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Research & 
Kaia Indonesia. 
When  a  company  decided  to  transform  their  business  digitally,  or 
even  started  their  business  in  the  digital  world,  everything  will  be 
different  from  the  conventional  way  of  doing  things.  Starting  from 
the  organizational  structure  (and  in  some  cases,  culture),  product 
development,  customer  targeting,  budgeting  split,  campaign 
calendar, and much much more.  

We  realize  that  navigating  a  marketing  effort  in  the  digital  era  can 
be  complicated  and  strange  sometimes.  And  we  see  many 
companies  are  facing  ​Decision  Paralysis​.  They often ask questions 
like,  which  agency,  vendor,  subcontractor,  third  party  that  suits  my 
needs?  Not  only  it  becomes  harder  to  choose  a  partner,  there  are 
too  many  (new)  marketing  and  digital  jargons.  Also,  the 
discrepancies  of  the  rates  between  services  are too wide, So, who 
you need to work with?  

And that is why we exist. To help you navigate during day zero.  

Research Plan.
As a well-established burger joint in Jakarta, Flip Burger wants to 
Background  stay relevant, able to adapt to customer’s needs by identifying 
consumers behaviour and attitude towards its brand and category 

A qualitative research from its customers and consumers of 

burger joint in general should be held to provide Flip Burger a 
great length of understanding of customer’s behaviour and 
Research  attitude towards the brand, and also consumers motivation to 
Objectives  consume the product. This understanding will provide Flip Burger 
clarity for the following: 
- Communication strategy 
- and creative campaign development 

Category consumption, behaviour & intention 

- Top of mind brand in burger joint category 
- Purchase cycle 
Purchase intention ​(pre-consumption) 
- What makes them want to order/purchase burger or burger 
in general  
Main Questions  - What/who influences them to purchase 
Brand perception ​(brand awareness & consideration) 
- How consumers perceive the brand  
- What makes the brand unique 
Brand performance ​(post-consumption) 
- What makes them return to Flip burger 
- How does the product makes customers’ feel  

Research  Focus Group Discussion: Semi-structured interview 


● Sample size: 12 respondents divided into two groups 

● Flip Burger customers (One-time customer and returning 
● Burger joint consumers   
● Age 21-35 & 35-49 
● Living in South Jakarta & Outskirt Jakarta (Tangerang) 
Discussion Guidelines.
Discussion Topics  Questions 

● Perkenalan: nama, umur dan domisili 
● Coffee/Tea  
● Ketika abis pulang kantor/kuliah, biasanya kemana? Kalau 
lunch-time itu makan apa? 
● Biasanya ketika weekend, pada kemana dan ngapain nih? 
Jadi disini kita akan ngobrolin tentang makanan, comfort food 
● Menurut kalian, comfort food itu seperti apa sih? 
Nah, comfort food disini adalah salah satu burger joint yang 
cukup terkenal di Jakarta, yang didirikan beberapa tahun lalu. 

Awareness & Saliency: 

● Kalian tau Flip Burger? 
● Pernah makan di Flip Burger? 
○ Takeaway atau dine-in? 
● Pertama kali tau Flip Burger itu kapan, dan tau darimana? 
● Apa yang pertama kali dikenali dari Flip Burger 
○ Logonya/Burger ​Smacker​ nya 
● Follow social media nya Flip Burger ngga? 
Brand Perception  Brand Perception 
● Cognitive 
○ Ketika denger kata Flip Burger, apa yang langsung 
terlintas di pikiran kalian? 
○ Menurut kalian, apa nggak hal yang membedakan 
Flip Burger sama burger joint lain?  
■ Kalau ada, apasih bedanya? 
● Emotional 
○ Sebagai brand, menurut kalian Flip Burger adalah 
brand yang seperti apa sih? 

Purchase Intention 
Purchase  ● Mana dari hal berikut yang bikin kalian pengen beli Flip 
Intention  Burger? 
○ Promo 
○ Menu baru 
● Kalo ngomongin pengaruh eksternal, momen apa yang 
membuat kalian kepikiran untuk beli Flip Burger? 
○ Pas nyari makan ngga ada, atau emang udah tau 
mau Flip Burger 

Brand Usage & Performance 

● Dari sejak pertama kali tau flip burger, seberapa sering sih 
beli flip burger? 
○ Weekly/Bi-Weekly 
○ Monthly 
Brand Usage &  ○ Occasionally 
Performance  ● Ketika ke Flip Burger, menu apa yang paling sering 
● Ketika ke Flip Burger, sering nyobain menu baru atau 
● Overall, harga dan rasa nya Flip Burger menurut kalian 
sebanding ngga sih? 

Category Behaviour 
● Secara general, comfort food apa yang sering kalian 
● Ketika bicara comfort food, brand apa yang langsung 
Category  muncul di kepala kalian? 
Behaviour &  ● Comfort food itu ada banyak, apa jenis yang kalian sering 
Attitude  makan? 
○ Instant noodles 
○ Burger 
○ Other Frozen foods (nuggets etc.) 

Burger joints, Behaviour & Attitude 

● Kalian sering makan burger dimana sih? 
○ Resto 
○ Burger joint 
● Ketika ngomongin burger joints, brand apa yang langsung 
Burger joints  muncul di kepala kalian? 
Behaviour &  ● Which burger joints would you prefer? 
Attitude  ○ Mcdonalds burger 
○ Burgushi 
○ Flip Burger 
○ Lawless Burger 
○ Three Buns 
○ Others 
Rate Card & Cost Breakdown. 
This  research  is  designed  for  understanding  both  customers  and 
consumers,  helping  Flip  Burger  in  its  further  communications  strategy  and 
creative angle. 

Scope of Work: 

● Identifying research objectives and general guidelines of the research 

● Formulating discussion guidelines from the research plan 
● Giving  a  full  day  Focus  Group  Discussion  for  two  separate  groups  of 
respondents, act as a moderator and note-taker  
● Summarize  and  highlights  emerging topics from FGD in a presentation 

We will provide the online consultation service for free following a single two 
day workshop for up to 4 (four) hours that includes: 

● Follow up questions 
● Assistance and advice on taking the next step  


Item  Quantity  Price  Total 

Identifying research objectives  1  800,000  0,00 (Discount) 

from the brief 

Discussion guidelines formulation  1  7,000,000  Rp7,000,000 

FGD Moderator & note-taking  2  3,000,000  Rp6,000,000 

Incentives for respondents  12  200,000  Rp2,400,000 

Preliminary Suggestions  1  7,000,000  Rp7,000,000 

Total  Rp22,400,000 
Discount 25% (exclude incentives for respondents)  Rp.5,000,000 
Discounted Total ​(Exclude VAT 10%)  Rp17,400,000 

Terms & Conditions: 

- This rate card excludes the venue of Focus Group Discussion 

- Flip  Burger  to  provide  respondents’ fee (total amount of Rp2,400,000) 
- Following  the  approval  of  the  proposal,  Kaia  will  send  the  invoice  to 
the company 
- Invoice  should  be  paid  after  all  deliverables  listed  in  the  proposal  are 
delivered ​(exclude respondents’ fee to be paid upfront) 

Contact Us 
Aditya Yudiantama ​/​ ​​ ​/​ 0857 7651 5077 

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