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King Traveler

Vehicle Inspec'*lon
Check hood, bumpers, and fenders for scratches or
dents. Make a note of any signs of collision. Also check
the grill for signs of frontal collision. All doors should
open and close smoothly. If the car has a spoiler,
headlight check for paint scratches.
List damage: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Get ready!
o Before you read the passage, talk about
these questions.
Look for cracks in the mirrors. Also examine the
windshield for damage. The wipers should move easily
and should not be bent or worn out.
1 What are some important exterior parts of a List damage: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Test headlights, taillights, and brake lights to ensure
2 What is an accessory often seen on sports all bulbs are working. List bulbs that are not working:

Start engine and check fuel level. Record fuel level and
Reading any engine problems*:
f) Read the checklist. Then, choose the Fuel: Engine: _ _ _ _ __
correct answers. *Send all cars with engine trouble to the maintenance
1 What is the purpose of the checklist? garage. All other damage is repaired in the parking lot.
A to train employees on body repair ·
B to order replacement parts
C to determine the cost of repairs
D to assess damage to a vehicle Q Place the words and phrases from the
word bank under the correct headings.
2 Which is NOT an instruction on the checklist?
A replace worn or bent wipers \vio(r'd ITI:~'rrc.==========::::::::::::....:::J
\_j-'~ "
B look for any signs of collision brake light grill t fender
C check the hood for dents or scratches h ht
spoiler hood door
D test all bulbs in headlights and taillights

3 When should a car go to the maintenance Front of car

A when the bumper is dented Rear of car
B when the engine is not starting
C when the windshield is cracked Side of car
D when headlights are not functioning
o Read the sentence and choose the correct Speaking
1 Herman could not see the road because of
e With a partner, act out the roles below
based on Task 7. Then switch roles.
the dirt on his hood I windshield.
2 Sylvie checked her mirrors I taillights to see
Do you have the checklist?
if any cars were behind her.
I see a crack in the ...
3 Fortunately, only the front bumper I spoiler
was damaged in the crash. Is there any damage to the ...

4 Louis used the grill I wipers to clear the

snow from the windshield.
Student A: You are a mechanic. Talk to
Student B about:
(:) " Listen and read the checklist again. What
should a mechanic do with a car's gas? • a checklist
• car parts
• areas of damage
o " Listen to a conversation between two Student B: You are a mechanic. Talk to
mechanics. Check (.f) the items that are
Student A about areas of damage.
1 0 hood 4 0 door
2 0 fender 5 0 wipers
3 0 windshield 6 0 lights
o Use the checklist and the conversation
o" Listen again. Fill in the blanks. from Task 8 to fill out the mechanic's
Mechanic 1: Do you have the checklist ready? ~
Mechanic 2: Yes, go ahead.
Mechanic 1: Okay, the hood and fenders are fine,
Returned vehicle
but 1
the windshield.
in inspection checklist
echanic 2: Cracked windshield. Got it. Are the
2 ?
Mechanic 1: Yeah, they look fine. List damage, if any, to the following parts:
echanic 2: Great. How are the lights?
Mechanic 1: They're all right, too. But I see a dent Fenders: ____________________________
in the 3 _ _ _ _ __
t1 echanic 2: Is there any damage to the paint? Windshield: _________________________
echanic 1: Yes,4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
some paint got scratched off. Doors: _____________________________
, echanic 2: Okay, scratched paint. Can you see
5 ? Lights: _____________________________
echanic 1: I think 6 _ _ _ _ __


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