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Midterm Exam Booster

Kriza Rae C. Calansingin

“How can learning disabilities in English learners be detected?
What are some successful reading instruction strategies?”

Learning disabilities in English learners can be detected as early as kindergarten

and 1st grade even when their oral language skills in English are still developing through
assessing letter naming fluency and phonological skills. Through this we can predict
moderately well the English learners’ future reading achievement – word reading, oral
reading fluency, and comprehension. (Baker, Gersten, Haager, Goldenberg, and Dingle
in preparation; Chaippe et al 2002; Gersten & Baker 2003; Geva 2000)
These are the six successful reading instruction strategies for 1st grade English
learners. The first strategy is Explicit Teaching which models skills and strategies,
makes relationships overt, emphasizes distinctive features of new concepts, provides
prompts, uses appropriate length of time for literacy activities, and adjust own use of
English during lessons. Second strategy is English Learning which uses visuals and
manipulatives to teach content, provides explicit instruction in English, encourages
students to give elaborative response, uses gestures and facial expressions to teach
vocabulary and clarify meaning of concept. Third one is Phonemic Awareness and
Decoding which provides systematic instruction in phonemic awareness, provides
systematic instruction in letter-sound correspondence and provides systematic
instruction in decoding.
Fourth to sixth strategies are, Vocabulary Development which teaches difficult
vocabulary prior to and during lesson, structures opportunities to speak English,
provides systematic instruction for developing vocabulary, and engages students in
meaningful interactions in text. Interactive Teaching is one strategy as well which
secures and maintains student attention during lesson, maximizes extent to which
students are on task during literacy activities, selects and incorporates students’
responses, ideas and examples, and experiences into lesson, and gives students time
to respond to questions. Finally, another strategy which is of big help is Instructions
Geared Toward Low Performers which achieves high level of response accuracy,
ensures quality of independent practice, engages in ongoing monitoring of student
understanding and performance, elicits responses from all students, modifies
instructions for students when needed, provides extra instruction, practice and review
and asks questions to ensure comprehension.
All strategies are found to be successful in ensuring learning for English learners
with learning disabilities.

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