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A good teacher or good parents

There is no religion, culture and society in which parent's role is not accentuated
strongly. Our life and behavior circulate around our relationship with our parents
and other family members. The way we behave when adult and mature depends upon how
we were nurtured during our childhood and teenage. In my opinion, good parents play
a vital role in child's development and no other relationship can ever take their
position, not even a good teacher.

People have different point of views to this question. One group says as teachers
are responsible for our learning process and deal with a lot of different children,
therefore, they completely understand the needs and psyche of each child. They know
how to handle each child and bring out good qualities and talent from him/her.
Teachers even know why a certain child is behaving unusually and what strategy
should be adopted accordingly to alle viate bad habits or behavior. On the other
hand if we think rationally, we will realize the fact that a child hardly spends
few hours with his/her teacher and most of the time is with his/her parents. Also,
at school a child doesn't spend his/her whole time with one teacher, each aca demic
subject has a specific teacher. Furthermore, teach ers normally focus on the
subjects they are appointed to teach and very few concentrate or care about the per
sonal or personality development of a child. For example if I look back into my
childhood I don't see a single teacher who really cared about my personal
development or who ever tried to enhance my talent and creativity.

What they most cared for was my grades and how I am behaving in a class with them
and other students.

On the contrary, a child gets to spend all his/her time with the parents. They are
responsible not only to fulfill the basic needs of a child like food, clothes and
basic education but also for the development of him/her as a person. Most of all,
there exists a strong bond of love and emotion between a child and parents which
drive them to care for each other no matter what situation they are in. Teacher is
not always there to check whether his/her student is behaving as he/she was taught
to, whereas, parents know almost everything about their child even those things
that they try to hide from their parents and this is all because of love and care
they have for their children. Parents would never want his/her child to fail in any
walk of life because their children are part of them, whereas, in some cases we do
see prejudice and hostility among teachers for their some students because there is
no emotional affiliation exists between them.

Parents not teachers are responsible for a child's spiritual, physical and social
needs. Although we can't deny their role in our lives but our parents have the
strongest impact on our lives and not our teachers. A child takes most of the
habits from his/her parents this is because to him/her they are his/her role model.
Moreover, it is a general law that a person is known from his/her company; meaning
even unconsciously one develops the habits and behavior of the people he/she spends
more time with and same case is applicable to a child-parent relationship

To sum up, in my opinion a child's growth and development in all respects depends
significantly on his/her parents role because of the emotional bond between them,
the time they spend with each other and responsibility parents bear for their
children can never be replaced completely by any other relationship of this world!

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