Cum Scriem o Naratiune

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Cum scriem o naratiune?

In limba engleza avem doua tipuri de naratiuni:

1. Poveste - poate fi scrisa fie in rpima persoana singular sau a 3 persoana

singular. Daca este scrisa in prima persoana singular, autorul isi ca exprima
propriile sentimente si trairi. Daca este scrisa in pers a 3 sing, autorul nu se va
implica in mod direct in povestire. Ele pot include atat vorbirea directa cat si cea
indirecta. De retinut este faptul ca povestea trebuie sa fie interesanta. Se vo
folosi timpurile de la trecut. Pentru cronologia evenimentelor se pot folosi
cuvintele: first, at first, then/ next, after/ before, during/ meanwhile, finally, as
soon as, the moment that, no sooner……..than, hardly……….when, immediately,
since, while, until, by the time, as.

a) In introducere avem- primul paragraf

- unde, cand, cine ( se descrie vremea, locul, atnosfera, oamenii,sentimente

b) In cuprins:
- ce s-a intamplat inaintea evenimentului (se vor descrie faptele
premergatoare marelui eveniment)- al doilea paragraf
- descrierea marelui eveniment (oamenii implicat, detalii)- paragraful 3,4

c) In incheiere:- ultimul paragraf

- se va face referire la sentimente, starile sufletesti, comentarii

I first notice the rising level of the river Dinn on Sunday afternoon when I took my
dog for a walk. By the evening the rain had got really heavy and I could see the
river flowing faster and faster.
When I woke up early on Monday, the river sounded like it had become
really wild and I began to worry that it might burst its banks. I did the housework
all morning. Then at about 12:30 I suddenly heard a crashing sound.
I looked out the window………………
2. Comunicarea unor evenimente- se va scrie in formal writing adica intr-un stil
impersonal. El va include doar faptele nu si sentimentele autorului. Se va folossi
diateza pasiva precums is verbe precum: suggest, add, complain. Evenimentele
se vor descrie in ordine cronologica folosindu-se timpurile trecute: Past Tense
Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple. Pentru cronologia evenimentelor
se pot folosi cuvintele: first, at first, then/ next, after/ before, during/ meanwhile,
finally, as soon as, the moment that, no sooner……..than, hardly……….when,
immediately, since, while, until, by the time, as

a) In incheiere- primul paragraf:

- se va scrie timpul, locul oamenii implicate. A nu se da detalii, se vor dad
oar fapte.
b) In cuprins- paragraful al 2,3,4:
-progresia evenimentelor- se vor descrie evenimentele si oamenii. Se vor da
fapte nu pareri.

c) In incheiere:
- comentarii
- referire la masuri ce se vor lua


Residents of Dinnead were evacuated from the town yesterday as a major

flooding continued.
Torrential rain caused a nearby river to swell and as a result, many areas
were flooded. The rain started to fall early on Sunday morning and by noon on
Monday the small river had burst its banks and turned into torrent.
As the water rose to dangerous levels, many families were airlifted to
safety by Emergency Services. Only a few minor injuries were reported.
However, the majority of the homes have been damaged beyond repair; houses
on the river bank were destroyed.

Profesor indrumător: Malița Anamaria, Liceul Energetic Nr.1 Târgu Jiu

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