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E-cigs, vaping

items subject HiT6f"ess Insight

to taxaflon Tuesday, June 4,2OIg

THE Senate yestetday passed

the bill increasing excise taxes
on cigatettes, with a last-minute
amendment that would subject
electrooic cigarettes and vaPing E.CIGS Fdgardo Angara was originally lim-
ited to cigars and cigarettes.
use e-cigaftttes to ease them out
of enhanc€mert progam (IIFEE.
Recto introduced an amendment
prodr:cts to regulation and taxation
be lrry carefirl with the Senate ve!- Senate President Pro Tempore Sen. Risa Hontiveros was in which vould tap &e rarenues derivred
tor ttre hrst !me. sion and try to incorporate already a.ll Ralph Recto introduced amend- favor of the arnendment, but she ftom orcise uxes on slgat-sweetened
Senate Bill No. 2233 was unani-
the ideas, not only ftom us, but also ments that would expand the bill's challenged the reasoning for the beveoges and alcoholic drinfts.
mously approved on tlird and 6nal
reading with 20 votes in its favot,
ftom dre House of Reptesentatilneg-' scope to "heated tobacco products Iower ta{ rates by saying the US . Fifty percent of such revenues
Sotto said. (llTPs) and vapor ptoducts." Food and DrugAdministration has ,vould be disttibuted as follows: 80
and no abstentions.
Voting on second and third read- ,/ The excise axes wor:ld be lower not teached a conclusion on the
The bill could make it to Presi- Pefcert for fie UHC and 20 percent
ings was swifdy held shordy after than tiat of cigars and cigarettes. "relative safety of this producl" for the HFEP
{ent Duterte's desk in the nick of last minure dranges were introduced / For lIIPs, the rate would be P 10 pet
time, as Senate President Vicente 'qwhile we agree to tax drern so ve The bill will allocate revenue
Sotto III said the House of ReP-
during the period of amendments in ' pack effective Jan. 1,2020. can get a potion for healdr, we urge detived ftom er<cise axes on IITPs
the same session. For vapor ptoducts, each car- the Senate d-rat this amendment not and vapot ptoducs the same way.
lesentatives committed to adoPt
SB 2233 will increase the excise tridge, refll or pod of liquid or gel be considered an acknowledgement Meanwhile, health care and facili-
the Senate bi.ll,
tax on each pack of cigatettes on (mpe juice) would be t^xed at^$te
: This would avoid the need for a ' a staggered basis to P45 on Jan" 1,
that they're less tisky than traditional ties wou.ld claim a smaller share of
of P10 for every 10 milliliters, begin- cigarette{' Hontiveros said. terimues from tobacco excise taxes.
bicameral conference committee ' 2020, P50 on Jan 1,2021,P55 on
to reconcile the differences with rungJ^n.1,2020. Angaa accepted the indusion of The 80-20 share would be sourced
House Bill No. 8677, which set I an. 1, 2022, and P 60 on Jan. 1, 2023. Both the taxes on HTPs and e-cigatettes under the bilt saying ftom 50 percent of twenues only
Beginning Jan. '1, 2024, the r:Lte vipor producti vould be adjusted 'T.ather than drese products remain after the share of local governmeflt
lower excise tax rates.
would be increased by 5 percent ev- by 5 percent el.ery yeat beginning untaxed, the government gets a units drat produce tobacco vete
The bill was tansmitted to tle ery year duough revenue regulations
Jan 1,2021,. shate ftom what the manufacturers deducted.
House last night for concultence.
issued by the Secreary of Finance.
- Congtess is set to adiouJn on Recto said e-cigarettes ate on get ftom iC' Fines fot possession of coun-
Meanwhilg the adlalorcm ax on average "roughly 90 percent less Senators also Gnalized the alloca- tetfeit or recyded t4x stamps weie
friday. ' cigars vould be adjr-rsted by 5 petcent harmful" dral cigarettes, tion of the revenues to be gener- increased to P500 million or as much
. "We will ask dre House ro adoPt every yeat saxtngJanuary 1,2024, He also said those who vanted ated by the increased excise taxes as 10 times the ulue of the seized
the Senate ve.sion, so we have ro
The bill sponsoted by va1.s and to quit cigalette smoking should be to the unir,nersal health care (JHQ samps, on top of a minimum of 10
iee E.CIGS ) Paee B5
means committee chair Sen. Juan . not txed heavily if they wanted to progtam and the health facilities years' imprisonmeot

$ ffit)r FAee'r

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