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Descriptive Statistics
1. Five-Point Summary (Min-Max, Q1, Median, Q3)
2. Mean, Mode, Range
3. Graphs (Box-Whiskers Plot, Pie, Bar, Line, Histogram)
II. Inference
1. Point and Interval Estimation
2. Hypothesis Testing

Steps in Hypothesis Testing:

a.) Variables
b.) Scale of measurement
c.) Identify the Problem
d.) Formulate Hypotheses: Ho, Ha
e.) Level of Significance
f.) Test Statistics
g.) Decision
h.) Conclusion

i. One-Sample Test
ii. Two or more Sample Test (Parametric/Nonparametric)
iii. Test for Relationship/Association
iv. Test for Independence
iv. Model Building (Linear Regression)

1. A large accounting firm wants to determine if the accuracy of its employees is related to the
school from which the employees graduated. Accountants representing the four schools were
randomly chosen and the number of errors committed by each accountant over a 2-week period
was recorded as shown below

University of the East University of the University of the University of the

West North South
14 17 19 23
16 16 20 12
17 18 22 21
13 15 21 10
22 16 18 9
9 12 19 15
10 14 15 16

Test if there is a significant difference in the level of accuracy of the accountants when
grouped according to school at alpha = .05.

To encode, identify variables

Encode the data

Analyze by following the commands

Cliick option then click homogeneity
Click continue then post hoc choose Scheffe

Click continue then ok


Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

2.652 3 24 .072

Should be greater than .05



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 93.821 3 31.274 2.187 .116

Within Groups 343.143 24 14.298

Since greater
Total 436.964 27
than .05
Therefore no need for post hoc test since Ho can not be rejected.

2.The sales manager of Betty Machines wants to determine if the dress code will have any effect
on sales. In an experiment, salespersons were selected to wear attire A or attire B in visiting
the clients and prospects. The following sales for a 4- week period have been recorded .At
.05 level of significance, test whether attire ha significant effect on sales.

Attire A Attire B
26 22
37 33
41 34
35 19
29 25
33 29
40 31

To encode, identify variables

Encode the data

Analyze by following the commands

Sales – dependent variable
Attire- grouping variable

Define groups
Click ok

Group Statistics

attire N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

sales attire A 7 34.4286 5.53345 2.09145

attire B 7 27.5714 5.71131 2.15867

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality

of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

Std. 95% Confidence Interval of the

Error Difference

Sig. (2- Mean Differe

F Sig. t df tailed) Difference nce Lower Upper

sales Equal variances .081 .042 3.0056

.781 2.281 12 6.85714 .30836 13.40592
assumed 6

Equal variances not 11.98 3.0056

2.281 .042 6.85714 .30764 13.40665
assumed 8 6

The sig value < .05 therefore reject Ho

This should be greater than .05

For presentation

Significance of the dirreence in sales of the salesperson.

Sig. (2-

attire N Mean Std. Deviation t df tailed)

sales attire A 7 34.4286 5.53345 2.281 12 .042

attire B 7 27.5714 5.71131

3. Using the data below test the hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between
Calorie and cholesterol content of chicken sandwiches from randomly selected fast -food
restaurants in Iloilo city.

Calorie 390 535 720 300 430 500 440

cholesterol 43 45 80 50 55 52 60
Encode the data

calorie cholesterol

calorie Pearson Correlation 1 .725

Sig. (2-tailed) .065

N 7 7 Greater than .05

cholesterol Pearson Correlation .725 1 Do not reject Ho.
Sig. (2-tailed) .065

N 7 7

2.A survey of rural and urban television viewing population is made to determine television
programming preferences, and the following results are obtained:
Types of Programs Preferred
Western Comedy Mystery Variety
Urban 80 100 100 60
Rural 70 70 50 40

At the .05 level, test the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between
program preference and residence?
Residence 1- rural
2- urban
Type of movie 1- western
2- comedy
4- variety
Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 5.608a 3 .132

Likelihood Ratio 5.644 3 .130

Linear-by-Linear Association 2.822 1 .093

N of Valid Cases 570

a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 40.35.

Do not reject ho because greater than .05

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