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My Idol: Castling, A Trick In Chess

by Burit Earl
Cherprang BNK48
by Burit Earl

Have you ever played chess

Have you ever admired before? Chess is a very interesting
board game. Castling is one of the
someone so much? I admired many
people as my idol, because they tricks that anyone can play in chess. I
inspired me in some ways. I will tell you about the advantages and
admired many people, but the the disadvantages of castling.
person I admire the most is favorite
idol, Cherprang BNK48. The method of castling has
Cherprang is an idol of many many advantages and disadvantages.
people because she is very pretty, Castling is when you swap your king
artistic, and wise. and one of your rooks (which you
would have two rooks) together.
Cherprang BNK48 is 23 There are many advantages when you
years old idol, from the idol girl “Cherprang BNK48 In
decided to castle. First when you
group BNK48. She is also the castle, you will be able to move your
Koisuru Fortune Cookie
(Lifted Online) Costume” rook into the game easier because
captain of this girl group. She is
pretty in many ways. The first (All pictures in this page your rook always start their positions
at the far left and right on the
reason is her height. She is a little are lifted online)
bit taller than the other members chessboard. Second advantage is that
which makes her popped up in the idol girl group very your king will be able to escape from the war that is
easily. The second reason is her smile, and her smile usually going to happen in the center of the
is very charming which makes most of the people that chessboard. The third advantage is that castling is the
saw her feel good to her. The third reason is she is only way to move two characters in one move.
very mature. She is very playful, but she also has
some maturity when she went to some serious
meetings. For example, she is very mature when she
goes to answer questions in an academic work
conference. She is learning very well as a university
student at Mahidol University International College.
She has been invited to various academic events. For
instance, she accompanied the Thai team in the
FameLab competition at the United Kingdom. The
work that she was best well-known for is the song
“Koisuru Fortune Cookie”, because the song was “A Chessboard”
very popular since 2017. In 2018, she also played in However, the method of castling is not always
a fantasy, thriller film “Homestay” which was also a useful when playing chess. The first disadvantage is
very popular and successful film. that your king will be out of the center and move to
the side, which sometimes will be easier for the
In conclusion, I really want to meet Cherprang opponent to checkmate your king. The second
someday, maybe at the BNK48 events. I want to go disadvantage is before you can castle, you need to get
give her some support. I knew it would be very all the characters between your rook and your king
difficult to see her, but I want to meet her at least once out first.
in my life.
For example, when you use the Kingside Castle smiling. She asked us about how we knew her and
you need to move your knight and bishop out first, BNK48. We were smiling all the time as we answered
and when you use the Queenside Castle you move the her questions. We were overjoyed at that time. I felt
same characters as the Kingside Castle but just move so delighted after that event. My friend and I came
your queen out also. back home with lots of joy and
happiness that day. We went to tell
In conclusion, I also use everybody about the fantastic
the method of castling when I memories we had.
play chess sometimes. Many
times I found it very useful. After that day, I met her again
Castling was able to help me once at the handshaking event. I was
move my rook into the game very amazed that she was able to
very easily. notice me from the fanclub meeting.
Although that time, we could only
talk for half a minute, I was very
A Conversation With glad to be able to meet her again.
Orn Patchanan
(Orn BNK48)
by Burit Earl Kleptomania In Children
by Burit Earl

“Orn BNK48 before becoming a member in

Have you ever met an the BNK48 girl group” Have you ever heard about
idol for more than a minute? I kleptomania? Kleptomania is not so
was able to meet one idol and her name is Orn common in Thailand. Kleptomania is a rare but
Patchanan (also known as Orn BNK48). I felt very serious mental disorder, which is usually found in
happy and amazed when I met her. This event was girls rather than boys.
one of my favorite special moments in my life.

During the Summer Break, my friend and I

went to the BNK48 2-Shot Fanclub Meeting Event
at Bitec Bangna. He invited me to the event because
he had two tickets. At first, I asked my friend what
was the event about because at that time I didn’t
know anything about BNK48. I felt curious and
excited about this event very much. When we
reached Bitec Bangna, my friend grabbed me to
Orn’s Lane. Every member of BNK48 had her own
lane for their fanclub to meet them. While we was
waiting in the lane, I felt very cold and enthusiastic
because this was the first time that I was going to
meet an idol. My friend was also very delighted to “Kleptomania In Children”
meet his favorite idol. When it was our turn, I (All pictures in this page is Lifted Online)
grabbed my friend in the room because he was
already freezing because of excitement. When I
walked into the room, I saw her sitting on a chair and
“Kleptomaniac’s Brain”

Kleptomania is a disorder which a person that has this order will be a kleptomaniac. According to
the Stealing Article from, Kleptomania is when a person can’t afford himself/herself from stealing
other people things. They decide to steal not for their personal use or for money but for other reasons. Many
kleptomaniac will feel sorry after they stole something from other people.

The cause of stealing from a kleptomaniac can vary. Most of them will steal alone and most of the times
the things they stole aren’t the things that is so precious. How about kleptomania in children? What are the
problems that most of them may have? In an article called Kleptomania In Children from the, there are several problems that a kid with kleptomania can have. First, kleptomania kids
will steal as a symbol for something. For example, some kleptomaniacs steal to shows that they are strong.
Some also steal to get other people’s attention. Second, some kleptomaniacs steal to forget about a deprivation
or loss in their life. For example, a kleptomaniac had just loss his/her dog in an accident so he/she went to steal
the things that is related to forget the loss. Third, the decrease of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain.
Serotonin can regulated the emotions and mood of a person. Which the decrease in serotonin may cause the
increase of dopamine in the brain which produce the feelings of pleasure while doing something risks and
harmful such as stealing.

In conclusion, kleptomania seems to be a not so serious disorder, but kleptomania can also led into the
major depressive disorder which is also cause from the decrease of the serotonin in the brain. In order to help the
kleptomaniacs to get out of the disorder, they may need to go through a talk therapy or medication treatments.

“A kleptomaniac stealing a camera”

(All the pictures in this page are lifted online) “Stealing Things”

The First Marvel’s Female-Led smart and intelligent man when he was working ,
Superhero Film but he was also crazy and fun and that made the
movie had some humorous scenes in it. In this
-- Captain Marvel (2019)
by Burit Earl
movie, he looked quite strange to me because, he
appears without his
signature eye patch (in all
Captain Marvel is the other Marvel films) as
the twenty-first Marvel the film is set before he
Cinematic Universe loses his eye. The film was
Movie Series film that set in 1995 on Earth in the
was released on March United States. The theme of
6th, 2019 in Thailand. this film is an action and
Captain Marvel was the superhero film.
first Marvel Studios
female-led superhero film
Overall, I very like
which focusing on our
Captain Marvel film
main character which was
because of many reasons.
a heroine named Carol
For instance, I like the
Danvers (which later on
action scenes, the comedy
called her as Captain
moments, and also all of the
small components in the
movie that together create a
Captain Marvel is (Lifted Online)
very enjoyable film which
an extraterrestrial Kree “Captain Marvel In Avengers: Endgame” is full of various moods and
warrior who finds herself feelings when I as an
caught in the middle of an intergalactic battle audience watching this film.
between her people and the Skrulls. There were two
Main Characters of The Captain Marvel film that
I’m going to review about. Firstly, Carol Danvers
(as known as Captain Marvel) acted by Brie Larson.
I never knew her before as an actress, but I think that
she did act very good in the film. That makes me
feel like she can be Captain Marvel in reality. In the
film, Captain Marvel is aggressive, brave, and
strong is mainly because of that her powers and
abilities were very powerful that few villains can
make a good fight with her. She also seems to be
calm and careful too when she needs to handle a
major conflict in the film. The second character was
Nick Fury acted by Samuel L. Jackson. I watched
many of his works as Nick Fury in other Marvel’s “Captain Marvel Promotional
film, but in this film he tends to looking not so old
Movie Poster”
and also very friendly than any other Marvel’s film.
(All pictures in this page are lifted online)
Nick Fury is the future director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who
at this time is a low-level bureaucrat. He was a very

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