -13,242.24 13,242.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 56863
4/4/2018 6525 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -34,804.77 34,804.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 56868
4/4/2018 6526 BA1218742 Customer 2408050101 Invoice REYES ABOGADOS 100 ASOCIADOS -18,502.77 18,502.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.085.916-0 56874
4/4/2018 6527 BA1218810 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DERIVEX SA 100 -9,862.71 9,862.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.968-6 56879
4/4/2018 6528 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -20,568.26 20,568.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 56884
4/4/2018 6528 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -13,652.64 13,652.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 56889
4/4/2018 6528 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -9,731.04 9,731.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 56894
4/4/2018 6528 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -63,251.76 63,251.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 56899
4/4/2018 6529 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -289,252.20 289,252.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 56905
4/4/2018 6529 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -156,770.90 156,770.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 56912
4/4/2018 6529 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -3,249.00 3,249.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 56919
4/4/2018 6529 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -5,130.00 5,130.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 56926
4/4/2018 6530 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -19,931.19 19,931.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 56934
4/4/2018 6530 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -7,569.60 7,569.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 56941
4/4/2018 6530 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -112,274.61 112,274.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 56948
4/4/2018 6532 BA1218738 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIOPAILA CASTILLA100 SA -4,186.46 4,186.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.087.414-4 56960
4/4/2018 6532 BA1218738 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIOPAILA CASTILLA100 SA -5,787.21 5,787.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.087.414-4 56965
4/4/2018 6533 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -966.72 966.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 56971
4/4/2018 6533 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -63,992.00 63,992.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 56978
4/4/2018 6533 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -42,884.90 42,884.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 56985
4/4/2018 6533 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -161,984.50 161,984.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 56992
4/4/2018 6533 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -466,298.00 466,298.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 56999
4/4/2018 6535 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON CRIALES ABOGADOS S -35,130.81 35,130.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 57010
4/4/2018 6537 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -221,427.33 221,427.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 57019
4/4/2018 6537 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -4,012.80 4,012.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 57024
4/4/2018 6537 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -256,185.93 256,185.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 57029
4/4/2018 6538 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -227,342.98 227,342.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 57035
4/4/2018 6538 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -94,316.38 94,316.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 57040
4/4/2018 6538 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -10,533.60 10,533.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 57045
4/4/2018 6538 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -301,587.00 301,587.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 57050
4/4/2018 6539 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -5,053.62 5,053.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 57056
4/4/2018 6539 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -3,800.00 3,800.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 57061
4/4/2018 6539 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -18,962.00 18,962.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 57066
4/4/2018 6539 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -154,216.92 154,216.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 57071
4/4/2018 6540 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -50,047.14 50,047.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 57077
4/4/2018 6541 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -142,430.65 142,430.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 57085
4/4/2018 6541 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -177,854.82 177,854.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 57090
4/4/2018 6542 BA1218730 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CAMARA DE COMERCIO
100 COLOMBO AMERICANA -12,063.48 12,063.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.013.777-1 57096
4/4/2018 6543 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -2,002.22 2,002.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 57101
4/4/2018 6543 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -108,439.08 108,439.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 57108
4/4/2018 6543 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -612,229.02 612,229.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 57115
4/4/2018 6544 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -13,651.50 13,651.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 57123
4/4/2018 6544 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -35,293.83 35,293.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 57128
4/4/2018 6545 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -1,820.20 1,820.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 57134
4/4/2018 6545 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -16,954.08 16,954.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 57138
4/4/2018 6548 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -29,396.23 29,396.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 57151
4/4/2018 6548 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -23,044.72 23,044.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 57156
4/4/2018 6548 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -122,917.08 122,917.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 57161
4/4/2018 6550 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -35,493.90 35,493.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 57172
4/4/2018 6550 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -31,995.24 31,995.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 57177
4/4/2018 6550 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -301,016.43 301,016.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 57182
4/4/2018 6552 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -62,523.87 62,523.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 57193
4/4/2018 6552 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -233,706.65 233,706.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 57200
4/4/2018 6552 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -381,140.76 381,140.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 57207
4/4/2018 6553 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -119,314.11 119,314.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 57215
4/4/2018 6553 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -4,012.80 4,012.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 57220
4/4/2018 6553 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -21,192.60 21,192.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 57225
4/4/2018 6554 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -10,903.15 10,903.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 57231
4/4/2018 6554 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -11,737.44 11,737.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 57236
4/4/2018 6555 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -101,821.19 101,821.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.007.251-9 57242
4/4/2018 6556 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -8,645.95 8,645.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 57248
4/4/2018 6556 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -3,341.91 3,341.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 57253
4/4/2018 6557 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -16,709.55 16,709.55 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.537-6 57259
4/4/2018 6558 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -21,660.38 21,660.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 57265
4/4/2018 6558 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -36,085.56 36,085.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 57272
4/4/2018 6559 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -83,001.12 83,001.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 57280
4/4/2018 6559 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -3,223.54 3,223.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 57285
4/4/2018 6559 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -120,960.84 120,960.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 57290
4/4/2018 6561 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -8,208.00 8,208.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 57300
4/4/2018 6561 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -36,677.03 36,677.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 57305
4/4/2018 6561 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -70,579.11 70,579.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 57310
4/4/2018 6564 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -684 684 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 57322
4/4/2018 6564 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -8,438.09 8,438.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 57329
4/4/2018 6564 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -10,834.56 10,834.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 57336
4/4/2018 6564 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -74,174.10 74,174.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 57343
4/4/2018 6566 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -31,464.00 31,464.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 57357
4/4/2018 6566 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -1,213,872.00 1,213,872.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 57364
4/4/2018 6566 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -6,825.75 6,825.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 57371
4/4/2018 6566 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -663.67 663.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 57378
4/4/2018 6566 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -170,544.00 170,544.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 57385
4/4/2018 6566 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -294,332.61 294,332.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 57392
4/4/2018 6567 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -14,949.01 14,949.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 57400
4/4/2018 6567 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -143,620.62 143,620.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 57405
4/4/2018 6568 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -37,587.13 37,587.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 57411
4/4/2018 6568 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -53,470.56 53,470.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 57418
4/4/2018 6569 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -201,682.53 201,682.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 57426
4/4/2018 6569 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -20,008.90 20,008.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 57433
4/4/2018 6569 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -8,040.04 8,040.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 57440
4/4/2018 6569 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -212,189.72 212,189.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 57447
4/4/2018 6570 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -77,904.56 77,904.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 57455
4/4/2018 6570 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -12,834.69 12,834.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 57460
4/4/2018 6570 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -5,501.64 5,501.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 57465
4/4/2018 6570 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -22,535.90 22,535.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 57470
4/4/2018 6571 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -547.2 547.2 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 57476
4/4/2018 6571 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -79,014.16 79,014.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 57481
4/4/2018 6571 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -14,106.55 14,106.55 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 57486
4/4/2018 6571 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -200.64 200.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 57491
4/4/2018 6571 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -76,782.42 76,782.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 57496
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/4/2018 6573 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -3,838.38 3,838.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.512.616-5 57506
4/4/2018 6573 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -85,103.09 85,103.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.512.616-5 57511
4/4/2018 6574 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA -31,136.82 31,136.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 57517
4/4/2018 6575 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -36,616.80 36,616.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 57525
4/4/2018 6575 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -55,834.35 55,834.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 57530
4/4/2018 6577 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -333,532.08 333,532.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 57540
4/4/2018 6578 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -4,873.50 4,873.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 57548
4/4/2018 6578 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -141,429.54 141,429.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 57555
4/4/2018 6578 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -38,269.61 38,269.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 57562
4/4/2018 6578 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -30,089.16 30,089.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 57569
4/4/2018 6578 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -82,708.71 82,708.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 57576
4/4/2018 6579 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -165,628.32 165,628.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.212.828-6 57584
4/4/2018 6580 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -27,861.60 27,861.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 57590
4/4/2018 6580 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -2,002.22 2,002.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 57595
4/4/2018 6580 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -25,295.27 25,295.27 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 57600
4/4/2018 6580 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -5,316.96 5,316.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 57605
4/4/2018 6580 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -89,824.02 89,824.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 57610
4/4/2018 6581 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -33,582.69 33,582.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 57616
4/4/2018 6581 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -32,878.93 32,878.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 57623
4/4/2018 6582 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -11,649.28 11,649.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 57631
4/4/2018 6582 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -8,963.06 8,963.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 57636
4/4/2018 6582 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -40,380.32 40,380.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 57641
4/4/2018 CMCO180400001
BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LINDE COLOMBIA
100 SA 6413 6413 37.81 37.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 57654
4/4/2018 CMCO180400001
BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LINDE COLOMBIA
100 SA 6413 6413 72,474.17 72,474.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 57661
6/4/2018 6585 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -15,658.03 15,658.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57725
6/4/2018 6585 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -426.14 426.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57732
6/4/2018 6585 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -349,153.31 349,153.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57739
6/4/2018 6586 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -19,329.42 19,329.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57747
6/4/2018 6586 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -950.63 950.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57754
6/4/2018 6586 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -339,133.48 339,133.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57761
6/4/2018 6586 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -5,583.57 5,583.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57768
6/4/2018 6587 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -12,735.12 12,735.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57776
6/4/2018 6587 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -628.29 628.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57783
6/4/2018 6587 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -319,301.43 319,301.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57790
6/4/2018 6587 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -6,195.47 6,195.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 57797
9/4/2018 6588 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 100 -422,164.80 422,164.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57861
9/4/2018 6588 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 100 -2,052.00 2,052.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57868
9/4/2018 6588 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 100 -19,057.38 19,057.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57875
9/4/2018 6588 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 100 -463,954.92 463,954.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57882
9/4/2018 6588 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 100 -159,468.90 159,468.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57889
9/4/2018 6588 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 100 -215,198.37 215,198.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57896
10/4/2018 CMCO180400002
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 5594 5594 422,164.80 422,164.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57929
10/4/2018 CMCO180400002
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 5594 5594 2,052.00 2,052.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57936
10/4/2018 CMCO180400002
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 5594 5594 19,057.38 19,057.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57943
10/4/2018 CMCO180400002
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 5594 5594 463,954.92 463,954.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57950
10/4/2018 CMCO180400002
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 5594 5594 159,468.90 159,468.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57957
10/4/2018 CMCO180400002
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 5594 5594 215,198.37 215,198.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57964
10/4/2018 6589 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -279,208.80 279,208.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57972
10/4/2018 6589 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -2,280.00 2,280.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57979
10/4/2018 6589 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -29,201.10 29,201.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57986
10/4/2018 6589 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -73,757.43 73,757.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 57993
10/4/2018 6589 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -288,739.20 288,739.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58000
10/4/2018 6589 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -215,332.89 215,332.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58007
10/4/2018 6590 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -272,232.00 272,232.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58015
10/4/2018 6590 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -143,212.50 143,212.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58022
10/4/2018 6590 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -8,511.24 8,511.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58029
10/4/2018 6590 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -95,300.01 95,300.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58036
10/4/2018 6590 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -365,657.85 365,657.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58043
10/4/2018 6590 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -198,652.41 198,652.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58050
10/4/2018 6591 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -103,785.60 103,785.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58058
10/4/2018 6591 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -19,024.32 19,024.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58065
10/4/2018 6591 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -99,877.68 99,877.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58072
10/4/2018 6591 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -85,551.30 85,551.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58079
10/4/2018 6591 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX 100 -156,177.72 156,177.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58086
10/4/2018 CMCO180400003
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 4810 4810 103,785.60 103,785.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58094
10/4/2018 CMCO180400003
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 4810 4810 19,024.32 19,024.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58101
10/4/2018 CMCO180400003
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 4810 4810 99,877.68 99,877.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58108
10/4/2018 CMCO180400003
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 4810 4810 85,551.30 85,551.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58115
10/4/2018 CMCO180400003
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 4810 4810 156,177.72 156,177.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58122
10/4/2018 CMCO180400004
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6194 6194 279,208.80 279,208.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58130
10/4/2018 CMCO180400004
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6194 6194 2,280.00 2,280.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58137
10/4/2018 CMCO180400004
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6194 6194 29,201.10 29,201.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58144
10/4/2018 CMCO180400004
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6194 6194 73,757.43 73,757.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58151
10/4/2018 CMCO180400004
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6194 6194 288,739.20 288,739.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58158
10/4/2018 CMCO180400004
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6194 6194 215,332.89 215,332.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58165
10/4/2018 CMCO180400005
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6212 6212 272,232.00 272,232.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58173
10/4/2018 CMCO180400005
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6212 6212 143,212.50 143,212.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58180
10/4/2018 CMCO180400005
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6212 6212 8,511.24 8,511.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58187
10/4/2018 CMCO180400005
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6212 6212 95,300.01 95,300.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58194
10/4/2018 CMCO180400005
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6212 6212 365,657.85 365,657.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58201
10/4/2018 CMCO180400005
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6212 6212 198,652.41 198,652.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 58208
10/4/2018 6592 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 100 -37.81 37.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 58216
10/4/2018 6592 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 100 -72,474.17 72,474.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 58223
10/4/2018 6593 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -11,655.93 11,655.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 58234
10/4/2018 6594 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -63,980.03 63,980.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 58239
10/4/2018 6594 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -1,481.81 1,481.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 58246
10/4/2018 6594 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -7,048.62 7,048.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 58253
10/4/2018 6594 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -333,410.48 333,410.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 58260
11/4/2018 6595 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -522,500.00 522,500.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 58358
11/4/2018 6595 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -37.62 37.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 58365
11/4/2018 6595 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -6,703,200.00 6,703,200.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 58372
12/4/2018 6597 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 -54,480.77 54,480.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 58300
12/4/2018 6597 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 -70,160.65 70,160.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 58307
12/4/2018 6597 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 -882,788.36 882,788.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 58314
12/4/2018 6597 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 -707,479.62 707,479.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 58321
12/4/2018 CMCO180400006
BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 5825 5825 54,480.77 54,480.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 58329
12/4/2018 CMCO180400006
BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 5825 5825 70,160.65 70,160.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 58336
12/4/2018 CMCO180400006
BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 5825 5825 882,788.36 882,788.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 58343
12/4/2018 CMCO180400006
BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 5825 5825 707,479.62 707,479.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 58350
12/4/2018 6598 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -6,213.76 6,213.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58380
12/4/2018 6598 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -11,054.96 11,054.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58387
12/4/2018 6598 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -82,319.40 82,319.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58394
12/4/2018 6598 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -83,265.60 83,265.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58401
12/4/2018 6599 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -45,028.48 45,028.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58409
12/4/2018 6599 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -4,021.92 4,021.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58416
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
12/4/2018 6599 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -211,773.24 211,773.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58423
12/4/2018 6599 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -188,293.80 188,293.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58430
12/4/2018 6600 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -5,617.92 5,617.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58438
12/4/2018 6600 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -229,375.79 229,375.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58445
12/4/2018 6600 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -122,627.52 122,627.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58452
12/4/2018 6601 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -6,894.72 6,894.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58460
12/4/2018 6601 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -222,283.47 222,283.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58467
12/4/2018 6601 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -126,506.94 126,506.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58474
12/4/2018 6602 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -12,001.92 12,001.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58482
12/4/2018 6602 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -4,681.60 4,681.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58489
12/4/2018 6602 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -65,965.91 65,965.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58496
12/4/2018 6602 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -112,976.28 112,976.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58503
12/4/2018 6603 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -30,413.11 30,413.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58511
12/4/2018 6603 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -25,263.54 25,263.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58518
12/4/2018 6604 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -3,489.92 3,489.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58526
12/4/2018 6604 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -9,496.20 9,496.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58533
12/4/2018 6604 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -105,467.10 105,467.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58540
12/4/2018 6604 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -64,625.46 64,625.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58547
13/04/18 CMCO180400007BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 4801 6,213.76 6,213.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58555
13/04/18 CMCO180400007BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 4801 11,054.96 11,054.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58562
13/04/18 CMCO180400007BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 4801 82,319.40 82,319.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58569
13/04/18 CMCO180400007BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 4801 83,265.60 83,265.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58576
13/04/18 CMCO180400008BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5059 5059 45,028.48 45,028.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58584
13/04/18 CMCO180400008BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5059 5059 4,021.92 4,021.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58591
13/04/18 CMCO180400008BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5059 5059 211,773.24 211,773.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58598
13/04/18 CMCO180400008BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5059 5059 188,293.80 188,293.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 58605
13/04/18 CMCO180400009BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5280 5280 5,617.92 5,617.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58613
13/04/18 CMCO180400009BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5280 5280 229,375.79 229,375.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58620
13/04/18 CMCO180400009BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5280 5280 122,627.52 122,627.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58627
13/04/18 CMCO180400010BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5486 5486 6,894.72 6,894.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58646
13/04/18 CMCO180400010BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5486 5486 222,283.47 222,283.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58653
13/04/18 CMCO180400010BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5486 5486 126,506.94 126,506.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58660
13/04/18 CMCO180400011BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5585 5585 12,001.92 12,001.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58668
13/04/18 CMCO180400011BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5585 5585 4,681.60 4,681.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58675
13/04/18 CMCO180400011BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5585 5585 65,965.91 65,965.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58682
13/04/18 CMCO180400011BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5585 5585 112,976.28 112,976.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58689
13/04/18 CMCO180400012BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5997 5997 30,413.11 30,413.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58697
13/04/18 CMCO180400012BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 5997 5997 25,263.54 25,263.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58704
13/04/18 CMCO180400013BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 6203 6203 3,489.92 3,489.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58712
13/04/18 CMCO180400013BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 6203 6203 9,496.20 9,496.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58719
13/04/18 CMCO180400013BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 6203 6203 105,467.10 105,467.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58726
13/04/18 CMCO180400013BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 6203 6203 64,625.46 64,625.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 58733
13/04/18 6605 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -19,021.09 19,021.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58755
13/04/18 6605 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -327,588.69 327,588.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58762
13/04/18 6606 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -85,748.52 85,748.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58770
13/04/18 6607 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -6,520.80 6,520.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58778
13/04/18 6607 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -134,491.50 134,491.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58785
13/04/18 6608 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -9,028.80 9,028.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58793
13/04/18 6608 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -111,505.68 111,505.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58800
13/04/18 CMCO180400014BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 5965 5965 6,520.80 6,520.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58808
13/04/18 CMCO180400014BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 5965 5965 134,491.50 134,491.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58815
13/04/18 CMCO180400015BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6197 6197 85,748.52 85,748.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58823
13/04/18 CMCO180400016BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6349 6349 19,021.09 19,021.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58831
13/04/18 CMCO180400016BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6349 6349 327,588.69 327,588.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 58838
13/04/18 6609 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -171,826.88 171,826.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58846
13/04/18 6609 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -15,244.46 15,244.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58853
13/04/18 6609 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -6,219.84 6,219.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58860
13/04/18 6609 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -1,532,877.06 1,532,877.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58867
13/04/18 CMCO180400017BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial 5383 5383 68,894.57 68,894.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58875
13/04/18 CMCO180400017BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial 5383 5383 371,522.58 371,522.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58882
13/04/18 CMCO180400018BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial 5671 5671 79,724.76 79,724.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58890
13/04/18 CMCO180400018BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial 5671 5671 15,244.46 15,244.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58897
13/04/18 CMCO180400018BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial 5671 5671 371,278.05 371,278.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58904
13/04/18 CMCO180400019BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial 5896 5896 95,285.19 95,285.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58912
13/04/18 CMCO180400020BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial Agua 6071 6,279.69 6,279.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58920
13/04/18 CMCO180400020BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial Agua 6071 252,762.51 252,762.51 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58927
13/04/18 CMCO180400021BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial Aguad 6274 306,722.13 306,722.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58935
13/04/18 CMCO180400022BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial Agua 6487 16,927.86 16,927.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58943
13/04/18 CMCO180400022BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial Agua 6487 6,219.84 6,219.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58950
13/04/18 CMCO180400022BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Sociedad 100Puerto Industrial Agua 6487 135,306.60 135,306.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 58957
13/04/18 6610 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A -1,174,724.17 1,174,724.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 58965
24/04/18 6611 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -148,185.18 148,185.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 59136
24/04/18 6501 BACO000020521
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Mathiesen Colombia
100 SAS -5,848,200.00 5,848,200.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.027.833-0 59144
24/04/18 6612 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -139,353.60 139,353.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 59152
24/04/18 6612 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -52,896.00 52,896.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 59159
24/04/18 6612 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -6,876.48 6,876.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 59166
24/04/18 6613 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 100 -192,304.13 192,304.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 59186
24/04/18 6613 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 100 -526,473.09 526,473.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 59193
24/04/18 CMCO180400023BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CREDICORP 100 CAPITAL COLOMBIA SA 6407 64 192,304.13 192,304.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 59201
24/04/18 CMCO180400024BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ORGANIZACION 100 TERPEL S.A 5835 5835 1,174,724.17 1,174,724.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 59210
24/04/18 6614 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 100 -5,097.68 5,097.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 59218
24/04/18 6614 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 100 -11,458.14 11,458.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 59225
24/04/18 6614 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 100 -36,190.44 36,190.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 59232
24/04/18 6615 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA -10,940,948.22 10,940,948.22 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 59240
24/04/18 6616 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 100 -788,815.40 788,815.40 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 59248
24/04/18 6617 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS 100 -10,399,317.12 10,399,317.12 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 59256
24/04/18 6618 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS 100 -788,815.40 788,815.40 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 59264
24/04/18 6618 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS 100 -541,631.10 541,631.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 59271
24/04/18 CMCO180400025BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HAPAG100 LLOYD COLOMBIA LTDA 6422 6422 5,097.68 5,097.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 59279
24/04/18 CMCO180400026BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo NOVARTIS 100DE COLOMBIA SA 6615 6615 10,940,948.22 10,940,948.22 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 59289
24/04/18 CMCO180400027BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo NOVARTIS 100DE COLOMBIA SA 6616 6616 788,815.40 788,815.40 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 59297
25/04/18 6619 BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bolsa de Valores 100 de Colombia -397,984.04 397,984.04 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 59305
26/04/18 CMCO180400028BA1366761 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo QUIMICA 100AROMATICA ANDINA 5760 5760 703,639.35 703,639.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.075.787-1 59378
26/04/18 CMCO180400028BA1366761 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo QUIMICA 100AROMATICA ANDINA 5760 5760 703,641.25 703,641.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.075.787-1 59383
26/04/18 CMCO180400029BA1366762 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo QUIMICA 100COMERCIAL ANDINA 5746 5746 703,639.35 703,639.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.444-6 59389
26/04/18 CMCO180400029BA1366762 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo QUIMICA 100COMERCIAL ANDINA 5746 5746 703,641.25 703,641.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.444-6 59396
26/04/18 CMCO180400030BA1366759 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BRETANO 100CIENTO ONCE 5697 5697 351,819.77 351,819.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.060.256-5 59404
26/04/18 CMCO180400030BA1366759 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BRETANO 100CIENTO ONCE 5697 5697 -0.57 0.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.060.256-5 59409
30/04/18 6620 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 100 -8,038.14 8,038.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 59445
30/04/18 6620 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 100 -561,513.08 561,513.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 59452
30/04/18 6620 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 100 -2,949.18 2,949.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 59459
30/04/18 6620 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,796,104.96 1,796,104.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 59466
30/04/18 6621 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -172,392.30 172,392.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 59495
30/04/18 6621 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -16,937.06 16,937.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 59502
30/04/18 6621 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -6,860.73 6,860.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 59509
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
30/04/18 6621 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -31,821.20 31,821.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 59516
30/04/18 6621 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -142,538.76 142,538.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 59523
30/04/18 CMCO180400031BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BRIGARD 100y URRUTIA ABOGADOS SAS 6415 6 8,038.14 8,038.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 59537
30/04/18 CMCO180400031BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BRIGARD 100y URRUTIA ABOGADOS SAS 6415 6 561,513.08 561,513.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 59544
30/04/18 6623 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS -17,655.94 17,655.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 59558
30/04/18 6623 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS -12,226.50 12,226.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 59565
2/5/2018 GL1800000782 2408050101 PG F6406 PAGO INTERBANC PROLUB S A -15,505.71 15,505.71 G/L Account 70601 900.044.844-3 60160
2/5/2018 GL1800000783 2408050101 PG F6404 PAGO INTERBANC BIG COLOMBIA AH -13,775.19 13,775.19 G/L Account 70601 901.139.964-1 60164
3/5/2018 6624 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -15,840.86 15,840.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 60292
3/5/2018 6624 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -9,218.72 9,218.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 60299
3/5/2018 6624 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -27,796.69 27,796.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 60306
3/5/2018 6624 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -51,728.45 51,728.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 60313
3/5/2018 6624 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -19,710.03 19,710.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 60320
3/5/2018 6625 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -86.85 86.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60372
3/5/2018 6625 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -61.94 61.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60379
3/5/2018 6625 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -83,201.00 83,201.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60386
3/5/2018 6625 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -5,799.13 5,799.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60393
3/5/2018 6625 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -55,823.78 55,823.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60400
3/5/2018 6625 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1,042,994.36 1,042,994.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60407
3/5/2018 6627 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -56,598.72 56,598.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 60483
3/5/2018 6627 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -36,144.84 36,144.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 60490
3/5/2018 6628 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -34,219.76 34,219.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 60498
3/5/2018 6628 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -18,677.57 18,677.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 60503
3/5/2018 6628 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -69,120.48 69,120.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 60508
3/5/2018 6629 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -50,328.53 50,328.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 60514
3/5/2018 6629 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -237,764.67 237,764.67 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 60521
3/5/2018 6630 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -79,716.78 79,716.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.015.764-4 60529
3/5/2018 6631 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -7,098.78 7,098.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 60535
3/5/2018 6631 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -9,129.12 9,129.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 60539
3/5/2018 6632 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -17,141.04 17,141.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 60544
3/5/2018 6632 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -3,520.70 3,520.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 60548
3/5/2018 6633 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -32,819.08 32,819.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 60553
3/5/2018 6633 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -68,811.54 68,811.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 60560
3/5/2018 6633 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -171,849.68 171,849.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 60567
3/5/2018 6633 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -36,020.96 36,020.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 60574
3/5/2018 6633 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -66,874.87 66,874.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 60581
3/5/2018 6634 BA1331470 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASSA ABLOY COLOMBIA
100 SAS -38,690.46 38,690.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.826-8 60589
3/5/2018 6635 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -17,796.92 17,796.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 60597
3/5/2018 6635 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -686,971.60 686,971.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 60604
3/5/2018 6635 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -1,734,693.35 1,734,693.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 60611
3/5/2018 6636 BA1366431 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCK SA Colombia
100 -6,054.54 6,054.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.580-0 60619
3/5/2018 6637 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA100 SAS -1,079.46 1,079.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 60625
3/5/2018 6637 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA100 SAS -10,792.00 10,792.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 60629
3/5/2018 6638 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 60634
3/5/2018 6639 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -3,042.16 3,042.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 60642
3/5/2018 6639 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -8,141.31 8,141.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 60649
3/5/2018 6639 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -18,095.22 18,095.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 60656
3/5/2018 6640 BA1409705 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CYCLELOGIC COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -175,888.68 175,888.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.048.425-5 60664
3/5/2018 6641 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -2,358.62 2,358.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 60670
3/5/2018 6641 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -854.97 854.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 60677
3/5/2018 6641 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -4,623.33 4,623.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 60684
3/5/2018 6641 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -9,367.38 9,367.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 60691
3/5/2018 6641 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -4,786.10 4,786.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 60698
3/5/2018 6642 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -26,028.86 26,028.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 60706
3/5/2018 6642 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -40,918.02 40,918.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 60711
3/5/2018 6644 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 60717
3/5/2018 6644 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -30,723.00 30,723.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 60722
3/5/2018 6644 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -9,530.40 9,530.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 60727
3/5/2018 6644 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -18,991.83 18,991.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 60732
3/5/2018 6645 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -237.12 237.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 60738
3/5/2018 6645 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -318.44 318.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 60743
3/5/2018 6646 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 60749
3/5/2018 6646 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -6,284.25 6,284.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 60754
3/5/2018 6646 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -5,551.61 5,551.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 60759
3/5/2018 6646 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -11,946.06 11,946.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 60764
3/5/2018 6647 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -6,508.90 6,508.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 60770
3/5/2018 6647 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -123.89 123.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 60777
3/5/2018 6647 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -241,296.11 241,296.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 60784
3/5/2018 6648 BA1592585 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDISERVICIOS 100SAS -1,487,778.87 1,487,778.87 G/L Account 70601 EVE 805.025.964-3 60792
3/5/2018 6649 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -381.46 381.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 60800
3/5/2018 6649 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -116.92 116.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 60807
3/5/2018 6649 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -9,978.41 9,978.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 60814
3/5/2018 6649 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -3,275.79 3,275.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 60821
3/5/2018 6649 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -7,756.56 7,756.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 60828
3/5/2018 6649 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -48,717.90 48,717.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 60835
3/5/2018 6650 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -93,247.44 93,247.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 60843
3/5/2018 6651 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL AND 100 GAS SAS -16,142.40 16,142.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 60851
3/5/2018 6651 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL AND 100 GAS SAS -4,488.75 4,488.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 60856
3/5/2018 6651 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL AND 100 GAS SAS -702.24 702.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 60861
3/5/2018 6652 BA1609921 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ILUMNO SERVICIOS100 DE COLOMBIA S.A.S. -2,515,259.52 2,515,259.52 G/L Account 70601 EVE 901.033.366-0 60867
3/5/2018 6652 BA1609921 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ILUMNO SERVICIOS100 DE COLOMBIA S.A.S. -3,563,284.32 3,563,284.32 G/L Account 70601 EVE 901.033.366-0 60872
3/5/2018 6682 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -16,217.67 16,217.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 60978
3/5/2018 6682 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -172.19 172.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 60983
3/5/2018 6683 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 60989
3/5/2018 6683 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 60996
3/5/2018 6683 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -77,771.13 77,771.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 61003
3/5/2018 6684 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -11,686.16 11,686.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 61011
3/5/2018 6684 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -1,475.11 1,475.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 61018
3/5/2018 6684 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -260,750.45 260,750.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 61025
3/5/2018 6684 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -21,110.48 21,110.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 61032
3/5/2018 6686 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -54,332.97 54,332.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 61057
3/5/2018 6686 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -182.02 182.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 61064
3/5/2018 6686 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -5,961.06 5,961.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 61071
3/5/2018 6686 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -114,700.53 114,700.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 61078
3/5/2018 6688 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -153,890.88 153,890.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.041.739-4 61089
3/5/2018 6689 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -2,420.60 2,420.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 61095
3/5/2018 6689 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -55,068.84 55,068.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 61102
3/5/2018 6689 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -226,671.90 226,671.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 61109
3/5/2018 6690 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -1,911.21 1,911.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 61117
3/5/2018 6690 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -1,137.72 1,137.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 61124
3/5/2018 6690 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -173,779.32 173,779.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 61131
3/5/2018 6691 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -7,917.87 7,917.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 61139
3/5/2018 6691 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -1,332.09 1,332.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 61143
3/5/2018 6691 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -5,135.13 5,135.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 61147
3/5/2018 6692 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -69,120.48 69,120.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.531.315-3 61152
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
3/5/2018 6693 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -9,167.50 9,167.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 61160
3/5/2018 6693 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -4,508.70 4,508.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 61165
3/5/2018 6695 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -48,172.41 48,172.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.398.897-2 61175
3/5/2018 6696 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -728.08 728.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 61181
3/5/2018 6696 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -8,732.59 8,732.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 61186
3/5/2018 6696 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -401.28 401.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 61191
3/5/2018 6696 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -8,069.49 8,069.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 61196
3/5/2018 6697 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -234,714.79 234,714.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 61202
3/5/2018 6697 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -910.1 910.1 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 61209
3/5/2018 6697 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -4,256.00 4,256.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 61216
3/5/2018 6697 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -998,230.74 998,230.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 61223
3/5/2018 6698 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -20,932.30 20,932.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 61231
3/5/2018 6698 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -43,070.91 43,070.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 61236
3/5/2018 6698 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -21,681.66 21,681.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 61241
3/5/2018 6699 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -738,728.17 738,728.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 61247
3/5/2018 6699 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -1,002,592.95 1,002,592.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 61254
3/5/2018 6699 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -13,141.92 13,141.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 61261
3/5/2018 6699 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -72,951.45 72,951.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 61268
3/5/2018 6700 BA1372303 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PENA MANCERO 100 ABOGADOS SAS -16,381.80 16,381.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.269.825-1 61276
3/5/2018 6700 BA1372303 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PENA MANCERO 100 ABOGADOS SAS -28,446.99 28,446.99 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.269.825-1 61281
3/5/2018 6701 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -6,279.69 6,279.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 61293
3/5/2018 6701 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -50,562.23 50,562.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 61298
3/5/2018 6701 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -54,122.64 54,122.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 61303
3/5/2018 6703 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -141,975.60 141,975.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 61312
3/5/2018 6703 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -50,714.80 50,714.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 61319
3/5/2018 6703 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -79,917.04 79,917.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 61326
3/5/2018 6703 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -438,571.49 438,571.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 61333
3/5/2018 6704 BA1392782 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESION LA 100PINTADA SAS -948.1 948.1 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.740.893-1 61341
3/5/2018 6704 BA1392782 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESION LA 100PINTADA SAS -24,860.55 24,860.55 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.740.893-1 61346
3/5/2018 6705 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -711,326.94 711,326.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 61352
3/5/2018 6705 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -566,878.68 566,878.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 61359
3/5/2018 6706 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -89,189.80 89,189.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 61367
3/5/2018 6706 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -13,764.93 13,764.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 61372
3/5/2018 6706 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -5,216.64 5,216.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 61377
3/5/2018 6706 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -164,405.67 164,405.67 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 61382
3/5/2018 6707 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -17,109.88 17,109.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 61388
3/5/2018 6707 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -60,235.89 60,235.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 61395
3/5/2018 6708 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -215,186.40 215,186.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 61403
3/5/2018 6709 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -3,367.37 3,367.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 61409
3/5/2018 6709 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -4,715.04 4,715.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 61414
3/5/2018 6709 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -5,705.70 5,705.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 61419
3/5/2018 6710 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -122,673.50 122,673.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 61425
3/5/2018 6710 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -94,380.79 94,380.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 61432
3/5/2018 6710 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -15,350.86 15,350.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 61439
3/5/2018 6710 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -823,745.00 823,745.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 61446
3/5/2018 6711 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -53,149.84 53,149.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 61454
3/5/2018 6711 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -31,691.24 31,691.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 61461
3/5/2018 6711 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -28,102.33 28,102.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 61468
3/5/2018 6712 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Q&A BANCA DE 100INVERSION SAS -16,709.55 16,709.55 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 61476
3/5/2018 6713 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -51,056.61 51,056.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 61481
3/5/2018 6713 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -35,412.96 35,412.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 61488
3/5/2018 6713 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -32,196.45 32,196.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 61495
3/5/2018 6714 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -6,916.76 6,916.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 61503
3/5/2018 6714 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -6,042.19 6,042.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 61508
3/5/2018 6714 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -1,361.16 1,361.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 61513
3/5/2018 6714 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -24,030.63 24,030.63 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 61518
3/5/2018 6715 BACO000020667
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Vanguardia Inversiones
100 SAS -39,613.86 39,613.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.203.223-7 61524
3/5/2018 6716 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -57,592.80 57,592.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 61530
3/5/2018 6716 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -39,102.00 39,102.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 61535
3/5/2018 6716 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -5,216.64 5,216.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 61540
3/5/2018 6716 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -30,077.19 30,077.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 61545
3/5/2018 6717 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -39,450.84 39,450.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 61551
3/5/2018 6718 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -22,089.21 22,089.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.524.239-7 61557
3/5/2018 6719 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -10,830.19 10,830.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 61563
3/5/2018 6719 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -10,360.70 10,360.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 61568
3/5/2018 6719 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -15,449.28 15,449.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 61573
3/5/2018 6719 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -85,096.44 85,096.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 61578
3/5/2018 6720 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -5,187.57 5,187.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 61584
3/5/2018 6720 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -40,110.71 40,110.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 61591
3/5/2018 6720 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -108,245.28 108,245.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 61598
3/5/2018 6722 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -24,663.71 24,663.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 61609
3/5/2018 6722 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -2,608.32 2,608.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 61616
3/5/2018 6722 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -40,347.45 40,347.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 61623
3/5/2018 6723 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -177,167.97 177,167.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 61631
3/5/2018 6723 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -25,427.70 25,427.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 61638
3/5/2018 6723 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -107,886.37 107,886.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 61645
3/5/2018 6724 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -9,430.08 9,430.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 61653
3/5/2018 6724 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -16,057.47 16,057.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 61658
3/5/2018 6725 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA y ACEVEDO 100 ABOGADOS LTDA -32,522.49 32,522.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 61664
3/5/2018 6726 BA1218742 Customer 2408050101 Invoice REYES ABOGADOS 100 ASOCIADOS -11,574.42 11,574.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.085.916-0 61670
3/5/2018 6727 BA1218810 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DERIVEX SA 100 -17,932.20 17,932.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.968-6 61675
3/5/2018 6728 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -28,850.17 28,850.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 61680
3/5/2018 6728 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -13,937.07 13,937.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 61685
3/5/2018 6728 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -22,271.04 22,271.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 61690
3/5/2018 6728 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -49,639.59 49,639.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 61695
3/5/2018 6729 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -428,166.90 428,166.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 61701
3/5/2018 6729 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -182,964.30 182,964.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 61708
3/5/2018 6729 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -28,249.20 28,249.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 61715
3/5/2018 6730 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -37,223.09 37,223.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 61723
3/5/2018 6730 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -52,308.90 52,308.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 61730
3/5/2018 6733 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON CRIALES ABOGADOS S -5,278.58 5,278.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 61753
3/5/2018 6733 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON CRIALES ABOGADOS S -61,050.99 61,050.99 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 61758
3/5/2018 6736 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -286,863.52 286,863.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 61767
3/5/2018 6736 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -203,693.49 203,693.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 61772
3/5/2018 6737 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -142,976.71 142,976.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 61778
3/5/2018 6737 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -87,992.23 87,992.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 61783
3/5/2018 6737 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -6,721.44 6,721.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 61788
3/5/2018 6737 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -328,729.83 328,729.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 61793
3/5/2018 6738 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -16,275.78 16,275.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 61799
3/5/2018 6738 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -36,924.03 36,924.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 61804
3/5/2018 6739 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -12,552.54 12,552.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 61810
3/5/2018 6740 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -1,570.92 1,570.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 61816
3/5/2018 6740 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -145,342.97 145,342.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 61821
3/5/2018 6740 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -1,611.77 1,611.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 61826
3/5/2018 6740 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -141,908.91 141,908.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 61831
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
3/5/2018 6741 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA -18,584.28 18,584.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.021.637-3 61837
3/5/2018 6742 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -14,470.59 14,470.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 61842
3/5/2018 6742 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -168,017.00 168,017.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 61849
3/5/2018 6742 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -983,656.60 983,656.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 61856
3/5/2018 6743 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100
ABOGADOS SAS -17,291.90 17,291.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 61864
3/5/2018 6743 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100
ABOGADOS SAS -19,562.40 19,562.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 61869
3/5/2018 6745 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -5,278.58 5,278.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 61878
3/5/2018 6745 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -4,972.11 4,972.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 61882
3/5/2018 6746 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -23,689.77 23,689.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 61887
3/5/2018 6749 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -15,107.66 15,107.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 61904
3/5/2018 6749 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -32,988.75 32,988.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 61909
3/5/2018 6749 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -137,181.33 137,181.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 61914
3/5/2018 6751 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -11,922.31 11,922.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 61925
3/5/2018 6751 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -888.06 888.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 61930
3/5/2018 6751 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -148,266.69 148,266.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 61935
3/5/2018 6753 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -18,293.01 18,293.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 61947
3/5/2018 6753 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -276,854.13 276,854.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 61954
3/5/2018 6753 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -186,983.94 186,983.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 61961
3/5/2018 6754 BACO000008566
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Archila Abogados100 Ltda -19,073.34 19,073.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.027.520-7 61969
3/5/2018 6755 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -307,704.81 307,704.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 61974
3/5/2018 6755 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -8,928.48 8,928.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 61979
3/5/2018 6755 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -24,453.00 24,453.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 61984
3/5/2018 6756 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -15,738.46 15,738.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 61990
3/5/2018 6756 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -300.96 300.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 61995
3/5/2018 6756 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -27,794.91 27,794.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 62000
3/5/2018 6757 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -89,879.69 89,879.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.007.251-9 62006
3/5/2018 6758 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -7,917.87 7,917.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 62012
3/5/2018 6758 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -3,667.95 3,667.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 62017
3/5/2018 6734 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -417,995.25 417,995.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 62023
3/5/2018 6734 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -1,719.50 1,719.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 62030
3/5/2018 6734 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -12,568.50 12,568.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 62037
3/5/2018 6734 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -1,147.41 1,147.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 62044
3/5/2018 6759 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100
FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -5,824.64 5,824.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 62052
3/5/2018 6759 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100
FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -26,246.22 26,246.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 62059
3/5/2018 6760 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -7,644.84 7,644.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 62067
3/5/2018 6760 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -3,700.25 3,700.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 62074
3/5/2018 6760 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -36,516.48 36,516.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 62081
3/5/2018 6761 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -59,289.12 59,289.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 62089
3/5/2018 6761 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -276,970.98 276,970.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 62096
3/5/2018 6762 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -26,119.87 26,119.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 62104
3/5/2018 6762 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -67,394.71 67,394.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 62109
3/5/2018 6762 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -21,249.22 21,249.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 62114
3/5/2018 6762 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -39,596.57 39,596.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 62119
3/5/2018 6763 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100
y CIA SCA ESP -115,581.18 115,581.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.537-6 62125
3/5/2018 6764 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -8,008.88 8,008.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 62133
3/5/2018 6764 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -10,765.02 10,765.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 62138
3/5/2018 6765 BACO000009875
Customer 2408050101 Invoice CANON Y CANON 100 GESTION PATRIMONIAL FAMI -45.6 45.6 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.187.517-3 62144
3/5/2018 6765 BACO000009875
Customer 2408050101 Invoice CANON Y CANON 100 GESTION PATRIMONIAL FAMI -2,207.04 2,207.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.187.517-3 62148
3/5/2018 6765 BACO000009875
Customer 2408050101 Invoice CANON Y CANON 100 GESTION PATRIMONIAL FAMI -7,661.94 7,661.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.187.517-3 62152
3/5/2018 6766 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -116,219.77 116,219.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 62157
3/5/2018 6766 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -188,206.59 188,206.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 62162
3/5/2018 6768 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -4,605.60 4,605.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 62171
3/5/2018 6768 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -36,768.04 36,768.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 62176
3/5/2018 6768 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -160,565.58 160,565.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 62181
3/5/2018 6772 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -9,260.41 9,260.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 62197
3/5/2018 6772 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -5,379.66 5,379.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 62201
3/5/2018 6773 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -228 228 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 62206
3/5/2018 6773 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -8,918.98 8,918.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 62213
3/5/2018 6773 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -3,223.54 3,223.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 62220
3/5/2018 6773 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -20,766.24 20,766.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 62227
3/5/2018 6773 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -71,647.29 71,647.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 62234
3/5/2018 6774 BA1353150 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMERCIAL ALLAN 100 SAS -13,833.52 13,833.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.053.831-1 62242
3/5/2018 6774 BA1353150 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMERCIAL ALLAN 100 SAS -9,373.65 9,373.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.053.831-1 62249
3/5/2018 6775 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -20,113.21 20,113.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 62257
3/5/2018 6775 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -14,316.31 14,316.31 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 62262
3/5/2018 6775 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -2,407.68 2,407.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 62267
3/5/2018 6775 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -184,457.13 184,457.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 62272
3/5/2018 6776 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -10,903.15 10,903.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.006.648-1 62278
3/5/2018 6776 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -14,508.78 14,508.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.006.648-1 62283
3/5/2018 6777 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -224,060.16 224,060.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 62289
3/5/2018 6777 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -87,544.59 87,544.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 62296
3/5/2018 6777 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -10,871.04 10,871.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 62303
3/5/2018 6777 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -355,035.90 355,035.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 62310
3/5/2018 6778 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -49,509.44 49,509.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 62318
3/5/2018 6778 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -3,807.79 3,807.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 62323
3/5/2018 6779 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -3,458.38 3,458.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 62329
3/5/2018 6779 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -4,266.45 4,266.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 62334
3/5/2018 6779 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -25,675.65 25,675.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 62339
3/5/2018 6780 BA1218681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VGCD ABOGADOS 100 SAS -18,339.75 18,339.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.522.862-7 62345
3/5/2018 6782 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -38,292.41 38,292.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.512.616-5 62354
3/5/2018 6783 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -22,572.00 22,572.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 62360
3/5/2018 6783 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -16,383.51 16,383.51 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 62365
3/5/2018 6785 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -613,235.07 613,235.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 62376
3/5/2018 6787 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -12,840.96 12,840.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.422.795-2 62387
3/5/2018 6787 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -85,830.03 85,830.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.422.795-2 62392
3/5/2018 6788 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -167,822.44 167,822.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 62398
3/5/2018 6788 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -23,447.71 23,447.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 62405
3/5/2018 6788 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -18,829.38 18,829.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 62412
3/5/2018 6788 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -102,570.93 102,570.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 62419
3/5/2018 6789 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -44,830.50 44,830.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.212.828-6 62427
3/5/2018 6790 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -20,659.27 20,659.27 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 62433
3/5/2018 6790 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -7,972.02 7,972.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 62440
3/5/2018 6790 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -62,414.24 62,414.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 62447
3/5/2018 6791 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -91.2 91.2 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 62455
3/5/2018 6791 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -37,678.14 37,678.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 62460
3/5/2018 6791 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -11,747.70 11,747.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 62465
3/5/2018 6791 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -73,598.59 73,598.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 62470
3/5/2018 6792 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -1,615.00 1,615.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 62531
3/5/2018 6792 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -70,778.80 70,778.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 62538
3/5/2018 6792 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -55,145.60 55,145.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 62545
3/5/2018 6792 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -11,692.60 11,692.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 62552
3/5/2018 6792 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -119,187.00 119,187.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 62559
3/5/2018 6793 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -13,228.75 13,228.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 62567
3/5/2018 6793 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -4,199.00 4,199.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 62574
3/5/2018 6793 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -39,349.00 39,349.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 62581
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
3/5/2018 6794 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -86,211.55 86,211.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 62589
3/5/2018 6794 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -62,541.35 62,541.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 62596
3/5/2018 6794 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -136,629.00 136,629.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 62603
3/5/2018 6794 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -331,474.00 331,474.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 62610
4/5/2018 6626 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 100 -28.86 28.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60415
4/5/2018 6626 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 100 -4,837.78 4,837.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60422
4/5/2018 6626 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 100 -64,570.55 64,570.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60429
4/5/2018 6626 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 100 -9,655.64 9,655.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60436
4/5/2018 6626 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 100 -39,312.26 39,312.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60443
4/5/2018 6626 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 100 -970,076.92 970,076.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60450
4/5/2018 CMCO180500001
BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo AXA COLPATRIA
100 SEGUROS SA 6417 6417 28.86 28.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60458
4/5/2018 CMCO180500001
BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo AXA COLPATRIA
100 SEGUROS SA 6417 6417 4,837.78 4,837.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60465
4/5/2018 CMCO180500001
BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo AXA COLPATRIA
100 SEGUROS SA 6417 6417 64,570.55 64,570.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 60472
4/5/2018 6643 BA1553455 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Empresas Publicas
100 de Medellin E.S.P -2,091,711.14 2,091,711.14 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.904.996-1 61049
4/5/2018 GL1800000851 2408050101 PG F6408 PAGO DE PROV INSTITUTO COLOMB -87,109.11 87,109.11 G/L Account 70601 860.015.764-4 62781
7/5/2018 6795 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -79,542.74 79,542.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 62648
7/5/2018 6795 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -15,268.02 15,268.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 62655
7/5/2018 6795 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -3,219.74 3,219.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 62662
7/5/2018 6795 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -414,512.17 414,512.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 62669
7/5/2018 6796 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100 -29.22 29.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62677
7/5/2018 6796 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100 -4,573.61 4,573.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62684
7/5/2018 6796 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100 -36,392.22 36,392.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62691
7/5/2018 6796 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100 -11,610.57 11,610.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62698
7/5/2018 6796 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100 -106.31 106.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62705
7/5/2018 6796 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100 -651,877.84 651,877.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62712
7/5/2018 CMCO180500002
BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo AXA COLPATRIA
100 SEGUROS SA 5842 5842 29.22 29.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62720
7/5/2018 CMCO180500002
BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo AXA COLPATRIA
100 SEGUROS SA 5842 5842 4,573.61 4,573.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62727
7/5/2018 CMCO180500002
BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo AXA COLPATRIA
100 SEGUROS SA 5842 5842 36,392.22 36,392.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62734
7/5/2018 CMCO180500002
BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo AXA COLPATRIA
100 SEGUROS SA 5842 5842 11,610.57 11,610.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62741
7/5/2018 CMCO180500002
BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo AXA COLPATRIA
100 SEGUROS SA 5842 5842 106.31 106.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62748
7/5/2018 CMCO180500002
BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo AXA COLPATRIA
100 SEGUROS SA 5842 5842 651,877.84 651,877.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 62755
8/5/2018 6797 BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Invoice 6411 100 -812,224.35 812,224.35 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 62823
8/5/2018 CMCO180500003
BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMGESA 100
SA ESP 6411 6411 812,224.35 812,224.35 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 62831
8/5/2018 CMCO180500004
BA1218664 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ACCIONA 100INFRAESTRUCTURAS SA 4691 4691 11,376.25 11,376.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.043.648-8 62839
8/5/2018 6798 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEJUSTICIA - 100NOV 2017 -21,228.73 21,228.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62844
8/5/2018 6798 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEJUSTICIA - 100NOV 2017 -42,414.64 42,414.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62849
8/5/2018 6799 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEJUSTICIA - 100JAN 2018 -10,437.73 10,437.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62855
8/5/2018 6799 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEJUSTICIA - 100JAN 2018 -16,630.78 16,630.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62860
8/5/2018 6800 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEJUSTICIA - 100DIC 2017 -18,985.96 18,985.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62866
8/5/2018 6800 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEJUSTICIA - 100DIC 2017 -21,854.99 21,854.99 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62871
8/5/2018 6801 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEJUSTICIA - 100FEB 2018 -31,768.16 31,768.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62877
8/5/2018 6801 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEJUSTICIA - 100FEB 2018 -33,732.59 33,732.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62882
8/5/2018 6801 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEJUSTICIA - 100FEB 2018 -27,646.59 27,646.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62887
8/5/2018 CMCO180500008
BA1553371 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Corp. Centro100 de Estudios de 6264 6264 32,425.12 32,425.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62903
8/5/2018 CMCO180500008
BA1553371 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Corp. Centro100 de Estudios de 6264 6264 34,430.18 34,430.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62910
8/5/2018 CMCO180500008
BA1553371 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Corp. Centro100 de Estudios de 6264 6264 28,218.33 28,218.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 62917
8/5/2018 6802 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -1,129,968.00 1,129,968.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 62933
8/5/2018 6802 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -1,143,150.58 1,143,150.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 62940
9/5/2018 CMCO180500009
BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 6584 583,210.32 583,210.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 62948
9/5/2018 CMCO180500009
BA1219066 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 6584 576,794.21 576,794.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 62955
9/5/2018 6803 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -8,602.44 8,602.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 62963
9/5/2018 6803 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -261,392.88 261,392.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 62970
9/5/2018 6803 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -90,689.09 90,689.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 62977
9/5/2018 6804 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM JAN 1002018 -8,232.51 8,232.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 62989
9/5/2018 CMCO180500010
BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO 6188 6188 8,232.51 8,232.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 62995
14/05/18 6807 BA1367747 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PricewaterhouseCoopers
100 -3,700,813.35 3,700,813.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.046.645-9 63087
15/05/18 6808 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A MAR/2018 -950,245.10 950,245.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 63121
15/05/18 6809 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A DEC/2017 -1,174,724.17 1,174,724.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 63129
16/05/18 CMCO180500013BA1367747 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PricewaterhouseCoopers
100 Asesores 5841 3,700,813.35 3,700,813.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.046.645-9 63137
16/05/18 CMCO180500014BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ORGANIZACION100 TERPEL S.A 6412 6412 950,245.10 950,245.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 63145
16/05/18 CMCO180500015BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ORGANIZACION100 TERPEL S.A 6610 6610 1,174,724.17 1,174,724.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 63153
16/05/18 6810 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS FEB 2018 -8,645.95 8,645.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 63161
16/05/18 6810 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS FEB 2018 -17,687.67 17,687.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 63168
16/05/18 6811 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS MAR 2018 -17,655.94 17,655.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 63176
16/05/18 6811 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS MAR 2018 -12,226.50 12,226.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 63183
16/05/18 6812 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS APR 2018 -57,709.08 57,709.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 63191
16/05/18 CMCO180500016BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6210 6210 8,645.95 8,645.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 63219
16/05/18 CMCO180500016BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6210 6210 17,687.67 17,687.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 63226
16/05/18 CMCO180500017BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6623 6623 17,655.94 17,655.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 63234
16/05/18 CMCO180500017BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6623 6623 12,226.50 12,226.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 63241
16/05/18 6813 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION
100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -61,613.77 61,613.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 63249
16/05/18 6813 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION
100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -26,816.79 26,816.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 63256
16/05/18 6814 BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMGESA SA ESP 100 -861,745.95 861,745.95 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 63264
16/05/18 CMCO180500018BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMGESA 100
SA ESP 6395 6395 861,745.95 861,745.95 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 63272
16/05/18 GL1800000884 2408050101 PG F6414 PAGO INTERBANC ASSA ABLOY COLO -49,915.47 49,915.47 G/L Account 70601 860.009.826-8 63400
17/05/18 6815 BA1592924 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,548,167.83 1,548,167.83 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 63280
17/05/18 CMCO180500019BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 6435 6435 1,548,167.83 1,548,167.83 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 63288
17/05/18 6816 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA JAN 2018 -3,770.40 3,770.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 63318
17/05/18 6816 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA JAN 2018 -20,202.51 20,202.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 63325
17/05/18 6816 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA JAN 2018 -41,162.55 41,162.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 63332
17/05/18 CMCO180500020BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HAPAG100 LLOYD COLOMBIA LTDA 6013 6013 3,770.40 3,770.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 63340
17/05/18 CMCO180500020BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HAPAG100 LLOYD COLOMBIA LTDA 6013 6013 20,202.51 20,202.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 63347
17/05/18 CMCO180500020BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HAPAG100 LLOYD COLOMBIA LTDA 6013 6013 41,162.55 41,162.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 63354
18/05/18 6817 BA1219095 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,457,135.56 1,457,135.56 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.018.481-3 63414
18/05/18 CMCO180500021BA1219095 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PATRIMONIOS 100 AUTONOMOS FIDUCIARIA 6211 1,457,135.56 1,457,135.56 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.018.481-3 63422
23/05/18 6818 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING
100 CO LLC -1,306,279.26 1,306,279.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 63481
23/05/18 CMCO180500022BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 4088 4088 164,650.20 164,650.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.148.720-6 63487
23/05/18 CMCO180500023BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 4659 4659 169,214.76 169,214.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.148.720-6 63493
23/05/18 CMCO180500024BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 4862 4862 177,528.78 177,528.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.148.720-6 63499
23/05/18 CMCO180500025BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 5199 5199 137,425.86 137,425.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 63505
23/05/18 CMCO180500026BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 5918 5918 76,700.91 76,700.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 63511
23/05/18 CMCO180500027BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 6094 6094 91,861.77 91,861.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 63517
23/05/18 CMCO180500028BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 6298 6298 92,758.38 92,758.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 63523
23/05/18 CMCO180500029BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 6510 6510 180,952.20 180,952.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 63529
23/05/18 CMCO180500030BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 6708 6708 215,186.40 215,186.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 63535
23/05/18 6819 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -67.26 67.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 63541
23/05/18 6819 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -103,682.43 103,682.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 63548
23/05/18 6819 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -61,161.00 61,161.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 63555
23/05/18 6819 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -14,513.91 14,513.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 63562
23/05/18 6819 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -32,723.13 32,723.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 63569
23/05/18 6819 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -1,049,865.90 1,049,865.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 63576
23/05/18 6819 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -234,703.77 234,703.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 63583
24/05/18 6820 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -9,028.80 9,028.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63607
24/05/18 6820 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -111,505.68 111,505.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63614
24/05/18 6821 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -6,520.80 6,520.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63622
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
24/05/18 6821 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -134,491.50 134,491.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63629
24/05/18 6822 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -85,748.52 85,748.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63637
24/05/18 6823 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -19,021.09 19,021.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63645
24/05/18 6823 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -327,588.69 327,588.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63652
24/05/18 CMCO180500031BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6605 6605 19,021.09 19,021.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63660
24/05/18 CMCO180500031BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6605 6605 327,588.69 327,588.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63667
24/05/18 CMCO180500032BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6606 6606 85,748.52 85,748.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63675
24/05/18 CMCO180500033BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6607 6607 6,520.80 6,520.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63683
24/05/18 CMCO180500033BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6607 6607 134,491.50 134,491.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63690
24/05/18 CMCO180500034BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6608 6608 9,028.80 9,028.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63698
24/05/18 CMCO180500034BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PEI ASSET 100MANAGEMENT S.A.S. 6608 6608 111,505.68 111,505.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 63705
24/05/18 6824 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -115,479.34 115,479.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63713
24/05/18 6824 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -73,892.13 73,892.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63720
24/05/18 6824 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -2,438,609.77 2,438,609.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63727
24/05/18 6824 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -758,955.53 758,955.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63734
24/05/18 CMCO180500035BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6470 6470 1,589.84 1,589.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63742
24/05/18 CMCO180500036BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6585 6585 15,658.03 15,658.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63753
24/05/18 CMCO180500036BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6585 6585 426.14 426.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63760
24/05/18 CMCO180500036BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6585 6585 349,153.31 349,153.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63767
24/05/18 CMCO180500037BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6586 6586 19,329.42 19,329.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63775
24/05/18 CMCO180500037BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6586 6586 950.63 950.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63782
24/05/18 CMCO180500037BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6586 6586 339,133.48 339,133.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63789
24/05/18 CMCO180500037BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6586 6586 5,583.57 5,583.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63796
24/05/18 CMCO180500038BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6587 6587 12,735.12 12,735.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63804
24/05/18 CMCO180500038BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6587 6587 628.29 628.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63811
24/05/18 CMCO180500038BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6587 6587 319,301.43 319,301.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63818
24/05/18 CMCO180500038BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6587 6587 6,195.47 6,195.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63825
24/05/18 CMCO180500039BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6597 6597 54,480.77 54,480.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63833
24/05/18 CMCO180500039BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6597 6597 70,160.65 70,160.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63840
24/05/18 CMCO180500039BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6597 6597 882,788.36 882,788.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63847
24/05/18 CMCO180500039BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6597 6597 707,479.62 707,479.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63854
24/05/18 CMCO180500040BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6684 6684 11,686.16 11,686.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63862
24/05/18 CMCO180500040BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6684 6684 1,475.11 1,475.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63869
24/05/18 CMCO180500040BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6684 6684 260,750.45 260,750.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63876
24/05/18 CMCO180500040BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6684 6684 21,110.48 21,110.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 63883
25/05/18 GL1800000903 2408050101 PG F6380 PAGO DE PROV COLCERAMICA SAS -766,952.10 766,952.10 G/L Account 70601 860.002.536-5 63919
28/05/18 GL1800000975 2408050101 PAGO IVA 2 BIM 126,177,000.00 126,177,000.00 G/L Account 70601 800.197.268-4 67050
31/05/18 GL1800000922 2408050101 PG F6685 PAGO INTERBANC IC ASESORIAS Y -17,914.53 17,914.53 G/L Account 70601 811.001.850-0 64268
4/6/2018 6825 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -65,855.52 65,855.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 64599
4/6/2018 6825 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -88,658.94 88,658.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 64606
4/6/2018 6826 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -4,368.48 4,368.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 64614
4/6/2018 6826 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -1,422.15 1,422.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 64618
4/6/2018 6826 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -14,590.29 14,590.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 64622
4/6/2018 6827 BA1218737 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CARVAJAL EMPAQUES
100 SA -327,117.10 327,117.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.319.047-6 64627
4/6/2018 6828 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -122,681.48 122,681.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 64635
4/6/2018 6828 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -300,527.37 300,527.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 64642
4/6/2018 6829 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -20,622.03 20,622.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.015.764-4 64650
4/6/2018 6830 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -11,012.21 11,012.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 64655
4/6/2018 6830 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -2,708.64 2,708.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 64659
4/6/2018 6830 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -5,542.68 5,542.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 64663
4/6/2018 6831 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -601.92 601.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 64668
4/6/2018 6831 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -1,874.73 1,874.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 64672
4/6/2018 6832 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -8,554.56 8,554.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 64677
4/6/2018 6832 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -6,378.68 6,378.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 64681
4/6/2018 6833 BA1218847 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CORONA100 -269.23 269.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.008.052-1 64686
4/6/2018 6834 BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMGESA SA ESP 100 -801,656.55 801,656.55 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 64691
4/6/2018 6835 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A -1,015,789.31 1,015,789.31 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 64699
4/6/2018 6836 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -13,672.02 13,672.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 64707
4/6/2018 6836 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -67,261.71 67,261.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 64714
4/6/2018 6836 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -4,674.00 4,674.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 64721
4/6/2018 6836 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -35,895.75 35,895.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 64728
4/6/2018 6837 BA1315131 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SGS COLOMBIA 100SAS -1,294,123.25 1,294,123.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.049.921-0 64736
4/6/2018 6838 BA1325454 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SCHAEFFLER COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -8,757.10 8,757.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.301.833-5 64744
4/6/2018 6839 BA1331470 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASSA ABLOY COLOMBIA
100 SAS -60,105.55 60,105.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.826-8 64750
4/6/2018 6840 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -7,492.27 7,492.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 64758
4/6/2018 6840 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -575,438.18 575,438.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 64765
4/6/2018 6840 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -8,631.70 8,631.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 64772
4/6/2018 6840 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,094,982.37 2,094,982.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 64779
4/6/2018 6841 BA1366431 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCK SA Colombia
100 -43,965.24 43,965.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.580-0 64787
4/6/2018 6841 BA1366431 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCK SA Colombia
100 -13,397.28 13,397.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.580-0 64794
4/6/2018 6842 BA1366598 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -1,133,525.88 1,133,525.88 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.914.525-7 64802
4/6/2018 6843 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -110.09 110.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 64808
4/6/2018 6843 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -12,175.36 12,175.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 64815
4/6/2018 6843 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -68,149.77 68,149.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 64822
4/6/2018 6843 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1,076.68 1,076.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 64829
4/6/2018 6843 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -20,363.24 20,363.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 64836
4/6/2018 6843 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -989,426.52 989,426.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 64843
4/6/2018 6844 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA100 SAS -10,225.01 10,225.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 64851
4/6/2018 6844 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA100 SAS -77,064.00 77,064.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 64856
4/6/2018 6845 BA1374665 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSTRUCCIONES 100 EL CONDOR SA -266,850.60 266,850.60 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.922.447-4 64862
4/6/2018 6847 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 64874
4/6/2018 6848 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA -503,500.00 503,500.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 64882
4/6/2018 6849 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -3,899.61 3,899.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 64890
4/6/2018 6849 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -10,051.00 10,051.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 64897
4/6/2018 6849 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -20,948.07 20,948.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 64904
4/6/2018 6850 BA1409705 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CYCLELOGIC COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -175,888.68 175,888.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.048.425-5 64912
4/6/2018 6851 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -6,371.06 6,371.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 64918
4/6/2018 6851 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -18,028.70 18,028.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 64925
4/6/2018 6851 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -31,676.80 31,676.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 64932
4/6/2018 6851 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -26,193.02 26,193.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 64939
4/6/2018 6852 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -146,741.18 146,741.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 64947
4/6/2018 6852 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -79,603.43 79,603.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 64954
4/6/2018 6852 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -374,438.98 374,438.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 64961
4/6/2018 6852 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -309,212.65 309,212.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 64968
4/6/2018 6852 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -290,255.21 290,255.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 64975
4/6/2018 6853 BA1508799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO NUTRESA 100 SA -1,480,528.22 1,480,528.22 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.050-1 64983
4/6/2018 6854 BA1509805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -1,444,363.39 1,444,363.39 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 64991
4/6/2018 6855 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -17,018.87 17,018.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 64999
4/6/2018 6855 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -5,918.88 5,918.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 65004
4/6/2018 6855 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -15,242.37 15,242.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 65009
4/6/2018 6856 BA1524771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO DE INVERSIONES
100 SURAMERICANA -1,468,983.59 1,468,983.59 G/L Account 70601 EVE 811.012.271-3 65015
4/6/2018 6857 BA1553453 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORFICOLOMBIANA 100 S.A. -1,417,418.32 1,417,418.32 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.300.653-6 65023
4/6/2018 6858 BA1553455 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Empresas Publicas
100 de Medellin E.S.P -6,301,926.01 6,301,926.01 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.904.996-1 65031
4/6/2018 6859 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 65039
4/6/2018 6859 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -30,623.25 30,623.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 65044
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/6/2018 6859 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -18,659.52 18,659.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 65049
4/6/2018 6859 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -21,355.62 21,355.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 65054
4/6/2018 6860 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 65060
4/6/2018 6860 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -14,663.25 14,663.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 65065
4/6/2018 6860 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -7,254.39 7,254.39 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 65070
4/6/2018 6861 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -56,591.50 56,591.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 65076
4/6/2018 6861 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -47.2 47.2 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 65083
4/6/2018 6861 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -23,073.60 23,073.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 65090
4/6/2018 6862 BA1560181 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO AVAL100 ACCIONES Y VALORES S.A. -1,804,399.42 1,804,399.42 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.216.181-5 65098
4/6/2018 6864 BA1592924 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,554,086.50 1,554,086.50 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 65106
4/6/2018 6865 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -6,826.07 6,826.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 65114
4/6/2018 6865 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -6,655.85 6,655.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 65121
4/6/2018 6865 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -48,446.65 48,446.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 65128
4/6/2018 6865 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia
100 COP -13,781.46 13,781.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 65135
4/6/2018 6866 BA1599355 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERCONEXION 100 ELECTRICA S.A E.S.P. -1,476,387.60 1,476,387.60 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.016.610-3 65143
4/6/2018 6867 BA1599358 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Conconcreto 100 S.A. -1,167,608.11 1,167,608.11 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.901.110-8 65149
4/6/2018 6868 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -11,103.22 11,103.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 65157
4/6/2018 6868 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -53,959.62 53,959.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 65164
4/6/2018 6869 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -319.2 319.2 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 65172
4/6/2018 6869 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -25,217.94 25,217.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 65179
4/6/2018 6869 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -13,460.93 13,460.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 65186
4/6/2018 6869 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -1,404.48 1,404.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 65193
4/6/2018 6901 BA1603003 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -2,960,646.08 2,960,646.08 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.068-1 65304
4/6/2018 6903 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -5,452.45 5,452.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 65314
4/6/2018 6903 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -2,054.23 2,054.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 65321
4/6/2018 6903 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -946,114.33 946,114.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 65328
4/6/2018 6904 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -24,103.66 24,103.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 65336
4/6/2018 6904 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -348.78 348.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 65343
4/6/2018 6905 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 65351
4/6/2018 6905 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 65358
4/6/2018 6905 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -45,373.32 45,373.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 65365
4/6/2018 6905 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -327.8 327.8 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 65372
4/6/2018 6906 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -639,214.76 639,214.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 65380
4/6/2018 6906 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -619,546.61 619,546.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 65387
4/6/2018 6907 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -266 266 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 65395
4/6/2018 6907 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -97,194.50 97,194.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 65402
4/6/2018 6907 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -97,042.50 97,042.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 65409
4/6/2018 6907 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -7,170.60 7,170.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 65416
4/6/2018 6907 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -121,885.00 121,885.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 65423
4/6/2018 6908 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -57,518.32 57,518.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 65431
4/6/2018 6908 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -8,918.98 8,918.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 65438
4/6/2018 6908 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -128,270.52 128,270.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 65445
4/6/2018 6910 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -21,111.09 21,111.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.041.739-4 65457
4/6/2018 6911 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -1,423.10 1,423.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 65462
4/6/2018 6911 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -118,748.10 118,748.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 65469
4/6/2018 6911 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -166,933.62 166,933.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 65476
4/6/2018 6863 BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Johnson & Johnson
100 de Colombia -53,585.51 53,585.51 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 65484
4/6/2018 6863 BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Johnson & Johnson
100 de Colombia -2,030,891.00 2,030,891.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 65491
4/6/2018 6912 BA1255976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BUSINESS SWEDEN 100 BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFIC -7,007.77 7,007.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.262.621-2 65499
4/6/2018 6912 BA1255976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BUSINESS SWEDEN 100 BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFIC -6,808.46 6,808.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.262.621-2 65504
4/6/2018 6912 BA1255976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BUSINESS SWEDEN 100 BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFIC -8,803.08 8,803.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.262.621-2 65509
4/6/2018 6913 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -19,385.13 19,385.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 65515
4/6/2018 6913 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -5,404.17 5,404.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 65520
4/6/2018 6913 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -13,123.11 13,123.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 65525
4/6/2018 6914 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -10,188.75 10,188.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.060.203-6 65531
4/6/2018 6914 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -95,040.66 95,040.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.060.203-6 65536
4/6/2018 6915 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -42,466.71 42,466.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.531.315-3 65542
4/6/2018 6916 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -22,371.36 22,371.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 65550
4/6/2018 6916 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -18,421.26 18,421.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 65555
4/6/2018 6919 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -40,673.49 40,673.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.445.634-4 65570
4/6/2018 6920 BA1218836 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION SOCIAL100 SERVIR -47,852.64 47,852.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.416.798-1 65576
4/6/2018 6920 BA1218836 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION SOCIAL100 SERVIR -34,804.77 34,804.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.416.798-1 65581
4/6/2018 6921 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -99,523.71 99,523.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.398.897-2 65587
4/6/2018 6922 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA
100 SA -52,166.40 52,166.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 65593
4/6/2018 6923 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -153,442.86 153,442.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 65601
4/6/2018 6923 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -8,190.90 8,190.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 65608
4/6/2018 6923 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -787,298.63 787,298.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 65615
4/6/2018 6924 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -4,823.53 4,823.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 65623
4/6/2018 6924 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -73,116.94 73,116.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 65628
4/6/2018 6924 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -63,577.80 63,577.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 65633
4/6/2018 6925 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -747,647.15 747,647.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 65639
4/6/2018 6925 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -1,044,762.50 1,044,762.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 65646
4/6/2018 6925 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -24,478.08 24,478.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 65653
4/6/2018 6925 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -241,351.11 241,351.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 65660
4/6/2018 6926 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -14,925.64 14,925.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 65668
4/6/2018 6926 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -3,341.91 3,341.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 65673
4/6/2018 6926 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -7,624.32 7,624.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 65678
4/6/2018 6926 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -85,177.95 85,177.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 65683
4/6/2018 6928 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -26,665.93 26,665.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 65692
4/6/2018 6928 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -51,840.36 51,840.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 65697
4/6/2018 6929 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -549,427.37 549,427.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 65703
4/6/2018 6929 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -108,172.32 108,172.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 65710
4/6/2018 6929 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -63,382.48 63,382.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 65717
4/6/2018 6929 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -732,252.78 732,252.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 65724
4/6/2018 6930 BA1218479 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ABRAAJ COLOMBIA 100 ADVISERS SAS -61,377.03 61,377.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.192.607-8 65732
4/6/2018 6931 BA1392782 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESION LA 100PINTADA SAS -11,737.44 11,737.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.740.893-1 65738
4/6/2018 6932 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS
100 COLOMBIA LTDA -657,080.80 657,080.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 65743
4/6/2018 6932 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS
100 COLOMBIA LTDA -546,438.67 546,438.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 65750
4/6/2018 6933 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT100 COLOMBIA SAS -38,679.25 38,679.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 65758
4/6/2018 6933 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT100 COLOMBIA SAS -17,168.02 17,168.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 65763
4/6/2018 6933 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT100 COLOMBIA SAS -77,271.48 77,271.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 65768
4/6/2018 6934 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -5,551.61 5,551.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 65774
4/6/2018 6934 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -14,345.76 14,345.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 65779
4/6/2018 6935 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING
100 CO LLC -3,913.43 3,913.43 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 65785
4/6/2018 6935 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING
100 CO LLC -95,855.76 95,855.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 65790
4/6/2018 6936 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -47,743.20 47,743.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 65796
4/6/2018 6936 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -89,625.47 89,625.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 65803
4/6/2018 6936 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -2,268.60 2,268.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 65810
4/6/2018 6936 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -525,662.93 525,662.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 65817
4/6/2018 6937 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -54,150.95 54,150.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 65825
4/6/2018 6937 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -36,710.66 36,710.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 65832
4/6/2018 6937 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -45,536.92 45,536.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 65839
4/6/2018 6938 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Q&A BANCA DE 100INVERSION SAS -28,936.05 28,936.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 65847
4/6/2018 6939 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA
100 SA ESP TEBSA -11,012.21 11,012.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 65853
4/6/2018 6939 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA
100 SA ESP TEBSA -5,024.93 5,024.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 65860
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/6/2018 6939 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -23,775.84 23,775.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 65867
4/6/2018 6939 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -61,703.07 61,703.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 65874
4/6/2018 6940 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -5,005.55 5,005.55 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 65882
4/6/2018 6940 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -95,601.73 95,601.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 65887
4/6/2018 6940 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -53,401.40 53,401.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 65892
4/6/2018 6941 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -3,193.90 3,193.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 65898
4/6/2018 6941 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -18,430.00 18,430.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 65905
4/6/2018 6942 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -89,604.00 89,604.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 65913
4/6/2018 6942 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -28,571.25 28,571.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 65918
4/6/2018 6942 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -5,417.28 5,417.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 65923
4/6/2018 6942 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -56,975.49 56,975.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 65928
4/6/2018 6943 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -28,773.03 28,773.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 65934
4/6/2018 6944 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -28,283.97 28,283.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.524.239-7 65940
4/6/2018 6946 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -8,827.97 8,827.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 65948
4/6/2018 6946 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -11,203.35 11,203.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 65953
4/6/2018 6946 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -2,407.68 2,407.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 65958
4/6/2018 6946 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -36,027.42 36,027.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 65963
4/6/2018 6947 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -4,914.54 4,914.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 65969
4/6/2018 6947 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -44,403.00 44,403.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 65976
4/6/2018 6947 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -48,742.98 48,742.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 65983
4/6/2018 6949 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -5,005.55 5,005.55 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 65994
4/6/2018 6949 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -137,833.41 137,833.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 66001
4/6/2018 6950 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -87,939.60 87,939.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 66009
4/6/2018 6950 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -62,066.16 62,066.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 66016
4/6/2018 6951 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -12,741.40 12,741.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 66024
4/6/2018 6951 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -84,971.04 84,971.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 66029
4/6/2018 6951 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -88,601.37 88,601.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 66034
4/6/2018 6952 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA y ACEVEDO 100 ABOGADOS LTDA -8,463.93 8,463.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 66040
4/6/2018 6952 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA y ACEVEDO 100 ABOGADOS LTDA -49,802.61 49,802.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 66045
4/6/2018 6953 BA1218810 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DERIVEX SA 100 -50,454.69 50,454.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.968-6 66051
4/6/2018 6954 BA1218773 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OILTANKING COLOMBIA
100 SA -5,617.92 5,617.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.257.792-3 66057
4/6/2018 6954 BA1218773 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OILTANKING COLOMBIA
100 SA -8,395.53 8,395.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.257.792-3 66061
4/6/2018 6955 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -26,847.95 26,847.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 66066
4/6/2018 6955 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -21,468.48 21,468.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 66071
4/6/2018 6955 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -174,512.91 174,512.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 66076
4/6/2018 6956 BA1253754 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RCCF SAS 100 -10,677.81 10,677.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.378-1 66082
4/6/2018 6957 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -56,236.20 56,236.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 66087
4/6/2018 6957 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -208,519.30 208,519.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 66094
4/6/2018 6957 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -2,599.20 2,599.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 66101
4/6/2018 6961 BA1218738 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIOPAILA CASTILLA100 SA -2,912.32 2,912.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.087.414-4 66116
4/6/2018 6961 BA1218738 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIOPAILA CASTILLA100 SA -25,349.61 25,349.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.087.414-4 66123
4/6/2018 6962 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -57,334.40 57,334.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 66131
4/6/2018 6962 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -63,113.25 63,113.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 66138
4/6/2018 6962 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -73,159.50 73,159.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 66145
4/6/2018 6962 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -435,214.00 435,214.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 66152
4/6/2018 6964 BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PFIZER SAS 100 -8,438.66 8,438.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 66165
4/6/2018 6964 BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PFIZER SAS 100 -15,799.83 15,799.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 66172
4/6/2018 6965 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON CRIALES ABOGADOS S -58,524.18 58,524.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 66180
4/6/2018 6968 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -119,496.13 119,496.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 66189
4/6/2018 6968 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -15,837.07 15,837.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 66194
4/6/2018 6968 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -164,487.18 164,487.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 66199
4/6/2018 6969 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -429,840.23 429,840.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 66205
4/6/2018 6969 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -95,628.14 95,628.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 66210
4/6/2018 6969 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -22,371.36 22,371.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 66215
4/6/2018 6969 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -448,223.49 448,223.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 66220
4/6/2018 6970 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -62,355.15 62,355.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 66226
4/6/2018 6971 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -73,445.07 73,445.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 66234
4/6/2018 6971 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -48,335.43 48,335.43 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 66239
4/6/2018 6972 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA -39,695.37 39,695.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.021.637-3 66245
4/6/2018 6973 BA1218730 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CAMARA DE COMERCIO
100 COLOMBO AMERICANA -20,785.05 20,785.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.013.777-1 66251
4/6/2018 6974 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -4,550.50 4,550.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 66256
4/6/2018 6974 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -19,749.17 19,749.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 66263
4/6/2018 6974 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -144,494.62 144,494.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 66270
4/6/2018 6974 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -848,133.78 848,133.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 66277
4/6/2018 6975 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -19,385.13 19,385.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 66285
4/6/2018 6975 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -30,892.29 30,892.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 66290
4/6/2018 6976 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -21,205.33 21,205.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 66296
4/6/2018 6976 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -1,966.12 1,966.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 66303
4/6/2018 6976 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -31,188.69 31,188.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 66310
4/6/2018 6979 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -14,015.54 14,015.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 66326
4/6/2018 6979 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -64,088.33 64,088.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 66331
4/6/2018 6979 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -45,727.11 45,727.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 66336
4/6/2018 6981 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -148,801.35 148,801.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 66347
4/6/2018 6981 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -406,816.41 406,816.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 66352
4/6/2018 6983 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -326.04 326.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 66362
4/6/2018 6983 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -91.2 91.2 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 66369
4/6/2018 6983 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -66,983.36 66,983.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 66376
4/6/2018 6983 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -191,858.39 191,858.39 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 66383
4/6/2018 6983 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -302,320.59 302,320.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 66390
4/6/2018 6984 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -191,394.03 191,394.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 66398
4/6/2018 6984 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -42,435.36 42,435.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 66403
4/6/2018 6984 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -2,526.81 2,526.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 66408
4/6/2018 6985 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -64,324.88 64,324.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.007.251-9 66414
4/6/2018 6960 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y 3,156,923.08 3,156,923.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 66420
4/6/2018 6960 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -3,141,151.37 3,141,151.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 66424
4/6/2018 6960 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -15,247.50 15,247.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 66428
4/6/2018 6960 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -8,857.80 8,857.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 66432
4/6/2018 6960 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -5,097.51 5,097.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 66436
4/6/2018 6966 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -417,995.25 417,995.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 66441
4/6/2018 6966 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -5,120.50 5,120.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 66448
4/6/2018 6966 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -4,288.68 4,288.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 66455
4/6/2018 6986 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -4,459.49 4,459.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 66463
4/6/2018 6986 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -8,640.06 8,640.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 66470
4/6/2018 6986 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -8,727.84 8,727.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 66477
4/6/2018 6986 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -25,675.65 25,675.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 66484
4/6/2018 6987 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -6,825.75 6,825.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 66492
4/6/2018 6987 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -16,791.06 16,791.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 66499
4/6/2018 6988 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -11,740.29 11,740.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 66507
4/6/2018 6988 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -4,368.48 4,368.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 66511
4/6/2018 6988 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -2,613.26 2,613.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 66515
4/6/2018 6989 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -29,588.13 29,588.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.537-6 66520
4/6/2018 6990 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -2,548.28 2,548.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 66528
4/6/2018 6990 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -42,605.22 42,605.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 66535
4/6/2018 6991 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -66,255.28 66,255.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 66543
4/6/2018 6991 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -59,828.34 59,828.34 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 66548
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/6/2018 6993 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -11,856.00 11,856.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 66558
4/6/2018 6993 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -32,399.56 32,399.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 66563
4/6/2018 6993 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -87,484.74 87,484.74 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 66568
4/6/2018 6996 BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PATRIMONIOS 100
AUTONOMOS FIDUCIARIA BOGOT -14,671.80 14,671.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.054.076-2 66583
4/6/2018 6998 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -10,102.11 10,102.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 66591
4/6/2018 6998 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -40,156.69 40,156.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 66596
4/6/2018 6998 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -6,621.12 6,621.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 66601
4/6/2018 6998 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -48,172.41 48,172.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 66606
4/6/2018 6999 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -9,576.00 9,576.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 66612
4/6/2018 6999 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -14,546.40 14,546.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 66619
4/6/2018 6999 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -86,971.17 86,971.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 66626
4/6/2018 7000 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -15,926.75 15,926.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 66634
4/6/2018 7000 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -86,971.17 86,971.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 66639
4/6/2018 7001 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -31,853.50 31,853.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 66645
4/6/2018 7001 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -44,585.97 44,585.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 66652
4/6/2018 7002 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -118,888.70 118,888.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 66660
4/6/2018 7002 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -117,612.66 117,612.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 66667
4/6/2018 7002 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -22,724.95 22,724.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 66674
4/6/2018 7002 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -22,704.62 22,704.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 66681
4/6/2018 7002 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -185,079.95 185,079.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 66688
4/6/2018 7003 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -212,599.36 212,599.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 66696
4/6/2018 7003 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -44,683.25 44,683.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 66701
4/6/2018 7004 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -10,648.17 10,648.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 66707
4/6/2018 7004 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -9,047.61 9,047.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 66712
4/6/2018 7005 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -1,713.42 1,713.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 66718
4/6/2018 7005 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -25,118.76 25,118.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 66723
4/6/2018 7005 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -4,171.64 4,171.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 66728
4/6/2018 7005 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -35,945.91 35,945.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 66733
4/6/2018 7006 BA1218681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VGCD ABOGADOS 100 SAS -18,828.81 18,828.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.522.862-7 66739
4/6/2018 7008 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -65,359.81 65,359.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.512.616-5 66748
4/6/2018 7009 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -7,824.96 7,824.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 66754
4/6/2018 7009 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -12,226.50 12,226.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 66758
4/6/2018 7011 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -477,567.09 477,567.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 66768
4/6/2018 7013 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -96,344.82 96,344.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.422.795-2 66778
4/6/2018 7014 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -229,345.20 229,345.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 66784
4/6/2018 7014 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -70,368.02 70,368.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 66791
4/6/2018 7014 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -17,410.08 17,410.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 66798
4/6/2018 7014 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -149,952.18 149,952.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 66805
4/6/2018 7015 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -168,481.17 168,481.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.212.828-6 66813
4/6/2018 7016 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -2,639.29 2,639.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 66819
4/6/2018 7016 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -25,475.20 25,475.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 66826
4/6/2018 7017 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -9,659.22 9,659.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 66834
4/6/2018 7017 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -27,829.68 27,829.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 66839
7/6/2018 7018 BA1413948 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS 5814 -550,940.15 550,940.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 67245
7/6/2018 7018 BA1413948 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS 5814 -1,054,571.25 1,054,571.25 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.212.840-2 67252
7/6/2018 7018 BA1413948 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS 5814 -550,940.15 550,940.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 67259
7/6/2018 CMCO180600001
BA1413948 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LOREAL100 COLOMBIA SAS 5814 5814 550,940.15 550,940.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 67267
7/6/2018 CMCO180600001
BA1413948 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LOREAL100 COLOMBIA SAS 5814 5814 1,054,571.25 1,054,571.25 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.212.840-2 67274
7/6/2018 CMCO180600001
BA1413948 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LOREAL100 COLOMBIA SAS 5814 5814 550,940.15 550,940.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 67281
7/6/2018 7019 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -129,193.35 129,193.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 67289
7/6/2018 7020 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -910,140.66 910,140.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 67297
7/6/2018 CMCO180600002
BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo HUPECOL 100OPERATING CO LLC 6818 6818 1,306,279.26 1,306,279.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 67303
8/6/2018 7022 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -8,436.57 8,436.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 67327
8/6/2018 7022 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -18,828.81 18,828.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 67332
11/6/2018 7023 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -1,989.68 1,989.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 67360
11/6/2018 7023 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -209,650.56 209,650.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 67367
11/6/2018 7023 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -90,274.32 90,274.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 67374
11/6/2018 7024 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA 6421 -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67382
11/6/2018 7025 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA 6218 -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67390
11/6/2018 CMCO180600003
BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 6218 6218 598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67398
11/6/2018 CMCO180600004
BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 6421 6421 598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67406
11/6/2018 7026 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA 6569 -201,682.53 201,682.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67501
11/6/2018 7026 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA 6569 -20,008.90 20,008.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67508
11/6/2018 7026 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA 6569 -8,040.04 8,040.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67515
11/6/2018 7026 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA 6569 -212,189.72 212,189.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67522
11/6/2018 CMCO180600005
BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 6569 6569 201,682.53 201,682.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67550
11/6/2018 CMCO180600005
BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 6569 6569 20,008.90 20,008.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67557
11/6/2018 CMCO180600005
BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 6569 6569 8,040.04 8,040.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67564
11/6/2018 CMCO180600005
BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 6569 6569 212,189.72 212,189.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 67571
11/6/2018 7027 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6529 -289,252.20 289,252.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67579
11/6/2018 7027 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6529 -156,770.90 156,770.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67586
11/6/2018 7027 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6529 -3,249.00 3,249.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67593
11/6/2018 7027 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6529 -5,130.00 5,130.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67600
11/6/2018 7028 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6319 -220,327.80 220,327.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67608
11/6/2018 7028 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6319 -176,713.30 176,713.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67615
11/6/2018 7028 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6319 -4,104.00 4,104.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67622
11/6/2018 7029 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6112 -462,834.30 462,834.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67630
11/6/2018 7029 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6112 -289,162.14 289,162.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67637
11/6/2018 7029 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6112 -7,455.60 7,455.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67644
11/6/2018 7030 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 5936 -181,351.20 181,351.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67652
11/6/2018 7030 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 5936 -139,669.38 139,669.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67659
11/6/2018 7030 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 5936 -7,113.60 7,113.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67666
11/6/2018 CMCO180600006
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 5936 5936 181,351.20 181,351.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67674
11/6/2018 CMCO180600006
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 5936 5936 139,669.38 139,669.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67681
11/6/2018 CMCO180600006
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 5936 5936 7,113.60 7,113.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67688
11/6/2018 CMCO180600007
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6112 6112 462,834.30 462,834.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67696
11/6/2018 CMCO180600007
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6112 6112 289,162.14 289,162.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67703
11/6/2018 CMCO180600007
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6112 6112 7,455.60 7,455.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67710
11/6/2018 CMCO180600008
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6319 6319 220,327.80 220,327.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67718
11/6/2018 CMCO180600008
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6319 6319 176,713.30 176,713.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67725
11/6/2018 CMCO180600008
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6319 6319 4,104.00 4,104.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67732
11/6/2018 CMCO180600009
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6529 6529 289,252.20 289,252.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67740
11/6/2018 CMCO180600009
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6529 6529 156,770.90 156,770.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67747
11/6/2018 CMCO180600009
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6529 6529 3,249.00 3,249.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67754
11/6/2018 CMCO180600009
BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6529 6529 5,130.00 5,130.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 67761
11/6/2018 7031 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -3,384.28 3,384.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 67769
11/6/2018 7031 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -47,448.32 47,448.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 67776
11/6/2018 7031 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -26,001.88 26,001.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 67783
11/6/2018 7031 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -11,674.74 11,674.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 67790
11/6/2018 CMCO180600010
BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Ingenico 100
Colombia COP 6439 6439 3,384.28 3,384.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 67798
13/06/18 GL1800001055 2408050101 PG F6400 PAGO DE PROV COLCERAMICA SAS -452,896.35 452,896.35 G/L Account 70601 860.002.536-5 67823
14/06/18 7032 BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDEICOMISOS 100
SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA DE OC -14,671.80 14,671.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.054.076-2 67834
14/06/18 7033 BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDEICOMISOS 100
SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA DE OC -21,600.15 21,600.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.054.076-2 67840
14/06/18 7034 BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDEICOMISOS 100
SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA DE OC -135,632.64 135,632.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.054.076-2 67848
14/06/18 7035 BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -1,017,255.46 1,017,255.46 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 67856
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
14/06/18 CMCO180600011BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FIDEICOMISOS100 SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA 4173 135,632.64 135,632.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.054.076-2 67864
14/06/18 CMCO180600012BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FIDEICOMISOS100 SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA 5465 21,600.15 21,600.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.054.076-2 67872
14/06/18 CMCO180600013BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FIDEICOMISOS100 SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA 6996 14,671.80 14,671.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.054.076-2 67880
15/06/18 7040 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -54,332.97 54,332.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 68008
15/06/18 7040 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -45,473.08 45,473.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 68015
15/06/18 7040 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -12,182.80 12,182.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 68022
15/06/18 7040 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -288,528.30 288,528.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 68029
15/06/18 CMCO180600014BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100DE ENERGIA DE BOGOTA SA 6394 2,072,460.65 2,072,460.65 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 68040
15/06/18 CMCO180600015BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100DE ENERGIA DE BOGOTA SA 6420 962,294.43 962,294.43 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 68048
15/06/18 7041 BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,030,472.53 1,030,472.53 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 68056
15/06/18 CMCO180600016BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100DE ENERGIA DE BOGOTA SA 7038 1,082,756.82 1,082,756.82 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 68092
18/06/18 7042 BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA DE 100 ENERGIA DE BOGOTA SA 7041 -1,074,775.45 1,074,775.45 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 68064
18/06/18 CMCO180600017BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100DE ENERGIA DE BOGOTA SA 7041 1,030,472.53 1,030,472.53 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 68100
20/06/18 7044 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS -1,820.20 1,820.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68193
20/06/18 7044 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS -75,396.75 75,396.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68200
20/06/18 7046 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM JAN 1002018 -8,232.51 8,232.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68233
20/06/18 7047 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS FEB 2018 -8,645.95 8,645.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68239
20/06/18 7047 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS FEB 2018 -17,687.67 17,687.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68246
20/06/18 7048 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS MAR 2018 -17,655.94 17,655.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68254
20/06/18 7048 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS MAR 2018 -12,226.50 12,226.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68261
20/06/18 7049 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM CORPORATIVO
100 SAS APR 2018 -57,709.08 57,709.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68269
20/06/18 CMCO180600020BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6804 6804 8,232.51 8,232.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68277
20/06/18 CMCO180600021BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6810 6810 8,645.95 8,645.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68283
20/06/18 CMCO180600021BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6810 6810 17,687.67 17,687.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68290
20/06/18 CMCO180600022BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6811 6811 17,655.94 17,655.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68298
20/06/18 CMCO180600022BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6811 6811 12,226.50 12,226.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68305
20/06/18 CMCO180600023BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo TERRANUM 100 CORPORATIVO SAS 6812 6812 57,709.08 57,709.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 68313
21/06/18 7050 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -186,184.80 186,184.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 68349
21/06/18 7050 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -2,280.00 2,280.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 68356
21/06/18 7050 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -29,837.22 29,837.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 68363
21/06/18 7050 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -108,011.01 108,011.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 68370
21/06/18 7050 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -807,367.95 807,367.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 68377
21/06/18 7050 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -316,323.78 316,323.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 68384
22/06/18 GL1800001125 2408050101 COMPANIA COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA SAS -1,160,004.53 1,160,004.53 G/L Account 70601 860.002.536-5 68510
22/06/18 GL1800001133 2408050101 PG F6833/6410 PAGO DE PROV FUNDACION CORONA 62.13 62.13 G/L Account 70601 860.008.052-1 68577
25/06/18 7051 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -8,134.28 8,134.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 68517
25/06/18 7051 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -550,875.36 550,875.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 68524
25/06/18 7051 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -444,540.15 444,540.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 68531
25/06/18 7052 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -6,370.70 6,370.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 68539
25/06/18 7052 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -307,537.23 307,537.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 68546
26/06/18 GL1800001137 2408050101 PG F6596 PAGO DE PROV COLCERAMICA SAS -203,182.58 203,182.58 G/L Account 70601 890.900.120-7 68592
26/06/18 GL1800001138 2408050101 GENERADO EN VENTAS -27,680.15 27,680.15 G/L Account 70601 860.068.121-6 68598
4/7/2018 7053 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -63,607.44 63,607.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 69306
4/7/2018 7053 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -44,045.61 44,045.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 69313
4/7/2018 7054 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -24,555.79 24,555.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 69321
4/7/2018 7054 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -52,329.42 52,329.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 69326
4/7/2018 7055 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -78,723.65 78,723.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 69332
4/7/2018 7055 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -338,674.05 338,674.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 69339
4/7/2018 7056 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -18,659.52 18,659.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.015.764-4 69347
4/7/2018 7056 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -76,619.40 76,619.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.015.764-4 69352
4/7/2018 7057 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -8,827.97 8,827.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 69358
4/7/2018 7057 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -8,956.79 8,956.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 69363
4/7/2018 7057 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -11,574.42 11,574.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 69368
4/7/2018 7058 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -3,507.97 3,507.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 69374
4/7/2018 7058 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -1,548.69 1,548.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 69378
4/7/2018 7059 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -5,075.28 5,075.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 69383
4/7/2018 7059 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -4,763.30 4,763.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 69387
4/7/2018 7060 BA1274475 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FINANCIERA DE 100DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL S -932,020.71 932,020.71 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.096.329-1 69392
4/7/2018 7061 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -20,331.33 20,331.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 69400
4/7/2018 7061 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -16,327.27 16,327.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 69407
4/7/2018 7061 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -128,462.04 128,462.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 69414
4/7/2018 7061 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -7,291.44 7,291.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 69421
4/7/2018 7061 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -31,153.16 31,153.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 69428
4/7/2018 7062 BA1325454 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SCHAEFFLER COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -9,511.02 9,511.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.301.833-5 69436
4/7/2018 7063 BA1331470 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASSA ABLOY COLOMBIA
100 SAS -54,294.02 54,294.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.826-8 69442
4/7/2018 7064 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -950.57 950.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 69450
4/7/2018 7064 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -710,180.10 710,180.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 69457
4/7/2018 7064 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -66,923.70 66,923.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 69464
4/7/2018 7064 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,780,849.50 2,780,849.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 69471
4/7/2018 7065 BA1366431 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCK SA Colombia
100 -825,300.15 825,300.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.580-0 69479
4/7/2018 7066 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -88.86 88.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 69487
4/7/2018 7066 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -11,334.91 11,334.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 69494
4/7/2018 7066 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -87,432.87 87,432.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 69501
4/7/2018 7066 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -3,062.05 3,062.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 69508
4/7/2018 7066 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -11,812.98 11,812.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 69515
4/7/2018 7066 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1,045,947.72 1,045,947.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 69522
4/7/2018 7067 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA100 SAS -2,193.74 2,193.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 69530
4/7/2018 7067 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA100 SAS -20,216.00 20,216.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 69535
4/7/2018 7068 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 69541
4/7/2018 7069 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -3,253.59 3,253.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 69549
4/7/2018 7069 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -16,885.68 16,885.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 69556
4/7/2018 7069 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -23,637.90 23,637.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 69563
4/7/2018 7070 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -4,618.43 4,618.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 69571
4/7/2018 7070 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -8,621.58 8,621.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 69578
4/7/2018 7070 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -17,099.24 17,099.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 69585
4/7/2018 7070 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -108,269.41 108,269.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 69592
4/7/2018 7070 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -144,215.13 144,215.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 69599
4/7/2018 7071 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -249,153.37 249,153.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 69607
4/7/2018 7071 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -32,058.45 32,058.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 69614
4/7/2018 7071 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -113,806.35 113,806.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 69621
4/7/2018 7071 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -123,078.20 123,078.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 69628
4/7/2018 7071 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -89,868.67 89,868.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 69635
4/7/2018 7072 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -11,922.31 11,922.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 69643
4/7/2018 7072 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -7,774.42 7,774.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 69648
4/7/2018 7072 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -4,815.36 4,815.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 69653
4/7/2018 7072 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -6,439.29 6,439.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 69658
4/7/2018 7073 BA1525491 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ELECTRO PORCELANA
100 GAMMA S.A.S -2,688.69 2,688.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.121-4 69664
4/7/2018 7073 BA1525491 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ELECTRO PORCELANA
100 GAMMA S.A.S -223.44 223.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.121-4 69669
4/7/2018 7073 BA1525491 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ELECTRO PORCELANA
100 GAMMA S.A.S -911.24 911.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.121-4 69674
4/7/2018 7074 BA1546700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KONEKTI SOLUCIONES
100 S.A.S. -5,160,825.26 5,160,825.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 901.064.025-7 69680
4/7/2018 7075 BA1553455 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Empresas Publicas
100 de Medellin E.S.P -4,223,819.57 4,223,819.57 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.904.996-1 69688
4/7/2018 7076 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 69696
4/7/2018 7076 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100de Estudios de Derecho y -815.1 815.1 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 69701
4/7/2018 7077 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -492.1 492.1 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 69707
4/7/2018 7077 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -2,927.90 2,927.90 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 69712
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/7/2018 7077 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -238.83 238.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 69717
4/7/2018 7077 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -5,228.80 5,228.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 69722
4/7/2018 7078 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,173,025.04 1,173,025.04 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 69728
4/7/2018 7079 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 69736
4/7/2018 7079 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -189.62 189.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 69741
4/7/2018 7080 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -23,816.50 23,816.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 69747
4/7/2018 7080 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -57,876.28 57,876.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 69754
4/7/2018 7081 BA1592585 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDISERVICIOS 100SAS -1,574,783.32 1,574,783.32 G/L Account 70601 EVE 805.025.964-3 69762
4/7/2018 7082 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -3,766.53 3,766.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 69770
4/7/2018 7082 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -16,600.15 16,600.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 69777
4/7/2018 7082 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -15,266.88 15,266.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 69784
4/7/2018 7082 BA1592981 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Ingenico Colombia100 COP -13,079.22 13,079.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.084.857-1 69791
4/7/2018 7083 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -52,694.79 52,694.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 69799
4/7/2018 7083 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -9,028.80 9,028.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 69806
4/7/2018 7083 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -223,174.38 223,174.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 69813
4/7/2018 7084 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -91.2 91.2 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 69821
4/7/2018 7084 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -3,933.00 3,933.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 69828
4/7/2018 7084 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -4,823.53 4,823.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 69835
4/7/2018 7084 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -17,017.35 17,017.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 69842
4/7/2018 7084 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -6,019.20 6,019.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 69849
4/7/2018 7113 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -152.97 152.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 69945
4/7/2018 7113 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -2,622.42 2,622.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 69952
4/7/2018 7113 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -360,320.44 360,320.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 69959
4/7/2018 7115 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 69967
4/7/2018 7115 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 69974
4/7/2018 7115 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -20,252.73 20,252.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 69981
4/7/2018 7116 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -5,113,718.06 5,113,718.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 69989
4/7/2018 7116 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -1,420.48 1,420.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 69996
4/7/2018 7118 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -73,081.03 73,081.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 70004
4/7/2018 7118 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -16,656.54 16,656.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 70011
4/7/2018 7118 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -17,126.22 17,126.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 70018
4/7/2018 7118 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -59,814.09 59,814.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 70025
4/7/2018 7114 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -10,753,829.63 10,753,829.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 70033
4/7/2018 7114 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -14,927,427.90 14,927,427.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 70040
4/7/2018 7114 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -109,594.96 109,594.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 70047
4/7/2018 7114 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -945.4 945.4 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 70054
4/7/2018 7117 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -372,744.15 372,744.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 70062
4/7/2018 7117 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -73,755.55 73,755.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 70069
4/7/2018 7120 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -14,747.04 14,747.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 70086
4/7/2018 7120 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -12,471.03 12,471.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 70091
4/7/2018 7121 BA1218809 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEPOSITO CENTRALIZADO
100 DE VALORES DE CO -1,706.58 1,706.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.182.091-2 70097
4/7/2018 7121 BA1218809 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DEPOSITO CENTRALIZADO
100 DE VALORES DE CO -46,623.72 46,623.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.182.091-2 70104
4/7/2018 7122 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -525,471.03 525,471.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 70112
4/7/2018 7124 BA1299813 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO DE100 REFERENCIA ANDINO SAS -655,655.04 655,655.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.222.660-6 70123
4/7/2018 7125 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -121,043.30 121,043.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 70129
4/7/2018 7125 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -24,394.10 24,394.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 70134
4/7/2018 7125 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -15,549.60 15,549.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 70139
4/7/2018 7125 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -142,316.46 142,316.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 70144
4/7/2018 7126 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -45,687.02 45,687.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 70150
4/7/2018 7126 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -25,920.18 25,920.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 70157
4/7/2018 7127 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -95,944.68 95,944.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 70165
4/7/2018 7127 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -84,149.10 84,149.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 70172
4/7/2018 7128 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -66,164.27 66,164.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 70180
4/7/2018 7128 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -398,094.84 398,094.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 70185
4/7/2018 7130 BA1218680 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASHMORE MANAGEMENT
100 COMPANY COLOMBIA SA -119,575.17 119,575.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.316.081-9 70196
4/7/2018 7131 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA -41,733.12 41,733.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.021.637-3 70202
4/7/2018 7132 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -262,745.87 262,745.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 70208
4/7/2018 7132 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -27,487.68 27,487.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 70213
4/7/2018 7132 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -6,520.80 6,520.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 70218
4/7/2018 7133 BA1218825 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FINANCIERA DE 100DESARROLLO NACIONAL SA -570,000.00 570,000.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.509.022-9 70224
4/7/2018 7134 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -5,130.00 5,130.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 70232
4/7/2018 7134 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -8,259.30 8,259.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 70236
4/7/2018 7134 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -1,824.57 1,824.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 70240
4/7/2018 7135 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -251,458.35 251,458.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.060.203-6 70245
4/7/2018 7136 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -106,696.59 106,696.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.398.897-2 70251
4/7/2018 7137 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -59,065.49 59,065.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 70257
4/7/2018 7137 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -136,936.80 136,936.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 70262
4/7/2018 7138 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -446,677.08 446,677.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 70268
4/7/2018 7138 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -513,762.09 513,762.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 70275
4/7/2018 7138 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -12,239.04 12,239.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 70282
4/7/2018 7138 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -30,647.76 30,647.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 70289
4/7/2018 7139 BA1218730 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CAMARA DE COMERCIO
100 COLOMBO AMERICANA -16,465.02 16,465.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.013.777-1 70297
4/7/2018 7140 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -126,784.72 126,784.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 70302
4/7/2018 7140 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -759,201.43 759,201.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 70309
4/7/2018 7141 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -46,870.15 46,870.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 70317
4/7/2018 7141 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -61,997.76 61,997.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 70324
4/7/2018 7141 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -29,506.62 29,506.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 70331
4/7/2018 7142 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -5,460.60 5,460.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 70339
4/7/2018 7142 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -103,014.96 103,014.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 70346
4/7/2018 7142 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -243,877.92 243,877.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 70353
4/7/2018 7143 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -11,922.31 11,922.31 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 70361
4/7/2018 7143 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -10,508.71 10,508.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 70366
4/7/2018 7143 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -34,071.18 34,071.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.049.433-2 70371
4/7/2018 7144 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -18,095.22 18,095.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.524.239-7 70377
4/7/2018 7146 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Q&A BANCA DE 100INVERSION SAS -4,459.49 4,459.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 70386
4/7/2018 7146 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Q&A BANCA DE 100INVERSION SAS -25,901.75 25,901.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 70391
4/7/2018 7146 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Q&A BANCA DE 100INVERSION SAS -28,089.60 28,089.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 70396
4/7/2018 7146 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Q&A BANCA DE 100INVERSION SAS -83,140.20 83,140.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 70401
4/7/2018 7149 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -359,034.45 359,034.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 70415
4/7/2018 7149 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -93,458.34 93,458.34 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 70422
4/7/2018 7149 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -137,394.32 137,394.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 70429
4/7/2018 7149 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -786,069.14 786,069.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 70436
4/7/2018 7150 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -63,524.98 63,524.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 70444
4/7/2018 7150 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -9,465.04 9,465.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 70451
4/7/2018 7150 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -159,807.48 159,807.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 70458
4/7/2018 7151 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -4,641.51 4,641.51 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 70466
4/7/2018 7151 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -2,516.17 2,516.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 70471
4/7/2018 7151 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -2,934.36 2,934.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.384.047-8 70476
4/7/2018 7152 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON CRIALES ABOGADOS S -104,495.82 104,495.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 70482
4/7/2018 7153 BA1218750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIORIENTE 100SA ESP -19,073.34 19,073.34 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.226.766-6 70488
4/7/2018 7154 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -44,412.88 44,412.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 70494
4/7/2018 7154 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -61,866.09 61,866.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 70499
4/7/2018 7155 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -78,412.62 78,412.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.445.634-4 70505
4/7/2018 7156 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -133,778.05 133,778.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 70511
4/7/2018 7156 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -99,019.83 99,019.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 70516
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/7/2018 7157 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -5,032.34 5,032.34 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 70522
4/7/2018 7157 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -46,868.25 46,868.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 70527
4/7/2018 7158 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -14,015.54 14,015.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 70533
4/7/2018 7158 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -5,016.00 5,016.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 70540
4/7/2018 7158 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -169,296.27 169,296.27 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 70547
4/7/2018 7159 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -85,430.65 85,430.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 70555
4/7/2018 7159 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -132,411.95 132,411.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 70562
4/7/2018 7159 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -52,099.90 52,099.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 70569
4/7/2018 7159 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -427,747.00 427,747.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 70576
4/7/2018 7160 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -169,948.35 169,948.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.041.739-4 70584
4/7/2018 7161 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -6,661.40 6,661.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 70590
4/7/2018 7161 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -2,454.80 2,454.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 70597
4/7/2018 7161 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -35,302.00 35,302.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 70604
4/7/2018 7162 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -6,097.67 6,097.67 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.248.065-9 70612
4/7/2018 7162 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -5,624.38 5,624.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.248.065-9 70617
4/7/2018 7162 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -2,934.36 2,934.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.248.065-9 70622
4/7/2018 7163 BA1218766 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRECENTIA SAS 100 -15,649.92 15,649.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.382.420-3 70628
4/7/2018 7164 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -12,468.37 12,468.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 70633
4/7/2018 7164 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -40,184.43 40,184.43 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 70638
4/7/2018 7165 BA1218727 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BVQI COLOMBIA 100 LTDA -27,224.34 27,224.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.055.049-8 70644
4/7/2018 7166 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -161,552.82 161,552.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 70652
4/7/2018 7170 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -107,192.30 107,192.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 70668
4/7/2018 7170 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -66,111.45 66,111.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 70675
4/7/2018 7170 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -4,231.30 4,231.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 70682
4/7/2018 7170 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -108,965.00 108,965.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 70689
4/7/2018 7171 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -55,965.83 55,965.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 70697
4/7/2018 7172 BA1218681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VGCD ABOGADOS 100 SAS -10,270.26 10,270.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.522.862-7 70705
4/7/2018 7174 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -2,812.19 2,812.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 70712
4/7/2018 7174 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -11,329.89 11,329.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 70716
4/7/2018 7175 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -112,461.76 112,461.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 70721
4/7/2018 7175 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -45,600.38 45,600.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 70728
4/7/2018 7175 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -29,718.66 29,718.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 70735
4/7/2018 7175 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -520,038.74 520,038.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 70742
4/7/2018 7176 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -146,616.54 146,616.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 70750
4/7/2018 7176 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -84,611.56 84,611.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 70757
4/7/2018 7177 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -12,882.00 12,882.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.006.648-1 70765
4/7/2018 7177 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -546.06 546.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.006.648-1 70770
4/7/2018 7177 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -10,713.53 10,713.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.006.648-1 70775
4/7/2018 7177 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -13,693.68 13,693.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.006.648-1 70780
4/7/2018 7178 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -79,269.71 79,269.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 70786
4/7/2018 7178 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -64,623.94 64,623.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 70791
4/7/2018 7178 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -154,869.00 154,869.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 70796
4/7/2018 7179 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -5,950.23 5,950.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 70802
4/7/2018 7179 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -7,600.00 7,600.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 70807
4/7/2018 7179 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -11,566.82 11,566.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 70812
4/7/2018 7179 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -213,556.20 213,556.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 70817
4/7/2018 7181 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -28,577.14 28,577.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 70827
4/7/2018 7181 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -15,908.70 15,908.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 70832
4/7/2018 7181 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -154,787.49 154,787.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 70837
4/7/2018 7182 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -31,874.40 31,874.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 70843
4/7/2018 7182 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -10,473.75 10,473.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 70848
4/7/2018 7182 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -26,572.26 26,572.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 70853
4/7/2018 7183 BA1218755 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSULTORES 100
ASOCIADOS ASOCONSULT SAS -13,693.68 13,693.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.018.330-6 70859
4/7/2018 7184 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -13,543.20 13,543.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 70864
4/7/2018 7184 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -24,616.02 24,616.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 70869
4/7/2018 7185 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -6,846.84 6,846.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 70875
4/7/2018 7185 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -1,641.60 1,641.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 70882
4/7/2018 7185 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -104,843.52 104,843.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 70889
4/7/2018 7185 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -76,796.10 76,796.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 70896
4/7/2018 7185 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -268,738.47 268,738.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 70903
4/7/2018 7186 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA -30,403.23 30,403.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 70911
4/7/2018 7187 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -38,133.19 38,133.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 70919
4/7/2018 7187 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -21,047.82 21,047.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 70924
4/7/2018 7187 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -58,931.73 58,931.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 70929
4/7/2018 7188 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -6,825.75 6,825.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 70935
4/7/2018 7188 BA1315172 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BARRIOS MONTENEGRO
100 CORPORATIVO SAS -8,721.57 8,721.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.166.354-1 70939
4/7/2018 7189 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -15,107.66 15,107.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 70944
4/7/2018 7189 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -59,526.24 59,526.24 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 70949
4/7/2018 7189 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -186,168.84 186,168.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 70954
4/7/2018 7190 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -15,835.74 15,835.74 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 70960
4/7/2018 7190 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -4,972.11 4,972.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 70965
4/7/2018 7191 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,465.06 2,465.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 70971
4/7/2018 7191 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -6,320.16 6,320.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 70976
4/7/2018 7191 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -16,872.57 16,872.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 70981
4/7/2018 7192 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -417,995.25 417,995.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 70987
4/7/2018 7192 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -1,159.00 1,159.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 70994
4/7/2018 7192 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -731.5 731.5 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 71001
4/7/2018 7194 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -107,846.85 107,846.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 71012
4/7/2018 7194 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -52,981.50 52,981.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 71017
4/7/2018 7195 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100
ABOGADOS SAS -16,381.80 16,381.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 71023
4/7/2018 7195 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100
ABOGADOS SAS -14,345.76 14,345.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 71028
4/7/2018 7196 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -36,108.93 36,108.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 71034
4/7/2018 7197 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -53,786.91 53,786.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 71042
4/7/2018 7197 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -40,647.46 40,647.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 71049
4/7/2018 7197 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -83,192.45 83,192.45 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 71056
4/7/2018 7198 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -177,287.48 177,287.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 71064
4/7/2018 7198 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -56,936.73 56,936.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 71071
4/7/2018 7198 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -13,814.52 13,814.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 71078
4/7/2018 7198 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -277,009.74 277,009.74 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 71085
4/7/2018 7199 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -64,961.76 64,961.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.512.616-5 71093
4/7/2018 7200 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -1,638.18 1,638.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 71099
4/7/2018 7200 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -15,141.48 15,141.48 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 71104
4/7/2018 7200 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -8,526.25 8,526.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 71109
4/7/2018 7202 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -20,214.48 20,214.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 71118
4/7/2018 7203 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -15,568.41 15,568.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.212.828-6 71124
4/7/2018 7204 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -408,773.98 408,773.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 71129
4/7/2018 7204 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -415,058.04 415,058.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 71136
4/7/2018 7205 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -238,810.24 238,810.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 71144
4/7/2018 7205 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -48,795.61 48,795.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 71151
4/7/2018 7205 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -971,375.19 971,375.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 71158
4/7/2018 7206 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -228 228 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 71166
4/7/2018 7206 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -25,118.76 25,118.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 71171
4/7/2018 7206 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -108,105.06 108,105.06 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 71176
4/7/2018 7207 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -5,624.00 5,624.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 71182
4/7/2018 7207 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -113,260.14 113,260.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 71189
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/7/2018 7207 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -76,691.60 76,691.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 71196
4/7/2018 7207 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -12,229.92 12,229.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 71203
4/7/2018 7207 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -243,950.12 243,950.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 71210
4/7/2018 7208 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -136.8 136.8 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 71218
4/7/2018 7208 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -7,371.81 7,371.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 71225
4/7/2018 7208 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -2,654.68 2,654.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 71232
4/7/2018 7208 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -2,708.64 2,708.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 71239
4/7/2018 7208 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -38,798.76 38,798.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 71246
4/7/2018 7209 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -21,167.52 21,167.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 71254
4/7/2018 7209 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -20,377.50 20,377.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 71259
4/7/2018 7210 BA1218810 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DERIVEX SA 100 -35,456.85 35,456.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.968-6 71265
4/7/2018 7211 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -37,121.63 37,121.63 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 71271
4/7/2018 7211 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -17,392.60 17,392.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 71276
4/7/2018 7211 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -9,487.27 9,487.27 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 71281
4/7/2018 7212 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -22,271.04 22,271.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 71287
4/7/2018 7212 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -9,781.20 9,781.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 71294
4/7/2018 7213 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -100,094.28 100,094.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 71302
4/7/2018 7216 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -104,184.60 104,184.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 71317
4/7/2018 7216 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -314,970.60 314,970.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 71324
4/7/2018 7216 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -1,111.50 1,111.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 71331
4/7/2018 7216 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -16,142.40 16,142.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 71338
4/7/2018 7218 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -93,285.25 93,285.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 71349
4/7/2018 7218 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -14,709.42 14,709.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 71354
4/7/2018 7218 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -18,261.85 18,261.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 71359
4/7/2018 7219 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -73,536.08 73,536.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 71365
4/7/2018 7219 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -30,272.70 30,272.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 71370
4/7/2018 7219 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -135,877.17 135,877.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 71375
4/7/2018 7220 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -19,021.09 19,021.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 71381
4/7/2018 7220 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -57,953.61 57,953.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 71386
4/7/2018 7221 BA1253754 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RCCF SAS 100 -62,925.72 62,925.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.378-1 71392
4/7/2018 7222 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -9,738.07 9,738.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 71398
4/7/2018 7222 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -7,172.88 7,172.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 71402
4/7/2018 7223 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -40,408.44 40,408.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 71407
4/7/2018 7223 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -17,850.69 17,850.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 71412
4/7/2018 7224 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -5,593.79 5,593.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 71418
4/7/2018 7224 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -10,132.32 10,132.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 71423
4/7/2018 7224 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -81.51 81.51 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 71428
4/7/2018 7226 BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDEICOMISOS 100
SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA DE OC -45,319.56 45,319.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.054.076-2 71438
4/7/2018 7227 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -1,547.17 1,547.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 71446
4/7/2018 7227 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -89,990.08 89,990.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 71451
4/7/2018 7227 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -151,934.64 151,934.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 71456
4/7/2018 7228 BA1372183 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROBOGOTA 100 REGION -15,160.86 15,160.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.753.664-6 71462
4/7/2018 7229 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -20,204.22 20,204.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 71468
4/7/2018 7229 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -20,620.32 20,620.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 71475
4/7/2018 7234 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -1,304.16 1,304.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.086.882-1 71497
4/7/2018 7234 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -33,500.61 33,500.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.086.882-1 71502
4/7/2018 7235 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -166,687.95 166,687.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.531.315-3 71508
6/7/2018 7236 BA1599358 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Conconcreto 100 S.A.5629 - rebill -1,278,810.64 1,278,810.64 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.901.110-8 71647
6/7/2018 CMCO180700001
BA1599358 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Conconcreto 100 S.A. 5629 5629 1,278,810.64 1,278,810.64 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.901.110-8 71655
10/7/2018 7237 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -468.16 468.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 71759
10/7/2018 7237 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -202,213.20 202,213.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 71766
10/7/2018 7237 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -111,896.13 111,896.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 71773
10/7/2018 7238 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -12,239.04 12,239.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 71781
10/7/2018 7238 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -261,728.61 261,728.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 71788
11/7/2018 7239 BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA DE 100 ENERGIA DE BOGOTA SA -944,191.19 944,191.19 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 71799
11/7/2018 7240 BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 100 -905,990.44 905,990.44 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 71807
11/7/2018 7241 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION 5976 -51,784.69 51,784.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71827
11/7/2018 7241 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION 5976 -25,105.08 25,105.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71834
11/7/2018 7242 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION 6198 -59,429.53 59,429.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71842
11/7/2018 7242 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION 6198 -54,693.21 54,693.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71849
11/7/2018 7243 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 6361 -48,053.28 48,053.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71857
11/7/2018 7243 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 6361 -29,262.09 29,262.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71864
11/7/2018 7244 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 6568 -37,587.13 37,587.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71872
11/7/2018 7244 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 6568 -53,470.56 53,470.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71879
11/7/2018 7245 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 6813 -61,613.77 61,613.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71887
11/7/2018 7245 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 6813 -26,816.79 26,816.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71894
11/7/2018 CMCO180700002
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 5976 5 51,784.69 51,784.69 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71902
11/7/2018 CMCO180700002
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 5976 5 25,105.08 25,105.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71909
11/7/2018 CMCO180700003
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 6198 6 59,429.53 59,429.53 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71917
11/7/2018 CMCO180700003
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 6198 6 54,693.21 54,693.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71924
11/7/2018 CMCO180700004
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 6361 6 48,053.28 48,053.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71932
11/7/2018 CMCO180700004
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 6361 6 29,262.09 29,262.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71939
11/7/2018 CMCO180700005
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 6568 6 37,587.13 37,587.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71947
11/7/2018 CMCO180700005
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 6568 6 53,470.56 53,470.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71954
11/7/2018 CMCO180700006
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 6813 6 61,613.77 61,613.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71962
11/7/2018 CMCO180700006
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 6813 6 26,816.79 26,816.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 71969
12/7/2018 7246 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA 6627 -56,598.72 56,598.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 71991
12/7/2018 7246 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA 6627 -36,144.84 36,144.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 71998
12/7/2018 GL1800001345 2408050101 PAGO IVA 3er BIM 104,849,000.00 104,849,000.00 G/L Account 70601 890.903.938-8 76158
13/07/18 7247 BA1374501 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ANASAC COLOMBIA 100 LTDA 6338 -677,716.32 677,716.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.102.401-1 72011
13/07/18 CMCO180700007BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 6627 6627 56,598.72 56,598.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 72034
13/07/18 CMCO180700007BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOSTON 100
SCIENTIFIC COLOMBIA 6627 6627 36,144.84 36,144.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 72041
13/07/18 CMCO180700008BA1374501 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ANASAC100 COLOMBIA LTDA 6338 6338 677,716.32 677,716.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.102.401-1 72049
13/07/18 7248 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION 4973 -32,930.04 32,930.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 72058
13/07/18 CMCO180700009BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo STRUCTURE 100 SAS BANCA DE INVERSION 4973 32,930.04 32,930.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 72066
13/07/18 7249 BA1599355 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERCONEXION 100 ELECTRICA S.A E.S.P. 6440 -1,068,978.21 1,068,978.21 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.016.610-3 72074
13/07/18 7250 BA1599355 Customer 2408050101 Invocie INTERCONEXION 100 ELECTRICA S.A E.S.P. 6866 -1,476,387.60 1,476,387.60 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.016.610-3 72080
16/07/18 7251 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -86,001.60 86,001.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 72086
16/07/18 7251 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -166,611.00 166,611.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 72093
16/07/18 7251 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -34,207.41 34,207.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 72100
16/07/18 7251 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -350,709.03 350,709.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 72107
16/07/18 7251 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -616,791.30 616,791.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 72114
16/07/18 7251 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -246,440.64 246,440.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 72121
16/07/18 7252 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -133,147.63 133,147.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 72129
16/07/18 7252 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -33,272.61 33,272.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 72136
16/07/18 7252 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -3,915.90 3,915.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 72143
16/07/18 7252 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -372,767.65 372,767.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 72150
16/07/18 CMCO180700010BA1599355 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo INTERCONEXION100 ELECTRICA S.A E.S.P 6440 1,068,978.21 1,068,978.21 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.016.610-3 72188
16/07/18 CMCO180700011BA1599355 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo INTERCONEXION100 ELECTRICA S.A E.S.P 6866 1,476,387.60 1,476,387.60 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.016.610-3 72194
16/07/18 7253 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -659,702.41 659,702.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72220
16/07/18 7253 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -7,495,749.13 7,495,749.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72227
16/07/18 7253 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -361,303.85 361,303.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72234
16/07/18 7253 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -327.8 327.8 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72241
16/07/18 CMCO180700012BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 5996 5996 94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72283
16/07/18 CMCO180700012BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 5996 5996 1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72290
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
16/07/18 CMCO180700012BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 5996 5996 4,971.67 4,971.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72297
16/07/18 CMCO180700013BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6184 6184 94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72305
16/07/18 CMCO180700013BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6184 6184 1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72312
16/07/18 CMCO180700013BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6184 6184 10,325.78 10,325.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72319
16/07/18 CMCO180700014BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6202 6202 94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72327
16/07/18 CMCO180700014BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6202 6202 1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72334
16/07/18 CMCO180700014BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6202 6202 78,639.80 78,639.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72341
16/07/18 CMCO180700015BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6478 6478 94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72349
16/07/18 CMCO180700015BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6478 6478 1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72356
16/07/18 CMCO180700015BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6478 6478 115,167.92 115,167.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72363
16/07/18 CMCO180700016BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6683 6683 94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72371
16/07/18 CMCO180700016BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6683 6683 1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72378
16/07/18 CMCO180700016BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6683 6683 77,771.13 77,771.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72385
16/07/18 CMCO180700017BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6905 6905 94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72393
16/07/18 CMCO180700017BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6905 6905 1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72400
16/07/18 CMCO180700017BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6905 6905 45,373.32 45,373.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72407
16/07/18 CMCO180700017BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 6905 6905 327.8 327.8 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72414
16/07/18 CMCO180700018BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7115 7115 94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72422
16/07/18 CMCO180700018BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7115 7115 1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72429
16/07/18 CMCO180700018BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7115 7115 20,252.73 20,252.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 72436
16/07/18 CONT0000812 2408050101 PG F6846 PAGO INTERBANC CORPORACION UNI -3,029,455.00 3,029,455.00 G/L Account 70601 900.114.439-4 72611
17/07/18 7254 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -501.6 501.6 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72444
17/07/18 7254 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -13,560.49 13,560.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72451
17/07/18 7254 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -294,169.59 294,169.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72458
17/07/18 CMCO180700019BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100COLOMBIANA DE CEMENTOS 6026 6 61,132.50 61,132.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72466
17/07/18 CMCO180700020BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100COLOMBIANA DE CEMENTOS 6234 6 2,457.27 2,457.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72474
17/07/18 CMCO180700020BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100COLOMBIANA DE CEMENTOS 6234 6 36,271.95 36,271.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72481
17/07/18 CMCO180700022BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100COLOMBIANA DE CEMENTOS 6650 6 93,247.44 93,247.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72491
17/07/18 CMCO180700023BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100COLOMBIANA DE CEMENTOS 6868 6 11,103.22 11,103.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72499
17/07/18 CMCO180700023BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100COLOMBIANA DE CEMENTOS 6868 6 53,959.62 53,959.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72506
17/07/18 CMCO180700024BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100COLOMBIANA DE CEMENTOS 6182 6 501.6 501.6 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72514
17/07/18 CMCO180700024BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMPRESA 100COLOMBIANA DE CEMENTOS 6182 6 8,232.51 8,232.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 72519
17/07/18 7255 BA1400294 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONDISENO ARQUITECTOS
100 SA 6483 -665,000.00 665,000.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.920.918-2 72525
17/07/18 CMCO180700025BA1400294 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CONDISENO 100 ARQUITECTOS SA 6483 6483 665,000.00 665,000.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.920.918-2 72533
17/07/18 7256 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM DESARROLLO
100 S.A.S. -5,278.58 5,278.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 72616
17/07/18 7256 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM DESARROLLO
100 S.A.S. -71,321.25 71,321.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 72623
17/07/18 7257 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A 6808 -950,245.10 950,245.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 72631
17/07/18 CMCO180700026BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ORGANIZACION100 TERPEL S.A 6808 6808 950,245.10 950,245.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 72639
17/07/18 7258 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A 6809 -1,174,724.17 1,174,724.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 72647
17/07/18 7259 BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PFIZER SAS 5218 100 - rebill -57,203.30 57,203.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 72655
17/07/18 7259 BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PFIZER SAS 5218 100 - rebill -8,066.07 8,066.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 72662
17/07/18 7260 BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PFIZER SAS 6964 100 -8,438.66 8,438.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 72670
17/07/18 7260 BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PFIZER SAS 6964 100 -15,799.83 15,799.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 72677
17/07/18 CMCO180700027BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PFIZER 100 SAS 5218 5218 57,203.30 57,203.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 72685
17/07/18 CMCO180700027BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PFIZER 100 SAS 5218 5218 8,066.07 8,066.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 72692
17/07/18 CMCO180700028BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PFIZER 100 SAS 6964 6964 8,438.66 8,438.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 72700
17/07/18 CMCO180700028BA1218769 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PFIZER 100 SAS 6964 6964 15,799.83 15,799.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.039.561-1 72707
17/07/18 CMCO180700029BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ORGANIZACION100 TERPEL S.A 6809 6809 1,174,724.17 1,174,724.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 72715
17/07/18 7261 BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP 7035 -1,017,255.46 1,017,255.46 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 72723
17/07/18 CMCO180700030BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 7035 7035 1,017,255.46 1,017,255.46 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 72731
17/07/18 7262 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA 6638 -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 72739
17/07/18 CMCO180700031BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 6638 6638 598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 72747
17/07/18 7263 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Inovoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA 6592 -37.81 37.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 72755
17/07/18 7263 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Inovoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA 6592 -72,474.17 72,474.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 72762
17/07/18 7263 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Inovoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA 6592 -228,118.18 228,118.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 72769
17/07/18 7263 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Inovoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA 6592 -13,648.08 13,648.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 72776
17/07/18 7263 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Inovoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA 6592 -150,552.20 150,552.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 72783
18/07/18 CMCO180700032BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LINDE COLOMBIA
100 SA 6592 6592 37.81 37.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 72791
18/07/18 CMCO180700032BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LINDE COLOMBIA
100 SA 6592 6592 72,474.17 72,474.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 72798
18/07/18 7264 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 100 -148,185.18 148,185.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 72809
18/07/18 7265 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES100 DE COLOMBIA -165,057.75 165,057.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 72817
18/07/18 7266 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES100 DE COLOMBIA -100,175.79 100,175.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 72825
18/07/18 CMCO180700033BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOLSA 100 DE VALORES DE COLOMBIA 6611 661 148,185.18 148,185.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 72833
18/07/18 7267 BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bolsa de Valores100 de Colombia 6181 -489,076.72 489,076.72 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 72841
18/07/18 7268 BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bolsa de Valores100 de Colombia 6619 -397,984.04 397,984.04 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 72849
18/07/18 7269 BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bolsa de Valores100 de Colombia -351,402.97 351,402.97 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 72857
19/07/18 GL1800001279 2408050101 PG F7043 PAGO DE PROV SOCIEDAD MINERA -2,610,839.40 2,610,839.40 G/L Account 70601 900.063.262-8 72887
23/07/18 7270 BA1373302 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EVOLUCIA SAS 100
6083 -661,737.70 661,737.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.351.322-7 72943
23/07/18 CMCO180700034BA1373302 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EVOLUCIA 100SAS 6083 6083 992,606.55 992,606.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.351.322-7 72949
24/07/18 7271 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -9,556.05 9,556.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 72996
24/07/18 7271 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -274,036.62 274,036.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 73003
27/07/18 CONT0000853 2408050101 PG FRAS PAGO INTERBANC ESSILOR COLOMBI -152 152 G/L Account 70601 900.477.156-2 73102
31/07/18 7272 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -6,612.76 6,612.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 73160
31/07/18 7272 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -443,688.00 443,688.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 73167
31/07/18 7272 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -307,046.46 307,046.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 73174
31/07/18 7273 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES100 DE COLOMBIA -140,278.71 140,278.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 73182
2/8/2018 7274 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -1,787.52 1,787.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 73846
2/8/2018 7274 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -21,819.60 21,819.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 73853
2/8/2018 7274 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC
100 COLOMBIA -50,243.22 50,243.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.039.229-1 73860
2/8/2018 7275 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -1,991.01 1,991.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 73868
2/8/2018 7275 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -51,758.85 51,758.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 73873
2/8/2018 7276 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -63,251.95 63,251.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 73879
2/8/2018 7276 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL
100 COLOMBIA SA -365,246.31 365,246.31 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.068.182-5 73886
2/8/2018 7277 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -6,721.44 6,721.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.015.764-4 73894
2/8/2018 7277 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -12,878.58 12,878.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.015.764-4 73898
2/8/2018 7278 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -1,092.12 1,092.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 9729511530318 73903
2/8/2018 7279 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -2,180.63 2,180.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 73908
2/8/2018 7279 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -2,119.26 2,119.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 73912
2/8/2018 7280 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -10,916.64 10,916.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 73917
2/8/2018 7280 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -2,982.24 2,982.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 73921
2/8/2018 7281 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -9,398.35 9,398.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 73926
2/8/2018 7281 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -87,318.11 87,318.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 73933
2/8/2018 7281 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -17,324.96 17,324.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 73940
2/8/2018 7281 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -40,420.79 40,420.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 73947
2/8/2018 7282 BA1331470 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASSA ABLOY COLOMBIA
100 SAS -29,694.53 29,694.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.826-8 73955
2/8/2018 7283 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -10,359.94 10,359.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 73963
2/8/2018 7283 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -850,889.92 850,889.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 73970
2/8/2018 7283 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -33,499.66 33,499.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 73977
2/8/2018 7283 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA
100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,294,442.28 2,294,442.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 73984
2/8/2018 7284 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -60.48 60.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 73992
2/8/2018 7284 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -730.97 730.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 73999
2/8/2018 7284 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -51,803.12 51,803.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 74006
2/8/2018 7284 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -6,039.77 6,039.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 74013
2/8/2018 7284 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1,904.48 1,904.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 74020
2/8/2018 7284 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -815,229.20 815,229.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 74027
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
2/8/2018 7285 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -118,992.79 118,992.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 74035
2/8/2018 7285 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -130,416.00 130,416.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 74040
2/8/2018 7286 BA1393831 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100UNIVERSITARIA DEL CARIBE -2,734,366.00 2,734,366.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 892.201.263-1 74046
2/8/2018 7287 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 74052
2/8/2018 7288 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -7,235.41 7,235.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 74060
2/8/2018 7288 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -9,648.96 9,648.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 74067
2/8/2018 7288 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -18,665.79 18,665.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 74074
2/8/2018 7289 BA1403836 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BLUE STAFF COLOMBIA
100 -974,816.85 974,816.85 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.588.656-1 74082
2/8/2018 7290 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -3,361.04 3,361.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 74088
2/8/2018 7290 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -3,113.02 3,113.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 74095
2/8/2018 7290 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -18,590.54 18,590.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 74102
2/8/2018 7290 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -85,177.38 85,177.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 74109
2/8/2018 7290 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -28,194.48 28,194.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 74116
2/8/2018 7291 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -166,529.97 166,529.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 74124
2/8/2018 7291 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -45,986.57 45,986.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 74131
2/8/2018 7291 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -83,586.89 83,586.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 74138
2/8/2018 7291 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -87,429.26 87,429.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 74145
2/8/2018 7291 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -153,894.87 153,894.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 74152
2/8/2018 7292 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -12,377.36 12,377.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 74160
2/8/2018 7292 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -34,560.24 34,560.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 74165
2/8/2018 7293 BA1525491 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ELECTRO PORCELANA100 GAMMA S.A.S -2,537.64 2,537.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.121-4 74171
2/8/2018 7294 BA1546389 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROVIAL AGROMAN100 S.A. SUCURSAL COLOMB -182.4 182.4 G/L Account 70601 CFR 805.011.222-6 74177
2/8/2018 7295 BA1553455 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Empresas Publicas100 de Medellin E.S.P -3,482,353.31 3,482,353.31 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.904.996-1 74183
2/8/2018 7296 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 74191
2/8/2018 7296 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -17,256.75 17,256.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 74196
2/8/2018 7296 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -14,508.78 14,508.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.131.150-1 74201
2/8/2018 7298 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 74209
2/8/2018 7298 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -5,486.25 5,486.25 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 74214
2/8/2018 7298 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -4,483.05 4,483.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.374.925-7 74219
2/8/2018 7299 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -14,639.28 14,639.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 74225
2/8/2018 7299 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -224.18 224.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 74232
2/8/2018 7299 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -48,094.04 48,094.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.149.496-2 74239
2/8/2018 7300 BA1562106 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Boehringer Ingfelheim
100 S.A -2,011,412.80 2,011,412.80 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.000.753-8 74247
2/8/2018 7301 BA1597509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMGEN BIOTECNOLOGICA
100 SAS -1,689,838.19 1,689,838.19 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.658.497-6 74255
2/8/2018 7302 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -31,398.45 31,398.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 74263
2/8/2018 7302 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -55,752.84 55,752.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 74270
2/8/2018 7303 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -24,837.75 24,837.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 74278
2/8/2018 7303 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -31,091.79 31,091.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 74285
2/8/2018 7303 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -8,426.88 8,426.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 74292
2/8/2018 7304 BA1608128 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -152,000.00 152,000.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.148.514-2 74300
2/8/2018 7304 BA1608128 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -543,358.20 543,358.20 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.148.514-2 74307
2/8/2018 7305 BA1615649 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IPG-Momentum 100Worldwide S.A.S. -586,220.49 586,220.49 G/L Account 70601 EVE 901.009.205-2 74315
2/8/2018 7330 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -5.46 5.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 74408
2/8/2018 7330 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -229,199.47 229,199.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 74415
2/8/2018 7331 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -116,003.61 116,003.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 74423
2/8/2018 7331 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -126.41 126.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 74430
2/8/2018 7332 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 74438
2/8/2018 7332 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 74445
2/8/2018 7332 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -33,982.19 33,982.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 74452
2/8/2018 7334 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -127,809.20 127,809.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 74460
2/8/2018 7334 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -55,759.30 55,759.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 74467
2/8/2018 7334 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -549.1 549.1 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 74474
2/8/2018 7334 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -133,228.00 133,228.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 74481
2/8/2018 7335 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -60,612.66 60,612.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 74489
2/8/2018 7335 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -105,072.66 105,072.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.161.460-1 74496
2/8/2018 7337 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -62,029.11 62,029.11 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.041.739-4 74508
2/8/2018 7338 BA1218687 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TORRADO ANGARITA 100 & PINZON ABOGADOS SA -13,612.17 13,612.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.072.448-5 74514
2/8/2018 7339 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -59,894.46 59,894.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 74519
2/8/2018 7339 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -104,996.85 104,996.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.398-5 74526
2/8/2018 7333 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -245,851.83 245,851.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 74538
2/8/2018 7333 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -73,755.55 73,755.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 74545
2/8/2018 7340 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -20,568.26 20,568.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 74553
2/8/2018 7340 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -23,348.15 23,348.15 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 74558
2/8/2018 7340 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -20,051.46 20,051.46 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.000.719-7 74563
2/8/2018 7341 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -108,082.26 108,082.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.060.203-6 74569
2/8/2018 7342 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -41,977.65 41,977.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.531.315-3 74575
2/8/2018 7343 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -44,341.44 44,341.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 74583
2/8/2018 7343 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -9,047.61 9,047.61 G/L Account 70601 ONL 811.010.754-1 74588
2/8/2018 7344 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -14,307.00 14,307.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 74594
2/8/2018 7344 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -5,247.99 5,247.99 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 74599
2/8/2018 7346 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -31,625.88 31,625.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.445.634-4 74610
2/8/2018 7347 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -43,281.81 43,281.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.398.897-2 74616
2/8/2018 7348 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -7,821.35 7,821.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 74622
2/8/2018 7348 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -1,504.80 1,504.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 74629
2/8/2018 7348 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -92,350.83 92,350.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.002.590-3 74636
2/8/2018 7349 BA1509806 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INST NAC de VIGILANCIA
100 de MEDICAMENTOS -1,965,519.60 1,965,519.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.000.167-2 74644
2/8/2018 7350 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -393,163.20 393,163.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 74651
2/8/2018 7350 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -1,274.14 1,274.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 74658
2/8/2018 7350 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -926,748.56 926,748.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 74665
2/8/2018 7351 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -373,323.02 373,323.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 74673
2/8/2018 7351 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -808,144.86 808,144.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 74680
2/8/2018 7351 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -17,756.64 17,756.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 74687
2/8/2018 7351 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -189,266.22 189,266.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.251.760-8 74694
2/8/2018 7352 BACO000020521
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Mathiesen Colombia
100 SAS -3,325.00 3,325.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.027.833-0 74702
2/8/2018 7352 BACO000020521
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Mathiesen Colombia
100 SAS -8,379.00 8,379.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.027.833-0 74707
2/8/2018 7353 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -19,056.81 19,056.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 74713
2/8/2018 7353 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -23,148.84 23,148.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 74718
2/8/2018 7354 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -45,778.03 45,778.03 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 74724
2/8/2018 7354 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -15,393.04 15,393.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 74729
2/8/2018 7354 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -42,736.32 42,736.32 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 74734
2/8/2018 7354 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -206,220.30 206,220.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.136.119-3 74739
2/8/2018 7356 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -12,923.42 12,923.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 74747
2/8/2018 7356 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -18,800.12 18,800.12 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 74752
2/8/2018 7356 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -48,253.92 48,253.92 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.116.307-1 74757
2/8/2018 7357 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -211,962.29 211,962.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 74763
2/8/2018 7357 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -110,899.96 110,899.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 74770
2/8/2018 7357 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -72,535.54 72,535.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 74777
2/8/2018 7357 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -477,261.95 477,261.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.907.157-0 74784
2/8/2018 7358 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -383,790.12 383,790.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 74792
2/8/2018 7358 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -413,391.55 413,391.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 74799
2/8/2018 7359 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -55,425.09 55,425.09 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 74807
2/8/2018 7359 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -95,203.68 95,203.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.502.435-1 74812
2/8/2018 7360 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -61,784.58 61,784.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.663-8 74818
2/8/2018 7361 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -45,808.62 45,808.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.148.720-6 74826
2/8/2018 7362 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -3,796.39 3,796.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 74832
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
2/8/2018 7362 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -128,243.54 128,243.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 74839
2/8/2018 7362 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -51,211.84 51,211.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 74846
2/8/2018 7362 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -1,814.88 1,814.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 74853
2/8/2018 7362 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -449,764.77 449,764.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 74860
2/8/2018 7363 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -73,991.13 73,991.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 74868
2/8/2018 7363 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -60,036.20 60,036.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 74875
2/8/2018 7363 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -87,571.00 87,571.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.333.530-6 74882
2/8/2018 7364 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -17,018.87 17,018.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 74890
2/8/2018 7364 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -22,201.50 22,201.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 74895
2/8/2018 7364 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -6,320.16 6,320.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 74900
2/8/2018 7364 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -38,961.78 38,961.78 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.955.328-3 74905
2/8/2018 7365 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -16,290.79 16,290.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 74911
2/8/2018 7365 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -43,037.28 43,037.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 74918
2/8/2018 7365 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -17,443.14 17,443.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.245.746-1 74925
2/8/2018 7366 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -3,741.10 3,741.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 74933
2/8/2018 7366 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -9,101.00 9,101.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 74938
2/8/2018 7366 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -19,482.98 19,482.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 74943
2/8/2018 7366 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -40,801.74 40,801.74 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 74948
2/8/2018 7366 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -58,116.63 58,116.63 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.521.360-7 74953
2/8/2018 7367 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -5,667.70 5,667.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 74959
2/8/2018 7367 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -6,233.90 6,233.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 74966
2/8/2018 7367 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -47,101.00 47,101.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 74973
2/8/2018 7368 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -45,326.40 45,326.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 74981
2/8/2018 7368 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -25,236.75 25,236.75 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 74986
2/8/2018 7368 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -7,925.28 7,925.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 74991
2/8/2018 7368 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -14,590.29 14,590.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.073.228-6 74996
2/8/2018 7369 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -2,307.36 2,307.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 75002
2/8/2018 7369 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -97,567.47 97,567.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.089.530-6 75007
2/8/2018 7370 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -6,552.72 6,552.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.524.239-7 75013
2/8/2018 7370 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -53,307.54 53,307.54 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.524.239-7 75018
2/8/2018 7371 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -24,421.65 24,421.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 75024
2/8/2018 7371 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -8,426.88 8,426.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 75029
2/8/2018 7371 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -70,832.19 70,832.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.059.812-3 75034
2/8/2018 7372 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -2,093.23 2,093.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 75040
2/8/2018 7372 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -22,053.49 22,053.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 75047
2/8/2018 7372 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -12,878.58 12,878.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.115.054-3 75054
2/8/2018 7374 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -102,458.07 102,458.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.061.724-6 75065
2/8/2018 7375 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -109,924.50 109,924.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 75073
2/8/2018 7375 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -24,593.22 24,593.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 75080
2/8/2018 7375 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -48,074.75 48,074.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 75087
2/8/2018 7376 BACO000010219
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FLOREZ & ASOCIADOS
100 ASESORES JURIDICOS -13,612.17 13,612.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.128.488-1 75095
2/8/2018 7377 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -34,108.80 34,108.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 75100
2/8/2018 7377 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -65,371.02 65,371.02 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.264.765-3 75105
2/8/2018 7378 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -9,465.04 9,465.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 75111
2/8/2018 7378 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -16,302.00 16,302.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.107.424-1 75116
2/8/2018 7379 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -21,114.32 21,114.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 75122
2/8/2018 7379 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -56,032.71 56,032.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 75127
2/8/2018 7379 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -18,860.16 18,860.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 75132
2/8/2018 7379 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -188,777.16 188,777.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 75137
2/8/2018 7380 BA1253754 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RCCF SAS 100 -42,466.71 42,466.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.378-1 75143
2/8/2018 7381 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -221,695.80 221,695.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 75149
2/8/2018 7381 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -224,716.80 224,716.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 75156
2/8/2018 7381 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -7,797.60 7,797.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 75163
2/8/2018 7383 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -70,896.79 70,896.79 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 75174
2/8/2018 7383 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -16,472.81 16,472.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 75181
2/8/2018 7383 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -17,883.18 17,883.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 75188
2/8/2018 7383 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -29,414.28 29,414.28 G/L Account 70601 ONL 890.301.443-0 75195
2/8/2018 7385 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -90,974.85 90,974.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 75207
2/8/2018 7385 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -65,645.95 65,645.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 75214
2/8/2018 7385 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -70,414.00 70,414.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 75221
2/8/2018 7385 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -270,142.00 270,142.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 75228
2/8/2018 7387 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON ABOGADOS SAS -56,812.47 56,812.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.479.149-1 75241
2/8/2018 7390 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -50,874.59 50,874.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 75250
2/8/2018 7390 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -73,277.49 73,277.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.210.554-4 75255
2/8/2018 7391 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -193,760.29 193,760.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 75261
2/8/2018 7391 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -107,572.30 107,572.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 75266
2/8/2018 7391 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -3,711.84 3,711.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 75271
2/8/2018 7391 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -264,907.50 264,907.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.390.715-4 75276
2/8/2018 7392 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -7,987.98 7,987.98 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 75282
2/8/2018 7392 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -8,817.33 8,817.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 75287
2/8/2018 7392 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -5,918.88 5,918.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 75292
2/8/2018 7392 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -201,166.68 201,166.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.352.671-7 75297
2/8/2018 7393 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -56,486.43 56,486.43 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.637.368-4 75303
2/8/2018 7394 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -106,299.68 106,299.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 75311
2/8/2018 7394 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -29,180.58 29,180.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.357.395-1 75316
2/8/2018 7395 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA -29,914.17 29,914.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.021.637-3 75322
2/8/2018 7396 BA1218730 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CAMARA DE COMERCIO
100 COLOMBO AMERICANA -27,794.91 27,794.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.013.777-1 75328
2/8/2018 7397 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -9,465.04 9,465.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 75334
2/8/2018 7397 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -121,426.34 121,426.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 75341
2/8/2018 7397 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -755,168.87 755,168.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 75348
2/8/2018 7399 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -19,749.17 19,749.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 75356
2/8/2018 7399 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -18,013.71 18,013.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.067.945-4 75361
2/8/2018 7401 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -35,049.30 35,049.30 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.264-5 75370
2/8/2018 7402 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -20,204.22 20,204.22 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 75376
2/8/2018 7402 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -15,168.27 15,168.27 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.112.317-1 75383
2/8/2018 7405 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -54,514.99 54,514.99 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 75398
2/8/2018 7405 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -18,035.56 18,035.56 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 75403
2/8/2018 7405 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -100,583.34 100,583.34 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.361.174-6 75408
2/8/2018 7407 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -22,570.48 22,570.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 75416
2/8/2018 7407 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -27,085.83 27,085.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 75421
2/8/2018 7407 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -443,821.95 443,821.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 75426
2/8/2018 7409 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -342,652.65 342,652.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 75438
2/8/2018 7409 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -85,643.83 85,643.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 75445
2/8/2018 7409 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -213,148.65 213,148.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 75452
2/8/2018 7410 BACO000008566
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Archila Abogados100 Ltda -11,858.47 11,858.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.027.520-7 75460
2/8/2018 7410 BACO000008566
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Archila Abogados100 Ltda -10,514.79 10,514.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.027.520-7 75465
2/8/2018 7411 BA1218818 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS INTERTUG SAS -11,248.38 11,248.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.203.642-2 75471
2/8/2018 7412 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -207,229.77 207,229.77 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 75477
2/8/2018 7412 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -13,468.91 13,468.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 75482
2/8/2018 7412 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -6,922.08 6,922.08 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 75487
2/8/2018 7412 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -20,459.01 20,459.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.371.854-9 75492
2/8/2018 7413 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -17,609.96 17,609.96 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 75498
2/8/2018 7413 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,006.40 2,006.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 75503
2/8/2018 7413 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -27,468.87 27,468.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.693.962-8 75508
2/8/2018 7414 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -67,429.67 67,429.67 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.007.251-9 75514
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
2/8/2018 7388 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -417,995.25 417,995.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 75520
2/8/2018 7388 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -6,849.50 6,849.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 75527
2/8/2018 7388 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Exxe Logistica100S.A.S. -18,557.30 18,557.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 75534
2/8/2018 7415 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -6,119.52 6,119.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 75545
2/8/2018 7415 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -15,731.43 15,731.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 75552
2/8/2018 7416 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -18,839.07 18,839.07 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 75560
2/8/2018 7416 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -6,916.76 6,916.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 75565
2/8/2018 7416 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -37,267.36 37,267.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.054.983-7 75570
2/8/2018 7417 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -5,460.60 5,460.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 75576
2/8/2018 7417 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -36,388.80 36,388.80 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.034.723-4 75583
2/8/2018 7418 BACO000009875
Customer 2408050101 Invoice CANON Y CANON 100 GESTION PATRIMONIAL FAMI -13,367.64 13,367.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.187.517-3 75591
2/8/2018 7419 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -41,682.58 41,682.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 75596
2/8/2018 7419 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -160,411.68 160,411.68 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.790.138-0 75601
2/8/2018 7421 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -97,653.73 97,653.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 75612
2/8/2018 7421 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -203,322.42 203,322.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.871.368-6 75617
2/8/2018 7424 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -3,731.41 3,731.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 75629
2/8/2018 7424 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -3,410.88 3,410.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 75634
2/8/2018 7424 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -5,053.62 5,053.62 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.114.897-4 75639
2/8/2018 7425 BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDEICOMISOS 100
SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA DE OC -105,718.47 105,718.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.054.076-2 75645
2/8/2018 7427 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -28,577.14 28,577.14 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 75656
2/8/2018 7427 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -31,267.35 31,267.35 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 75661
2/8/2018 7427 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -200.64 200.64 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 75666
2/8/2018 7427 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -58,442.67 58,442.67 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.363.454-2 75671
2/8/2018 7428 BA1218680 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASHMORE MANAGEMENT
100 COMPANY COLOMBIA SA -121,531.41 121,531.41 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.316.081-9 75677
2/8/2018 7429 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -13,643.52 13,643.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 75683
2/8/2018 7429 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -113,217.39 113,217.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 75690
2/8/2018 7430 BA1353150 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMERCIAL ALLAN 100 SAS -1,638.18 1,638.18 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.053.831-1 75698
2/8/2018 7430 BA1353150 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMERCIAL ALLAN 100 SAS -8,436.57 8,436.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.053.831-1 75703
2/8/2018 7430 BA1353150 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMERCIAL ALLAN 100 SAS -8,069.49 8,069.49 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.053.831-1 75708
2/8/2018 7431 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -134,967.83 134,967.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 75714
2/8/2018 7431 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -323,268.66 323,268.66 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.206.223-6 75719
2/8/2018 7432 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -12,878.58 12,878.58 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.006.648-1 75725
2/8/2018 7433 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -40,044.40 40,044.40 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 75730
2/8/2018 7433 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -31,544.37 31,544.37 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.352.419-2 75737
2/8/2018 7434 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -144,680.25 144,680.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 75745
2/8/2018 7435 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -187,347.60 187,347.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 75753
2/8/2018 7435 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -37,047.15 37,047.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 75760
2/8/2018 7435 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -27,460.70 27,460.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 75767
2/8/2018 7435 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -207,690.33 207,690.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 75774
2/8/2018 7436 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -153,442.86 153,442.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 75782
2/8/2018 7436 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -6,777.87 6,777.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 75787
2/8/2018 7436 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -3,185.16 3,185.16 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 75792
2/8/2018 7436 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -11,034.82 11,034.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.499.362-8 75797
2/8/2018 7437 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -4,641.51 4,641.51 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 75803
2/8/2018 7437 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -9,781.20 9,781.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.219.925-1 75808
2/8/2018 7439 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -27,588.00 27,588.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 75818
2/8/2018 7439 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -34,234.20 34,234.20 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.824.354-3 75823
2/8/2018 7441 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -480,763.08 480,763.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 75833
2/8/2018 7443 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -158,175.38 158,175.38 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 75844
2/8/2018 7443 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -52,720.82 52,720.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 75851
2/8/2018 7443 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -279,208.23 279,208.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.353.765-0 75858
2/8/2018 7444 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -43,607.85 43,607.85 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.212.828-6 75866
2/8/2018 7445 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -1,729.19 1,729.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 75872
2/8/2018 7445 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -16,403.65 16,403.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 75877
2/8/2018 7445 BA1425018 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CFC-SK CAPITAL 100S.A.S. -6,276.27 6,276.27 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.624.730-1 75882
2/8/2018 7446 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -18,657.05 18,657.05 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 75888
2/8/2018 7446 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -54,851.29 54,851.29 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.009.873-4 75895
2/8/2018 7464 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -94,939.20 94,939.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76574
2/8/2018 7464 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -20,377.50 20,377.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76581
2/8/2018 7464 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -46,327.89 46,327.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76588
2/8/2018 7464 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -103,394.01 103,394.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76595
2/8/2018 7464 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -468,827.85 468,827.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76602
2/8/2018 7464 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -243,111.27 243,111.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76609
6/8/2018 7447 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -10,830.19 10,830.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 75957
6/8/2018 7447 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -4,884.33 4,884.33 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 75964
6/8/2018 7447 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -261,158.04 261,158.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 835.000.149-8 75971
6/8/2018 7448 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM DESARROLLO
100 S.A.S. -19,931.19 19,931.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 75979
6/8/2018 7448 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM DESARROLLO
100 S.A.S. -11,981.97 11,981.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 75986
6/8/2018 7449 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -2,307.36 2,307.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 76035
6/8/2018 7449 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -231,651.42 231,651.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 76042
6/8/2018 7450 BACO000020521
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Mathiesen Colombia
100 SAS -32.49 32.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.027.833-0 76050
6/8/2018 7450 BACO000020521
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Mathiesen Colombia
100 SAS -11,343.00 11,343.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.027.833-0 76057
6/8/2018 7450 BACO000020521
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Mathiesen Colombia
100 SAS -24,538.50 24,538.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.027.833-0 76064
6/8/2018 7451 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 6960 -15,247.50 15,247.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 76085
6/8/2018 7451 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 6960 -8,857.80 8,857.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 76090
6/8/2018 7451 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 6960 -5,097.51 5,097.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 76095
6/8/2018 CMCO180800001
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PHILIPPI100 PRIETOCARRIZOSA FERRERO 6960 -3,156,923.08 3,156,923.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 76101
6/8/2018 CMCO180800001
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PHILIPPI100 PRIETOCARRIZOSA FERRERO 6960 3,141,151.37 3,141,151.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 76105
6/8/2018 CMCO180800001
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PHILIPPI100 PRIETOCARRIZOSA FERRERO 6960 15,247.50 15,247.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 76109
6/8/2018 CMCO180800001
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PHILIPPI100 PRIETOCARRIZOSA FERRERO 6960 8,857.80 8,857.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 76113
6/8/2018 CMCO180800001
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PHILIPPI100 PRIETOCARRIZOSA FERRERO 6960 5,097.51 5,097.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 76117
6/8/2018 CMCO180800002
BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Bolsa de 100
Valores de Colombia 6619 661 397,984.04 397,984.04 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 76122
6/8/2018 CMCO180800003
BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Bolsa de 100
Valores de Colombia 6181 618 489,076.72 489,076.72 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 76130
7/8/2018 7452 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -3,101.56 3,101.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 76235
7/8/2018 7452 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -128,318.40 128,318.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 76242
7/8/2018 7452 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -37,298.71 37,298.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 76249
8/8/2018 7453 BA1218750 Customer 2408050101 Invoices PROMIORIENTE 100 SA ESP 3957 -19,806.93 19,806.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.226.766-6 76286
9/8/2018 7454 BA1509805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA 6224 -1,730,414.09 1,730,414.09 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 76314
9/8/2018 CMCO180800004
BA1218750 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIORIENTE 100 SA ESP 3957 3957 19,806.93 19,806.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.226.766-6 76322
9/8/2018 CMCO180800005
BA1509805 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 6224 6224 1,730,414.09 1,730,414.09 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 76328
9/8/2018 7455 BA1560173 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 S.A 6384 -1,975,177.43 1,975,177.43 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 76336
9/8/2018 7457 BA1560173 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 S.A 6383 -1,547,864.64 1,547,864.64 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 76344
9/8/2018 CMCO180800007
BA1560173 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO S.A 6384 6384 1,975,177.43 1,975,177.43 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 76352
9/8/2018 7458 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -276,710.68 276,710.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76360
9/8/2018 CMCO180800006
BA1560173 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO S.A 6383 6383 1,547,864.64 1,547,864.64 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 86189
13/08/18 7459 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6155100 -1,757.50 1,757.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76457
13/08/18 7459 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6155100 -170,931.03 170,931.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76464
13/08/18 7459 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6155100 -4,589.64 4,589.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76471
13/08/18 7459 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6155100 -10,814.42 10,814.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76478
13/08/18 7459 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6155100 -191,658.89 191,658.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76485
13/08/18 7460 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Rebill : Invoice No. 6777:
100 -224,060.16 224,060.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76493
13/08/18 7460 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Rebill : Invoice No. 6777:
100 -87,544.59 87,544.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76500
13/08/18 7460 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Rebill : Invoice No. 6777:
100 -10,871.04 10,871.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76507
13/08/18 7460 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Rebill : Invoice No. 6777:
100 -355,035.90 355,035.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76514
13/08/18 7461 BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 rebill for invoice 6009100 -598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76522
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
13/08/18 7462 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6362100 -2,952.60 2,952.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76530
13/08/18 7462 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6362100 -200,783.64 200,783.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76537
13/08/18 7462 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6362100 -31,372.04 31,372.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76544
13/08/18 7462 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6362100 -21,685.46 21,685.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76551
13/08/18 7462 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Original Invoice 6362100 -340,857.15 340,857.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 76558
15/08/18 7463 BA1367747 Customer 2408050101 rebill from Invoice No. 1006807 -3,700,813.35 3,700,813.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.046.645-9 76566
16/08/18 7465 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Rebill : Invoice No. 7257:
100 -950,245.10 950,245.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 76617
16/08/18 7466 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 rebill: Invoice No. 7258:100 -1,174,724.17 1,174,724.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 76625
20/08/18 7467 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Rebill for Invoice No. 100
6957: -56,236.20 56,236.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 76738
20/08/18 7467 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Rebill for Invoice No. 100
6957: -208,519.30 208,519.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 76745
20/08/18 7467 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Rebill for Invoice No. 100
6957: -2,599.20 2,599.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 76752
20/08/18 CMCO180800008BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6957 56,236.20 56,236.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 76760
20/08/18 CMCO180800008BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6957 208,519.30 208,519.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 76767
20/08/18 CMCO180800008BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA 6957 2,599.20 2,599.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 76774
20/08/18 7468 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -94,939.20 94,939.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76825
20/08/18 7468 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -20,377.50 20,377.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76832
20/08/18 7468 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -46,327.89 46,327.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76839
20/08/18 7468 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -103,394.01 103,394.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76846
20/08/18 7468 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -468,827.85 468,827.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76853
20/08/18 7468 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -243,111.27 243,111.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76860
21/08/18 CMCO180800009BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7464 94,939.20 94,939.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76782
21/08/18 CMCO180800009BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7464 20,377.50 20,377.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76789
21/08/18 CMCO180800009BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7464 46,327.89 46,327.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76796
21/08/18 CMCO180800009BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7464 103,394.01 103,394.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76803
21/08/18 CMCO180800009BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7464 468,827.85 468,827.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76810
21/08/18 CMCO180800009BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7464 243,111.27 243,111.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 76817
21/08/18 CMCO180800010BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 credit memo for Invoice 100No. 7257: 7257 950,245.10 950,245.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 76868
21/08/18 CMCO180800011BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Credit memo for Invoice 100 No. 7258: 7258 1,174,724.17 1,174,724.17 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 76876
22/08/18 7469 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 rebill for Invoice No. 6612:
100 -139,353.60 139,353.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 85789
22/08/18 7469 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 rebill for Invoice No. 6612:
100 -52,896.00 52,896.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 85796
22/08/18 7469 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 rebill for Invoice No. 6612:
100 -6,876.48 6,876.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 85803
22/08/18 7470 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Rebill from Invoice No. 1007050: -186,184.80 186,184.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 85814
22/08/18 7470 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Rebill from Invoice No. 1007050: -2,280.00 2,280.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 85821
22/08/18 7470 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Rebill from Invoice No. 1007050: -29,837.22 29,837.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 85828
22/08/18 7470 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Rebill from Invoice No. 1007050: -108,011.01 108,011.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 85835
22/08/18 7470 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Rebill from Invoice No. 1007050: -807,367.95 807,367.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 85842
22/08/18 7470 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Rebill from Invoice No. 1007050: -316,323.78 316,323.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 85849
27/08/18 CMCO180800012BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 7114 7114 10,753,829.63 10,753,829.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 85922
27/08/18 CMCO180800012BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 7114 7114 14,927,427.90 14,927,427.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 85929
27/08/18 CMCO180800012BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 7114 7114 109,594.96 109,594.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 85936
27/08/18 CMCO180800012BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 7114 7114 945.4 945.4 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 85943
29/08/18 GL1800001501 2408050101 PG FRAS PAGO INTERBANC GRUPO ENERGIA B - 07/04/18 -2,887,814.14 2,887,814.14 G/L Account 70601 899.999.082-3 86119
30/08/18 CMCO180800013BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS 7116 5,113,718.06 5,113,718.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 86174
30/08/18 CMCO180800013BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS 7116 1,420.48 1,420.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 86181
3/9/2018 CMCO180900001
BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 6009 6009 598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 86390
3/9/2018 7473 BACO000008441
Customer 2408050101 Invoice IC ASESORIAS100 Y PROYECTOS SAS -8,008.88 8,008.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 811.001.850-0 86750
3/9/2018 7473 BACO000008441
Customer 2408050101 Invoice IC ASESORIAS100 Y PROYECTOS SAS -2,037.75 2,037.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 811.001.850-0 86754
3/9/2018 7474 BACO000008854
Customer 2408050101 Invoice IC INVERSIONES 100S A S -9,006.95 9,006.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.520.344-1 86759
3/9/2018 7474 BACO000008854
Customer 2408050101 Invoice IC INVERSIONES 100S A S -14,753.31 14,753.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.520.344-1 86764
3/9/2018 7475 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -98,651.80 98,651.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 86770
3/9/2018 7475 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -68,891.15 68,891.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 86777
3/9/2018 7475 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -4,780.40 4,780.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 86784
3/9/2018 7475 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -97,964.00 97,964.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 86791
3/9/2018 7476 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -35,038.85 35,038.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.161.460-1 86799
3/9/2018 7476 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -42,453.60 42,453.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.161.460-1 86806
3/9/2018 7478 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -97,975.02 97,975.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.041.739-4 86818
3/9/2018 7479 BA1352798 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTION Y ADMINISTRACION
100 EMPRESARIAL S -14,671.80 14,671.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.257.607-9 86824
3/9/2018 7480 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -3,273.13 3,273.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.398-5 86829
3/9/2018 7480 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -44,944.50 44,944.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.398-5 86836
3/9/2018 7480 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -89,683.23 89,683.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.398-5 86843
3/9/2018 7481 BA1255976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BUSINESS SWEDEN 100 BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFIC -9,028.61 9,028.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.262.621-2 86851
3/9/2018 7481 BA1255976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BUSINESS SWEDEN 100 BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFIC -17,117.10 17,117.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.262.621-2 86856
3/9/2018 7482 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -3,276.36 3,276.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.719-7 86862
3/9/2018 7482 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100CAMACHO y CO -6,276.27 6,276.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.719-7 86866
3/9/2018 7483 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -48,661.47 48,661.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.060.203-6 86871
3/9/2018 7484 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -100.32 100.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.531.315-3 86877
3/9/2018 7484 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -142,153.44 142,153.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.531.315-3 86884
3/9/2018 7485 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -8,426.88 8,426.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 811.010.754-1 86892
3/9/2018 7485 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -7,580.43 7,580.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 811.010.754-1 86896
3/9/2018 7487 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -33,744.00 33,744.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.761.657-8 86905
3/9/2018 7487 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -79.8 79.8 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.761.657-8 86912
3/9/2018 7487 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -3,066.03 3,066.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.761.657-8 86919
3/9/2018 7489 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -51,840.36 51,840.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.445.634-4 86932
3/9/2018 7490 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -11,637.12 11,637.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.398.897-2 86938
3/9/2018 7490 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -64,474.41 64,474.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.398.897-2 86943
3/9/2018 7491 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -4,095.45 4,095.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.590-3 86949
3/9/2018 7491 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -17,241.55 17,241.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.590-3 86956
3/9/2018 7491 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -12,239.04 12,239.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.590-3 86963
3/9/2018 7492 BA1509806 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INST NAC de VIGILANCIA
100 de MEDICAMENTOS -1,965,519.60 1,965,519.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.000.167-2 86971
3/9/2018 7493 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -226,523.89 226,523.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 86977
3/9/2018 7493 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -8,554.94 8,554.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 86984
3/9/2018 7493 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -922,173.17 922,173.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 86991
3/9/2018 7494 BA1218755 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSULTORES 100ASOCIADOS ASOCONSULT SAS -30,729.27 30,729.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.018.330-6 86999
3/9/2018 7495 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -525,855.78 525,855.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 87005
3/9/2018 7495 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -1,025,028.34 1,025,028.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 87012
3/9/2018 7495 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -253,740.63 253,740.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 87019
3/9/2018 7496 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -18,013.71 18,013.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.073.583-1 87027
3/9/2018 7497 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -11,103.22 11,103.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 87032
3/9/2018 7497 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -663.67 663.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 87037
3/9/2018 7497 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -69,528.03 69,528.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 87042
3/9/2018 7499 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -92,011.11 92,011.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.116.307-1 87051
3/9/2018 7499 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -186,576.39 186,576.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.116.307-1 87056
3/9/2018 7500 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -223,702.58 223,702.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 87062
3/9/2018 7500 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -41,589.29 41,589.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 87069
3/9/2018 7500 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -10,137.26 10,137.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 87076
3/9/2018 7500 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -320,987.52 320,987.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 87083
3/9/2018 7501 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -6,003.62 6,003.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 87091
3/9/2018 7501 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -393,297.72 393,297.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 87098
3/9/2018 7501 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -359,315.65 359,315.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 87105
3/9/2018 7502 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -24,754.72 24,754.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.502.435-1 87113
3/9/2018 7502 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -71,565.78 71,565.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.502.435-1 87118
3/9/2018 7503 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -17,473.92 17,473.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 87124
3/9/2018 7503 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -11,085.36 11,085.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 87131
3/9/2018 7504 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -158,781.48 158,781.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.148.720-6 87139
3/9/2018 7505 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -123,071.36 123,071.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 87145
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
3/9/2018 7505 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -10,628.60 10,628.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 87152
3/9/2018 7505 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -9,225.64 9,225.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 87159
3/9/2018 7505 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -703,080.56 703,080.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 87166
3/9/2018 7506 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -38,497.23 38,497.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 87174
3/9/2018 7506 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -21,750.82 21,750.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 87181
3/9/2018 7506 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -49,915.47 49,915.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 87188
3/9/2018 7507 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -4,459.49 4,459.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 87196
3/9/2018 7507 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -7,844.53 7,844.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 87201
3/9/2018 7507 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -15,449.28 15,449.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 87206
3/9/2018 7507 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -35,782.89 35,782.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 87211
3/9/2018 7508 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -17,655.94 17,655.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 87217
3/9/2018 7508 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -16,954.08 16,954.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 87224
3/9/2018 7508 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -12,634.05 12,634.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 87231
3/9/2018 7509 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -5,551.61 5,551.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 87239
3/9/2018 7509 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -4,439.16 4,439.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 87244
3/9/2018 7509 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -64,177.63 64,177.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 87249
3/9/2018 7509 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -44,141.37 44,141.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 87254
3/9/2018 7510 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -4,683.50 4,683.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 87260
3/9/2018 7510 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -42,750.00 42,750.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 87267
3/9/2018 7511 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -8,025.60 8,025.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.086.882-1 87275
3/9/2018 7511 BA1218740 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTANEDA y100 VELASCO ASOCIADOS SAS -6,357.78 6,357.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.086.882-1 87279
3/9/2018 7512 BACO000020667
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Vanguardia Inversiones
100 SAS -16,383.51 16,383.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.203.223-7 87284
3/9/2018 7513 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -67,579.20 67,579.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.073.228-6 87289
3/9/2018 7513 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -34,114.50 34,114.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.073.228-6 87294
3/9/2018 7513 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -44,993.52 44,993.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.073.228-6 87299
3/9/2018 7514 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -42,792.75 42,792.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.524.239-7 87305
3/9/2018 7515 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -24,076.80 24,076.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 87311
3/9/2018 7515 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -12,650.39 12,650.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 87316
3/9/2018 7515 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -82,870.78 82,870.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 87321
3/9/2018 7515 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -19,562.40 19,562.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 87326
3/9/2018 7515 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -134,980.56 134,980.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 87331
3/9/2018 7516 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -4,095.45 4,095.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 87337
3/9/2018 7516 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -42,626.88 42,626.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 87344
3/9/2018 7516 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -32,522.49 32,522.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 87351
3/9/2018 7518 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -17,109.88 17,109.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.061.724-6 87362
3/9/2018 7518 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -82,732.65 82,732.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.061.724-6 87369
3/9/2018 7519 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -77,781.06 77,781.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 87377
3/9/2018 7519 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -17,321.54 17,321.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 87384
3/9/2018 7519 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -83,948.46 83,948.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 87391
3/9/2018 7520 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -13,651.50 13,651.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.264.765-3 87399
3/9/2018 7520 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -49,558.08 49,558.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.264.765-3 87404
3/9/2018 7520 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -58,768.71 58,768.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.264.765-3 87409
3/9/2018 7521 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -6,097.67 6,097.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.107.424-1 87415
3/9/2018 7521 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -14,590.29 14,590.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.107.424-1 87419
3/9/2018 7522 BA1218742 Customer 2408050101 Invoice REYES ABOGADOS 100 ASOCIADOS -11,737.44 11,737.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.085.916-0 87424
3/9/2018 7523 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -2,366.26 2,366.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 87429
3/9/2018 7523 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -12,358.55 12,358.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 87434
3/9/2018 7523 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -61,947.60 61,947.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 87439
3/9/2018 7524 BA1253754 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RCCF SAS 100 -49,802.61 49,802.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.624.378-1 87445
3/9/2018 7525 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -486,945.30 486,945.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 87451
3/9/2018 7525 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -279,623.00 279,623.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 87458
3/9/2018 7525 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -19,972.80 19,972.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 87465
3/9/2018 7526 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -30,943.40 30,943.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.301.443-0 87473
3/9/2018 7526 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SA 100 -67,243.47 67,243.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.301.443-0 87480
3/9/2018 7528 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -27,939.50 27,939.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 87493
3/9/2018 7528 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -35,296.30 35,296.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 87498
3/9/2018 7528 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -1,918.62 1,918.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 87503
3/9/2018 7529 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -64,157.30 64,157.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 87509
3/9/2018 7529 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -34,092.65 34,092.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 87516
3/9/2018 7529 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -39,018.40 39,018.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 87523
3/9/2018 7529 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -199,253.00 199,253.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 87530
3/9/2018 7531 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON ABOGADOS SAS -39,124.80 39,124.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.479.149-1 87543
3/9/2018 7532 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -417,995.25 417,995.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 87549
3/9/2018 7532 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -3,135.00 3,135.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 87556
3/9/2018 7532 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -62,527.10 62,527.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 87563
3/9/2018 7532 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -884.07 884.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 87570
3/9/2018 7534 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -8,827.97 8,827.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 87581
3/9/2018 7534 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -3,109.92 3,109.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 87586
3/9/2018 7534 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -18,502.77 18,502.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 87591
3/9/2018 7535 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -229,163.18 229,163.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 87597
3/9/2018 7535 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -143,114.08 143,114.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 87602
3/9/2018 7535 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -6,219.84 6,219.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 87607
3/9/2018 7535 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -324,246.78 324,246.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 87612
3/9/2018 7536 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -13,530.66 13,530.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 87618
3/9/2018 7536 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -11,400.00 11,400.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 87623
3/9/2018 7536 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -3,033.92 3,033.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 87628
3/9/2018 7536 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -151,690.11 151,690.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 87633
3/9/2018 7537 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -25,757.16 25,757.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 87639
3/9/2018 7538 BA1218664 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ACCIONA INFRAESTRUCTURAS
100 SA SUCURSAL C -26,119.87 26,119.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.043.648-8 87647
3/9/2018 7538 BA1218664 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ACCIONA INFRAESTRUCTURAS
100 SA SUCURSAL C 4,188.36 4,188.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.043.648-8 87652
3/9/2018 7539 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -78,723.65 78,723.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 87658
3/9/2018 7539 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -1,805.76 1,805.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 87663
3/9/2018 7539 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -83,221.71 83,221.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 87668
3/9/2018 7540 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA -3,731.41 3,731.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.021.637-3 87674
3/9/2018 7540 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA -32,685.51 32,685.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.021.637-3 87679
3/9/2018 7541 BA1218730 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CAMARA DE COMERCIO
100 COLOMBO AMERICANA -22,578.27 22,578.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.013.777-1 87685
3/9/2018 7542 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -3,003.33 3,003.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 87691
3/9/2018 7542 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -114,705.66 114,705.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 87698
3/9/2018 7542 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -1,054,154.39 1,054,154.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 87705
3/9/2018 7543 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -40,499.45 40,499.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.067.945-4 87713
3/9/2018 7543 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -52,492.44 52,492.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.067.945-4 87718
3/9/2018 7545 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -15,471.70 15,471.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.264-5 87727
3/9/2018 7545 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -46,216.17 46,216.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.264-5 87732
3/9/2018 7548 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -10,102.11 10,102.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 87746
3/9/2018 7548 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -3,848.26 3,848.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 87751
3/9/2018 7548 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -36,434.97 36,434.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 87756
3/9/2018 7550 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -125,775.82 125,775.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 87764
3/9/2018 7550 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -9,006.95 9,006.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 87769
3/9/2018 7550 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -429,883.74 429,883.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 87774
3/9/2018 7552 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -263,655.97 263,655.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 87784
3/9/2018 7552 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -66,082.57 66,082.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 87791
3/9/2018 7552 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice META PETROLEUM 100 CORP SUCURSAL COLOMBIA -119,738.19 119,738.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 87798
3/9/2018 7553 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -142,703.68 142,703.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 87806
3/9/2018 7554 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -71,728.61 71,728.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.007.251-9 87812
3/9/2018 7555 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -6,552.72 6,552.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.384.047-8 87818
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
3/9/2018 7555 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -3,108.21 3,108.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.384.047-8 87823
3/9/2018 7555 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -815.1 815.1 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.384.047-8 87828
3/9/2018 7556 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -136.8 136.8 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 87834
3/9/2018 7556 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -2,909.28 2,909.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 87839
3/9/2018 7556 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -11,492.91 11,492.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 87844
3/9/2018 7557 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -17,473.92 17,473.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.054.983-7 87850
3/9/2018 7557 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -2,730.30 2,730.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.054.983-7 87855
3/9/2018 7557 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -7,669.35 7,669.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.054.983-7 87860
3/9/2018 7558 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -18,839.07 18,839.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 87866
3/9/2018 7558 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -3,404.23 3,404.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 87873
3/9/2018 7558 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -11,737.44 11,737.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 87880
3/9/2018 7558 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -27,550.38 27,550.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 87887
3/9/2018 7559 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -12,468.37 12,468.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.723-4 87895
3/9/2018 7559 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -7,191.12 7,191.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.723-4 87902
3/9/2018 7559 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -146,843.97 146,843.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.723-4 87909
3/9/2018 7560 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -104,388.47 104,388.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 87917
3/9/2018 7560 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -27,529.86 27,529.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 87922
3/9/2018 7560 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -218,039.25 218,039.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 87927
3/9/2018 7562 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -25,536.00 25,536.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 87937
3/9/2018 7562 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -86,459.50 86,459.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 87942
3/9/2018 7562 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -115,610.25 115,610.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 87947
3/9/2018 7565 BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDEICOMISOS 100
SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA DE OC -321,312.42 321,312.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.054.076-2 87959
3/9/2018 7567 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -45.6 45.6 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 87972
3/9/2018 7567 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -71,931.15 71,931.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 87977
3/9/2018 7567 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -3,511.20 3,511.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 87982
3/9/2018 7567 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -34,071.18 34,071.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 87987
3/9/2018 7568 BA1218680 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASHMORE MANAGEMENT
100 COMPANY COLOMBIA SA -102,213.54 102,213.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.316.081-9 87993
3/9/2018 7569 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -9,731.04 9,731.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 87999
3/9/2018 7569 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -58,279.65 58,279.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 88006
3/9/2018 7570 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -106,117.66 106,117.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.206.223-6 88014
3/9/2018 7570 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -211,518.45 211,518.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.206.223-6 88019
3/9/2018 7571 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -31,944.51 31,944.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 88025
3/9/2018 7571 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -2,559.87 2,559.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 88032
3/9/2018 7571 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -37,820.64 37,820.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 88039
3/9/2018 7572 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -213,983.13 213,983.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 88047
3/9/2018 7572 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -64,936.68 64,936.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 88054
3/9/2018 7572 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -10,814.42 10,814.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 88061
3/9/2018 7572 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -248,978.85 248,978.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 88068
3/9/2018 7573 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -272,119.90 272,119.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 88076
3/9/2018 7573 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -15,574.68 15,574.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 88081
3/9/2018 7573 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -1,158.24 1,158.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 88086
3/9/2018 7573 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -25,799.72 25,799.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 88091
3/9/2018 7574 BA1218681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VGCD ABOGADOS 100 SAS -51,921.87 51,921.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.522.862-7 88097
3/9/2018 7575 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -60,742.43 60,742.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.512.616-5 88103
3/9/2018 7576 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA -20,459.01 20,459.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.071.617-1 88109
3/9/2018 7577 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -17,957.28 17,957.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.824.354-3 88115
3/9/2018 7577 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -41,081.04 41,081.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.824.354-3 88120
3/9/2018 7579 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -539,727.30 539,727.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 88131
3/9/2018 7581 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -32,196.45 32,196.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.422.795-2 88141
3/9/2018 7582 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -235,169.84 235,169.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 88147
3/9/2018 7582 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -56,122.20 56,122.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 88154
3/9/2018 7582 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -181,413.33 181,413.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 88161
3/9/2018 7583 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -130,986.57 130,986.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.212.828-6 88169
3/9/2018 7584 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -48,326.31 48,326.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.873-4 88175
3/9/2018 7584 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -87,013.73 87,013.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.873-4 88182
4/9/2018 7471 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -24,481.69 24,481.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 86398
4/9/2018 7471 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -21,773.81 21,773.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 86405
4/9/2018 7471 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -25,583.88 25,583.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 86412
4/9/2018 7471 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -352,304.65 352,304.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 86419
4/9/2018 7472 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -3,822.42 3,822.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 86427
4/9/2018 7472 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -58,477.44 58,477.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 86432
4/9/2018 7472 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -82,738.73 82,738.73 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.033.858-6 86437
5/9/2018 7585 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -1,447.04 1,447.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 88190
5/9/2018 7585 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -1,917.48 1,917.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 88197
5/9/2018 7585 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -28,102.14 28,102.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 88204
5/9/2018 7586 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -43,229.75 43,229.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 88212
5/9/2018 7586 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -21,427.06 21,427.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 88217
5/9/2018 7586 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -63,251.76 63,251.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 88222
5/9/2018 7587 BA1218737 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CARVAJAL EMPAQUES100 SA -345,709.76 345,709.76 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.319.047-6 88228
5/9/2018 7588 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -39,134.30 39,134.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.182-5 88236
5/9/2018 7588 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -197,906.28 197,906.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.182-5 88243
5/9/2018 7589 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -8,727.84 8,727.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.015.764-4 88251
5/9/2018 7589 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -53,633.58 53,633.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.015.764-4 88256
5/9/2018 7590 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -24,481.69 24,481.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 9729511530318 88262
5/9/2018 7590 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -5,787.21 5,787.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 9729511530318 88267
5/9/2018 7591 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -4,564.56 4,564.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 88277
5/9/2018 7591 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -25,908.21 25,908.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 88282
5/9/2018 7592 BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMGESA SA ESP 100 -822,569.85 822,569.85 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 88288
5/9/2018 7593 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A -1,061,371.83 1,061,371.83 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 88296
5/9/2018 7594 BA1219095 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PATRIMONIOS 100
AUTONOMOS FIDUCIARIA CORFI -1,328,502.03 1,328,502.03 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.018.481-3 88304
5/9/2018 7595 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -79,988.29 79,988.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 88312
5/9/2018 7595 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -271,842.31 271,842.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 88319
5/9/2018 7595 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -15,206.08 15,206.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 88326
5/9/2018 7595 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -124,786.68 124,786.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 88333
5/9/2018 7596 BA1325454 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SCHAEFFLER COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -11,336.16 11,336.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.301.833-5 88341
5/9/2018 7596 BA1325454 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SCHAEFFLER COLOMBIA
100 LTDA -8,518.27 8,518.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.301.833-5 88346
5/9/2018 7597 BA1331470 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASSA ABLOY COLOMBIA
100 SAS -38,770.07 38,770.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.826-8 88352
5/9/2018 7598 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -16,992.08 16,992.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 88360
5/9/2018 7598 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -657,861.51 657,861.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 88367
5/9/2018 7598 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -16,258.30 16,258.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 88374
5/9/2018 7598 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,124,466.76 2,124,466.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 88381
5/9/2018 7599 BA1366598 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -1,192,458.99 1,192,458.99 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.914.525-7 88389
5/9/2018 7600 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -95.11 95.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 88395
5/9/2018 7600 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -6,957.99 6,957.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 88402
5/9/2018 7600 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -34,105.76 34,105.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 88409
5/9/2018 7600 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -6,814.57 6,814.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 88416
5/9/2018 7600 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -581.02 581.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 88423
5/9/2018 7600 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1,048,697.40 1,048,697.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 88430
5/9/2018 7601 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -3,199.48 3,199.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 88438
5/9/2018 7601 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -174,952.00 174,952.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 88443
5/9/2018 7602 BA1374665 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSTRUCCIONES 100 EL CONDOR SA -365,579.86 365,579.86 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.922.447-4 88449
5/9/2018 7603 BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA DE 100 ENERGIA DE BOGOTA SA -951,439.72 951,439.72 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 88460
5/9/2018 7604 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -11,257.23 11,257.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 88465
5/9/2018 7604 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -27,439.23 27,439.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 88472
5/9/2018 7604 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -57,383.04 57,383.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 88479
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
5/9/2018 7605 BA1410158 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBO100 ALEMAN SPRACH INSTIT -1,116,060.00 1,116,060.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.420.824-9 88487
5/9/2018 7606 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -327.59 327.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 88493
5/9/2018 7606 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -3,391.01 3,391.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 88500
5/9/2018 7606 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -35,541.08 35,541.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 88507
5/9/2018 7606 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -132,423.35 132,423.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 88514
5/9/2018 7606 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -97,592.93 97,592.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 88521
5/9/2018 7607 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -522,753.44 522,753.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 88529
5/9/2018 7607 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -84,023.91 84,023.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 88536
5/9/2018 7607 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -239,511.58 239,511.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 88543
5/9/2018 7607 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -72,527.18 72,527.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 88550
5/9/2018 7607 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -287,644.61 287,644.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 88557
5/9/2018 7608 BA1508799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO NUTRESA 100 SA -1,661,109.03 1,661,109.03 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.050-1 88569
5/9/2018 7609 BA1509805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -1,686,807.61 1,686,807.61 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 88577
5/9/2018 7610 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -2,184.24 2,184.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 88585
5/9/2018 7610 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -3,511.20 3,511.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 88589
5/9/2018 7610 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -2,119.26 2,119.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 88593
5/9/2018 7611 BA1524771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO DE INVERSIONES
100 SURAMERICANA -1,548,574.15 1,548,574.15 G/L Account 70601 EVE 811.012.271-3 88598
5/9/2018 7612 BA1525491 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ELECTRO PORCELANA100 GAMMA S.A.S -2,869.95 2,869.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.121-4 88606
5/9/2018 7613 BA1546389 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROVIAL AGROMAN100 S.A. SUCURSAL COLOMB -1,059.63 1,059.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 805.011.222-6 88612
5/9/2018 7614 BA1553453 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORFICOLOMBIANA 100 S.A. -1,506,759.09 1,506,759.09 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.300.653-6 88618
5/9/2018 7615 BA1553455 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Empresas Publicas100 de Medellin E.S.P -3,075,996.23 3,075,996.23 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.904.996-1 88626
5/9/2018 7616 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 88634
5/9/2018 7616 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -32,418.75 32,418.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 88639
5/9/2018 7616 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -20,295.99 20,295.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 88644
5/9/2018 7617 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 88650
5/9/2018 7617 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -5,187.00 5,187.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 88655
5/9/2018 7617 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -4,320.03 4,320.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 88660
5/9/2018 7618 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -21,842.35 21,842.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 88666
5/9/2018 7618 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -81,762.70 81,762.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 88673
5/9/2018 7619 BA1560181 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO AVAL100 ACCIONES Y VALORES S.A. -1,965,046.75 1,965,046.75 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.216.181-5 88681
5/9/2018 7620 BA1592924 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,585,116.99 1,585,116.99 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 88689
5/9/2018 7621 BA1599358 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Conconcreto 100 S.A. -1,243,162.34 1,243,162.34 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.901.110-8 88697
5/9/2018 7622 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -19,567.15 19,567.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 88705
5/9/2018 7622 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -7,925.28 7,925.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 88712
5/9/2018 7622 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -316,421.82 316,421.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 88719
5/9/2018 7623 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -21,845.25 21,845.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 88727
5/9/2018 7623 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -6,734.74 6,734.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 88734
5/9/2018 7623 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -2,370.25 2,370.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 88741
5/9/2018 7623 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -5,718.24 5,718.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 88748
5/9/2018 7624 BA1608128 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -1,839,592.92 1,839,592.92 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.148.514-2 88756
5/9/2018 7625 BA1615683 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bancolombia 100 S.A. -1,766,434.81 1,766,434.81 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.903.938-8 88764
5/9/2018 7650 BA1603003 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -2,963,000.79 2,963,000.79 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.068-1 88868
5/9/2018 7651 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -14,812,689.37 14,812,689.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 88876
5/9/2018 7651 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -14,784,762.60 14,784,762.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 88883
5/9/2018 7651 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -322,981.35 322,981.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 88890
5/9/2018 7651 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -197.13 197.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 88897
5/9/2018 7651 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -323.07 323.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 88904
5/9/2018 7652 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 88912
5/9/2018 7652 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 88919
5/9/2018 7652 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -13,669.36 13,669.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 88926
5/9/2018 7652 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -92.88 92.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 88933
5/9/2018 7653 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -264,064.19 264,064.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 88941
5/9/2018 7653 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -79,219.26 79,219.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 88948
5/9/2018 7654 BA1617918 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 -95,609.05 95,609.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 88956
5/9/2018 7654 BA1617918 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 -478,045.23 478,045.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 88963
5/9/2018 7656 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA -1,176,696.22 1,176,696.22 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 89302
5/9/2018 7657 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,381,727.50 1,381,727.50 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 89310
5/9/2018 7658 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 100 -2,364,019.52 2,364,019.52 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 89318
5/9/2018 CMCO180900028
BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 7651 7651 14,812,689.37 14,812,689.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90389
5/9/2018 CMCO180900028
BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 7651 7651 14,784,762.60 14,784,762.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90396
5/9/2018 CMCO180900028
BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 7651 7651 322,981.35 322,981.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90403
5/9/2018 CMCO180900028
BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 7651 7651 197.13 197.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90410
5/9/2018 CMCO180900028
BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BANCO100 DE BOGOTA 7651 7651 323.07 323.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90417
5/9/2018 CMCO180900030
BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7652 7652 94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90476
5/9/2018 CMCO180900030
BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7652 7652 1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90483
5/9/2018 CMCO180900030
BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7652 7652 13,669.36 13,669.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90490
5/9/2018 CMCO180900030
BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7652 7652 92.88 92.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90497
6/9/2018 7655 BACO000007698
Customer 2408050101 Invoice REDCOL 100 -2,608.32 2,608.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.529.730-5 89243
6/9/2018 7655 BACO000007698
Customer 2408050101 Invoice REDCOL 100 -32,685.51 32,685.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.529.730-5 89250
10/9/2018 7659 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -9,229.44 9,229.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 89432
10/9/2018 7659 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -277,378.53 277,378.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 89439
10/9/2018 7660 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -175,328.01 175,328.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 89493
10/9/2018 7661 BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bolsa de Valores 100 de Colombia -401,288.83 401,288.83 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 89501
10/9/2018 7662 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -24,663.71 24,663.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 89509
10/9/2018 7662 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -8,963.06 8,963.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 89514
10/9/2018 7662 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -17,052.50 17,052.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 89519
10/9/2018 7663 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -59,065.49 59,065.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89525
10/9/2018 7663 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -4,186.46 4,186.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89532
10/9/2018 7663 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -13,662.14 13,662.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89539
10/9/2018 7663 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -617,777.97 617,777.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89546
10/9/2018 7664 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -9,465.04 9,465.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 835.000.149-8 89554
10/9/2018 7664 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -504,546.90 504,546.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 835.000.149-8 89561
11/9/2018 7665 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoices PROMIGAS SA 100ESP 6594 -63,980.03 63,980.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89569
11/9/2018 7665 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoices PROMIGAS SA 100ESP 6594 -1,481.81 1,481.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89576
11/9/2018 7665 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoices PROMIGAS SA 100ESP 6594 -7,048.62 7,048.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89583
11/9/2018 7665 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoices PROMIGAS SA 100ESP 6594 -333,410.48 333,410.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89590
11/9/2018 CMCO180900003
BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 6594 6594 63,980.03 63,980.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89598
11/9/2018 CMCO180900003
BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 6594 6594 1,481.81 1,481.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89605
11/9/2018 CMCO180900003
BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 6594 6594 7,048.62 7,048.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89612
11/9/2018 CMCO180900003
BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 6594 6594 333,410.48 333,410.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 89619
11/9/2018 7666 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -400,356.51 400,356.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89630
11/9/2018 7666 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -79,219.26 79,219.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89637
11/9/2018 7667 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -264,064.19 264,064.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89645
11/9/2018 7667 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -79,219.26 79,219.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89652
11/9/2018 7668 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM DESARROLLO
100 S.A.S. -18,258.24 18,258.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 89660
11/9/2018 CMCO180900004
BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GRUPO100 EXITO 7333 7333 245,851.83 245,851.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89666
11/9/2018 CMCO180900004
BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GRUPO100 EXITO 7333 7333 73,755.55 73,755.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89673
11/9/2018 CMCO180900005
BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GRUPO100 EXITO 7117 7117 372,744.15 372,744.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89681
11/9/2018 CMCO180900005
BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GRUPO100 EXITO 7117 7117 73,755.55 73,755.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89688
11/9/2018 7669 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -522,500.00 522,500.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 89696
11/9/2018 7669 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -37.62 37.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 89703
11/9/2018 7669 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -6,703,200.00 6,703,200.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 89710
11/9/2018 CMCO180900006
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Blu Logistics
100 Colombia S.A.S 6595 659 522,500.00 522,500.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.051.440-7 89718
11/9/2018 CMCO180900006
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Blu Logistics
100 Colombia S.A.S 6595 659 37.62 37.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.051.440-7 89725
11/9/2018 CMCO180900006
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Blu Logistics
100 Colombia S.A.S 6595 659 6,703,200.00 6,703,200.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.051.440-7 89732
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
11/9/2018 7670 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 7666 -264,064.19 264,064.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89740
11/9/2018 7670 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 7666 -79,219.26 79,219.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89747
11/9/2018 CMCO180900007
BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GRUPO100 EXITO 7666 7666 400,356.51 400,356.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89755
11/9/2018 CMCO180900007
BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GRUPO100 EXITO 7666 7666 79,219.26 79,219.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 89762
11/9/2018 7671 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PINT PHARMA100 COLOMBIA S.A.S -72,716.99 72,716.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89770
11/9/2018 7671 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PINT PHARMA100 COLOMBIA S.A.S -206,008.83 206,008.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89777
11/9/2018 7671 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PINT PHARMA100 COLOMBIA S.A.S -19,060.80 19,060.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89784
11/9/2018 7671 BACO000009599
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PINT PHARMA100 COLOMBIA S.A.S -60,398.91 60,398.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89791
11/9/2018 CMCO180900009
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 5668 5668 22,752.50 22,752.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89804
11/9/2018 CMCO180900009
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 5668 5668 52,184.83 52,184.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89811
11/9/2018 CMCO180900009
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 5668 5668 4,614.72 4,614.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89818
11/9/2018 CMCO180900009
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 5668 5668 12,063.48 12,063.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89825
11/9/2018 CMCO180900010
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6067 6067 2,366.26 2,366.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89833
11/9/2018 CMCO180900010
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6067 6067 72,532.69 72,532.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89840
11/9/2018 CMCO180900010
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6067 6067 1,203.84 1,203.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89847
11/9/2018 CMCO180900010
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6067 6067 2,526.81 2,526.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89854
11/9/2018 CMCO180900011
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6271 6271 4,732.52 4,732.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89862
11/9/2018 CMCO180900011
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6271 6271 49,562.26 49,562.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89869
11/9/2018 CMCO180900011
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6271 6271 5,617.92 5,617.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89876
11/9/2018 CMCO180900011
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6271 6271 31,625.88 31,625.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89883
11/9/2018 CMCO180900012
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6484 6484 26,028.86 26,028.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89891
11/9/2018 CMCO180900012
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6484 6484 9,721.92 9,721.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89898
11/9/2018 CMCO180900012
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S 6484 6484 5,461.17 5,461.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 89905
11/9/2018 7672 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 100 -49,691.46 49,691.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 89913
11/9/2018 7672 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 100 -333,701.94 333,701.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 89920
11/9/2018 CMCO180900013
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 5817 5 49,691.46 49,691.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 89928
11/9/2018 CMCO180900013
BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo VETRA 100 EXPLORACION Y PRODUCCION 5817 5 333,701.94 333,701.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 89935
13/09/18 7676 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -189,285.60 189,285.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 89983
13/09/18 7676 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -31,720.50 31,720.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 89990
13/09/18 7676 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -72,566.70 72,566.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 89997
13/09/18 7676 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -16,139.55 16,139.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90004
13/09/18 7676 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -992,521.05 992,521.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90011
13/09/18 7676 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -359,941.89 359,941.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90018
13/09/18 CMCO180900017BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6612 6612 139,353.60 139,353.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90026
13/09/18 CMCO180900017BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6612 6612 52,896.00 52,896.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90033
13/09/18 CMCO180900017BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6612 6612 6,876.48 6,876.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90040
13/09/18 CMCO180900018BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7050 7050 186,184.80 186,184.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90051
13/09/18 CMCO180900018BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7050 7050 2,280.00 2,280.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90058
13/09/18 CMCO180900018BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7050 7050 29,837.22 29,837.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90065
13/09/18 CMCO180900018BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7050 7050 108,011.01 108,011.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90072
13/09/18 CMCO180900018BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7050 7050 807,367.95 807,367.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90079
13/09/18 CMCO180900018BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 7050 7050 316,323.78 316,323.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 90086
13/09/18 7677 BA1599355 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERCONEXION 100 ELECTRICA S.A E.S.P. -1,499,664.73 1,499,664.73 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.016.610-3 90094
14/09/18 CMCO180900019BA1367747 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PricewaterhouseCoopers
100 Asesores 6807 3,700,813.35 3,700,813.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.046.645-9 90115
17/09/18 7678 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA 6160 -81,265.47 81,265.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 90146
17/09/18 7679 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA 6368 -70,995.21 70,995.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 90154
17/09/18 7680 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA 6574 -31,136.82 31,136.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 90162
17/09/18 7681 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA 7186 -30,403.23 30,403.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 90170
17/09/18 CMCO180900020BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CUMMINS 100 DE LOS ANDES SA 6160 6160 81,265.47 81,265.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 90178
17/09/18 CMCO180900021BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CUMMINS 100 DE LOS ANDES SA 6368 6368 70,995.21 70,995.21 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 90186
17/09/18 CMCO180900022BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CUMMINS 100 DE LOS ANDES SA 6574 6574 31,136.82 31,136.82 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 90194
17/09/18 CMCO180900023BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CUMMINS 100 DE LOS ANDES SA 7186 7186 30,403.23 30,403.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.071.617-1 90202
17/09/18 7682 BA1218737 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CARVAJAL EMPAQUES100 SA 6173 -372,980.87 372,980.87 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.319.047-6 90210
17/09/18 7683 BA1218737 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CARVAJAL EMPAQUES100 SA 6827 -327,117.10 327,117.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.319.047-6 90218
17/09/18 CMCO180900024BA1218737 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CARVAJAL 100EMPAQUES SA 6173 6173 372,980.87 372,980.87 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.319.047-6 90226
17/09/18 CMCO180900025BA1218737 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CARVAJAL 100EMPAQUES SA 6872 6827 327,117.10 327,117.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.319.047-6 90234
17/09/18 7684 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -71,988.91 71,988.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 90242
17/09/18 7684 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -38,966.91 38,966.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 90249
17/09/18 7684 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -111,587.19 111,587.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 90256
17/09/18 CMCO180900026BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 5735 57 71,988.91 71,988.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.128.549-4 90264
17/09/18 CMCO180900026BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 5735 57 38,966.91 38,966.91 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.128.549-4 90271
17/09/18 CMCO180900026BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 5735 57 111,587.19 111,587.19 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.128.549-4 90278
17/09/18 7685 BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Johnson & Johnson100 de Colombia 6863 -53,585.51 53,585.51 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 90318
17/09/18 7685 BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Johnson & Johnson100 de Colombia 6863 -2,030,891.00 2,030,891.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 90325
17/09/18 CMCO180900027BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Johnson100 & Johnson de Colombia 6863 68 53,585.51 53,585.51 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 90337
17/09/18 CMCO180900027BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Johnson100 & Johnson de Colombia 6863 68 2,030,891.00 2,030,891.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 90344
17/09/18 7686 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 7651 - CCASP -14,812,689.37 14,812,689.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90352
17/09/18 7686 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 7651 - CCASP -14,784,762.60 14,784,762.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90359
17/09/18 7687 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 7651 AUDIO -322,981.35 322,981.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90367
17/09/18 7687 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 7651 AUDIO -197.13 197.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90374
17/09/18 7687 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 7651 AUDIO -323.07 323.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 90381
18/09/18 7688 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -188,486.40 188,486.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90425
18/09/18 7688 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -2,141,642.61 2,141,642.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90432
18/09/18 7688 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -47,651.55 47,651.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90439
18/09/18 7688 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -92.88 92.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90446
18/09/18 CMCO180900029BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7332 7332 94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90454
18/09/18 CMCO180900029BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7332 7332 1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90461
18/09/18 CMCO180900029BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ECOPETROL 100 S.A. 7332 7332 33,982.19 33,982.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 90468
18/09/18 7689 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -1,136.38 1,136.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90505
18/09/18 7689 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -85,403.46 85,403.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90512
18/09/18 7689 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -34,648.72 34,648.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90519
18/09/18 7690 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 6903 -5,452.45 5,452.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90527
18/09/18 7690 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 6903 -2,054.23 2,054.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90534
18/09/18 7690 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 6903 -946,114.33 946,114.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90541
18/09/18 7691 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 6824 -115,479.34 115,479.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90549
18/09/18 7691 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 6824 -73,892.13 73,892.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90556
18/09/18 7691 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 6824 -2,438,609.77 2,438,609.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90563
18/09/18 7691 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 6824 -758,955.53 758,955.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90570
18/09/18 7692 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 7330 -5.46 5.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90578
18/09/18 7692 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 7330 -229,199.47 229,199.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90585
18/09/18 7693 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 7113 -152.97 152.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90593
18/09/18 7693 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 7113 -2,622.42 2,622.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90600
18/09/18 7693 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A 7113 -360,320.44 360,320.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90607
18/09/18 CMCO180900031BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6824 6824 115,479.34 115,479.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90615
18/09/18 CMCO180900031BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6824 6824 73,892.13 73,892.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90622
18/09/18 CMCO180900031BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6824 6824 2,438,609.77 2,438,609.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90629
18/09/18 CMCO180900031BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6824 6824 758,955.53 758,955.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90636
18/09/18 CMCO180900032BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6903 6903 5,452.45 5,452.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90644
18/09/18 CMCO180900032BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6903 6903 2,054.23 2,054.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90651
18/09/18 CMCO180900032BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 6903 6903 946,114.33 946,114.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90658
18/09/18 CMCO180900033BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 7113 7113 152.97 152.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90666
18/09/18 CMCO180900033BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 7113 7113 2,622.42 2,622.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90673
18/09/18 CMCO180900033BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 7113 7113 360,320.44 360,320.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90680
18/09/18 CMCO180900034BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 7330 7330 5.46 5.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90688
18/09/18 CMCO180900034BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo IBM de100 Colombia S A 7330 7330 229,199.47 229,199.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 90695
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
18/09/18 7694 BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMGESA SA ESP 1006797 -812,224.35 812,224.35 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 90703
18/09/18 CMCO180900035BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMGESA 100
SA ESP 6797 6797 812,224.35 812,224.35 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 90728
18/09/18 7695 BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMGESA SA ESP 1006834 -801,656.55 801,656.55 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 90736
20/09/18 CMCO180900036BA1366431 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo MERCK100 SA Colombia 7065 7065 825,300.15 825,300.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.580-0 90789
20/09/18 CMCO180900037BA1218858 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo EMGESA 100
SA ESP 6834 6834 801,656.55 801,656.55 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.063.875-8 90797
25/09/18 CMCO180900038BA1394130 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ALMACENES 100 EXITO SA 7461 7461 598,774.17 598,774.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 90937
26/09/18 7696 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -150,598.56 150,598.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 90945
26/09/18 7696 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -60,245.39 60,245.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 90952
1/10/2018 GL1800001748 2408050101 PG F7297 PAGO INTERBANC JLT RE COLOMBIA -3,174,074.64 3,174,074.64 G/L Account 70601 860.052.330-9 93158
2/10/2018 7697 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -3,351.60 3,351.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 91546
2/10/2018 7697 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -20,808.80 20,808.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 91553
2/10/2018 7697 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -76,547.58 76,547.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 91560
2/10/2018 7698 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -53,058.83 53,058.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 91568
2/10/2018 7698 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -8,532.90 8,532.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 91573
2/10/2018 7698 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -44,422.95 44,422.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 91578
2/10/2018 7699 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -9,647.06 9,647.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.182-5 91584
2/10/2018 7699 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -155,113.53 155,113.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.182-5 91591
2/10/2018 7700 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -5,705.70 5,705.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.015.764-4 91599
2/10/2018 7701 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -11,922.31 11,922.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 9729511530318 91604
2/10/2018 7702 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -9,283.02 9,283.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 91609
2/10/2018 7702 BA1218844 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AUDLIMITED 100 CONTADORES PUBLICOS SAS -10,270.26 10,270.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.052.929-0 91613
2/10/2018 7703 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -5,266.80 5,266.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 91618
2/10/2018 7703 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -36,056.11 36,056.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 91623
2/10/2018 7704 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -48,440.12 48,440.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 91629
2/10/2018 7704 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -120,964.64 120,964.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 91636
2/10/2018 7704 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -13,149.52 13,149.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 91643
2/10/2018 7704 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -78,492.04 78,492.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 91650
2/10/2018 7705 BA1331470 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASSA ABLOY COLOMBIA
100 SAS -21,733.53 21,733.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.826-8 91658
2/10/2018 7706 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -7,575.49 7,575.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 91666
2/10/2018 7706 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -654,015.53 654,015.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 91673
2/10/2018 7706 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -4,067.52 4,067.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 91680
2/10/2018 7706 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -6,730.18 6,730.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 91687
2/10/2018 7706 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -1,704,356.81 1,704,356.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 91694
2/10/2018 7707 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -32.32 32.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 91702
2/10/2018 7707 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -2,394.64 2,394.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 91709
2/10/2018 7707 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -110,317.80 110,317.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 91716
2/10/2018 7707 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -3,715.90 3,715.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 91723
2/10/2018 7707 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -8,859.13 8,859.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 91730
2/10/2018 7707 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1,113,671.32 1,113,671.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 91737
2/10/2018 7708 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -9,186.22 9,186.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 91745
2/10/2018 7708 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -53,808.00 53,808.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 91750
2/10/2018 7709 BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA DE 100 ENERGIA DE BOGOTA SA -999,335.32 999,335.32 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 91759
2/10/2018 7710 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA -880,213.95 880,213.95 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 91764
2/10/2018 7711 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -12,180.20 12,180.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 91772
2/10/2018 7711 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -9,749.47 9,749.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 91779
2/10/2018 7711 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -36,516.48 36,516.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 91786
2/10/2018 7712 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -68.79 68.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 91794
2/10/2018 7712 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -6,810.26 6,810.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 91801
2/10/2018 7712 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -12,060.02 12,060.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 91808
2/10/2018 7712 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -113,634.63 113,634.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 91815
2/10/2018 7712 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -55,257.70 55,257.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 91822
2/10/2018 7713 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -53,700.62 53,700.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 91830
2/10/2018 7713 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -27,766.57 27,766.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 91837
2/10/2018 7713 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -5,621.07 5,621.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 91844
2/10/2018 7713 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -12,317.32 12,317.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 91851
2/10/2018 7713 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -75,663.89 75,663.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 91858
2/10/2018 7714 BA1510560 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Movix LA Colombia100 SAS -897.75 897.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.173.778-8 91866
2/10/2018 7714 BA1510560 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Movix LA Colombia100 SAS -819.09 819.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.173.778-8 91870
2/10/2018 7715 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -13,196.45 13,196.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 91875
2/10/2018 7715 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -3,410.88 3,410.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 91880
2/10/2018 7715 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -35,538.36 35,538.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 91885
2/10/2018 7716 BA1525491 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ELECTRO PORCELANA100 GAMMA S.A.S -7,248.50 7,248.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.121-4 91891
2/10/2018 7718 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 91905
2/10/2018 7718 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -9,476.25 9,476.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 91910
2/10/2018 7718 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -4,012.80 4,012.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 91915
2/10/2018 7718 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -4,483.05 4,483.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 91920
2/10/2018 7719 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -3,635.84 3,635.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.203.642-2 91926
2/10/2018 7719 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -3,662.06 3,662.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.203.642-2 91931
2/10/2018 7720 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 91937
2/10/2018 7720 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -7,680.75 7,680.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 91942
2/10/2018 7720 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -6,520.80 6,520.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 91947
2/10/2018 7721 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -19,785.18 19,785.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 91953
2/10/2018 7721 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -23,064.86 23,064.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 91960
2/10/2018 7721 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -71,622.12 71,622.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 91967
2/10/2018 7722 BA1592585 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDISERVICIOS 100SAS -1,660,468.51 1,660,468.51 G/L Account 70601 EVE 805.025.964-3 91975
2/10/2018 7723 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -13,469.48 13,469.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 91983
2/10/2018 7723 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -134,980.56 134,980.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 91990
2/10/2018 7724 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -70,323.75 70,323.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 91998
2/10/2018 7724 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -19,112.10 19,112.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 92005
2/10/2018 7724 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -18,772.38 18,772.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 92012
2/10/2018 7724 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -29,995.68 29,995.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 92019
2/10/2018 7725 BA1618831 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 -1,953,390.00 1,953,390.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 92027
2/10/2018 7726 BA1619321 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOMERIEUX 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S. -1,898,173.53 1,898,173.53 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.023.844-1 92035
2/10/2018 7726 BA1619321 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOMERIEUX 100 COLOMBIA S.A.S. -1,725,612.30 1,725,612.30 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.023.844-1 92040
2/10/2018 7749 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -98,925.31 98,925.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 92119
2/10/2018 7749 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -4,206.80 4,206.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 92126
2/10/2018 7750 BACO000008441
Customer 2408050101 Invoice IC ASESORIAS100 Y PROYECTOS SAS -24,942.06 24,942.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 811.001.850-0 92134
2/10/2018 7751 BACO000008854
Customer 2408050101 Invoice IC INVERSIONES 100S A S -30,149.58 30,149.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.520.344-1 92140
2/10/2018 7751 BACO000008854
Customer 2408050101 Invoice IC INVERSIONES 100S A S -74,092.59 74,092.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.520.344-1 92145
2/10/2018 7752 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -1,577.00 1,577.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 92151
2/10/2018 7752 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -99,127.75 99,127.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 92158
2/10/2018 7752 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -74,836.25 74,836.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 92165
2/10/2018 7752 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -11,692.60 11,692.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 92172
2/10/2018 7752 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -265,772.00 265,772.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 92179
2/10/2018 7753 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -6,643.73 6,643.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.161.460-1 92187
2/10/2018 7753 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -45,258.57 45,258.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.161.460-1 92194
2/10/2018 7755 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -4,550.50 4,550.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.041.739-4 92206
2/10/2018 7755 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -94,633.11 94,633.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.041.739-4 92211
2/10/2018 7756 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -79,859.28 79,859.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.398-5 92217
2/10/2018 7756 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -125,010.69 125,010.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.398-5 92224
2/10/2018 7757 BA1255976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BUSINESS SWEDEN 100 BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFIC -17,035.59 17,035.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.262.621-2 92236
2/10/2018 7758 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -77,842.05 77,842.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.060.203-6 92241
2/10/2018 7759 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -203,938.02 203,938.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.531.315-3 92247
2/10/2018 7762 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -73,848.06 73,848.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.445.634-4 92263
2/10/2018 7763 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -16,057.47 16,057.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.398.897-2 92269
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
2/10/2018 7764 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -68,712.93 68,712.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.590-3 92274
2/10/2018 7765 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -274,759.19 274,759.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 92282
2/10/2018 7765 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -7,007.77 7,007.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 92289
2/10/2018 7765 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -1,361.92 1,361.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 92296
2/10/2018 7765 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -1,183,169.33 1,183,169.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 92303
2/10/2018 7766 BACO000007698
Customer 2408050101 Invoice REDCOL 100 -55,176.00 55,176.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.529.730-5 92311
2/10/2018 7766 BACO000007698
Customer 2408050101 Invoice REDCOL 100 -29,506.62 29,506.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.529.730-5 92318
2/10/2018 7767 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -2,366.26 2,366.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.049.433-2 92326
2/10/2018 7767 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -51,803.50 51,803.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.049.433-2 92331
2/10/2018 7767 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -65,371.02 65,371.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.049.433-2 92336
2/10/2018 7768 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -466,608.27 466,608.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 92342
2/10/2018 7768 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -822,875.56 822,875.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 92349
2/10/2018 7768 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -110,853.60 110,853.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 92356
2/10/2018 7769 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -2,559.87 2,559.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.073.583-1 92364
2/10/2018 7769 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -3,109.92 3,109.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.073.583-1 92369
2/10/2018 7769 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -21,029.58 21,029.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.073.583-1 92374
2/10/2018 7770 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -39,440.01 39,440.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 92380
2/10/2018 7770 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -69,038.97 69,038.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 92385
2/10/2018 7772 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -13,651.50 13,651.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.116.307-1 92394
2/10/2018 7772 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -14,508.78 14,508.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.116.307-1 92399
2/10/2018 7773 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -137,880.15 137,880.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 92405
2/10/2018 7773 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -5,853.33 5,853.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 92412
2/10/2018 7773 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -41,631.66 41,631.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 92419
2/10/2018 7773 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -445,258.73 445,258.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 92426
2/10/2018 7774 BA1392782 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESION LA 100PINTADA SAS -34,071.18 34,071.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.740.893-1 92434
2/10/2018 7775 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -472,422.08 472,422.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 92440
2/10/2018 7775 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -423,560.54 423,560.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 92447
2/10/2018 7776 BA1372183 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROBOGOTA 100 REGION -12,797.07 12,797.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.753.664-6 92455
2/10/2018 7777 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -1,911.21 1,911.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 92461
2/10/2018 7777 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -8,314.02 8,314.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 92466
2/10/2018 7778 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -71,484.27 71,484.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.148.720-6 92472
2/10/2018 7779 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -4,440.30 4,440.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 92478
2/10/2018 7779 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -17,932.20 17,932.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 92485
2/10/2018 7780 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -122,938.74 122,938.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 92493
2/10/2018 7780 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -70,991.22 70,991.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 92500
2/10/2018 7780 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -9,452.50 9,452.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 92507
2/10/2018 7780 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -502,598.07 502,598.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 92514
2/10/2018 7781 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -42,410.66 42,410.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 92522
2/10/2018 7781 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -13,385.12 13,385.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 92529
2/10/2018 7781 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -59,389.06 59,389.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 92536
2/10/2018 7782 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -42,046.62 42,046.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 92544
2/10/2018 7782 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -26,919.58 26,919.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 92549
2/10/2018 7782 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -43,237.92 43,237.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 92554
2/10/2018 7782 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -39,532.35 39,532.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 92559
2/10/2018 7783 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -11,649.28 11,649.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 92565
2/10/2018 7783 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -74,136.48 74,136.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 92572
2/10/2018 7783 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -11,411.40 11,411.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 92579
2/10/2018 7784 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -15,871.65 15,871.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 92587
2/10/2018 7784 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -3,478.52 3,478.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 92592
2/10/2018 7784 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -3,635.84 3,635.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 92597
2/10/2018 7785 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -4,463.10 4,463.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 92603
2/10/2018 7785 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -333.45 333.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 92610
2/10/2018 7785 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -1,679.60 1,679.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 92617
2/10/2018 7785 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -54,682.00 54,682.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 92624
2/10/2018 7786 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -55,075.68 55,075.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.089.530-6 92632
2/10/2018 7786 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -6,439.29 6,439.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.089.530-6 92637
2/10/2018 7787 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -25,594.14 25,594.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.524.239-7 92643
2/10/2018 7788 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -16,199.78 16,199.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 92649
2/10/2018 7788 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -60,403.47 60,403.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 92654
2/10/2018 7788 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -6,119.52 6,119.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 92659
2/10/2018 7788 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -102,132.03 102,132.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 92664
2/10/2018 7789 BA1392449 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PIVOT BI SAS 100 -228 228 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.398.869-6 92670
2/10/2018 7789 BA1392449 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PIVOT BI SAS 100 -11,492.91 11,492.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.398.869-6 92674
2/10/2018 7790 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -2,548.28 2,548.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 92679
2/10/2018 7790 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -68,084.60 68,084.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 92686
2/10/2018 7790 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -50,373.18 50,373.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 92693
2/10/2018 7792 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -8,736.96 8,736.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.061.724-6 92705
2/10/2018 7792 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -25,512.63 25,512.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.061.724-6 92712
2/10/2018 7793 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -144,342.24 144,342.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 92720
2/10/2018 7793 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -120,883.13 120,883.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 92727
2/10/2018 7794 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -10,830.19 10,830.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.264.765-3 92735
2/10/2018 7794 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -19,763.04 19,763.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.264.765-3 92740
2/10/2018 7794 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -25,105.08 25,105.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.264.765-3 92745
2/10/2018 7795 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -6,364.43 6,364.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.248.065-9 92751
2/10/2018 7795 BACO000008927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Recursos Y Soluciones
100 Corporativas S A -4,646.07 4,646.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.248.065-9 92756
2/10/2018 7796 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -18,202.00 18,202.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.107.424-1 92762
2/10/2018 7796 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -49,395.06 49,395.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.107.424-1 92767
2/10/2018 7797 BA1218742 Customer 2408050101 Invoice REYES ABOGADOS 100 ASOCIADOS -17,361.63 17,361.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.085.916-0 92773
2/10/2018 7798 BA1218810 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DERIVEX SA 100 -30,729.27 30,729.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.968-6 92778
2/10/2018 7799 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -17,291.90 17,291.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 92784
2/10/2018 7799 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -1,504.80 1,504.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 92789
2/10/2018 7799 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -24,208.47 24,208.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 92794
2/10/2018 7800 BA1253754 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RCCF SAS 100 -34,641.75 34,641.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.624.378-1 92800
2/10/2018 7801 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -365,592.30 365,592.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 92806
2/10/2018 7801 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -162,364.50 162,364.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 92813
2/10/2018 7801 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -45,075.60 45,075.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 92820
2/10/2018 7802 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SAS 100 -98,011.50 98,011.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.301.443-0 92828
2/10/2018 7802 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SAS 100 -7,371.81 7,371.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.301.443-0 92835
2/10/2018 7802 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SAS 100 -111,061.65 111,061.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.301.443-0 92842
2/10/2018 7804 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -13,271.50 13,271.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 92854
2/10/2018 7804 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -15,207.60 15,207.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 92859
2/10/2018 7805 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -3,116.00 3,116.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 92865
2/10/2018 7805 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -474.24 474.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 92872
2/10/2018 7805 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -87,432.30 87,432.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 92879
2/10/2018 7805 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -67,493.70 67,493.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 92886
2/10/2018 7805 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -102,649.40 102,649.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 92893
2/10/2018 7805 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -291,289.00 291,289.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 92900
2/10/2018 7807 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON ABOGADOS SAS -118,515.54 118,515.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.479.149-1 92913
2/10/2018 7810 BA1264532 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LAB DESARROLLO 100 SAS -3,185.35 3,185.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.095.238-8 92921
2/10/2018 7810 BA1264532 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LAB DESARROLLO 100 SAS -8,803.08 8,803.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.095.238-8 92925
2/10/2018 7811 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -1,729.19 1,729.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 92930
2/10/2018 7811 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -11,492.91 11,492.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 92934
2/10/2018 7812 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -239,629.33 239,629.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 92939
2/10/2018 7812 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -120,464.94 120,464.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 92944
2/10/2018 7812 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -8,627.52 8,627.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 92949
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
2/10/2018 7812 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -384,645.69 384,645.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 92954
2/10/2018 7813 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -155,602.59 155,602.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 92960
2/10/2018 7814 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -76,630.42 76,630.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 92966
2/10/2018 7814 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -87,623.25 87,623.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 92971
2/10/2018 7815 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA -18,258.24 18,258.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.021.637-3 92977
2/10/2018 7816 BA1218730 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CAMARA DE COMERCIO
100 COLOMBO AMERICANA -67,897.83 67,897.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.013.777-1 92982
2/10/2018 7817 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -110,891.22 110,891.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 92988
2/10/2018 7817 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -1,018,869.49 1,018,869.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 92995
2/10/2018 7820 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -9,009.99 9,009.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.264-5 93007
2/10/2018 7820 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -19,154.85 19,154.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.264-5 93012
2/10/2018 7823 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -25,573.81 25,573.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 93026
2/10/2018 7823 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -16,402.13 16,402.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 93031
2/10/2018 7823 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -292,783.92 292,783.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 93036
2/10/2018 7825 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -78,905.67 78,905.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 93047
2/10/2018 7825 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -2,220.15 2,220.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 93052
2/10/2018 7825 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -255,452.34 255,452.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 93057
2/10/2018 7827 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -89,826.87 89,826.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 93067
2/10/2018 7827 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -182,296.26 182,296.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 93074
2/10/2018 7827 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -277,867.59 277,867.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 93081
2/10/2018 7828 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -162,634.87 162,634.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 93089
2/10/2018 7828 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -10,360.70 10,360.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 93094
2/10/2018 7828 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -11,336.16 11,336.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 93099
2/10/2018 7828 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -8,069.49 8,069.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 93104
2/10/2018 7829 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -3,413.16 3,413.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.693.962-8 93110
2/10/2018 7829 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -1,906.08 1,906.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.693.962-8 93114
2/10/2018 7829 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -10,922.34 10,922.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.693.962-8 93118
2/10/2018 7830 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -40,102.92 40,102.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 93123
2/10/2018 7831 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -1,003.20 1,003.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 93131
2/10/2018 7831 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -73,081.03 73,081.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 93138
2/10/2018 7831 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -49,721.10 49,721.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 93145
2/10/2018 7832 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -21,114.32 21,114.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.054.983-7 93169
2/10/2018 7832 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -13,309.12 13,309.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.054.983-7 93174
2/10/2018 7832 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -8,010.21 8,010.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.054.983-7 93179
2/10/2018 7833 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -10,834.56 10,834.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 93185
2/10/2018 7833 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -40,673.49 40,673.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 93192
2/10/2018 7834 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -6,006.66 6,006.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.723-4 93200
2/10/2018 7834 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -141,613.08 141,613.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.723-4 93207
2/10/2018 7835 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -86,732.53 86,732.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 93215
2/10/2018 7835 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -329,300.40 329,300.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 93220
2/10/2018 7837 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -6,612.00 6,612.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 93229
2/10/2018 7837 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -34,310.77 34,310.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 93234
2/10/2018 7837 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -111,971.37 111,971.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 93239
2/10/2018 7840 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -6,019.20 6,019.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.897-4 93249
2/10/2018 7840 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -23,556.39 23,556.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.897-4 93256
2/10/2018 7841 BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDEICOMISOS 100
SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA DE OC -546,035.49 546,035.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.054.076-2 93264
2/10/2018 7843 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -68,629.90 68,629.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 93276
2/10/2018 7843 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -300.96 300.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 93281
2/10/2018 7843 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -89,090.43 89,090.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 93286
2/10/2018 7844 BA1218680 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASHMORE MANAGEMENT
100 COMPANY COLOMBIA SA -29,099.07 29,099.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.316.081-9 93292
2/10/2018 7845 BA1218750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIORIENTE 100SA ESP -19,480.89 19,480.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.226.766-6 93298
2/10/2018 7846 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -104,132.16 104,132.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 93304
2/10/2018 7846 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -154,542.96 154,542.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 93311
2/10/2018 7847 BA1353150 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMERCIAL ALLAN 100 SAS -3,822.42 3,822.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.053.831-1 93319
2/10/2018 7847 BA1353150 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMERCIAL ALLAN 100 SAS -11,003.85 11,003.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.053.831-1 93324
2/10/2018 7848 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -20,477.25 20,477.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.206.223-6 93330
2/10/2018 7848 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -45,971.64 45,971.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.206.223-6 93335
2/10/2018 7849 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -342 342 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.006.648-1 93341
2/10/2018 7849 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -10,648.17 10,648.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.006.648-1 93346
2/10/2018 7849 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -12,740.64 12,740.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.006.648-1 93351
2/10/2018 7849 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -14,916.33 14,916.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.006.648-1 93356
2/10/2018 7808 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -417,995.25 417,995.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 93362
2/10/2018 7808 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -5,320.00 5,320.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 93369
2/10/2018 7808 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -88,720.50 88,720.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 93376
2/10/2018 7808 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -507.87 507.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 93383
2/10/2018 7850 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -178,122.15 178,122.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 93393
2/10/2018 7850 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -20,196.24 20,196.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 93400
2/10/2018 7850 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -1,189.02 1,189.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 93407
2/10/2018 7850 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -299,682.06 299,682.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 93414
2/10/2018 7851 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -107,573.82 107,573.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 93422
2/10/2018 7851 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -14,997.84 14,997.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 93427
2/10/2018 7851 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -23,623.84 23,623.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 93432
2/10/2018 7853 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -43,684.80 43,684.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.512.616-5 93441
2/10/2018 7853 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -86,456.46 86,456.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.512.616-5 93446
2/10/2018 7854 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA -126,829.56 126,829.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.071.617-1 93452
2/10/2018 7855 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -18,659.52 18,659.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.824.354-3 93460
2/10/2018 7855 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -38,798.76 38,798.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.824.354-3 93465
2/10/2018 7857 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -147,841.47 147,841.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 93474
2/10/2018 7859 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -24,453.00 24,453.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.422.795-2 93484
2/10/2018 7860 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -484,901.28 484,901.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 93490
2/10/2018 7860 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -92,127.58 92,127.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 93497
2/10/2018 7860 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -18,640.14 18,640.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 93504
2/10/2018 7860 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -322,874.79 322,874.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 93511
2/10/2018 7861 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -128,133.72 128,133.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.212.828-6 93519
2/10/2018 7862 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -39,407.33 39,407.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.873-4 93525
2/10/2018 7862 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -63,847.22 63,847.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.873-4 93532
2/10/2018 CMCO181000002
BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 1,423,567.03 1,423,567.03 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 94180
3/10/2018 7717 BA1546762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Merck SA 100 -370,500.00 370,500.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.000.580-0 91897
3/10/2018 7863 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -43,406.97 43,406.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 93540
3/10/2018 7863 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -3,811.18 3,811.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 93547
3/10/2018 7863 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -32,942.64 32,942.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 93554
3/10/2018 7864 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 93562
3/10/2018 7864 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 93569
3/10/2018 7864 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -4,217.72 4,217.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 93576
3/10/2018 7865 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -256,970.25 256,970.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 93584
3/10/2018 7865 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -77,091.08 77,091.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 93591
3/10/2018 7866 BA1617918 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 -95,609.05 95,609.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 93599
3/10/2018 7866 BA1617918 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 -478,045.23 478,045.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 93606
8/10/2018 7867 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM DESARROLLO
100 S.A.S. -3,822.42 3,822.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 94154
8/10/2018 7867 BA1218854 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERRANUM DESARROLLO
100 S.A.S. -2,689.83 2,689.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.122.122-2 94159
8/10/2018 7868 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -22,843.51 22,843.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 94165
8/10/2018 7868 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -68,875.95 68,875.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 94172
8/10/2018 7869 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -70,896.79 70,896.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 94196
8/10/2018 7869 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -11,162.12 11,162.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 94203
8/10/2018 7869 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -16,272.74 16,272.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 94210
8/10/2018 7869 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -493,362.93 493,362.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 94217
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal. TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
8/10/2018 7870 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -8,190.90 8,190.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 94225
8/10/2018 7870 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -15,924.66 15,924.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 94230
8/10/2018 7870 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -53,544.85 53,544.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 94235
8/10/2018 7871 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -66,895.20 66,895.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 94241
8/10/2018 7871 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -68,599.50 68,599.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 94248
8/10/2018 7871 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -21,119.64 21,119.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 94255
8/10/2018 7871 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -4,603.89 4,603.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 94262
8/10/2018 7871 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -854,341.65 854,341.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 94269
8/10/2018 7871 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -266,921.31 266,921.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 94276
8/10/2018 7872 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá 6491 -7,923.00 7,923.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94284
8/10/2018 7872 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá 6491 -2,527.00 2,527.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94289
8/10/2018 7873 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá 6693 -9,167.50 9,167.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94295
8/10/2018 7873 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá 6693 -4,508.70 4,508.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94300
8/10/2018 7874 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá 7344 -14,307.00 14,307.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94306
8/10/2018 7874 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá 7344 -5,247.99 5,247.99 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94311
9/10/2018 7875 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -4,815.36 4,815.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 94317
9/10/2018 7875 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -257,001.03 257,001.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 94324
9/10/2018 CMCO181000008
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Perimetral 100 Oriental de Bogotá 7344 73 14,307.00 14,307.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94334
9/10/2018 CMCO181000008
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Perimetral 100 Oriental de Bogotá 7344 73 5,247.99 5,247.99 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94339
9/10/2018 CMCO181000009
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Perimetral 100 Oriental de Bogotá 6693 66 9,167.50 9,167.50 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94345
9/10/2018 CMCO181000009
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Perimetral 100 Oriental de Bogotá 6693 66 4,508.70 4,508.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94350
9/10/2018 CMCO181000010
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Perimetral 100 Oriental de Bogotá 6491 64 7,923.00 7,923.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94356
9/10/2018 CMCO181000010
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo Perimetral 100 Oriental de Bogotá 6491 64 2,527.00 2,527.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.761.657-8 94361
9/10/2018 7876 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 5959 -102,204.23 102,204.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94367
9/10/2018 7876 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 5959 -50,177.10 50,177.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94374
9/10/2018 7876 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 5959 -86,971.17 86,971.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94381
9/10/2018 CMCO181000011
BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 5959 59 102,204.23 102,204.23 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.128.549-4 94389
9/10/2018 CMCO181000011
BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 5959 59 50,177.10 50,177.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.128.549-4 94396
9/10/2018 CMCO181000011
BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 5959 59 86,971.17 86,971.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.128.549-4 94403
9/10/2018 7877 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -60,679.92 60,679.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 94423
9/10/2018 7877 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -83,834.08 83,834.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 94430
16/10/18 7878 BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP 3721 -1,137,453.11 1,137,453.11 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 94679
16/10/18 7879 BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP 5816 -1,343,030.66 1,343,030.66 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 94687
16/10/18 CMCO181000012BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 3271 3721 1,137,453.11 1,137,453.11 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 94695
16/10/18 CMCO181000013BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 5816 5816 1,343,030.66 1,343,030.66 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 94703
16/10/18 7880 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -15,547.32 15,547.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.073.583-1 94713
16/10/18 7880 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -7,122.72 7,122.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.073.583-1 94718
16/10/18 7880 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -269,961.12 269,961.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.073.583-1 94723
16/10/18 CMCO181000014BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LA CASCADA 100 SAS ESP 5910 5910 205,894.26 205,894.26 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 94729
16/10/18 CMCO181000015BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LA CASCADA 100 SAS ESP 6084 6084 6,541.89 6,541.89 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 94735
16/10/18 CMCO181000015BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LA CASCADA 100 SAS ESP 6084 6084 7,122.72 7,122.72 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 94740
16/10/18 CMCO181000015BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LA CASCADA 100 SAS ESP 6084 6084 11,818.95 11,818.95 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 94745
16/10/18 CMCO181000016BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LA CASCADA 100 SAS ESP 6593 6593 11,655.93 11,655.93 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 94751
16/10/18 CMCO181000017BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LA CASCADA 100 SAS ESP 7022 7022 8,436.57 8,436.57 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 94756
16/10/18 CMCO181000017BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LA CASCADA 100 SAS ESP 7022 7022 18,828.81 18,828.81 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 94761
16/10/18 CMCO181000018BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LA CASCADA 100 SAS ESP 5397 5397 568.86 568.86 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 94767
16/10/18 CMCO181000018BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo LA CASCADA 100 SAS ESP 5397 5397 21,763.17 21,763.17 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.073.583-1 94772
17/10/18 7881 BA1525491 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ELECTRO PORCELANA100 GAMMA S.A.S 4014 -9,799.44 9,799.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.121-4 94801
18/10/18 CMCO181000019BA1525491 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ELECTRO 100
PORCELANA GAMMA S.A.S 4014 40 9,799.44 9,799.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.121-4 94806
18/10/18 7882 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -14,876.77 14,876.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94822
18/10/18 7882 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -11,303.72 11,303.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94829
18/10/18 7882 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -152,187.75 152,187.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94836
18/10/18 7883 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6344 -95,199.29 95,199.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94844
18/10/18 7883 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6344 -72,908.72 72,908.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94851
18/10/18 7883 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6344 -176,090.01 176,090.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94858
18/10/18 7884 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6552 -60,113.50 60,113.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94866
18/10/18 7884 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6552 -224,692.18 224,692.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94873
18/10/18 7884 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6552 -366,444.89 366,444.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94880
18/10/18 7885 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6753 -17,586.60 17,586.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94888
18/10/18 7885 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6753 -266,175.58 266,175.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94895
18/10/18 7885 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6753 -179,772.32 179,772.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94902
18/10/18 7886 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6983 -311.41 311.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94910
18/10/18 7886 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6983 -87.42 87.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94917
18/10/18 7886 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6983 -64,402.25 64,402.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94924
18/10/18 7886 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6983 -184,459.90 184,459.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94931
18/10/18 7886 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 6983 -290,662.42 290,662.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94938
18/10/18 7887 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 7185 -6,583.37 6,583.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94946
18/10/18 7887 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 7185 -1,578.92 1,578.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94953
18/10/18 7887 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 7185 -100,799.25 100,799.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94960
18/10/18 7887 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 7185 -73,832.04 73,832.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94967
18/10/18 7887 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 7185 -258,379.35 258,379.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94974
18/10/18 7888 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 7409 -329,441.45 329,441.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94982
18/10/18 7888 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 7409 -82,343.97 82,343.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94989
18/10/18 7888 BACO000023311
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSA 7409 -204,931.16 204,931.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 94996
18/10/18 CMCO181000020BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6344 99,018.88 99,018.88 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95004
18/10/18 CMCO181000020BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6344 75,830.71 75,830.71 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95011
18/10/18 CMCO181000020BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6344 183,152.97 183,152.97 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95018
18/10/18 CMCO181000021BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6552 62,523.87 62,523.87 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95026
18/10/18 CMCO181000021BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6552 233,706.65 233,706.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95033
18/10/18 CMCO181000021BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6552 381,140.76 381,140.76 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95040
18/10/18 CMCO181000022BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6753 18,293.01 18,293.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95048
18/10/18 CMCO181000022BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6753 276,854.13 276,854.13 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95055
18/10/18 CMCO181000022BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6753 186,983.94 186,983.94 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95062
18/10/18 CMCO181000023BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 6983 69 326.04 326.04 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95070
18/10/18 CMCO181000023BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 6983 69 91.2 91.2 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95077
18/10/18 CMCO181000023BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 6983 69 66,983.36 66,983.36 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95084
18/10/18 CMCO181000023BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 6983 69 191,858.39 191,858.39 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95091
18/10/18 CMCO181000023BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP 6983 69 302,320.59 302,320.59 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95098
18/10/18 CMCO181000024BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SUC 7185 6,846.84 6,846.84 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95106
18/10/18 CMCO181000024BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SUC 7185 1,641.60 1,641.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95113
18/10/18 CMCO181000024BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SUC 7185 104,843.52 104,843.52 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95120
18/10/18 CMCO181000024BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SUC 7185 76,796.10 76,796.10 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95127
18/10/18 CMCO181000024BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SUC 7185 268,738.47 268,738.47 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95134
18/10/18 CMCO181000025BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SUC 7409 342,652.65 342,652.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95142
18/10/18 CMCO181000025BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SUC 7409 85,643.83 85,643.83 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95149
18/10/18 CMCO181000025BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SUC 7409 213,148.65 213,148.65 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95156
18/10/18 CMCO181000026BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6136 15,471.70 15,471.70 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95164
18/10/18 CMCO181000026BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6136 11,756.44 11,756.44 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95171
18/10/18 CMCO181000026BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FRONTERA 100 ENERGY COLOMBIA CORP SU 6136 158,292.42 158,292.42 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.126.302-2 95178
19/10/18 7889 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -163,346.04 163,346.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 95186
22/10/18 CMCO181000027BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 PENSIONES Y CESANTI 6906 6 639,214.76 639,214.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 95223
22/10/18 CMCO181000027BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 PENSIONES Y CESANTI 6906 6 619,546.61 619,546.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 95230
22/10/18 7890 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONE 6906 -1,953,676,809.91 1,953,676,809.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 95238
22/10/18 7890 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONE 6906 -1,893,563,677.30 1,893,563,677.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 95245
22/10/18 CMCO181000031BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIA 7890 1,953,676,809.91 1,953,676,809.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96344
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal. TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
22/10/18 CMCO181000031BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIA 7890 1,893,563,677.30 1,893,563,677.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96351
23/10/18 7891 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -27,303.00 27,303.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 835.000.149-8 95281
23/10/18 7891 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -2,812.19 2,812.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 835.000.149-8 95288
23/10/18 7891 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -404,126.58 404,126.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 835.000.149-8 95295
31/10/18 7892 BA1620319 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -679,431.05 679,431.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96329
31/10/18 7892 BA1620319 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -658,525.48 658,525.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96336
5/11/2018 CMCO181100001
BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIA 7890 1,953,676,809.91 1,953,676,809.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96200
5/11/2018 CMCO181100001
BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIA 7890 1,893,563,677.30 1,893,563,677.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96207
5/11/2018 7893 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -679,431.05 679,431.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96359
5/11/2018 7893 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -658,525.48 658,525.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96366
5/11/2018 CMCO181100002
BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 7893 - Error (Invoice COP) 679,431.05 679,431.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96374
5/11/2018 CMCO181100002
BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo OLD MUTUAL 100 7893 - Error (Invoice COP) 658,525.48 658,525.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96381
5/11/2018 7894 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -1,953,676,809.91 1,953,676,809.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96389
5/11/2018 7894 BA1612792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -1,893,563,677.30 1,893,563,677.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 96396
7/11/2018 7895 BA1299813 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO DE100 REFERENCIA ANDINO SAS -327,827.52 327,827.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.222.660-6 96604
7/11/2018 CMCO181100003
BA1299813 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo INSTITUTO 100 DE REFERENCIA ANDIN 7124 71 655,655.04 655,655.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.222.660-6 96610
8/11/2018 7896 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -2,723.84 2,723.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 96627
8/11/2018 7896 BA1218713 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOSTON SCIENTIFIC100 COLOMBIA -20,674.47 20,674.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.039.229-1 96634
8/11/2018 7897 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -7,553.83 7,553.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 96642
8/11/2018 7897 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -43,281.81 43,281.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 96647
8/11/2018 7898 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -52,967.82 52,967.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.182-5 96653
8/11/2018 7898 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -517,099.44 517,099.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.182-5 96660
8/11/2018 7899 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -21,763.17 21,763.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.015.764-4 96668
8/11/2018 7900 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -88.67 88.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 96674
8/11/2018 7900 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -150.58 150.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 96681
8/11/2018 7900 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -89,492.47 89,492.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 96688
8/11/2018 7900 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -12,472.99 12,472.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 96695
8/11/2018 7900 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -29,596.73 29,596.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 96702
8/11/2018 7900 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1,169,021.36 1,169,021.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 96709
8/11/2018 7901 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -150,506.82 150,506.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 96717
8/11/2018 7901 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -107,616.00 107,616.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 96722
8/11/2018 7902 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -15,791.72 15,791.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 96728
8/11/2018 7902 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -28,846.37 28,846.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 96735
8/11/2018 7902 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -40,999.53 40,999.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 96742
8/11/2018 7903 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -17,540.28 17,540.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 96750
8/11/2018 7903 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -5,870.84 5,870.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 96757
8/11/2018 7903 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -8,026.20 8,026.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 96764
8/11/2018 7903 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -302,535.29 302,535.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 96771
8/11/2018 7903 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -58,520.95 58,520.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 96778
8/11/2018 7904 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -223,455.56 223,455.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 96786
8/11/2018 7904 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -48,686.00 48,686.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 96793
8/11/2018 7904 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -15,651.77 15,651.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 96800
8/11/2018 7904 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -133,162.07 133,162.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 96807
8/11/2018 7904 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -116,432.76 116,432.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 96814
8/11/2018 7905 BA1509002 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOEHRINGER100 INGELHEIM SA -2,790,150.00 2,790,150.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.753-8 96822
8/11/2018 7906 BA1592921 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -477,318.00 477,318.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 96830
8/11/2018 7907 BA1218842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GENERADORA100 DEL ATLANTICO S.A. -26,756.94 26,756.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 9729511530318 96838
8/11/2018 7908 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -683.43 683.43 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 96844
8/11/2018 7909 BA1274475 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FINANCIERA DE 100DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL S -929,285.87 929,285.87 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.096.329-1 96855
8/11/2018 7910 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -78,363.22 78,363.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 96863
8/11/2018 7910 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -210,080.15 210,080.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 96870
8/11/2018 7910 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -39,760.16 39,760.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 96877
8/11/2018 7910 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -57,085.12 57,085.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 96884
8/11/2018 7911 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -5,759,063.86 5,759,063.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 96892
8/11/2018 7912 BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Johnson & Johnson100 de Colombia -1,525,857.32 1,525,857.32 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 96900
8/11/2018 7912 BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Johnson & Johnson100 de Colombia -1,056,362.76 1,056,362.76 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 96907
8/11/2018 7913 BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Johnson & Johnson100 de Colombia -1,363,227.01 1,363,227.01 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 96915
8/11/2018 7913 BA1592578 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Johnson & Johnson100 de Colombia -812,135.24 812,135.24 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.101.815-9 96922
8/11/2018 7914 BA1331470 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASSA ABLOY COLOMBIA
100 SAS -27,306.23 27,306.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.826-8 96930
8/11/2018 7915 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -8,158.60 8,158.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 96938
8/11/2018 7915 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -929,202.03 929,202.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 96945
8/11/2018 7915 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -3,559.08 3,559.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 96952
8/11/2018 7915 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -8,696.30 8,696.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 96959
8/11/2018 7915 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,372,669.65 2,372,669.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 96966
8/11/2018 7916 BA1510560 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Movix LA Colombia100 SAS -5,636,312.00 5,636,312.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.173.778-8 96974
8/11/2018 7916 BA1510560 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Movix LA Colombia100 SAS -17,157.00 17,157.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.173.778-8 96979
8/11/2018 7916 BA1510560 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Movix LA Colombia100 SAS -25,457.72 25,457.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.173.778-8 96984
8/11/2018 7917 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -53,552.07 53,552.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 96990
8/11/2018 7918 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 96996
8/11/2018 7918 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -7,481.25 7,481.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 97001
8/11/2018 7918 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -6,194.76 6,194.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 97006
8/11/2018 7919 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -869.44 869.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.203.642-2 97012
8/11/2018 7919 BA1553638 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERNATIONAL 100 TUG SAS - INTERTUG S.A.S -1,687.20 1,687.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.203.642-2 97017
8/11/2018 7920 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 97023
8/11/2018 7921 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -15,557.20 15,557.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 97029
8/11/2018 7921 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -14,371.40 14,371.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 97036
8/11/2018 7921 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -94,568.99 94,568.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 97043
8/11/2018 7922 BA1597642 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corredores Davivienda
100 S.A. Comisionist -1,399,274.00 1,399,274.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.079.174-3 97051
8/11/2018 7923 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -52,057.72 52,057.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 97059
8/11/2018 7923 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -137,914.92 137,914.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 97066
8/11/2018 7924 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -91.2 91.2 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 97074
8/11/2018 7924 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -47,580.75 47,580.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 97081
8/11/2018 7924 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -5,005.55 5,005.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 97088
8/11/2018 7924 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100SAS -107,037.83 107,037.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 97095
8/11/2018 7925 BA1617927 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100CORONA S.A. -11,740.29 11,740.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.688-6 97103
8/11/2018 7925 BA1617927 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100CORONA S.A. -4,727.58 4,727.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.688-6 97108
8/11/2018 7947 BACO000008854
Customer 2408050101 Invoice IC INVERSIONES 100S A S -36,924.03 36,924.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.520.344-1 97186
8/11/2018 7948 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -64,364.40 64,364.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 97192
8/11/2018 7948 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -79,486.50 79,486.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 97199
8/11/2018 7948 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -1,841.10 1,841.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 97206
8/11/2018 7948 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -126,160.00 126,160.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 97213
8/11/2018 7949 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -26,756.94 26,756.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.161.460-1 97221
8/11/2018 7949 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -36,388.80 36,388.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.161.460-1 97228
8/11/2018 7951 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -3,822.42 3,822.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.041.739-4 97240
8/11/2018 7951 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -41,977.65 41,977.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.041.739-4 97245
8/11/2018 7952 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -68,221.02 68,221.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.398-5 97251
8/11/2018 7952 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -112,805.28 112,805.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.398-5 97258
8/11/2018 7953 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -70,168.71 70,168.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.719-7 97266
8/11/2018 7953 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -20,869.41 20,869.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.719-7 97271
8/11/2018 7953 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -56,893.98 56,893.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.719-7 97276
8/11/2018 7954 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -38,472.72 38,472.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.060.203-6 97282
8/11/2018 7955 BA1218823 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBARRA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -273.03 273.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.205.382-1 97288
8/11/2018 7955 BA1218823 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBARRA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -15,242.37 15,242.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.205.382-1 97292
8/11/2018 7956 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -119,819.70 119,819.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.531.315-3 97297
8/11/2018 7957 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -10,533.60 10,533.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 811.010.754-1 97305
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
8/11/2018 7957 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -7,172.88 7,172.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 811.010.754-1 97309
8/11/2018 7960 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -12,063.48 12,063.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.445.634-4 97322
8/11/2018 7961 BA1218688 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 NACIONAL DE EMPRESAS GENERA -95,529.72 95,529.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.398.897-2 97327
8/11/2018 7962 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -27,142.83 27,142.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.590-3 97333
8/11/2018 7963 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -210,779.16 210,779.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 97341
8/11/2018 7963 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -96,560.28 96,560.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 97348
8/11/2018 7963 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -65,116.80 65,116.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 97355
8/11/2018 7963 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -1,052,406.01 1,052,406.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 97362
8/11/2018 7964 BACO000007698
Customer 2408050101 Invoice REDCOL 100 -10,107.24 10,107.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.529.730-5 97370
8/11/2018 7965 BA1218755 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSULTORES 100ASOCIADOS ASOCONSULT SAS -22,904.31 22,904.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.018.330-6 97376
8/11/2018 7966 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -506,925.70 506,925.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 97382
8/11/2018 7966 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -1,171,306.87 1,171,306.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 97389
8/11/2018 7966 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -19,361.76 19,361.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 97396
8/11/2018 7966 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA -39,043.29 39,043.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 97403
8/11/2018 7968 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -44,259.93 44,259.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.073.583-1 97413
8/11/2018 7969 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -31,671.48 31,671.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 97419
8/11/2018 7969 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -21,547.71 21,547.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 97424
8/11/2018 7969 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -22,271.04 22,271.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 97429
8/11/2018 7969 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -162,938.49 162,938.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 97434
8/11/2018 7971 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -3,276.36 3,276.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.116.307-1 97444
8/11/2018 7971 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -8,721.57 8,721.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.116.307-1 97448
8/11/2018 7972 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -109,576.04 109,576.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 97453
8/11/2018 7972 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -32,652.83 32,652.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 97460
8/11/2018 7972 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -19,880.84 19,880.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 97467
8/11/2018 7972 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -212,399.48 212,399.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 97474
8/11/2018 7973 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -338,681.84 338,681.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 97482
8/11/2018 7973 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -441,041.68 441,041.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 97489
8/11/2018 7974 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -6,188.68 6,188.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.502.435-1 97497
8/11/2018 7974 BA1218826 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HOLLAND y KNIGHT 100 COLOMBIA SAS -29,588.13 29,588.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.502.435-1 97502
8/11/2018 7975 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -16,290.79 16,290.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 97508
8/11/2018 7975 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -70,424.64 70,424.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 97515
8/11/2018 7976 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -111,098.13 111,098.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.148.720-6 97523
8/11/2018 7977 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -82,887.50 82,887.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 97529
8/11/2018 7977 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -34,954.49 34,954.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 97536
8/11/2018 7977 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -3,100.42 3,100.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 97543
8/11/2018 7977 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -795,055.95 795,055.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 97550
8/11/2018 7978 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -74,173.15 74,173.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 97558
8/11/2018 7978 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -51,276.82 51,276.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 97565
8/11/2018 7978 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -57,876.47 57,876.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 97572
8/11/2018 7979 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -1,820.20 1,820.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 97580
8/11/2018 7979 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -35,522.40 35,522.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 97585
8/11/2018 7979 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -27,287.04 27,287.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 97590
8/11/2018 7979 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -162,204.90 162,204.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 97595
8/11/2018 7980 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -61,067.71 61,067.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 97601
8/11/2018 7980 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -106,238.88 106,238.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 97608
8/11/2018 7980 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -26,816.79 26,816.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 97615
8/11/2018 7981 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -7,151.98 7,151.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 97623
8/11/2018 7981 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -63,672.04 63,672.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 97628
8/11/2018 7981 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -21,985.47 21,985.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 97633
8/11/2018 7982 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -4,727.20 4,727.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 97639
8/11/2018 7982 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -370.5 370.5 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 97646
8/11/2018 7982 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -2,067.20 2,067.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 97653
8/11/2018 7982 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -31,806.00 31,806.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 97660
8/11/2018 7983 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -23,848.80 23,848.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.073.228-6 97668
8/11/2018 7983 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -62,192.13 62,192.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.073.228-6 97673
8/11/2018 7984 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -15,541.05 15,541.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.089.530-6 97679
8/11/2018 7984 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -14,590.29 14,590.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.089.530-6 97684
8/11/2018 7985 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -53,604.89 53,604.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 97690
8/11/2018 7985 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -101,526.69 101,526.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 97695
8/11/2018 7985 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -48,956.16 48,956.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 97700
8/11/2018 7985 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -149,163.30 149,163.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 97705
8/11/2018 7986 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -20,573.39 20,573.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 97711
8/11/2018 7986 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -14,997.84 14,997.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 97718
8/11/2018 7988 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -4,614.72 4,614.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.061.724-6 97729
8/11/2018 7988 BA1218820 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FERROCARRILES 100DEL NORTE DE COLOMBIA SA -39,124.80 39,124.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.061.724-6 97736
8/11/2018 7989 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -242,667.81 242,667.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 97744
8/11/2018 7989 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -36,279.74 36,279.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 97751
8/11/2018 7989 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -141,903.40 141,903.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 97758
8/11/2018 7990 BACO000010219
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FLOREZ & ASOCIADOS
100 ASESORES JURIDICOS -42,955.77 42,955.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.128.488-1 97766
8/11/2018 7991 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -106,289.04 106,289.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.264.765-3 97772
8/11/2018 7992 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -34,397.22 34,397.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.107.424-1 97778
8/11/2018 7993 BA1218742 Customer 2408050101 Invoice REYES ABOGADOS 100 ASOCIADOS -10,025.73 10,025.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.085.916-0 97784
8/11/2018 7994 BA1218810 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DERIVEX SA 100 -74,255.61 74,255.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.968-6 97789
8/11/2018 7995 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -86,004.45 86,004.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 97795
8/11/2018 7995 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -23,986.93 23,986.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 97800
8/11/2018 7995 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -3,711.84 3,711.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 97805
8/11/2018 7995 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -90,476.10 90,476.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 97810
8/11/2018 7996 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -352,562.10 352,562.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 97816
8/11/2018 7996 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -138,871.00 138,871.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 97823
8/11/2018 7996 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
100 LTDA -11,080.80 11,080.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 97830
8/11/2018 7998 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -22,068.50 22,068.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 97843
8/11/2018 7998 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -44,543.60 44,543.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 97848
8/11/2018 7998 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -37.62 37.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 97853
8/11/2018 7999 BA1218738 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIOPAILA CASTILLA100 SA -4,456.07 4,456.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.087.414-4 97859
8/11/2018 7999 BA1218738 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIOPAILA CASTILLA100 SA -14,264.25 14,264.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.087.414-4 97864
8/11/2018 8000 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -121,304.55 121,304.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 97870
8/11/2018 8000 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -110,181.00 110,181.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 97877
8/11/2018 8000 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -59,948.80 59,948.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 97884
8/11/2018 8000 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -293,778.00 293,778.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 97891
8/11/2018 8002 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON ABOGADOS SAS -54,122.64 54,122.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.479.149-1 97903
8/11/2018 8003 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -434,715.06 434,715.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 97909
8/11/2018 8003 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -8,797.00 8,797.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 97916
8/11/2018 8003 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -19,391.40 19,391.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 97923
8/11/2018 8003 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -884.07 884.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 97930
8/11/2018 8005 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -10,557.16 10,557.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 97941
8/11/2018 8005 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -2,960.20 2,960.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 97946
8/11/2018 8005 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -16,138.98 16,138.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 97951
8/11/2018 8006 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -327,271.96 327,271.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 97957
8/11/2018 8006 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -164,476.16 164,476.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 97962
8/11/2018 8006 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -13,844.16 13,844.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 97967
8/11/2018 8006 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -302,972.67 302,972.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 97972
8/11/2018 8007 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -3,423.42 3,423.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 97978
8/11/2018 8007 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -3,800.00 3,800.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 97983
8/11/2018 8007 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -11,831.30 11,831.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 97988
8/11/2018 8007 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -233,200.11 233,200.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 97993
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
8/11/2018 8008 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -13,367.64 13,367.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 97999
8/11/2018 8009 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -92,557.17 92,557.17 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 98005
8/11/2018 8009 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -116,477.79 116,477.79 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 98010
8/11/2018 8010 BA1218730 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CAMARA DE COMERCIO
100 COLOMBO AMERICANA -17,687.67 17,687.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.013.777-1 98016
8/11/2018 8011 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -9,920.09 9,920.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 98021
8/11/2018 8011 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -2,093.23 2,093.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 98028
8/11/2018 8011 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -112,435.16 112,435.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 98035
8/11/2018 8011 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -984,448.71 984,448.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 98042
8/11/2018 8012 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100
ABOGADOS SAS -34,037.74 34,037.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.067.945-4 98050
8/11/2018 8012 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100
ABOGADOS SAS -28,528.50 28,528.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.067.945-4 98055
8/11/2018 8014 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -3,822.42 3,822.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.264-5 98063
8/11/2018 8014 BA1218778 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNOZ TAMAYO 100 y ASOCIADOS ABOGADOS SAS -45,075.03 45,075.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.264-5 98068
8/11/2018 8017 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -22,934.52 22,934.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 98080
8/11/2018 8017 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -18,835.65 18,835.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 98085
8/11/2018 8017 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -150,222.93 150,222.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 98090
8/11/2018 8019 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -113,489.47 113,489.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 98101
8/11/2018 8019 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -57,427.88 57,427.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 98106
8/11/2018 8019 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -361,170.81 361,170.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 98111
8/11/2018 8020 BACO000022342
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ENLACE SERVICIOS100 COMPARTIDOS SAS -41,812.73 41,812.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.063.358-1 98117
8/11/2018 8022 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -95,651.51 95,651.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 98129
8/11/2018 8022 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -94,904.81 94,904.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 98136
8/11/2018 8022 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -100,746.36 100,746.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 98143
8/11/2018 8023 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -116,310.78 116,310.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 98151
8/11/2018 8023 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -1,003.20 1,003.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 98156
8/11/2018 8023 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -14,264.25 14,264.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 98161
8/11/2018 8024 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -18,202.00 18,202.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.693.962-8 98167
8/11/2018 8024 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -6,320.16 6,320.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.693.962-8 98172
8/11/2018 8024 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -23,230.35 23,230.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.693.962-8 98177
8/11/2018 8025 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -4,004.44 4,004.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.007.251-9 98183
8/11/2018 8025 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -11,463.84 11,463.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.007.251-9 98187
8/11/2018 8026 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100
FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -136.8 136.8 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 98192
8/11/2018 8026 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100
FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -3,185.35 3,185.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 98199
8/11/2018 8026 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100
FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -4,815.36 4,815.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 98206
8/11/2018 8026 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100
FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -44,096.91 44,096.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 98213
8/11/2018 8027 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -8,645.95 8,645.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 98221
8/11/2018 8027 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -19,806.93 19,806.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 98228
8/11/2018 8028 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100
y CIA SCA ESP -13,105.44 13,105.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 98236
8/11/2018 8028 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100
y CIA SCA ESP -7,964.04 7,964.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 98243
8/11/2018 8028 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100
y CIA SCA ESP -13,530.66 13,530.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 98250
8/11/2018 8029 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -128,573.76 128,573.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.723-4 98258
8/11/2018 8030 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -88,097.68 88,097.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 98266
8/11/2018 8030 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -275,748.33 275,748.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 98271
8/11/2018 8031 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -41,773.59 41,773.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 98277
8/11/2018 8031 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -116,216.73 116,216.73 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 98282
8/11/2018 8034 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -88,927.41 88,927.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.897-4 98296
8/11/2018 8036 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -9,009.99 9,009.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 98307
8/11/2018 8036 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -75,528.61 75,528.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 98312
8/11/2018 8036 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -29,594.40 29,594.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 98317
8/11/2018 8036 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -127,563.15 127,563.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 98322
8/11/2018 8037 BA1218680 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASHMORE MANAGEMENT
100 COMPANY COLOMBIA SA -19,806.93 19,806.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.316.081-9 98328
8/11/2018 8038 BA1218750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIORIENTE 100SA ESP -24,126.96 24,126.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.226.766-6 98333
8/11/2018 8039 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -80,657.28 80,657.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 98341
8/11/2018 8039 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -234,993.33 234,993.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 98348
8/11/2018 8040 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -24,117.65 24,117.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.206.223-6 98356
8/11/2018 8040 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -78,983.19 78,983.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.206.223-6 98361
8/11/2018 8041 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -63,889.02 63,889.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 98367
8/11/2018 8041 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -47,275.80 47,275.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 98374
8/11/2018 8042 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -155,697.21 155,697.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 98382
8/11/2018 8042 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -5,534.32 5,534.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 98389
8/11/2018 8042 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -2,434.66 2,434.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 98396
8/11/2018 8042 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -299,455.20 299,455.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 98403
8/11/2018 8043 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -83,183.14 83,183.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 98411
8/11/2018 8043 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -9,806.28 9,806.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 98416
8/11/2018 8043 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -193.04 193.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 98421
8/11/2018 8043 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -16,319.10 16,319.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 98426
8/11/2018 8044 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -17,382.91 17,382.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.219.925-1 98432
8/11/2018 8044 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -3,423.42 3,423.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.219.925-1 98437
8/11/2018 8046 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -12,286.35 12,286.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.512.616-5 98446
8/11/2018 8046 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -146,084.35 146,084.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.512.616-5 98451
8/11/2018 8047 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA -214,208.28 214,208.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.071.617-1 98457
8/11/2018 8048 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -33,406.56 33,406.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.824.354-3 98465
8/11/2018 8048 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -40,347.45 40,347.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.824.354-3 98470
8/11/2018 8049 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -72,610.02 72,610.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 98476
8/11/2018 8051 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -80,857.92 80,857.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.422.795-2 98486
8/11/2018 8052 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -593,567.22 593,567.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 98492
8/11/2018 8052 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -141,067.97 141,067.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 98499
8/11/2018 8052 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -20,532.54 20,532.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 98506
8/11/2018 8052 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -403,233.39 403,233.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 98513
8/11/2018 8053 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -15,248.64 15,248.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.212.828-6 98521
8/11/2018 8053 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -117,374.40 117,374.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.212.828-6 98526
8/11/2018 8054 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -39,407.33 39,407.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.873-4 98532
8/11/2018 8054 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -86,456.46 86,456.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.873-4 98539
8/11/2018 8055 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -66,148.12 66,148.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 98547
8/11/2018 8055 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,533.24 1,533.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 98554
8/11/2018 8055 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -290.22 290.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 98561
8/11/2018 8056 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 98569
8/11/2018 8056 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 98576
8/11/2018 8056 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -16,827.19 16,827.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 98583
8/11/2018 8057 BA1620319 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -16,968.65 16,968.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 98591
8/11/2018 8057 BA1620319 Customer 2408050101 Invoice OLD MUTUAL100 PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS S.A. -1,825.74 1,825.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 98596
8/11/2018 8058 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -268,491.38 268,491.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 98602
8/11/2018 8058 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -80,547.41 80,547.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 98609
8/11/2018 8059 BA1617918 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 -95,609.05 95,609.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 98617
8/11/2018 8059 BA1617918 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 -478,045.23 478,045.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 98624
9/11/2018 CMCO181100004
BA1509806 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo INST NAC 100de VIGILANCIA de MEDIC 7349 1,965,519.60 1,965,519.60 G/L Account 70601 ONL 830.000.167-2 98632
9/11/2018 CMCO181100005
BA1509806 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo INST NAC 100de VIGILANCIA de MEDICA 7492 1,965,519.60 1,965,519.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.000.167-2 98639
9/11/2018 8060 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA 6591 -103,785.60 103,785.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98645
9/11/2018 8060 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA 6591 -19,024.32 19,024.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98652
9/11/2018 8060 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA 6591 -99,877.68 99,877.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98659
9/11/2018 8060 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA 6591 -85,551.30 85,551.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98666
9/11/2018 8060 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA 6591 -156,177.72 156,177.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98673
9/11/2018 CMCO181100006
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6591 6591 103,785.60 103,785.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98681
9/11/2018 CMCO181100006
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6591 6591 19,024.32 19,024.32 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98688
9/11/2018 CMCO181100006
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6591 6591 99,877.68 99,877.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98695
9/11/2018 CMCO181100006
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6591 6591 85,551.30 85,551.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98702
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
9/11/2018 CMCO181100006
BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CEMEX100 COLOMBIA SA 6591 6591 156,177.72 156,177.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98709
9/11/2018 8061 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -18,839.07 18,839.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 835.000.149-8 98717
9/11/2018 8061 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -317,155.41 317,155.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 835.000.149-8 98724
9/11/2018 8062 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -27,029.97 27,029.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 98732
9/11/2018 8062 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -2,821.31 2,821.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 98739
9/11/2018 8062 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -10,790.48 10,790.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 98746
9/11/2018 8062 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -315,403.04 315,403.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 98753
9/11/2018 8063 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -13,287.46 13,287.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 98761
9/11/2018 8063 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -16,620.82 16,620.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 98766
9/11/2018 8063 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -13,778.42 13,778.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 98771
12/11/2018 8064 BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CRAWFORD COLOMBIA100 LTDA 5724 -12,308.01 12,308.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.021.637-3 98780
12/11/2018 8065 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -91,610.40 91,610.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 98785
12/11/2018 8065 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -27,565.01 27,565.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 98792
12/11/2018 8066 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,242,371.24 1,242,371.24 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 98833
12/11/2018 8067 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,701,172.10 1,701,172.10 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 98841
12/11/2018 8068 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,339,308.01 1,339,308.01 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 98849
12/11/2018 8069 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,253,820.26 1,253,820.26 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 98857
12/11/2018 8070 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,239,788.00 1,239,788.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 98865
13/11/18 8071 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -54,010.92 54,010.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 98898
13/11/18 8072 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -144,598.74 144,598.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 98906
13/11/18 8073 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -143,685.60 143,685.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98914
13/11/18 8073 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -1,425.00 1,425.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98921
13/11/18 8073 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -25,215.09 25,215.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98928
13/11/18 8073 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -48,141.63 48,141.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98935
13/11/18 8073 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -80,444.10 80,444.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98942
13/11/18 8073 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -235,510.89 235,510.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 98949
13/11/18 8074 BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -2,360,286.12 2,360,286.12 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 98957
13/11/18 CMCO181100007BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 7261 7261 1,017,255.46 1,017,255.46 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 98965
13/11/18 CMCO181100008BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PROMIGAS 100 SA ESP 7879 7879 1,343,030.66 1,343,030.66 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 98973
13/11/18 CMCO181100009BA1218764 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CRAWFORD 100 COLOMBIA LTDA 5724 5724 12,308.01 12,308.01 G/L Account 70601 ONL 800.021.637-3 98981
14/11/18 8075 BA1619976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALPOPULAR ALMACEN100 GENERAL DE DEPOSITOS -7,868,351.23 7,868,351.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.020.382-4 98986
14/11/18 8075 BA1619976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALPOPULAR ALMACEN100 GENERAL DE DEPOSITOS -54,633.74 54,633.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.020.382-4 98993
15/11/18 GL1800002267 2408050101 PAGO IVA 5 BIM 2018 131,214,000.00 131,214,000.00 G/L Account 70601 800.197.268-4 102278
15/11/18 GL1800002267 2408050101 PAGO IVA 5 BIM 2018 -5,973,000.00 5,973,000.00 G/L Account 70601 800.197.268-4 102282
19/11/18 8076 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -7,323.36 7,323.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 99019
19/11/18 8076 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -197,743.26 197,743.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 99026
22/11/18 8077 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS 7765 -274,759.19 274,759.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 99122
22/11/18 8077 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS 7765 -7,007.77 7,007.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 99129
22/11/18 8077 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS 7765 -1,361.92 1,361.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 99136
22/11/18 8077 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS 7765 -1,175,797.52 1,175,797.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 99143
22/11/18 CMCO181100010BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GOMEZ100 PINZON ZULETA ABOGADOS 7765 77 274,759.19 274,759.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 99151
22/11/18 CMCO181100010BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GOMEZ100 PINZON ZULETA ABOGADOS 7765 77 7,007.77 7,007.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 99158
22/11/18 CMCO181100010BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GOMEZ100 PINZON ZULETA ABOGADOS 7765 77 1,361.92 1,361.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 99165
22/11/18 CMCO181100010BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo GOMEZ100 PINZON ZULETA ABOGADOS 7765 77 1,183,169.33 1,183,169.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 99172
22/11/18 CMCO181100011BA1218825 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FINANCIERA 100 DE DESARROLLO 7133 7133 570,000.00 570,000.00 G/L Account 70601 ONL 860.509.022-9 99180
29/11/18 8078 BACO000010219
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FLOREZ & ASOCIADOS
100 ASESORES JURIDICOS -42,955.77 42,955.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.128.488-1 99286
29/11/18 CMCO181100012BACO000010219
Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo FLOREZ100 & ASOCIADOS ASESORES 7990 7990 42,955.77 42,955.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.372.208-5 99292
3/12/2018 8079 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -96,470.60 96,470.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 99602
3/12/2018 8079 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -4,076.83 4,076.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 99607
3/12/2018 8079 BA1218717 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BROOKFIELD 100 INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP COLOMB -153,483.33 153,483.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.139.964-1 99612
3/12/2018 8080 BA1218737 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CARVAJAL EMPAQUES100 SA -367,588.89 367,588.89 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.319.047-6 99618
3/12/2018 8081 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -37,769.15 37,769.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.182-5 99626
3/12/2018 8081 BA1218767 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CREDICORP CAPITAL100 COLOMBIA SA -491,586.81 491,586.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.182-5 99633
3/12/2018 8082 BA1218821 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO
100 DE DERECHO TRIBUT -38,146.68 38,146.68 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.015.764-4 99641
3/12/2018 8083 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -7,565.04 7,565.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 99647
3/12/2018 8083 BA1218846 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIC SAS DESPACHADORA
100 INTERNAL -4,452.65 4,452.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.068.121-6 99651
3/12/2018 8084 BA1219094 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100TERPEL S.A -1,476,152.20 1,476,152.20 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.095.213-0 99656
3/12/2018 8085 BA1219095 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PATRIMONIOS 100
AUTONOMOS FIDUCIARIA CORFI -1,296,951.53 1,296,951.53 G/L Account 70601 EVE 900.018.481-3 99664
3/12/2018 8086 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -57,708.89 57,708.89 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 99672
3/12/2018 8086 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -198,186.34 198,186.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 99679
3/12/2018 8086 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -14,956.80 14,956.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 99686
3/12/2018 8086 BA1310154 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINDE COLOMBIA 100 SA -154,460.50 154,460.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.005.114-4 99693
3/12/2018 8087 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -8,587.62 8,587.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 99701
3/12/2018 8087 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -752,751.12 752,751.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 99708
3/12/2018 8087 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -11,191.76 11,191.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 99715
3/12/2018 8087 BA1345621 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRIGARD y URRUTIA100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,284,159.67 2,284,159.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.134.536-3 99722
3/12/2018 8088 BA1366598 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -1,266,774.86 1,266,774.86 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.914.525-7 99730
3/12/2018 8089 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -147.21 147.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 99736
3/12/2018 8089 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -3,617.55 3,617.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 99743
3/12/2018 8089 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -71,935.14 71,935.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 99750
3/12/2018 8089 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -9,978.98 9,978.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 99757
3/12/2018 8089 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1.12 1.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 99764
3/12/2018 8089 BA1367750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXA COLPATRIA 100SEGUROS SA -1,334,918.72 1,334,918.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.184-6 99771
3/12/2018 8090 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -3,934.66 3,934.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 99779
3/12/2018 8090 BA1372883 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESSILOR COLOMBIA 100 SAS -81,624.00 81,624.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.477.156-2 99784
3/12/2018 8091 BA1374665 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONSTRUCCIONES 100 EL CONDOR SA -371,046.42 371,046.42 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.922.447-4 99790
3/12/2018 8092 BA1393666 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA DE 100 ENERGIA DE BOGOTA SA -2,047,505.42 2,047,505.42 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.082-3 99801
3/12/2018 8093 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -4,853.05 4,853.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 99806
3/12/2018 8093 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -32,665.75 32,665.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 99813
3/12/2018 8093 BA1403781 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HAPAG LLOYD100 COLOMBIA LTDA -28,365.48 28,365.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.298.043-0 99820
3/12/2018 8094 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -4,276.71 4,276.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 99828
3/12/2018 8094 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -4,226.19 4,226.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 99835
3/12/2018 8094 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -25,171.57 25,171.57 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 99842
3/12/2018 8094 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -455,168.94 455,168.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 99849
3/12/2018 8094 BA1413759 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LABORATORIOS 100DE COSMETICOS VOGUE SAS -56,824.06 56,824.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.029.997-4 99856
3/12/2018 8095 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -177,806.52 177,806.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 99864
3/12/2018 8095 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -30,593.04 30,593.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 99871
3/12/2018 8095 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -21,388.72 21,388.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 99878
3/12/2018 8095 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -42,693.19 42,693.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 99885
3/12/2018 8095 BA1413760 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LOREAL COLOMBIA 100 SAS -119,870.05 119,870.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.212.840-2 99892
3/12/2018 8096 BA1508799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO NUTRESA 100 SA -1,695,339.03 1,695,339.03 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.050-1 99900
3/12/2018 8097 BA1509805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -1,718,888.85 1,718,888.85 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.900.608-9 99908
3/12/2018 8098 BA1510560 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Movix LA Colombia100 SAS -12,668.25 12,668.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.173.778-8 99916
3/12/2018 8098 BA1510560 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Movix LA Colombia100 SAS -18,945.28 18,945.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.173.778-8 99921
3/12/2018 8099 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -5,096.56 5,096.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 99927
3/12/2018 8099 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -28,442.62 28,442.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 99932
3/12/2018 8099 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -11,235.84 11,235.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 99937
3/12/2018 8099 BA1520233 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MINEROS SA 100 -22,089.21 22,089.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.914.525-7 99942
3/12/2018 8100 BA1524771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO DE INVERSIONES
100 SURAMERICANA -1,657,449.02 1,657,449.02 G/L Account 70601 EVE 811.012.271-3 99948
3/12/2018 8101 BA1553453 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORFICOLOMBIANA 100 S.A. -1,577,755.48 1,577,755.48 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.300.653-6 99956
3/12/2018 8102 BA1553455 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Empresas Publicas100 de Medellin E.S.P -3,274,371.65 3,274,371.65 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.904.996-1 99964
3/12/2018 8103 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -246,987.65 246,987.65 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 99972
3/12/2018 8103 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -12,269.25 12,269.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 99977
3/12/2018 8103 BA1553559 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Corp. Centro 100 de Estudios de Derecho y -27,468.87 27,468.87 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.131.150-1 99982
3/12/2018 8104 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,230,704.86 1,230,704.86 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 99988
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
3/12/2018 8105 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -302,546.50 302,546.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 99996
3/12/2018 8105 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -6,184.50 6,184.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 100001
3/12/2018 8105 BA1557681 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUTUREBRAND 100DE COLOMBIA SAS -5,868.72 5,868.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.374.925-7 100006
3/12/2018 8106 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -16,629.16 16,629.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 100012
3/12/2018 8106 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -13,826.02 13,826.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 100019
3/12/2018 8106 BA1558301 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COLFONDOS SA 100Pensiones y Cesantias -143,794.85 143,794.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.496-2 100026
3/12/2018 8107 BA1560181 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO AVAL100 ACCIONES Y VALORES S.A. -1,960,447.78 1,960,447.78 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.216.181-5 100034
3/12/2018 8108 BA1592924 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -1,646,720.00 1,646,720.00 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 100042
3/12/2018 8109 BA1599358 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Conconcreto 100 S.A. -1,312,404.24 1,312,404.24 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.901.110-8 100050
3/12/2018 8110 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -5,642.62 5,642.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 100058
3/12/2018 8110 BA1599812 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EMPRESA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CEMENTOS S.A.S. -97,322.94 97,322.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.907.364-4 100065
3/12/2018 8111 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100
SAS -53,765.25 53,765.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 100073
3/12/2018 8111 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100
SAS -3,185.35 3,185.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 100080
3/12/2018 8111 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100
SAS -132,198.39 132,198.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 100087
3/12/2018 8111 BA1607926 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CNE OIL & GAS 100
SAS -18,258.24 18,258.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.713.658-0 100094
3/12/2018 8112 BA1615683 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bancolombia 100 S.A. -1,758,827.33 1,758,827.33 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.903.938-8 100102
3/12/2018 8113 BA1617927 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100CORONA S.A. -13,560.49 13,560.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.688-6 100110
3/12/2018 8113 BA1617927 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100CORONA S.A. -1,404.48 1,404.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.688-6 100117
3/12/2018 8113 BA1617927 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ORGANIZACION 100CORONA S.A. -22,252.23 22,252.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.688-6 100124
3/12/2018 8114 BA1620379 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KERALTY S.A.S. 100 -2,395,956.24 2,395,956.24 G/L Account 70601 EVE 800.125.872-5 100132
3/12/2018 8115 BA1620511 Customer 2408050101 Invoice DIACO S.A. 100 -6,142,605.00 6,142,605.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 891.800.111-5 100140
3/12/2018 8134 BA1603003 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -2,982,565.13 2,982,565.13 G/L Account 70601 EVE 899.999.068-1 100211
3/12/2018 8135 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -147.51 147.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 100219
3/12/2018 8135 BA1598004 Customer 2408050101 Invoice IBM de Colombia 100 S A -71,144.06 71,144.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.120-5 100226
3/12/2018 8253 BA1557581 Customer 2408050101 100 -1,334,782.68 1,334,782.68 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.964-4 101736
4/12/2018 8136 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -39,535.55 39,535.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 100234
4/12/2018 8136 BA1560125 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCO DE BOGOTA 100 -82.14 82.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.964-4 100241
4/12/2018 8137 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -94,243.20 94,243.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 100249
4/12/2018 8137 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -1,070,821.30 1,070,821.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 100256
4/12/2018 8137 BA1561763 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ECOPETROL S.A. 100 -6,758.19 6,758.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 899.999.068-1 100263
4/12/2018 8138 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -273,270.83 273,270.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 100271
4/12/2018 8138 BA1614539 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GRUPO EXITO100 -81,981.25 81,981.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 100278
4/12/2018 8139 BA1617918 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 -95,609.05 95,609.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 100286
4/12/2018 8139 BA1617918 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 -478,045.23 478,045.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 100293
4/12/2018 8140 BA1619976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALPOPULAR ALMACEN100 GENERAL DE DEPOSITOS -847,915.64 847,915.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.020.382-4 100301
4/12/2018 8140 BA1619976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALPOPULAR ALMACEN100 GENERAL DE DEPOSITOS -54,633.74 54,633.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.020.382-4 100308
4/12/2018 8140 BA1619976 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALPOPULAR ALMACEN100 GENERAL DE DEPOSITOS -19,558.88 19,558.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.020.382-4 100315
4/12/2018 8141 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -63,688.00 63,688.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 100323
4/12/2018 8141 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -42,077.40 42,077.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 100330
4/12/2018 8141 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -9,980.70 9,980.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 100337
4/12/2018 8141 BA1374507 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCOLOMBIA 100SA -79,762.00 79,762.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.903.938-8 100344
4/12/2018 8142 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -30,852.39 30,852.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.161.460-1 100352
4/12/2018 8142 BA1218696 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOTASAJERO 100 SA ESP -56,933.31 56,933.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.161.460-1 100359
4/12/2018 8144 BA1218776 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS BANCA 100
DE INVERSION SA -67,001.22 67,001.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.041.739-4 100371
4/12/2018 8145 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -54,217.26 54,217.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.398-5 100377
4/12/2018 8145 BA1352842 Customer 2408050101 Invoice METLIFE COLOMBIA 100 SEGUROS DE VIDA SA -52,536.33 52,536.33 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.398-5 100384
4/12/2018 8146 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -34,947.84 34,947.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.719-7 100392
4/12/2018 8146 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -15,837.07 15,837.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.719-7 100397
4/12/2018 8146 BA1218802 Customer 2408050101 Invoice JOSE LLOREDA 100
CAMACHO y CO -26,409.24 26,409.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.719-7 100402
4/12/2018 8147 BA1218684 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE DISTRIBUIDORE -107,593.20 107,593.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.060.203-6 100408
4/12/2018 8148 BA1263045 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALIANZA FIDUCIARIA
100 SA -152,505.21 152,505.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.531.315-3 100414
4/12/2018 8149 BA1218679 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VALORES INDUSTRIALES
100 SA -58,850.22 58,850.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 811.010.754-1 100422
4/12/2018 8151 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -10,735.00 10,735.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.761.657-8 100432
4/12/2018 8151 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -598.5 598.5 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.761.657-8 100437
4/12/2018 8151 BACO000010905
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Perimetral Oriental
100 de Bogotá -1,090.98 1,090.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.761.657-8 100442
4/12/2018 8153 BA1218672 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALONSO PAREDES 100 HERNANDEZ SAS -35,375.34 35,375.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.445.634-4 100453
4/12/2018 8154 BA1218714 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BRENNTAG COLOMBIA100 SA -21,437.13 21,437.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.590-3 100459
4/12/2018 8155 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -98.8 98.8 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 100465
4/12/2018 8155 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -287,227.56 287,227.56 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 100472
4/12/2018 8155 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -238,908.09 238,908.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 100479
4/12/2018 8155 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -76,182.40 76,182.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 100486
4/12/2018 8155 BA1218833 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GOMEZ PINZON 100 ZULETA ABOGADOS SA -1,921,000.70 1,921,000.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.175.087-3 100493
4/12/2018 8156 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -61,128.13 61,128.13 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.049.433-2 100501
4/12/2018 8156 BA1218804 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CROPLIFE ANDINA 100 -68,794.44 68,794.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.049.433-2 100506
4/12/2018 8157 BA1372303 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PENA MANCERO 100 ABOGADOS SAS -49,965.63 49,965.63 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.269.825-1 100512
4/12/2018 8158 BA1218795 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA CASCADA SAS 100 ESP -16,709.55 16,709.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.073.583-1 100518
4/12/2018 8159 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -23,207.55 23,207.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 100523
4/12/2018 8159 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -33,631.14 33,631.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 100528
4/12/2018 8159 BA1218835 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GODOY y HOYOS 100 ABOGADOS SAS -162,856.98 162,856.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.136.119-3 100533
4/12/2018 8161 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -27,303.00 27,303.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.116.307-1 100542
4/12/2018 8161 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -6,376.02 6,376.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.116.307-1 100547
4/12/2018 8161 BA1218741 Customer 2408050101 Invoice RIESGOS TASACIONES
100 Y SERVICIOS RTS COL -18,747.30 18,747.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.116.307-1 100552
4/12/2018 8162 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -108,301.90 108,301.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 100558
4/12/2018 8162 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -33,123.84 33,123.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 100565
4/12/2018 8162 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -62,398.28 62,398.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 100572
4/12/2018 8162 BA1218719 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BTG PACTUAL100 SA COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA -462,374.88 462,374.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.907.157-0 100579
4/12/2018 8163 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -456,470.44 456,470.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 100587
4/12/2018 8163 BA1218748 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEPSICO ALIMENTOS100 COLOMBIA LTDA -674,112.21 674,112.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.920.304-0 100594
4/12/2018 8164 BA1372183 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROBOGOTA 100 REGION -2,749.49 2,749.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.753.664-6 100602
4/12/2018 8164 BA1372183 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROBOGOTA 100 REGION -7,335.90 7,335.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.753.664-6 100607
4/12/2018 8165 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -28,122.09 28,122.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 100613
4/12/2018 8165 BA1400168 Customer 2408050101 Invoice STRUCTURE SAS 100BANCA DE INVERSION -57,790.59 57,790.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.663-8 100620
4/12/2018 8166 BA1218824 Customer 2408050101 Invoice HUPECOL OPERATING100 CO LLC -44,585.97 44,585.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.148.720-6 100628
4/12/2018 8167 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -4,588.31 4,588.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 100634
4/12/2018 8167 BACO000009442
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ICAP COLOMBIA 100HOLDINGS SAS -23,311.86 23,311.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.356.107-2 100641
4/12/2018 8168 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -261.82 261.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 100649
4/12/2018 8168 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -82,622.26 82,622.26 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 100656
4/12/2018 8168 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -108,087.77 108,087.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 100663
4/12/2018 8168 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -13,611.60 13,611.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 100670
4/12/2018 8168 BA1218799 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KPMG SAS 100 -875,214.86 875,214.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.846-4 100677
4/12/2018 8169 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -63,433.97 63,433.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 100685
4/12/2018 8169 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -23,817.64 23,817.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 100692
4/12/2018 8169 BA1218746 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CI COLOMBIAN 100NATURAL RESOURCES I SAS -43,785.50 43,785.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.333.530-6 100699
4/12/2018 8170 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -8,736.96 8,736.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 100707
4/12/2018 8170 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -26,197.77 26,197.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 100712
4/12/2018 8170 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -11,035.20 11,035.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 100717
4/12/2018 8170 BA1218745 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LQA FUNDS SAS 100 -100,746.36 100,746.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.955.328-3 100722
4/12/2018 8171 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -128,506.12 128,506.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 100728
4/12/2018 8171 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -86,375.52 86,375.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 100735
4/12/2018 8171 BA1218699 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERMOBARRANQUILLA100 SA ESP TEBSA -117,455.91 117,455.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.245.746-1 100742
4/12/2018 8172 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -4,315.85 4,315.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 100750
4/12/2018 8172 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -45,228.55 45,228.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 100755
4/12/2018 8172 BA1218779 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MUNDIPHARMA 100 (COLOMBIA) SAS -47,379.54 47,379.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.521.360-7 100760
4/12/2018 8173 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -2,510.85 2,510.85 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 100766
4/12/2018 8173 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -209.95 209.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 100773
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/12/2018 8173 BA1374509 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDUCIARIA BANCOLOMBIA
100 SA -44,289.00 44,289.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.150.280-0 100780
4/12/2018 8174 BACO000020667
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Vanguardia Inversiones
100 SAS -15,323.88 15,323.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.203.223-7 100788
4/12/2018 8175 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -87,278.40 87,278.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.073.228-6 100793
4/12/2018 8175 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -2,693.25 2,693.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.073.228-6 100798
4/12/2018 8175 BA1218686 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASOCIACION 100 COLOMBIANA DE USUARIOS SAP -2,526.81 2,526.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.073.228-6 100803
4/12/2018 8176 BA1218689 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TITULARIZADORA 100 COLOMBIANA SA -24,045.45 24,045.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.089.530-6 100809
4/12/2018 8177 BA1509811 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROINDESA 100 -17,687.67 17,687.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.524.239-7 100815
4/12/2018 8179 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -22,024.42 22,024.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 100824
4/12/2018 8179 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -43,307.08 43,307.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 100829
4/12/2018 8179 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -25,080.00 25,080.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 100834
4/12/2018 8179 BACO000008888
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bonus Banca 100 de inversion SAS -196,520.61 196,520.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.059.812-3 100839
4/12/2018 8180 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -2,548.28 2,548.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 100845
4/12/2018 8180 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -22,349.51 22,349.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 100852
4/12/2018 8180 BA1218724 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SET ICAP FX SA 100 -13,367.64 13,367.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.115.054-3 100859
4/12/2018 8182 BACO000010219
Customer 2408050101 Invoice FLOREZ & ASOCIADOS
100 ASESORES JURIDICOS -13,449.15 13,449.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.128.488-1 100870
4/12/2018 8183 BA1218816 Customer 2408050101 Invoice EXPONENCIAL100 BANCA DE INVERSION SAS -53,959.62 53,959.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.264.765-3 100875
4/12/2018 8184 BA1218841 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GAMBOA ABOGADOS 100 SAS -31,299.84 31,299.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.107.424-1 100881
4/12/2018 8185 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -35,493.90 35,493.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 100887
4/12/2018 8185 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -36,881.09 36,881.09 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 100892
4/12/2018 8185 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -5,718.24 5,718.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 100897
4/12/2018 8185 BACO000009496
Customer 2408050101 Invoice POSSE HERRERA 100& RUIZ SA -85,911.54 85,911.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.022.196-0 100902
4/12/2018 8186 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PricewaterhouseCoopers
100 LTDA -324,791.70 324,791.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 100908
4/12/2018 8186 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PricewaterhouseCoopers
100 LTDA -159,763.40 159,763.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 100915
4/12/2018 8186 BA1400086 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PricewaterhouseCoopers
100 LTDA -37,688.40 37,688.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.062-6 100922
4/12/2018 8187 BACO000022587
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Cerrito Capital100SAS -9,028.80 9,028.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.309.035-0 100930
4/12/2018 8187 BACO000022587
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Cerrito Capital100SAS -24,779.04 24,779.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.309.035-0 100937
4/12/2018 8188 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SAS 100 -22,934.52 22,934.52 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.301.443-0 100945
4/12/2018 8188 BA1218675 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AMALFI SAS 100 -76,795.53 76,795.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.301.443-0 100952
4/12/2018 8190 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -24,614.50 24,614.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 100964
4/12/2018 8190 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -27,658.30 27,658.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 100969
4/12/2018 8190 BACO000010927
Customer 2408050101 Invoice PHILIPPI PRIETOCARRIZOSA
100 FERRERO DU Y -4,307.49 4,307.49 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.240.450-2 100974
4/12/2018 8191 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -132,601.00 132,601.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 100980
4/12/2018 8191 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -104,032.60 104,032.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 100987
4/12/2018 8191 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -85,788.80 85,788.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 100994
4/12/2018 8191 BA1374510 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCA DE INVERSION
100 BANCOLOMBIA SA -440,838.00 440,838.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.235.426-5 101001
4/12/2018 8193 BA1218743 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CASTRO LEIVA100 RENDON ABOGADOS SAS -417,983.28 417,983.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.479.149-1 101013
4/12/2018 8194 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -434,715.06 434,715.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 101019
4/12/2018 8194 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -8,711.50 8,711.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 101026
4/12/2018 8194 BACO000020258
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Blu Logistics Colombia
100 S.A.S -43,599.30 43,599.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.008.524-5 101033
4/12/2018 8196 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -28,304.11 28,304.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 101044
4/12/2018 8196 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -13,616.92 13,616.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 101049
4/12/2018 8196 BA1336120 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANICOL SAS100 -57,546.06 57,546.06 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.210.554-4 101054
4/12/2018 8197 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -160,268.61 160,268.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 101060
4/12/2018 8197 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -26,225.51 26,225.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 101065
4/12/2018 8197 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -11,035.20 11,035.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 101070
4/12/2018 8197 BA1218667 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ADVENT INTERNATIONAL
100 COLOMBIA -254,718.75 254,718.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.390.715-4 101075
4/12/2018 8198 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -42,711.24 42,711.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 101081
4/12/2018 8198 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -7,600.00 7,600.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 101086
4/12/2018 8198 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -6,279.69 6,279.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 101091
4/12/2018 8198 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -11,544.78 11,544.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 101096
4/12/2018 8198 BA1218786 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MAS EQUITY 100 PARTNERS SAS -76,700.91 76,700.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.352.671-7 101101
4/12/2018 8199 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -91.01 91.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 101107
4/12/2018 8199 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -11,282.39 11,282.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 101114
4/12/2018 8199 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100
DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO EL D -69,201.99 69,201.99 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 101121
4/12/2018 8200 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -68,075.48 68,075.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 101129
4/12/2018 8200 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -4,292.29 4,292.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 101134
4/12/2018 8200 BA1218801 Customer 2408050101 Invoice KANDEO INVESTMENT100 ADVISORS COLOMBIA SA -113,217.39 113,217.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.357.395-1 101139
4/12/2018 8201 BA1218730 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CAMARA DE COMERCIO
100 COLOMBO AMERICANA -47,764.86 47,764.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.013.777-1 101145
4/12/2018 8202 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -41,773.59 41,773.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 101151
4/12/2018 8202 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -77,832.74 77,832.74 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 101158
4/12/2018 8202 BA1218762 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORREDORES100 DAVIVIENDA SA COMISIONISTA -943,042.96 943,042.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.079.174-3 101165
4/12/2018 8204 BA1218793 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LEWIN Y WILLS 100ABOGADOS SAS -37,576.11 37,576.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.067.945-4 101175
4/12/2018 8206 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -20,022.20 20,022.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.112.317-1 101183
4/12/2018 8206 BA1218749 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMOTORA100 DE CAFE COLOMBIA SA -17,327.05 17,327.05 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.112.317-1 101190
4/12/2018 8209 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -26,483.91 26,483.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 101206
4/12/2018 8209 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -19,720.48 19,720.48 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 101211
4/12/2018 8209 BA1218693 Customer 2408050101 Invoice TERUMO COLOMBIA 100 ANDINA SAS -26,979.81 26,979.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.361.174-6 101216
4/12/2018 8211 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -19,203.11 19,203.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 101224
4/12/2018 8211 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -9,386.19 9,386.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 101229
4/12/2018 8211 BA1218853 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESTRATEGIAS100 CORPORATIVAS SAS -121,286.88 121,286.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.821.259-8 101234
4/12/2018 8212 BACO000022342
Customer 2408050101 Invoice ENLACE SERVICIOS100 COMPARTIDOS SAS -14,119.47 14,119.47 G/L Account 70601 CFR 901.063.358-1 101240
4/12/2018 8214 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -47,962.27 47,962.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 101249
4/12/2018 8214 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -71,126.88 71,126.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 101256
4/12/2018 8214 BA1218772 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FRONTERA ENERGY 100 COLOMBIA CORP SUCURSAL -48,579.96 48,579.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.126.302-2 101263
4/12/2018 8215 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -122,044.41 122,044.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 101271
4/12/2018 8215 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -32,399.94 32,399.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 101276
4/12/2018 8215 BA1392357 Customer 2408050101 Invoice GESTOR ANDINO 100 SAS -42,140.67 42,140.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.371.854-9 101281
4/12/2018 8216 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -3,996.27 3,996.27 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.693.962-8 101287
4/12/2018 8216 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -2,909.28 2,909.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.693.962-8 101291
4/12/2018 8216 BA1354228 Customer 2408050101 Invoice QUINONEZ CRUZ 100 ABOGADOS SAS -3,830.97 3,830.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.693.962-8 101295
4/12/2018 8217 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -6,006.66 6,006.66 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.007.251-9 101300
4/12/2018 8217 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ESGUERRA ASESORES100 JURIDICOS SA -27,465.45 27,465.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.007.251-9 101305
4/12/2018 8218 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -9,465.04 9,465.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.384.047-8 101311
4/12/2018 8218 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -17,617.37 17,617.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.384.047-8 101318
4/12/2018 8218 BACO000007631
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Grupo Albion100 SAS -4,157.01 4,157.01 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.384.047-8 101325
4/12/2018 8219 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -501.6 501.6 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 101333
4/12/2018 8219 BA1355627 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORPORACION 100FINANCIERA COLOMBIANA SA -19,806.93 19,806.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.300.653-6 101338
4/12/2018 8220 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -35,340.00 35,340.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 101344
4/12/2018 8220 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -13,924.53 13,924.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 101351
4/12/2018 8220 BACO000020275
Customer 2408050101 Invoice NIETO & CHALELA 100 ABOGADOS SAS -71,402.76 71,402.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.118.886-8 101358
4/12/2018 8221 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -13,196.45 13,196.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.054.983-7 101366
4/12/2018 8221 BA1218735 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ROSALES SAS100 -9,146.41 9,146.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.054.983-7 101371
4/12/2018 8222 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -2,730.30 2,730.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 101377
4/12/2018 8222 BA1218758 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROELECTRICA 100y CIA SCA ESP -25,349.61 25,349.61 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.149.537-6 101384
4/12/2018 8223 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -26,756.94 26,756.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.723-4 101392
4/12/2018 8223 BA1218784 Customer 2408050101 Invoice MERCANTIL COLPATRIA
100 SA -55,492.92 55,492.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.034.723-4 101399
4/12/2018 8224 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -81,271.93 81,271.93 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 101407
4/12/2018 8224 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -6,731.51 6,731.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 101412
4/12/2018 8224 BA1218700 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BANCAPITAL 100 SAS -159,189.03 159,189.03 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.790.138-0 101417
4/12/2018 8225 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -6,931.20 6,931.20 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 101423
4/12/2018 8225 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -20,841.29 20,841.29 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 101428
4/12/2018 8225 BA1373557 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CONCESIONARIA 100 RUTA DEL CACAO SAS -78,387.54 78,387.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.871.368-6 101433
4/12/2018 8229 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -10,557.16 10,557.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.897-4 101452
4/12/2018 8229 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -11,536.80 11,536.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.897-4 101459
4/12/2018 8229 BA1367906 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SANTA MARTA 100
INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL COM -15,486.90 15,486.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.114.897-4 101466
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
4/12/2018 8230 BA1218771 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FIDEICOMISOS 100
SOCIEDAD FIDUCIARIA DE OC -18,502.77 18,502.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.054.076-2 101474
4/12/2018 8232 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -25,300.78 25,300.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 101483
4/12/2018 8232 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -13,747.45 13,747.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 101488
4/12/2018 8232 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -1,504.80 1,504.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 101493
4/12/2018 8232 BACO000020934
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Norton Rose Fulbright
100 Colombia -46,379.19 46,379.19 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.363.454-2 101498
4/12/2018 8233 BA1218680 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ASHMORE MANAGEMENT
100 COMPANY COLOMBIA SA -91,454.22 91,454.22 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.316.081-9 101504
4/12/2018 8234 BA1218750 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIORIENTE 100SA ESP -38,391.21 38,391.21 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.226.766-6 101510
4/12/2018 8235 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -54,875.04 54,875.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 101518
4/12/2018 8235 BACO000009821
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Concesión Pacifico
100 Tres SAS -27,224.34 27,224.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.763.357-2 101525
4/12/2018 8236 BA1353150 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMERCIAL ALLAN 100 SAS -13,742.51 13,742.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.053.831-1 101533
4/12/2018 8236 BA1353150 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMERCIAL ALLAN 100 SAS -15,486.90 15,486.90 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.053.831-1 101540
4/12/2018 8237 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -14,106.55 14,106.55 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.206.223-6 101548
4/12/2018 8237 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -3,507.97 3,507.97 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.206.223-6 101553
4/12/2018 8237 BA1218691 Customer 2408050101 Invoice AXIA IB SAS 100 -32,685.51 32,685.51 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.206.223-6 101558
4/12/2018 8238 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -17,442.00 17,442.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.006.648-1 101564
4/12/2018 8238 BA1392458 Customer 2408050101 Invoice FUNDACION CARULLA100 AEIOTU -13,856.70 13,856.70 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.006.648-1 101569
4/12/2018 8239 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -81,362.94 81,362.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 101575
4/12/2018 8239 BA1315024 Customer 2408050101 Invoice VETRA EXPLORACION100 Y PRODUCCION COLOMBI -32,767.02 32,767.02 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.352.419-2 101582
4/12/2018 8240 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -179,730.69 179,730.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 101590
4/12/2018 8240 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -31,783.96 31,783.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 101597
4/12/2018 8240 BA1394134 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALMACENES EXITO 100 SA -205,308.30 205,308.30 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.608-9 101604
4/12/2018 8241 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -551 551 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 101612
4/12/2018 8241 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -34,128.75 34,128.75 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 101617
4/12/2018 8241 BA1218792 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LINIO COLOMBIA 100 SAS -33,337.59 33,337.59 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.499.362-8 101622
4/12/2018 8242 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -6,461.71 6,461.71 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.219.925-1 101628
4/12/2018 8242 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -601.92 601.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.219.925-1 101633
4/12/2018 8242 BA1218753 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA ELECTRICA
100 DE SOCHAGOTA SA ESP -12,797.07 12,797.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.219.925-1 101638
4/12/2018 8243 BA1218673 Customer 2408050101 Invoice ALTRA INVERSIONES100 SAS -57,000.76 57,000.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.512.616-5 101644
4/12/2018 8244 BA1218805 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CUMMINS DE100 LOS ANDES SA -19,643.91 19,643.91 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.071.617-1 101650
4/12/2018 8245 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -57,082.08 57,082.08 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.824.354-3 101656
4/12/2018 8245 BA1400245 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CCG ENERGY 100 SAS ESP -11,818.95 11,818.95 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.824.354-3 101661
4/12/2018 8248 BA1218837 Customer 2408050101 Invoice APORTES EN LINEA 100 SA -112,649.67 112,649.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.147.238-2 101672
4/12/2018 8249 BA1218796 Customer 2408050101 Invoice LA ASOCIACION 100COLOMBIANA DE MINERIA -60,317.40 60,317.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.422.795-2 101680
4/12/2018 8250 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -503,922.37 503,922.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 101686
4/12/2018 8250 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -90,170.58 90,170.58 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 101693
4/12/2018 8250 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -14,098.38 14,098.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 101700
4/12/2018 8250 BA1218817 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INVERLINK SA100 -548,712.78 548,712.78 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.353.765-0 101707
4/12/2018 8251 BA1218774 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NEXUS CAPITAL 100PARTNERS SA -196,928.16 196,928.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.212.828-6 101715
4/12/2018 8252 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -7,280.80 7,280.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.873-4 101721
4/12/2018 8252 BA1218671 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 PUERTO BAHIA SA -89,242.81 89,242.81 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.009.873-4 101728
14/12/18 8254 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -61,742.40 61,742.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 102507
14/12/18 8254 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -8,495.28 8,495.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 102514
14/12/18 8254 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -16,736.34 16,736.34 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 102521
14/12/18 8254 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -180,624.45 180,624.45 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 102528
14/12/18 8254 BA1310054 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CEMEX COLOMBIA 100 SA -128,096.67 128,096.67 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.523-1 102535
14/12/18 8255 BA1218901 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -1,314,005.62 1,314,005.62 G/L Account 70601 EVE 890.105.526-3 102543
14/12/18 8256 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -44,230.86 44,230.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 102551
14/12/18 8256 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -5,927.24 5,927.24 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 102558
14/12/18 8256 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -47,077.82 47,077.82 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 102565
14/12/18 8256 BA1218900 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PROMIGAS SA100 ESP -266,019.00 266,019.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.105.526-3 102572
14/12/18 8257 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -11,922.31 11,922.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 102580
14/12/18 8257 BA1390966 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA
100 EL CAYAO SA ESP -23,873.50 23,873.50 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.033.858-6 102585
14/12/18 8258 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -141,082.41 141,082.41 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 102591
14/12/18 8258 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -46,394.39 46,394.39 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 102598
14/12/18 8258 BACO000008817
Customer 2408050101 Invoice Old Mutual Pensiones
100 y Cesantias S.A -159,541.86 159,541.86 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.148.514-2 102605
14/12/18 8259 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -3,413.16 3,413.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 102613
14/12/18 8259 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -24,076.80 24,076.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 102620
14/12/18 8259 BA1218856 Customer 2408050101 Invoice PEI ASSET MANAGEMENT
100 S.A.S. -404,371.11 404,371.11 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.472.480-1 102627
14/12/18 8260 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -125,719.77 125,719.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 102635
14/12/18 CMCO181200002BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo BOLSA 100 DE VALORES DE COLOMBIA 5821 582 125,719.77 125,719.77 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 102646
14/12/18 8261 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -2,093.23 2,093.23 G/L Account 70601 CFR 835.000.149-8 102654
14/12/18 8261 BA1394308 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Sociedad Puerto 100Industrial Aguadulce S -231,814.44 231,814.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 835.000.149-8 102661
14/12/18 8262 BA1599355 Customer 2408050101 Invoice INTERCONEXION 100 ELECTRICA S.A E.S.P. -1,571,456.18 1,571,456.18 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.016.610-3 102669
17/12/18 8264 BA1543887 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SOCIEDAD MINERA 100 DE SANTANDER SAS -9,877,720.00 9,877,720.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.063.262-8 102702
17/12/18 8265 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -91,259.28 91,259.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 102710
17/12/18 8265 BA1218703 Customer 2408050101 Invoice SUMINISTROS100 DE COLOMBIA SAS SUMICOL S -5,405.31 5,405.31 G/L Account 70601 CFR 890.900.120-7 102717
17/12/18 8266 BA1546558 Customer 2408050101 Invoice Bolsa de Valores 100 de Colombia -399,942.32 399,942.32 G/L Account 70601 EVE 830.085.426-1 102725
17/12/18 8267 BA1218710 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BOLSA DE VALORES 100 DE COLOMBIA -127,481.64 127,481.64 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.085.426-1 102733
17/12/18 8268 BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 100 -126,022.63 126,022.63 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.007.251-9 102741
17/12/18 CMCO181200004BA1218814 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo ESGUERRA 100 ASESORES JURIDICOS SA 5962 5 126,022.63 126,022.63 G/L Account 70601 ONL 900.007.251-9 102747
17/12/18 CMCO181200005BA1608133 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo PRINT PHARMA 100 COLOMBIA SAS 6445 6445 2,677,860.00 2,677,860.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 830.123.806-9 102753
18/12/18 8269 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -30,079.28 30,079.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102789
18/12/18 8269 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -16,876.94 16,876.94 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102796
18/12/18 8269 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -1,072,926.96 1,072,926.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102803
18/12/18 8269 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -2,006,343.38 2,006,343.38 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102810
18/12/18 8270 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -14,747.04 14,747.04 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102818
18/12/18 8270 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -1,001,202.72 1,001,202.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102825
18/12/18 8270 BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA COLOMBIANA
100 DE CERAMICA SAS -780,249.25 780,249.25 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102832
18/12/18 CMCO181200006BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 7051 8,134.28 8,134.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102840
18/12/18 CMCO181200006BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 7051 550,875.36 550,875.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102847
18/12/18 CMCO181200006BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 7051 444,540.15 444,540.15 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102854
18/12/18 CMCO181200007BA1219072 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 6191 95.76 95.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102862
18/12/18 CMCO181200008BA1219072 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 6177 6,543.60 6,543.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102868
18/12/18 CMCO181200008BA1219072 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 6177 26,053.18 26,053.18 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102875
18/12/18 CMCO181200009BA1219073 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 6192 2,153.84 2,153.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102883
18/12/18 CMCO181200010BA1219073 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 6178 455.62 455.62 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102889
18/12/18 CMCO181200011BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 7272 6,612.76 6,612.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102895
18/12/18 CMCO181200011BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 7272 443,688.00 443,688.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102902
18/12/18 CMCO181200011BA1219068 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 COLOMBIANA DE CERAMICA 7272 307,046.46 307,046.46 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.002.536-5 102909
18/12/18 8271 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -31,834.88 31,834.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102917
18/12/18 8271 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -19,088.16 19,088.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102922
18/12/18 8271 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -22,118.28 22,118.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102927
18/12/18 8272 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -138,750.92 138,750.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102933
18/12/18 8272 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -363,600.72 363,600.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102938
18/12/18 8272 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -483,329.98 483,329.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102943
18/12/18 8273 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -7,197.96 7,197.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102949
18/12/18 8273 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -66,489.36 66,489.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102954
18/12/18 8273 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -34,109.37 34,109.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102959
18/12/18 8274 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -56,705.88 56,705.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102965
18/12/18 8274 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -3,185.35 3,185.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102970
18/12/18 8274 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -18,417.84 18,417.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102975
18/12/18 8274 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -67,928.80 67,928.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102980
18/12/18 8275 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -40,144.72 40,144.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102986
18/12/18 8275 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -9,593.10 9,593.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102991
18/12/18 8275 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -18,290.16 18,290.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 102996
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal. TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
18/12/18 8275 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 100 -67,079.69 67,079.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103001
18/12/18 CMCO181200012BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 5591 5591 31,834.88 31,834.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103007
18/12/18 CMCO181200012BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 5591 5591 19,088.16 19,088.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103012
18/12/18 CMCO181200012BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 5591 5591 22,118.28 22,118.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103017
18/12/18 CMCO181200013BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 5809 5809 138,750.92 138,750.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103023
18/12/18 CMCO181200013BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 5809 5809 363,600.72 363,600.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103028
18/12/18 CMCO181200013BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 5809 5809 483,329.98 483,329.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103033
18/12/18 CMCO181200014BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6003 6003 7,197.96 7,197.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103039
18/12/18 CMCO181200014BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6003 6003 66,489.36 66,489.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103044
18/12/18 CMCO181200014BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6003 6003 34,109.37 34,109.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103049
18/12/18 CMCO181200015BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6174 6174 56,705.88 56,705.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103055
18/12/18 CMCO181200015BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6174 6174 3,185.35 3,185.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103060
18/12/18 CMCO181200015BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6174 6174 18,417.84 18,417.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103065
18/12/18 CMCO181200015BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6174 6174 67,928.80 67,928.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103070
18/12/18 CMCO181200016BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6208 6208 40,144.72 40,144.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103076
18/12/18 CMCO181200016BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6208 6208 9,593.10 9,593.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103081
18/12/18 CMCO181200016BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6208 6208 18,290.16 18,290.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103086
18/12/18 CMCO181200016BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 6208 6208 67,079.69 67,079.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103091
18/12/18 GL1800002389 2408050101 PG F7440 LINDE ARGENTINA 450.06 USD 721,050.35 721,050.35 G/L Account 70601 444444103 103541
18/12/18 GL1800002392 2408050101 PG F7230/7423 / 7839 MAZARS AUDITORES 295 USD 127,871.71 127,871.71 G/L Account 70601 444444093 103551
18/12/18 GL1800002397 2408050101 PG F7440 LINDE ARGENTINA 450.06 USD RECLASS -721,050.35 721,050.35 G/L Account 70601 800.197.268-4 103568
18/12/18 GL1800002398 2408050101 PG F7230/7423 / 7839 MAZARS AUDITORES 295 USD RECL -127,871.71 127,871.71 G/L Account 70601 800.197.268-4 103570
21/12/18 8276 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS -573,788.60 573,788.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103266
21/12/18 8276 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS -71,532.72 71,532.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103271
21/12/18 8276 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS -654,360.00 654,360.00 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103276
21/12/18 8276 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS -732,713.53 732,713.53 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103281
21/12/18 CMCO181200017BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8271 8271 31,834.88 31,834.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103287
21/12/18 CMCO181200017BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8271 8271 19,088.16 19,088.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103292
21/12/18 CMCO181200017BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8271 8271 22,118.28 22,118.28 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103297
21/12/18 CMCO181200018BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8272 8272 138,750.92 138,750.92 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103303
21/12/18 CMCO181200018BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8272 8272 363,600.72 363,600.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103308
21/12/18 CMCO181200018BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8272 8272 483,329.98 483,329.98 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103313
21/12/18 CMCO181200019BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8273 8273 7,197.96 7,197.96 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103319
21/12/18 CMCO181200019BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8273 8273 66,489.36 66,489.36 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103324
21/12/18 CMCO181200019BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8273 8273 34,109.37 34,109.37 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103329
21/12/18 CMCO181200020BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8274 8274 56,705.88 56,705.88 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103335
21/12/18 CMCO181200020BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8274 8274 3,185.35 3,185.35 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103340
21/12/18 CMCO181200020BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8274 8274 18,417.84 18,417.84 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103345
21/12/18 CMCO181200020BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8274 8274 67,928.80 67,928.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103350
21/12/18 CMCO181200021BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8275 8275 40,144.72 40,144.72 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103356
21/12/18 CMCO181200021BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8275 8275 9,593.10 9,593.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103361
21/12/18 CMCO181200021BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8275 8275 18,290.16 18,290.16 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103366
21/12/18 CMCO181200021BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo CORONA 100INDUSTRIAL SAS 8275 8275 67,079.69 67,079.69 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103371
26/12/18 8277 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO 3772 -11,574.42 11,574.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 103379
26/12/18 8278 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO 5947 -207,361.44 207,361.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 103385
26/12/18 8279 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO 6331 -55,100.76 55,100.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 103393
26/12/18 8280 BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Invoice COMPANIA DE 100DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO 6540 -50,047.14 50,047.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 103401
26/12/18 CMCO181200022BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 DE DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO 3772 11,574.42 11,574.42 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 103409
26/12/18 CMCO181200023BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 DE DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO 5947 207,361.44 207,361.44 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 103415
26/12/18 CMCO181200024BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 DE DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO 6331 55,100.76 55,100.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 103423
26/12/18 CMCO181200025BA1218751 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo COMPANIA 100 DE DESARROLLO AEROPUERTO 6540 50,047.14 50,047.14 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.637.368-4 103431
26/12/18 8281 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA OUT 2018 -3,555,342.13 3,555,342.13 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 103439
26/12/18 8282 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS NOV 2018 -11,001.76 11,001.76 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103447
26/12/18 8282 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS NOV 2018 -2,005.83 2,005.83 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103452
26/12/18 8282 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS NOV 2018 -41,655.60 41,655.60 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103457
26/12/18 8282 BA1218845 Customer 2408050101 Invoice CORONA INDUSTRIAL
100 SAS NOV 2018 -78,905.10 78,905.10 G/L Account 70601 CFR 900.696.296-4 103462
26/12/18 8283 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA NOV 2018 -1,289,228.28 1,289,228.28 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 103468
26/12/18 8284 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA NOV 2018 -398,623.80 398,623.80 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 103476
26/12/18 8284 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA NOV 2018 -845,568.40 845,568.40 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 103483
26/12/18 8284 BA1218708 Customer 2408050101 Invoice BIOTOSCANA100 SA NOV 2018 -49,884.12 49,884.12 G/L Account 70601 CFR 800.251.760-8 103490
26/12/18 8285 BA1397421 Customer 2408050101 Invoice NOVARTIS DE100 COLOMBIA SA OUT 2018 -625,691.66 625,691.66 G/L Account 70601 EVE 860.002.538-1 103498
28/12/18 CMCO181200027BA1366431 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo MERCK100 SA Colombia 5498 5498 8,180.07 8,180.07 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.580-0 103508
28/12/18 CMCO181200028BA1366431 Customer 2408050101 Credit Memo MERCK100 SA Colombia 6636 6636 6,054.54 6,054.54 G/L Account 70601 CFR 860.000.580-0 103514
-348,764,236.29 8,288,504,611.14 8,637,268,847.43
Posting DateDocument No.
Source No. Source Type G/L Account Description
No. Cost center Code
Gen. PostingGen.
TypeBus. Posting
Gen. Prod.
Amount Group Debit Amount Credit Amount Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration No. Entry No.
20/06/18 7045 BA1372837 Customer 4145950120 Invoice MORALES BESA Y COMPANIA LIMITADA 6551 100 Sale STANDARD 11103 -1,438,305.09 1,438,305.09 G/L Account 11103 ONL 444444036 68221
20/06/18 CMCO180600019BA1372837 Customer 4145950120 Credit Memo MORALES BESA Y COMPANIA LIMITADA 6551 100 Sale STANDARD 11103 1,438,305.09 1,438,305.09 G/L Account 11103 ONL 444444036 68228
22/08/18 GL1800001453 4145950120 CREDIT MEMO INV 6884 100 27,661.92 27,661.92 G/L Account 11103 CFR 444444056 85855
23/08/18 GL1800001454 4145950120 CREDIT MEMO INV 6459 100 160,766.97 160,766.97 G/L Account 11103 CFR 444444056 85860
23/08/18 GL1800001461 4145950120 CREDIT MEMO INV 5808 100 1,458,490.82 1,458,490.82 G/L Account 11103 CFR 444444056 85886
23/08/18 GL1800001462 4145950120 CREDIT MEMO INV 4347 100 267,906.61 267,906.61 G/L Account 11103 CFR 444444056 85889
23/08/18 GL1800001463 4145950120 CREDIT MEMO INV 4179 100 408,631.62 408,631.62 G/L Account 11103 CFR 444444056 85892
23/08/18 GL1800001464 4145950120 CREDIT MEMO INV 4178 100 3,393.04 3,393.04 G/L Account 11103 CFR 444444056 85895
23/08/18 GL1800001465 4145950120 CREDIT MEMO INV 3723 100 27,029.32 27,029.32 G/L Account 11103 CFR 444444056 85898
23/08/18 GL1800001466 4145950120 CREDIT MEMO INV 3720 100 313,252.61 313,252.61 G/L Account 11103 CFR 444444056 85901
14/12/18 CMCO181200001BA1374221 Customer 4145950120 Credit Memo DIAVERUM ARGENTINA 100 Sale STANDARD 11103 1,295,941.07 1,295,941.07 G/L Account 11103 CFR 444444056 102641
20/06/18 7045 BA1372837 Customer 4145950130 Invoice MORALES BESA Y COMPANIA LIMITADA 6551 100 Sale STANDARD 11104 -5,583,683.25 5,583,683.25 G/L Account 11104 ONL 444444036 68220
20/06/18 CMCO180600019BA1372837 Customer 4145950130 Credit Memo MORALES BESA Y COMPANIA LIMITADA 6551 100 Sale STANDARD 11104 21,283,694.85 21,283,694.85 G/L Account 11104 ONL 444444036 68227
22/08/18 GL1800001453 4145950130 CREDIT MEMO INV 6884 100 50,435.57 50,435.57 G/L Account 11104 CFR 444444056 85856
23/08/18 GL1800001454 4145950130 CREDIT MEMO INV 6459 100 122,264.56 122,264.56 G/L Account 11104 CFR 444444056 85861
23/08/18 GL1800001461 4145950130 CREDIT MEMO INV 5808 100 2,821,228.83 2,821,228.83 G/L Account 11104 CFR 444444056 85887
23/08/18 GL1800001462 4145950130 CREDIT MEMO INV 4347 100 176,495.73 176,495.73 G/L Account 11104 CFR 444444056 85890
23/08/18 GL1800001463 4145950130 CREDIT MEMO INV 4179 100 800,183.01 800,183.01 G/L Account 11104 CFR 444444056 85893
23/08/18 GL1800001464 4145950130 CREDIT MEMO INV 4178 100 155,504.88 155,504.88 G/L Account 11104 CFR 444444056 85896
23/08/18 GL1800001465 4145950130 CREDIT MEMO INV 3723 100 442,015.72 442,015.72 G/L Account 11104 CFR 444444056 85899
23/08/18 GL1800001466 4145950130 CREDIT MEMO INV 3720 100 394,570.62 394,570.62 G/L Account 11104 CFR 444444056 85902
14/12/18 CMCO181200001BA1374221 Customer 4145950130 Credit Memo DIAVERUM ARGENTINA 100 Sale STANDARD 11104 2,293,610.67 2,293,610.67 G/L Account 11104 CFR 444444056 102640
20/06/18 7045 BA1372837 Customer 4145950140 Invoice MORALES BESA Y COMPANIA LIMITADA 6551 100 Sale STANDARD 11105 -3,450.55 3,450.55 G/L Account 11105 ONL 444444036 68219
20/06/18 CMCO180600019BA1372837 Customer 4145950140 Credit Memo MORALES BESA Y COMPANIA LIMITADA 6551 100 Sale STANDARD 11105 3,450.55 3,450.55 G/L Account 11105 ONL 444444036 68226
20/06/18 7045 BA1372837 Customer 4155350201 Invoice MORALES BESA Y COMPANIA LIMITADA 6551 100 Sale STANDARD 12103 -8,913.93 8,913.93 G/L Account 12103 ONL 444444036 68218
20/06/18 CMCO180600019BA1372837 Customer 4155350201 Credit Memo MORALES BESA Y COMPANIA LIMITADA 6551 100 Sale STANDARD 12103 8,913.93 8,913.93 G/L Account 12103 ONL 444444036 68225
17/01/18 GL1800000093 4155350202 18.01_DEF_REV_WBX_BA1562101_Interside 7/12 100 -69 69 G/L Account 12301 CFR 761564587 47024
28/02/18 GL1800000351 4155350202 18.02_DEF_REV_WBX_BA1562101_Interside 8/12 100 -69 69 G/L Account 12301 CFR 761564587 51109
31/03/18 GL1800000579 4155350202 18.03_DEF_REV_WBX_BA1562101_Interside 9/12 100 -69 69 G/L Account 12301 CFR 761564587 55192
30/04/18 GL1800000771 4155350202 18.04_DEF_REV_WBX_BA1562101_Interside 10/12 100 -69 69 G/L Account 12301 CFR 761564587 60107
25/05/18 GL1800000899 4155350202 18.05_DEF_REV_WBX_BA1562101_Interside 11/12 100 -69 69 G/L Account 12301 CFR 761564587 63894
30/06/18 GL1800001167 4155350202 18.06_DEF_REV_WBX_BA1562101_Interside 12/12 100 -69 69 G/L Account 12301 CFR 761564587 68926
17/01/18 GL1800000093 4155350330 18.01_DEF_REV_BJN_BA1546614_Importadora Med 11/12 100 -2,846,702.90 2,846,702.90 G/L Account 15005 CFR 763089231 47014
17/01/18 GL1800000093 4155350330 18.01_DEF_REV_BJN_BA1553280_Esmax 10/12 100 -2,846,702.90 2,846,702.90 G/L Account 15005 CFR 795888705 47016
28/02/18 GL1800000351 4155350330 18.02_DEF_REV_BJN_BA1546614_Importadora Med 12/12 100 -2,846,702.90 2,846,702.90 G/L Account 15005 CFR 763089231 51099
28/02/18 GL1800000351 4155350330 18.02_DEF_REV_BJN_BA1553280_Esmax 11/12 100 -2,846,702.90 2,846,702.90 G/L Account 15005 CFR 795888705 51101
31/03/18 GL1800000579 4155350330 18.03_DEF_REV_BJN_BA1553280_Esmax 12/12 100 -2,846,702.90 2,846,702.90 G/L Account 15005 CFR 795888705 55184
30/04/18 6622 BA1510558 Customer 4155350330 Invoice UABL LIMITED 100 Sale STANDARD 15005 -27,259,360.80 27,259,360.80 G/L Account 15005 ONL 55000002908 59551
30/04/18 CMCO180400032BA1510558 Customer 4155350330 Credit Memo UABL LIMITED 5886 5886 100 Sale STANDARD 15005 27,259,360.80 27,259,360.80 G/L Account 15005 ONL 444444118 59553
31/07/18 GL1800001302 4155350835 18.07_DEF_REV_VSN_BACO000022361_Transelec 100 57,874,332.00 57,874,332.00 G/L Account 15007 CFR 444444200 73779
31/07/18 GL1800001302 4155350835 18.07_DEF_REV_VSN_BACO000022361_Transelec 1/12 100 -4,822,861.00 4,822,861.00 G/L Account 15007 CFR 444444200 73781
31/08/18 GL1800001535 4155350835 18.08_DEF_REV_VSN_BACO000022361_Transelec 2/12 100 -4,822,861.00 4,822,861.00 G/L Account 15007 CFR 444444200 86724
30/09/18 GL1800001736 4155350835 18.09_DEF_REV_VSN_BACO000022361_Transelec 3/12 100 -4,822,861.00 4,822,861.00 G/L Account 15007 CFR 444444200 91337
31/10/18 GL1800002030 4155350835 18.10_DEF_REV_VSN_BACO000022361_Transelec 4/12 100 -4,822,861.00 4,822,861.00 G/L Account 15007 CFR 444444200 95783
30/11/18 GL1800002229 4155350835 18.11_DEF_REV_VSN_BACO000022361_Transelec 5/12 100 -4,822,861.00 4,822,861.00 G/L Account 15007 CFR 444444200 99510
31/12/18 GL1800002470 4155350835 18.12_DEF_REV_VSN_BACO000022361_Transelec 6/12 100 -4,822,861.00 4,822,861.00 G/L Account 15007 CFR 444444200 104333
( 41,622,633)

6190 ( 467,877,000) ( 528,229,000)( 489,173,885)( 449,710,381)( 389,070,188)( 438,844,657) ( 4,239,239)
8299 ( 274,723,000) ( 359,546,000)( 229,682,984)( 300,296,658)( 466,790,979)( 438,755,776) ( 4,238,381)
64991 ( 1,670,000) ( 66,060,000) ( -  ) ( -  ) ( 21,343,180) ( 3,219,316) ( 35,541)
( 744,270,000) ( 953,835,000)( 718,856,869)( 750,007,039)( 877,204,347)( 880,819,749) ( 8,513,161)
( 744,270,000) ( 953,836,000)( 718,857,000)( 750,007,000)( 877,205,000)( 880,819,749)
( -  ) ( (1,000) ( (131) ( 39) ( (653) ( 0)
RETEICA ( 32,166,933)
( 43)
( (23,653,772)

AVISOS Y TABLEROS ( 1,276,974)

SALDO A FAVOR ( (22,376,798)


No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date BASE % Contraprestacion
Vr Impuesto
4145 TRANSPORTE ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMUNICACIO -708,338,124.70 -708,338,124.70 708,338,124.70 2.20% 15,583,438.74
414595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS -708,338,124.70 -708,338,124.70
41459501 SERVICIOS TELECOMUNICACIONES -719,609,927.90 -719,609,927.90
4145950101 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 -317,320,343.58 -317,320,343.58
4145950110 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 -88,362,033.47 -88,362,033.47
4145950120 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 -91,899,580.35 -91,899,580.35
4145950130 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 -198,638,137.56 -198,638,137.56
4145950140 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 -23,389,832.94 -23,389,832.94
41459502 ACCESOS
41459503 ADICIONALES 11,271,803.20 11,271,803.20
4145950310 AUDIO MANAGED SERVICES 11108 11,271,803.20 11,271,803.20

No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
4145 TRANSPORTE ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMUNICACIO -776,941,787.01 -1,485,279,911.71 776,941,787.01 2.20% 17,092,719.31
414595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS -776,941,787.01 -1,485,279,911.71
41459501 SERVICIOS TELECOMUNICACIONES -776,941,787.01 -1,496,551,714.91
4145950101 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 -302,085,761.40 -619,406,104.98
4145950110 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 -96,578,280.37 -184,940,313.84
4145950120 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 -124,803,591.92 -216,703,172.27
4145950130 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 -220,998,967.19 -419,637,104.75
4145950140 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 -32,475,186.13 -55,865,019.07
41459502 ACCESOS
41459503 ADICIONALES 11,271,803.20
4145950310 AUDIO MANAGED SERVICES 11108 11,271,803.20

No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
4145 TRANSPORTE ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMUNICACIO -682,398,780.12 -2,167,678,691.83 682,398,780.12 2.20% 15,012,773.16
414595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS -682,398,780.12 -2,167,678,691.83
41459501 SERVICIOS TELECOMUNICACIONES -682,396,364.73 -2,178,948,079.64
4145950101 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 -299,336,752.29 -918,742,857.27
4145950110 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 -54,751,422.67 -239,691,736.51
4145950120 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 -99,006,203.53 -315,709,375.80
4145950130 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 -196,219,379.55 -615,856,484.30
4145950140 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 -33,082,606.69 -88,947,625.76
41459502 ACCESOS -2,415.39 -2,415.39
4145950220 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA CLOUD DIAL IN 11106 -2,415.39 -2,415.39
41459503 ADICIONALES 11,271,803.20
4145950310 AUDIO MANAGED SERVICES 11108 11,271,803.20

No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
4145 TRANSPORTE ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMUNICACIO -595,226,446.06 -2,762,905,137.89 ( 595,226,446.06) 2.20% 13,094,981.81
414595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS -595,226,446.06 -2,762,905,137.89
41459501 SERVICIOS TELECOMUNICACIONES -595,031,604.89 -2,773,979,684.53
4145950101 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 -263,517,391.08 -1,182,260,248.35
4145950110 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 -48,079,896.89 -287,771,633.40
4145950120 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 -87,452,349.71 -403,161,725.51
4145950130 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 -169,821,947.33 -785,678,431.63
4145950140 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 -26,160,019.88 -115,107,645.64
41459502 ACCESOS -194,841.17 -197,256.56
4145950220 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA CLOUD DIAL IN 11106 -194,841.17 -197,256.56
41459503 ADICIONALES 11,271,803.20
4145950310 AUDIO MANAGED SERVICES 11108 11,271,803.20


No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date BASE % Contraprestacion
4145 TRANSPORTE ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMUNICACIO -1,485,279,911.71 -1,485,279,911.71 1,485,279,911.71 1.00% ( 14,852,799)
414595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS -1,485,279,911.71 -1,485,279,911.71
41459501 SERVICIOS TELECOMUNICACIONES -1,496,551,714.91 -1,496,551,714.91
4145950101 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 -619,406,104.98 -619,406,104.98
4145950110 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 -184,940,313.84 -184,940,313.84
4145950120 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 -216,703,172.27 -216,703,172.27
4145950130 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 -419,637,104.75 -419,637,104.75
4145950140 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 -55,865,019.07 -55,865,019.07
41459502 ACCESOS
41459503 ADICIONALES 11,271,803.20 11,271,803.20
4145950310 AUDIO MANAGED SERVICES 11108 11,271,803.20 11,271,803.20

No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date
4145 TRANSPORTE ALMACENAMIENTO Y COMUNICACIO -1,277,625,226.18 -2,762,905,137.89 1,277,625,226.18 1.00% ( 12,776,252)
414595 ACTIVIDADES CONEXAS -1,277,625,226.18 -2,762,905,137.89
41459501 SERVICIOS TELECOMUNICACIONES -1,277,427,969.62 -2,773,979,684.53
4145950101 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DT CLASSIC 11101 -562,854,143.37 -1,182,260,248.35
4145950110 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DTF CLASSIC 11102 -102,831,319.56 -287,771,633.40
4145950120 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITFS CLASSIC 11103 -186,458,553.24 -403,161,725.51
4145950130 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA ITS CLASSIC 11104 -366,041,326.88 -785,678,431.63
4145950140 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA DIAL OUT CLASSIC 11105 -59,242,626.57 -115,107,645.64
41459502 ACCESOS -197,256.56 -197,256.56
4145950220 SVC AUDIOCONFERENCIA CLOUD DIAL IN 11106 -197,256.56 -197,256.56
41459503 ADICIONALES 11,271,803.20
4145950310 AUDIO MANAGED SERVICES 11108 11,271,803.20

TOTAL A PAGAR CRC ( 27,629,051)

No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date

2369 CONTRAPRESTACIONES -50,057,364.97
236901 FONDO COMUNICACIONES 3,367,308.85
2369010101 FONDO DE COMUNICACIONES 70602 3,367,308.85
236902 CRC -53,424,673.82
2369020101 CRC 70602 -53,424,673.82
No. Name Group Code Net Change Balance at Date BASE Bu Code Sales office Code
Conso Sales Office
Staff Code
Code Channel CodeGlobal Dimension 8 Code
2365 RETENCIONES EN LA FUENTE -6,081,215.76 -19,793,172.84
236505 SALARIOS Y PAGOS LABORALES -3,165,000.00 -17,074,000.00 5030
2365050101 SALARIOS Y PAGOS LABORALES 70602 -3,165,000.00 -17,074,000.00 137,088,165.00 5030
236515 HONORARIOS 779 5030
2365150101 HONORARIOS 70602 779 5030
236520 COMISIONES 5030
2365200101 COMISIONES 70602 5030
236525 SERVICIOS 161,000.00 86 5030
2365250101 SERVICIOS 70602 161,000.00 86 5030
236530 ARRENDAMIENTOS -324 -235,768.04 5030
2365300101 ARRENDAMIENTOS 70602 -324 -235,768.04 6,736,229.71 5030
2365350101 RENDIMIENTOS FINANCIEROS 70602 -58 5030
236540 COMPRAS -823,509.00 -823,392.00 5030
2365400101 COMPRAS 70602 -823,509.00 -823,392.00 32,935,680.00 5030
236550 POR PAGOS AL EXTERIOR 5,861,327.00 5030
2365500101 POR PAGOS AL EXTERIOR 70602 5,861,327.00 5030
236575 AUTORRETENCION CREE -2,253,382.76 -7,522,146.80 5030
2365750101 AUTORRETENCION CREE 70602 -2,253,382.76 -7,522,146.80 470,134,175.00 5030
No. Name Group Code Income/Balance
Account TypeNet Change Balance at Date Balance Bu Code Sales office Code
Conso Sales Office
Staff Code
Code Channel CodeGlobal Dimension 8 Code
Balance SheetTotal -228,413,098.00 -228,413,098.00
Balance SheetHeading -27,223,098.00 -27,223,098.00 5030
70301 Balance SheetPosting -27,223,098.00 -27,223,098.00 5030
Balance SheetHeading -201,190,000.00 -201,190,000.00 5030
70301 Balance SheetPosting -201,190,000.00 -201,190,000.00 5030
2405 PARA LA EQUIDAD Balance SheetHeading -72,429,000.00 -72,429,000.00
SheetHeading -72,429,000.00 -72,429,000.00
2405050101 PARA LA EQUIDAD70301 Balance SheetPosting -72,429,000.00 -72,429,000.00 5030

No. Name Group Code Income/Balance

Account TypeNet Change Balance at Date Balance Bu Code Sales office Code
Conso Sales Office
Staff Code
Code Channel CodeGlobal Dimension 8 Code
IMPTOS SheetTotal 69,025,000.00 69,025,000.00 5030
60901 Balance
DE IMPU 69,025,000.00 69,025,000.00 5030

Posting Date Document No.

Source No. Source Type G/L Account No.
Description Cost center CodeGen. Posting TypeGen. Bus. Posting
Gen. Group
Prod. Posting
Amount Group Debit AmountCredit Amount
Bal. Account Bal.
TypeAccount Group
No. Code Bu Code VAT Registration
31/12/18 GL1800002481 5105180101 PROV COMMISION RELATIVE 430 Dic 7,685,869.007,685,869.00 G/L Account 42210 BU_NA 900.780.598-2 104380
31/12/18 GL1800002482 5105180101 PROV COMMISION RELATIVE 430 Dic 1,527,174.001,527,174.00 G/L Account 42210 CFR 900.780.598-2 104383
31/12/18 GL1800002483 5105180101 PROV COMMISION RELATIVE 430 Dic 500,000.00 500,000.00 G/L Account 42210 EVE 900.780.598-2 104386

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