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occupant (n.

) - ocupant

override (v.) - a suprascrie

peri-urban (adj.) - peri-urban

property tax - impozitul pe proprietate

provider (n.) - furnizor

reluctant (adj.) - reluctant

scale (n.) - scară

shanty towns - orașele urbane

strengthening (n.) - consolidare

transaction (n.) - tranzacție

unilateral (adj.) – unilateral

Feature(n.) – trăsătură
Contour line(n.) – linie de contur
Cartographic grid (n.) – grilă cartografică
Geodetic benchmark (n.) – indicator geodezic
Occupant (n.) – locuitor
Owner (n.) – proprietar
Stockholder (n.) – acționar
Maintenance (n.) – păstrare
Information provider (n.) – furnizor de informație
Information user (n.) – utilizator de informație
Surveyor (n.) – evaluator
Notary (n.) – notar
Facility company (n.) – companie cu facilități de producere
Intervene (v.) – a surveni
Mortgage broker (n.) – agent de ipotecă
Influx (n.) – afluență
Increase (n.) – creștere
Surround (v.) – a înconjura
Resident (n.) – locuitor
Enhanced (adj.) – sporit
Fringe (n.) – hotar
Contiguous (adj.) – apropiat
Sale (n.) – vînzare
Tract (n.) – sector
Sample (n.) – model
Acreage (n.) – suprafață măsurată în acri
Purchase (v.) – a cumpăra
Rationale (n.) – argumentare
Feasible (adj.) – realizabil
Compulsion (n.) – constrîngere
Bottom-up (adv.) – de jos în sus
Assume (v.) – a-și asuma
Self-responsibility (n.) – autoresponsabilitate
Implementation (n.) – implementare
Sustainable (adj.) – sprijunit(ă)
Matter (n.) – materie
Detail (n.) – detaliu
Mandatory (adj.) – imputernicit
Interrelation (n.) – înrudire
Compile (v.) – a alcătui
Engage (v.) – a angaja
Infrastructure (n.) – infrastructură
Standpoint (n.) – punct de vedere
Settlement (n.) – așezare
Despite (prep.) – în pofida
Law-drafting (n.) – entitate
Obsolete (adj.) – scos din circulație
Work out (v.) – a prelucra
Mayor (n.) – primar
Imply (v.) – a presupune
Aim (n.) – obiectiv
Unconscious (adj.) – involuntar
Spot (n.) – loc
Ugly (adj.) – urît
Brick (n.) – cărămidă
Mortar (n.) – mortar
Amenities (n.) – confort
Handiwork (n.) – lucru manual
Radial (adj.) – în formă de stea
Undulation (n.) – ondulare
2.3 Read and translate the following groups of words:
Registry service, property registry, unique parcel, private investors,
multipurpose tool, city revenue, urban certificates, tax collection, own
purposes, individual demands, geodetic grids, real estate, information
users, comprehensive census of owners and occupants.
2.4 Find synonyms among the following words:
Unsafe, local, indigenous, framework, ancillary, justice, additional,
dangerous, fairness, stakeholders, limiting, shareholders.
2.4 Form 3 forms from the following verbs:
To identify, to feel, to make, to impact, to communicate, to give, to
vary, to understand, to equip, to computerize, can, to train.
2.5 Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form:
1. Recently we (to receive) the textual information. 2. We just (to
prepare) the map of this city. 3. He (to be) to use graphic information.
4. By the end of this week the report (to write). 5. They already (to see)
this information.
3.1 Carry out the cadastre
The cadastre is carried out either at the level of administrative-
territorial units or by cadastral sectors. The cadastral sector is the
surface unit delineated by stable linear elements - roads, waterways,
canals, dikes, railways, etc.
The cadastre of a territorial administrative unit or a cadastral sector can
be done:
A. The general (systematic) cadastre is done by measuring all buildings
(land with or without constructions) within a territorial administrative
unit or cadastral sector, identifying all owners and other holders of real
or personal property rights, together with the opening of land books for
all buildings, operations carried out under a single procedure for the
whole cadastral area or for the entire territorial administrative unit.
The implementation of the general cadastre is the exclusive attribute of
the Romanian State, through the National Agency for Cadastre and
Real Estate Advertising, which integrates the buildings, opens the land
books and keeps the entire records of the buildings and the owners.
3.2 The importance of the cadastre
The importance of the cadastre is that it provides real data on real estate
(position, size, use, owner), needed in all branches of the national
economy. Nowadays, when real estate is actively used as a catalyst for
market relations between different economic agents, the cadastre is the
task of a very important tool for a market economy because it provides
the documents that make sure the transactions taking place on the
market real estate.
Also, the importance of cadastral work is the first order for the
development of information systems of the territory, able to provide
real real data to all property management and planning bodies in
various sectors of the national economy.

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