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15 Powerful Mudras and How to Use


Sense of Purpose > Topics > Well-being > 15 Powerful Mudras and How to Use

What is Mudra
A mudra is a seal or gesture that facilitates the flow of energy in the subtle body.
Mudras help you draw yourself inward. Each is a symbolic gesture that can
stimulate di erent areas of the brain transmitting an exact goal of channeling
energy flow during meditation. The seal creates a circuit in the body that helps
generate a state of mind.

Significance of Yoga Mudras

In Ayurveda, yoga mudras are used in healing. The mudra may involve the whole
body or a part of the body, most commonly it is a hand position. Mudras used
with yoga breathing exercises invigorate the flow of prana in the body, in that way
revitalizing di erent parts of the body.

Yogis practice mudras during meditation or during pranayama, and although

there are hundreds of di erent mudras, these ten are the most commonly used:

Anjali mudra is probably the most familiar mudra. The gesture expresses respect
and gratitude. The seal symbolizes love and honor towards yourself and the
universe. Yogis use it at beginning or the end of practice while articulating the
word Namaste. However, this mudra can also be used while meditating or
practicing pranayama. To do this, bring the palms together in front of the heart
space, and lightly press the hands against each other, li ing the heart center
towards your hands.

Gyan (or Chin)
Gyan mudra, also known as chin mudra, is probably the most used. This gesture
has the intention to improve concentration, creativity and sharpen your memory.
This is a great seal to use when seeking to gain knowledge. To do this, bring the
tips of the thumb and index finger together, and keep the other three fingers
together, slightly stretched and relaxed. Try holding this mudra while meditating
for insight into your life or a specific issue. When you wish to feel more grounded,
place your hands resting on your legs, palms facing down. Alternatively, when you
feel open and receptive, rest your hands on your legs palms facing up.

Shuni (or Shoonya)

Shuni mudra symbolizes patience and self-control. This gesture is used to
improve awareness, alertness, and sensory powers. It also cleanses your
emotions and thoughts. The intention is to generate a feeling of stability. Use this
seal when you need strength to follow through. To do this, bring the tips of the
thumb and the middle finger together, and keep the other three fingers together,
slightly stretched and relaxed.

Surya mudra increases the fire element in the body. It represents energy and
health and brings positive change. The gesture improves metabolism and
digestion, leaving the body with a balanced feeling, as it reduces heaviness and
boots immunity. To do this, bring the tip of the thumb to the knuckle of the ring
finger, keeping the other three fingers together, slightly stretched and relaxed.

Varun mudra increases for mental clarity. This gesture enhances intuitive
communication, and it symbolizes openness. The seal can help understand
intuitive messages from the subconscious and strengthen intuitive knowledge.
This mudra can help you improve the way you communicate. To do this, bring the
tips of the thumb and the pinky finger together, and keep the other three fingers
together, slightly stretched and relaxed.

Dhyana mudra provides calming energy for meditation. Several eastern
meditation disciplines share the mudra for deep contemplation and reflection.
Pictures the Buddha o en show him doing this gesture. The significance is that it
brings you into profound, reflective concentration. It can also help bring you
serenity and harmony. To do this, place your hands on your lap, palms facing up,
with the right hand resting on top of your le palm, and the tips of the thumbs
touching. The right hand represents enlightenment, and the le hand represents

Prana mudra activates inactive energy in your body. The gesture symbolizes the
vital energy, which in Sanskrit is called prana. Prana is the dynamic life force
within all living things. This hand seal encourages the flow of energy, which in
turn helps awaken and attune the vital life force to make you feel strong and
invigorated. To do this, bring the tips of the thumb, the ring finger and the pinky
to touch, and keep the other two fingers together, slightly stretched and relaxed.

Apan mudra helps with elimination. The gesture aids in the removal of waste from
the body and stimulates mental and physical assimilation. This hand seal assists
in body detoxification by stimulating the excretion system to flush out toxins from
the body. To do this, bring the tips of the thumb, the index and the middle finger
to touch, and keep the other two fingers together and relaxed.

Ganesha mudra is named a er Ganesh, a Hindu deity who removes obstacles. The
gesture removes all types of obstructions in your life and when practiced with
intent it releases stress and tension from the body. This seal can help you li your
spirits, boost confidence and build courage during di icult times when you bring
your awareness to the heart center and open up your chest. This mudra works not
only on your heart chakra, but it is also beneficial to your cardiac health. To do
this, start in Anjali mudra with palms touching at heart center. Then swivel your
hand so the fingertips point toward opposite elbows, with the right palm facing
the heart. Then slide your hands apart until the fingers from each hand can clasp
the other when the fingers are bent.

During meditation, inhale deeply, holding your hands in Ganesha mudra, and
pulling outwardly as you exhale without unlocking your fingers. Repeat six times,
then repeat with the le palm facing the heart.  To keep balanced, perform the
mudra the same number of times on each side. To deepen the practice this mudra
can be used while chanting Om gam ganapatayei namaha on each exhale. The
mantra’s purpose is to invoke the powers of Ganesh.

Brahma means divine and sacred. In Hindu, Brahma is the creator god. It
symbolizes penetrating consciousness and it helps calm the mind to reach a
higher meditative state and energize the body by releasing negative energy. To do
this, both hands form fists with the fingers wrapped around the thumbs, palms
pacing upward with the knuckles of each hand gently pressing against each other,
at the level of the navel.

Yogis with a dominant kapha dosha should limit time this mudra is practiced.

Adi means first. This mudra relaxes the nervous system and increases lung
capacity, thereby improving the flow of oxygen to the brain and helping reduce
snoring. To do this, the thumb is placed at the base of the small finger and the
remaining fingers curl over the thumb, forming a light fist. Palms facing upwards
on the thighs.

This mudra stimulates the solar plexus chakra. Rudra is another name for Lord
Shiva. Shiva clears the pathway with his destructive powers so you can reach your
higher potential. This gesture strengthens your transformative abilities by
stimulating your personal power center, which is the solar plexus. The seal
improves clarity and concentration. Rudra is a very powerful mudra to energize
your physical body and empower you to reach your highest potential or goals. To
do this, connect your thumb to your index and ring fingers while keeping your
other two fingers as stretched out.

Chinmaya means pure wisdom in Sanskrit, and this gesture symbolizes supreme
awareness. The seal promotes the flow of prana in the thoracic region thereby
stimulating digestion. To do this, tips of the thumb and index finger touch, while
the other three fingers curl into the palms. The hands are placed on the thighs
with palms facing upwards.

This mudra balances the air element in the body. Vayu means air, and is good in
regulating Vata. This gesture heals diseases related to air imbalance in the body.
To do this, bring your thumb to the knuckle of the index finger, gently pressing
down and keeping the other three fingers slightly stretched and relaxed.


Apan Vayu
Apan Vayu mudra is also called Mritasanjeevani mudra. The gesture is thought to
be a powerful remedy for cardiac disease and in the treatment of pain. To do this,
start with apan mudra and then curl the index finger towards the palm. Hands rest
on the thighs.

Yogis with kapha constitution should practice this mudra moderately.

More on Mudras
Mudra means gesture and a means of self-expression by using hands, eyes, legs or
any other body part. In Buddhism and Hinduism, they have been used since
ancient times in rituals, meditation and therapeutic healing.

According to these ancient philosophies, the universe and the body are composed
of five basic elements. Each of the fingers represents one of these five elements:
fire, air, ether, earth and water.

Five elements represented in each finger:


Thumb                             Fire

Index finger                     Air

Middle finger                  Ether

Ring finger                      Earth

Pinkie finger                    Water

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