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World Development Vol. 36, No. 9, pp.

1607–1622, 2008
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
0305-750X/$ - see front matter

Global Private Regulation and

Value-Chain Restructuring in Indonesian
Smallholder Coffee Systems
University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
Summary. — Consumer concerns over the environmental and social conditions of coffee produc-
tion have led to the proliferation of sustainability codes, certification schemes, and labeling claims
in the sector. This paper addresses how the global private regulation of ethical and environmental
standards is having several implications for value chain structures and institutions in the small-
holder coffee systems of Indonesia. Global private regulation is driving structural changes in modes
of farmer organization, trader–farmer relationships, and is resulting in the increased upstream pen-
etration of multinational trading companies into coffee-producing areas across Indonesia. An unin-
tended consequence of these changes in the future may be to increase transaction costs along the
value chain and to exert an overall downward pressure on farm-gate prices.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words — coffee, global private regulation, value chains, Asia, Indonesia

1. INTRODUCTION industrial complex.’’ This paper charts the local

structural changes taking place in Indonesia as
The rise of a widespread ‘‘sustainable’’ coffee a result of an emergent regime of global private
agenda has followed the earlier, predominantly regulation in the coffee industry.
NGO-driven, certification of organic and fair- The global private regulation of ‘‘sustainabil-
trade producers for niche markets. Increas- ity’’ requires the capacity to trace back the agri-
ingly, however, this sustainability agenda is cultural origins of coffee in developing
being driven by corporate interests who, often countries. This process of enhanced product
in partnership with international NGOs, are ea- traceability is a prime driver in a series of
ger to demonstrate their ethical credentials to changes to value chain structures in producing
discerning consumers. This corporate engage- countries, of which little has hitherto been doc-
ment has significantly broadened the producer umented. Furthermore, the specific demands
base affected by ethical sourcing practices in for compliance to, and verification of, corpo-
the global coffee sector. There are, however, rate definitions of sustainable production are
several implications for smallholder production driving a new division of winners and losers
systems and industry structures when powerful in the global coffee economy. In many in-
corporate actors begin to require certification, stances, existing institutional support structures
traceability, and adherence to foreign-authored at the local or national level are being chal-
compliance systems. Leading agri-food lenged by a new regime of global corporate reg-
researchers, such as Harriet Friedmann, are ulation. New sets of institutional arrangements
now describing the convergence of environmen- are emerging in producing countries, such as
tal and social politics, and the retail-led reorga- Indonesia, which are better adapted to meeting
nization of food supply chains in terms of an the requirements of these privately regulated
emergent ‘‘corporate-environmental food re- value chains.
gime’’ (Friedmann, 2005). Elsewhere, in a sim-
ilar fashion, Gereffi, Garcia-Johnsom, and
Sasser (2001) speak in terms of the ‘‘NGO- *Final revision accepted: September 6, 2007.

Over the past two decades, debates on the so- roasting firms began offering ‘‘alternative’’
cial and environmental ethicality of consumer third-party certified coffees amidst their prod-
products have certainly gained prominence uct range, including such labels as organic,
within the global coffee industry. As described fair-trade, shade-grown and rainforest alliance.
elsewhere (Neilson & Pritchard, 2007), the More recently, major branded coffee companies
mechanics of corporate engagement with sus- and retailers have authored their own traceabil-
tainable coffee agendas have occurred via three ity-driven verification systems of environmental
overlapping sets of processes: (i) adoption of and social compliance in coffee-producing com-
NGO-certified fair-trade and ecologically sound munities. Leading initiatives toward corporate
coffees as specific ‘‘niche’’ product lines; (ii) the self regulation in the global coffee industry in-
development of firm-specific corporate codes of clude EUREPGAP (and the closely associated
conduct, and (iii) an agenda to work toward col- Utz Kapeh program, established by Dutch re-
lective, industry-wide private standards. The lat- tail giant Ahold, but now spun off as an inde-
ter two processes reflect more specifically the pendent NGO), the Common Code for the
emergence of corporate-driven self regulation. Coffee Community (4C), and Starbucks’ Coffee
With origins in direct purchasing schemes, and Farmer Equity (CAFE) Practices (refer to
pioneered by organizations such as Oxfam in Appendix A for a background overview of the
the 1970s, fair-trade and certified-organic coffee emergence of these systems).
made inroads into the global market during the Corporate self regulation in the coffee sector
1980s. The primary aim of these initiatives was frequently enrolls NGO actors, as partners in
for civil society organizations to establish alter- determining and monitoring best practice, in
native consumer spaces alongside the main- an attempt to establish moral legitimacy in the
stream coffee market, offering a means of market. These partnerships obfuscate the dis-
product differentiation for growers which could tinction between corporate self regulation and
be translated into farm-gate price premiums. A NGO alternative products, creating a new re-
vital catalyst for subsequent corporate engage- gime of global private regulation. And yet, cor-
ment with ‘‘sustainable’’ coffee was growing porate engagement with ‘‘sustainable’’ coffee
public awareness of a global coffee crisis. Coffee departs significantly from earlier NGO-driven
prices crashed following the demise of an inter- certification in that adherence is fast becoming
national export quota system in 1989 and then, a mandatory requirement for market access.
following brief rises in 1994 and 1997, continued The expanding influence and reach of ‘‘volun-
a downward spiral at the close of the century. By tary’’ codes of self regulation are primarily cor-
2001, the industry was in serious crisis, with porate responses to market-based incentives,
farmers in developing countries exposed to some based on growing concern over the need to pro-
of the lowest ever coffee prices. Correspondingly, tect a firm’s ‘‘reputational capital’’ and ‘‘operat-
research linking the intensification of coffee pro- ing legitimacy’’ (Angel & Rock, 2005). These
duction in Latin America with habitat loss for systems therefore have the potential to induce
migratory bird species in the United States (Rice changes across a much broader producer base,
& Ward, 1996) provided another impetus for including Indonesian smallholder systems
growing consumer awareness of environmental where earlier forms of NGO-driven certification
conditions in coffee growing communities. had, for the most part, had little impact.
Inevitably, global coverage of the crisis and There now exists widespread support for a
environmental degradation pulled fair-trade business case in favor of corporate self regula-
and ecologically sound coffees increasingly into tion, built around an argument of enhanced
the consumption mainstream. With the in- shareholder value through effective risk manage-
creased importance of the symbolic quality of ment (refer to Brown & Fraser, 2006 for an over-
coffee products (Daviron & Ponte, 2005), lead- view of the Business Studies literature on this
ing brands could not afford to be associated subject). There also appear to be considerable
with allegations that they were perpetuating corporate benefits gained through pre-empting
third-world poverty or contributing to serious formal regulation and freeing business from gov-
environmental degradation. During the period ernment intervention (as suggested elsewhere by
2001–03, the world’s five leading branded coffee Gereffi et al. (2001) & O’Rourke (2006)). For
companies put forward corporate ‘‘Codes of multinational corporations with activities
Conduct’’ that provided broad-ranging guide- extending deep into developing countries, pri-
lines for ethical corporate activity (Neilson & vate regulation also provides a valuable defense
Pritchard, 2007). At the same time, major against allegations of social and environmental

neglect in regions of the world where the regula- widely adopted by researchers, industry, and
tory capacity of states can be limited. development practitioners to understand the
The introduction of corporate self regulation political economy of contemporary global pro-
to the global agri-food system has also drawn duction systems. While the GVC approach can
extensive criticism. Giovannucci and Ponte be traced to the world systems research of Hop-
(2005) have questioned whether sustainability kins and Wallerstein (1977, 1986), it has more
standards in the coffee sector are likely to ben- recently been used as a tool to analyze different
efit developing country actors due to insuffi- aspects of chain coordination and governance
cient transparency and clarity of the (Gereffi, Humphrey, & Sturgeon, 2005; Ponte
standards, the inadequate participation of pro- & Gibbon, 2005). The landmark edited volume
ducing country actors in standards setting pro- by Gereffi and Korzeniewicz, 1994 identified
cedures, and the inability to compensate three key dimensions of GVCs: (i) an input–out-
growers for improving performance. Mutersb- put structure; (ii) territoriality; and (iii) gover-
augh (2005) has further argued that globalized nance structure. The first two dimensions are
standards squeeze out certified-organic and generally considered descriptive, and the latter
fair-trade production. The potential for prod- more analytical. The Global Value Chain Initia-
uct differentiation is greatly diminished, with tive, a collaborative effort between Duke Uni-
little guarantee of price premiums in the long versity, the Institute of Development Studies
run (Muradian & Pelupessy, 2005; Neilson & (IDS) at Sussex, and other interested research-
Pritchard, 2007). Finally, Raynolds, Murray, ers (, is
and Heller (2007) suggest that the credibility developing a central set of concepts and tools
of such schemes is fundamentally undercut by for conducting global value chain research.
their self-interested industry ties. These have been borrowed in this study. In this
In this paper, I focus on the implications for article, the chief concern is with value chain gov-
value chain structures within smallholder coffee ernance and the ability of lead firms located in
systems across Indonesia arising from the impo- distant locations such as the United States and
sition of externally authored environmental and Europe to dictate production and trade condi-
social compliance systems. The paper is struc- tions in rural Indonesia.
tured as follows. I start with a brief discussion Humphrey and Schmitz (2004) define ‘‘gover-
on methodology and the key concepts of corpo- nance’’ as the process of specifying, communi-
rate self regulation, governance, and institutions cating, and enforcing compliance with key
used in this paper. This is followed by an over- product and process parameters along the value
view of the Indonesian coffee industry, present- chain. This definition emphasizes the ways in
ing its historical development, introducing key which lead firms, often multinational compa-
actors and institutions, and delineating existing nies, set the parameters within which other ac-
industry structures. This baseline assessment tors elsewhere in the chain must operate
then provides a platform for the subsequent (Humphrey, 2005). Along global coffee chains,
analysis of value restructuring now occurring. Ponte (2002) has described how large branded
Key findings from this analysis include: (i) the roasting companies are at the forefront of dic-
prioritization of idealized forms of farmer orga- tating governance structures, coordinating
nization (such as cooperatives) over traditional modes of operation for international trading
market-based trade networks; (ii) consolidation companies, producing-country governments,
among a limited number of exporting firms and and producers, as well as, in many cases, retail-
the upstream penetration of multinational trad- ers and consumers. Value chain governance,
ing firms; and (iii) trends toward contract farm- then, is evident within various Corporate Social
ing-style arrangements between multinational Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Indeed, echo-
coffee companies and producers leading to ‘‘va- ing definitions of governance in GVC analysis,
lue chain enclosure’’ and ‘‘farmer capture.’’ corporate self regulation is defined by Graham
and Woods (2006, p. 869) as ‘‘attempts by cor-
porations to establish rule-based constraints on
2. CONCEPTS AND METHODS: behavior without the direct coercive interven-
GOVERNANCE AND INSTITUTIONS tion of states or other external actors.’’ O’Rou-
IN GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS rke (2006, p. 899) goes further to argue that
‘‘The most dynamic experiments in global gover-
This research adopts a global value chain nance are not about national regulatory policies,
(GVC) approach. GVC analysis 1 has been international trade agreements, or even international

agency initiatives. Rather, a new class of governance interviews were conducted with regional coffee
institutions has emerged that involve private and traders and mill operators supplying the inter-
non-governmental stakeholders in negotiating labor, viewed exporters to allow triangulation and to
health and safety, and environmental standards,
monitoring compliance with these standards, and
follow through particular modes of value chain
establishing mechanisms of certification and labeling governance. Thirty-one regional traders/mill
that provide incentives for firms to meet these stan- operators were interviewed across the produc-
dards.’’ ing regions.
At the local level, representatives of 10 coffee
Traceability-driven CSR initiatives have farmer organizations (either cooperatives or
clearly emerged as an important tool with more informal farmer groups) were interviewed
which lead firms implement value chain gover- as well as numerous discussions held with indi-
nance. In this study, I also introduce an explic- vidual farmers and local market traders. A
itly institutional perspective to value chain number of individual farms were also visited
restructuring, where institutions refer to both during these visits, including in remote loca-
the formal and informal rules that govern the tions to avoid any bias of visiting only the most
passage of a commodity along the chain. The accessible farms. In almost all cases, the inter-
works of economists such as Ronald Coase, views and discussions were conducted in the
Oliver Williamson and Douglass North have Indonesian national language. A ‘‘snow-ball-
emphasized the role of transaction costs and ing’’ methodology meant that informants were
property rights in institutional analysis. North frequently identified through prior interviews
(1990, p. 3) identifies institutions as ‘‘the rules with industry actors, and it is acknowledged
of the game in a society or, more formally, that in some cases, this results in the researcher
the humanly devised constraints that shape hu- being directed toward suppliers and farmers
man interaction.’’ In the study of global coffee who are able to convey a positive impression
value chains, the work of John Talbot (1997, of the exporters supply chain (and its ethical
2002) has emphasized the role played by global credentials in particular). To avoid gaining a
institutions such as financial markets and inter- false impression of production systems through
governmental regulatory bodies in determining visiting only ‘‘show-case’’ farmer groups and
governance patterns. In this article, shifting cooperatives, an effort was made to also visit
institutional arrangements or ‘‘rules of the farmers and traders not recommended by
game’’ in Indonesia, such as the informal insti- exporters and government.
tution of interlinked markets between grower In accordance with the aim of assessing the
and collector, are identified as responding to local and national institutional framework of
new forms of global value chain governance. the coffee value chain, interviews were also held
The GVC approach also has important meth- with government agencies (notably the Direc-
odological implications. With the concept of torate General of Estate Crops and the Depart-
value chain governance as a central concern, ment of Trade), representatives of the leading
it becomes necessary to follow the actors along industry association (the Association of Indo-
a chain to assess the constraints on behavior nesian Coffee Exporters—AEKI), and with
and incentive structures affecting industry Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) ac-
structures. While international coffee roasters tive in the coffee chain. Six district offices of
are essentially driving governance along global the Directorate General of Estate Crops
coffee chains, primary research for this study (responsible for coffee farmer extension) and
was performed on the pre-export segment of four provincial AEKI offices were visited across
the value chain. Over the period 2004–07, Indonesia. Much of the information regarding
semi-structured interviews were held with 16 corporate codes of conduct and certified pro-
exporters (some of whom were also mill opera- ducers is available online at various websites.
tors) located in the major ports of Medan, Ban-
dar Lampung, Jakarta, Surabaya, and
Makassar (Figure 1). These ports serve as crit- 3. THE INDONESIAN COFFEE
ical nodes from where supply chains extend INDUSTRY
into the coffee-producing hinterland. Eight sep-
arate field visits (each of generally a two-week (a) Overview
duration) were made to production centers in
North Sumatra, Lampung, East Java, Bali, Coffee was first introduced to Java in 1699,
South Sulawesi, and Flores. Where possible, with the Indonesian islands becoming the

Figure 1. Major coffee-producing regions of Indonesia.

world’s leading supplier in the 18th century An important feature of smallholder tree-
(mainly through VOC-owned estates) before crop expansion in the outer islands (as outlined
being surpassed by Brazil in the 19th century. in detail initially by Geertz, 1963 and then later
Smallholder production of coffee expanded by Barlow & Tomich, 1991) was how crops
rapidly on colonial Java under the culturstelsel such as coffee were easily inserted into tradi-
system of forced deliveries, starting in 1830 tional shifting cultivation systems. The rapid
(Booth, 1988). Then, the Agrarian Law of growth in smallholder coffee production across
1870 opened up considerable areas of land for Indonesia was due to an increase in the area un-
commodity production, resulting in the rise of der cultivation, rather than through improved
a commercial plantation economy, and a num- management techniques or intensification. Ruf
ber of coffee estates were established on both and Yoddang (2001) attributed the further
Java and Sumatra. Investment in coffee estates, expansion of coffee production by Sumatran
however, was severely set back by the arrival smallholders in the 1950s to their access to for-
into Indonesia of leaf rust during the 1880s, est lands, low overhead costs, and migration
which subsequently decimated Arabica produc- (bringing in labor mostly from Java). This
tion, eventually leading to the widespread growth of smallholder coffee production in
introduction of the disease-resistant Robusta the outer islands has continued since, and in
species from around 1900. Robusta’s introduc- many parts of Indonesia, coffee is still grown
tion coincided with the rising dominance of in pioneer fronts at the forest margin. Although
smallholder coffee production in Indonesia, the availability of forest land for conversion to
particularly in Sumatra, such that production coffee production outside protected areas is
by smallholders had already exceeded estates increasingly limited, an extensive ‘‘shifting cul-
by the Indonesian proclamation of indepen- tivation’’ mentality still dominates cultivation
dence in 1945 (McStocker, 1987). in many areas. Intensification of production

through enhanced cultivation techniques is region in the country. Here, there are two ma-
uncommon, and there have been few major jor production regions: the Gayo Highlands
breakthroughs in terms of improved plant vari- in Aceh Province and the Batak region around
eties. Lake Toba in North Sumatra Province. Cus-
The great majority of Indonesian coffee pro- tomarily, all Arabica Coffee grown in northern
duction (around 90% by volume) is Robusta Sumatra is exported under the trade name
(Table 1). Southern Sumatra is the major pro- ‘‘Mandailing’’ 2 (sometimes written ‘‘Mandhel-
ducing region (Figure 1), where it is exclusively ing’’). Southern Sulawesi (usually marketed as
a smallholder crop (indeed, with the exception ‘‘Kalosi’’ or ‘‘Toraja’’ coffee) is the next most
of an estimated 25,000 tonnes of estate produc- important Arabica origin in Indonesia, fol-
tion in East Java, almost all Indonesian coffee is lowed (in terms of value) by the highly regarded
now produced by smallholders). Panjang Port government estates of East Java.
in Lampung is the key export node in southern It is generally the case that specialty markets,
Sumatra, and this Robusta coffee generally where origins are far more ‘‘knowable’’ to con-
competes in the global market with producers sumers and where symbolic value is more
such as Vietnam as a cheap, bulk coffee for pro- important (Daviron & Ponte, 2005), are more
cessing into instant coffee and/or used as a filler conducive to the value-adding processes associ-
in commercial blends. Since 1979, Nestlé Indo- ated with product certification. Specialty mar-
nesia has operated an instant coffee factory in kets also demand greater corporate attention
Lampung, and a number of international trad- to reputation, brand management, and risk
ing companies now have representatives there, minimization. As a result, certification, trace-
including Ecom Agroindustrial (Switzerland), ability, and private regulation are generally
Olam (Singapore), Andhira (Netherlands), far more advanced in the Arabica-producing
and Noble (Hong Kong). regions of Indonesia than in the Robusta ones.
There are also a number of important Arab-
ica-producing origins in the country (Figure 1), (b) Government policy, state institutions, and
many of which have well-developed reputations coffee development
for quality in the international specialty coffee
market. Despite constituting only 10% of pro- The agricultural export economy, both the
duction, Arabica accounted for 33% of national estate and smallholder sectors, stagnated dur-
exports in terms of value in 2004 (AEKI, 2006). ing the immediate post-independence period
With approximately 35,000 tonnes of Arabica due, in part, to a policy bias against exports
exported from Medan in 2004, northern Suma- by way of taxation. The nationalization of for-
tra is the most important Arabica-producing mer Dutch-held estates in 1957 (described by
Mackie, 1961) further contributed to industry
decline. Very little official assistance was pro-
Table 1. Estimates of Indonesian coffee production vided to coffee smallholders during this period.
(tonnes) Timmer (1996) describes the political interven-
Producing region Robusta Arabica tion in national food security across Indonesia
Southern Sumatra 320,000 1,000
starting in the late 1970s, which resulted in a
Northern Sumatra 50,000 35,000
relatively high annual agricultural GDP growth
Java 60,000 5,000 rate of 5.7% from 1978 to 1986 (Arifin, 2004).
Southern Sulawesi 3,000 7,000 However, in contrast to persistent government
Bali and Nusa Tenggara 12,000 4,000 efforts to introduce improved cultivation tech-
Other 50,000 1,000 niques in the case of rice production, coffee
farmers did not have access to a credible gov-
Total 495,000 53,000 ernment extension service during this period.
Sources: This table is based on a number of sources, While input subsidies under the food security
including data published by the Directorate General of policy (notably fertilizers) were sometimes
Estate Crops in Jakarta (Dirjen Bina Produksi Perkeb- transferred to the coffee sector, there were few
unan, 2004), the National Statistics Agency, (BPS, coordinated efforts to develop coffee produc-
2004), and the Association of Indonesian Coffee tion systems by smallholders. Government sup-
Exporters (AICE). Official data for smallholder
production in Indonesia are notoriously unreliable, and port for Indonesian export agriculture has been
the figures presented in this table have been adjusted largely restricted to palm oil and rubber, where
based on field observations and interviews with various ‘‘nucleus’’ estates were a key model applied to
industry actors (notably exporters). introduce new technologies to surrounding

smallholders and to farmers within transmigra- aged by the Association of Indonesian Coffee
tion schemes. The expansion of agricultural ex- Exporters (Asosiasi Eksportir Kopi Indonesia—
port production, including coffee, in the late AEKI), creating substantial economic rents
1980s, was actually stimulated by a supportive for those exporters with strong political con-
macroeconomic environment, especially the nections. McStocker (1987) estimated that
competitive exchange rate following the 1986 average exporter margins across Indonesia in
devaluation of the Rupiah, rather than specific 1983 (after taking into account costs) were a
government policies. massive 22% of the FOB price, and that farm-
During Suharto’s military-backed ‘‘New Or- ers were receiving only 60% of FOB. While
der’’ regime (1966–97), when strong anti-leftist AEKI no longer administers export quotas, it
sentiments pervaded all levels of Indonesian retains a government-mandated export levy
society, grass-root farmer organization was which provides an income stream for the asso-
viewed with extreme suspicion by government ciation which is subject to very little public
authorities. On the surface, however, the New financial accountability.
Order regime was committed to economic
development built on a foundation of coopera- (c) Smallholders and traditional trade networks
tives (so-called Panca Sila principles). This con-
tradiction meant that, despite official rhetoric, By the turn of the 21st century, Indonesian
farmer groups were unable to evolve as mean- coffee was overwhelmingly produced by scat-
ingful economic actors and instead, farmer tered and unorganized smallholders with little
associations were commonly mobilized as polit- access to improved technologies or an effective
ical vehicles by the authorities. The village extension service, and selling into traditional
cooperatives (Koperasi Unit Desa—KUDs) trade networks. Across Indonesia, farm-level
and Agricultural Cooperatives (Koperasi Perta- marketing of coffee generally involves main-
nian—Koptan) were such highly politicized or- taining relationships with first-stage collectors,
gans, frequently acting as agents of government who either purchase coffee at the farm-gate or
propaganda and locking up government vote through traditional village markets. Arabica
banks during ‘‘mock’’ state elections. In post- coffee in northern Sumatra and southern
Suharto Indonesia, these institutions have Sulawesi is sold by farmers as semi-dried parch-
indelible associations of corruption and politi- ment coffee for subsequent processing at cen-
cal misuse, and farmers remain cautious of tralized mills. Especially in the Batak and
organizing under the KUD structure. Toraja cultures of these regions, traditional
Indonesia has had an unfortunate history of markets serve both economic and important so-
state intervention in agricultural supply chains, cial functions. In contrast to the trade in semi-
based largely on the mistaken premise that tra- dried Arabica parchment, Robusta coffee
ditional trade networks were unnecessarily ex- across Indonesia is dry-processed and hulled
tended and inefficient. The establishment of at the farm level, being sold into extended sup-
state marketing boards and local trade monop- ply chains as Asalan (unsorted and ungraded)
olies was a common practice toward the latter green beans.
half of the New Order regime. Coffee was never It is not uncommon for coffee to change
directly exposed to such intervention. However, hands three or four times along traditional
the experience of citrus being forcibly chan- trade networks before reaching processing mills
neled through KUDs in West Kalimantan, or or exporters. The role of the first-stage collector
tea factories being granted exclusive rights to in this network is particularly important, fre-
areas of smallholder production in West Java, quently offering a line of credit to farmers in re-
has left Indonesian farmers generally suspicious turn for the exclusive sale of harvested coffee to
of any attempt at supply chain control (Mont- them, thereby interlinking product marketing
gomery et al., 2002). Interestingly, in the con- and credit markets (as described elsewhere by
text of recent trends toward corporate self Bardhan (1989) & Hoff & Stiglitz (1993)). Not-
regulation in the coffee sector, the ostensible withstanding farmer allegations of profiteering
aim of Indonesian state intervention in the past and price fixing by collectors (a common, and
was also to improve farmer welfare. often highly justified, claim against village
Government involvement in the coffee sector money lenders and their ilk in various parts
was limited to export allocations under the of the world), village collectors also perform
International Coffee Organization (ICO) re- an important value chain function connecting
gime prior to 1989. Export quotas were man- farmers to the mill. Elsewhere, McLeod

(1978) has emphasized the three principal ser- tially produced by a government-owned mill,
vices offered by such middlemen to farmers in which in 1997, was then purchased by a US-
Indonesia: product marketing, money lending, based coffee trading company (Holland Coffee).
and merchandising (the latter usually involving An associated farmers association supplies the
the sale of rice, sugar, and other necessities). mill, which has since obtained both Fair-trade
This widespread form of interlinked markets and Utz Kapeh certification. The certified cof-
can sometimes result in reduced farm-gate fee industry in Aceh has recently become
prices and is often accused of contributing to increasingly crowded. The US-based Fores-
the impoverishment of farmer communities. Trade has assisted another Acehnese farmers
However, the lender is operating in a setting association (known as PPKGO) and local mill
where formal credit is mostly unavailable. The (CV. Trimaju) to produce Fair-trade and certi-
lender, therefore, absorbs high costs due to fied-organic coffee (ForesTrade, 2004). This
monitoring and risk exposure. Without this vil- was then followed in 2005 by a post-tsunami
lage-level lender–collector, most Indonesian USAID project to establish another farmers
coffee farmers would not have access to any cooperative and mill in Takengon, managed
form of credit and would present serious mar- by the National Cooperative Business Associa-
keting challenges to farmers. tion (NCBA), and focusing on producing certi-
Scholarship into the functioning of tradi- fied coffee (USAID, 2007).
tional Indonesian marketing chains has a long A parallel development to that in Central
history. In her landmark study, Dewey (1962) Aceh also took place in East Timor during the
emphasized the way peasant marketing was 1990s (when East Timor was still a province of
well adapted to the cultural characteristics of Indonesia), where another USAID funded
Javanese society, while Alexander (1987) con- development program (managed also by
ceptualized the traditional market as a struc- NCBA) commenced in 1994 to establish coffee
tured flow of information. Elsewhere, cooperatives and set up processing facilities to
traditional marketing chains for Indonesian co- fully wash and process East Timorese coffee.
coa have been congratulated for their efficiency According to Marsh (2001), by 1999, over 25%
and ‘‘almost perfect’’ competition, delivering of the total crop of 8,000 tonnes was produced
high farm-gate prices (Ruf & Yoddang, 1998). as certified-organic coffee by the 17,000-member
The percentage of the FOB export price re- ‘‘Cooperativa Café Timor.’’ In both Aceh and
tained by cocoa farmers in Sulawesi has even East Timor, substantial donor supports or
been estimated to be as high as 90% (Akiyama international cooperation has been critical to
& Nishio, 1997). Based on field observations in the development of farmer certification.
2005 and 2006, it appears that farmer share of A second stage in the development of sustain-
the FOB price for Indonesian coffee is slightly able coffee in Indonesia commenced with the
lower, ranging from about 65% (North Suma- introduction of Utz Kapeh certification. In
tra) to 70% (Sulawesi) for Arabica, and up to 2002, a state-owned plantation company, PTPN
75% for Robusta in Lampung (much higher, XII (an amalgam of former Dutch colonial es-
it should be noted, than estimates made by tates across the Province of East Java) gained
McStocker (1987), during a period of greater certification in response to requests from a par-
market intervention). The slightly lower rates ticular buyer located in the Netherlands (Suk-
for Arabica reflect the fact that Arabica leaves arno, 2006). PTPN XII now has Utz Kapeh
the farm as a semi-processed product, still with certification for 10,000 ha of coffee (http://
substantial downstream processing costs. In The company relied on
conclusion, then, it would appear that tradi- considerable economies of scale and institution-
tional coffee marketing networks do in fact alized in-house reporting frameworks to facili-
function relatively efficiently, transferring most tate a relatively painless adoption of Utz
of the export price to farmers. Kapeh standards. The comparative ease of large
plantation companies to gain Utz Kapeh certifi-
(d) ‘‘Sustainable’’ coffees in Indonesia cation vis-à-vis smallholders has reinforced the
reputation of Utz Kapeh as being a corporate-
The first ‘‘certified’’ coffee in Indonesia friendly form of certification (Raynolds et al.,
(according to Mawardi, 2002) was an organic 2007; Renard, 2005). Whereas the first stage, de-
coffee from the Takengon region of Central scribe above, was driven by development agen-
Aceh, which in 1992 was marketed as Gayo cies attempting to establish differentiated
Mountain Organic Coffee. This coffee was ini- products, market premiums, and achieve certain

environmental targets, this second stage has demands and the increasing global private reg-
been characterized by producers being enrolled ulation of the coffee sector. Three manifesta-
within corporate-driven traceability systems as tions of industry restructuring are documented
a requirement of market access. As of May 2, and discussed in this study: (i) the prioritization
2007, there were another five certified Utz Ka- of farmer cooperatives over traditional trade
peh producers in Indonesia (http://www.utzka- networks; (ii) exporter consolidation and up-, including one of the farmers stream involvement of international traders;
association in Aceh, two certifications held by and (iii) the ‘‘capture’’ of farmers within en-
the local subsidiary of the Swiss-based Ecom closed value chains.
Agro-industrial company, and another two held
by Medan-based exporting firms. (a) Prioritization of farmer cooperatives over
Within the specialty Arabica-growing regions traditional trade structures
of Indonesia, a parallel set of value chain regu-
lation has been unfolding. The rapid global As noted in the previous discussion, the expe-
expansion of the Starbucks Coffee Company, rience of Indonesian farmers with agricultural
with its considerable buying power in these re- cooperatives in the past has been particularly
gions, is starting to dominate local trade sys- adverse. Nevertheless, some coffee farmer coop-
tems, with the company’s CAFÉ Practices eratives have been established, notably in the
program driving change in upstream producing Gayo lands of Aceh, primarily as a means for
regions. Starbucks currently offers two Indone- attaining organic and Fair-trade certification.
sian coffees as single-origins within its regular For Fair-trade certification, small farmers are
product range: Sumatra and Sulawesi. By explicitly required to form cooperatives, or an-
2006, Starbucks’ major suppliers in these re- other equivalent organizational form. For all
gions were attempting to obtain third-party practical purposes, organic certification for
verification of producer conditions in accor- smallholders also requires group formation to
dance with CAFÉ Practices requirements. Less facilitate inspection and monitoring, as increas-
burdened by the sometimes cumbersome de- ingly do the various corporate codes that have
mands of industry-wide collaboration (such as emerged in the coffee sector. An implicit
the 4C described in Appendix A), CAFÉ Prac- assumption within these systems, then, is that
tices is currently exerting a greater influence on farmer cooperatives are an intrinsically supe-
value chain structures in Indonesia than any rior mode of value chain organization and are
other verification system. Based on interviews to be prioritized over the traditional trade
with industry actors, it is likely that the share structures described in Section Section 3(c).
of regional exports being sold to Starbucks sup- Effective farmer organization through coop-
pliers in each of northern Sumatra and Sulaw- eratives certainly appears to offer numerous po-
esi is now approaching 50%. This dominant tential advantages to growers (collective
market position has important ramifications marketing, labor sharing, revolving credit,
for value chain regulation, as compliance with bulk-buying, and knowledge dissemination).
CAFÉ Practices is rapidly becoming a manda- This form of organization, however, is far from
tory requirement of selling coffee from these re- widespread in the coffee regions of Indonesia
gions. and it is contentious whether cooperatives are
Certified, and third-party verified, coffee sys- necessarily most effective in delivering services
tems across Indonesia have expanded over the to individual coffee growers (particularly with-
last 10 years from an initial focus on organic out substantial external support). The Aceh-
and Fair-trade certification of smallholders, nese experience of cooperative development
driven by international development agencies, has been driven by a history of development
to various modes of company-specific, and assistance. In many other producing regions
industry-wide, corporate self regulation. of Indonesia, less affected by the activities of
either international agencies or government
departments, coffee farmers continue to be
4. GLOBAL PRIVATE REGULATION reluctant to voluntarily establish or join coop-
AND VALUE CHAIN RESTRUCTURING eratives. Cooperatives have been unable to se-
cure farmer support in Indonesia due to their
The primary concern of this paper is to pres- inability to provide the same services as tradi-
ent value chain restructuring currently occur- tional market mechanisms, such as hassle-free
ring in Indonesia in response to traceability access to credit and simple marketing

procedures embedded within traditional market chain, and potentially depressing farm-gate
cycles, and to the perceived high costs of deal- prices as a result.
ing with (historically anyway) bureaucratic While a direct relationship between farmer
and corrupt cooperative structures. cooperatives and a mill would, in theory,
In an attempt to adhere to CAFÉ Practices encourage a greater degree of price transpar-
requirements, exporters in Sumatra and Sulaw- ency and traceability, this is only possible with-
esi are intensifying their supply–chain relation- in a supporting institutional framework, which
ships with growers. While CAFÉ Practices does does not currently exist in the coffee regions of
not explicitly require farmers to be coopera- Indonesia. As such, there will be serious social
tively organized, successfully adopting price ramifications of externally insisting on changes
transparency within traditional farmer-market to the local supply chain structure without first
systems (such as in the Toraja or Batak lands) addressing the economic functions being per-
is extremely difficult. Suharto-era KUD struc- formed by particular local-level institutions. If
tures still exist (on paper anyway) in both cooperative structures are deemed to be the
Sumatra and Sulawesi, and these ‘‘paper’’ preferred mode of farmer organization, a criti-
cooperatives have in some instance re-emerged cal issue then becomes who should absorb the
as preferred partners for exporters seeking necessary costs of farmer organization. Should
strengthened upstream linkages in accordance this be government, trading companies, inter-
with CAFÉ Practices. Several growers inter- national roasters, or international development
viewed during field visits expressed concerns agencies? Recent trends in Indonesia are for
over the potential for rent-seeking opportunism development agencies, such as USAID and
by KUD leaders as a result of their priority sta- the International Finance Corporation (IFC),
tus within these re-regulated value chains. to absorb these costs. The appropriateness,
In Sulawesi, a key supplier to Starbucks is a therefore, of promoting producer cooperatives
centralized mill located in the Toraja District, as an idealized form of farmer organization to
with a minority share held by a local coopera- meet increasing traceability requirements under
tive (a KUD). While this particular KUD is a regime of global private regulation should be
(even on paper) not a cooperative of coffee seriously questioned in the Indonesian context.
farmers (but rather a town-based trading en-
tity), it is clear that the mill has benefited from (b) Exporter consolidation and upstream
an association with a cooperative form or orga- integration
nization. In 2005, this same mill introduced
principles of economic accountability and Starting in 1986, and continuing throughout
financial transparency along the Starbucks sup- the 1990s, successive reforms to foreign invest-
ply chain. Thirty local market traders were ment restrictions in Indonesia have gradually
identified as preferred suppliers to the mill opened up the trade in agricultural commodi-
and were requested to maintain records and ob- ties to international trading companies. These
tain signatures for all farm purchases. The com- companies are now playing a highly influential
petitive village-level buying environment has role in the coffee export sub-sector, with domes-
subsequently been affected as lucrative rents ac- tic traders complaining about their own
crue for the preferred traders, through whom increasing marginalization due to unfair com-
all supplies to the mill must now be channeled. petition with ‘‘foreign capitalists.’’ An AEKI
The issue of farmer organization within re- spokesmen claimed that 70% of the country’s
regulated coffee chains across Indonesia pre- coffee exports in 2001 were being controlled
sents an interesting dilemma. On the one hand, by foreign companies (The Jakarta Post, 11/
traditional trade structures are ill-suited to both 09/2001). The demands of global private regu-
traceability and price transparency, suggesting lation and traceability are contributing to this
the potential benefits of cooperative-style pro- continued consolidation of international trader
ducer organizations. In Indonesia, however, interests within the export segment of the value
the KUD structure is severely affected by asso- chain.
ciations with Suharto-era misuse and continued Table 2 shows how exports of Arabica coffee
inability to provide farmers with acceptable from Sulawesi have become increasingly con-
financial services. Global private regulation is trolled by a limited number of international
therefore changing the relative transaction trading firms. Similarly, based on field inter-
costs of local institutional arrangements, result- views with industry stakeholders, it is estimated
ing in structural adjustments within the value that three international trading companies are

Table 2. Role of foreign exporters in the Sulawesi local export markets. Trust is a key component
Arabica industry in the relationship between roasters and their
Year No. foreign exporters Export share (%) global suppliers, resulting in long-term relation-
ships between exporters with multinational
1997 1 26
trading pedigrees and dominant global roasting
2000 2 50
2003 3 49
firms, where relationships can be strengthened
2006 3 72
through cooperation across a number of global
origins. Multinational trading companies are
Source: Data calculated based on information provided generally more able, and willing, to adhere to
by the Office of the Department of Industry and Trade, traceability requirements along their supply
chain, and so enforce the governance regime
set down by branded roasting companies. It
now responsible for approximately 50% of ex- is, however, extremely difficult to disassociate
ports in northern Sumatra, and five interna- the precise role played by global private regula-
tional companies in Lampung are responsible tion in driving consolidation and upstream
for approximately 30% of exports there. Com- integration, from wider influences already con-
monly, other significant ‘‘local’’ exporters are tributing to the dominance of international
actually those who have developed close work- trading companies in the export sector.
ing relationships (including technical or finan- With global private regulation encompassing
cial support) with foreign trading companies. various aspects of crop management, trading
The upstream penetration of international trad- companies are necessarily becoming involved
ing companies is particularly evident in the in smallholder agricultural extension. The
trade of specialty Arabica. With major roasting capacity of these companies to deliver effective
firms involved in marketing the intangible qual- agronomic advice is uncertain and suggests a
ities of coffee origins and demanding supply sidelining of traditional state-led extension
chain verification systems, international trading structures (which in the case of the Indonesia
companies have been pushed further upstream coffee sector, it must be acknowledged, have
into the producing regions. been mostly ineffectual). Clearly, however,
Under the CAFÉ Practices scheme (SCS, there is a need to ensure that farmers are receiv-
2007, p. 2), ‘‘smallholders cannot individually ing appropriate technical advice within these
apply to CAFÉ Practices but must be repre- re-regulated value chains, possibly through
sented within a more vertically integrated en- innovative public–private partnerships, and
tity, either as part of a Producer Support links with established national and interna-
Organization or as part of the supply network tional research networks.
for a centralized milling facility.’’ This explicit The economic implications of exporter con-
requirement for vertical integration within solidation are unclear. There are, of course,
smallholder production systems is certainly those in Indonesia who feel that the sidelining
encouraging increased upstream engagement of domestic exporters is in itself a negative
by exporters. Whereas Indonesian exporters development based on nationalist or possibly
based in major port cities would traditionally philosophical, beliefs. On the other hand, direct
rely on loose relationships with regional traders purchasing schemes by international trading
from the coffee hinterland, exporters are now companies could help achieve higher farm-gate
establishing operations which allow direct pur- prices. This, however, assumes that there are
chasing from farmers in the growing regions not corresponding downward pressures exerted
themselves. on farmers due to an increased cost of imple-
International trading companies are evolving menting such schemes (including traceability
heightened expertise as supply chain managers, costs and possibly expatriate salaries) and that
and can call on their global experience to imple- consolidation does not result in a monopsonis-
ment standardized traceability systems across tic buying environment.
various source regions. In the Arabica regions
of Sulawesi and northern Sumatra, interna- (c) ‘‘Contract farming’’ and enclosed value
tional traders are scrambling to establish trace- chains
ability systems in accordance with CAFÉ
Practices requirements. In each case, two or There are substantial costs associated with
three preferred suppliers to Starbucks are the certification of smallholder production sys-
emerging as increasingly dominant players in tems. These costs include the costs of upgrading

the system itself to meet new requirements (e.g., the names of exporting firms are sometimes af-
there may be costs to implement more environ- fixed to individual coffee trees in Aceh as a sign
mentally friendly production methods), the that a particular farm is part of a firm’s exclu-
costs of maintaining farm documentation, the sive supply base. Exporters are competing with
costs of verification (auditor fees), and the indi- each other to enforce ‘‘ownership’’ over their
rect costs of facilitating farmer organizations, respective supply chains.
providing extension and possibly research to The enhanced importance of documentation,
meet new standards (e.g., non-chemical pest audit, and information exchange is certainly
management techniques). In some instances, strengthening the ‘‘contract’’ between farmers
these costs are being borne by exporting firms and downstream processing and trade interests.
anxious to enhance the marketability of their The integration of smallholders within vertical
coffee. (The role of international development supply chains may entail increased farmer ac-
agencies, often in partnership with trading cess to information, knowledge, and possibly
companies, is an equally important source of credit, thereby facilitating upgrading and qual-
financial support in the coffee regions of Indo- ity improvement. The advent of informal and
nesia.) The result is that exporting firms fre- formal contract farming arrangements, how-
quently hold certification rights and are keen ever, also potentially threatens the competitive
to recover the costs incurred in gaining certifi- buying environment found in many informal
cation. Smallholder farmers, then, are enrolled trade networks across Indonesia.
within enclosed and sometimes exclusive supply
chains through ‘‘contract farming’’ style
arrangements with exporting firms. 5. CONCLUSIONS
All six registered producers of Utz Kapeh in
Indonesia (, ac- This article has presented field observations
cessed May 8, 2007) are exporters, and only of the local-level impacts and institutional
one of these is a plantation company (PTPN changes occurring in the Indonesian coffee
XII). The other certified producers manage a industry as a result of an increasing global
smallholder supply chain and apparently bear trend toward private regulation and traceabil-
the costs of farmer organization and certifica- ity. It is likely that global private regulation will
tion. Moreover, the CAFÉ Practices explicit continue to dominate global value chain
requirement that smallholders are enrolled dynamics and governance structures in the cof-
within vertically integrated operations has led fee industry in the coming years, particularly in
exporters across Indonesia to mark out territo- the highly brand-oriented specialty sector. The
ries of influence as they develop formalized findings presented here identify discrete mani-
relationships with specific sites of production. festations of value chain restructuring and insti-
This development entails effective ownership tutional change resulting from ethically based
of the supply chain, and foreshadows contract sourcing standards in the coffee-producing re-
farming and claims of exclusive access to par- gions in Indonesia. The paper discusses their
ticular producer bases. A closely allied process implications, and sometimes contradictions,
is the formalization of supply chains through thereby highlighting the complexities of apply-
registered trademarks held by the trading com- ing global ethics locally.
panies, such as Gayo Mountain Coffee, Sumatra The ability of lead actors to ‘‘govern’’ the va-
Tiger, Toarco Toraja, and Aceh Gold (all explic- lue chain by specifying compliance require-
itly geographical designations). By branding ments across rural Indonesia is changing the
their own supply chain and retaining ownership relative profitability of various institutional
over certification schemes, exporters are able to arrangements in the coffee regions of Indonesia.
control the construction of quality, and so ben- These demands are pivotally changing the
efit from any quality-related price premiums. incentive structures for various value chain par-
The influence of ‘‘enclosed’’ value chains is ticipants, leading to changing business strate-
most evident in the Gayo highlands of Aceh. gies and the emergence of new institutional
Here, the relationship between exporters and forms. Certain organizations and actors are al-
producers is increasingly akin to contract ready emerging as key beneficiaries of these
farming, where labor relationships, models of shifting ‘‘rules of the game,’’ including pro-
farmer organization, and environmental man- ducer cooperatives and multinational trading
agement can be regulated within the ‘‘contract’’ companies. This paper has highlighted the
(usually an informal agreement). Plaques with shifting institutional environment of coffee pro-

duction and trade, where the increased costs of through the promotion of top-down (foreign-
new arrangements may actually be exerting a authored) governance structures. Writing on
downward pressure on farm-gate prices. the shifting regimes of governance in the glo-
Other key issues remain unanswered. It is un- bal coffee market, Petkova (2006) similarly
clear as to who should bear the various costs of emphasizes the weakened role of state-territo-
system upgrading, farmer organization, tech- rial regimes, and associated rise of value
nology transfer, and traceability. Ownership chain leaders in shaping development out-
of certification is emerging as a critical determi- comes in producer communities. There is
nant of who benefits from product differentia- clearly the potential for global private regula-
tion. An important distinction between earlier tion to undermine existing, place-bound insti-
NGO and development agency-driven certifica- tutional structures, such as elected
tion of coffee systems and the rising corporate governments, trade unions, and protected
self regulation in Indonesia is the availability area management systems. These scaled impli-
of financial resources to provide development cations of corporate self regulation may be
support to producer communities. Corporate forging a new set of global regulatory struc-
self regulation imposes requirements without tures for addressing social development and
necessarily offering developmental support. environmental conservation along the floating
Finally, it is also reasonable to question the axes of global value chains, rather than the
ultimate effectiveness of schemes, designed as fixed geographical domains of country-states
tools of defensive brand management to deli- and electoral divisions. Incorporating the var-
ver development benefits to disparate commu- ied roles played by place-based institutional
nities in the developing world. As suggested environments within modes of global value
by O’Rourke (2006) non-state regulation risks chain regulation remains an ongoing chal-
effectively stifling the emergence of democratic lenge to the effectiveness of global CSR initia-
regulation and bypassing local state structures tives.


1. Notwithstanding some essential differences between Sumatra Province. The widespread use of the ‘‘Manda-
the use of terminologies such as ‘‘global commodity iling’’ name appears to be due to the historical develop-
chain,’’ ‘‘global value chain,’’ ‘‘filieres,’’ and ‘‘supply ment of the industry and the once important role in
chain’’ (refer e.g., to Raikes, Jensen, & Ponte (2000) or production and trade played by the Mandailing region
Bair (2005) for further discussion), for the purposes of during the 19th century when Sumatran coffee was
this paper, I use the term ‘‘global value chain’’ to refer to commonly exported from the West Coast. Notwith-
a commodity-specific approach to understanding the standing the anachronistic use of the ‘‘Mandailing’’
political economy of how the global coffee industry is identity today, local and international industry actors
organized. ‘‘Supply chain’’ is used when referring to the alike are reluctant to interfere in its usage due to both
sourcing strategies of a particular company. widespread consumer familiarity and the substantial
difficulties to accurately verify local origins in Sumatra.
2. Confusingly perhaps, very little Arabica coffee is Some roasters are, however, starting to specify ‘‘Lin-
actually now grown in the Mandailing Natal District, thong’’ or ‘‘Gayo’’ coffee as supply chain traceability,
which is located further south on the border with West and knowledge of the origin, improves.


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stakeholder participation, on the borderline be-
APPENDIX A. THE RISE OF CORPORATE tween acceptable and unacceptable coffee pro-
SELF REGULATION IN THE GLOBAL duction practices, and then support continual
COFFEE SECTOR: UTZ KAPEH, 4C, AND improvement in practices through the purchase
CAFÉ PRACTICES of coffee from progressive farms. All main-
stream coffee was to be included in the code,
The first initiative for ‘‘ethical coffee’’ to be and the 4C project has now got the broad sup-
introduced through an inter-company collabo- port of major roasting firms and global coffee
rative model grew out of comparable initiatives traders, including Kraft, Nestle, Sara Lee,
in other food products orchestrated, in Europe, Tchibo, Neumann Gruppe, and Volcafe. In late

2006, however, 4C-certified coffee was not yet tional, who had already put together their
available in the market, due primarily to the ‘‘Conservation Principles for Coffee Produc-
rather cumbersome organizational structures tion’’ (with support from Rainforest Alliance,
of the 4C (inevitably associated, perhaps, with the Consumers Choice Council, and the Smith-
attempts to generate widespread stakeholder sonian Migratory Bird Center). After an initial
agreement). Indeed, ongoing objections to the two-year pilot stage (2001–03), the scheme
scheme from a number of producing countries evolved into the Coffee and Farmer Equity
have been central to reformulating the way (CAFE) Practices in 2004.
the code is to be implemented. Apparently following the example of Nike,
There is at least one major roasting company who had established a point-based code of con-
which is not part of the 4C initiative. The Star- duct on labor and environmental practices for
bucks Coffee Company has decided to ‘‘go it its network of suppliers as early as 1992, Star-
alone’’ with their own comprehensive set of bucks has also adopted a points system for
firm-specific ethical procurement standards. In environmental, social, and quality conditions,
light of its flagship role in the specialty retail- where high scoring suppliers will be rewarded
roaster market segment, and its embrace of with more lucrative contracts. In contrast to
‘‘coffee narratives’’ as a marketing tool, Star- other company-specific codes of conduct in
bucks was an obvious target for civil society the coffee industry, CAFÉ Practices operates
interests in the debate over ethical coffee. through third-party verifying agencies, who
Images of anti-globalization protestors attack- allocate a score to each supplier based on spe-
ing Starbucks stores in Seattle, 1998, were espe- cific quality, social, and environmental criteria.
cially painful for a company which prided itself Starbucks is moving toward ensuring that ‘‘pre-
on embracing progressive, new-age ethical val- ferred’’ status is a minimum pre-requirement
ues. In 2001, Starbucks initiated the ‘‘Preferred for all its suppliers, thus institutionalizing these
Supplier Scheme.’’ This scheme was developed standards within the company’s entire coffee
in conjunction with Conservation Interna- purchasing regime.

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