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6/1/2019 Document 2104923.

Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Confidential.

EBS Procurement OSN Analyzer (Doc ID 2104923.1)

In this Document

Main Content
Download The Latest Version
Running The Analyzer - Configuration / Setup / Execution
Creating the Package Definition
Running the Analyzer as a Concurrent Request
Running the Analyzer via SQL*Plus
Analyzer & Sample Output
Questions, Comments & Feedback
Related Resources
EBS Analyzer Bundle Menu Tool


OSS Support Tools - Version 2.8 and later

Oracle Supplier Network - Version 12.1.2 to 12.1.2
Oracle E-Business Suite
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Download the EBS Procurement OSN Analyzer latest version

Whats new in version 200.12?

We’re listening to your feedback and made the following changes:

Updated Procurement Code Level check to include the latest RUPS

Various Bug Fixes

Please note that the parameters have be re-sequenced if you are on version 200.9 or lower. The .ldt file
will need to be reloaded with the following command:
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD_MODE=REPLACE $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct
You will need to exit the application and log back in to see the change. 1/6
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The EBS Procurement OSN Analyzer Analyzer is a self-service health-check script that reviews OSN related data,
analyzes current configurations and settings for the environment, provides solutions for known issues, feedback
and recommendations on best practices.

This analyzer is commonly used to verify common OSN punchout setup issues in iProcurement.

Analyzers are designed by Support to proactively assist you to better diagnose and maintain your Oracle
Application environments. Analyzers may also be used as data collection tools by Support Engineers.

NOTE: This is a non-invasive script - the Analyzer does not perform any INSERTs, UPDATEs or
DELETEs to your data; it just reports on it.
The Analyzer identifies known issues and provides solutions and recommended actions to be performed for
the specific instance it was run on and can be run at any time.
For production instances, you should first apply any recommended actions or solutions to a recent clone to
ensure an expected outcome.

Global Customer Support (GCS) services and systems are not designed to accommodate special security
controls that may be required to store or process certain types of sensitive data.
Please ensure that you do not submit any sensitive data that requires protections greater than those
specified in GCS published Security Practices document.
Reference: How to Edit Output from Oracle Tools and Utilities to Remove Sensitive Content (Doc ID

We welcome and encourage you to share your feedback via the EBS Procurement OSN Analyzer feedback thread
in the My Oracle Support Procurement Community. Your feedback shapes the content of existing Analyzers and
drives creation of new Analyzers.

DBAs and System Administrators - run the script and review the output
Product Specialists and Business Analysts - review the output
Other interested parties/end users - review output to resolve identified opportunity improvement areas

Immediate analysis and output of EBS Procurement OSN data from a particular environment
Identifies Procurement system setup and configurations
Provides recommended actions and best practices
Runs as a standalone or Concurrent Request
Provides solutions for errors found

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Download the EBS Procurement OSN Analyzer latest version

Since Analyzers are regularly updated to include newly identified issues and solutions, we highly
recommend always using the latest version. To verify the version of a previously downloaded Analyzer: 2/6
6/1/2019 Document 2104923.1

Execute the Analyzer via SQL script or concurrent request

Review the Report Run Detailssection in the output HTML file generated
Alternatively, you can find the Analyzer version information in the
Header section of the PL/SQL script file osn_setup_analyzer.sql
Report Executable Package osn_setup_analyzer_pkg
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Include in Diagnostic Apps Check: (Required) Enter Y to include integrated Diagnostic Apps Check or
N to not include. If this value is set to Y then the Login Name and Responsibility ID parameters are
required to be entered.
Login Name:(Optional) Enter Login Name for integrated Diagnostic Apps Check if parameter 'Include in
Diagnostic Apps Check' is set to Y otherwise click Enter to skip
Responsibility ID:(Optional) Enter Responsibility ID for integrated Diagnostic Apps Check if parameter
'Include in Diagnostic Apps Check' is set to Y otherwise click Enter to skip
Organization ID: (Required) Enter Organization ID
Supplier Name: (Optional) Enter supplier name to analyze, otherwise click Enter to skip

To Determine the Responsibility ID:

SQL> select responsibility_id, responsibility_name from fnd_responsibility_tl

SQL> where responsibility_name = '&Responsibility_name';

To Determine the Organization ID:

SQL> select u.organization_id, from HR_OPERATING_UNITS U,

SQL> where u.organization_id = sp.org_id
SQL> and = '&Operating_Unit_Name';

Creating the Package Definition

1. Run the script osn_setup_analyzer.sql as user APPS to create the package definition. This is required each time
you download a new version of the script:

SQL> @osn_setup_analyzer.sql

NOTE: This script creates a directory object.

The directory object is not deleted after the script completes. To delete the directory object, please execute the
drop_osn_setup_analyzer_directory_object.sql as the system user. This script is included in the zip file.

The EBS Procurement OSN Analyzer can either be run as a Concurrent Request or via SQL*Plus.
Instructions for both options are listed below:

Running the Analyzer as a Concurrent Request 3/6
6/1/2019 Document 2104923.1

2. Running the Analyzer as a Concurrent Request allows functional users to run the Analyzer without needing the
APPS user password.

A. First you must register the concurent program.

1. Put the file OSNSETAZ.ldt on your server and use the applications FNDLOAD command below to
import the concurrent program definition into your instance. Run this command from the directory where
you have downloaded the ldt file on your server, and note that the APPS password is needed:

FNDLOAD apps/<appspw> 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct


2. This should create the concurrent program "Procurement OSN Analyzer" in the Purchasing application.

B. If the report group for the responsibility you use does not include all Purchasing programs at the
application level, you will have the additional step of adding the process to the responsibility report group.

1. To determine what report group your responsibility uses, connect to the System Administrator

2. Navigate to Security > Responsibility > Define

3. Under "Request Group" note down the name and query up this request group in Security >
Responsibility > Request

4. If there is no entry with Type=Program and Name=Purchasing, then you will need to add an entry for
the program "Procurement OSN Analyzer" here.

C. The concurrent process "Procurement OSN Analyzer" should then be available within the Purchasing

Reminder: When a new version of the process script is available, you only need to compile the new version of
the package using osn_setup_analyzer.sql as explained above. The concurrent process will then automatically
access the updated package version.

D. To run the analyzer:

1. Navigate from the Purchasing Responsibility to Reports>Run

2. Query the single Request "Procurement OSN Analyzer"

3. Enter the appropriate Parameters

4. Choose the OK button, then the Submit button

5. Navigate to View > Requests and choose Find

E. When the request completes review the output file to determine if any issues requiring action have been
found for the transactions meeting your criteria.

F. If issues are identified, the output file will provide the action to be taken, note and bug numbers to resolve
the issues for the affected transactions when they are available.

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Running the Analyzer via SQL*Plus

Log into SQL*Plus as the APPS user, SPOOL a meaningful output file name and run the script.

$ sqlplus apps/<apps_password> 4/6
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SQL> @osn_setup_analyze.sql

The script is designed to run in SQL*Plus and it is recommended that it be run there; however, it can
in most cases be run in SQL*Developer as well. In SQL*Developer you will need to insure that
DBMS_OUTPUT is enabled. Also because of differences in how SQL*Developer handles SQL*Plus
commands, for any numeric parameters (Org ID, Release Number) for which do not wish to enter a
value, should be entered as -1 instead of leaving the field blank.

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The EBS Procurement OSN Analyzer generates an HTML report output that makes reviewing the
output easy. Where the output is stored is dependent on how the report was run.

OSNSET_Analyzer_<machine>_<sid>_<date>.html (using 24 hour clock)

If the Analyzer is run as a concurrent request:

Navigate to View > Request and choose the View Output button.
To save the output locally, select File > Save Page As, and then choose 'Web page, HTML only' for the
'Save as type.'
The output is also available on your server at $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT/ o<REQUEST_ID>.out and can be
copied & renamed to <meaningful_filename>.html

If the Analyzer is run from SQL*Plus:

The output file is created in the same directory it was run from OR the location of your output file will be
displayed in the SQL*Plus window after execution.

Click the button below to view a sample output of the EBS Procurement OSN Analyzer:

NOTE: In the images below and/or the attached document, user details / company name / address / email /
telephone number represent a fictitious sample (based upon made up data used in the Oracle Demo Vision
instance). Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended in any

Known Issues & Solutions

See Doc 2116869.1 for all known issues with analyzers.

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6/1/2019 Document 2104923.1

Have questions or suggestions?

Click the button above to ask questions about and/or provide feedback on the EBS Procurement
OSN Analyzer. Share your recommendations for enhancements and help us make this Analyzer
even more useful!

To search for solutions or post new questions about Procurement in general, visit the Oracle Procurement
Community on My Oracle Support Community (MOSC).

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Check out the full list of Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Proactive
Support Analyzers and Tools (Doc ID 1545562.1)

Procurement Information Center (PIC) (Doc ID 1391332.2)

Collaborate with industry peers in the Oracle Procurement Community

EBS Analyzer Bundle Menu Tool

The EBS Analyzer Bundle Menu Tool (Doc ID 1939637.1) allows you to provision and maintain all
your Analyzers. The Analyzer Bundle Menu Tool is a Perl menu system that enables you to easily
execute, update and install Analyzers as concurrent programs and assign them to request groups.

The tool is updated monthly to include newly released and updated EBS Analyzers. For a complete
list of EBS Analyzers currently included in the EBS Analyzer Bundle Menu Tool, see the Change
Log for Bundle Zip section of E-Business Suite Support Analyzer Bundle Menu Tool
(Doc ID

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NOTE:2104442.1 - How to Setup Or Complete Migration Steps for Punchout to Oracle Supplier Network (OSN)
NOTE:2083662.1 - OSN New UI (User Interface) Including Punchout Feature After Hardware Upgrade

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