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A Detailed lesson plan in English


a. define fact and opinion;

b. differentiate fact from opinion and

c. formulate examples of fact and opinion.


a. Topic: Distinguish Fact and Opinion

b. Reference: Learning package Grade-7, page 19-23

c. Materials: Pictures and tarpapel


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

“May I request everyone to please stand for (Students stand and prepare for the prayer)
our prayer?”

“Who will volunteer to lead the prayer?” (One student leads the prayer)

“Good morning class!” “Good morning ma’am”

“Kindly arrange your chairs properly.” (Students arranged their chairs)

“okay you may now take your seats” “Thank you ma’am.”

(Checking of attendance) (Students say present when they are called)

“Okay class how was your day?” “We’re fine ma’am!”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“So Before touching our new lesson, let’s

have first an agreement.”
*listen attentively and participate in every
activity because out of this you will learn.
*keep away your things that are not related
to our discussion.
*no one should go out without my
*lastly, raise your right hand if you want to
ask a question or answer a question.

B. Review

“So let’s have a short review.”

“Now what was the topic that we had “Our topic last meeting ma’am was all about
discussed last meeting?” My Home.”

“Yes. Very good!”

“Now do you still have questions or “None ma’am!”

clarifications about that?”

C. Motivation

“Okay class, before we will proceed to our

new topic, I will present to you different
pictures and you will observe clearly if this
pictures happen in real life events.”

(The teacher shows a picture of a flying


“What have you observe in this picture?” “It’s a flying Carabao ma’am!”

“Okay very good! Now is it possible that a “No ma’am.”

Carabao can fly?”

“Yes it is impossible for a Carabao to fly.”

“Meaning, this pictures only shows that it is “Yes ma’am.”

not true right?”

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