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shall /will + have + Past Participle
We will(shall) have finished doing these exercises by 3 o’clock. Will you
have finished the translation of the text too? – No, we won’t have
For an action which will be finished before a stated future time, e.g.
The mailman will have delivered all the newspapers by 8 o'clock.


shall /will + have been + Present Participle
Lora is so slow! By 5 o’clock she will have been hovering the flat for 3
hours! – Will she have been hovering the flat for 6 hours when the Blacks
come? – No, she won’t have been hovering it for so long because I will help
her as soon as I’m free.
1. To emphasize the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future,
By the end of next month, Mrs. Graham will have been teaching for twenty
2. Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous are used with the following
time expressions:
before by by then by the time until/till
 Until/till are only used in negative sentences.
She will have finished the report by tomorrow. (NOT: ... till tomorrow.)
She won't have completed the report until/ till 5 o'clock.
 After the time expressions by the time, until, before, Present Simple is used
because these expressions introduce time clauses. Future Perfect and Future
Perfect Continuous may come either before or after the time clause.
 Study the following examples:
I won't have finished cleaning the house until you come back.
By the time they reach York, they will have been travelling for four hours.

**TASK 60. Choose between Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
1. By 3 o'clock, Debra ________________ (to study) for six hours.
2. By the end of next month, Sam ______________ (to finish) the project.
3. He _______________ (not to start) painting the kitchen before Tuesday.
4. By the time she arrives in Paris, she ______________ (to travel) for four
5. I hope I ______________ (to buy) my own house by the time I'm thirty-five.
6. By Saturday, Lisa _________________ (to diet) for two weeks.
7. Hopefully they _________________ (to learn) everything by the time they sit
the exam.
8. By 4 o'clock, I ______________ (to sit) in the hairdresser's for three hours.
9. By Christmas, Mr. Green ________________ (to work) for this company for
eighteen months.
10.By next weekend, Brian ________________ (to move) house.
11.Hopefully, the builders _________________ (to finish) building the house
by next month.
12.By Tuesday, Alan _________________ (to sail) in the Pacific Ocean for
twelve days.
13.Don’t wake Pat. She is very tired. – I know, but for tomorrow morning she
______________ (to sleep) for twenty hours.

**TASK 61. Choose the right future form to fill in the gaps.
1. What are you thinking about? – This time next week, _______________ (to
lie) on the beach.
2. Have you finished decorating your house yet? – 'No, but I
_______________ (to finish) by Friday.
3. Have you just moved here? – No. I ___________________ (to live) here for
two years next month.
4. _______________ (to go) to the supermarket today? – Yes. Do you want me
to get you something?
5. Can you give Steve a message for me? – Certainly I _________________
(to see) him at work later on today.
6. You've been working hard all day. – Yes. At 3 o'clock, I ________________
(to study) for six hours.
7. Sarah has gone to the cinema to see that film again. – I know. After this
time, she ____________ (to see) it five times!
8. John has an exam tomorrow, doesn't he? – Yes. In fact, at this time
tomorrow, he _______________ (to sit) the exam.
9. Are you typing another report? – Yes. By the time I finish this one, I
_____________ (to type) twenty–three reports today!
10.Those two people have been dancing all evening. – Yes. By 11 o'clock, they
__________ (to dance) for four hours.'

**TASK 62. Put in the correct form of the verb to refer the sentences to the
1. Ann: Are you two going out?
Bill: Yes, why?
Ann: It just said on the radio that it _____________(to snow).
Bill: Oh, did it? I _____________ (to take) my big coat then.
Joe: Good idea. So _____________ (I).
2. Colin: We've run out of biscuits.
Dave: Yeah, I know. I _____________ (to get) some this afternoon. I've got
them on my list.
3. Ed: Jenny's had her baby.
Gail: Really? That's wonderful! I ( to send) her some flowers.
Ed: I _____________ (to visit) her this afternoon. I (to give) them to her for you
if you want.
Gail: _____________ (you)? Thanks very much. In that case, I (to go) and buy
them right away.
4. Ian: “Casablanca” is on at the Arts Cinema this week.
Jill: Yes. I _____________ (to see) it with Roger.
Ian: Oh.
5. Ken: I haven't got a clean shirt. You _____________ (to wash) one for me?
Uly: No, I _____________ (not). You can do your own washing.

***TASK 63. Translate into English.

Венді тільки 12 років, але вона вже вирішила, ким вона хоче бути, і що
вона буде робити в житті. Вона годинами мріє про те, що вона буде робити, і
чого вона зможе досягти в певні роки свого життя.
Межа її мрій – стати відомою письменницею, такою, наприклад, як
Агата Крісті. Вона мріє, щоб її книжки знали у всьому світі, щоб вони були
перекладені на всі існуючі мови, щоб вони стали обов’язковою літературою у
всіх школах. Але Венді добре розуміє, що для того, щоб стати дійсно
відомою, необхідно багато працювати. Тому вона вже розпланувала все своє
життя заздалегідь.
До того часу, як вона закінчить школу, Венді досконало вивчить усю
англійську граматику, з її численними правилами і виключеннями.
Потім Венді поступить до Оксфордського університету і буде вивчати
англійську і світову літературу. Це дасть їй можливість ознайомитися з
авторами різних країн і народів та вивчити їх літературні стилі.
До закінчення університету Венді напише декілька коротких оповідань
та відішле їх у найпрестижніші видавництва. Венді впевнена, що її
оповідання будуть настільки гарними, що видавництва їх одразу ж приймуть.
Гроші, які вона отримає за оповідання, дадуть їй можливість не
працювати в школі чи офісі, а присвятити весь свій час написанню великого
роману. Венді ще не вирішила, про що буде цей роман, але вона твердо знає,
що як тільки його буде опубліковано, він стане бестселером.
Венді впевнена, що як тільки її роман буде опубліковано, який-небудь
відомий Голлівудський режисер одразу же захоче зняти за ним фільм. Венді,
звичайно ж, запросять написати сценарій. Вона, безсумнівно, погодиться і
поїде до Америки, щоб бути присутньою на зйомках свого фільму.
Без усяких сумнівів, фільм стане найкращим серед сучасних фільмів і
отримає декілька Оскарів. Венді, звичайно, буде вручено найвищу нагороду
Канського фестивалю за найкращий сценарій.
До 30 років Венді напише ще декілька чудових романів, і всіх їх,
звичайно, буде екранізовано.
Коли Венді виповниться 40 років, її офіційно визнають „Королевою
Роману”, і англійський монарх присвоїть їй титул довічного пера.
Що вона буде робити далі, Венді ще не придумала, тому що їй треба
терміново вирішити 3 найскладніші задачі з фізики.
**TASK 64. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense form.
1. Your house is very small. – I know ____________ (to move) to a bigger
house next year.
2. I have got a new job! – Wonderful! I ____________ (to call) Mum and tell
her the good news.
3. How old is your daughter? – She ____________ (to be) fourteen next week.
4. I must phone Julia. – Well, don't phone her now. She ____________ (to
sleep) till 8.
5. Have you been living here long? – Yes. By next month, I ____________ (to
live) here for ten years.
6. Are you having a party next weekend? – Yes. I hope I ____________ (to
finish) decorating the house by then.
7. What are your plans for tonight? – Well, I ____________ (to meet) Steve at
eight o'clock.
8. I must buy some bread. – You'd better hurry. The shops ____________ (to
close) in half an hour.
9. Shall I call you at ten o'clock tomorrow? – No. I ____________ (to leave)
for work by then.
10. Are you coming to the disco on Friday night? – I can't. I ____________ (to
study) for my exam then.
11. Are you excited about going to California? – Yes! This time tomorrow I
____________ (to fly) across the Atlantic.
12. Let’s call John. It's already seven o'clock. – Yes. John ____________ (to
leave) the office by now.
13. There's somebody at the door. – Oh. That ____________ (to be) the
14. I've left my jacket at home. – I ____________ (to go) back and get it for
15. Have you booked a taxi to take you to the airport? – Yes. It ____________
(to come) at eight o'clock in the morning.
16. Are you nervous about the interview? – Yes. This time tomorrow, I
____________ (to talk) to the managing director.
17. I can't go to the party on Saturday. I ______________ (to leave) for Spain
on Friday night.

**TASK 65. Use one of the future tense forms to fill in the gaps
Part A
My car is being repaired and I don't know when it __________ (to be) ready. I
doubt whether I __________ (to be able to) collect it before the weekend. I
wonder if John __________ (to give) me a lift to the party on Saturday. I'll ask
him when he __________ (to come) home.
Part B
I was calling to ask if you'd like to go out after we __________ (to finish) work
tomorrow or if you __________ (to want) to watch a video instead.
Call me back as soon as you __________ (to get) in. I'll wail until I __________
(to hear) from you.
Part C
I will leave the hotel early in case there __________ (to be) a lot of traffic. I don't
know how long the journey __________ (to take) or what time the plane
__________ (to land), but I __________ (to call) you as soon as I __________
(to arrive) at the airport. Then, I will wait until you __________ (to come) to
collect me.
Part D
Paula is drinking tea as she is waiting for Charles. She wonders if he __________
(to be) late as usual. She will wait until the clock __________ (to strike) five and
then she will call him in case he __________ (to forget).

***TASK 66. Translate into English.

1. Ти вже закінчив писати свій твір? – Ще ні. Але я впевнений, що я закінчу
його вчасно.
2. Я ще не вирішила остаточно, що я вдягну на вечірку до Елен. – Вже
пізно. Якщо ти зараз не почнеш одягатися та зачісуватися, ми
запізнимося. – Ну, тоді я надягну свій новий блакитний костюм.
3. Навіщо тобі потрібна мильна вода? – Я буду мити машину. – Ти її
помиєш до 6 години? – Думаю, так. А навіщо тобі сьогодні машина? – Я
їду до Браунів, ми домовилися про це ще минулого тижня.
4. Ти вчора відправив мої листи? – Ні, пробач, я забув. Не хвилюйся, я їх
відправлю сьогодні. Твої батьки отримають їх до кінця тижня.
5. Я дуже хочу їсти. – Я теж. Хто буде готувати вечерю? – Давай зробимо це
разом. В той час як я буду чистити картоплю, ти будеш робити овочевий
салат. Тебе це влаштовує? – Абсолютно.
6. Що ви робите цими вихідними? – Мабуть, ми с братом поїдемо відвідати
дідуся та бабусю. Я думаю, там зберуться майже всі наші родичі, тому
що дідусь завтра буде відзначати своє 70-річчя.
7. Подивись на собаку. Він зараз кинеться у воду. – Я думаю, йому також
жарко, як і нам. Не хвилюйся, він перепливе на інший берег, поганяє там
жаб и повернеться.
8. Подивись, ти забруднила свою нову блузку. – О, боже! Я зараз
перевдягнусь. Не сідайте за стіл без мене, я зараз повернуся.
9. Ти віддаси подарунок Клер вранці? – Ні, я вручу його ввечері, коли всі
зберуться. Це буде більш урочисто.
10.Обережно, ти зараз вдаришся головою о дверний проріз. – Я не
підозрював, що двері тут такі низькі. – Ми їх скоро будемо міняти.
Будинок, як ти бачиш, дуже старий, нам доведеться багато попрацювати,
що привести його у порядок.

**TASK 67. Ted and Debby want to start a club for teenagers. They are talking
about it with Leila, whose committee provides money for clubs. Use one
of the present tenses of the verbs given in brackets to fill in the gaps.
Leila: So, Ted, Debby, I understand from your letter that you ____________ (to set
up) a club.
Ted: Yes, we ____________ (to start) a club for teenagers in the community centre.
Leila: But isn't there a club in your area already?
Debby: Yes, but it ____________ (to close down) The organizer is quite old and he
____________ (to retire) soon.
Leila: I see. But are you sure that you ____________ (to get) permission to use the
community centre?
Ted: Yes. We've been told that there ____________ (to be) no problem.
Leila: OK. But if you go ahead with this plan, you ____________ (to give)
yourselves a lot of hard work. You realize that, don't you?
Debby: Oh yes. We know we ____________ (to have to) spend a lot of time on it.
Leila: Right, then. I ____________ (to not be able) to give you an answer for a few
days. But later this week the members of my committee (to have) their
usual monthly meeting. I ____________ (to ask) them for some money to help
you. If we give the money, we ____________ (not to interfere) with your running
of the club. But we ____________ (to expect) you to report to us regularly.

**TASK 68. Complete this advertisement for a sea cruise by using each of the
verbs in the box once, in the correct form to express a future action.
call continue depend dress get give go last
meet sail spend start take win see
In the dark days of next winter - to be exact, on Friday 10th February - the
party ______________ at the Holton Hotel in West London, where it
______________ the first night. At dinner that evening everybody
______________ to know each other before our holiday ______________. Early
next morning we ______________ the train to Tilbury where we ______________
on board our luxury liner, the S S. 'Sardonic'. The liner ______________ at six
o'clock that evening for the warm, tropical waters of the Caribbean. The voyage
across the Atlantic ______________ six days, with fun all the way. For example,
there is the
fancy dress ball, when every passenger ______________as a different historical
character and everyone ______________ a prize. Then, our ship ______________
first at Nassau in the Bahamas. The friendly faces there are world-famous; a
welcoming party ______________ every lady enough flowers to fill her cabin.
After two days the “Sardonic” ______________ her voyage south to Kingston,
Jamaica. Here we ______________ plantations of sugar, the crop on which the
economy of this West Indian island ______________.

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