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Tuesday, 4 June 2019
Daily Tribune

Useless congressional probes

There they go :rGi&i;L\ So what has that a change in service provider and
- - ;irh'
ue"i" y""; . coiJlec done to put a its automated machines will finally
fu another probe of ihe
dw*- A& stop to this auiomated do away with the massive automated
what has voting machiner, ff*+ ,.gW cheating, especially as fraud, when such machines can be
Comelec defective SD cards $$Fi - : - XS the so*alled defects of programed for such questionable
ilone to and the transmission \l\$F.$l*Sf the machines (not to glitches and opaque transmissions,
glitches that marred ,-*5\. - .F
Such incidents
occu. el'ery etection
mention defective SD
year af,ter election year?
btu.tio* ir"ta in )oro,
not to mention defective SD ca,rds that
suspiciously may have been programed
to be defective, for preprogramed SD
cards to be replaced to favor certain
cheating, year - eipecialtv @fW 2013, 2016 and the laiest candidates, especially as there exists
especially durinsthepr;sidentin FRQl{Ttll{E zus ar had
without - in the Comelec itself, the hightech
as the elections in 2010, whicl NineZGChO-OlivareS exception the same
- -- - Comelec cheating s)'ndicate?
so-calleil saw Benigno "Noynoy"
recurring breakdowns. It will be remembered that the SD
aaro^r- Aquino becoming president, and This can't be coincidence. This cards were aheady found defective
::::: 2016, a presidential election that is clearly manufactured election in 2010, ard a day before and even
o! me. sar Rodrigo Duterte as the winner
cheaiingi dudng the polls, replacements were
nurcn'nes of therace. What has Comelec and ihe joint distributed nationally by a Comelec
haoe But has arDthing changed, byway congressiona.l committee done io executive, which naturally must have
cropped of all these problems that raise not
correct these mistakes, despite been preprogamed for favored bets.
up Wal just the hackles of the electorate, leadership changes? To date, the SD cards have been found
after but also creale so mirch suspicion __ Nothingat defectiye again. So do the glitches
' 0f autom€ted fraud thal, tends $ all, ceriainly not that make their appearance every
:,;::;- to make zuipinos lose their faith
lt's tinw
a bill, nor even a election yeax. So do the trammission
and confidence in the democratic to kick ovt
sanction on the poll serverc create their miracles at the
- institutions and of course, on
Snnrtnatic commissioners and same time, ensuring the overnight
automated polls? and oerhaos their then chair, loss of millions of votes for candidate
It will not be the first time onu Andy Bautista, who, A and overnight too, with a.nother
the Joint Congressional Oversight "o"i
ogr", " by the way, has bet, B, gaining the millions l0st by
candidate A.
8i#ili'j'i,:ilf ifr"JtTiii *,:y", Hr#"#Lill:f The JCOC-AES, that will have
conducts an investigatiol_ nto the threetermer Sen. Kok0 Pimentel and
voting ard hansmission glikhes. '::'-.-'*",
Crime does pay, CIBAC pariylist Rep. Sherwin Tugna
There was also one hild n 2016: .
9ao-'! - utt", aI at liasi -heading the committee are said to
and even in other congressionai !!!,!':!\o-ir" tht tase of Andy look into the glitches that marred
elections from the time ihe naliou easttV and Bautista. some of the Yoting in many polling
junked manual etections and return t-o Comelec precincts, as well as the seven-hour
idopted the highly questionable manuol and Smartmatic delay in the transmission of election
voting machhes that brought about Doung and certainly failed to retums.
widespread election automated aote count bring about clean ltuth is, if these joint committeq
fiaud - and from Smaftmatic, whose and honest polls and yet, tftere does heads aren't IT expefts, they night
voting macirhes were always found not seem any effort 1o make them as well not get into this probe, since
to create man-made mtacles. accountable even when billions of IT experts can run circles around
Yet for all the foul automated taxpayers'money have been shelled Pimentel and Tugna
polls held every three years out. -
probably one reason nothing has
which is
and the accompanying massive President Duterte announced happened despite the many probes
automated fraud, plus with earlier that Comelec shoutd start this joint corunittee has held.
the joint congressional probe looking for replacement machines Get the hybrid pous going. It's time
c0nducted, just what - except for
and do away with Smartmatic, the to have a manual count side by side
the grandsta,nding by senatoN -have service provider for the country's with an automated poll count that
both the I{ouse and the Senate automated polls since 2010, despite does not even identi$ precinct cOunts.
produced by way of a legislative the many occasions of created It's time to kick out Smartmatic
measure, or even a sanction slapped automatic poll fraud. and perhaps even a4y other automated
on the Commission on Elections But what makes voting machines that can be
(Comelec) commissioners for yery anyonethink manipulated easily and
very expensive automated elections return to manual
that have been accompanied by voting and vote
consistent automated fraud? count.
Even a more important
gauge of the cheating
are the Yoting \ r.Aq<t't/'l
machines and the
to so-called
conking out in
the dead of the

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